Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, May 23, 1860, Image 4

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M-'.W OCWj • 0 • • • * (•> * . • -, AT • J. N.M‘Kulnon & Go’s.- ~, • • ■ * * L . a r c- = *■ ,n T . G O O D IS , . Cos Which we invite t;. • tten I *■* *.-**♦ <t • *. . Sm.£Yll; # | ‘"WHO BUY Win H CASH* • Comi* wiili y@r m%n y*• * -J * ■ gUßadrmtogi. ‘* *> I ASH SVI.IX *•, * ‘• • ~ we haves deter®.in? 1t 3 i ’ - * l v ** .. * : * V /is ri • - . *Coffie ana see. Goods and Tritrialing*, .of Ml * ■*• * • C>* ,liiv *••<./■: *.* i*l * . assortment of Ladies’,*M - : .* • # and Al-- Rr- V -■*-■ • ♦ andfßlgacU d*3l etings* Shir ft* . * flggp'l’he Ladies are j to e** • . iflipe our goods. * . * •* * 5 . * * *—* • < Outlook is larger than e-v v• ■ re. .• ;.f: . Men's, Yoath’a and 1 s do* * ,id . ® <• • tie- dO- 3 . I •~ # # • • .I*.". .. Miss - ;• ’ grades, stylesVr.J qnaluh •. • • * JVe particularly invi !S tel • *adelplya Mod.- Shi #s. beinfe far superior to iy ever ; before otfei\d f< r sale fn .* | • ‘• 1 v “ .* * 4 , i- , * , • 1 A handsome assflJtment qi Wi .. made i ’ thiiigyeon- i sisting of Over.V'yats, Ci its, l'..if*',*3'* * i •■•etc. etc. ** . * • ®i * _ * -a n--, s ~ v • * -.r T * • £■£..• B V- a © A iulfc&ssonmei . s\xt% • * • 4 : -•* ■%< . : • •- . * . @ • TobOcco, Sugufi, Cmlhe, L : . r-. i : ... ■•. i etc. Bagging, Rope, •Twine, Blanket.-, ©lbokerjp and Hardware. . * i • • . • , • *“ e f To*Coliou fellers. * . • We vrtll *pay fajr pr! ‘ a. in Irad* 9 • collections, at all tis Tin > i;. i # :sd to us and i a>ho .wish tcf •<• i * pities ig- tht'ir.,<\n<.u •'in trade, wiil imd us re idj * i verifj . ur asserth n. i Brtn| kPyou# Cotton: 8 *. ‘ ® X. Me KIN TON tc CO. Thom%svX!.'>? 11. ■ls - . ia • © - New Store* in .ThoaiajßvUie # # • Ilavfncc ( .> new @ © ‘DRY-ttOOBS EMPORIUM, i . Next ’’ J .k. e . f A RE no# receiving and wife b<4constantly recciv- (< lx. in? a 1 #ll . Dry,*§(apl(*aii(l l’anry floods. Ready Made Clothing, Roots, Shoes, Hats/ ’ UIE SHAWLS MMifiiS I ISlffi. • ® HOSIERY, CUTEEIfY TOBACCO, * And many other arl o numerous ia iueutii*u. A we aare beoe.a long time in • flatter ourselve< that jre Have, and We now selecting as elegant a Stocll of floods ■ - -an be had/ I and will selms idieap as such good ? • Me lu. £ . in any market. B # are to Compete withany Mor- f chant South i* prices,•nj; 1 therefore say to yau *’ come eirftuine our stock before purchasing Ao- \ Jjfhare. * * • 11. AVOLTT. Feb 4,188 Q. N. . LFF, • | — • —i -- ) . Mapiid Stuojfi. , . APT IST Hist : *3*a® ist DesoWdnation ; Tlm- D odocia, and • :\'€r k> ;i or work's by various*a . for -il ik REMINGTON & SON. j • _ ’ t . I *’ New Mihtnerj * 3\CRS.*W.*T. REAVERS, FJ / I -LjX ec< Id %§ 8 ’ -. stantly on hand a* - ■. aren* of * ■***? New Mi.’ „ Goods,Jit?, and fgr £&lg upon the * . • fewyea / 0 •,*> f va-i*! *viro . respectfully reqnej(j % • •of line ftasM&nablp B * .. „ Head Dro£s€s, Emin•< i ferj , .* * M * * Particular attention giyrefl to Dress Cuffing. Thoinasvi’de. February* I ..186 >. • *• OjWTOS art;eft-: ju-t, received {not for sal* bv oct 8 E. NF.MINGTOX Jf'toy. •A X* I•} XV P?I KX L jijMtl uinnu Bjlim 4,-stm#*r .:> * ? she Citizens of BA * County and vicinity, tin* . . they are f * Vew and Moch/of *- •* * . 4)ross #G Clog • ] ings 3 lionnefs, Rjbboi V * ft large® let of <.•!#-’ Clthi*fg, Hate, Tranks, and Gents’ Boots an Shoes, Shirts, Fur bishing Goods, etc. • • uajftmfgs,* lii *3, H . ; Saddlery a l Groceries—all of which offer at v*y 1..% prices, pafffcularly for * mB&?~ Ladie#and Genti * liberal slSuv of yur p*- .■ _. -.•. 1 v ,-c* re sure thntrnn Will n t 8 f * -Cditipatr, Brooks Cos., Ga. * . 8 u, t lots *’ •sip, aar'li! Fifty Thousand Os last yeai*s etivl'i f• I I • Timl.)!. I ]', ‘ .’ •P!silk,Ceiling AFdiflieiJioarik * • • • ’ * * c*. . - ° At MIU (f * h f Orovt-viile jv.-l atl hear* *® MrJ*hn McKinnon • <*isfMill.c*ern,e.l ever.Wednf.Wr and! . Sttodar. . AtfRAM CjpAVESS sfoft # Marcn IT. ‘ •. # * Idxef *** 6 - WPi . ; .\-.; r .*ry, n nn-*’ • - S’ .* U % i \\ inn, ol mid . * • o • v 1 •* •’ Hf’ ■’* •. ‘ . f . ° a.* 1 m . • 6 • esure are r fi . * • © a * a m■* - . . ! mb 17- -f J 1 _ * # % • s itotij|i;e. Till: . ter- hJ V.T .. Hohsq Career:*•:?, and CKJnryiag *n ay u*l i, 0 work ia s ■. Pers. ns visiting , der with .. • *• and hia greatest mot • . N/ *.• ® •• • • NEW FIRM. * • V f * ®lls inform the eofltamtmitv I \ \ .tbat j. W. LfGHTFOdT has bMM fit® ’ •* + . . l.v^C titan •* JoS * shfS seli * CASH* m . • • to may favor • • <t •> • • * i* V* * nd, an l will be receiving articles, ’* . . ’ • * : ® * . •- Safia© . * Cre ;n TANARUS; v ;ar, -• ® •* r T no ’ Soap * * •’ . Teas * ■- . Lac C*.fh-e * *<%*■, * V. .JSk W 'J * *• I ..* ** 18 “ • Syrup - •• • • - Pi Wil# • * L " #l . . , J*** t ‘ f?age • ‘ - * M*al • ~ * * .. - * G Oil * •• •: -• • t •I. •■ e . * * * *. • . • lies ’ | * •* ** Sardines, •* Vinegar . • I**. • * * * , V * l :< • * * . * ♦ ,* articles* C. C. will afi 1 aud take*charge of .* . m hr , T. 4. \J. $. LIGHTFt Vs . .-* • . Sconorny.. *©• ® 5 # j Save . Titne, Si re*. Labor, Save Clihes, Sift'c. Save! * • ii ri: §.\VE purclia%U thexfb]d aud* are now* \ \ . * im . : Bi otvu’f i’akflii Waslilnar . 1., . * * • ‘,ak*e. m IV 4 ex-,-* . to m a nil ft mu fe 11 1 ehi ‘m’Decamr., t * * ;a. 1 m ,tfil of MM(He ipd • • * Tlfifc ttnprec|(l#inted popularly of dhese Machines g *;, i.aai;-.,* T\veuty-f'e Shirts* j can *e aw--II washed and.ti: ‘■:?+] , * • 1 this .in thirty iiim!®s. • • * , ‘**, i? 0) a ‘ la] : :*• v.-®-h ; .* : g any and, i all k* j ’ rhitik how clothes [ are ruined by violent hßivl rubbing••atei bulling. n * - jfi n< v.-r enlarges ’• * . . * • *- * * will 18®t twenty years ; is*intHs#ens;sble in I family. It i.s praiseo? oy housewife hot. 6m . *• m ® M qjwouht s(:ii^h # .i-ig'utw)f a few tourttres iri Flyri 'da pn goofbtcrihs. • I*. Lj LAMOK &;C<J. Dry. Lake, Ga, Fe.J> *, 18.'*.i ts • TlSiiX .v'LbHliiiX. C OITCfv FACTORS ii mm 90 Bay Street, ‘Savannah, (Ja. * * * Renimgtdn S Son, ••! N .McKigpon & Cos. .. (’ iA T Mclntyre? * ♦ .ii sin oc Pittin a* V! !:..■• Ii 11 A.. iMiir, • .• ■--yn*, 1 i >lfi way A iv.. (toil .1 II iVhaley; fhomas i T Mnchefi, 1 Esq, 3fib !> S Brandon, .* 0 IVin C Mitchell, , . * • .mh 21-h A® ♦ -r - -■- * I* • * Capjlags Tri myiing ; !Iknu'ss AJamt.r:ii*tniT. r m lersigned instill ;*v old trade in Thorn-y ville Opposite E. •. > % Ire •- prepared to execute, .*i in the best style, o A(tV ) Work of everjfiKind, ° in every, dej'-rriment of his business. ll© is well ■ ■ 4‘i '.o-;-- Sii ..f Vaterial, and wujjM e-peeially call the aitentiou of the pit’ He to bis neat aud elegant style Os . ‘Carriage and Bug'Efg Harness ariTl®nrddiO-M etc,* etc# ng . f H VIH.ES MEKTZ. - 18601* • Baptist female College . Cuthl'opt* Qorgia. # rfHIE SI P ING.T bR M Xvill'-BEGIN Tin? e ...* v \ alitabl-5-a-l 1 i:ic®s liavhiireen made tit!;® Faculty. *Tly? number of pupils Ims doubled in the last four years. In-triietion in any ifvancli, Ofiliamental or guAbe ha*d. It is pgpprtant for pupils tribe *• ‘ ji i *-1 b-,; bu - ~ 9 >, I j . I” ‘ ‘** tt R. p. M VELA IIV old . id'nt. *■ . 8 o g s lie fore Mahftlt,’ Your Puixliases,-. • ‘Abb IN AT EVERITT’S . | 4 NLt EX.\.MlIs E HIS FTo.f i< o 11 icf o IGr *. *“ S i'y o r> . : ° ir. e - o \ • . r • O . _D * ° * f CONSISTING OP? . . • ♦ Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, ClotliingiHats, Honnets and IliU t> ° llnelty (iioinls,ll<>oFt mid Shoes, <> • ror ke ry n nd°Gt Ware, - s 9 Haud-lfetre l utlery, o T o flee 0 a nd%as *a r, °°° % ‘Vobaccd,.&l., &e. • < 0 ° In met. yon osi^ fin<la|iii(jsl #ny asticle yon may? i want,*is his Stock tdtrgis.ts of evfWlhifig nsuajlf* | kept tn a ‘@oirnfry^tore? %1! of wliicn he will leJWh : U’ good terms as sold in Southern tie.-rgia’ or a'oo o „ . o 1V” - -s 6 , ? . t- qiMcftmitarj> o < r f’VT-’ D Eld STG D RESPECTFULLY IX leu’ .e.,o° f * gin aftd FlO | rida, that he is now re- £ ‘ ceirjnjg and t ly re plfnishi ig fift It >ck v ia, Jk- , ->s^4- iam .ii” c‘t ici are i B - X • . * lOwftig gAieral*a*s.irtn,eiit <> , :pf fanii'V nick-nack* . V , l>'iscrvcv. R*isinß,’Currants.'f'igg, CWronr, | Prunesf Lenmns? tiWwfges, A).pics. €foeo®, BAwil; secatr and ”|'ilbei( r uts, Olives.’ ( I OAn -5 -•/■ >’■. (Sti, Shad, Ovstlrs, Lobsters, Maccaroyi!. \ ei*nice:li. Peas; Soda, Putter. ‘° y O ‘ 6 . .- 1 o 0 loft; Port -v. \le a id (gder i • Lotties: Tobacco, Snu#‘, Pipes, etc. * Oandy*of my own Mtmiifycture. • ’ f’ u;ti: 1. h f calls a 6 ° , i it: I- dealiiiofiii (’ AX ■ DXES. uWerS §%tn a tlistarfco, if accompanied with tlte; Ctishy * if! rectare prtifhpt auention. 4-’ ! vi:Ji numerous article^lflitmen tioned.’ !<•'. ‘* ‘ * • * * T^dtaftSvillW“Ga.?MTl-1 y ♦JoilX STAIMv O *o*o a V - ♦ o o o • . NoiifC< fjrWG MONTHS AFTER fipplicatieln will Pj I ty for leave tillMie land helong'ingto the es 6. 1 • : ‘• m * . < : . !•: ia: \\'i:\. .tilth r. s .* *. _ .. * * * . AVI io ‘.Sail. • • t rii , 10 i. l “Btaxit, a negro min named T*.M . ‘ ~ thT ty-five y%ars jf a*ge; f.f dark conTplf.x ----* ® • n *aie-::.-,r a iienvv tm 'Xa AnVinT. r *2? he bought of Dr. Wilson Ms k iu*i a .t-.. j I vjr. Tom A>cma to . • , *• * • • !m > plainly ji . 3 a ■ requested to com % forward.C, l . * ‘.wni.-i.A'ViE P ‘''dffcaOh. ,Wlor. j TJuunaoviilc M Sept o *56-14 I 0000 u o c •® # o (S’ ® or . * - : * , .. IS 3u I £bi& J F• •* ~•% - • !, * i< •* “ -• ‘ -ft ,* • • ■ •'• ■* . t * •• r * ’f • * . • *'-■*. • - . * . ‘ ■*> * ‘* !. <# l , ... ; ~.. . •.-n sense, th -y may be able * * ■ t! ’ „ ‘’ ®V • ft •* ‘ft * • f t *®• • . •- * * .* * aru/YiS* ; iSt thjsgnd §>r. !®t~ int*£luced to thi* count**.- %preparn * * tiy® called SQSTETTER® STOMACH • , s Blffl ER3, w.lfich at iVif day isnot anew • * 0 tried for 9 v si-a i-i Vi- n *0 all who have used it. cyeiate powerfully upgn % • tlt# stonlach, bowel*-,nnd hvr, restoring* *• 1 *.* le | s£ess o^strength^iing I * * osblealfe system' to tsuph ov< r® • | • disease. DiartEoea, dvafentery or flux, *so •*• <n ntrftcted by #ew settll ■s, an :• 3® 1 j rineipaUy by the change gs watej a-;® diet, vi'.i be speedife 1 by a -brief use of this preparation. ‘ Dyspepsia, • • a disc ise .which i#pr Hfebly more prevalent when taken in all its various formt, than • a*v otfce®; the which may always* 1 ted to dertiifip incuts of file diges f w 4 i using®,)HOSTETTE SP’S STOMACH J*i*- aTEKS •£= ; rdi+et y m tl-- b- rtle. For . this die ase A: y \ hyS’ician will rocom < mend Bitters of then why not * ■ *6i . ®nstfcle i?:,o\vn to be infallible ? J. rv c */rr have t: ,ir R rs as aj. -•> 4 . • &:■■ gtaening . f * ’Ji - in general, and am mg tin irt all {here is not? c • a -nnin in i !*y 0 j * |i le 4■■ G run: * tivm whom this ° ( . •|* * .■’ ®* ’ i ® 0 • 1 xft< wliie.h Mbs dlto a . the destinv of jaiis great pr phrnfl in in the „ 0 . .0 > * • * * . . ; FEVSE. AND • AGTJIJ:. , ~ * : an# provokiuj 1 disoasP, vrtiich sixes its® nuenUtW grasp.on the liod&of man, 1 educing fp * • and mere t ? * Lim I®’* 1* . I Tu- 9 !. v ®tan ! -I dr:i. I- mfliebi -y ■.■ REN - ‘V. N |.P . I'i its. I i'.".. ■ P -ve (• • G O stated diseases can r. tbe g ;,tnt.’ ion hey exposed to fc* oriii:. iry c.i :i • °, iu *v *’ hers are uer.f as per -■ \n : e nausea nor offends the palate, and rendering uunecea -1 sary any°diange of diet or Ipterrupffbn ftt usual pur j® • suit#, but promotes sound and Healthy the flhaij*a;n: is thus r- nved “ list with the j roauetion of fetjiorough and perma nent cure. “ l ® 0 0 o For in advanced years ’•> who are sirffenng from an errfeefded constitation and® <, O n . infirm i . o>a i ® iu hie y ;"v a -- ‘ and) live of ► and viy r. :.e is „ to le tried 0 •to be i’-. !. Aral to a while nursing, rS are indis;.er)saMe, c-; tally where the ,'.- * . j..-.,* . to the demat ds of tin child, ernse fl. : :.v le r s_;th must vied, aid her.; it i !. a ; j>l -ucli as t -r's 10 o e | and . or ■ . had -s’ iUI ’ all me las . f. *.'• !•■ iy fur all f . •4 b . jj. 1'• fi so ifc. . 0 0 o- (• 1 9 with the virtues of the .Hitters, will recommend their 0 • 1. . 0 0 o °® CAI ro\. —-We cattfiun tjie jnrtilic against Uoiiig tuiy't-r tiic in.any imitations or conn-, 0 terfeits, but a-k I'o‘r llosti-rfi r.'s* Ci.i.iißitA ikd Sumach Hi 1 1 : its,t.i_jl see Unit, each bo.ttlo • Ims ;h.- Wi 1 y‘Dr.*J. Stoainch lint is” b\.wn . ■*, tin- - iila of t he. I :*ii.i B tumped in aim metallTc • cork, ami <•!.*• tv* that our autograph signti- 0 * oil the label. • * * * 17- Prepart 1 and seld I>j k , S.lHTsi. Pilfiiharifh, Pa#, anil sold by all < .Drni'ffis;*. jr:-:-ers, mfd dealers• sreneralty a tl: !iai f’ r L lilted Stato. CbMatln, loath • imerica and (hntniry. 0 “ ° SCOV 1 L &. HEAD, IVMtf-ORI/lItXS, a,\., o ° o • tl iiolevaie itgcnts. j ° ’ For -ale by L. SLIXAS, I•cu ■ a.s 1 , ‘jSioraasville, Ga. ,; b’ 7 e . _ ly Wit LIAMS A' o B< TTO New Cotton. Pl*ess. \ savA{; to PLAim? &}&% °!|l s DULI) DOLLARS !l:°! mHis m':\V®V\\fe.N’i i’ c\. Tin; simplest, to. - ’ pt I’ V. 0 fill :taa> 1 ••'mapest (Jl>T-, TON PRESS ever indented, is now offered to the public. This Press constructed ppoo a plftn go simple that #ny Urmer may, withs ®y- hands. up olit in running order, in •*> “fVeek.— Whea ppfMp u will pack *® and Six Hundred Po*mpi o ut'iu, with greater faemty timu an,, oflfttr Press will 400 In l.:il<*. and perfect is that at burnt ONK W?I RD Molti; b \l,i;s ( AN BE RACK ED ON IT LA\ 0 i!: ; .n an£ other 9A yy or Strew ever invent and. o ° 0 ft Tfie subscribers have secured a pateW- for this!Tul®i'i °and are now prepared Cv Umiu *ilvs and xtgants, to sell private® county ifnd State rights throughout the WttofyrttfwSig region of tie South. of Uiiy invaluable invetftion,@iin3'when §otbon*jSlante er every where shall learn tlfat this l*rc#s is con-° structeil at ft cost of more than 0 ft One than any * I® l ’ (HREXi’IJI I.EVfi: I’u\vT:r with gratr simplicity Hii.Pf:R-iii*y for Wefeelfoiffident that oor,rj(will every thing in the shdfoe of a 'offcwi Press now in u se. ° o 1.--.-. Mode|g ob tins Press may be scon by callings °n us a* Thonffisville or our Agerti*.® We c * are willing juffet il live or die Jiy Us .own moi i: >. 1 tiding secure in warranting ii toall purcli % . i. r. trniiAMS • fep s-ts. . . T. S. I’.itTTi 1\! * 0 u - of <i!*or£ia? THoma* County <*5K f Ofmy. ak.Moa-^ &J!• . . •; * cilire ueceaseti# (!- uav makfs n m i ~, i petition to thil&ourtl r Lifers of juj; * ■ 3 „ ••lmini>iration. ‘ * . ‘ —t.n Irom , !V'e,,Tftv*notyi -1 1 objections in s*ol court, * any they j ha\t': otherwise sa#Lettfrs will be granted to said : applicant at a i4?gular tem#of c ni ,,, ,* I At tlu. r i.vtl, ~ :,• rn: 6, U l * nt LPviu vi me Louriiiouse in lft&iriiisvilie Said contftv j'%n fiic llpinloy in <tetober no*r. lull ltX—6fti 0 HEST|\ H. t* m)k j‘o <)rdii£u% i — # ■ °tdm misfoutors iojtice. ° °j \TJ. ii*rs"iis in Georgia iifrleM-'l r ,. r ., fn t * Jam* s m U Edwar*; 4ato -,f florid* deceased 1 If •• UIHU'I v|(rijr.j * ,anft i nose li living claimrs against sauls<t . dUdrss hin ( * Rni ® 9* law. Myj lu.i 1* 4 n, 1, • P ■ I*. S.M 1T |[ _* Ai&n’r. ® S|aKc‘ of Comity / 10fflc OF oUDINAiIV, ! l-uary 2f, <gß(k4 | V 4 ‘Wt.'.'.-a-. Benjamin I*, flail. Guwdiw of and : r the tatjdvo pity i Wil f.y I •”• ,l " 1 neu* ‘ application, lr pgtitip n M'umt for .• ySi Distni don Arotosaid (Jfcardi- I Lan*iip; . . . • ’ V . ‘ n h.tftresttJdWe ‘ ‘■' l it I *’. 111 ’ “■ • ‘ al LCoiirt, if am thev I * , I ‘F “’ V ‘ K'inted to said ; app a term •! said Court, to the first-Monday in May i&xt * ° n | ! ; V. ,a! • HFNivn ID # I^Ordm*r^ °„ ° f.(*lt ON ha!.d a title * -'ir„ 4| ji. °I I . , |*. •• . , oci 1.1! • 11 WYK.*? HOLLOWAY A CO. I Planiation lbi* Sake fTTHE subs .-idber now offers f-.-r sale his desirable • e B ‘ X^lailtation, „ situ;.: i. I'.o Tro-..i vide 1. ;!, fourteen iuiles®east of Tlwmasvilles consisting Cl lU2w acres <%f lanu oi #iight liu'.y su.Wated i-.-r residence, healthy an .1 will imw-oved. f ivc hundred acres of 11 •• b. are under cultivation an lexcclTeht fences, • l*reiining 5tX) aefes *f ! ’ unimproved nd•heavily • * yd— 0. j 0: :Ue r.• -1 v iu. ”k. hick ry. and .#her han.imx-k tin.bcr. On the prein i -es is § netv fevo story frame l dwelling; house, just i completed, *iA. nine capacious A 0111% cellar for j vilie, tiuiyln- latac- >; of iver A i.o rt. J;.e - #oi*4>cat house, which i#al-.i is J as rare as it is i ; peculiar hi style, ltftvingbjecnconslrucie.dat unusuafe , cost, with a view to the greatest convenience, and at I tlft* same affording tim slircst fa*-iHi ies for the p erva* r” 11 { *(M‘ meat. A now and excellent ;*m I stands on the pla other Gftthouses, I * - ■ ns, h st.-fliles and comfort*- 1 thi negro Carons —all ih gSod®condition. jUso®"a I ?tiger furn*i’e. kettles and if£ll. ) This is rendered doubly by a fine apple orchard an* vincyar-1. . Tltb orchard is large! and the trees all yunng ai Pot the b.-st .pialitv of apple-', the a • r iiaving. at i?nf-h troidm- aivfl expense, procured them from vvell known < §phafds lin TcnnesSfee and Kenttypky. % f he vineyard is the I beat in tho ceftintry wit hout any *ception, j>niPis snjfplied witlftt-vcry"variety of grape. Thosb doubkthis have only to te>; it. • # ♦ o Ttie i'i.iee is* one of the h?--t in Thcfttias county, j lies in an elevated section o*’ country, ahundantiy watered Uy vreate antt#pring3, # with excellent sweatuy ; p: .* -* . AVi !a r: • ing advantages*! w old seem f?tlv to; bus the subscriber lias investt and large sumns in wi-.-t ----enf.huidy, and li tviufr 1 1:1 h uj• lu-'ftidnd to (Wniyra'.e •! thither during the next V*ar, i< d.-temyned to fol io* lit- iii’ linatiou i.hi-*,lu'-r lie succeeds in selling Lthis place or not. . Tirview of his RjemovSl, ho#cvei% , h-4 otters it np-m the iu-** lib Ad terms, and tl. -0 who desire v.-t ®’ dl f,t: l such opjf. ii-tiftii: n- t .! -i— wry run. At •iiiforrllation, may -io •9 at Drw kako, ( la., or #hc litiitor of tlie*‘-N*. * t-rn Ente.-pri* ‘ at'*!! .. iile, ■ • 1 - 0 AfeWXIi:AM VANN. •’ Loo/i Otil!Look Out! i hi i'cr- ms are lier.-hy warned against t.d.-ing XjL ‘ VOl "l or timber of any kind off .^om• of lot in.the Jirtyct-of Thuru ■ -*-onnty. Said 1.-md li■ ■< ; south of Tallahassee and a half j(* lnihv- from Tin 1m as vilie, amt behig6 to I’. J.’. SaRtH -yt-1 •*• J®- Vi. n.n ■; tlord to fui-nish the ;-".*ii*'ith wo.,* ®any long, t The laud is for sale at a reasonably. : thei£ I- aAout®lwo nupdred and forty-liw wit it !*• .. >od .seitleim.iy on it. ® Abo, No. 1-2, in.the loth dfst.yif Thomas cuontv I>S’ sale. My js Aih-m itev.* .M. Sftdth, Thonm.'ViJle, (1.*,, is Jfh 21 R. R. SMITH. ,Lai|<l igriioy. rpilE undersigned will buy and sell Lands on a X small ftomii4" hr,*,in.* -will givi •ii iiiforiua; tin- l!ecf?r-ly an : .*i'a \ > *i of the State JI-?-,- n.ay 1 ni-li. i Applications for such information will be st.-ft “ly compifed wft wlicn. in every instance, the re<p isitiun is accompanied v- itli one d< Aar. ’ MAT HAN 11*1 KIN ri \ C’O. IMilledgevillc, G * * >®!i 1 R t f , , Tor nnHE 1 DM'All AND U#T OF Dr. T. K. T J situated on the !\. o-e r.-Ri-1,-and t n I Jj.ii.iivn as the MeD nnldj<l ■■■ . / *id jircnii-os co'Ssist.,(#a g 1, framed [ii* • jewelling, and otliex . S .4. -. t.. Jlilßcl I get hot with lift eeit acrtjg land, A good bargain will be fii'fen. Apply to ap 17 o S \M. R. STINGER. T aEiiablo* invcntlonl ! 0 E)EELiiK',A Economical awl Vuviefy Steel Blade ® •X 3 X^O‘^7‘, 1 ’atented J line _2l >t, 1 iff. tho e-mnoi: i.-al, and ellicient Cultivator ever invented. ’When properly made and used, if it does not thus I prove Itself, E®herein pledge myself rt® retuxa Uie ’ money to th * w }, o p:;-yo :; ■■ rights for their-®,lan tations. 0 I Rotftiircs but one Stock for any. kind of a Blade, ton of w w .-h may be put -■. fastened an 1 taken off in one minute. , 6 * Is adapted f.®sod. hillside and general cultivation, ami may be turm-d into :i double plow if de-ired. bud i- aon-itri.ctcd that a .-<•>• 1 pbiftier may be attached Pi. it. tlie cost Si‘ whidh willßnr.t cx cec* <ffae dollar. # Every part is detachable and a-liit- alde to itself. The Stock, which-nwiy be made otit of col on ion pine plank, is -o imply CoiisftVuci .'-1, and there being no webl infthe iron part, t!*at.e tbe°whole plow may be readiiy put- by thecommoiN ; Smith after obtaining a correct pattern. Aie opinion of il . nave keen arrhtrmd it. i- that i? v. ill E- the. bjNLY PLpW tISED. • as soon as its merits are generally known, and that-, “hiking sevei il years lo.gethn-. it will ••••* t a -mall parjftof the present plow .-xpenscs, being not ‘oulv the most coir, cii ‘mil - ?, bill the rio-avio*! plow ffiat. call. In- used. • -riiiers can tit their present -upplv of Scuters, Shoveli ,oi.n l S'., for tiiis'*Si...• k, and t-wu kuocky the wnpc.-oif wrought Turning Blows and fix fur this. ” s'JPctsors frtdiyMuftl or County Righfr will Address ‘° DR: AT Mol&licdlo*FL;. ‘ °or Rev. IVM. BEELER, Waukcifl'tJf. Fla. Januarv'l4. 1> )0. 0 ° •®- f - 5 ’ * .* [AVr 9 AWARE Tai AT f M\’ o ° jPlanter o ° t'.tlfb public, l i*a#e to“com- nd with nie creaft-l b* t|,e figure of.c her invent imi-t i,u*in,.- l 0 11 attSr nfyself, however, th:.! v uty I’I.RN ” TER will^erform work y*-.,posed. iiwr satisfac tory manner.- I am stri-ngihened lir (fiat conviction, by the ora li i, 44 1 of m*.: all the* o . . Pi*tctiefil Farmers I of Thomas and #(ljoinmg cot*i6s \ 1;.. have exarnin ed it : and pf luemhets of fteJ i Patent t)fiic, jvh.. pronoi nee if to be by far tii b. ; -t ’ •pLANTEiyitat ha,cm rKon presented to the!li. i It *fi intended to and CShu and td j s o # flrtiusrif all land-* For Wheal l.j-yad mO and tyijyoWitfgAu ?Uhe samfgma, < ctjn;illou. ltd .y uc itM’u lt*i })i ullng out (uiiann, i I eftliisv ly strewing or by putting any ik-.-ircn uuanti t v*ii Iffy giveiedistance*. Tft’ instance proposed to*! drop f&e se*d is graduated®! y tic number of s>es*! j a ltd the ;jnantity by the gize. ° | * \ glance at the PI \NTfi; sSaw's the amount of labor savgd bfiuW, aiid #,e'naturi|ui accuracy i o f th e saute. A mad and horse lays oift the fern I i droits thfseeduand .-.vers it. in Uit®Sirihe tfme and • H ™V,,v.,J , ; . id by th whl Tfli dors it equally et\#y to as,% single pldugle i V itujb.ssibJip lor-any one man to Bring ife to | ! he'iiet ice of evecy farm**; or to supply ti e demand I whpibpvMhnpd 1 713-onosc lit. 11 ,1,. *. , „ • j nen cxnjnucu, i t to ui i le ngnt 40 any ‘ l lU 1 ‘ ; ‘ ‘ ’ ilU i ol may desirt*, and ad rates tbo. purcha.-Tr mabei nun icy.. 1 trust no one %iTI eonfemnft wlMiout | eialninatW, because i^veftt a South- | - examination, they re ject it, 1 have ot f • 0 s • Tiros, J. BOTTOMS?. 0 if.- f.m • •• 0 r liie, a*. —-* - Muir ol (itorxiii, Itiooks t’oiijtfj. ■VTOTICE IS 1 ft: i’!:ii\ i.MPKN TO ALL 1 having demand- .!. ‘fn Ifiil. late (.f# r .wiidc- J?ut how M'ooh* eoun|^deceased@to pvff- : .-cm them to nu* properly %ade out, within by law, lo as to Snow fheir character and I are hereby required to mahe inimctlitiic pa\'*cnt. jn SI l"d D ANIEL W McRAE, Atfin’r ‘ . . °° 9 „ ° a O • .2. - O Ot Hi ■ I'l'i:’ • . Tl.a groan**! WriVlv in tl. • Wfrl.l. ’lis cordial i< .JiSin and from a U lay Known only to mtfv 1 , and chemically combined with some of tlxe most \ultuildo , tti l>* and barks known to the mind ~f matt, \ It: t> I: •!? Black Root, Wiid • CUEK4T Bai .. Y LI.OW 1 . . Basdk,!®, Sak-ai*- ARIX.LA. El : . I * *< tl I*B, j most infallible r medv for*the restoration of braUH 4 ever known.• it is iiat m - own remedy, ciinng diy ease by natural laws. When taken, its influence fs f i It . oitJtiii£ tli. o*-by r\ vein of the •*• •'!>’- parity ing and accoi ‘t' ’ ®’ t s i. 1. • neutralizes any Idlious mutter in the stomach, anil* strengthen* t], wit . . .i a. • • , MoLEAN.S STRENGTHENING CORDIAL * * Will IT Sr’ ’.A cure • e j . LIVER COMPLAINT, I>YH'*r>l A. JAVVLJIfIi^ P Chronic nr An I?*l>iW(r. fi**C!i**t * of llir Kidney*, ‘nnj :>tt lim*ii nrioiiiit from a Iti*oi(it'rCil Liter or ‘* m Ktoinnrii, l>J s i*epnr, . H •M ■ tl.\. ‘ * of ‘I ’ t ’ ii I'd r s ■ >! j i: ’ 1 ii t : 11 • i 1 ’ * ’ ■ 1 : J W . i. # ‘ ■ ■ .* .* ‘ **> t r’ ‘ * - rteU.t'BfLheiijlJing • . . I>: ,*. ■ ~ r Y*di o'.!! -•* f til ‘!!■■'■ -p - ‘/t * „ Sweats I; ivr lEm :- . !’• - Sf the Baclg, . Cheat .T Side, Stid u Flushes : llrat. Degression of . g, . f ... r, P< -i *d- n-y 0(. . onv Nervous Piseas ■. Sores or Blotches on tlio >l,i:w * aw l r V :• and A, r < h : it will 1 • a.*o cure diseases of tho gladder and Wi tb, stittfe a* Seminal Wwakn **. 1 t*i •-f I’ritn . Stran fi'Kiry. Iwfldrom&tion or Weakness of the Womb or •• .* ‘ Bladder, Whites, etc. THERE IS NO NMSTAKE*ABOUT IT. This Cordial win her t f ; ! to cure any . fslie above * * dist as**, if taken us ]- r dir *• son each bottle, in German, English, Sad Fn w I*. • , • * OVER A MILUON Or*BOTTLES e *’ If*!*' 1 - Id i: * the las* W in-nth-., anil in n-instance h is it fnihet in giving entire satisfui tt**n. Win t!n, \vill*ci;f.r from weakness-or debility, when * McLean's Strengthening < ’ rdi and will cure you ? TO THE j * Do you wish to be hpeithy ams strong ? Then go at once, and g t some of M. I. in's o>n]ial g It will ■ strengthen and Invigorate y-or win !■ -■ -r-irr, oising a healthy and pure (a reflation of blood to Ihoydh rough every vein, and the rich, rosy bloom of neZlUr to .. * niuiint to yt* cheek again. * a * Every In ttla is warranted to give sathfllftic#. g * 6 F CHILDREN. * We say to parents, ify . ‘ Rdt-en are sickly,puny, * . or afflicted with complaints |a < v i’.gut among r l Udven, * give then! a smaH quantity < : MeTican's C< Aial; and - if will make tie :n h Vffhy, fit. and robust? I'^ay not a ueouent, try ir, and y . will b in and. IT IS DELICIOI/S TO TzAI£E. C.aVtioV.—}!■ ware nf dri!_gi-'s or dealers who may * try til pi'll n j ■ i-. ; Ici.rrs. jpafilla trash. * V .i ll .th • .'an li . . *h mi . by siv ing it i* just ns g • A* i ■■!:!':; ‘ll. A-’ 1. c M ‘Tc all's St i * ligtli ai ;* th it _ ■ lsfft It i’ the only r medy Tltift w ill pnrifv th* Ii --I thnr. ugh’y, and ..t tfoe ? p/ ■ • s Stic I ‘ a a ‘ ! Uie 1i • ‘ll!.. • f.lf I ind I■v- r, * Vell'Ujj l’i • .*r. -I’ any pre'a’ :1 1 u. .•It > • up ill largt*bottles. • , r Drive only cf per bottl -, ■r ‘ ! s for ?*>. . J. li, M LEAN. ‘• *• £, ■ii tut’ of fSb •’ ; d.* •’ * At? • Meta an s V-’ an’ • Oil Linim t. Principal 7 ; • n t..-3 < ...or of Third an-Ji 1 * Streets,*-.. 1. aiis, AIo. * • McLE.VN'3 VOLCANIC OIL LISIMENI*. o * T . . It!’ I, N ■ : in ; i:t: wi-r.lll . • Th* \A If 1 fr f , Turn -. S'.v , i ...I i !*■ • ir <i !’a ti'.*X ■ii : i’. Jin-’ ‘Si InllariiTi: i‘o v Micciti-.'ii, fi!lin-s it tb<* ,T 1 . ’ Muscl Is, Euracli ■ or. Totrf.h * ® mi-!ie. Blni* •*, Sprains, - Is, Fresh < ils, i•. a ‘Fever s’ira. fed - I Brea . .'me Nipples, IP Scalds, Sore Throat, or any Inflammation or Tain, no -• diiferein’ h.v •• v . : h*.w 1- i. th ii.’- .... *... -• have existed. MoLlak's Clllct.v !'a DI, IN! ft pvt ; is certain ronhsly. * Thousands of human b- ings have 1 een saved a life’ • of and ••■re],ftiido and mis -y by the u.-e of Uiii im.du. able me. a McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment Will reliwi*-, Jn i ■ i- ••A., uslv. and it v ill cleanse, purify •>■•11 --\ the f ulest sores in an in -1 credibly short tifue. and other Animals. McLean's celebrated Liniment is thotmly safe and reliable remedy for tb- ••ore of Spavin. Ring Ts ■ e, 0 •WindgalU, Splints, Unr Li;ni| s. N* di* . r 8 Swellings. It will in V. r ts;,.! . *?! Jpg Ib-ad. I*, il cvil, Fistula, Old Running ‘ Son s, or SWeern , if • properly applied. F-r Sprains, Bruises. Serati 1■ s, ('racked 11.- 1--, Eb.d'.-, Saddle nr < IN -i bills. Cuts, Sores, or Wmmds, jt is an infallible remedy. Apply it as directed, and a cure is certain in every instance. Then trifle no longer with the many worthless Lin iments offered to you. Obtain a supply of Br. Mc- Lean's cclobriifed Liniment. It %-,d cur- ymi. J. H. ]VfcLEAN, Sole Proprietor, Corner # of Third and Pine Sts., St. Mo. I For S.:io by EDWARD SiILX VS, t. Thom asville, C.;t. uTli U-ov --*• BlilCiiWOtHi'.S ® • MA&AZiriE r.'i4 Eti ari: l HEVI-f I SCOT L’ & CO., 2vß\\ i OUK continue*?© pub _J* lish the foflowin British Periodicals, vi /.: a 1- The Q*jo : o mie Edinbui-'.'ii .y •* Tho British Ecflow , l-1 ce f'i.urcli.') 4 •1. The Westminster Review > l.ibvrai. i * * •3. Blackwood's Edinburgh Ma ,e & • ‘Phfesfc periodicals nMy vo'M'<*S*iit the ]' f >l.iti<_• iljl.lrf 1:• ~ •■!’ <•.. . h* , j ~, | Rsuical—hut poßticsM* * fe 1 ‘<r 1 * ‘ on r^ci< Lite,- / T..... it;.-, ml ib ’igim:. ] Si , j .'tittid, as they evfcr 1 -* a , ■■ ■. un i world of ictters, i ®b%iiig ■ . ! ; 14l d‘ e a : ’■ ;• ®sl> nai i.i.u,. whil, ‘{ , the intelligent reader ot . very .b- tli-v l"u i:> i: a i., ta I ’■ 1 ! ‘ : * ‘: ~ , •£ : - f© . ‘ i“vout ;h '* woi'ld, titan e.-fn lj c j post.iilv * fe‘ Hied t ,41; .i \ “tlor ‘Utirce. I Early Copies!® #i . Ihct’ , 4 - • tVi.i.i is.* Eritidi ptt>>- 11 - j- d l l i 111 -11 i] \ i : iKc .ii'Ai’ju , : n- i hsmttclr&sjlifrji i -m fijji'hi', l iig, the hiirrds vf^ub- e 1 seftbers as soon as tho origrnal^clitions. A • ‘Tbrnis.® 5 Per Ann. ‘ For any the four Reviews, - - y:] 00 For any tyvotlf the four - - on for any three ot the four Reviews, - fDO For all fijmv.At the Itev'Sn .. _o . • ® qqq lb*. - - . 3 and - - mi For Blutewood tv 1 two Reviews, c . .7 q(i • Blackwood and tinve - . % | • *■ . 0 . 1. . |S ft utya/V . o o Clubbijig. . twem f: from Ihoal ove I prices mil be allowed to felt.i BS'orcterijT^four^or ra< s. lcs of ; ? l *y Qne or moi'fe oiWheAb .vt works. Thus: eui or el one Review, will be i sent to one addi^9,f Ql * sl*; fopr copies of--the lour I Lev *nd Blackwbod lor A2(d ; and on. o . w ®,i . .* Postage “ln all wjll >,e delivered yr. - efpostape. When sent by mail, the 1 ostagc-to*ny part of the Urifted States ‘will b.* P ut Q : i .. and -*-- “/■- a year %>v each of tjie ‘ j ’ ■ ‘ e J ; in Gre.a: liritt-tin of the %c Peri jOdicals above named is s;; i .„. r ant Ul , L '’ % % 1 ° a T^ tC To Scisfitific and Practical Agriculture. ** >'• Af and nil *>t-e j. 1 . No.:!oo. No;i °ii; tie ,\ gri cultufe m i @le New LUiven. 2 yds: Royal Ortavo. P a 6% s > nSmerous Engravings'. ’ 1 ° --o con plete jvork on Agriculture ever published, an<L in . rder t.> give it a wider eirculaßop tl publishers have relojved reduce the price to 3 “Eivc Pollars for the Volumes !! ° mail (post-paid) Ur California and uregon the price win be .-'•'. 0 T . eftcry other part the I rti.,’l, and t i Canada • pn-t-j, t i<l $6. 0 ° ® a /: ■’ ° Rerfultdnaes fat any of the aliove 0 j • u 1 1 1 ?e a tiu n s should aways be’ poat-paid, to the Puh hssers,“ @* ° LEONARD SCu'rr ,V°l'l). o ° D AO. 54 Gold street. New York. w mm flHiiiiii mi : . F&LL TBADI, . ‘ - •E. REMIX ETON fc'SXhX'. * • Dealers in * . *• FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS,’ . TflOfl v sVILI * F 7. ( * :a -* ‘ .. * . \RE now receiving’ flu its #acrnificeht* Stock { FALL t\D WLXTEIt DRY-G 6.0 3DS, . *’ Unequalled by any iti the place. Especial attenH-n,* c:t4’e*l so their Dress Goods Department, in V licit nmy be l. n.l all novelties ‘••it’ the se.asoit, consisting of Silks, Cashmeres, de i ®.aines, .Merhri s. Horn'■ izines. Fret, di, English and Aftteri an Prints, etc. Lntbroideties, endless variety: Hosiery and Gloyef*of every qnaltty, ti aiin:.-. 11 j-, 1..-, .j, Misses l-1 then: Cloaks, ajnd Shawls, M every vufi-* Cty 0/ and • jna lit y : H®usekeepingand Plantation Gpodjj# hi this department we him* every * tiling usually kepL„in our liie*lor housekeepers anil planters. 4 * G 1 re us a call before* purchasing elsewhere we will tIS e pleasure m towing good* whethef you 1111 v. or not. • ® ® * ‘ oct S .j:. REMINGTON & SON. .. — ; - Vl'lNL and lariie assortment of Mon'*and Boys’ . CLOTHING * ! of the Jate.-t styles * just received and for sale by oct i> }i* jB-EMINGHON & SON. • — 7 * s®*- —— j IT t-E are now openingga sing assortment of Gents’ . j \\ FURM3HING GOODS, I consoling of all kinds’#! ts'*and Golai * ‘•hi'-’ , i Bosoms. and Drawers; Ties, Scarf?, Cravats andfßandkexchie Blk. >,utton Gbivi\s and Gauntlets. , •• • o'* - * r - N - \ I'lNJl assortment*pf Sadies’ Steel Extension A- •. • from 8 to 3G hoops; i- received and for, sal t>v oct 8 ‘ E. REMINGTON & SON. * , —* : .• J CST received and I'or *sale, a fine assortment of coffgisTing of Diamond, Qtmeo. Lava, Florentine, Masonic, C"ral and a g#,.,d many other styles and patterns, and wi*i be sold at prices t<> suit tho tinqjs. oct 8 • •* RBMbNGJfIN & SON'. . - —~—•“—-- —g — 5 ► \ e FINE assortment of Gentknien's and Dry s’ A and Caps. Also a fine assortment ~ i Ladies!ind Misses’ Bonnets anti Flats of the latest stvl#: just rAei’red and ’ for ale by •• 9 % E. I|J*MIGTON & SON ,5 v * . .. Groceries. i ; “I Mcsf Alaekercl e (J •"> kits No 1 Macketwl in barrel and so retail m o 5 kits SaTlnood ‘*x 20 Drieand 20 boxes La\#t* 110 barrels Irijsfi Potatoes • 9 • ‘ a barrels Onicyjs e . 4 kegs fresh Goshen Bittler •* , • Buck wheat, and fresh Flour * •• boxes Cheese * J."fli:irvei Currants, for ties * 1 N;.x Macaroni; and various other articles in* the Grocery line, S just received and for jal* by *j u SJ’ • e F.® it LM i \t. J< A & SON. . n ‘ * — ’ -A. 9 • • • * ! lEiisir.’ VFINF lt .••’ Musi#, till thejatest i> ‘•.•(*> • 1 ** lie 1 . v 1 oct 22 ’ E. I:i:MI*NGTON &'ON. l*ai<lsisr*.....pintiiiff. < CONTRACTS TAKEN— . • • . ® U -y s —tuiv 1 ! House, Sign* and Ornamental Painiin^!! • A-TB .. s . \in ® Ii ‘ in Glass, constantly on J haiolj. opj.ios#! e the If i . and ft tAS. H. REMINGfeOI# •’ . ‘ e P;i#t'V Ilansrinks. • i LARGE ass*, -T. u . ‘ Ltjt ,;r 1 - ‘ _ ! “ii hand, and more exju -te l (*, : ’- 4 r to arrive every day. • ‘ rVVwT^ ! r ; Rooms Papered * #l j'’ ill nca’nc- 4 at i d. itch, and in workmanlik* * ‘by [mli li .H. REMINOTON. < Phßth'graplilc Galftry. , R EMIN <i,'j ON Ns PHOTOGRAPHIC ‘GALLERY, • r .OPPOSITHjHIE POST OFFICE.® Ambrotypes, s - • * . ‘ . . Sphereotyp* s, -iny btlier styles of Pictures taken in a >r i • Stock of-®af®fiaL of all kinds, on hand ,j and stir sale. • * , *ln-tiiw •* A vf .* jt*li 18 ;* AMERICAN AND FOREIGN. * STSREOSCOPIC 9 E>?PORIU?I. V * . . fe. AXTlito, T.’S iVoMvi;. Xeio Tao.—After May.lst, 1860, at • ■’ and • Sft [j /. ‘■ ♦. ‘ I rrffti: stereos< .ope js.inß. most instruc ] JL rtve,’fftteresting entertaiiiifigf fusing, and ex- 1 j citing, of modern inventions. f none i* •■ > old, none,too inteli - uc it vd. £q acknowledge its worth Land beauty* e . A ■ :smplete"wffhout, Rewuhit must a#id wL. • penetrate even where. * Ir present * your \ l-w of the world * i’ l a *, si tepnesa* detail, a- ii you weijg ou the spot, • I : *'-'"!iT lv • are out. .4 n g Kurppe* * I Asia, Aii iea, America, in search of the grand and i be.iutiiul. and the Results of tlu?4r skill i- ttntly enriching out'®tdek. s • 4 ‘fee have an immense variety of pßtue* YieWH of* .Scenes in Paris, London. * ng-!jmd*Scoffan<l, Ireland. L\\ ales; France® ‘• Holland, Switzerland, ‘ I Spain, The Rhine, Yet - lilies. St. Cloud, Foritaine ! bleau, !■ . Turkey, Egypt, Athens. m the Holy I. 111 i. s f .ni i. li„i , Crystal T'ldte-f i^ _v ■ ‘V- ‘gyswenes, break <-• y, &c,i &c, j..\n dkqui-® ! ‘i'-V assortment of lHsfiratS Interior of Palaca% ‘ t'lmrvhes'and Ca •* dr !.- o's Frartt -, Italy, N. I he eflect ot the 0 ii!luniuateiUview ;4s most reniark ie. • i'.\er_'. genk.i n. of we.a th and refined taste shAhld have m his roofh some of our exqiuSlte* viett’ on gtuss, with a-TevolviDg f stereoscope, show : ’. n 3l, } r’ ,; or :l1 ” ‘ Nothing can be niaraj •1 fascinating, and one can offer no greater treat to a’ 11 !t tend fond of.the picturesque and tlie beautiful. • Antliony s Instantaftci'ti'Stereoscope Views are the • 1 latest Photographic wonder. They are takftn it the fk.Tietl. par fa >**cond. a everygting no matter* h 11 ! 11 : C* ■ rmiving, is depicted as sharp- ? J aQd distinctly ayf it had l eeh perfectly at rest! - This givp e a% a*l and 1 1 ion a b value, to the beauties bf j inantmate flalqpe ir*a(l Is the chatm . ; life apdiio-, fetinn. e THY process* is aM try of our own, and’ ; h< 1 •- unknown in Epro{ e, we receive from London * M’avis large ordw - Anthony’s Instantaneous \ tews ot Ameta an life and scenery. Among other things wofavejust published Stereo scop, ■ illustrations It the Seen.- of the Fultonfireet *’ ■*>’ • >n which mtftty hearts feel an in terest. TiiS particulars of This will be fouffd in our * ca! .yogup. ® Our Catalogue of sublets till be for ttai I’ dlO any address a receipt of a starry. f# . Partes at n h-i tnce lending us $3. §5, 310, * iir v-®> s nan have a good and such iTc®- turcs as they may request, sent by Express. Views alone, (wlihout mail. ®- @ ® rn J * I'.tFiies who wiafc to be ftdyised of everything real ly valuable in the Tine tl > out, may . tluTr names tgjdacaon record, and wetvill keep them 1 catted at ottr own expense, * • ° Men of 1 iscye will find Photography a mftst fasci-® ua -ag and deligi.tful ainuseinent. We are*prei*ired t<> lit out amatetn% with cv>B‘ything necessary for their sucaegs together with instructions -How to take Btcrcosccqucfel'ictures.” |ft. ANTHONY Importer and Maniftacturer of Photograplgc >*- @ term's, Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. t Jj}*-); 1 Merchants from every sectuin of the country g ate respect fully invited 4 o make an examination of tmr stnclf, its oife’ discoimt to the trade wAI be liberal. o ln PitoTuiii! m'iikus.—l m-t class stereoscopic Ne gatives wanted. * § c? Send by mail t* print unmounted, with price of Negative. jab 21-4 m ® , ‘Qtt 1 this out for future reference.]