Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 05, 1904, Image 10

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A DECISION. COURT DIVISION. cod marshy regions of the country, bnt wherever there is I TFJ bed air this insidious foe to health is found. Poisonous t vapors and gases from sewers, and the musty air of damp F. jtjN cellars are laden with the germs of this miserable disease, j pgvj which are breathed into the lungs and taken up by the ■r-'wi’v* blood and transmitted to every part of the body. Then f. v ' 3^ T you begin to feel out of Sorts without ever suspecting the *L J .y cause. No energy or appetite, dull headaches, sleepy and V ~ tired and completely tagged out from the lHglitest eser- , i tion, are some of ths deplorable effects of this enfeebling L. Wi malady. As the disease progressesand the blood b-xoiuer *>..-$ ;i | \\ more deeply poisoned, boils and abscesses and dark or ( 4—-W yellow spots appear upon the skin. When the po'&-n U left to ferment and the microbes and germs to multiply in —■ the blood, Liver and Kidney troubles and other serious compV'catii.i-s often arise. Aa Malaria begins and develops In the blond, dm tr... . .cui to be S i . - effective must begin there too. S. b, destroys jo? the germs and poisons and purines the polluted >^V blood, and under it3 tonic effect the debilitated K^>l constitution rapidiy recuperates and the system is w soon clear of all signs of this depressing disease. S. 3. S. is a guaranteed purely vegetable remedy, mild, pleasant and harmless. Write ns if yon want medical advice or any informs? tion alxmt your case. This will cost you nothing. THE S WITT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, O Has theljiiiest vacation. Judge Emory Speer of the United | States court received at a late hour last right the following telegram* from Hon. John J. Jenkins, chairman of the house j adiciary committee f "Washington, D. 0.—HOn. Emmy Speer, Maoon, Os.: Have yon objec tions to transferring Dougherty, Mitch ell, Oalhohn, Baker. Lee and Worth counties from the Southern to North ern district, as provided in Griggs' bill for Sonthwettem division of Northern district? Answer. (Signed) John J. Jenkins." Judge Spoor immediately forwarded the following reply: , Macon, Ga. "Hon. John J. Jenkins, Chairman Ju diciary Committee, House of Repre sentatives, Washington, D. O. # ‘‘Your telegram. My main objection to the Griggs measure was the transfer of the comities' of Decatnr. Oolqnitt and Bemen to the Northern district. “X can bat deplore, however, the dim inution of the sphere of my usefulness by the counties yon mention. “Were-1 satisfied that the peeple de sire it, which I do not believe, or that there was any good reason for it, not withstanding my regrets 1 should say nothing. A glace at the map, however, in connection with the site that I live in (Maoon), a hundred miles north of this territory, and Jndge Newman in four miles far- shows that onr highest state Judifltary is ready to oontrtbnte in every way to the cause of morality In onr state.. It now remains for onr grand jory and those in authority to say whether the resorts that liave disgraced, ohrs and The advo- ra to “what would yon do with dollar*? 1 ' ate going ih* ronnd* SS8. Pass the pipe phase. Ever tried mfctig pictures from start to fmw It’s fun with the right nikria}. Let. us show you! ■ BROWNIE CAME*yS, Iu the coming campaign the people liruid remember that no maii ehonld other cities shall remain, oatc* of virtue and right will anxiously wait toseewliat steps will be taken to see thatthd law is enforced after thlskweeplng decision recently banded down by the Snpremo court. Ml.—Kessler V. State. Before Jndge Hodges. City Court of Macon. Cobb,' J.—1. Ope who owns or con trols a hocse and leases it to another for the purpose of keeping an immoral Letters firm Lexington, Va., stale mt Mr. J. Preson Allan-lufs" reached Is home there and is improving io $i and $2. Brownie Developing Machine, $2.00. Broughton has' prfeehed s (lie "Money Fool.” He ,1s to talk abont the letter put MtJ If not the former. NEW COLUMBIA ORAPHOPHONES boose, or who rents it to another, know ing that it is to be need tor this purpose, or, after having leased the house, know ingly permits the oocupant to use It for immoral pnipoees, maintains and keeps an immoral bonae, and is indictable tinder the provlsioni of the Penal Code. Section 891. The offense being a mis demeanor, all concerned in tha perpe tration are indictable aa principals. 3 The evidence anthorizod the ver dict, and no reason has been shown for reversing the judgment refusing a new trial. -Mi, * Jndgment affirmed. ' "Virtue.” 10 Copies of Rev. T. DeWitt Tdmage’s “Travels in the Holy Land” —Will be- GIVEN AWAY In the Timee-Enterprise "Dot” Contest. These books ere on exhibition now at onr store. They are splendid works, which sell for $2-75 each and will be an ornament to any home. J. E. Robison & Co f s. Boole Store, Broad Street, • Tliomasville, Ga. (Thomasville's northern visitor* ribnted 136 to the fond for the bnilding at the World's Fair, tat are the homo people going to Speculation catches more railroads wrecks kill, and r a good deal. politician* are doing the aot, and saying “not for | Stanley Bennett and slier* 111 not stand for re-eloc- Qaalnt, Queer and Curioua Salt Lake City. The late Col. John Cockerell in The Cosmopolitan t»aid “There are three uni que cities in America, and one of these is Salt Lake City." It is not only uni que in.its temple, tabernacle and other Mormon church^institutions, but quaint in appearance, with its wide streets, im mense blocks and martial rows of shade trees. It has, perhaps, more attractions to the square yard than any city in the country, and its climate, while temper ate all the year round, is particularly The Great Salt Banjos $2.50 np, etc., oau be lotted at T Tuttle’s Jewelry Store ‘ ThontMVllJe. Georgia. Atlanta, s hundred «nd ther north, will convince yon how in explicable is this movement upon grounds of publio interest, convenience or econ omy. "A report from the district attorney or the assistant, aotively representing the government, may. be of service to the oommitteo. (Signed) "EMORY SPEER, “Jndge.” Jndgthg from the t-legianf received by Jndge Speer, it would ap pear that the committee has abandoned the idea of transferring tho counties of Decator, Berrien and Oolqnitt, In asmuch ns there was so muoh opposi tion to snelt action. One of tho princi pal arguments was that the transfer would serve to weaken tho new South western division. KIND COMMENTS. (From the Horn. ^piunt.) Mr.] Wilson M. Hardy delivered a magnificent address on "Robert E. Lee” last Tuesday at Thomasvillo, Ga. before John B. Gordon Ohaptor of the Confed eracy. The address which is printed In fall in the Times-Enterprise at the special request of the eliapter. does Mr. Hardy great oredlt and is' a' beautiful example of chaste rhetorie and worthy sentiment Mr. Hardy’s many friends in Rome will be pleased to know that ho is wlfiuing merited laurels in his adopted South Georgia home. iptton election has been call- tell county for February 37th. Is now dry and those who p it so will holds meeting their forces at.Camilla to- Headaches are caused by disor dered stomachs. Ramon's Pills cure been released from >n» (hat she will net stage or write a co and shall in dc delightful in summer. Lake, with its magnificent SaUair resort, where the water is ^'deader.and denser” than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine is an attraction in itself that people come miles to see. There are TAYLOR STEAM ENGINES COMPLETE (t , GINNING 1.1-fa- >TX. — OUTFITS JHXSALA Newly many cool mountainand lake resorts nearby, also numerous very pretty canon and park drives, and hot sulphur springs, Fishing and hunting can be had in every direction, The trip from Denver to Salt Lnl:e*City and Ogden, via the Den- ir& Rio Grande and the Rio Grande NA'estern, is one ot unsurpassed pleas ure. Hcre^nature is found iri her stern est mood and the whole line is a suc cession of rugged canons, waterfalls and picturesque valleys. No European trip can compare with it in graudeur of scenery. During the entire summer there will be low excursion rates to Salt Lake City and contiguous country. It is on the road to the Pacific coast, if that be your destination. W rite S. K. Hooper, G. P. & T. A., L'envcr, Colo., for beautifully illustrated pamphlets, etc 8-1-03-! i mos. Carrie Natl, (From th»8avsnnah Pres*.) ; Mr. W.M. Hardy delivered a boautifol address op Robert E. Leo in Thomaivillo before the John B. Gordon Chapter of tjie Daughters of the Ooufcderany. Mr. Hardy.U one of tho oditors of tho Thom- oaville Times Enterprise and Is a fine writer and A good speaker. (From (be Maoon News.) On tho 13th Instant Editor W.M. Hardy of the Thomuville Times delivered a beautiful address on Robert E.Leo before the John B. Gordon olmptor of Dangli- ters of the Confederacy, at Ihpmasville. Mr. Hardy-8poke with mnch eloqneure and the oration was admired by all who heardit. * (Prom Ute (Jrilttn .New,)) Editor Wilson M. Hardy, of the Thom- aavllle Times, is receiving many compli ment* on tile beautiful address lie dcliv ered on Leo'sj birthday. -$80,000 asphalt paving oom- ',000 oil mill; construction 11.70,OOOolT, tee and fertilizer MILL Shops and SUPPLIES Foundry Bhm mire >MH, fire Peg RmAiw. term, Pimp*. Mmmmn. Satw. Smpmrmtmm Wt «W NMs N tt tsw IsNmt to F)|sr. am Vs. It is said that Martin F. Amorous, who is well known in lumber and rail road circles in Sooth Georgia will no a condidate for mayor of Atlanta. Columbus—Yarn mill. lUui.. iv—$25,000 naval stores oom- any. Savannah—Planing mill. NEW PHONE CONNECT10N. Moultrie will soon be eontsetsd with two and Boston by long distance telo- Sick Biootf HUNTER, PEARCE & BATTEY, > COTTON FACTORS ere is already a line from Monltrie tutreyvlUe, and the gap between » and Pave will bo filled in aa soon ie poles can bo put up. Feed pnle girls on Scott’s Emulsion. \ We do not need to give all the reasons why Scott’s Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and colbr of good health to ffosc who suffer from sick blood. The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Livtr Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does. Scott’s Emulsion presents- Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least in taste. Young, women in their ‘ teens Over Thirty Years Experience. ... Expert Handlers ofjsea Island as well as Upland Cotton Liberal cash advances against Consignments. Money loaned Cotton Shippers on Approved Security, Large dealers iu SeaJIsland and upland Bagging, Sugar Cloth Twine and Ties. Write For Terms. 126 East Bay Street, : Savannah Ga L 8-1-7111 DISPENSARY FOR VALDOSTA. The report la in circulation that aome , 'iitho citizens of Valdoata are agitating tho question of abolishing the barrooms in Valdosta and establishing a dispen sary instead. One ot these parties, in ffkrmaalng the matter, stated 1 that a Uiipomary in that town would pay the town and county a net profit of $35,000 to $30,000 and that this amount ot mon ey would reduce oonoty taxes to a min imum, if Indeed any tax would bo nee- ceeaaryatall. It seems that this new movement is in the incipient stage and it la not known what strength it may Just received agency for ny>4 of the world-famous Excess Columbia Bicycles —AND- Motor Cycles. Aho the well known Cleveland.Tribune, Monarch and Rambler Wheels. , All products of the worlds best ma kers, POPE MANUFACTURING CO. Easy Termg. WERTZ & SON Of Smoking Affected My Heart Gol Had To Sit Up To Breathe. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure Cured Me. Tim* it nothing’that hat a more deleter* loot effect upon the cardiac or heart nerve* than the excessive use of tobacco. Pain and tenderness around the heart, an oppresive Tags "Wort h 1-2 Cent. We will pay yon i cent for on presentation at our store in Thomaeville. are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the flood which show3 itself in paleness, weakness andnervous- ness, by regular treatment with Scott’s Emulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure of the .blood sickness from which so many young women ^2="| suffer. ** Y” U* |Wj» *«»d Hickory Tobacco is good Tobacco. 50 Lbs. Of thisSptendidGbew will be given away IS inch Cane Mill, 18 inch Cane Mill, Absolutely Ffee in Times-Enterprise “Dot Contest’