Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, August 15, 1860, Image 1

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low vJ JL JIImXUi • • i Xl-lioilf ®-9 m _ VOL. 111. •<EI) e outlj tr n % t<rr iit •*■ * • 1.1 Oil S O. 1 >i; \ AN . Proprietor. —— : : • *- ■ - • • • * ® • IVBSCRiryen. •• • terms! i T * ‘ . ♦ a published Weekly ftt 1 s’ 41 '-* m . advance, Tutu to .. iij inv&ri&Mi charge a. , ’ ° m # changed win notify u> from what office it is to be t run - - •terrud, with the Nai i, - 1 County and fstate plainly written. • aim is: ntiMa. • * * • terims, .* • ■ • Old OoiUB • * • • • ! eatßi subseqnent insertion. Those Q will • published until ortfer • OviTCiftl \otk i-. not exceeding six lines, will be published gratis; but Cash, at the rate of Ox* for every twelve printed lines exceeding that number, | *’ Advertiser# will please hand in their favors previ ous to 1U ocl a oti Tu i.,'-. ’ m % . ® ® ® •••••*► co.vrßAtT aim lkhsi: fy: \ rs. ® o#r contracts w:,.h®.\ iviu ; r- w ill be governed bv tlife Allowing Rub - each being* compos#! of twelve solid Minioit lilies: ® ® , ®— ; m >• ® ■ ® J. : : % ® . . ••! i ill 9®® ® o j Length of Advektisemk.vts. ?■ = t A® ® ® * *1 ®> :* ! ® ‘a ® • It j x ; .3 £ m r A® ® <jr H # s — 9 m 9 ! One 4- piavc * >i on gs 00 $lO (Hi sl2 (% I ‘ ® fBOO i ! oil ’[< a® oil nil Fhree Squares ’*) 00 ItftOO 21 00 25 of * Four Squares 12 00 17 00 22 00 26 00 Five®Squares .. II 00 20 OQ4 Squares.*. ®.. 18 00 24 00. 30 00 35 00 _ Cue Half Caliima .... J.BOO fiO 00’ 3a 00i 10 00 * wee Fourths “■ >!mnu® 52 00 60 00 “ * ® • #.... ® 150 OOftCftOOi 70 00! 80 00 sk>s Cak Jib nn of one year,will be charged in proportion to the space they oeenpy, at Out per JLiue. (solid Minion.) • _ ® m ® ®. . . ® i>a ai t # s: si tin i: f r. at s. •VjJ petrous having occasion to advertise Legal N pi lied by l.#c to comply wffib the Allowing .®ilvs: J ® ®’® Ailiniii i*¥rator®. l!%'( ii!or or finni-iliiTnt.: q All sales ot toaiul and Negroes by Atlministrators, Executors orA 11 medians, an- required bylaw to be In Id on tin ®i -t 1 (R-ilay in tln®m mth, between die hours of ten o’cloi k in the forenoon, and three in roe i#’ u#a i ■ (,'oiirilioii'e in the #>unty in \f l lii% i is situate.-Notices of these sales most be gwen in a public Forty Days previous to ® tbesiay of#ale. 9 • m j3lc of P*i-moiiu! Proper!®: ® ® ® x •Hi ol the sale of Pi • ® given at legpt i® i IhM us to the day ol hS#. * ’ Eilat ■ itchier*. :#ml CBfi!itor.**: Notices to Debtors and Creditors of an estate must be] , ® 1 *; 9 Couil bf Ordinary I,Ak**o NH: g * a I) Court pf • • live ■ rt> Land or Negroes, must * ® i klv for Two Months. ® --*,M . . ® ® ® Admin <>l rat i y ml ft n:s :•'hi p : ® < it: tions foP 1® m A (ministration mgst be # puid;- T.® f v Dues; I>r Ilisinissio# frttn Admin * fß| r;..’ .u, inou!! ly for Six Mon B-; for Dismission aJjwadtomd.ip. Forty Days. ® ® Fo. e of ® # lodes ’ft>r I'orecloVure® !’ Mortgage must be pub -1 ®! i .Irnontnly for Foil® Months. Fstablisliins !>••! ](|i|)pr: \ ■ - l ■ , Lo>: be ® qishc'ftor tlu fall term of L’inee .Mo;®hs. , m ® •- • *, • lefts till : # #a®.‘d acceding sa otherwise oi derecH • @ ® *■ ■- .. ‘ . MW CAiIDS. ®@ ... ♦.. ® ■ ■ 8 j* cs. li. staAlej, ® ® i A AT ® (JIT r.MHN. UROOKS CO., GA. R !1 pixictiee in tin • muiasof jjie Circuit, and i.'.Tec. Cliuce, Ware-ana* Eehol*ofethe Circuit. ® dec tf ® W. Bf ® AT LAW* ® *® • @ QCIT3PA>#.I3ROT)KS#CO., CA. \\®ii ice i# Thomjfg Lowndes, Broofc and Berri %u Counties. tnh 10 ts t * ® m J. It. ® law,® „ anil f •-!* • l iIt'MASVILLE, 4#V. * ® B*. IS. Bedford, .. ® 9 • A TTORNEY AT LAW, * • ® Jt± ® ® ® GA. ® Will l # ■.os of the ■ runswick Cirenit, ami in LawmlcMSupid 1 ol the Southern , # ____ # ts f • ® .John •• * A TTORNEY AT ® Jtk- SHIIOMASViI.\. (Mine r.ejyt hot Dr. BracoV A-ff mh 18 ts EEiti’ ® *® A*. TORN! . ‘ ‘ ® # . jeHtT-tf m A. m ® L.. C’. Bryn si, ® ® *A TTOHNEY AT LAW. ® n ® iiinli 10 TIIOMASVILLE, GA® ~ ® -~ — ® ® E. Moreau, Attorney at law, n ® •NASIIViy.K, BERriTEN CO., GA. AN T 1 practice in tin- Count', sos the Southern gircuit; and tl.e Cmr.ines of lo oly. # . ml Dougherty of the 31 . an i (’ t inch and Ware > f the Cin litl Adttress at Flat Creek Poet Office, (in. • • mh is m ® ts il. T. Peeples, ® 8 A TTORNEY AT LAW, ® ® * nasuvillT;,jjerrien CO., GA. • ®jel-l # ® ®® ts, - ® • SMiir.iel B. Spencer, 8 A TTORNEY ATLAW,* ® ® JLjl m mymasatlle. ga. ffi ill save lup entin in to the Pracui® ol Law iu the Counties of the 88®ithern Circuit. _ ! (#lie# ou the second hoor of Donald McLean’s Brick mh 18 ts m A- V. JUSTICE OP TftS PEACE- * ® • Ga. , ’ All business c: ‘ will be ; • prompt- and#vith dispatch. mh ~o h* • (lias. 11. Remington® OF THE PEACES m *■ - if all'kinds terms, either i .1 > •, ‘ “ t out - 18 ts •• ~ * - * ® Schofield's ® * •• , IHOoST.AA r OEKS,'. ADJOINING THE PABSENGEK pEPOT, # Mac#n M * Georgia, 1 * Manufacturers of * QTI! INI Engines and Boilers, ij 31ill and (.in Gearing. , • hiyu- yft'iis aijftl I*afis, • Syrup Boilers, • • .T, , Shafting and-Pulley. V' L WWW OF MAGHINERWMADS TO order at short notice* • • i * . ~ , E* REJIINGTiON* & SON. —h n ® B Lly * T 4jgente, ThomaaviUe, Ga. %f otoi V ’oris., **• * Pester, at the Enterprise office # ‘ m • FJL e I I N C . BR v\\ , Priflirutof. ™™^ ii avii wmm i* !■■■ i ■ wy— ■■ JHEDICAJS *ANp DENTAL CARt>S. . __ L_- : ® ®~ m [MEDICAL CA%I).] # D @ rs. |iruce®J. Reed, IT A vfis G *fo RMI D A COPARTNERSHIP *N 11* • . • ® * * ®‘ ’ *,, @ n la HOSPITAL e convenience i * 9> ™ * ® . -n ® . Accommodatious comfortable. ® • S. J. BRUCE, M. D. i June 21, 13CT J. R. M. RgjED, M. P. Or. \. G. AirDMuaAV f N Ti^iFI.TNT; HIS PROFESSKN.?LSERVICES I ‘ • and vicinity, a#uld in-1 form t !i'-m that 1 Sa > Jeg i son County, Florida, for five yearn, during which time lie j * ® . iu • ® OFFICE, on the side street, near Back Office formerly •* * t ® Gi->i m by E. L. A;i'!.-,. on. • ® • —9 ® J * Ur. E. .1. Oliveros, • of M iicftio ifnd Sur^?ry, jan i Glasgow, Thongpe Co.f Ga. ly ® ® ® f>r? S. S. Adam;*, ® Hereby informs his fkiends®and the public,that he ‘>t§Lw utinue 4he practiceaf medi cine • ndem !#s services 9 b OB ® ThomasviMefA; ril 2, 18G0. ts - m RITOBM PRACTICE.] ® ® ® Dr. I*. S. Bovver, ® ® ® O FIT-: the cuizens®of Thomasville ami ricinity. 4 Calls at all hours, iiromtpiv ai ••nded.s mh 13 ts #- 1 - ® 9 ® @ Dr. Brandon, ® H as BEMOVEI) TOTiiE 01 ! !CE FORMERLY oei ujiii .1 im 31 i!er. Ess, as a Lavv®<Blliee. Calls pOo#i]'tly attend.-d. ® •I • • n will be given to Surgery and Simacal Disc! ‘rhomasvitl®} January 15, 1860. • ts Drs. ft. 85. n. ft. o. Arnoi#, ® Resident Dentists. TStomasville, Ga. m HAVE THE PRACTICAL ADVANT@VGE OF TT fifteen y. ® *. branch of the pmiV--i, We can refer tofn:#||,A\ li > ha®.- had the b'-tu-m. ..f our “i.'-n.-!"n®in this County tor i tl®‘ six years.- ® m Wed Hive every meißty strand dug the best m Plate-Worifc • NOW KNONfN. NVIMCy IS DENOMINATED .® .C’Ji'itmuciys GufgL Work, * - rvious toany of thoaeffis, e\k n in a concentrated form. pure gftd in a superior manner*® ® Patients favoring us with their confidence m:?V rely 81 > <••.:•#!# ■ ■ * i l ! ’ i .■n'ornf l cv#\ openition in a.- i'erfee‘4ll licilHiler a®; @ do. ® mil 10 ts i—iw ■ ■ m Bis. R. 88. & Si. l!afon, ® lI r ()flD EESPIACTF! ELY INFOlifl THE CITI §M izensof TiofinV# ® and vieiimv, th, t thevare . th A J fitting up fteir • •/{ di ilii ;il r>i :jtnl ® v ‘ s/.. . ® OFFICES ® IN N EAT >T Vl®!:., THBDkNTAI. 1f.,-o . | *• arranged as not to be moles- ( ~T . -- ted by .'tiyJimh® .s®of ihe - . Y . * Medical Office, and will lie • D ‘’ • ifepl Ntricll } E'rivsile “ ffir Ladies v>d Geffilemi . Dental OpefStiOna. -Tnd oift fiatr.m- iir MEDICINE limy be assured that */0i s&Qnd nr # ‘lent Kill be a<o by any otherTiian ® s ® R. ... E IT¥, * @ .fß HE HASP NQf COPARTNER IN MEDICINE 0"-l !in Dri' m * ii ■*7 /■■h rn .l rorrrr'h/ Labeled. 9 OFFICE si . i the one formerly occupi ** lllll® l ’ ts “~V * New Drug St6re*. # Di*. I*, as. iiOVi • ® ••nod a 1 ff'iitf Store fit the sta.'kformer!;. oeeupii and by PALMER £ I>liCfc? opposite E. Ecinnijt"ii s. amt is j.spared to furnish • Drugs, illcdicinus, Perftimery, Inks, % ® FANCY SOAB3, Ac., . _ upon fa> term?-, to il ®-c wlio • •. # or !#: i with a call. Tis ids Ref in friui.'.s hg \foul.l _ . he lu:s on £und aj'ri sh and reliable assortmi nt of** • ;#'• r\ rn n ® >r n r t/' 1 ri n ® •* % * #1 J® it w * Jot j and will b# to supply thcji with each articles a% the\®may need.* ‘ ® • ~ s Kerosirw, Fi®e Cigars and Tqjtdico, Fine MedicinD , and Wines, kept cogst.mtly on ui#l Jor ’ *de. ® * inav 23-ts m mm — B>S-51g<® UIUI Ngei|lCll%C:a. ® ® TPsf’RE! EINT.D a I.ARi : # AND N\ EI.L SELECT *1 i® lei'll ;s ®ud M J -hies. CM*;’ als ol’ all kinds. ® Also. Paints. Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnish, Broshes, Dy§ Studs. Patent®3ledi< ini -. Garden Seeds. Toilet Articles, Perfumery, B &c ® Ifterosine@?)il and I®unps^ ft’uniphelic. B> ."ii: i®d ad J.inii.s P.D’A'ARD BEIXAS, Druggist. • 21,1850. ® -ts Apothecary’s® HalK riIHE SCP'SCRIUER. H AVIN’ ‘< TAIExN A STORE IL iS Thamjo*’s Kew Brlckt ®nil<Aiis, respoctfuLly in vis. s the attention of the public com pl®te auirwftl s**lci u and stock of • Urugs, ® • ® ® * • Medicines, ® ® ® ® Chemicals, # ® 9® @ Paints, mg® * Oils, ® ®Dye-Stuffs, ® • Perfumery, ® ® Spices, ® ® ® Tobacco, ® m segars, ® ® ® ® ® Fiifs Brandies, Wines, ® ® Porter, • ® Ale, @ g?oilet-Soaps, *9 ® PStash, • . &c.. &c. ® Al.®. OF NVHICII WTLT.TiE SOLD ON AQLE TERMS. ® P-+’ Attention g# n*ner*ona/n/ to the preparation of Pliysioftni'N Prc‘!C‘ftpti<9kis. ® * .* ®VII NlEDlClNEjPwnrranted genuine. N. G Mi DONALD, M®D. Thomasville, Ga.. J®ne 0. I'tiO. ts ___ v* Saddle and Harness Manufflclory. UARftF. AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF larness and Saddles, _ . whips. •• •or -AsT Spurs, • *G*3UI-'A * Harness Leather, p Sole Readier, ‘ v ’ ‘6t . pelting. V-- ‘ 4: ’ S’ ! m\S ® S A-e. ■ A ‘ Kept constantly on band - nad for sale, at The Maim- • factorv f # T *c I.ITTI.E. : v Harness and A.ddle REPAIRING pronijftly at tended to. * • ■■ ■ m- ® ®y ’ • BoblfeTrß^cd^s! ® 4 CHOICE LT OJ BOOKS. FROM THE BEST A Authors, in store andMbr sale, to which-the attention of La -9. ntlemen isinvjfed. • •• raw&fted to the purchasers of gevernl<bjpksin the lot. • • N. G. McDONAlfDt* Thomasville#Gi Jn ■ # f J Seda Water. • *. rfAHIS DELIGHTFUL BEVER AGE, IN ITS •PER- I fection —with rhoiee Syrups —^and®sparkling commenced Drawii . I iglay for the season, at thesfcwti of the un|Lrsigned. # • kep* on land constantly, and for sale hr Mav 1 ,TB6O. • STARR. • • * THOJfASTIL LE.**,GEORGI A*. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST*. 15, 180(1* ; *= @ # F • ■ II -/ G§n m * At: tT UASKED. ® ® ® ® lit J. , ® Proud woman, with your costly dacss, • Y’ iu 1 hand- .rue fuoefy.oir tamjug eye, @ Mby do you carl your lid lip whet# ® meji? • # ® Well, gad. oratp your silken robes, [ @ ** As • * eh would leave a stain; . ~ * Ti: c. * J will nut niUtriftt thafgae Fees aught of pain. m ® ® “ ® Av. ci ‘ the yqjt may avoid m I® ® .. geeti a \tifi; ® I v * n 4 im a! you and ray E n OV. s ■ a • ® ® ® • Look cold ! look strangi • bene'er w >et, I® . m .-n fey my - “ !*. ilcr arm in mine, perchance, il one , \\ Lom yoif decide. %* ® 9® ‘ * • Ana la . eawty, with cli-elain, and ■ a-Jd who’t wug ihat birred to yoi®! • ® Look jucei nrjlv as if to*-:av, * Pi%y tell me who ? ® J J 9 list you will jut the same® ’Neath all this trimsy mockery; 9 ® I Y®ur (el-tale hearFtvill who And wiiat am I. m ® * ® (§) *\nd trembling witfi a vague unrest, ] For errors past, you’ll breathe®! sigh ; ®All! .ry willje !®isy ® ID That will not®kc/ ® ® ® ( Those other af long ngo • M ill haunt you Hke a And (also ignorance will be® ® ® $ An idle bfUst. ® # ® @ * # Forger! Ay, girl, woitid you not giro ® 4Vhole mincWof wealfti if that might be? # Eut you will always, till ymf di#, # Itenwmbei®me! • m m % ® ® ® ® rowerless! though rich, I pity you, ® I shudder lor your cheerlAs fate, ® It #.igiit have v'ejiied once ’Tis now too late! * ® Proud woman, #ith j*our cosily * ® ® not stare with scornful eye; ’Tis all assumed —you know too well* * ‘v“T ® C AIV Ntll K. . .• BY S. A. lA£. *- * I have a little, pleasalt wife, ® ® Wire nothing, nothing fucks; • Sj|eßeeps herself things abogt® m The bouse as ifeat as wax, • •® * And every thing, with taste, Seems®cdaced expressly for ® mThc pleasure of a man who long # ® lived a ® * , ®'. ® 9 lie® are white # gs milk; m * a .Jler as \®4t#as snow ; • • Her ‘slippered feet are siwall and ® B * And alw,ay#“ ou the go.” ®* She floats iuiout as if u[iborne® ®* On guiifrela.Kic springs, m’ unseed® mysterious power m itli umJ,#scovered *® e i Her #®ossy haiF is deepest brown; Her eyes a®e softly m ® ® * At 4 loving deptlis |orth m Full many a cheerful spark; itlcr srjl® Tbe*BTftft-winged,•Vo-y hoist-g, m J ® And wnat was once my darks#me way® Is radian®now with flowers® . ® ® 1 9 My linen has a glgssy white * • * * ® 9 Morifpure llan ever shone u ®on P:# ian marble* and, wh#t’s more, ’UNjere’s ne era button gone® • • She knits ma,#tockings, m ikes tSe sliirts, •And dai*Ss up#ill my rents, ■ • s® And saw- me half of trhut tfas®>nce • * 9® ® * ® ® m ®3ow, all you crusty g) . IViffi life# great Rattle sore, Go get a wife and settle down, g * Jnd phi#’ t|e f#ol no more! •Don’t beAoo ti ice— l •they're angels all#r- * 9® loving hearts and trim, • The secret is. be kind to them, ® -Vi®l be kiudjosyou.* * 9 * 99 # m The Boy PM|c!ht of lioliisiann. Mark lluatnor A lia])®iaii is now in hisjour itoenth year.® He was born iy Clinton, Louisi ana,’vtjicre hil parent.-® - till reside. About two be was received inthe chfttcdif very soon after this lie commenced instructing Jtis® fglicr’s servantsofi the aiiernoou of evetyjSab tf|ion it, ba®io# first *doscly on every passage® ® * ® Me at length began, says t writcr®to the Memphis Advocate , to in the love-feasts and then to in*the pub lic* congregation. IB* appearance is that of tlie merest boy, and be setwis wholly uncon jcious J’ any superior gifts or afjiinments.w- Jlenow jfreaches ng tlarly every Sabbath at bis father’s place, near the town. His parents havc^vei'ascd 4o allow him to enter the pulpit and supply t#e plas; of regular minister on Sabbath, although lie is often solicited to do so. He dues without permission from 1 bis He attends school and joins in all the amusements of tliosboys tff lift own age ; be is a mere child everywhere, save when preach ing. fc)n Ifst Sub pith 1 sat under his fnjiistry, and ha\ft seldoiti been more cilifiedand deliurbt- O ed with a sermftn. Il is style is chaste, ls words *fitly arid happily The nietpd grilic would ig>t # detect a grammatical ®error his manner is earnest, a® J bis pathetic appeals sreaeh®all hearts. Occasionally bis feelings ov#r- Vhelm him, and he gives way to fkiods of m 7 0 (&) J <§> lp ar s* ® The r#ost gifted lawyers, doctors t|pd divines heard him with astonishment and delimit. I confess that it is® most wonderful, and ts) When 1 heard him lie preached @ flie text* “ ye two opinieflis ? ” lie pnytche3 from ‘ notes, sometimes seeminsf t% forget that his Rotes were before ldm. His subject was arrang ed with perfect system; most logically utreated. When tl*roßgh with his sermoli he pjosed and “gave a brief and touchyig Rinder whicMi &>could, with others, but weep, liis public addresses published have attracted much and should be live, he must, n his onward course, leave a broad wake on the tide of morals. Such is the char acter of the “ Boy preacher,®’ whole wonderful precocity is* without a parallel. —A® O. CVcft cent. m rn • ® 4 # 1 “I’heit: ;ye three ways of getting rid of a false fricn® : One, by him of IMs faults ; an otber, by asking hts assistance j and the *by lending him or some great obligation upon # hira. ® ® ® ® #Tt irible Developments— An Abo/iti<m Constf racy — dui/ of Auyusfaset /A- a fpfi'i'ul ii/uui/hfer ti, th’ whitis — The pi >pfe oj IMilias sleeping with their arms in h-t*l 9 May call on thfiomcc i*co unties for A+sisinnee .m Dallas, l*exas, Juiv lG,®lS!iO. MAJifRaJoHw Marshall. —Hear sir •’will you - >me of the l j- ; s ccßmected with the htiritmg ‘ :; >. ail scheme of viilaHty to devastate the whole of Northern iTexas. ihe town of Dallas was fired on Sun day, the Mb inst., between one agM two o’clock m. The day was very hot, the thafmometei* standing at lUti F.. in thefthade, and a high southwest \vi . blowing Thg tire was first dis covered in front ofsßeak’s new drug on the west Side tfte so u>, am? continued to -j reaofki’)idly until the whole iftrth side wertf eunsutue 1, and one half of the cast siclg ; to gether with all the buildings on Main street, east of the square and west of the House, yiveral other buifelings were consumed, with the loss o! # goods, groceries, etc., iu all of them. m ® @ On Mofday,4he next day, the house of John 1 j)J. Kakens, one mile fromftown, w§s fired. On Wednc#lay, the liands#tne establishment of L. P. Nicholstn was fired, but ®diseo?ere#l in time to arrest the flames. On Thursday,athe stables, outhouses, grain and <tts belonging to Citll Mil (leif Esq., cigftt miles from Dallas, were destroy ed byjire.® All of these # were so jftiinj,y the work of ;m tneendiary, that suspicion severe ex citetT, antFsevcral lien a®hd ncfrocs were J arrested and is:denvcnt an exfmination. 9 This led to the dctectiiui of a most diabolical plot to destroy the country. The scheme was laid by a ftaster mind, and genuity. *• • # @ * It was determined b® - certain abolition preach® ers were oxpelledjkom the last year, to devaltat# 1 tirf assassination the wlije of Xorthern H'exas, # #nd when the country was reduced to . helpless genial® revolt of the slaves, aijeef by w&ite men from the North, and tgnany in*our midst, was th come oft’ on the Jay of the elivtiffii in&lugust. The object of tiring the*town of Dallas, was to destroy ay ms of the* art ill cry iofltjfflny, amunitioif and provisions knoftn to®be collected hre; to destroy [lie stores through out tite country containing® poftdei®and lead— •burn tffc: grain aud tßus.reduce this [Wortion @{ the country so a state of fitter helplessness. • When tbit was accomplished, assistance wasl eV[(feeted from Indians ana ny other*places Hav # a4readyßoean fifed : Den ton, Pilot (.Jaitp.sville, Black-” jacß (jM’uve ; some stores pn Kaufian atid Ja vurao, Wamhaehie, and other places, that 1 do* not now remember. £§oh county Ras <i Sqp’i 9*t e 11 an d a white each county is 1;l "u 1 off into cy.striots under (Jo supcrvisii#^ 1 of a whitfe man, who the ration of the ifegrocs hf that district. The.negroes are not® permittedfo doing spftere of acti*in. Many of our most promincuf citizens wefe to he assassinated whn tin®\ ittadc t-Meir f ‘Otn the burning houses.® Anifsbavoi>eeu discovered in possession #f the negroi.% t*id the whole plot revealed, for a gen eral insurrection ams civil war at the August election. I write in tfaste;#wi?sleep upon our arms, and flic viMioie country is most dcofdy ex-~ cite*]. Matr^ r whifes are implicated, wlfose jiiames® ate not\ct njjader*puini|j. Blunt and McKinrfey, the Abolition pvAchers, were cx peefed flere ®f the Jiead of a lanre force at tfori .tftne. had better issift extras containing ! these facts a®d \Tarn the Country of th%danger.s jhat W#j*are expoetinp*the worst, •an and So not know W hat an hour may fortte | Do caft for*U3. ne Rave no point ing press, an?l can do'nothing in tlujt Hlie.- 9 \Ye ifiny have to pall on th® for assistance —no#ne can t®H. AU e* citeOieift and distrust. I will w*te aacain. —T * (gj I 1 Thftre 1 ever was such times gefore. ® m • ® • •A ours, in h'lste, ®# ® @ 9 ® obarges K. Pifvon. ‘ TIIO Power of .Woney in L4(rc nn:l Politics. ® ( m Says #Magazinc: “Beta man bave®but igonev enough, and, unless he is an,, Absolute idiot,need not working Ids w;iy up to the peerage, and sitting one day on the same bench with the oldest barojjy in jangland. Be lift (frigin wftiat ft may, money wifil a fair wife. Not in Circassia only is there abrade in such connaodities. Money, in tFft* cars of a doMer less girls who has Ifeen haw Bed Reason afficr sea sifh, iYom fine watering place to another, witli #* ~ ° 1 T 11 ® out at|racting an ofrer, means diamonds, a house Jn London,,? handsome equipage, a box at (fttera, indejfcndent of pin and other Ablings lntoingli close councKtion with the pomps #nd vanities ui this wigked ftvorldftvhicli few damsel% so situated can resist. Why blame them if nester having known what love is,•never having surrendaftsd their hearts witlg totoden trembling® to the of othgrs. never tiaving been beloved or solicited! they yield to the parental solicitations and stand bedecked wuhjaces tgid orange flowerg, before * the altar, promising m the face of Godftgd man thenceforward to obey, serve, love, honor and keep# in sickness aud in health, some Bulgar millionaire of ad van ted age, in manner and in learning, is decidedly inferior to the valet wMo serveg and Je.spises hifi ? Is ®it 8 necessary to say ghat, through money, a fool can get into I&arliament famnore yjisily than the ® wisßst man of the age, ft be that the latter @ is deficient in purse ?” • ® ®-9 9 t Hai ti IIIIIIA without Ice. § Ttohavc 3eligtftfully hard hutte| in sunftner without ice, tlge plan recommended by that ex- Pcellent and useTyl publication, the Scientific® American, # is a good one. Put a trivit, or any opeg) flat thiyg with legs, in a sau<sr; put on* this trivit the plate of butter; fill the®saucer with wa|cr; turn a#coimon flower p#^‘upside down oyer the butter® -0 that itftedge shall h% within tl?e saucer and under the water; plug the the.flower £ofc*with a*cork, then drench the fiower-pyt with water,®set it in a pluce®un?i! molnmg, or if breakfast tRe butter willlAt very hard by supper time:® ltftw. of our town Übarding school* girls, *vhft kawe been learning pihilosophf, astjpnomy, tax and jijpsody fc can an explanation of * this within#a month? . _ i ft w Kef urn ©s* the Thtj* l Pnlrstine. To the studeßt of the Bible and J’huPeh his gtory there MV few current subjerts s*rbi®g irtcrsst or of tieopor significance tln s the cwe&fli now®ilmost fi)lv ( transpiring, which point to*the %o-pos&saion by®the jew| of their |s>wn find* Iho tide ed‘ pijpgress, aftcren lapse , oUcem items. maw belaid to turned in that ®Ureee> >n, and ] iver K>nlt offered by tlvat chosen but now sea tiered people, that ‘‘Jpdah D#y be gave and and Esreal dwell secure ly, ppdthat the Redeemer may come to ZionJ’ is lni-'lening- to fultftlftient. The i Multan of lurkcy is encouraging Jewish emi gration yf J bfiesune, and is off to sell thefn @&S much land as tfeey eh K eto buv. afßl it is sgid has even expressed his willingsess to * l‘%' e °f tlft M <[ue of Oiimrla |hem®which, it will ‘ e recollected, stands n; n the very site of the Jewish Temple on Mouift Moriah- This Mosque is one ot the •! ihommcdan’#ftn st ftlebraftc and shrines, beiiffp scarcely infefior in natitfial imjfbrtance to those of Mecca jyid -Ug tkina. Pol ticians and statesmen look upon these ii<yiie§tion.s as a Jegitimafte consequence ; g of th* liberalising influence of Mahommedan j intercourse with (tiristi#ns®and so they may ijhP to tlie reader of the yet® unfi£filled 11 Revelation tlioy also point to wliufe as it respects® thogjJewfth nation,®* prophets anu hsvedong f’aite# fill* *■ but dfed withoiCt tlift sight.® TJat t®ie M'.-sqite@of Omar should be in a fair way into @ thc®bands off tlie people to Afhose fathers th site on v.hicle it was one® give® in an overlaying cove n;yit what no readeipof* see lar history, fifty years ago, could even have drgamd would cv” cr cometo pifts. Some of thcjiills around Je rusalem! hafl already become JeAysli property, and it is by niftmeans improbable® that some of the present generatftm will see the entire city of Jerusalem again in t’#e hands iff its®n®ent Ow ners. That might® revolution will folldSv in the wake §f such an event is probably as cer tain as that the Jews will retugifat all; at all events, affairs in thft immtdidiatc regio# of the Jftist ißust ere l&igjoecomc an engrossing t atft(#ig tiie nation*® of the erth. — PiFlle® Frets. ‘9® ® ® ® A Great Will Ci#‘ in Aofi!i C nrolina—One Hundred .\egrocs S<g Free. The Ifedell (N. Excess @ states tfutt ease o# Sglotmyidall's will occu|%R® the SS- # perior |3ourt oT that couHty eight day§, anj wfts finally compromised after the |urj lu@l re tired. Mr. Hall had rnadea will one i hundrqj ne§jocsand other s>vofk.Tty t<g his oflly ’ child,® daughter, who afterwards Carried 3tr. Netty against. hisowisl*,; vjieieup&i lie made® an#t|ic r will, leaving®his negteies free, and h av ing most of his property to tfiem. The suit sas to set aside tluf* last An hour after| * the case had tlie jury® Mrs. oonnsel proposed to reoi?i@e thirteen thousand doll us and two thousuftd dollars w 1 1 ih the j wfd gave lie®; the estate t(f pay tlffc coftit cost, eigßt liy|idred dollars, she to §ay yer nve thousand dollars. ‘J lie proposition was accepted. Tlj negroes @ will be sent to Liberia. ®Tb# fury stood ®nine amvnstgand three fur tli wi^l ; feut it is said®the Judge would set aside the-vgrdiet it tend been against thcfewi*!. #* —’— ® @ ® A Scene in the House pi I.orUs. •* *VMliat a pagean&ofe eplenddr and o r fas lfqfe® presented l m Ti.e floor of the House was palmed wifes, and ters of @ the peers in,.Tull dress,® leaving only a narrow space in the cffttre,®which nßts occupied ( by peters and bishops in their scarlet®robes.— he entire g#Hcp’ which tlie was filial with a row of elegafitly-dresslid ladies, only broken by @ a line oi® f> the benches, on% rising above the other, filial with la-., ®lies. I’rcsently Ihe® trumpets stmnit, the nabthatlhS Queei®fe approaching. ® She leaves the palace magnificent b'fate Carriage, ditetvn by eight Titu cs, attended J)y her and hot%Jtold officers in cai® riagtes little less sumptuous thaiPher own, escort- ( igl by the #!l mounted® on noble black tiorses, the whole cortege forming a mag nificent spectacle! ]fi alighting from the car # ® O O _ viage htr Majesty’s Jbot presses an eleeme wire, which fives a cannon 1?i the park. Tfie gisher of the.golden rod*gives dsignal and sud denly every mdy in the hoi#e rises and t'nfov® oil’ her more beautiful revelasioig can hardly be imagined, surely not described. ° ® ® ® m Wrong. Some of the®Breckon ridge papers sft*t that the American party of Gelt-gia, ftassed resolu tiftns hcretoibig t#at to Oppose the Kansas bill was to oppose the rights of the South, and that opposition to tlie repeal of®tTic Missouri Com promise is to tRe South. The charge is false.; and ks tjie gentlemen <%h/ read and publish tliS; resolution alluded to, they®will xic % thf.Mii.: dves, and enable®thegr readers al- @ so to see, t]*at thir statements are untrue*— jJ,olm Bell agaiifst glic Kansas bill for good and sufficient reasons!and Ave honor him ®lbr it; <Sf bis views conflict with aay resolution ever passed @ by (Ric American^ Opji#- tion or Constitutional Union party of G*orguP.® His encftiies i® untrutlftl'ully dragging dmt he voted against the repeal of Missou ri restriction, and in favor of the oill*o.sup gress the ,4avc trade incite JRstrjct. ®There isg not a A\ftird of truth in the charge noT is tlfere an!®in the standing assertion ot’ the Savannah News and other presses tlat® ERivard 8 vttedfor resolutions in favor of abolishFhg sla very in th^ in faA’or of prohibition of the iuter-State slave aneb , against, ihft admission of any more Statoe* into the Union. ® m a s’ Jt is frequently® remarked that the ilegrgia Union Convention, # May indorsed the Murm on Aviiicli Breekenridge aiß.l Lane* Avere 8 The asscrtftm ft not true ;® and those who make yie assertion will prove th?m selves in the vang platforms, sale* by side. — Aug. Chronicle &* Sentinel. # *• @ ® The Trighieued. ® m ®--V ‘Jersey Greely on the 25th ult; that tlrtye were puly about three thou sambßeil men in New Jersey® the 27th there waa mass meeting of Bell men at the •j village (fMladdonfit'ld, Numbering yten thous ands voter?. Soften thcfti.fand in two days —at tlfat rate, there will notlie tAvo hun dred Abolitionist£*in flic State ou the day ot eleclion. * * * ate 9 a m m ® •# W 9 # * • ® S*rKßJis,Tn’o nvMARs, ( lit AdinncCi s ® Abolition IVtit ii>ni. Tlic Bonocratic I>i'my on journals raise their ha* N in holy horror tjpcaiuP John lJell spoke # a¥, footed in favor of Abolition peti ty,>ns. John P. Kin", formerly Denftcratio Senator in (in£T?-=s from Georgia, and Wm. It. “, !>• mocratiPSi natoriff Congress yaina, yid the thing, ami was afterwards votej !®r and and by the Demo cracy, \ ice Preridfnt of the United States. — In support*®of i et vote, Hon. John I*. King said: ® • “The simple ri-ht of pejtion was tlft most Ijarifless and inoffensive oil all rights, if it be properly treated. It enforced nothing and ef fected nothing butgiwliat government thought ®prm vto yield to it. The peaceable exercise of the riylif, howcvilri idly -empftyed, could rarely be productive of mischief, though it tfcighr sometimes be evidence of mischievous intention greatest danger was in impru •dently and unnecessarily opposing ft.® * ®® * “He had receive a petition to^tbolisli slavery iu Georgia? ® lids was # strong an#improbable case: but he find answered and would still an ’ © © swear, that bedouin feel bound to do sg.” * * ® ® ;: ® :: ® “To refuse to receive, denied the right of being heard. To receive, and re ject the yrayer of the petitioH, gave the privi* lcge#)f a hearing, and the judgementriof the the question.” ® # ® • Ifon. AV. R. King, afterwards Vice President of the l iPted States, fo%whoin many voted who now denoting John#Bell fora similar vote, spoke as follows: “Te re#eption @ of the memorials was so strongly imposed upon his tobeWhe only true policy, that<Jie could not resist the obliga tion of duty# which impelled 1m to u®ge the® to pursue thatacourse# @ * * * The l ight of petition wfs admitted on all hands to he u:®‘ of tke¥*ost sacred inherited from our ancestors.” m ® ® * Mr. present President® elected also Iff® the Uemoctucy, slid®the th Jig, ! and of the twenty-two Southern Senators who** voted, twelve voted for the reception, incfhding „ Benton, Brown, Cfiiyf (jHayton, ®Crittcnden, Grundy, Jvent, King, of Ala., King, of and Natgjtin. @@ ® ®in a letter written to George B. Gil -1 mer, of Georgia, in io4o, giving his vfews ou the reception of these petitions. usd& the following language: ® ® ® ® # ® “ @ My opinon®srasfjhat wluwhcrlhe petition ers had right oif fheir side or not, stkrud policy* dictated the reception rcu*®nce of their petitions. ®I believed that any unuteftl course in to thefh, would impor toffee , to the movement of the abortionists, furnish ’ n#v® ground sfor ’agitation, rather increase < the exirting%xstement than jdlay if.” * \\ lA.rhfc vote lor tlie#e- option ancL refer i#ige of Abolition pefttions, by footing for wn|. R. King for V ie® President, a ild for James Buchanan for Pres id opt, the* press, leaders have *-. , domed such a course, and if They condemn it condemn yiemsclv#. ®ln the language or Mr. Bell, ft was “.fbuncPpolicy ” to <]p as kc did, ant in this, as inthi* again s| tlu*>Ka*sas- , Nebraska bill, he evinced the far-seeing sagac ity of the true statesman. It is such “man— one who@seel?s to* ‘^aUgy '® ratiftr crcato tli# existing excitement”—that need now at the head of® our and we the ftgbple will come up, as passing indicate they support John®Bcll and* Edward EverStt, as one man, hlkrly gmd will, and®ekpt tSern. ® ®®® ® • ® • |Wi llitli-n 1 of .Uajo? BrccUrnri<l|j[. g Major t>reckenridge®is JLksutionist, and® ie will if we not, manifest his devo tion Uniog By® uniting with Unioif prty. BVftdofit, of course, iic *Hghtest inti y,iatiou from # who might be sifpposed to spqpk by authority fordiim —we nevertheless eutertmnjke suppo sition that he will withdraw Jmnn the contest mafic weeks from tbfk dates By thus acting, the advocates of squatter sovcreignty®will be complet'dy%eclionalized. step in this direction icas%>lecnat Trenton. & The withdraw al of Bre Aen rid go will® change the whole as- of iiffairs. Bell c(Bne to thc*central States with a nftited South —one hundred and twenty electoral vdtes —an (k •Pennsylvania and Nefv tbu'rsey alone crown the victory.— The friends®of in the if we mistake not, prefer tin* ascendancy of the Constitutional Union party, the restoration of the Democratic party with the squatter sov ereignty plank inextricably incorporated in its phgTorm. They cannot extract it, nor remove Douglas Jr on J, a ltd they* will sink it. But t i.ev will net sink it—and they will rise with riie r&w.PARTY, which proposes nothin” inimi cal to Southern lights and South ei#i honor—nor to the honor of other section. And tli# is VATRiOTi^P.-*-Southern Monitor. • • Auotiivr Itgiuunrr thr Author of “ .Tlnjor ® Joiya ” Ac. # The Hominy jfeics, its readers with full @ind minute particulars of an alliance said to have been foamed tritween ofrilcli and D<Jbg las in ?• tstate. It is a sort of scquelrio its recent. , fiction upon t^e # fusion of the two parties in the nomination of an electoral ticket, though in the se-* i cond the theatre for the execution of the treaty is slrify.‘d from the Convention to the ture. Both parties are to vote for Douglas or Bell, trie authors imagination not being equal to the task of telling which, amkJohnson or Hill, is to go to the j Senate, according as presidential of the • <?ontract shall be carried ojt. This is the story • whiel® for ; lias conjured up for the of his rend , er® and Bell are begiyiing to haunt his • dreams even worse than the Pkig Uglies and Dead Rabbits®did befor", through cheer compassion, we triglitened them away# AVe have only to add, serjpusly, that if there is OT W P :irl ' c ' 10 °f irutli in the statement of the Tews, . or if such a thing has e¥er been proposed by any body®but the editor liimself.®it failed to come to oi*’ krjpwledge. Tb¥ Bell and Everett men of Geor gia seek no compromise, and no alliance, except with tltfc people. They intencPto dominate an out-an-out Union, Bell Ad Everett ticket in*lugust, and'they expect to •carry it triSnipuautly at J|he polß> in Iso vember. — Sat. Republican.* .. • f ® • • • *• •• * *-* Forty coTmties of Pennsylvania # have*been already organized for Btdl and Everett, including •some thal had nqJ;ilftnor? organization in 185 b, 1 and the work goes bravely on. A ratification meeting kasjieen failed at Lancaster. •.• V • NO. 10,