Southern enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1865-1866, December 20, 1866, Southern Enterprise Advertising Supplement., Image 5

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JAMES RIVER INSURANCE COMPA.NTT 9 ■•WABMVILLE, VIB6IRIA. Chartered Capital, $1,500,000 t rpHIS old, tried, and solvent company deals J. liberally, para promptly, and Haas pat rotuiKt. See below, to which man y other* similai could be added t Kichuosd, V*., February 15, 1866. ** In the month of December, 1865, we had cotton burned which was insured in the Jitmea River Company,and its part of lon, amounting to one thousand seven hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents, was promptly paid as soon as proof, &.<*.. was forwarded, and over two months before it vras due under the policy. Such promptness merits patronage. A. Y. STOKES & CO.” AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. References required of applicants. E. RK.tIIWTA? Ac MX, Aleuts. Thomasville, Ga. liar 14 11 ts Lands ior Sale. 1750 ACRES OF EXCELLENT LANDS. GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED. I MOW (iCI-r for sale my two plantations, on the most reasonable le ms. 1000 acres of Vine and Hammock land, 12 miles from a depot on the Femandina Si Cedar Keys Kailr.’ad, in Marion County, List Flo rida. 300 acres of this land are cleared. 750 acres in Decatnr County, Ga , five mile* from a selected depot on the line of the Atlan tic St Gnll Rail Road These lands are fine— composed of oak, liickorv, and pine mixed. On this place there are 39i) acres under a high state of cultivation—good fence—good water, and a good dwelling aud necessary out build ings. The whole convenient to water mills, churches, and good society. I will sell these lands at extremely low pri ccs. If you don't believe it, make me an offer. Any person wishing to purchase, may address me at Sol'ka, Decatnr County, Ga., or L. C. Bryan, Thonuisville, Ga., who ts authorised to represent rue. Indulgence may be giveu in part. J. I. CONNELL. J ar.e 6 iSi-tf COTTON GINS. THE undersigned arc agents for Messrs. Massev & Johnson’s (successors of Gris wold,) SUPERIOR t'OTTOX GDIS, in the Counties of Loimdes Brooks and Thomas, Ga., Jefferson and Loon. Fla. All persons in terested will govern themselves accordingly. E. REMINGTON St SON, July 13-3 m Thomasville, Ga. Lost or Mislaid. AIL persons are hereby forewarned and cautioned against trading for two promis sory notes made payable to me or hearer, and described to the best of my recollection, as follows:—One on \v. P. Clower for $\!800 — perhaps a little more, bearing date about the utli of November, 1865, with a credit of SISOO, about the Ist of March, 1866. Also one ou S. B. Spencer, Esq., for about $42.00, more or less, laaring date this year: month not recol lected. The above notes arc lost or misplaced, and advertised for the public good, as well as to establish the lost papers bv law. D. S. BRANDON. Grooverville, July 25 80d THB Tomlinson, Demarest Cos., 63 BROAD WAV, New York, Have associated with them . Mr. W. W. WOODRUFF, Formerly an Extensive Dealer in CARRIAGES AXD BUGGIES, At GSrUBn aud Atlanta, Ou. FOR the purpose of supplying Merchants and Planters at the South,* by wholesale or retail with any style of Carriages, Buggies or Plantation Wagons. Mr. Woodruffs long experience in the car riage business will enable us to give satisfac tion in supplying good substantial work, such as the country demands, at as low prices as can possibly be furnished for cash. We will keep constantly ou hand Light Concord Buggies The same as formerly sold by Mr. Woodruff, and which became so universally popular all through the South, as the best Buggy in use. We also furnish IRON AXLE PLANTA TION WAGONS, of the very best make in America, for 2, 4 or 6 horses. We invite all who want anv article in our liue to address TOMLINSON, DEMAREST CO, 620 Broadway, New York July 26 ly FURNITURE Hi sr®. I THE undersigned has opened a Shop in Thomasville, for the Maunfactute and Repairing of FURNITURE, Making and Furnishing Cofims, Ac., 4c. fl&“Shop second door from the Print ing Office, on Jefferson street, L. J SPITZ. Jan 1 8 m NOTICE To Everybody We the undersigned can now say to the Public that wc are ready to GRIND CORN, as we have purchased an engine and mill of sufficient power to do good Work, and the way you have to prove it is to bring your Corn and see it you do not get good Meal.ln connection with our Mill we will make Furniture to order, tSash, Blinds, Doors, lip, Dress, Tongue and Groove Plank, make Coffins to order with neat ness and despatch, we will also take con. t’ acts for Building houses. TAYLOR & DEKLE. I feel thankful to the Public for their liboral patronage extended to me hereto* sere, and hope I may merit -tinuat of —-f —- orEOCERIES. ~1 HE undersigned are now offering Fawtllj JL (irerrrirx Cheap for Cash, at the stand of David Harrell. They are also preparing to receive a large GROCERIES Os >H Brwri|tiu, the earae place, which they intend offering *he public upon the most reasonable terms, r Cash orConntry Produce. JOSHUA TAYLOR. * x JAS ‘ A ‘ BROOKS Mustard— for sale by W p. CJOWER A CO. If J) jijjj By L. C. BRYAN. y .. w _ji . a., . . Quick Sales and Small Profits! J. Schiff ABro. ABE RECEIVING THEIR Fall and Winter Stock of DRY GOODS, AND Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Flour, Coffee, Rice, Tobacco, Leather, &c„ Ac. Save Tour Money ALL those indebted to J. Schiff & Brother, from, before and during the war, who will pay np before the first of November next, will be relieved of four years interest, other wise they will be sued and collected according to law. If vou want to buy GOOD ('HEAP CALICOK*, FRENCH MBRUtOI, Del. A I IV KM, and a great variety of other handsome DRESS GOODS, call on J. SCHIFF Ac DUO'S. A. FINE LOT OF CIASSIMERK, Satinets and Kent Jeans, * you cun find at very low prices, at the store of J. SC BIFF Ac BBO’S. If yon want iMUDiiiy mm For Ladies or Children, Call at A. SCHIFF Ac BBO’S. A good assortment of BALMORALS, (Ladies and Children,) SHAWLS, FIXE BLASKETS OF Alii. SIZES, BBARLEY’S EL. IiIPTIC AND OTHER HOOF SKIRTS are kept by J. SCHIFF Ac BRO*S. 1 '” 1 r If you want to purchase CLOTHING, For Men and Boys, call at J’. SCHIFF St BROTHER’S, who have one of the largest and best stocks in the market. If you wish to SAVE MONEY come and look. J. SCHIFF & BRO. Keep a good article of Boots, Shoes and Leather, And will sell them at the very lowest prices. A good assortment of Oold and Silver Watches, Jewel ry, Notions, Cotton Scales, And most everything else kept usually at a Dry Goods and Clothing Store. Come and see for yourself, and vou will admit that J- SCHIFF & BRO. Will sell you Goods Cheaper, or at least sm Cheap, as any other House South of Mason ft Dixon's line. oct 4 TAN YABD. Having bought out the tan yard of J. Schiff & Brother, at Thomasville, and determined to carry on the business of TANNING, the undersigned v |f purchase 10,000 Pounds OF GOOD HIDES, if delivered at David Harrell’s Provision Store, where they will be paid for in Family Groce ries or Cash. The undersigned will also give a liberal price tor GOOD OAK RAKK, for Taaaiug. JOSHUA TAYLOB, JAS. A. BROOKS. Feb 7 6-6 m Notice to Debtors TIHE following are the names of some whose books and papers have been placed in our hands for adjustment and settlement : Little St Hnnter, Books, Notes and Accounts. | lurJi: 1 Uryan & Kenean, books T. - Carrolt St Martin, accounts. Holcombe St Cos, Savannah, accounts. Estate J. M. Vickers, dec’d, and P. N. Vick ere, notes Estate R. R. Evans, dec’d, notes and acc'ts. Estate W. R. Stegall, M. D., dec’d, books, notes and accounts. S. F. Dnpou, M. D., accounts. H. M Mitchell, M. D., accounts. Robert Love, books, notes and acconnts. Debtors to these persons are requested to < call, and see if we cannot agree upon some plan of settlement that will be mutually satis factory to all concerned ,- and thereby save the i trouble and expense of tedious law suits. Persons in this Conntv who are indebted to J M St M B Hunter, or John McMullan, of Bi ooka, are informed that the Thomas County claims of these gentlemen have been placed in our hands; and the Brooks Couuty Debtors of Little St Hnnter, and Banm St Schiff, are nqti- , tied that Messrs. Hnnter At McCall of Quitman, hold the claims against them- BRYAN St HARRIS, Sept 27 -A Att’ys at Law. I. KUBITSHEK & BRO., - . **•-. ... . Jgai- . f* *C. rTTAKE pleasure in announcing to (lie citisens of Thomasville and public generally I that their Stock of FALL AND WINTER • ‘ ‘ 4 ■ We have used unusual care in buying this season, and feel assured FANCY DRESS AND STAPLE COODS, Will give satisfaction to our patrons. We have bought heavily, and at as low rates as any merchants who have made pur chases in New York this season. We do not intend to hold, but are DETERMINED TO SELL! ■ And at such figures as will give satisfaction to those who may favor us with their pat ronage. All we ask is a TRIAL. GIVE US A CALL, and we will at all times take pleasure in exhibiting our Stock, feeling assured that we can please the eye without drawing too heavily upon the purse. Our stock will be kept up to the standard of a full assortment during the season. , Our stock will be found to consist of a splendid and varied assortment of LADIES DRESS COODS Such as, French, English and American Prints, All Wo.l Delaines, French Merinos, Plain and Figured Silks, Alpacas, Poplins, Mohairs, Scotch Plaids and Ginghams. Ladies Cloaks, Shawls, Sontags Nubias, Vandykes, Breakfast Shawls, Jaconet, Swiss and Velvet Trimmings, Braids, Collars and Cults, Thread, Laces, Ribbons, Belting, Dress Trimmings, Hosiery, Gloves, Hoop Skirts, Umbrellas, Balmoral Skirts, &c , &c, ; GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. INCLUDING A SUPERIOR LOT OF Ready Made Clothing SHIRTS, DRAWERS, PIECE GOODS, &c, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, A large assortment for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Misses. A HEAVY STOCK OF Foreign and Domestic Goods Always on hand, including SHIRTING, SHEETING, BLEACHED AND UN BLEACHED, HICKORY STRIPES, OSNABURGS, PLAIN AND STRI PED, SPUN YARN, &c., &c Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Blankets-inoluding some very Fine Bed Blankets. HARDWARE, CUTLERY. SHOT GUNS, PISTOLS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, - Fancy Notions and. Perfumery. In short, every thing usually found in a first elnss Dry Goods Store. N. 8.--Osnaburgs and Yarn sold at Factory Prices by wholesale. I. KUBITSHEK & BROTHER. In Thomasville and the surrounding Country- A Sew War Just commenced In the Sooth against all blgb prices of Goods, as will be seen by calling al either of B. & L. GOLDBERG’S STORBS, Where you will find all kinds of Goods sold at NEW YORK COST and EXPENSES— Consisting in part of tLe following articles : CALICOES OF A Kill KINDS AND DESCRIPTION, AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF DKI GOODS NEEDED IN THIS COUNTRY. CAUIi AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES! Ladies Dress Goods, all varieties, Gents Furnishing Goods, new style ALSO —Silks, French Merinos, All Wool Delaines, Alapacas, Saxon Stripes, Irish Poplin, Scotch Plaid, Muslin Delaines, French, English and American Prints, Flan nels, Opera Flannel, Balmoral Skirts, &c., &c. A full slock of the Latest Styles of CLOAKS AND MANTILLAS, SHAWLS dON TAGS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, VANDYKES, NUBIAS, and all -~-rrrT~j" —Also, the Latest At'/ilas of Ladies Hats, Ribbnru, Trimmings, Flow —•, Sc., &c. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CUTLERY OF EVERY KIND, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, WATCHES AND JEWELRY—in short, every other article which yeu may wish, can be found at either of R. & L. GOLDBERG’S Stores —One at the old Stand, the other next door to John Stark’s Confectionary. COME AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE In conclusion, we would return our thanks for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon us in times past, and now ask a continuance of the same at the Cheap Store of I ‘ L QO “ >BBBO ’ Tlae Very Latest Item- Cotton Rising I C-TTON NEEDED VERy MUCH BY TnE MANUFACTORIES— HIGHEST PRI CES EVER OFFERED in THIS TOWN FOR COT TON— PLEASE CALL ON US BEFORE SELLING T 0 ANY BODY- B. AL. Goldberg. October U (}1 if THOMAS YILLE, GA., THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 1866. H. WOLFF|S bro., BEG leave to Inform the citisens of Thomasville nod surrounding country, that they hare received and will be constancy receiving large lots of ILL KIRK OF DRY GOOD! LADIES DRESS AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING COODS, Such W Bilks, French and English Merinos j all Wool Delaines, Alpaccas, Saxon Stripes and Irish Poplins, Scotch Plaids, Muslin Delaines, French, English and American Prints, Flannels and Opera Flannels, Balmoral Skirts. A FUEL STOCK OF THE LATEST STYLES OF Cloaks and Mantillas, SHAWLS, SONTAGS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, VANPYKES, NUBIAS, and all kinds of WORSTED KNIT GOODS. THE LATEST STYLES OF LADIES’ HATS, RIBBONS, TRIMMINGS, FLOWERS—AII of which are Unparalleled! Staple Domestic Urn tSooite, Yankee Notions, Cutlery. Crockery and Stationery, Bich Perfumes and .Toilet Soaps. A SPLENDID STOCK FROM THE BEST MANUFACTURERS OF Boots and Shoes, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS AT LOW PRICES. | Our stock of CLOTHING, PIECE, & GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Are unsurpassed iu the Country. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. TOBACCO and SEGARS. ’ _ ■■ As our stock has been selected with great care, and purchased under the most favo rable circumstances, we do not hesitate to say, that we are enabled to sell, at least, at as low prices as any other house in the whole country. All we ask is, that the Ladies and Gentlemen of Thomasville and vicinity, will favor us with a call, and judge our Goods ind Prices. If they will do this, we ieel confident that none of them will leave our establishment without purchasing. It is needless to say, that they will be re ceived cordially and treated politely, and charged nothing for examining our goods— so, please give us a call before purohasing elsewhere. H. WOLFF & BROTHER. The attention of Country Merchants is invited to our superb stock of Goods. To them we offer great inducements in splendid bargains. Sept 27 39-ts H. WOLFF & BROTHER. — LATHROP is CO., 139 & 141 CONGRESS STREET, ’ WHOLESALE ROOMS, UP STAIRS. WE having procured the Stores formerly occupied by Messrs. NEVITT, LATHROP & ROGERS, and Messrs. HENRY LATHROP St CO., will be prepared September Ist to 15th, to exhibit a large stock of D R Y GOODS, Ready Made Clothing, m r m 9 mum, mm, m. AT WHOLESALE ONLY—TT|p Stairs, We propose to manufacture our Clothing at Home, which will enable us to offer induce inents equal to the Northern Markets. One or the firm, who has had twenty fiye years experience in the business in this city, will remain in thepurchasing markets, and will devote his time specially to the Southern Trade. COUNTRY MERCHANTS are inyited to’ examine oqr Btock before purchasing. DWIGHT LATHROP, Late D. & E. S. LATHROP. JOHN W. NEVITT, ft” NEVITT, LATHROP & ROGERS, CHAS. W. BRUNNER, “ HENRY LATHROP & CO. Apr 1 31 6m SAVANNA! HAT STURt - No. 153 CONGRESS STREET, SAVANNAH, - - - Qeorgia. —H- Hals, Caps and Straw Goods. Wholesale Room, VP STAIRS. Retail Department, FIRST FLOOR. Constantly on hud, Mem'it Boys’ Felt, Wool, Dress Silk, and CaAimere Hats, of all the late styles, Cloth, Beotch. Velvet and Glued Caps, Socks, Gloves, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Neck lies, Paper and Linen (Mian, Umbrellas, it c. Ladies’ and Misses Hits and Jockey’s, of all styles—trimmed and nntrimmed. My f-ciliuee for purchasing them Goods are unsurpassed, and I can sell them as low as they can be jobbed or retailed m any of the Northern or Eastern markets. A reside nee in this city from boyhood, and an active business experience of over fifteen yean, gives me confidence in appealing to my fellow citizens in town and country for their coutaMdparoHp. SMr 8 M. GOLDING. VOL. VI.—NO. 2. great Corn § Cotton PLANTATION For Sal© KM MIDDLE FLORIDA, THE} LAID OF FLOWERS t 9T AM now offering one 1. of the most plantations for Bate, ever offered in Middle Flo rida, containing Seventeen Hundred Acres Os Oak and Hickory, Hammock and Pine Lunds unsurpassed in the State. About 600 acres in good condition for culti-. vation, all hammock. The uncleared lauds thickly studded with fine timber. On the premises is a comfortable framed dwelling house, with out-buildings in good condition, negro cabins for 50 workers, barns,’ stables, fodder houses, and, in fact,every thing else necessary for planting purposes and con venience. Good Grin House and Screw, Wells or Fine Water, Ac. The quality of these lands, their situatica and condition renders them equal to any in the State for farming; and taken altogether, with the moderate price demanded for the place, if is the best opportunity for investment novf before the public. For further information address JAMES A. LINTON, Thomasville, Ga„ Or the editor of the Southern Enterprise. Mav 2 18 ts /v'> r ; use cv tyuiCHAN'S PiliS CHILLS & FEVER - “ A - certain - GALLIHANB PILLS are composed simply of Vegetable Medicines. They arq Cathartic Pills , acting upon the Stomach, Liver and Bowels ; containing no Arsenic','paL omel, Blue Mats, or any other Mineral sub stance. The great advantage the Proprietors claim for these Pills is that, without the aid of Calomel Blue Mass, or apy othpr Minerals, they will cure the most obstinate cases of Chills and Feyer, Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache, Neuralgia and all affections of q like character! Follow the directions, and you will find they will do all that claimed foe them. Try one box, and their own merits wilf recommend them ever afterwards dPWe have used Galligh an’s Pills,an<} have never known them to fail to cure when the directions were followed, and unliesita tiugly recommend them to public favor: Hon T H Watts, Ex-Governor of Ala. Hon T J Judge, Judge Supreme Court of Alabama: Hon Rob’t Dougherty, Judge 9th Circuit of Alabama. Wm. G. Waller, Sheriff Montgomery co., Alabama. Hon Alexander B. Clitherall, Montgomery, Alabama. f ‘ Col Jas H Weaver, Montgomery, Ala. Col Crawford Bibb, Montgomery, Ala. Maj E A Banks, Com. Merchant. N. 0.. La, Geo Mason, Esq.. Mayor, Wetumpka, Ala. Mikel Woods, Attorney at Law, ‘206 Broad way, New York. Daniel Sayre, Grand Sec. Grand Lodge, Ala t F & A Masons. BLOUNT A HALE, Sole Proprietors, Montgomery, Ain., Wholesale Depots, Harrul, Risley & Tompkins, 141 Chambers at., N. Y., S. W. Morsdun, N. Y., Edward ‘ Wilder & Cos., Louisville, Ky., E. J. Hart &- Cos., N. O. La., Blount A Hule, Montgomery, Aiq. ■SOLD BY E. SEIXAS, Thomasville, Ga., And all other Druggists. aug 15-ts C 0 MMERCWL*COLLE 8 E. Business and Financial Counting Rooms! BANKING, COMMISSION And every Branch of Trade f aught hf Competent Sr- Practical Bsaine— Meqfe LOCATED ON Alabama St., between Pryor and ATLANTA, GA. Double Entry Book Keeping* Penmanship, Mercantile Cal culations and Conunocoial Law*. Life Scholarship,including Stationery, sl9o>, For particulars address G. WALTON KNIGHT, Box 905 Atlanta, Ga-. Sept 27 39-libl Great improvement in Sewing Machines !■ mmmrnWmmm Empire SHUTTLE MACHINE Salesrooms, 536 Broadway, N. Y., 956 Washington St., Boston, 991 Chest nut St., Philadelphia. Patented February 14, 1860. THIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new principles of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable improvements, having been examined by the most profound experts,, and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfection CsmbiasA. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the LOCK or SHUTTLE STITCH; which will neither RIP nor RAVEL, and is alike on botn sides; performs perfect sewing on every description of material, from Leather te the finest Nansook muslin, with cotton, linen,, or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest* number. Having neither CAM or COG wheel, and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is K ‘ j-kk cent, less power to drive it than any other machine in the star-, ket. A girl twelve years of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to health. Its Streugth and wonderful Simplicity of Construction renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give entire saMafoMaon.’ We respectfully invite all thoae who aav desire to supply themselves with a superior t£ tide, to come and examine this Unrivalled Machine. One half hoar's instruction is sufficient tc* enable any person to work this i*tl to, their entire satisfaction. Agents wanted for all towns in the United States, whore agencies are not already* nstab hsfied. Also, for Cuba, Mexico, Central ami South America, to whom a liberal diaoonnt wilf EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE MFO CO,. 536 Broadway, H.Y. July 25 A EMPIRE HAH RESIOREA N elegant Dressing, An infallible restorer of Volar. And a wonderful Invigoratar of the HADL Prepared by —r. T O, c p< CLOV7EK A CO., Jan 31 5-ts Apo hecaries BH FOB an* dries Mill, 6 boros wmr? Boirs at this efiic*, *"•