Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 05, 1904, Image 7

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MEDICAL EXAMINER PRATT. MUNGER. WINSHIP. ^ EAGLE. SIMTH. W» the mo»t complete line any concent la tin word. Wealeomako ENGINES and BOILERS, LINTERS for OIL MILLS. *• MUtWITtlUn, r.M.J about * Ctn. ' Write for ltlu.trr.,c<f Catalogue. Continental Gin Co., , Birmingham. Ala. A constantly increasing number of physi cians prescribe Peruna in their practice. It haa proven ita merits so thoroughly that even the doctors have overcome their preju dice against so-called patent medicines and recommend it to their patients. Peruna occupies a unique position in medical eciencc. It is the only internal ayetemic catarrh remedy known to the medical profession to-day. Catarrh, as every one will admit, is tne cause of one- half the disease which afflicts mankind. Catarrh and catarrhal diseases afflict one- half of the people of United States. ! Robert R. Roberts, M. D., Washing-! | ton, D. C., writes: .1 | “Through my own experience! well ae that' of many of my friends and acquaintance* who have been cured or relieved of ! catarrh by the use of Hartman's | Peruna, 1 can confidently reoom- I mend it to those suffering from ! »uoh disorders, and have no hesi-; I tation in prescribing it to my pa- > ! Uents. w-Robert 11. Roberts. FOR WOMEN J§ A Boston physician’* dis- ^ covery which cleanses and heals all inflammation of tl membrane wherever located. In local treatment of femal tine is invaluable. Used as : U a revelation In cleansing a power; It kill* all disease gc cause inflammation and discli Thousands of letters fro f irovo that it is tho greatef eucorrhoca ever discover* Paxtino never fail! to < <catarrh, nasal catarrh, sore t mouth and wre eyes bea diseases are all caused by in of the mucous membrane. For cleansing, Tvb itenlrif sorving tho teeth vro dial world to produce its oquo Physicians and apedaliata« Dr. Llewallyn Jordan. Medical Examiner United Stgtea / Treasury. menstruation, cures leucorrhoea and ovar ian troubles, and builds up the entire sys tem. I also consider it one of the finest catarrh remedies I know of/'—M. C. Gee, M. D. CataiTh is a systemic disease curable only by Systemic treatment. A remedy that cures catarrh must aim directly at the de pressed nerve centres. This is what Pe runa does. ( Peruna immediately invigorates the nerve centres which- give vitality to the mucous membranes. Then catarrh disappears. Then catarrh ia permanently cured. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna. write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to giv»^you his valuable advice gratis. (s' Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Dr. R. Robbins, Muskogee, I. T.,jrritee: for coughs tw a'ch and to give at ing it for' catarrh, a weak and debilitated had a patient but sai«l ur. n. uooDins, jnusxogee, 1.1., writes: ’Peruna is the best medicine I know of ' coughs and to strengthen a weak atom* *“ “• * appetite. Besides preecrib- rh, I have ordered it for •U;d people, and have not , —t said it helped hin). It is an excellent medicine and it fits so many cases. “I have a large practice, and have a chance to prescribe your Peruna. I hope you may live lone to do good to the sick and the suffering. Dr. M. C. Gee writes from 613 Jones St., San Francisco, Cal.: ’’Peruna has performed so many wonder ful cures in San Francisco that I am con vinced that it is a valuable remedy. I have frequently advised ita use for women, as I find it insures regular and painless prescribe and i sandsol testimonial 1 At druggists, or A Urge trial pi Instructions aba< fered for $5,000,000. It la expected that the World will yet look to Popo catepetl for a large portion of Jta sup ply of aulphur, Instead of to Mount Etna, In Sicily, from which nearly all the aulphur now,on the market comes. SO Bushels Macaroni Wheat Fev Acre. Introduced by the U. 8. Dept, of Agr. It ia a tremendous cropper, yielding Jn rood land 80 bu. per acre, and on dry, arid lands, such as are found in Mont.. Idaho, the Dakotaa, Colo., etc., it will yield from 40 to «0 bu. This Wheat and Spelts and Hanna Barley and Bromua Inermjs and Billion Dollar Grass, makes it possible to grow and fatten hogs and cattle wherever •oil ia found. just bind 10c. and Tins None* to the John A. Baker Seed Co., La Crosse, Wia.. end they will tend you free a sample of thie Wheat and other farm .seeds, to gether with their great catalog, alone, $100.00 to any wide-awake farmer. [A.CX.] STUART’S r HUE-cm and BUCHU To ell who suffer, or to the friends of thoee who suffer with Kidney, liver, Heart, Bladder or Blood Disease, a sample bottle of Stuart’* Oln and Bnehu, the great southern Kidney and LlvirMidielne, will be sent abeolutelyfree of cost. Mention this paper. Address 8TUAR7 DRUG 1CFG CO.,» Wall St.. Atlanta. Ga. Putnam Fadeless Dyes are fait to light and washing. Portable and Stationary Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINE!! Complete line carried in ttock for v*CHE£ 4 Write us for catalog etc., before buying;. rUo'a On re I. tho beat medidaewe overused for all affeotlons of throat and lungs.—Wv. O. BapfLiT, Vanburen, Ind.; 'Feb. 10,1900. dd what la claimed for It, but a trial i convinces one of the extraordinary S»SSl£ CAPSICUM VAS NORTHERN MILLS COME SOUTH. lot. of turn seed oamploe. When you hear that | formed, either they are gin Lowell, Mata., Concern Will .Erect Plant Near HunUvIle, AJ». The Merrlmac Wanufsctuuring Com pany, of Lowell, Max., haa decided to begin at once the construction of a third great cotton mill at Merrlmac, near Hunt.Tllle, Ala., and a contract for the work ha. been awarded the Flynt Conatructlon Company. The new mill will bare a iplndle capacity for any medicine, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound haa added so much to my life and happiness that I feel liko making an exception in this case. For two years every month I would have two davs of severe pain, and could find no relief, but one day when visiting a friend I ran across Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, —she had used it with the beat results and advised me to try it I found that it worked wonders with me; I now experience no pain, and only had to use a few -bottles to bring about this wonderful ehange* I use it occasionally now when I am exceptionally tired or worn out-—Mlto Aucs H Burr*, 804 Third Ave., South Minneapolis Minn., Chair- man Executive Committee, Minneapolis Study Club. -tteoofirfdt ifert&olttcSfce Lrdla E. Plnkham’a Vegetable Compound carries women safely the variotu natural crises and Is tho safe-guard of W T™e n troH? 1 about this -great medicine Is told In the letters from women being published In thlg paper constantly. Ksney h,B le Haney Made. Dr. Wrq. Self, of Webeter, N. C., an old practitioner of medicine, tells us that after many years experience in mediant fee finds it money saved to bis patients to use Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein for coughs, colds and consumption. da J— nc. m. ..J MM. lasting relief. InniBi J. v. walls, Snper- I .MB Intendent of Streets U | or Lebanon, Ky., ■ W«: “My nightly reet waa broken, owing to Irregular action of the kidneys. I waa angering Intensely from aorere pains In the email of my back and ibllonnlofBtli, lorwiiMiltisnoi I MFO. CO.. W YORK CITV. Potash In the form of aufphato produces an improved flavor and a good yield. Tobacco must have Poiatk. SENATOR STONE ON CANAL. through the kidneys and annoyad by painfnl pssaagea of abnormal Men tions No amount qf doctoring relieved >k Doan's Kidney tbts condition. I Pitts and experienced quick and lasting relief. Doan’s Kidney Pitta will prove a blearing to all sufferers from kidney disorders who will give ■them a fair trial." Poater-Mllbnrn Co., Buffalo, N. T., proprietors. For sale by all driiggistt BMW——— 1 ’& if MOLSON OF OUR HAVT H*DommMd» Pt-ra-aa—Other Pro- alaani Men Testify, CO Nichoteon , Commodore Somerville Nicholson, of the United States Navy, in a letter Oom 1837 B St, N. W„ Waiblngton, D. 0.. says: ’ "Tour Peruna has been and It now need by so many of my friends and ac quaintances as a sure cure for catarrh that I am convinced of its curative qualities, and* I unhesitatingly recom mend it to all persons suffering from that complaint."—S. Nicholson. The highest men In our nation have given Peruna a strong endorsement. Men of all classes and stations are equally represented. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Pe runa, write'at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your caee, and be will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. ^Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Art Your Drngglit for e free Peruna Almanac for 1904. SOLOMON-LIKE JUDGMENTS. Case, In .History a Local Juatlee Dispenser Ran Across, A Magistrate of this city said the other day that white studying the famous lawsuits end decisions of his tory her had been amased to Had the Judgment fA Solomon paralleled la a half dozen cases. One of these esses he hed come upon in the Gaits.Ro- minorum. A certain traveler had died In a foreign oountry, and three youths had each laid claim to being the man's only son. He had had only one son, and for the Judge to ascertain which of the three claimants waa the right ful heir seemed an Impossible task. By no means st a loss, however, the Judge ordered the dead man's body to be brought forth and bade the three claimants to shoot at it with arrows. CORPSES IN HEAPS Two shot; the third, with tears in Ms , o ... eyes, refused; and to him, of course, as fast aa the engineer can raise and Bodies of Mine Disaster Vic tims Being Recovered. MANY BURNED TO CRISP Hope that the Entombed Men Might be Alive Was 8oon Dispelled. Remains Wore Frightfully Mangled. A Pittsburg, Pa., special says: The Harwich mine Is giving up Its victims the property of the dead man was swarded. Another case, the Mag let rate said, was to he found In the Harlelan MSS. Two babies played together by the flanges, when an alligator iwe'lowed one np. Two mothers then each claimed the remaining baby as her own, and the Judge, even as Solomon had done, bade them to take hold of tho leg* and pull, whereupon the true mother's identity revealed Itself “That risque rascal, Suetonius," the Magistrate concluded, “aaya that Claudius would, when a woman re filled to acknowledge e youth as her son, order her to he married'to him, whereupon, horror-stricken It she had lied, sha would contest the truth. FOLLOWS THE) FLAG. Now, boys,” said the teacher; "can you tell me what It Is that follows the flag?" "I can,” said one of the bright ones. “Well, Johnny, what la It follows the flag?” in auction, ma'am.”—Tonkers Statesman. * Novel Winter Fishing. Men and boys of the west end of town have been having ,a harvest during the past three or four days catching fish at Rompers and White’s ponds, west of town. During the past summer, on account of the light rtlnfAii, the water in these two ponds waa very low; and in fact* for the past three months there has been no outlet from either pond, f TOien the freezing water of the pnat ten days came ice soon formed, and, covering every air hole, caused the flah to como beneath the Ice in hopes of getting a!r. Tho hoys who first tested tho breaking quaiitiee of the ice in hopes of being the first to ■kate were the ones to discover the predicament of the fish, l The news soon spread, and last R*riday and. Saturday 100 men and boys were busily engaged In securing freah fish for tho tabic. Hatch-eta and axes were used as the death-deal ing Implements, and when a school of fish were sighted beneath, the ice was struck a hard blow. The fish were stunned. A hole was then chopped through the ice and the fish secured. Several hundred pounds of flsb were secured, the majority of them being carp.—Logan (Ohio} Journal. CALLED THE BLUFF. Mrs. Newed—Mother has Just writ ten that she will not visit us this sum mer unless you will permit her to pay her board. Newed—I shall write her at once saying that I shall not permit her to do anything of the kind.—Chicago News. rmanently cored, No fits or nervous- . first day T s use of Dr. Kline’s Great NervoBestorer. fa trial bottleand treatlsefroo Dr. R. H. Kum, Ltd., 131 Arch 8t„ Phil*., Pa. If "a man who falls in lore at eight is wise he will take a aecond look before pro posing. 10,000 Plants For 10 c. This is a remarkable offer the John A. Salxer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., makes. They will send you their big plant and seed catalog, together with enough seed to grow 1.000 fine, sclid Cabases, • 2.000 delicious Carrots, 2,000 Blanching, nutty Celery, h, buttery J 2.000 rich, buttery Lettuce, 1.000 splendid Onions, 1,000 rare, luscious Radishes, 1,000 gloriously brilliant Flowers. This great oiler is made in order to in- IMiss Alice... neapolis, Minn., tells how wo man’s monthly suffering may be permanently relieved by Lydia EPinkham’sVege table Com pound “Dsut Mbs. Pinkhah r— I bars for WL grow no others, and AIL FOR BUT 16c. FOBTAGS, •vtdinir you will return this notice, and you will send them 20c. in posUf*> they ill tdd to the above a package of the fa mous Berliner Cauliflower. [A.CXJ E5 A woman never gets too old to think it is dangerous for her to travel alone for fear men might speak to her. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrup for children toothing, soften the gums, reduces inflamm*-* tlon.allays pain,cures wind colic. 86o. a bottle There are two sides to every story. The victory you win means defeat for the other fellow. "Don't yon find It tiresome," said Marc Antony, "to devote so much time to literature in addition to yonr various ways?*' "Yes," replied Caesar, "but it pays. There Is nothing like being your own military critic/’—Washington Star. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any ease of Catarrh that eannot be oared by w, j. uxmrsT a uo., xoioao, u. Ws,theundersigned,haveknownT. J.Che- fectlr honorable In all business transection* and financially able to oairy out any obliga tions mads bv their firm. Wot A Txo.x.WtoleMl., Ohio. Viunxo.KixxuAKixvn.iniolMrioDrag, gists, Toledo, Ohio. Hril’sOoUrvh Carol* takoa lnt.nxril/,ut - iBgdlroatly upoo tho blood aad msoounu- ( Testimonial, out (ru. Price, 7le. per bottle. Bold by nil Druxxi«e Trice QnU'n Family PlUe tor oonetlpatlon. “W» will never five op,” raid the South American military leader. "Olve np what?" aaked the coldly practical man. And after a moment of reflec tion the military leader candidly re plied: "Anything we can fet our banda on."—Washington Star. , lower the cage In reaponse to the rig- hale from' the men wko are at work &t the bottom of the abaft. The burn ed and mangled bodies of men who went to work on Monday morning are being brought up to the surface, and bob alede, which atand In a line, are hauled up the enow road to the achool house on the hill. Every body so far brought up la bruised, cut and crushed into shape- lersueis, and all so far have their hands rained to the faces, Indicating that the doomed men 'foresaw their fate anil tried with their last conscloua efforts in ward It off. The fact that the legs and arms are broken and die- Jointed (hows that the force of the ex plosion must hare Wn terrific. It la presumed that the men were hurled against the Jagged walls of the mine and (rushed at the ends of headings and chambers. Scarcely ono of the bodies had any clothing on it, end all are more or less burned, some to a crisp. There was great difficulty In Identifying them on this account, and about tho only means to accomplish identification will be by tho small brass weigh checkB tearing a number, which each man draws upon going Into the mine, and of which a record Is kept. But, aa unny of the victims are devoid of clothing, contusion will result. Two Polish women came from Po- iard Tuesday night to Cheswlck. They arrived late, and not being able to reach Harwlck, where their husbands were employed In the mine, slept all right in the station. Both men are In the mice, and a sad scene was enact ed Wednesday when the women learn ed for the first time that they were widows. Nelthbr can apeak English, and one of the women carried an In fant in her arms. Among the bodies found was tt)at of a stranger. Clothes were on It, and It was only slightly burned. Who he was or what he was doing In the mine no one knows. He may have caused the explosion by lighting a match. H. A. McMillan, who led one party of searchers, said: “Fifteen bodies were found In butt number 1, of the south entry. All of them, with the exception of the stran ger, were badly burned and mangled. One's head was blown off. In the south entry wo found two men lying (ace downward near each other. These Lad evidently been killed by tho force ol the explosion. In another place we found six men, all negroes, I believe. Fire were In a heap and one was pin' red under a car. We found the driver of that entiV lying along the roadway where he had been blown. Rooms 10 and 12, south entry, are caved to the depth of five feet. There are several men buried there, aa there are doubtedly men buried under the rocks of the mine. For this reason It will be week* before all the bodies are re covered.” Of the United States Treasury Recom mends Pe-ru-n^. Cotton Gin Machinery Other Prominent Physicians Use and Endorse Pe-ru-na. D r. ltjEwellyn Jordan, Medical Examiner of the U. S. Treasury De partment, graduate ot Columbia Colli has the following to esy “Allow mo to txpren my pratt- tuda (o you for the benefit derived from your wonderful remedy. One abort month has brought forth a vast change and I now eon elder mveelf a welt man alter months of euffertng. fellow eufferere, Peruna will cure you,» WA8 DELIBERATE SUICIDE. Whittaker Wright Took Deadly Dote i In Hla Handkerchief. Hidden A London dispatch says: A post mortem examination haa shown that Whittaker Wright committed suicide by taking cyanide of potassium. Tha investigation made indicates that Wright must have swallowed the poison while standing before Justice Blgham, after receiving his sentence. Is recalled that Wrlgbt pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and ap peared to wipe bis (ace, and itn Is sur mised that under cover of this he took the fatal dose. Saw mills Tha DaLoaeh Patent Variably Friction Food Saw Mill with 4 h. p. cut* 3,000 feet car day. AU alsea and prices to suit. DeLoach Shingle Mills, Edaers,-Trimmer*. Planers; Corn and Buhr Mills. Water Wheels; Lath Mills, Wood flaws. Our handsome new Catalog will interest you. DeLoach Mill Mfg. Co.. Box fj4. Atlanta, Ga. Only sloven per cent of the families of London employ a servant, but there ax* 204,861 persona of tha servant class. It is twice aa easy to fooj youraelf aa it is to fool other people. It ia easier to whip some rnen than it ia to keep them whipped. Malsby & Co. 4| South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga. This is What Yon Want! Dare You Any Malarial Troubles ? ! u ~- RE8AL MEDICINE CO.,of Stamford, Conn., .£".a3 Give tho name of this paper writing to advertlsere— (At5-’04)