Newspaper Page Text
under the hws of the land.
3d. That all liotous or tumultuous as
embla <r cs of tho people, and also all as
eomblages lor unlawful purposes and un
lawful objects, will ha dispersed ; and to
this end, if necessary, the military pow
r oft he Uuited States will bo invoked.
4th. That the idea, if any such is en
tertained, that private property will be
distributed or parcel id out is not only
delusive but dangerous and mischievous;
and if auy attempt, should be made by
•any person or persons to cftoct such- an
object by violence'or unlawful'.means, it
will only secure to him or them speedy
and merited punishment.
5.. To the end that the people may qual
ify themselves as - voters,'it wifi doubtless
bd the pleasure of tho commissioned offi
cers-In the service of United States, to
have the oath of amnesty, administered
Under the rules and regulations prescribed
by the. Secretary of Slate of the. United
States; and in this work, I mrat earnest*
iy desire, and solicit the oheerml co-ope
ration of the people, so that Georgia, may
speedily be ‘delivered of military • rule
that she may once again regulate her
own domestic’ affairs’,'and'again enjoy the
blessings of . civil government, and bo
heard’and felt by-her Senators and Hep
esentatives in the councils of t-h'o nation.
Done at Millcdgeville-, the Capitol of the
State,, on this, the loth day of July, ID
the year’of o„ur ; Lord, 1865, and the •
’ eighty-ninth year of American Inde
pendence.. . •
Provisional Governor of Georgia.
‘By the Governor:
L. If. Bitiscon, Secretary. ‘ ‘•
Select'your Best Jiaii. ‘
The-time’is rapidly approaching when
the people'of Georgia will be dulled up
on to make selection of men to repres
‘sent.their interest in sd/ercM’ conven- .
tion’. The meeting that is to’ take place
on the.-1 tli Wednesday in October next, j
dno ordinary one. It is very different
.from conventions u.-uaky assembled for
attending to business whiob tho .change
irig v/au’ls of *the State may have .requir
ed. ’Never ,in the history of Georgia,
was tho exercise of in ore -wisdom, sagae
'• iry aud states uiahs hip u o'ces ? ary.M en
who are .cap’ahio of- rising above passion
and prejudice, and all cons id oral ion-s ci ]
pelt*, men of clear heads and- honest j
hearts should be selected. The nndigi *
j'iiiled- scrambling- and. strife for office j
which has .characterized political contests
.in times past should be discountenanced.
**The office should seek tlie man, not the
mad’/ ’ It will n'ot .do, on this.;
occasion, to • regard trie desire of any j
.man; or Qvcii to consider his past polit- j career but the - question should be, ! is ablest, wisest and mos'fsuited for j
the .great work the convention will be !
called upon, to’ .perform. According as j
the fitness, for the work- shall be fo.und i
’ greatest, the seLctioii should be made,
■aud it should be made witfi the greatest
unanimity. There ‘are no parties in j
Georgia now —none whatever.
. Every member -of the convention ;
shouM desire-'for Georgia,- the position
she heretofore occupied among her sis_
fer. States of the Union —a- position of
sovereignty-, where her voice was heard
and’ felt in the councils of the nation. •
‘ When once the machinery of the j
State government is in motion, tho task
will be comparitivelyeasy to regulate it.
But’the duty of the convention wall be
to originate the machinery itself, and to’
adapt it’ to the great changes that have
taken place in our social organization.—
As the establishment of our State policy
will depend upon the convention-, the
• importance of.the work, and the charac
ter of the men best calculated to-, serve
the people- are apparent. Then let us
■determine to bury all personal feeling
of anuhosity or prejudice, and bring, to
• bear the exercise of calm judgment in
Tie selection of delegates. — Telegraph.
A Frenchman, resolved to be rid of.
life;- went a little before high tide to a
post setup by the seaside. • He had pro
-vided himself with a ladded, a pistol, a
bundle of matches, and a vial of prison.
Ascending the ladder* he tied one end
of the. rope to the post,- and the other
end around’ his-neck ;.’ then, lie’ took the’
• poison, set his clothes do fire; pul the
•muzzle •of ’the pistol’ to his-head and
kicked away ‘ the ladde’c/1 In kicking
down the ladder, he slunifcd the pistol
so that; the bail’ misAJtl his head arid
cut through the . rope- by which he was
suspended ; he fell into the sea, thus ex
•tinguishing ’ the flames of his clothing,
and the. sea water, which he involuntary
• ly swallowed, counteracted the poison,,
and thus, in spite of his precautions he
remained unhanged, unshot unpoisoned,
and drowned.
Mcvican PcEicy of
’ A special to t lie \\orld says some v--
important statements were made id V.
official quarters to-day, with regard to |
the policy of the tavern merit on. the 1
Mexican question. /The story comes in ,
such a shape that it cannot well. bo.
credited, and is :. first, that tho ‘ - .ve-v'-
meat will not permit her Fi
Austrian, or foreign soldier of an- sori, >
in the service of Maximilian, to - -a lu d— i
ed on the Idexiean’coaßt, with^tentering
a- firm and decided protest ; second, unci
. what, is-of gravest importance, that the
government having stationed in Texas
an .army of* 100,000 men, wi!J • keep j||
there to act as a'corps of observation, and’
to exercise such physical and moral -pres
sure* as shall ultimately compel the- with
drawal of Maximilian trogi M-exied. ... j
• This, army hag been so disposed that it i
’ overshadows, especially .ori. the . Kio
Grande, the. Mexican frontier, and-keeps j
tho foreign levies of the new Emperor I
, in ah .-incessant .state of a pprohension an and
activity. - If a collision should coiiic the-
United States wouidGuive at. hand lore. ■
sufficient to. maintain its dignity,-arid |
make ifeprisuls. The transferor the con- i
fedeiate battery to the .Imperial General ;
Mejia is another matter now occupying j
official attention,'arid’ a full and -scat'ch- j
tng invest igatfiou is into- the :
matter of the alleged sqle.
• . If General SJaughte'r did'diapose of aJ
Confederate battery to the j
a.i stated, it will be demanded and <-• b- ;
finned • isSndejsitoqdthat 1:1,000 or j
i 0,0- )-Ce:.':’'derates are in the Mexican j
■ gerv ice t near .the-Texas ber/e'r, and ‘it is i
•definitely settled tli-a-t if.these arc trod
blesoine, theywill be puni lied, tfv-en-'ifi:
the pursuit should throw our-aWny aCrot.....
the border. •’ . . • ‘ ‘ ‘ !
_ TAO DDO 123 *&f ’ J Stl3• W crSd* .. ’ j
The A ort/i L ‘-it ink. Geeieic, disc ours. \
I ing on the-doom of the world, .has the *
€j • • .7
folio-wing remark’s-: • ; ■
• • • * * jt* 1
. “ What this change is to be, wc'darn
not even conjecture, but.we see in the ‘
•heavens’ themselves some ’traces of firs- i
tractive •elements -and some” ind : ca.:ions i
of their power, the ‘fragifi uits ‘of broken j
? plauets-’—tho .dei-eut* of meteoric* stones ]
! unoti our globe—the • whirling cbinets
;■ wielding'tlici.r.loose material’ the a o!af
! surface —the .volcanic ■ .ei apt i. n-s .m our]
j'owra -satelite —the appearance of new ■
stars ant. disappearance <W dii'ers/arc .
foreshadow* of'that-impend ng cbavulr
sion.lo which the system of the -.-vogh. 1
■ doomed • /Thus placed on a rjlangt which
{ . !
is to be .burned Up’i .and under heavdi •-
i which-arc to pass uwav ; thus residu
! were, on the cemeteries, and dw*l
] lipg upon the- mausoleum*'. df locajer
’ worlds, let us learn the lesson* of ham Hi
• ‘ .
; ty a'ud wisdom, if we have not. already
•■been taught, in the school of revc^atidaA
. i
• ‘ J-eflT. Isavis-i£s
j-- V-FotiTRiCSS Mcmiok,Tt.iday; j;une 2d,.
As iuporrect statements ‘(not einana- i
;• ting from this point) have appeared in
! several-journals, regarding qtlie health
and- condition of J flfer- ..
would inform the pub! if'his it al li
at .the-present time is much better th;ari |
when landed-here irom offi. the. steamer'-;
.CTnlaf this-morning he was Sees by our';
■ irformant engaged in smoking, and ao-'d
parentjy in a calm state of mind. ■ He is
.pots ia irons, ‘and- his quartets arc .very j
- * • •!
’ Jes: arson's Te-n Rules.—Never: put j
off till, to morrow what cau be’ done - to
day. ‘Never trouble another for what
you yourself. Never spend your
money nefore you have it. Never’ buy
what you do not want because it is cheap.
Bride costs-us more than hunger', thirst
• and cold.- We seldom’, repent of having
eatin too little. Nothing is troublesome
that we-do willingly.- How'much pains
aud evils ‘have cost ’ which have- never
I happened. Take every thing’ by the
j.smootfie’ handle. When angry,- eou-nt
.j ten before you speak; if very angry,'a
hundred. •• ‘
• • . O e •
•’ It is asserted That a man's finger - ncils
grow their full -length in .four .months
.1 and a half And a mail living 70 \ T .eurs
! renews, his nails .177 times.’ Allowing;
i each nail to .be half ‘an inch long, 1 o has
j grown 7.feet and nine inches ‘of-finger
- nail, on each finger, and on fingers arid
thumbs-an’ aggregate of 77.'feel and 6.
inches. ’ • • •
. Here is a beautiful little’ paragraph
which we find in’ one of ou exchanges':
u If there is a iiian who can eat his bread
. in peace with God and man, who has
brought that bread out of the earth. ‘ It.
is cankered by no fraud; it is wet by
no tears; it is stained by no blood/’
a Beautiful! Fable*
• There ki •can fable’which says:
On a sultry, hot summer day, an honest
old man was plowing his own field, when 1
suddenly under the shade of an oak,
lie beheld a godlike figure approaching
him. • Tlie nr, n started bsck
- < T am Sollmon, ,; Sßid ! r t .:n
g voice. .‘What art thou doing
. ‘ o'd fflHft'f . ‘. • |
‘lf.thoa art Solemoo,*’waa the re*
> ’.v, -‘how capst though -:i>k no ? • When j
I was n youth thou send ico :o’ s he
tint. ‘ I’saw itsxpethod of living, and it !
taught me to bo diligent,'industrious,
and persevcreing, and gather the super
fluous Tor a stormy day. Avjiat 1 then
learned, 1 etd! contuiue’ to uo/
. ‘’i'houhast studied, thy Ift&ou but half/-
replied the spirit,, ‘go once more to the
[ ant and learn’/f it. also; how to find fst
and quiet ih the Winter cf tby vt ars and
I bow. to enjoy that which thou hast
hoarded up. •’
[ There, rs a world of wisdom in this fa
•ble, .and’ there is no Tesson in human
| philosophy that should be more palpably ;
| Impressed .c it “the understanding; Rich- J
; cs are.desirable, but .their greatest use .is
to’ make, the decline of life • happy, and
! be, who. after acquiring, fails to enjoy
them,’ is certainly, pitied. It is an
I imposition on one's .self', to toil in the
: summers heat and Winter's cold to uccu
j niulate property and -then be too parsi
monious to .enjoy if. One of the reat
j est privileges, one .of the most glorious
I conditions - that-a human being ‘ can en
j' -tjo/be — : to withfiniw form
j dne irom Mammon, to. leok up to God
it and be .truly, at’peace with himself and
| all nfp.'iklffd. -The a.iit toils through the
! spr'ug. time aud summer, but when • the
ci>!d vdir-ls oi"autumn .(Mime, when - the
‘ s-o>v ; o ‘.whiter fail,-it nestles down’ in’
: its warm chambers, !i”os on. what'it has
tceumti ated end we have no doubt eh
rjo vs its ■.Tiort-e-xisteneei ‘ .What a strik
ing lesson, and how Worthy to be follow
* cd by man* • .- . •
~ .. it . A • M- ——
My son, wl.iat.would you do’ if your’
• father should be suddenly taken from
you? *'• IS ware'and, ciicw tobacco/’ ••’
‘J . *
: I*l ew Advertisements. ■
(V y ik!
10li I 0 1 Olt [J 9
; ■ V ‘'-CHEAP’
! \rr in a qij DPTfaFQ
::i 1 \J • r ii: t,’
m*IE l MI > TK.BIGNED has just received a-new
*i supply 1 oi’ijeicct •
113 £l TG O OIJ S
l R: W;IM
11. Ik aJ v
j’ •- *
j To'whioh be.i. :te.- a e>nof all vzho .wish
j ar/deSc.i- ....
y■ . .
fa • ran torn rV.
(•’- ~ ••’ • • ’ . • wa-; • ‘■ :an exchange it
j.’ to l\ v ‘ -. a- m .
hP t i “ • ‘ prime nec^ssi
jty with.a • • . liniea and sea
| sons,an/. a-V ■• . . .- ... .../isaj.iylii?’ stock
I The itndersigned yvill Mso act as
! .CODSrsrG-iSTETD'-
all goober m-erchanise consigned to liis care-
Fine Chewing Tobacco,
“ ’ -SE-G ARS, • . . *
‘ • ‘“.car’Olin:a-belle ” sxuff, •.
. f‘AUNT FANCY'S” ’ • ‘’- ‘
For sale by . - DeWITT & STEGALL.. ’
July 5, i 365... . ts _ ’
For stlc by. • . • • • . ... *
’ July- 3, 1865. ts
Carbonate of Magnesia.
COOKING SODA, : ‘ • - /
For sale by . DeV/ITT & STEGALL
] July 5,18&5. ts
AT ,
( <3r&L m
rWIHE copartnership heretofore t-xi
JL tween K R Kv;n.< in- ‘ * J P:;ri;~Il v
: ;
-he i.:..! ‘ *: ‘,.vv. ill i •' ; *>e the V\ ~re House
iU*U % *
. Commission Business
. i*
■in TiioinHsvill.e. on Ms own account. InconnOO:
lion with the ware house a good Itaessey
Cotton Pres
has .been constructed tor repacking purpose®
and to aid him in the. business the unclerrigued •
has engaged tile vulnable services of Mr. If. M.
Ban. ‘ Nothing but the customary rates of
iIMiHII I‘|S tiUmlbSiSl Wlt.i 84-
This Ware House is situated about one hua-* *
dred yards from the Railroad depot at TUomas
vills, and-beliefing that he can give general sat- ■
isfactioii,the undersignedsolicits the'patronage
of cotton planters and btoy&ra. .
• July -19,1865. \ tiu ‘ ■
Blacksheah, July-Bth, 1865.
1 General-Order, ? • ‘ . ’ <
No. 8, ) ‘ .
. It, having been reported to these Head Quar
ters ‘.hat the arms of the ath-. Georgia Cavalry, .
never were turned over to the United States. aU
.th on ties in accordance with the terms of surren
der pi’ General Johnson’s command, ‘it is hereby
ordered that all persons formerly belonging to ■
j-sadd ragimeht, having arms iu their posses ion •
will at turn them over to’ the. Commander of:
J the United States forces at’ the nearest Ppst.
All persons having in. iheir possession any
Karins, accoutrements* Amnnition; -fcG, belonging
i to the late’ C. £>. Government,, must tuna thorn
over to-the U. 8. authorities at -oiiee or be tried-,
.for theft and- severely punished. • ■ •
By Command of
• BrcvL Brig. Gen. WASHBURN,
’ • -’ ‘ • • ..W;ll..Kellea,
• ‘ A. A, A- Gen
July 19,.i8<>5-. ts * •
.: .sO’UTIiERISr’
[•• • , ‘ ‘cfA : y- •
\mtt ‘mmmmi
j . ‘ ‘ CAPITAL
rpIIIS COMPANY is .now'*)rganiied, and w*
X are prepared to make liberal advances oa
.OOW-tfjQISF •
. and other produce consigned to our Agent in .
I r - vvg fs ■* *r*<r &.** -j
. . Wij* ft. V L... ft. ftp JSpi, • • •
•’ The present value of Cotton in Liverpool is
from i ‘ to 46 cts., per pound for GOOD UP
LAND COTTON, and front ‘59 to OOcls fo{
; .JaL S3 ’
i’We advance one half its value -in Gold or its equiv
! oleut in .Cu'.'rcme.y.* ‘ . ; • . • .
I • We solicit orders for goods from tho
twH'vnrtT'’' 1 > ‘r-.Trnn o rz-s.rn. r'pmnp rt
f'/f d:\i > X or y\t t KhS’
Ujidi — Juj (j V> -0 u>> ;m V j Jj ixJi, Aid)'J Jj'tLiUi bL/
The strictest attention'paid to the smallest or
ders for goods from .
• E. T. PAINE, Agt.
. ‘ ‘ • RICHARD P. FLOYD, President, y
Southern Export and Import Company.
further particulars apply to
• • J. G. .PITTMAN,
• Jul-y 12-6 m ‘ • ‘ . Thomasville, Ga
• • . ‘ .. Darien, June 12thj 1865.
General Order l ‘ . . ‘
No 1. . • $ . ’ • *’ . ‘
I. Pursuant to-orders from Head-Quarters, De- .
partment of the South, I hereby assume coni
■ maiid of the District of Southern Georgia, - com- •
prising as follows: all the counties lying South
of North line of -the counties'of Liberty, Tatnall,
Montgomery, Laurens, Pulaski, Dooly, .Sumter,
Webster, and Stewart. ‘ •
• 11. The following are announced as the staff of
the General commanding, mid will be obeyed and •
respected accordingly: •
• Surg-, S. C I>uo-wn , Chief- Medical Officer
. Maj., J. -M. Wiswell. Provost Marshal.
’ Capt., John. Gar-wood, Commissary.
Capt., J as. 31. Thompson, Provost Judge -
Lieut,, W. 11. Keller, A. A. A. GenL
Ligut-., Henri Daniels, Aid-de-camp.-
• Lieut., E. H. SrditGis, ‘ if
• .E. L. Clark, A. A. Q. M. ■ •
- Brevt. Brig. Gens.
• July 1C 1865. ts ‘
Th o M Asvi L.LE, Ga., July isf., 1805. )
■General'Orders, ) . ■ ‘ ‘ . •
No. 4. J ; • *
. UNTIL further orders, a County Court is
hereby authorized, established and appointed
within and f.jv Thomas County, Georgia, with
such jurisdiction, in connection with the Assist
ant Provost Judge of this Post as may be ?-
: signed to it from these Head Quarters, or from
Head Quarters, District Southern Georgia. ’ •
The following persons, being loyal citize is of •
” said County, will constitute the Court, to %Vit
■ Henry H. Tooke, of Thomasville..
Ansel Dekle, . “ •
A. P. Wright, _ “ ‘ ‘• “
Recording officer and Cleck, .Lcdibeua Dekle,.-
of Thomasvilie. * . * ••
.- The Couii will convene atthe Court If 6-use .in
Thomasville, and will be in session each
Saturday and at such other times as may be nec- .
essary for the transactioii of such business as •
may properly come before it. ‘
Col. 12tb Me. Comd’g. Post
R. B. Ivendali, Post xidjutant.
In store and for sale by
July 5, 1865- ■ l£