The enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 186?-1865, July 19, 1865, Image 3
the said oath, shall be gnilty of perjury, afid on conviction, in addition .to the other penalties now prescribed for the offense, shall be deprived of his office, and rendered incapable forever alter of holding any office or place under the Ignited States. . Approved July 2,1862. Fortunately there will be found in nearly all the late Rebel States worthy • and loyal men, tree to fill the offices up pertaining to the general Government; and the class jtof good men who have compromised themselves, but who are now ready and anxious to return totillcV giunce/can cooperate in the reorganiza tion oi” the State Governments. It is not probable that the aci imposing the oath will be repealed , it is too good a drag net t-o catch Rebels in to be thrown away: but the President and each-liouse of Congress may be empowered to Waive its application when clearly convinced that it would operate unjustly and ex clude good men from office. Rut for the present it must take effect, .and as* I learn, it has produced a dead lock ii the Southern appointments. . •O.P. Q, .. *-♦■■■ *■ [COMMUNICATUD.] Mr. Editor:—What is to become of the • public debt of the State of Georgia? • U pears by the Treasurer’s Report of foe 15th of October last, that the outstanding public debt of the State is as follows : Bonds bearing interest at 5, 6 and 7 per cent, 5,870,250 • Not bearing interest, (past due) 216,000 State Treasury notes of 1861 and 1862 not bearing interest 6,993,000 Treasury certificates -issued in lieu of cancelled n0te5....... lj-395,000- Change Bills and Treasury notes . payable in Confederate new issue 9,506,442 Making a total of *.....523,980-,692 To preserve the. -credit and good faith of •the State the next Legislature must proyide the means to meet the liability, which may be set down thus—Bonds falling due in 1865 —Bonds past due not presented for payment and interest on the Bonded debt estimated in the same report to be altogether 1,290,576 To this must be added fo„r thffiex penses of Government for a year at least 400,000 # * o $1,690,576 If this amount could be raised, and appro priated in payment of the above stated lia ability, what is to be done with the remain, jder of tfie debt, which by the fortunes of war. and the lorce of.circumstances is made due, and is just as honest a liability as the other. The amount maybe set down at $17,000,000, ts it could bo bonded at 8 per cent, it would re -quire an annual amount of one million and twenty thousand dollars t.o pay the interest, j Put the two together and the annual debt of the State under the most favorable 6ircum 'stances will amount to s2* 71*0,576. ‘ Can tips liability be met by the people of Georgia un der existing circumstances.? If it- can, it must be in one of two ways. One is to bor row It, the other is to raise it by taxation.— The first cannot be done because, we have not the credit and if we had it would not reduce the debt., it would be simply changing cred itors. Can it be done by taxation ? Negroes once the most valuable item of our property are no longer slaves and cannot be taxed as property. The income heretofore received into the public Treasury by dividends from Banks and Other corporations is cut off for the present at least, if not permanently. It follows then as- a necessary consequence that the burden of taxation must fall on real Esr tnte. By the Tax returns of 1860 tax was pisd on 33,345,289 acres of land which we will estimate to be now worth one hundred million dollars, and Town and City property robe worth twenty millions more. Will the people submit to the taxation in their pres ent impoverished condition. ENQUIRER. Mmmmmmmmmammammmmmmmmmn win— nmm m w n rt i ./V Gr B s’. On the sth inst., at the residence of Mr. Jona than Hull, Thomasville, Ga., by Elder James M- Gray, Mr. Henry C- McPherson, to Miss Nan cy A. E. Creed, all of Thomas County. On Thursday the 6th inst., by the Rev. M. C Smith, at the residence of the Bride’s father, Mr. Jeremiah Stegall, of Texas, to Miss Fame Swift, of Thomas County, Ga. . On the 19th of Jane, bytheßev.J.D.Bu tolph, James C. jioss, Esqr., of ThoWasville, to Mips Eva J. Anderson, of-Liberty County Ga, By the above it will be seen that among the many recent marriages in this section, is that of our old fri.entl James C. Ross, who it seems come out f the- war unscathed, and now turns over, a new leaf and enters the blissful state of matrimo ny. We are plfeased to know be has been so lucky, and hope the future has a full store for his enjoyment. We understand he has embarked al* so in the enterprise of “ teaching the young idea lunv to shoot,” and that he has a good school nea r where he resides, but we are not informed as to its •exact locality. We hope, however, that he may be successful, both in keeping up a good patronage and in storing ‘ the young minds with useful knowledge.. AUGUSTIN H. HANSELL, Attorney X*aw, THOMASVILLE, GA. Office over Store of II Wolff & Bro* July 19, 1865, ts flduAtonlisnnn’b,’ WARE HOI St: AT Ccf TITHE copartnership heretofore exisdng io- JL tween R. R. Evans and W.,). Parnell,.bav ; , ‘.rag bcfii disolvpd by the death ofR. R. Jvm.'s, ■ the undersigned will continue the Ware * ease ■ and .. .. Coannission B.nshies,s in Thontasviffe, on his own account, luVonnev tiou will the’ware house a'goad V ae-s-ey *° Cotton Prßss? v has ■lv ,■! constructed for! iuepat-king purposes j and to'aid him if the bn ifi -i e..un lersignod ■ 1,. s 1 foe; valuable scr\ i-ce’s oi Mr. 11..M ----[‘Bara. Not! pg but A- -c J-m.arv foces of* - siaaiiESiMiii CHARGED. T 111. kv i 1l ■ . # a .,>rn. ,t. ~ J A f ‘• 1 M 111 li 1 * clred yards from the Railroad depot at. Thonms vill§, iind’believing that he can give general sat isfaction, Ihe undersigned solicits- the patronage bfcotton planters ana buvers. WILLIS J. PARNELL. • July 19,18C5. 3m Ht>. QUS:, DISTRICT OF SOUTHERN GA. Blackshear, July Bth, 1865. General Ordett, ) No. 8, • It having been reported to these Head Quar ters that the arms of the 4th Georgia Cavalry,- never wi vet to : foe United-States an tfhorities in-ae - - ••.- With the terms <>i s&rfett der ofG command, .it. .is hereby ordr. hf gd. ‘ irmerly, belonging .to , gait regl ” us in .their negsessioil will a; , er to the commander of the “United r< & i the nbarest -Rost.- ‘ . All persons having in iheir p< n any aims,'account rtftientsj Amunitibh, & J., - beloijgfng loMlie kUe*C. $. Government,, must term their.’ ever to the U. 8. authorities.-at *.>nre or he tried* for theft and severely punished. ■. ‘ . * l>v.Command of Bvevt. Brig. .Ge’u. WASHBURN, ’ ‘ ‘ W. If. Keller, • . 4 ...•* .. * : A. A. A; Gen. - July .19, 1865. .'* ts . . ‘ SOUTHERN EXPBIT ll iiPiT EiPtlt! • CAPITAL $100,000! Till IS COMPANY is now organized, and we are prepared to make liberal advances on O O “37 “J? OIKT and other produce consigned to oiir Agent in LIVERPOOL/'.’ The present value of Cotton in LiVerpocffiJs from 30 to .36 ets.< per pound for GOOD UP 1 LAND COTTON, and from 40 jto 80cts for ‘ GOOD LONG COTTON, I3>J G-OLD 2 We. advance one half its value in Gold or its equiv olent in Currency. We solicit orders for. goods from tire ‘. MERCHANTS & PLAM’EBS The strictest attention paid to the smallest or ders for goods from . EIVsGrLA.VD, FRANCE & C 43-: 52 ITH ANAL . E. T. PAINE, Agt. . RICHARD F. FLOYD, President. • Southern Export and Import Company. • mpTor further particulars apply to ’ ’ • • J. CL PITTMAN, July 12-6fn •• - ThoniasyiUo,’ Ga STOLEN. T T"'-';. ’ the plantation of Mrs. Cai • Te3||| 1.. ters, fifteenjniles south of. Talla ,vs J i hassee, Fla., on Sunday night, the 20th of June, a-small red roan horse, as will appear on close examination-, six years old —thin in flesh with some signs of harness on his shoulders. His tail has been crofled and lias not grown out to its natural length—marie and tail a little inclined to be flaxen—a gray spot in his forehead. Any person delivering said horse to me; five . miles west of Tallahassee will be liberally re warded, or airy information in relation thereto will be thankfully received. J. L. THOMAS. July 12,1865. 2t IID. QUS-,DIST.,OF SOUTH GEORGIA/ 7 Darien, June iuh. 1865. General Order ) No 1. S • q, • I, Pursuant to oraers’froirt HetKl-Qnarters.-De partment df the South, I hereby assume’ com mand of the District of Southern Georgia, coin, prising as follows Lull the counties lying South of North line of the counties of Liberty, Tat nail, Montgomery, Laurens, Pulaski, Dooly, Sumter,. Webster, and Stewart. 11. The follovj ing are.announced as the stnof the General commanding, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly ■ ‘ 1 • „ Snrg-, S. C Brown, Cliief Medical Officer. Map, J. M. Wtswell, Provost Marshal. ■ Cupt., John ‘GARwqoiq-Commissary. Capt., Jas. M. Thompson, Provost Judge. Lieut., W. H. Keller, A. A. A. Geiil. Lieut., Henßi Daniels, Aid-de-caoiip. Lieut./E. H. Sturgis. u . . “ . •E. L. Clark. A. A. Q. M. * f • ‘ . H. I) WASHBURN. Brevt. Brig. G'enl. July 121865, ts ‘ V . Fine C hewing Tobacep, FINE SMOKING TOBACCO, Belle .Boyd “ SEGARS, . : CAROLINA BELLE ” SNUFF, u AUNT NANCY'S ” For sale by * - DeWITT 5c STEGALL July 5, iB6O. ts ‘ 1 HD. QRS DEPARTMENT OP THE SOUTH. . Hilton Head, s. (’.. June 24,.1,865 (jrt Ord€r? t } No. 98. \ The following rat will he e)iargd on nil fi'right shipped on private accoulit, oii board Government v< ssi h- within this Department, * Vi/. : . ‘. - . • ’ P.. -tween Hilton Head and Beaufort, 25 cyr.L per foo;. * i-.v ... Hi; mi Head and Cluu-lestou 50 cent'- p< r foot. . ’ . . Between Hilioji Head, and Voniaud'iic, f-2 1 .•. cents per foot. Between Hilton Head and Jacks, nvilh# i’.2 1 .-i cent* per foot • Between Hilton Head am’ A.ig-t..tin 62^ cents per I’oot. .Between Hilton Head am] Swan ah; cents per foot. Between Savannah and**Augußta, 59 cents pei foot. ‘.* . ’’ o ”, , Between Charleston and Ge< rgetowu, 30 cents per Riot- Between all other places in tip Department not mentioned above, private li.-cig it wi;l he charg ed !‘.*r at the same rate. The nron’ey.thus re ceived will he accounted for *0 the Clyief -Qiu'r temiaster, Dypai’t nient of the S iir.h. I>v Command -of “Majo r- G e p.erAl Q. A. GILLMORE.- . . - \V. L. M Berger. • ♦ Xdiut.aril <-.-■.--••“1 Official: W. 11, Kelleig . , - . .. ‘ Lieut. A A. A-. A.'.G. July'l2, 1865. ts •. 111). QUS., DIST- OF s; t -111. GEORGIA. Blackshear, July 4th,. 1865. Genera] Order, P . ‘ ’ ‘ •V- I No. ‘5. • $ .’■■ To enable residents of this’ District. wl'lo limy desire’ ami are qualified to avail- themselves of the benefits of the PresidentV Amnesty I’r.iclamation, of the 20th of May. 1865, l’ost Commanders are hereby directed to appoint suit able officers to administer and record the Amnes ty Oatl\ prescribed in said proclamation. Such officers will be guided by and strictly ad ip re to the rules and- regulations established by ti c Set vciary of Statejn the following’ Ire ular: DEPARTMENT OF STATE, ) Washington, May 29, 1865. y Sin :—-A copy of the Psesident’s Amnesty Proc :a:. ‘ifiuu of this date is herewith iippended. By eh asp in tlu-insi nuuent the Seterethry of State is directed to establish rules and regulations for administering and recording the Amnesty Oath, so as to insure its benefits tothe people and guard the Government against fraud. ‘ Pursuant'to t his injunction you are informed” that the oath pre scribed in the proclamation may be taken and subscribed befbre any commissioned officer, civil, military or naval, in the service of .the United States, c rany civil or military officer -of a loyal State or Territory, the laws thereof may be qualified for administering oaths. All who re ceive such oaths are hereby authorized to give certified copies tlie persons respective ly by whom they were made; and such officers are hereby required to transmit the. originals of such oaths, at as early a day as may be conven ient-, to tliis department, where.they will be de posited and remain in the archieves.of the Gov ernment. A register thereof will be kept in the department, and on application, in proper cases, certificates of such records will be issued in the customary form of official certificates; 1 am, sir, vour obedient ‘servant, . WILLIAM iI. SEWARD; Secretary of State. In all cases the.officer administering foe- oath will require; in addiiiOn to.such other evidence ns lie may deem 11'ecessary, the-affidavit of the applicant, that lie is not excepted .from the bgne ■ Hits of the Proclamation by any one of the excep tions-therein made. . All persons excepted above will be required’to .make special application in writing through Dis . t-rict Head Quarters, for permission to. be allow ed the benefit of said amnesty. Said, application must set forth the clause under which they are .excepted and accompany the same by an • affida vit that the person appliving does not come un •der any other of the exceptions. . •By Command of ” ’•••” ] Brevt. Brig.. Gen. WASHBURN. ’ • w • •W. H. Keller,. • ’ • Lieut. &A.A A. G.‘ • • July 12,. 1865. ts . . HD. QUS. DLST OF SOUTH. GEORG IA; . . . • ‘Dariek, June i'4th, 1865. General Order , ) No. 2.- ) I. Par 4, Gen. Order .No.” 71,'Head Quarters Department- of the South, isliereby published for tlie information of this command. , 4. While military restrictions upon trade arc* thus removed, still District’ and Post commanders are reminded that they are .expected to keep such a military control over all merchants and traders as is necessary for the maintainance of good order and a proper Poliece within their commands. • To this end they, are authorized to regulate the sale of intoxicating liquors, ales and wines as may seem to them requisite. 11. Licenses will be given to a limited number of responsible parties, authorising -the sale by them, of liquors, ales and wines, for. which a li cense fee of twenty-five dollars will be charged. Said license to continue in force for the term of three months. Printed licenses will be famished.'as soon as practicable, which will be required to be conspic uously posted-in the place of business. - Applications for licenses will be made through the Post- commander, to -the Assistant General at these Head Quarters. , No liquors will be sold or otherwise* disposed _ of to the enlisted nren of the army. . •Any person having received said license, upon’ being convicted of keeping , a disorderly house, will have IheirTieense revoked. Pi - prietous will bo held responsible lor? the conduct of their and any person whp shall be rpuvicied of having kiwwingly yfolated any portion of the forgoing regulations will-he lined, not less thtm ten,- nor more than . one hum died dollars for said offence,- “ - • • •By Command of- ” ” • ‘ • ’ ‘ Brevt. Brig. Gen. WASHBURN. • ’■ . W. H.’Ketjleu, Act; Asst. Ajt. Gen.” • July 12,1865. -ts ” HD. QUB. DIST'.OF SOUTH. GE.O'RGTA.-. . Bt.ackshear, July 4th, 1865. . General Order. ) . No. 4. )■- * *• * • PursiKint to instructions from the Major Gen end commanding. Department ol the South, Com manders of Sub 1 >istriets are- required to give ev ry facilitvfor transporting from .the interior,.all voffiucts to market. ! roads and steamers will take private freight ; ■uuneration to Government when it does \ rfere with public business, i ‘ eminand of Brevt. B rig. Gen. WASHB U RN• • W 11. Keller, A. A. A. Genl July 12, 1865. ts liD. Ql'S , DEPARTMENT OF THE SOUTH Hilton Head,Si. C, June 26, 18i 5. • • General Order, / ‘ No. HW- y • ; • 11. District axu! oilier Commanders are again-- reminded that tliey are required to deliver to i lie Treasury Agent® all abandoned or captured Dot ton in their possession, and will give the Agents : a’l needed and pnqu l- a>si>i.i!na'.’ The Military forces will iiOfc, however, be employed in search - i lor Cotton, nor will they interfere with the . ■ transportation of it, pr any of the produe.ts oft he-, soil, to market • •• 13v Command of Major-General * ’ Q. A. G LLLMORE. • .- W..L.M. Burger. Assistant Adjutant General/ • Official: .\V. It. Kei.-i.kk, ;• . • • . Lieut & A. A. a. G. • . July 12, 1865-. . ‘ ts HEAD QRS. POST THOM ASV! 1 I.E, l \ Thomasvillk, Ga., June 27th, 1865. . % General Orders, ? ‘• • .• .- ‘■ u .5 • . \ “I.'ln obedience to orders ol Bi ! ev-i . f. Gen Washburn, comtnandhig I >i.<t. ol S< utheTir Goor . gia, I -hereby assume cominand ft the Post-.or . Sub-district, embracing the counties ->l RecUtur,- . Miller, Baker, Mitchell,Thomas, Colquitt, Brooks and LoiVndea.- li. The following named officers of. the Post. yre UciovCtHi allium. >a. • ■. ...... Maj. G. A. Hastings, AsstcProvost Marshal. . Capt. E. M. t Thoinji^oii x Asst. Provost Judge. ‘Lieut. R. 8.. Kendall, Post Adjutant. . E • Lieut, A*.B. Godwln,Post Quartermaster ■ . George Collins, Post Surgeon. ‘ • • WJVL K.. KIMBALL, ’ Col. 12th Me. Vols.,- ’ • •. • . ‘.. Commanding Post il. I>.—-The counties of -Early; and Berrien have been added to this Sub-district. • . . K. B. KENDALL, Post Adfbtani. - July 5,1862. ts ‘ HEAD QRS POST THOMASVILLE,? THoMAsvii.u:. Ga.’, June 27 th'. 1865. \ • General Orders, ? .. .. No-. 2. - AtL persons resident in‘ the several counties of Decatur, Milldr, Baker,. Mitchell, Thomas,-. Colquitt, Brooks, Lot#ndes, Early and Bqrrien having in- their possession, custody -or control, • any Public or Confederate property will at once, make a return thereof to these Head Quarters, or to Maj. G. A.. Hastings, Assistant Provost Marshal of the Sub-district comprising the above ‘ counties. • Bv order of. ’ Col. WALK. KIMBALL, Commanding Post or Sub Diet. R. B. KENDJPIL, Lieut. & Post Adjutant.”- • July, 5. 1565. ts . . - >••••’ ‘ HEAD QRS. POST THOMASYILLE, ? Thomasvillk, Ga. June 30th,-1801. General Orders , ) ■ No. 3. . S .’ • ■ ENTIL. further orders the sale of intoxicating or spiiitous liquors is entirely prohibited within the limits of this Post or Sub-district, unti l tlio person making the sale, in any quantity, ibfirst duly, authorized and licenced by the proper offi cer'at these Head Quarters; and up person, can Wl&eused Or authorized to sell spirituous-or in toxieating liquors to aiiy enlisted man-in the ser vice dfthe ‘ailed- States, and upon conviciiou thereof, any. person making such-sale will bo punished by coniiseation of his stock, or such other-punishment as may he deemed proper. • Maj. G. A. Hastings, Asst.. Provost* Marshal. 1a charged with the execution of this order. By order- of Col. WM- K. KIM BALL, . . . • Commanding Post, it. B. Kendall, Post Adjutant: . July $,.M0651. ts ; . ‘ ‘ “lllvVD. QRS. POSTTiM sMASYILLE, > . T ll omasvillig Ga., July Ist.,- 1865. $ • General Orders , )• • . . • . * ■ No. 4, \ -• . • : • UNTIL further orders, u County Court is hereby authorized, established and .appointed within and for.. Thomas County, ‘.Georgia,’ with, such jurisdiction, in connection’with the Assist ant provost, .Judge of this Post, as. may be as signed to it iron! tlieSc-Jload ’Quarters, or from Head Quarters, District Southern Georgia. • The following persons, being loyal citizens of said County, will constitute the Court, to wit : Henry iJL Tooke, of Thonmsville. • ■ Ansef Delete, ‘A. P, Wright, .’ •“ • “ . Recording officer and deck. Lebbeus Dokle, of ThomasvtUe. •The Court will convene at the Court House in Tliomasville this day, and will he in session each Saturday ;uid at such other times as nitty be nec essary for the transaction of such business ait may properly come before it. WM. K. KIMBALL, Col. 12th Me. Comd'g. Post. R. B. Kendall, Post Adjutant. Du. W. F. DeWXTT. Dr. C. W STEGALL • DeWitt &; Stegall, KEEP constantly in Store, and for sale a wel selected stock of ..medicines;. and all other articles usually kept-in drug stores July 5,1865. ts - • _. ; - . Carbonate or COOKING SODA, ‘* EPSOM SALTS- . • • SULPHUR. RACE GINtJER, *,- . For sale hv DkWITT- *Se STL-GALL ‘July 5, 1865.. ’tf I.DROSS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, ’ ‘ OILS, €rL.ASS, is.ii- . ‘ In store and for sale hv ’ . * -D.eWITT A STEGALL . July 5,1865- ts •• .. ..* PERFUMER^- Ij Y-ON’S KA r r IT &KI ON> HAIR DYE iiiiif-Miiki COMBS BRUSHES &,c., For sale by DevVITT & STEGALL. • July 5, 1865. ‘tf