The enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 186?-1865, July 26, 1865, Image 2
,®b; Sflirfto o'a:: m. 0- •* G JgVOIXJB C. BRYAN EDI Thomaev ill--., Ga.; • -* ♦ ► *• JI LT !W, IfOA FUITITL IM2IITB. Last week Wc made borne allusion to an article bj ‘ Enquirer ” ou the 6uby •of the Public Debts or the State, merely to attract attention to the subject that • men might begin *to think upon a reme dy The public debt is a matter of the highest importance to every citizen of the State ; but we also alluded to A sub ject of still i/rt atcr importance to every . vmdUvidualia Ae land —that of the iVt* • gate Veit. ‘.'We mhSxwd that many men'of influence and slanding are m favor of •completely ffi&tk&guifiiiuig all private debts •due prior to the'late. ;.vai by legislative ;• enactment If this .be true it is time for the honest men.of the- country, if thqre be any left to rouse-themselves to action. If the moral integrity* of the people of the South basbfien destroyed, their cirri:- tia'u virtues ne.ver had a*ny existence — • and they ore. therefore,, unworthy of the blessings of'lieavetr. We.- believe that Heaven smiles.upon the efforts .of-the righteous man, but’ webelieve also that* .* il the wicked shall jaeriiqi from the earth.’ •An honest man* is un* hdnest man the world over, and no ■changes of ‘ time dr place or ch’cjmstances can ifldnce him to forget his-Christian duty or abandon his *.’ moral rectitude and -violate those sacred ■ and moral obligations whiioh he has es tablished in ‘the profuundest depth .of h'is hoaor; • There is -no halt way chris* ■ tiani't-y nor half .way. honesty.’ Every man is either an upright* Christian or-a | • downright sinner—and ever,* al- | .so entirely 7 honest Or entirely dishonest- I There is no halficai/ ground. . The ®an who will steal an article of small - value • would steal.-au article o: great •ya ue .it he was-not afraid ol‘ some, punishment.- j A-ud the man who’ would borrow upon - .his honor from-h-is*neighbor and friend, j and afterwards, refuse .to repay when it . wasTh his power, is the most abominable of all thieves. No private, misfortir or. pUbiio calamity can .blot out the obli’ nations *of an honest does • he : need laics —other tliaii the decrees pt* j conscience tq bring him up to the dis- ! charge-of his solemn obligations.’ Law 8 . -are not made for honest but for dishonest men, and the min’ who calls for protect him jn the’ enjoyment of his neighbors wipaid for ettatc, should have laws-passed to .send him to the Deni- J . • teutiafy-ior life.. ; . ’* •• .. ’ . Can any man entertaining such senU” • ments ask hi-s neighbor to Vote ‘for him to fill an honorable position? * If they’ •are simple enough to do it- they deserve . to have all their possessions stoicr. by . him. Some may argue that those who • advocate the “wiping out ■” of all .okl debts prior to the war do so purely for the public good. This will do t-o beguile the simple and to enlist the debtors, but we venture to predict that upon -strict examination nine out of ten of them Will ■ be found to be much greater -debtors than creditors. The chief advocates of. . ’ a general bankrupt law then will be those who are to be* most beneff-tted by it.. —; .. This is very natural to* the “wicked part of man’s nature, bet moral. training shonld have taught him better precept*... Ilis.morai and should ! • be more cor. t with permanent truth than permit him to be honest only when j it was to his interest to be so, but g •as any i was afforded him tor nr, away'with his f ‘owed money Now hrmmtu and honor demands that • where we owe an honest debt it shall be j paid to the last far nay he j, some u.*.:V.r?ecr cal • •'*'. ‘7 •*. ;y r*r---'* Uia honest rlAht-or and Ha p&ey not ffad t •-• i•• es. djft time, Ha hn/. Ka -rill *mf W 7 i ftrre conclude tnat he is tod from thy debt and* ask* to be pnflleOt** !ed by law ‘ ID will endeavor to recruit I hifl fortunes ami provide as far as-ptu jble tor the discharge •of his obligation , Bot Wd have said it.may be.agreed that 1 a general bankrir would be a pub ... benefit Now we would like to be Ub 1 formed as to who is the. public in thig •case It is the public who seek tl | benefit of the bankrupt law and it is .the. nubile who are to be swindled by. the i bankrupt law; It seems tonsthat thdre must.oe. about as many. Cieii -. there are debtors, and iff th* | event-this public, we much egress ! uoon, is divided against itself. Ii the Creditors succeed, say our opponents, t le debtors must. suffer, end ii* .the debtors ; Succeed ßav-we, the creditors must suffer, i This •is thy isi no m made *ap —now let (Equity decide the contest. First the’ ! parties engaged in- this conflict ;s a divi‘* | | ded public .in ‘which one is-to ‘suffer m> matter which succeeds.’ .There can b’p | no “public benefit,” then where one half u ust me’, ifab-ly suffer by the triumph of” the other, ted the* question is brought 1 • * . * •_, . . ‘ down ’to priv-ate’ -adjudication. • Equity demands tint every man shall have hi* 0 • 0 „ J-Just dues. . Humauityrecommends met* j . ey, and so do we, but if the ereduto-r col ’ lects liis mouey- it -Is his. right —whiff •f the debtor refuse to pay he violates his’ ; obligation both as-an honest man and a j ! Christian.- Must the -debtor hold- to and 1 thrive Upon -his* creditor's money -while .'the latter begs* his. bread ? : Surely, no honest man. could say so. Equity ad • ministers’ stern Justice and we see by this- | that while she gives the creditor his dues -.she does no injustice to debtors—yet we | see also by- a combination ofcircumstan | ces that could not-be cofitroled, the debs : or must suffer, even from the udministra ’ tion. of-justice—ff t merry', then, come : to- hia relief.’ This is-the pfeasing office’ ,of the Legislator. Let t}ie'creditor-eoL • • : lect his money where there is a prospect, ■.but let mercy also interpose to shield 1 : the ui innate debtor *• ii st the brutal ] persecution of an uiafeeiing and re font j lees-creditor. Let laws be -enacted, to ! prevent & dishptiegf .debtor from rioting ! upon the wealt h es- his creditor, and also . Ito prey cut cn • -inhuman- creditor, from 1 prosecuting an debtor .to l ruin and dispair. *. Tffe*:e will be legitim I mate ’ subjects for legation, and we l doubt not thatin the pjesent Qmerg.en'cy, * there will'be found suScient ability -'in the councils of. Gcqrgia. to do ‘justice* | both to her debtors anl creditors. • But. I we have no fooYit'fcr ‘firther comment at ! present, and the- subject is too important to be discharged in-a angle brief article • and- we-leave ‘it open, ticrefore, for furl ther consideration hemfter.- ; *•■.-• . — <§!■"<■> • ♦ Messrs: Bill & Wright will crmme'nce* o j on Friday next ‘to rur. a :triweekly liua .of Hacks between Thomasville su'd Tallahassee, leaving tTiomasville on Sun* [.days, Wednesdays and a&d re~ turning on .Tuesdays/ Thursdays and Saturdays. The same gentlemen, have ■ 1 iccetwfuf operation, a tri.. weekly line between ThoiLtsville and. | Albany, leaving Thottasville on T-u I days, Thursdays.and Hntnrdays, and re**'. ’ turning on Wednesdays; Fridays ’ add ; Ti.r old Post f >flif'*’ wifi be I ; kept open hj Mr hardy Ohasl the pur f ‘6ei ting the fn r 7 of .those i wishing to travel by Iff on eith-ei r d these lines . ‘ ~ • 0 . * ■* •* •• * I. ‘ Wt tide-roe# this I *** ; fr>T the Governor's Proclamation and his avannah. both of which will * he found very Jnfo f * The o gech people of Geofgla Important /, ri'* ci. ■ e appoints - the time hold*m>. n Oonvcefiofi. —- Let cicry .road and b* Irrfofttffed.—- The wheels of gov r r r ne6ft in th A State must be started agefn, and it is ottr to see that thov the rioht VM’ XSC. ‘ j. A Splendid picnic is to .be given at i Rooky Ford oii tbe OolUockonee to-mor*. i rov*. thY 27th itist, by the youog gentle men comprising the; Young Men’s Defeat , ting Club of ThoxnasyiUe: The. locality selected is. romantic and pleasant—a ] thick growth 01 fine forrest trees shade i thrground. and the . river at that place, !-breaks - into a.noisy shoal and flows, i*whcn very low, in- many, little’ musical streams Over mossy rocks. The place | is an old resort of picnic parties, and >ny pleasant assqciatiors still. cluster ’ around its memory. -As- the troubles of w&T ovyr the mind is no longer opr i Dressed, and hilarity and frolic break i-forth as of yore’, • Let the . young have j their fun and enjoy each inoment as it ] pnnncin ■ \Y.e. give. them oilr best wishes. | and hope the picnic may fulfill their; ex t pe'etations-/ The -party will Ve under the [ superintendeeoe of several, highly re** j spectable married ladies,'selected for that : purpose. • .*<• —-- \ • That load of water ?nc lions cainc pun ctually last week (real Pearsons.) from the j plantation of Mr. Wm, Heard-, who ■ we protrounee a splendid ‘hand to ‘rube them.. : Tic has taken great pains in pro^ coring-good seed,, and ‘bestowed- much !- pains- upon their - cultivation. • Such a ! course will always -ensure good melons ‘ in this country.. % j Cotton ; • fan's Army Reinforcai by Reb | New-Orleans, June 16,’ 18.65. • ’ Three thousand seven hundred and’ I (ninety 4 -one’ bales of-cotton, rec’eived'from i the itedßiveron account of the Louisi ana State Bank-, have been sequestrated in favor of this State-Qn a heavy claim-: Os this thfc Change article of the J)eh j la. of to-day, s.. /s • It is. tolerably. wsll-understood, by this time that the sequestration, ofthe cotton received from Led river, .per account of ‘the Louisiana S f a t-e Bank, has been.made ,in the Steie'of JLont&iania, which-” claims'a- -1 a lance of-6462,7.-2. The to* tul quantity arrived and seized'.-is 3,791 bales, which may net,.if judiciously dig i posed-cf at about'present prices, to 6375- ■ ■: P •• •.. ‘ . Five Thousand. Confederate Soldiers for i” ’ • • the Mexitxin Army. ‘ a r. 1 was told tri'day that Some 5,000 inea , of‘the late Rebel ArinV -of Texas . have y I “one over the Ktq Grande ito enter the Mexican service. They are.mostly Mis sourians arid Texans, and my informant is a young officer'of a Texas-regiment. |He said that the men declared they ! could pot live under the United States flag, and would even fight with negroes against it. This he said to show ho-w j.far they would go, and how bitter, is their feeling.still. •. The young Texan- added I that a heavy: bounty .is offered to the 1 men to enter the army of Mexico. 1 told him that'it- would .be well for those men to look before they leaped, for they, find themselves in a ‘poor service, the pay of a Mexican Soldier being only five or she <Bol*9 adav —the pay of .a French sob dicr. To this he said : “ It’s the bourn ty they go in so they can’t stay at home.’’ . : ‘ . .. ‘. .ARISTOCRATS, In . a preceding article we'quoted a ; paragraph - in vh’.eb the writer speaks of the danger that no -,-ats* ’ ’ will, again ‘Hil.ain • . iennessee IWe should like much know whin he m< an by’ the 11 n ’ I>oUbtlee it won and he equally instructive and amusing to look upon Abo . picture oi on. aristocrat t as s 1 ‘ i Leal -st lid character exists iri his .mind. • . I . W( Fen hearing various ! d'esefipiions di .t eoplg spt ak ol Atncriean -‘.i isf newt® wi( in.m j>r m aid*- to fix ti I detemiftflle •utCatiihi to their lifignagt i Sometimes an vitocrafc would,seem to ’ Kp ft ‘TOfl If by mrtn, FMiTiriimp® n well pdio j eated one..- Again the designation SceSßs !to point to “ ptOlld ntnn -tun ptoiid to ! etpp] lie fl fl f 1 pp: ff} ( tip like 1 iig neighbors-. It • • . r, ; in c>rom fi'inimmii' ’ ips )tp i<a op • tvkn wear® a clean shirt 01 t'* l '-’ his boots > blacked t iti bthe .Places a iim cannot escape the opprolo’idiis epithet it he is [ known to pay his debts or keep his word * ifj anv Tesrt°nt ( t r obftbly letter Writer did not ; exoctl? hi<s did we suppose he intended soine sort I PRO VIS E O A]L <UoV £-.*.-*liii.:*x of cjfogia. ■ PROCLAMATION. | By Jas Johnson, Povisionai Governor, j To the. PeopU of Georgia Whereas, by the Proclamation of Andrew Johnson, President of the Uni* ted States, dated 17th of June, A. D. 1865, i have been appointed Provision, al Governor of the State.of Georgia, with instructions to provide, at the earliest practicable period, guch rules and regn ! lations as may’ be- necessary proper for convening a Convention of the peo ple, composed of delegates to. be chosen that-, portion of the people who are loyal to the United States, and no oth ers ; and also with all the powers neces sary and-proper to cnab-lo such loyal peo ple of said State- to restore it to its com sututionai’relations to the. Federal Gov ernment, and so presept suc.L a form of State Government as will entitle the State to the guarantee of.the United. States therefor, and its people to the pro tection of the United Stales against in* •va&ion,. insurrection and domestic lence: - ’ “ ’ . Now, therefore I,’ -James. Johnson, Provisional Governor -of the State-of . Georgia,- as aforesaid, do b.y virtue of the power in’ me.vested as aforesaid'proclaim aiid declare — Ist .That- an election for ‘delegates U> a Convention- will be held on the first ‘Wednesday in October-’ A. I). 1865, at. the different precincts at which elections are directed'and authorized'by law to be ‘held for members of the Legislature. 2d. That the thirty-seven counties in . I the State,.‘which, by law in force • prior i to.the first of January, 1861, were inti** tied io two members of the House of ! Representatives, shall be authorized and entitled to elect each three delegates,, and that ‘the remaining shall each be authorized and.entitled ;.to elec ‘two delegates to said Convention.. . 3d. That no person at such election j shall he qualified” as an • elector,'or f-hall be eligible as a member of such Co-nvcn... ’ tion, uni ess be ‘shall have previously ’ *...•’ thereto.,.taken-and ‘subscribed the oath of Amnesty, as set forth in the Presidont’a Proclamation or .May 29th A. D. •and is a votcr'qualified as prescribed br tiie.Constitution'and laws pf the State Georgia, id force immediately before the Pdt'h of January, A-. D. 1861, th.e data ofthe so-called Ordinance of Secession.-• 4th. That any two. Freeholders qualL ned to vote at siicli election as aforesaid, - may act as managers of. the election- at, • ’ eaoh ofthe precincts'.as -aforesaid j and j thpt in’ managing-- and -superintending • such election, .they shall be governed bi and; proceed under the laws of the State regulafing'and prescribing the electioo of • members oi the. legislature-, prior to tho first of January, 1861; Provided,’ that each of said managers, . ’before .-entering on the duties, prescribed, shall.swear the ocher truly and faithfully to superintend and make return of said “election accor ding to law as aforesaid and the -require ments of.this Proclamation'.- sth.. That the delegates who shall be elected as aforesaid, shall--assemble ia the city of Milledgevillc, at 12 o'clock, meridian, on the fourth Wednesday of October; A. I). 1865 •And whereas', The rebellion which has been waged by a portion of the people against the'government of the United States has, in its revolutionary progress, . deprived the people of the State -of all civil government; ‘and whereas,- they , must remain without civil officers, and. the administration of ‘civil’ law until a State Government shall 1 ave been organ ized by the Convention called as afore-*. said ; and whereas, it is necessary in the meantime that domestic tranquility be euKnrcd, and that the loyal people be protected in all thoir rights of person and of property, 1 do further proclaim and declare: . • . . . Ist ‘flint no individual- by virtue of his own .authority, shall inflict ‘coporeai punishment on any persbn for any real or supposed luim-v, whether, such’injury- -,- to person or property ; and that in all such cases, redress ’must be sought from and given by such military author* i'\. g§ nun ke invested with jurisdiction \ r 1 (lie ('.-i rs . • ; Vkt I hat slavery is extinct, and ihvoi- Utitify sc-i vt( ndr no 1 uigor c'x isis.— lienor, no pro-son shall have control of tkn labet of other than such “" nh ‘'] fti lawfully result from- in dontnir. thp rplatnm o! parent and child,- dteu and wwd and the oontmet o hiring, freely and fairly made . and that dM\ g? any ‘ one standing in ihfcse relations, the mill* othority will *"” * manner odeinu, a- . :f- ■■