Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 05, 1904, Image 12

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TJ10MA9VILLE, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 5. VMi. ijREVER THOU aRT. | • \ souq, m W '' ylJFTON. Music by EDWARD HOL 5 ’! im IgtowlM* th* tree* - m sigh Down each ver - nil aisl^ - that me3 - sage, ohk Rylova Give-kind heed, I pray Thou mutt have a thought of ' me er‘; er thou mt ■ to day,... In the wililwood by thr heart, art thou hy e* tta? .,. Li*-ten then $>ith clasp - ed Hold, a met - saga from my heart!.’. Norths sea; ... ’Mid the gar • dent mel - o - dy,.. handsj.. To the sto - iy that the wares Lis -ten to what the eeh-oea Whit-per soft to tbesfl* rer Lis-ten to what the eoh Whisper soft to the sil Stay thy step* a lit . tie while; Some . thing that I bade it say; THE MARKETS. GEORGIA—Thomas County. y Uudor and by virtue of an order great' ed by the Uon. Ordinary of said i ,'ounty on tlw first Moudav in January, ISM, will bo sold befon, 'lie Court liouae door ip the County of Thomas, between the legal hours of sole, on the first Tuesday in February, 1904, the following de scribed property to wit: All of the aew mill privileges on 80 acres of land lying in.the nortliora portion of lot oflaad unmbor SOI in the Kith district of Thomas Opunly, Georgia. Hard prop er y being wild ns the pro;»rty of J. W. Peniro, deceased. Term of sale casli. Mm. 8. A. Pearno, Administratrix estate J. W. Pearce deceased. 8-1 Satisfactory THE OLD RELIABLE The Prices at Which Things Buy and Sell-Corrected Weekly Service la the kind people want Whan on* receives ’ the a orta of Us money ka is satisfied and comae again. LOCAL ilimsa fttKISS. ... Tliomasville, 'Ga., Feb, 8, '04—Eggs rer dor, 18 Bolt Butter, 86 Medium buttor, 80 to faso. Jlhlckona, fries, SSo. to 30; hens, 80 to Mo. .Sweet potatoes, «0o to C6o per bn". Fodder, per 100 lba, 80 to 80c. Seed oats, per bo., 70a to85a Mow Syrup 88 to 88c. ' y LOOjlL SSLLWa PRICES. ThomssvlUe, Gs., Feb. 8,18M—Cof fee, Arbuckles 15a Green ooffee, fair lljfo. choice, 15, White granulated soger 8J> cents Brown sugar Sc. Sue. Soda par lb. Be; omokers 10 to 80a Stick candy 10; Kemaeno oil 80o—8 gals Me. Bids meat psr lb 11a Mtal75o per ha. Flour $8.80 to *8.75 per bbLWept- era hems IBM to 18a 'Laid, Compound 10a, Leaf Ho Breakfast bacon 18 1-8 to 18a Timothy hay, $1.85 per too lb*. Bran $1.85 per 100 lb*. Cotton Seed Heal $1.40 par ICO lba Cotton seed hulls 00c per 100 lbs mck. Our Work GKORUIA—Thomas County. ^ To all whom it may couooru: M. A. Fleetwood, having made apnli- cation to in doe form to be appoint- ed Roardiau of the i»rsor and property of Jeuuio Dunlap, notice to hereby gWen that mid application will be beard at the regular torn of the court of Ordina ry of mid county, to be held on the lit Monday in'March, 1001. Witnec* my hand and official *igr*. ture thin the 1st dayof Feb.. 1004. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. Carriages, Buggies and Wagons Repaired, Painted and Trimmed. HORSB*SttOEINQ AND GENERAL. BLACK5MITHIN0. A. W. PALIN GEORGIA—Tliomas County. To all whom it may concern: M. A. Fleetwood, county administra. 884-158 80OTH BROAD, THC Opposite Plnay Wood* Hotel. Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE tor, lutving made application to me in due form to. be appointed permanent administrator hpon the estate of W. R. Moore, iste of said county, uotioe i* hereby given that said application will be heard at the Tegular term of the oout of Ordinary for said countv, to be held on the first Monday in March, 1804. Witness my hand and official signa ture, this 1st day of February; HXu. Wm. M, Jones, Ordinary. The scratch of s pin may sense lhe ■ of a limb or even death when blood GEORGIA—^Thomas County. Ordinary’s Court, Feb. 1st, 1804. Mrs. V. A Dixon having a«4» appli cation for twelve month's support out of the estate of J. B. Dixon and apprais ers duly appointed to set apart the tame having filed their returns. All persons concerned are hereby required to show erase befon dm court of Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday In March, 1804, why said sppUoati cn should not be granted. ThisFsb.1,1904 U’m Iff * IWS^sn. K. T. Maclean, Thomasvllle, Qa, Sella Life, - Health and Accident Insurance. thl* may beat About ehomlatry nowadays. There are no ridiculous Ingredients need, sock as toads' livers and serpents' eyes. Wn know lost what sfiset on the human system such drug win have, in making, up our proprietary articles we odd core to science, rad produce remedies that will do their work. DR. JACK'S SKIN OINTMENT the only ob- aolnto ear* ter Ecsema, Tetter, Itch, Camp Itch. Dandruff, Scald Hood. Salt Rhssm, Itching. Pile*. Ring Worm. Pimples. Barra, Blotch, es. Wears, Barber's itch. Chronic Erystpelu of the Face. Nasal Oa. tirrhp Ac. DIRECTIONS: Rub the effected part* thoroughly ovary night on gains to fend. Wash occasionally with Pure Caatlt* Soup. Insert A ikfdtr* In Afirli nnatfll Tap flnttrah at wUht / andqmick Citation. GEORGIA—Thomas County. To nil whoiq it may conotrn: Varnt- doe M, Hecth having, in proper form, applied to me (or letters or administra tion de boniy aon on the estate of Mrs. L. R. THOMAS, TH0MA8VILLB. - - GEORGIA To California, Wyitwh m Ctfcimiti icti. Ora pma polo and sallow rad the other fresh and rosy. Whence the difference? Shs who is Unshed with health rasa Dr. King’s Now Life Fills to maintain it. —ru~\ Irrr* gT-ZJ—j 4 tempo. * — •ft •4-"<+ ♦ ■ -r 3 , - -i 5J"" *5- ^.■^...■asr.-w^—^,—n— ~ ~i : —r-" ; Bgfe=lzy=t^. l O ■! n V-f -a • r"i's T> ' t .