Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 18??-1889, August 22, 1860, Image 4

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SAVANNAH CARDS. • • ® ; -■ RillL.V A S>II I I|. • TACTIBS AO immi lEICIAITS. a SWA.NNAIf.ifoV.. WILL GIVE THEIR I Nf) 1 \TDED°,fTTE\Tfo)N® if to the Sale of Cotton ,-md <'thv# Prcrtnre consigned to and proopUy till drifti Rops, and other Family *BI ® at nt prices. • .: I3f T wenty years experience in the Fact>fjf_*e Jlusi ness, indfi’ .-s Im® to tier, with cOßfideaee, their ssr vices uuhi- I’lan't-i# • N.nfot-rn Georgia and Florida. HARDWICK & CO.N ’ : FACTOfiS m CiJISSI IBCEfSTS, „ Btv Street. u SWAN X A HjiEt >RG IA H f. HAUDU UK, \V®K. M VSSHELD, C. C. #ARDVVICK May 23, tfBP. ® °° 0m ‘ HENRY- R CHRISTIAN,” ‘ AM EEIISSiIYIIMT, SAVANNAH, G,m Rt fen, by permission, to — ® M ° Hiram Roberts. President Merchants and , @ Planters Bank, L K. Test, Cashier S(stte Bank of Gt-uryia. [- Savannah. . Britrham, Baldwin 5c Cos., O. Cohen &Cos Wilder. Wl#-atoife>k Cos. J . 0 f CASH AD\ Aylfiy M ADE to i*v friends m Boston, New York® aad Baltmon® Orders for IManterf Suppln ? filled on reasonable terms. May 1860. * lv @ WM. H. BURROUGHS. ® THO(# H® >1 A^W^Ll.® ® W.H. 11. in RRQi <;ifo Jt CO., i) @ ® 9 O 1 GENERAL * CCIv i 8Q • , mu. M’S, No. 97 Bav Street,® „ • ® _ SAVANN A IKG LORD lA. _ . ° Oomifiasion on Upland Cotton 50 cts. per bale. May 30,1 Stiff ® 4j* William Dubcax, ® ° Jas. 11. Joy nsto.v. i .. DUNCAN & JOHNSTON, Cotton Factors CcifjmU.sio.) hlci'cffiroi.?, SAVANNAH* GA Refer to Messrs. E. Remington iV Son, Donald Mefoan, ♦h i., R® li. Evans, -Esq., B. F. llub.v:. Esq., Col. A. T. April 25, 1860. *• * *Gni DAVANT & LAWTON, ’ . * FA CTO lIS, SAVANNAH, .*. *.*...•..GEORGIA. QLTPLIES PCRCH AM;i) FREK DECOMMISSION for I'lSbters, whose Produce we sell. Casl,advance made to Plan#rs ; Spring and Sommer, on the Crop of thifeenauiiig Fall. . It. J. Davaxt, Jifo ° E. 1\ Lawton. ap 11 • o , Mv KINGS & BAKER, ® Factors * :v sj||iißjji'jf tmntu ■ ANf) . * FORWARDING AGENTS, @ • SAVANNAH, GA.. . • • Commission fi* Short St.VJile Ciifilon,.so cts. per Wale. HIcL. KING, *We fl. BAKER, . F. ICING. * luh 10 ® w • . ® >y *"TISON ’& gorMT: # ° COTTO\ FACTORS . * AND KINESIL COMMISSION mm r ®’ 96 Bay Street; Savatmah, Ga. „ .. Rrfei to MAsrst 0 “E flieniin’gfiin & Son, • J *N McKinnon & Co 4 Col A T Mclntyre, * ThompsiUi & Pfttm%n, Major E R Young, °llayes, Holloway so Cos, Hon JII Whaley, Thomas G illitclieU, Esq, Dr D S Bramlon, Wia C Mitchell, * * nih 24-Iy • - . rr-t JOHN WIN®, “ • Architect And Practlral liiiilf!F, ® THOMASVILLE, QA.. . . Respectfully informs the?inhabitants • of Thomas and adjacent Counties, tlint, he inlands devoting th<>greater *jioi*tioif of his time to tli* Architec turftl jiart of his profession, the I )rawing of Plains, Elevations, Sections, Detail Drawings, PersjieetivQ Views J* of Intended Building#, Specifications, 1 lilts of ‘Lumber,* Estii§ates of Cost, Ac.; a*d in soliciting patronage from L a discriminating public, refo;iV to # * wgll knftwn aliilities i in the above bufoneft,°as being the best recommendation, , but would refer to Uie following gentfmneu 0 Xlfbift* asviye: ‘ The Honorable Inferior Court of Thomas Coifnty. . ® E. Remington &. Son,* ® Robert H. Hardaway, Esi*., . o , A. T. Mcliitrte Esq., John W. Tl. Mipdien, Esq., )- o THonaisville,.G J a. Yfiias. 11. Remington, Esq.! ° *, Rev. James M® * Thomas Jones, Esq., ) * “ * . o . The Honorable Inferior ft#art of Brooks County. John W*)Spain, Esff, 4 ~ * Wra. so Bowen, Tfoq.. o > yrooks Couftty, (Ta. fVarietv Works.) J . “ * • I J. Ksq.J )v, ~,* „ , T. Bl&ktliefc, Bsq., Ga.* . - . April 18, 1861). ts # The .Clark* Plow. * . This flow isAiomdig up fi:c,ly to the i pecL°tions of the inventor. Those who have ! 5 fried it are perfectly satisfied filial it is the best cul-* tivator ihoy have ever ijsedt Willia*n°:V. (’Srr, Esq.®, a large plainer oft” Lake Jadfcson in thisqLeon) couo ty, and a thoroughly practical ftiraier, writeg as follows concerning it: 0 “ * The Simplest tinrt Cheapest Plow of the A>je. ! . ?, the undersigned, have Witnessed with more than ordinal®- iuterefit tlie ejfliibition-fof the PLOW , recently patented to fi'. B. CLARK, of Tallahassee. Florida. “Col. JOSEI’R 11. ALSTON has purchased the patent for this Plow, for the States of Georgia 0 aud Alabama. Having used it, 1 unhesitatingly pro nounce it one of yie 4 best Plows I have efttr seen. It is simple and cheapen its construction and caik he made by the commonest IW icksmith. *„ * WILLIAM A. CARR. Dr. Alex. B. Hawkins and George W. Scot*—tlie 6 first a.planter near TalHlhassee and the latter oaeof 5 our mo|t enterjwising both emiftent ly°practical men who know 0 whereof they spealt— I have signed similar certificates. ‘ Me clip the above fr*m tin* Tallahnsso* Floridian and Journal, to %how what estimate is placod upon Til© C 1 ci l’ Ijl !P 1o w ® ‘AT HOME. ® We mentioned last week that JOSEPH £l. ALSTON had purchased ftie right for this Plow for Georgia and Alabama, and that lie was then in Tfiiomasville for the purpose® of selling County Rights. He is ° gone out into other sttrtions of Hie State, but Messrs. SiN IFT & LOWR4 are his duly constituted agents in will make alt necessary , ri rra nP menta with purchasers. They have oue of ie l lows at their shop and will takoo,pleasure in ■ Jflle" 1 * P ' r,o? “ , "*s w nil Mho desire 10 nr * Mnlcl, 26, iB6O. .. * • „ p4 _„ m> , James M.G rav ’ • “'“r ■***"■ - ■*. ‘ munity that he still con- tinues his busines at his OLD STAND, ® “ In the Batch. Clock anti A ’’ Jewelry - ttepairing Lino. ? >- . : • ile also keeps constantly on hand Watclits, Jewel ry, Gold and Steel Pens, Watch Guards, &c. for sal®, •_ ® • Also the DEPOSITORY of the Florida Baptist Convention, where Books can be fought at ■ life same price they can be purchased at refail in anv of the publishing houses, and among which are Bi bles, Testaments and Psalms, Hymn Books. Theolo gical, Denominational. Literary%nd Sunday* Schooli Books, &c. Also all new apublications worthy* of notice can be had here as soon as they are out, W. X. CHAUDOIN, Corresftcnding Secretary JAMES M. GRAY, Agent Depositary. / Thomasville, Jan. 28, 1860. ® ts “ * • ’ * . |w| ‘mm J . If ."M‘Kinnon- & Co’s. °\A L are now® receiving <?ur Winter ,| j o l a Stock of GOODS, To yhich we iijvite tfie attention yf all who wish jjood articles at * * • Small j?l*bfitS| * • ParticiihirFf those * * . WHO : SOY WITH. GASH.. Come vonr moo%{ and yoiftmn it tfi advantage, kt order to induce more „ J-'CASII- SALES,. w o • / wedtave.detormined to. make a larje discount, to BtlYE'Rg.’ \* Come and sec. (kir Stock embraces* L ilies’ Pres# Goods .and Trimmings, of all Hie recent s’tylej, p fb ilfs,“Talmas, Collars, Lace Gcrtxk. IslTavfls Head Dresses, Flannel? and Opera Flannels; ml a fi*y assortment of Ladies', Misses’.and gentlemen’s Hosiery and Ydovoi. • Also Kerseys. Linaeys, “Tickings, 4)snaburg*, Brown aiuf Bleaehe'TShftetyigs iflid Shirtings. 0 o The Ladies ar*i ptitticularly invited to exa tyine our goods. • ; ‘ • • SHOES, Out stock is larger thaif evei'Tieforg, and comprises Men’s® Yeftith’s and Bay’s Boots . * „ do do “ tlo Boot® I .do do (so CSlf and Kip * .* * of all stylej, °* o Ladies", iNHsses’ and Children’s Siloes, in all „gradcas, styjes afld qualities. 0 • . * We pafftculajly inxfltejhe see our t’hil <adelplia Made *hoef, being far siiperior to any ever before o’ffered foj sale in J’hhmasyille. ©LOTTOS®, • • •’ . A Junndsomg assortftient 9f well made Clothing, con ♦ sisting of Over Coats,* (“oats, Pants, Yesis, T^mas, etfi. et\. * * *. urn . * A full assortmenC of *nll styles amt qualities. . #RO‘QiBIKv i’abacco, .Sugar* Coflee, Liquors, Cigars, Oils, etc. 1 Bagging,* Hardware. * •* . . *. * To,Cotloit Spllcim# ’’ *. We will pay fair prices for Cotfof?, in* trade or at all timss. Those idebted to us and tfioteVho wish ti get good prices for flicir Cotton in trade, will ftnd us ready to verify our assertion. .Bring in yo*ir*Co'lton. . * * • • J. >i. McKinnon & act. . °Thoma’sville, October 22, 1859. . * “NEW FIRM • lIJE WOULD jespact full v* inform the comni*inity W jjiaf.j. .W. LIGHTFOCST. haj bought .out interest of Mr Lowry Johnson* in the late firm of*Liglitfoot* & .fohnson, vryF the undersigned will nflxv carry on the business at the.old sfcimß We •hall sell mostly for CASH, and will ‘make the interest of those jvlio may favor u$ Vith their tradb, as xve sell at a small advance. * ’ * We* hav*; on hand, anfi will be‘receiving article.*, flt different periods* as/olloavs: * 0 • Salgratus . . ‘ • TrCaip Tartar * . Saltpeter Vhyme . Bjat;ck, . * Soap Totash Nails • . Tobacco * . * Sugars * • Teas . 1 2 Bacon Coffee” * > Spices 0 a • I 7 lour * •Ginger l -. flSft r/WyQ * “Candy • Pepper ; ¥§k. * “ Onions Allum rs TSvrup * . Cheese ‘-S-a * i’Owdcr ® • Butte# # Lead * ► . Pickles * . Shot “Sage . - * Snuff ** * * C. Oil- ‘ . llicfli * * Salt • • • .Crackers . Caadies # * * Sardines, Tinagar ® . _ ‘Fisti,* Potatoes * . *. Drieand * .* . Camera,?, ToggtJier with a variety of other c. C. will att.end.and take* alftirge of L llie basiness. . .jy 2o “ T..J. &J. W. I,IGHTFO r T.® Nov/ Store in T^iomasville 11. Wolff. ■& Hi’..,. * • Having hpened {kTiew * . . DRY-GOODS. EMPORIUM, o Next door to JohrfStar^, . \ RE now receiving and. will Tie constantly rec^iv- II ing a large stock of nil kfnd*of Dry. SRifile ami Fancy Gomh, Ready Ma*de’Clothing,Boq,ts, Shpes, Hats; LADIES’ SHAWLS. MILAS & BBHIfS o HOSIERY, CUTIJSRY TOBACCO, 3e t] >• -s, *-M(q‘l cj)cs jclrili'l], And many othcY articles too irtimerous to mention. 0 °As xve nave been a long time in th% business* we flatter that we have, and are i*ow selecting as elegant.a Stock 4f V.’vods .Vscan bbjiad, and wil!.sell as cheap a* ‘such goods can be bought in any Soutlieru-market. * We *i - e prepared to compete with any Mer chant South in prices 0 , and therefore say to yoft all, come and examine our stock before purchasing ol#c wherc. H. W©LFF, Fcft 4, 1860. c , N. WOLFF_ *— ° o A Gtfod BSargrain IS NOW BEING OFFERED°IN TII.DJ.ARGE AND well knoAvn House and Lo[, situated in the tofivn of°Fletcherville, and fofm- $ iTfa* etly occupied by P. P. S*utii fts a Boar ding House and Hotel. There nr* teti good, comfortable oms and fire-plaPes® good out ♦buildings, all urtv. and plenty garden ground, with <jood staT>le“s, all conveniently arranged an® well a°d aptyd to Boarding House or Hotel purpose* terms’ easy and given at any time to suit the purchase*. • “LSr fuvtlifA- particulars, apply to W. J\ HUBERT, on the premises. 4>r call at fire store formerly occupi ed by Rev. H. TV. Sharpe, aia.l apply to the owner. ,BENJ.‘F. IR’BERT. Tbomasyille. Agril 1859. • ts Leather, X^°ehtlie^.° OAK AND HEMLOCK SOLJI, LEATIJER — Harness and Bridle Lea. Her, * Hame String and Upper Leather,* Oil •Tanned Lacing Leather, e Leather, * • Calf Sljfhs, Lining Skins, * * keA Jitd Skins, , * an<l Horwe Hides, * HwiUe ‘bv° n ia ” an<l f M F r a r le ’ °Pl** si,e <be .Market April liaptlst T>APTIS-P History: Baptist Denomination- The- I > odocia, and several other works bv • ’ thors; for sale V” * E. R E MING TON SACKS extra Rio Coffee,* Towter, L7ad®and fJyJ Purcussion Caps ; forale by * e P 17 *’ B F HUBERT. • w - O Pn E IU XDRED DOLE ARS ° n.EWAITD. FROM Mi’ PLANTATION’iN MAD ison County, Florida, on the night of the 17th inst , fl. B-s in gro boys. Keuben, Thomas*and Solomou. . I ha\*e ever%ivason to Relieve that -ome whitg manftas been Simpering anti I will give the above re word for evidence to convict the acoonaacl %nd ft it JeSv esv to me. * Description. KF.l’BElf is black, about .six 0 t six inehe** high, weighs about two hundreti •p'*mds. between 30* and 35 years old, vbe|spoken to drops his head ana stammers a little. hasg>n oneeleg a lad defective spot, and wears a kndmbet sA-venteen shoe. ® • • THOMAS is black, ak*ut five feet four or five “inches • high, ahoid 45 or 50 years old, weighs abOnt l*js or 150 pounds speaks v^ixquickly wheifspdkei*to,tmd has tSe * brogue of the South Carolina ric<^segro. * * Si >IdJMGN.iS about 21 oj 22 years old, weighs about 150 or 160 pounds a vary flye Igokisg boy, \gith snootk sle*;k gnd before lie leftjiad dianv bruises on his Rodv,eagst-d by a mgje running away withMim, iu.waft ingb swings himself about, and when standing is in , elined to be knock need. # .The* are supposed to he making* their way towards Jacksonville dr Fenauidina. I will pay o suitable re ward for the confinement of these bo*s in some safe jail, * or t'<<* their delivery to me at my on. o three Yules below Whiddm’s fcefry on the Am illa river, je 27-lm • JAMES A. LINTON. The Madison MbssAiger will ple.iae copy one* moeth and forwansaigount to this office. PIEORGIA, Tbonia| f ount). V* Superior Court , June Term, oISCO. ANSA E.®FOSTER ) • vs. * > Libel for Divorce. * WILLI Ail FOSTER.) • ! . The Sheriff b&ving returned that the Defendant Sgfhe above stated case is no* to be found in the county,’and it furtl’er appAtring by the affidifVit or I’. N. Viclu*s*that Defendant is without the limits of the State of Georgia— ?i is. hit motion dfdered liy the Court, that the *aid ]>ef*ndant appeal and answer, at tile next Term of this JJourt: else that the case be considered in default on De fendant, aifdlhe Plaintiff allowed to proceeih ° I And, it is further odered - that this Rule be published 1 once a nionii, for four months, in one of th Public Ga ! zettes of the town of Thomasville. . o McINTVRE A YOFJs'i*. For Plaintiff.* Grouted, . A4 G. 11. IIANSELL, Judge S. C. S.*D* A true JS;tract faun the minutes. • . ** j afly l inlni LEBBE4 S PER LB, D. Cl’k C. SHEBIFF’% SALES. WlkL BE * Al/’ sold before the Courthouse door, in the t%v*n of Mag. liolia, Clinch (*ugntvj*on the first Tuesday in kIIPTEM BLR next, within thejawful hours of sale, the following | property, to-wit: . # • One lot of land, number nt known, but known as tin* plaeeV'hereon AVjJliam W. Corbitt, now lives,gidjoiinig; lands ot NeWsoai cenbiining four hundred’and ninety acres, more or less, Awell'infyrdved,) lvigu* an d being seventh district of orhginally Appling*now < Clinch county, Jcvied as the property ot \\ ifli.nn W. Corbitt Jo say sfyaone ii fa *ssueu fr9m Clinch Superior Courf, m favor of John I. Clough .vs WilTfani W. Cor bitt; property feinted out by plaintiff's attorney. Jul f atgl* • SHiyUEL TIMMERMAN, Sheriff. KEtOOKm |HEBIV#>I SALES.—WiII be sold .before tlu* Court house doos in Quitman, Brooks 1 County, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN SEPTEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, the I'ollowfng ®i)rup ertv, Wo ‘*it: * ’ , . l*our i*egro slaves: John, :f marpthirtv years old; John a boy jixksen years did ; George, a man twenty seven ywhrs old* Sealy, a wfgfian tweiifb years old; levied on a* the property of Kincheic Radford “to satisfy sundry* fi fas in !n\*nftnas —ISllson \Y. Jlarris*\s If, Radford, &i*l Flchry Radford security, and otlm-rs; property point ‘ <?tl out bv K. lisdferd, defendtyit in fi fas. August 1, 1800. * ; A. S MIT IF, Sheriff. . . A<hifHs(iißui'\ Sylo. \f*REEABLE TO ,\Y ORDEi OIJ THE f'OURT* of Ordinary of Lojvndes county, will he sold before the Courthouse door, in the town of Valdosta,.on the first *in .\gigust next* within the le4'al hours of sale,*” the 4'olfowiqg property, t<*wit: Fine Inspired acres yf ♦and, more or less, m the nortii east corner of lot No. 150, lyiiKgJn the 10th district of Lowndes counts. Georgia, belonging to the estate of Jacob Liiglsey, deceased. .Sold fo* the. benefit of the heirs afld creditors. Terms made knAvrti oil the day ofwsale. •• % je 20-40d WILLIAM WISE NBA KER, Aflm’r 4 D tmiN l it ATOIOI SALE.—be sold on J~\ Tuesday tjy 7th day of August, at, thy Courthouse ig TTirtipasvillp, the dwelling houSe and fouiiteen acres of land att.uJied, belonging to Rie estate of r l'. B° Davies, deceased. • •. ** ° • Alss, at ihe s:itne tiine and place, Seventeen lots in town off Thomasville. . Terms, tynall notes, with afjprft-ed secuflty, pavafile. Ist Janp;i*y nfxt-*-if not punctually paid to We’dr interest from date sf sale. • E. SEIXAS, Adm’r. * Tlymaßvillg2fet Jnfte, 1860. . .je 2h-6t *• • (.1 i:B(414, THOMAS COUNTY. * . Court of Ordinary, June 21, IS6O. * Whereas, HENRY AJ.nEX, tiiisßay, by been'duly appointed Admin**!rotor ad Gol/e^cftdurn on the estate*)!’ Daniel*H. Dean, deceased, of saiil county— • All persons are, therefore* lirt-ehy notified .to file t heir olip in said Court; otherwise Petflianent Letters of ArimiiiiStration* on%aid estate,.will he granted and issued said applicant, at a regular Term us said Court, to be held at s tne Courthouse in J'homasvijle oiFtl-*lirst Mon day iin August next. * • • je 2*-30a IIENRY. U. TOOKE, Ordinary. CTATe AF'OEORGIJL, Con my. * ‘ AT • * , * . Court of Ordinary, May ]7, IStio. Wliereas, JOHN Mclvl\NOX. Executor of>staty and last Will an 4 Testanagit ofololm McKiifhon, seniiyj-, deceased,this day maket applicati<*i. l*y petition, to this. Qouvt for letters rtf Dismission and it final discharge from. ‘ said Executorship— o * • < Alt persons inicstcd are, therefore, hereby notified to file their objections iit said Court, uny they hay ; oth erwise said letters will be granted issued so said ap plicant at a regular Termor said Court, to he held at the Courthouse in Thomasvule, said county, on tlie second Monday in.. January neat, •• * my 23-Jim HENRY 11. TOOKE, Ordinary? FillAJ’K <jF IfS ITliomnx Contily. , Court, of (Ordinary, May 13, 1860. Whefeas, GEORGE W. A JNO. W.II.MITCHELL. Executes of til? estate and last will ag*l of Nathaniel R. Mtclell, deceased#of said county, this day make applicatiwi, by petition. 6?>*tbis Court for letters ci*‘ Ii sndssinn fvoin said of said estate — ‘jUl pefisou,-. interested are therefore hereby notilieii’to < filejbwir objectionfiPin said Ctrttrt, if tiny they have; oth erwise said letters of Dismission will l<n*granttal to said applicants, at a Regular Term of said Court, to be held at the Courthouse in Tigußasville, said county,“on the Se cond Monday in Januai t next, may lfi-6m II. TOOKE, Ordinary. f \ EORGIA, TIIOIIAS.©OXXTY. \J4 .** ‘ rj of Ordinary, July 2, 18G0. Whereas, JOSIAII GROOVER, as Administrator with the Will annexed, on the estate of Moses DaniiA, deceas ed, this day. by jictition, makes this Court for lettei* of Dismission from said a<jpunistnition <ai said estutc— \ , All persons iEt#i-ested are, therefore, hereby notified Fo file their objections in said ('yurt, if any they have to said letters being granted; otherwise said lettcrs will be* and issued at afiregular of said to be la id at tlie Courthouse in Thomasyille, said counyt, on • tig) second Monday in January next. . i jv 114>m o lIENRji 11. TOOKE, Ordinary. lOST-Jn tlie town of Quitman, on thefiJth of Jum?, J DGO, a promissory nnOe One Hundred Dollras, ” made ftayable to the undersigned, d;ftciF June 13, 1859, and signed by William Smith. I forewarn uR persons from trading for said note. _ a July 11, 1809, 3t JQIIN McMULLEN. GEORGIA, BROOHM COACVTY*. # 0 To all XVltom *if may Concern- BfeRRY ANDERSON ami JAMES McM ELLEN hav ing. in proper form, applied to me for permanent letters of administration on'jlie estate o| Henry Anderson late of said countv deceased. ’ • This is to cite all atyl singular the and next of sin of Henry Anderson, to # be and apjiFar .* my office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause', if any they can, wiiv pergiagent administration should not be granted to I ferry Anderson and James McMullen on Ilenrj- Anderatm’s estate# 0 t Witness niyjiand and official signature. June°3o 1860. • jy !-30d [] ANGUS MORRISON, Ordinary. . ( IWUMKTRATOB’S ITOTICE Sixty d;.)* Jt\. after date, to-xvit, on the first Monday in September® next, application will he made to the Court of Ordinary of Thomas County for leave to sell all Qie lands belong ing tef the estate o'f‘James B. Edwards, bite ofYaid coun ty deceased. PEYTON P. SMITH. Adm’r. V r:<*i:— Tj\ o months fitter date application will a- ’ be made titnhe Court of ()linarv of Brook* Couißy Georgia, at the first regular terni after the c-.Vpiratioii oP t\fo monels from tlie first pnblication of tliis notice, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Irwin® J. Lewis late <•’ said county, deceased, for tl benefit of the heirs of said deceased. June 30, 1860. jy LGOd [|6.oo] , JOHN D. BOZEMAN* Adm’r. Administrator’s Sale. 4 GREEAByLE TO AN ORDER AN?) JUDGMENT e\ of ti- Honorable tlie Court of Ordinary of Thomas C’onntj, July regular Term. 1860, wjjl fie sold before the ‘ Courthouse door in Thomasville, said county, within the legal hour* of sale, on the Tjrst Tuesday in •November next, allot Fie lands t*ni real estate i widow’s dower there to* excepted.) of and belonging tosMoses Futch,“deceased, o said land lying and being on the line of tin® 13th and 14th. districts of Thomas county, “and kfiiown is thelai?ds whereon deceased resided at the time of his death—No. 93, in said county # abou” two hundred acres of which • is cleared and w fine order foftcultivation. „ jg 18-40d GEORGE BEVANS, Adm’r. • • • • \ f Cheese; just received and for sale*by A“ oct 8 • „ E. REMINGTON i SON. n A fi* -O. J • * ConfertloJiary. UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFUJLLA #IX JL form the citizens of ’ • Southern CeorghPand FLo- \ . rida,° that he is now re- & eeiving and canstaiPiy : - plenishigg hi> <C* with J G >ds anff t’Bij'e; , , among wffiich are [lie fa- >’ ‘*•’ lowfng general assartmeut of fatptly niek#naeks: „ Preserves. Jellias, R tisitis. Currants. F'igs, Citron, Prunes, lemons. Oranges, Apples, Almonds, Cocoa, Bi'.izfl. Pecwn and Filbert Nltts, Olives, Papers, *!Vn fehovies, Sardjpes, Salmop, Shad, Oysters. Lobslors,* Vermioelli, Split Peas* Soda, Butter, Su gal; and Farina Crackers: Pickles, Catsup, Choiae Wine*. Liquors; Ale,and Cider in bottles: Segars, Tobacco. Snuff, Pipes, etc. Candy, of my o'iPn ManiTfacture* > large quantity always *n lmnd, to \vhicl4 he calls tlw special attention of merchants dialing in CAN ITIES. Orders troyi a distanefi, if accompanied with theCtish, will receivff pretnpt attention. . AE *ite aboee. with mmcrous articles not men tioned, foF sale by „ 1 , Thomasviile, Ga.,„ap 1-ly “MhIIX STfARK* - - Attention * • The Whole. \VriSHIXG TO CfUMiFY IUE AND • T 1 tu # c\©of all, we nifide to u ‘ who prefer them,” with 0 - iSujfgies. liockaways and Carriages, , Manufactured at the North of „ Timlb6i*. We also kcepop haed. those of oftr own * rfnake.. We ?hip our , ° fiiTiftat Spoftcs Itnd Rims 0 froi the Novfh, of which w always order the bt*t. Whether we get the seasoned ones or not, is a matter of in* concern to tlie purchaser, as we * t .* ‘Warrant our Work; “and that is sufficient, as Jidi Smith said whqp his ‘‘gill” told him she “would mairy o him°if she diad Jt.’’ Therefare Le it r ” • < lUsohedf That all O who° are in Tieed of siwnetliing to fide in, who wish their O horscs shod so they will nfft down, and plows made and repaJ'cd so il*ey will add Jo per cent to the harvest, be advised and reconwnencfed tocall at ? (1 Aiff ;ffed. 0 LOWRY & CWIFJ’S. °P 4 o * JV ts lie fore Makiftg l our Itur^iases, .GALI. IN AT JARED EVERITT’S AT GROOVERVILLt:, •• A ND EXAMINE ‘.llls -STOCIi Ol* JXT3EJ'W‘. - ( j | a 5 © V%} \ V r 1 7 */fmmnlSk -U-DBY , Wair J “ O ifSoDS ;■-(JJS ••o”d Or . - s, \ , *. . * CONSISTING OF Staple. &.*Fancy Dry G6ods, •i iolDais. SSotssatGs am) illii * liiicry.<i(Hxls,6{t((ts and Shoes,. *. 4. rockery and <ilasß-Wai <^ Haiti-Ware A Cutlery, ’ . C?offecVml Sn ga r. Tolmt eov Ae., Ac. • In fact, you can find almosff any article you may want, as diis Stock Consists of every- thiifg usually kept in a Country Stoi <;; all of whieii lie will sell 01* .as good terni| as can be eold yn Soutfierif Georgia ffr Florida. . . aw 30-ts . ... * • * * e ‘q;uv\t>:er city ’ . Sewing-Machine. Y^LE 4 \SE call at Furniture Store of the sub-*’ | scrihers anil witness the performance of a ble threajl Sewing Machine. whichftjjs just made its vent in our place. A large number liafi-e Ifecn. sold in the middle* counties erf Gewgia during-th* j present year, by the a&ent of the Stair, of 1 and arc*giving general satisfaction. The subscriU* | ors have ihe tvgencj- fosr.tijis place and vicinitt.* • J *• . ‘ JIKMINGfOX &*DEKLfI. . , TMmasville, Ga.° .!r •]it*f .. Special Notice. . j 8 *LL persoifsindebted tfl I*. N. Vickers, either,b_T ‘ !1 Y® n °f’‘ or jicctfunt, arcjierebc requested to eon*e forwtfrd and make imluediate payment, to prevent* other steps being taken y> coUect the sa*i*ie. SlyJ paper? willjlia found jft the hands of Measrs Mcln tyre and Young. 0 . jan 28-ts. 6 I\ N. VICKERS. -A-*. <J li a lleiige. • A. III’WILSON-’ ACLE^GES MONTH’gLLO,.T j wind tit* dty of Quitman Jo equal his • §pHi)cj £ioel{ of tWOs,” VJ'hieli he is abw receiving from > lmixti'iitig tSnsises Its Yew. Yorlt,. either in siyks, (fualities or varieties.."’The prices ‘cannot be objected tp, from lh fact Qiat they she Nftw York Jobber's profits less than usual. Xlie ftlock consists in pa*t sis • # # Lacfies’.JJouners — from to sl6 • Ladies’*Mantillas and Voiuto.of every variety o Silk and Tulleras Baregqg • • 0 a LaWsis, Ginghams, Muslins „ French, English find American Calicos Hats, Boots and £hpes. * , in £aot every thing Granted or fooedtfol in thiscobnty. Call at the BIG STORE in G®ooverville, On.* April*!, LW). * * ts pWIsWiM rail ’ 29 & 31 ft OLD STREET, ” , C.\7SA “ST O 1"* l£_ . • * £On Sheriff, and Cvlumbii^ Manufactories, -j AnJ on Foundry Street, Boston, ’ o 1 Massachusetts. lIE SCBSCRJIiIiBS MANUF ACT UjRE SIXGI*E . and Double Cylinder and Type-Reviving PRINTING M inil.VllS, * BED AND PLATEN BOOK AND JOB, °* PRINTING PRESSES, s * (ADAMS’ patent.) • Hand and Card Presses, Hydraulic Presses with wrougfit iron cylinders, St;uiding Passes of various kinds. Chases, Furnitifl-e, Cases,Stands, Brass Rule, Composing Sticks, and every article connected with the arts of Lettur-press’ Copperplate and Lithojeaphic Printing, Book Binllnij*’ Stereotyping -and Electrotyping, always on hand, or fur nished at shoft notice. • * * ®. Ajnrtv Catiilogue, containing oftts and descriptions of many new machines not before shown in their, book wiih directions for putting qp, working, Ac., and rgher useful information, is now in press, and when conmleted* will be sent to any of fife Craft who will furnish thei* address. # * 0 *•. R. HOE A CO.*” . New Y*rk and Boston Mass. * Publvliers of newspaptS-s are iff liberty to inject this advertisement three times in their weekly paper with this note, at any time duflngflie next six months but not < later, provided.the* purchase type or material of our. mWarfure for four times the amoimiof their hill, which* WW b? allowed m settlement of ours o* receiifoo? a conv ot their the advertisement. ‘ PRINTING TYPES, AND ALL OTHER POINTING MAfERIAtS 4 RE KEPT OA? HAND IN LaBgEQUANTITIES ° and sold at the lowest gnees, for s* months’ notes or v ,sh t Bribe’s New Y.frk Type F.undrv Rn’ , ftmLof the modern styles the shelve” wftXn™ iet " try - in ■’< * lu t ? in V e c r r ‘ BPy the postage o?i a pamphlet of •“Pn. t a Specimens of Fonts,” anfl other sC whicl wH,e madid all printing offices ft dr ad -1 pagers containing u, will alhfwed bis hill, at the time ot makingga purchast; from me ofomy own mamSactures* of five times the amount of said hill. <Add““’ ’ * “ T . a GEORGE BRUCE, • o Ijpe Chambers St., N. Y. A L fo??J IKt 1 K t ° f We#ll se:ect ed Boots and Khoes- It for sale by # B F HUBERT. • • a Land Agency* ® 8 t f J HIE undersigned will l#iy and on a | SmalJ commission bSsiness—will give j such information as the Records and Tax , d^®^^: I Digests of the State House may furnish. j for such information will be J stißctly Avitli when, in every instance, Sic rtypiisition is accompanied with one dollar. * * NATHAN IIAJVKINS & CO. MilletPgqville, Ga * * * nth 18 ts F<>r Sale. • rjHIE HOUSE AND LOT OF Dn. T. if. I BONARD I aitaiediW the Tallahassee road, and •known as the McDonald place. ® Said premises consist of a ggod. framed ■• dwelling, and other necessary buildings, , gether wiWi fifteen fiorgs of land.® A good bargain will Re given. Appl* to # • ® ap 17® * * SAM. B. BPENCER. V aluable liivcnlioux! . FIELEII’S Economical aiffi“Vai iclv Steel Blade PLOW,* “ Patented June 21st, JBs9, —tlie most economical, convenient and efficient Cultivator ever invented. ” When properly madfi aqd used, if it does not thus prove itself, l herein pleifge myself to return flic money tp those who purchase rigltls for their plan tations. ® • Requires otic Stock for any kind of a Blade, ten of whidi may Iff- put off, fastened and taken off in one miiißite. • • ‘ m Is adapted to soil* Subsoil, fiillside and general cilfivation.°and may be turned into a double jilow if dfisiiff'd, and is so consy-ucHtd that a seed planter may be attached to it 8 the cost of which will not ceed one dollar. Every paif is detachable and adjustable to itself. ‘’The Stock, whiefi be made out of common pine plank, is so simply constructed, and tluae being no weld in the iron part, tlwt the whle plow may b® readily put up by tlie commonest Smith Sfter ffnee obtaining a correct pattern. The opinion of all who , have seen and tried it, is tbfft it will be the. o ONLY PLOW USED. 8 .* O t as soon as its merits are generally known, and that, taking several years togetlnyi, it will be but a small * paQt of tffie prfisent plow expenses, being not only l the most convenient, butffhe cheapest plow that can be psed. Fanners can fit their present supply of Scutcrs, Sweeps for this Stock, and even kiffick. tliop wings oft’ wrought. Turning Plows and fix for this. o Persens iffisliing Individual or County Rights wilP‘ address Dg. A. PIfELER* Nlontieello. Fla. or IPev. WM. PEELEIL Waulfcn:*Ji, Fla. 6 o Januafy'l4. 1860. ■* — c r^*— TO l?4r =n*3 . *** • 0 . ’ ‘ * ‘ : ‘ - I°AM AAV ARE THAT IN PRESENTING MV S a l£Xl3Lto3.'” * , , * ” • totlie public, I hate Jo contend with thp prejudices created by the failure fff otlitjr invanjions for the like* purpose. 4 flatter myself, howevar, that mvPLAX JI’ER will perform tlie work proposed, in a satisfac tory manner. lam strengthened in tHutconviction, by the opiliion.of nearly all the t 0 Practical* Farmers, of Thomas anj adjoining couptiesjvhg have examinr ed it: anil the, judgement, of tire members of tlie Office, w-lio pronounce it to )> bj- far the be%t PLANTER tltal has ever been presented to them. it is intended to plant Corif ami .Cotton, and to sow Grain of all kigds. For sowing Wheat broad cast and harrowing ip aj tlie sarffe time, it cannot be i equalled. It can be used f(jr putting* ©ut Guiana, .eitiier by strewing or by putting ;*ny desired quanti ty at aßy given distance. TJic instance proposed t<v dropllie aeed is graduated by the number of cogs and the quantity by the size. ,A glartce at tlie PLANTER shows the amount of labitr savc|l by its,use, and the nature* and accuracy , oJth®saie. A man and horse lays out tie* row, drops these*ed and covers it, iff tlie same time ams with ih® same lali^i® that it takes, is the usual way, to® lay oiu tlge yow. The aid given by the wheel ren ders it eejuaWy easy to the iiorse as a single plough. . it being impossible for any one man to Wring it the notice of every farmer, or to supply tlie demand .when exhibited, 1 propose to sell the rigfit t<j Sta.te or county,.or number of counties, that any one may desire, *ind r.atep the purchaser will make money. J trust no.ofle will condemn it without ‘an ? exhtnination, because it is the invention of a Squtfi -4 ernoman. I#, however, after examination, they re-° jset it, I have nothing to sav. ( 0 . . • * ® THUS. J. BOTTOMS, * oct 16—6 m o . Thomasviile, Ga.* i * IRackWofid’s 6 * o j I SCOTT & CO., NHW YORK, continue to J m lish Qie following Periodic;Js, viz: o • ® *. ° 1 1. The Londoii Quarterly (Conservative.) *. 2. The Edinburgh Review (WW5g.) * ” *- o The North British°R6view (Free 6 Churcli.) f E°The o 'Wlestminster Review (Liberal.) 5. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine (ToryJ These peffiodical® Ably represent the three great, political parties Great Brittian—WJ!ig*Tory. and. •Radical—bu* politics forms only fmc feature of their ‘character 4 As Organs of the writers on S%ie#ce, Literature, Morality, dud Religion, they 4-taml, as they evttr haj’e stood, jimrivalleil. in the world of letters, being considered te the scholar and the professional man, while to the intelligent.reader of every class they furnislfta more correct and satisfactory reegrd fit the current litera tuic ot the day, throughout, the world, ikan can be possibly obtained from anv other sourc o : Early Cfopies. • * The receipt of Advance Sheet* from the Britishpub- ° libbers gives additional vale* to these®Reprints in asmuch as they can be°place<j in the hands of sub sfinbqjrs about as soon as rite original editions. „ * * Terms. * ® Peroann. For a,jiy one of the four Reviews, - - g3 00 “lor amy two of tlte.four Reviews,* - - 500 For any three of the four Reviews, - 7 00 For alpfopr of the * - ... gqq For Blackwood’s Magazine* , 3 lift for Illacjjwood and one Wcvk'w, * - _ sqq For Blackwood and pwo Reviews, - • . 7 (?0 for Blackwood anil three Reviews, - - <0 00 for Blackwood.and the four*Rcviews * 0 - 10 00 Mmey current in the State whe* issued will be received „ at par. 0 . Clubbing. 66 . - discount of twenty five per cent, from the above prices will be allowed to Ordering four or more copies of any one or jnore of the above works. fhs: Tour copies of Blackwood,‘or of one Review, will be . l ont *° onc address for $9 ;four cimies of the four Reviews for §3O; and so on. .t ft „ ° . . Postage. n a 1 the principle Cities and Towns these works tvi be delivered free of postage. When sent by mail, the 1 ostage to any part of the Iftited States will be put twenty-four cents for ‘‘Blackwood,” and but four i teen cents a year fok gach of t In* i;#views. . 6 ie P r ice in Great Brittain of the five Peri odicals above named is s3l per annum. e , The Faiyiier’s Gfticlc To Scientific and Practical Agriculture. o l>y llknry F. 11. 8., of Edinburgh, and the late J. P. Noi?TOX fc Professor oS Scientific Agri- 1 irte College* New Ha\-en. 2 ftils. Royal Octavo. 1600 pages, and numerous Engravings. „ This is, confessedly, the most complete son Agriculture ever published, and in “order to give it a wider circulation the publishers resolved to reduce the price to .Five Dollars for the Two Voluiges !! M hen sent by mail (fiiost-paid) to Calffornia and Oregon thq prieq will be $7. e To*every other part of Hie Union, and to This is not the old “JJopk of the Farm.” Remittances for any®of tlft publications should Always be addressed, post-pld, to the Pyib lislierS. * . * • “LEONARD SCOTT &'CO. No. 54 Gold street, New York. * O FALL* TMSeT E. E‘EMING*I'(JN & So¥ % Dealers in FANCY AND.STAPLE DRY^BODS ® THOMASVILLE, GA., A IIE now receiving their magnificent Stock of ’ FALL AND WINTER ® E>R Y-GO O O D JS , • by nny sh the place* * attention is called to their Dfcss Goofls Department, in whichnav he found all tlie novelties of the season, consisting of Silks, Cashmeres, B de Laincs, Merinos, Alpacas, Frendh,. English and American PrintS 1 , etc. Embroideries, in endless variety; Hosiery and Gloves of every •quality, to? Gents. Boys, Ladies, Misses and Chil dren; Cloaks, Mantillas and Slihwls, of evejy vari- P'y °* color and quality; Housekeeping and Dlant&tron Goods; in this department we have every tiling usually kept in our line for housekeepers and planters. ® (.live us a call elsewhere; we will take pleasure in showing our goods whether you buy or not. ® oct 8 -*— $ _ VFINE and*iarge assortment of Men’s and Bov s’ , * CLOTHING ot the lafest styles; just received and tor sale bv W 8 E. REMINGTON & SON. ■ T-r n ® ” ? ~ ® . °\ I L. are now optynng a fine assortments Gents’ \\ FURB ISHING .GOODS, . consisting of all kinds pf Slgrts and Colars, Shirt’ Bosoms, Under Shirts airfl Drawers; Ties, Scarfs, Cravats and Handlercffiefs; Silk, Kid and Cotton Gloves and Cfbuntlets. #et 8 E. REMINGTON & SON \ FINE assort of Ladies’ Steel Extension V .• SELLHTS, from Bto 36 hoops; just received and for sale by oct 8 ® E. REMINGTON & S(sn. # - )L’ST received and for sale, a fine assortment of, a l*arpx\7’ Jewelry, consisting of diamond, Cameo, Lava, Florentine,* • Masonic, Coral, and a good many otfier styles and patterns, and will be sold at prices to suit tlie times, oct 8 * „ E. REMINGTON & SON. * o ■= \ J’lfcF! assortment of Gentlemen’s and Boys’ ii Hats ancl Caps. . Also a fine assortment of ladies’ and Misse#’ Bonnets and Flats ofetlie latest style; just received and for sale by E. KEMIGTON &. SON. Groceries. KITS Mess Mackerel"* r) 5 kiss No 1 Mackerel in barrel 4nd to retail 5 kits Salmond * ® ® m 20jlrums Dried Figs ® # 20*boxes Layer llajsens ° * • * 0 ° 20 barrels lri.-fa l*btatoes ,* „ ° o 5 Onions •* ® 4 kegs fresh Goshen TSuiSer Buckwheat and l'resfi Flour 20 boxes Cheese ® o 8 1 barrel Currants, for pies ® ® 1 box Macaroni; and various other articles4n “the“ Grocery line, just received bpd for sale by .i“L -L * E? REMINGTON & SON. . , 0 HusLc. ® *.A of iMusic, containing ijjl the latests Y pieces out; just opened and for %ile by . od -3 E. *iMINGTON & SON. Painting • • Painting. TAKEN— ® # V_y FO% a-- o ® House, Sign, and-” Ornamental Painting!! <•* o AN 0 WORK WAR It A N TElt. Paints, Oils .and Glass, kept constancy on hand, opposite thfc Postoffice, and for sale by mh is chas. ii? remington . —* — * * l I'sfpcr ® A LARGE assortment of beau tiful PAPER & BORDER, ■ on hand,® and® ujore expected to <~*?V | ty.AXGiNCSi •. ‘ „ to arrive every day. fWVA Papered . ® .With neatness and “despatch, ands n workmanlike manner by , [mh lg-tJJ C. R. REMINGTON. . Photographic Gallery. REMINGTON’S PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY, l * OrrOSiTE THE TOST Oti ICE. Ajnbrotypes, @ 1 * ° Ifelainotypc^, . % o_ , oSpliereotypes, And any oilier styles of Pictures taken in a supe rior manner. . *’ • Stock of material, of all 9 kinds, on hand And for sale. *• 0 ** Instructions'given in the Art. mb 18 ° \ •WXCL1 # AMS*& BOTTOMS^ Nw Cotton Press. ° i S iVISG TO PLANTERS OF ° itNE IiIfNDJIED DOLLARS!!!! rgMllS NEW INVENTION, o THAI SIMPLEST, J mostppracticable, powerful and cheapest COT-* ION PRESS .ever.“invented, is now ofiiFd to the public. TliiSJL >rc Sß is upon a plan so .simple that any farmer may, with lour hands, put up <*ne convjdete, in*running order, in. owe week?— Whtfn put up it will pack @ and Six Hundred Pound*Bales of cotton f:i<iility than any other Press will 400 y> bales, and so perfect is its structure that 14/xsffONETHIIIDMOREITALESCAN BE PACI-L KD ON IT PER DAY Jhan any other Tress or Screw q,ver invented. # * Thq subscribers have secured®?, patent for this wonderful Press, and are now prepared theifi-° selves to sgll private county and State right tlie cotton growing region of the South! Tlibj have already began to reap the reward of this inraluabfe invention, and when cotton plant ers everywhere shall learn that this Press is con- ° structad at a cost of more than One Hundred Dollars Less. than any other Press now extant, and posstJSsing much. GREATER LEVER POWER with greater simplicity and facility for packing, we feel confident that our Press wiUsupplant every thing in the shape of a Cotton Press now in use. * JB@f“..Models of this Press may be seen by callfng on us at Thomasvill% or bny of our *Vgents. W®. are willing to it live or dfe by its own merits, feeling perfectly secure in warranting it toall purch asers. s. R. WILLIAMS, ® sap 4-ts, T. J. BOTTOMS. • Economy. • . * Save Time, Save. Labor, Save Clothes, m Save, Save! \ r?E HAVE purchased the rigli* and are now \\ man*ufacturiug ® Biouii'n Washing Machines . In Tliomasville at Dry Lake. We expect soon to®inanufacture them in Decatur* Lowndes, JBaker, Brooks, and in all of Middle and East Florida, The unprecedented popularity of these Machine? is the best test of their merits. Twenty-five Shirks can be well washed and thoroughly rinsed in this tliirty minutes. ® *1 ( } a n) ost admirably adapted to wflsliing atfY and all kinds of Clothes. Few persons think how clothes . are Ruined by violent bard rubbing and battling. 1 bis Machine never makes a rent; never enlarges one; never breaks button; caunot get out of sis; G will last twenty years; is indispensable in every o family. It is praised by every housewife n*t* em phatically liarisian. ® 0 lie woulfl sell thexight of a few counties in Flori da'og good terms. ‘ J). L. LAMON & CO. Dry Lake, Ga, Feb 26, 1859 ® ts ■ ... I. I m State of Georgia, Thomas County! Cftl’RT of Ordinary, March sth, 1860.—Whereas Thomas Adams, jr., as Administrator de bonis non with the will annexed, on the estate of Aaron Everifcte deceased? this day makes application by petition to this Court for Letters of dismission from said administration, • • , All persons interested /ye therefore hereby notifi-o ed to file their objections in said court, if any they have ; otlfbrwise said Letters will be granted to said applicant at a regular term of said Court, to be held at the Courthouse in Thomasvilhe, said county, on the in October next, mh 10-6ra HENRY H. TOOK£, Ordinary.