Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 05, 1904, Image 8

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“T IDd T. N. HOPKINS, Attorney-at-Laiv, Office 10i up etairs, It! ul i5t., ThomaevUle, Ga. ASTMoney To Loan o» Thomu County Rest EsUt) »t 7 Par Ojnt Per Anrilira. Some Facts end Questions From That Thriving Locality. not a stock company and ia not hampered' by the payment of dividends to stockholders. Dr. T. M. McIntosh has made several professional visits down here daring the past week. Mm. A. B. Mason arrived Friday morning at Snaina from St. lamia, where she had been visiting. , Mr, J. B. Talbot having raised more hog meat on Mr, A. H. Mason's planta tion than wsa needed, sold a fine bench of Berkshire) in oor home' market at a satisfactory price. Mr. H. B. Butler who has been a geest at Bosina, returned to New York Friday. Mies Emma Dixon of Quitman who has been visiting her lister Mrs. El dridge Atkinson, went to Thomaaville last Saturday to visit there a while. The matrimonial' thermometer ia steadily rising foretelling an intenst- ing event in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Williams of Cairo came over Sunday. * Someday we hope to see slaw paased in this state whioh will oompel all pa rents to send their children to school, if physically and mentally fit. The farmers are preparing to pet in a record breaking crop of ootton. One fanner who has not planted a seed of ootton in ten years, will plant a hun dred acres this year. Means. 0. H. Brown and Sam Slater, attended the regular term of the Ordi nary’! oourt laet Monday. 1 Why does not eome enterprising gua no dealer send out salesmen to take or ders for fertilisers from the farmers? Why doesn’t some enterprising mer- ( ohant in Thomatville offer the city conn- j oil to keep the stand pipe painted, in j return for permission to paint an ad- j vertiaemont on it? j Mias Mattie Q. Blaekihear has gout j to Thomaaville, where she will spend a / few weeks visiting friends and rela- j Uvea. i GOGHRAN & BROWN, ...DENTISTS... Office over Natiinal Bank, Tbomaevfih, Oa. Phono US'S. CfflTWork Guoroviteod. Mr. T. -Tore Davis living west of town get a new outfit of books. That is all spent Saturday in ThomaavfllC. - The book, are nearly half the The lightning rod man is here and will foraerpriw, and aa there can be no place rods on the college building. change in several years, one might as well accept the Inevitable gracefully. Mr. W. A. Waldrof of ThomaevUle came over to see homefolks Sunday. I hoard a man toying to use two cuss words to each decent word that he at- Mr. John Homy Davis, has taken the tured, while riding on the care a few position as agent for the A. O. L. at j days since. Cnrsing is certainly the Flint, and has moved his family there. n purely mutual, profit shariugold Line compa ny, issuing liberal and at tractive policies. STANLEY’S-——a. ; r BUSINESS COiLEGE, THOMASVILLE, Gi\ All Graduates Successful just and fair iu treatment of policy-holders and olaimante. dirtiest, filthiest and most ungodly habit of which man Is guUty. If he has ho respect for others, he should at least respect himself. Certainly the cattle In theee parts are Every student taking combined mrse goes direct to a posi- Many are dying, purely for the lack of breath. Pearl Cooper, son of Jlr. Burt Cooper living a few miles west of town, died of rheumatism Saturday night and was buried Sunday afternoon. Gnyton Fnlford; son of Mr. G; W. Fnlford of this place, who has been in JacksonvUle Fla., for seme months has returned home. It is with reluctance that I under take the task of keeping np this depart ment. Things do not always happen in a town of this size, that would be of ge'neralinterest; So I am forced to write of things more or less local in nature, because the patrons demand something, —whatever it may bo, or howevor poor. Should apologies-be In order, I beg to say that the management of this paper is solely responsible for the affliction. Dnring the paet year Hr. B. F. Boose sold his entire cotton crop at IS cents. He held his cotton, storingitathiahome as he had it ginned. This proves the necessity of a-warehouto here. Many of our farmers have good bank aooonnta and would hold their cotton for higher prices, if they had any where to store it. The warehouse is a necessity and will come. Mark it. Qeneral Ag't., Thomasville, Qa. MISS W. S. WHITNEY, •Experienced Stenographer. Work CaUed for and Delivered... Clerk of Oourt; W. If. Jones, Ordi- ssrr; r. B. Heoth, Tax Collector; A. J. Htanalsnd, County Surveyor; postof- flee, Thomasville, Oa.; Chas. Gaudy, Coroner; J. F. Parker, Treasurer, post- office, Thomasville, Oa.; John F. How •rd. Tax Receiver, postofflee, Thomas- vllle. Ga.; County Commissioner, J. L Bevarly,. E. M. Smith, Thomaaville, Flour is the BEST MAUL JJ Every Barrel, every Sack, every Found, is sold fjl uuder an absolute Mr. B, A.. Alderman a prosperous Pine Park merchant, was a visitor to the city Wednesday. Col. John B. Eason spent Wednesday in the city shaking hands with friends. MILITARY MOVEMENTS. Messrs, H. V. Bedfeara and John G. Hancock, two good oitixena from Pavo district, were visitors to the dty Tees- Inwpoctlon'Comc* Soon and Supplies Have Boon Shipped. Those who have tried it once, always Jtry it again. Quite a pleasant affair occurred near town last Sunday afternoon. Miss Emmie Davis daughter of Mr John Davis was married to Mr. John Nik. Tho ceremonial rites were said by Judge 0. F. Stubbs in his usual pleasant way. While raueh of my old • home oonnty, in Middle Georgia, has been nnder snow and aleet, the people of Thomas oonn ty have been comfortably situated. Tru ly this is tho land of the mocking Wednesday. There ia much interest in military circles just at present, due to the' ap proaching inspection of tho Thomasville Guards which takes place on February IStll. Xn order has beeu received at tho state war department announcing the deeiguation of Major F- H. French, of tho Sixteenth infantry, U. S, A., sta tioned at Fort McPherson to accompany Inspector-General G. W. Obear on his annual tour of inspection of the Goor- gla state troops. It is announced tkat tho inspection of the eighty-three companies In the state service will be began Monday. These goutlomon will Inspect, tho Thomasville Guards, on this tour. The l eys will bo In good shape for the 'or- Pereonal Notes From the City of Cairo. Mr. Tom Mills of Whlgham waa shak ing hands with friends in Cairo a few days slnoe, Mr. L. B. Jones went to Balnbridge last Saturday on business for Wight Brea. Headquarters for Hay, Corn Oats and Bran. Meal And Hulls. Field Seeds of all Kinds. 'Phone 186—3 TbomasvUls came over Sunday to visit Mrs. Ab Connell, Mr. Gadsden who was with W. H. Robinson and Co. dnring tha fall- has gone to Tallahassee* Fla. Hr. Gads den made many frlenda while here who wish him much snooem in hie new home. The friends of Mr. O.G. Bussell will be glad to hear that ha has had no dif ficulty in gaining remunerative employ ment in his new home. He ii now in Oliver, Texas. Dr. G. V. Parker stopped over Mon day night with hie Mend Dr. Seney. Hiss May Crawford spent a few days last week with tha Mimas Trnlook, of Whlgham. Thomasville. 1W Jackson St., - Thomasville, Ga Capt. J. H. Brown has received a bill of lading from headquarters show- ing that supplies for tho company have boon shipped. These Inolude khaki trousers, blankots, blouses and other equipments, for the complete outfitting Desires to announce to the people of They are Golng—and MEIGS Tbomsavll) People Can See That Freud Cculd Not fee Attempted. and surrounding country, that they are prepared to handle their business. They will sell everything the farmer needs and will sell it of tho troops. A Sugar Bolling. A good number of the hosts of friends of Col. Robo^t G. Mitchell were present at hU hospitable homeWednesday night Theoccasicn was a sugar boiling and cano-grindlng. The faot that it was late in the season made it all the more enjoy- at the Cost Prices! - Residents of Albany, whioh ia near enough to ThomaivUle so that any at tempt to deoeive would be futile, de clare that Doan's Kidney Pills cure kid ney diseases and backache and they stand by what they say. It it easy for any Thomaaville sufferer to verify this proof, Mrs. Annie Woodall, of 157 Broad street Albany, Ga., says: "I have de rived a great benefit from the use of Doan’s Kidney Pills. My back waa earning me almoet continual misery. The pun waa right aoresa the small of it—a heavy, doll, bearing-down pain and a weakness. I used many differ ent medicines, without apparent result and also tried liniments, but the pain •till remained. I saw Doan’s Kidney PUIe Advertised and got a box and gave them a thorough trial. I am very What Going? They will sell the goodr of the Swift Guano Company. and of the Savannah Guano Co., and will mil for Cash or On Time. BTKINSON MERCANTILE CO., Meigs, Ga. , Mr. G. S. Bullock the clever and handsome bookkeeper for D. B. Sander son of Oohlockonee was in the dty Wed nesday. A congenial crowd ia spending a few days at the Boddenbery.Bererly camp Of the river where they an enjoying banting, fishing and other renal pur- I** «y -TO- Texas, Arkansas,"Louisiana, Ok* California, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Oregon, Montana, Washington and other points West, Northwest and Southwest T. G. HOLLENBECK, DisL Passenger Agent, LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R.R. Judge Lynda Harrison and family of Near Haven, Conn, will arrive in the dty on February tenth. Tho Harri sons will occupy the Douner home on Bread street daring the season. i Lizzie Thomas of Madison, Fla., through here Wednesday on her ) visit friends in Qodidga. Mias is has «snt Urn last aereral n Japan, whan she taught ia oae schools of the Methodist chureh. i oa tho staff of tho Atlanta T. F. DYSON’S 25KSP! 3# Tone of bar Iron, all sizes. I ton extra fine carriage and wagon bolt),all sixes, MOO feet rubber and canvassTiflting, S to 13inches. 3000 feet piping, all sixes np to 3 inches. 1000 feef# inch 5-8 inch wire rope. 1 carry the best line of Cook Stovee and Stoveware on the market. I have the largest and best line of General Hardware ever brought to town. I manufacture Galvanised Steel Tanks for syrup cooking by steam or otherwise. Also Log Carts, LumberTrucks, farm and Lumbar Wagons, Baggies and farm implements. Send in your 3tssxr: T. F. DYSON. - Meins, (ia. Thief Convicted. A (pedal term of county court waa called Wednesday morning and the'(Mae of Walter Mitchell charged with lar ceny was tried. He had stolen some hams, tohacco tags and other arttclm from the ’’Beehive" J. H. Poole’s store on lower Jackeon street He was flnad I am indebted will present me tbeir bills atones. For the present my headquarters will be with W. N. Austin AOo. Jan. Mth IMA . Respectfully, B. B. McDonald. U4 ’Phono 1 No. 311 E. 30, | Jackson St,