Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 05, 1904, Image 9

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TIjIISS-ENTEUPKISK 'L'HOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 5, 1904 WHOWAS.BEFfttgMDEQ BYANEMPjERfi^ I*k and. VM» Trlek. Here is a favorite trick explained. It Is merely a simple chemical action, but If. tbe trick la carefully performed a good deal can be made out of it Take two large glasses and flit one with the solution representing Ink and the other with the solution represent ing wafer. Then cover these two glasses with colored handkerchiefs, and. taking a pistol and firing It command the Ink and water to change places. On lift ing the handkerchiefs It Is found that this has been done, and the glass con taining water now holds Ink, and vice versa. This chemical change can bo brought about In several different ways, but ohe, the best, is as follows: Pill both the glasses with ordinary water, adding to one a small quantity of granulated sulphate of Iron, together with a very small quantity of tannin. ber that last spring-A;sident\Biib<e- velt brought home from his western trip a little badger which was given him by a little Kansas girl. The badger was named jostah and became a favorite pet of tbe Roosevelt children. He spent the summer with them at Oyster Bay and'might have remained an indefinite time if he had kept up being as playful aad harmless as he started out to be. But, alas, he developed an ngly tem per and showed his teeth, and It was decided that he could not be retained in the president’s household. So he was given to a New York 100, and there he Is today. Mr. J. W Hall of Center HiUEneigh- borhood attended the session of County commissioners in Thomas ville Tuesday. Messrs. Thos. W. Carter, Jasper and Lemuel Barwlck made a business 'trip to Thomasviile Tuesday. , <f Meigs is tohaveapaper, I am inform-* ed that about $1000,‘ia at the back bf the movement. Messrs. McNeoly and Dopson of No^h Ga, will be managers and publishers. '• Mr. Emory Singletary has moved bis family from Ochlockonee to this plaoo and may be fonnd behind the counters of Mr. G. L. Daren at the Blue Front Store. A meeting of the Woman’s Auxiliary to the Missionary Society will give an entertainment at the Methodist church here next Saturday afternoon. Brother 0. R. Jenkins the pastor will talk, and there will be recitations by the children. Everybody is invited. All In Their BV«a. Blanche and Elsie were making a doll dress out of a steel gray piece of goods. “I think this will make a pretty dress,” said Blanche. “I always did like blue.” ■ said Elsie; “it’s Messrs. Atkinson and Simpson have purchased an interest with Sasser and Vick, and the two stocks have been con solidated. The new firm will do busi ness in the large store house formerly' occupied by J. N. Carter. This union makes a stirring team. The firm name will be The Atkinson Mercantile Co. This forms the ink In tbe other glass dissolve a small quantity of the graulated sulphate of iron only. This will leave a perfectly transparent liquid resembling water. The trick Is now ready to be per formed, and all the performer has to do Is to drop a pinch of tannin in the liq uid resembling water while be is cov ering tbe glass with the colored hand kerchiefs and a pinch of powdered oxalic acid into tbe liquid resembling the ink. The performer should contrive to give both glasses n shake if possible and to leave them covered up for a few sec onds to allow the chemical change to work. The school at Pine Grove, north of town in Mitchell county will begin » public term in Junb . and continue &>x months this year, instead of five aa heretofore. Having a quantity ot egga of pan bred Plymouth.Rocks on hand L'vritL sell to those who order at once at (1.00 pel: setting while they last. They will keep. J. S. Seamy, Meigs. Farmers are moving right along with tlielr work despite the cold weather. Much wire fencing lias been pat ap. and there seems to be a spirit. of pride and improvement pervading tlio gnr- roanding community. . ' Mr. J. J. Johnston of this placeywss called to the bedside of his father, Mr. J. L. Johnston, of Florala, Ala. Tues day. Ho is dangerously ill, having & large carbnnole on his neok, Mr. John- stdu was formerly a citizen of this plaoo an architect of some distinction, and a man of flue information^, It is hoped that ho will soon reopver. ' “This I«n> blue,’ gray.” “No, it Isn’t! It Blanche. “Ob,” said Elsie, a light breaking over her face, “of course It looks blue to yon because your eyes are blue, and it looks gray to me because I’ve got gray eyes.”—little Chronicle. retorted More country butter has been bronght to this town daring the past few weeks than ever before. That means that the people have plenty meat backbone and 'tatoes, and don’t eat butter now. A good quality of bntter brings 25 cents, the same as when ootton seed linlls sold for 80 oents and meal brought (1.00 a sack. - The Game of Langh. The game of laugh is new and very funny if a large number plays. The one who is “It” points his finger to some one and says, “Laugh I” The one Indicated must say, “Hal” If he smiles, be must pay a forfeit, or If any one else shows signs of merriment he must do the same. The next one pointed at must say, “Ha, ha!” the next, “Ha, ha, ha!” and so on as far as it Is possi ble. If the right nnmber of “Ha’sC is not said, a forfeit must be paid. It is very bard to keep from laughing, and the game usually ends with a hearty laugh from all. Tbe Partrldffe and tbe Monkey- The partridge, passing down the street, came across the tailor monkey, who was engaged on some work for one of his customers. “How are you getting along?” asked the partridge. “Oh, Just 8o-sol” replied the tailor monkey. “Sew-so ?” inquired the partridge. “Yes, sew-so and so-so, too,” answer ed the good natured monkey as he took another stitch In tbe cloth. “Do you find the work hard?” in quired the partridge. “Yes, but I have little ideas that help replied the monkey. The patrons of the Conter Hill school where this deponent has been hearing lessons for several years, are to be com mended for their promptness and will ingness to make the change in school books. All acted with one accord. At the same time, and almost in a day the: change was made, and the school is in - fine condition. They are a fine set of : patrons. Rev. H. Stubenvoll, of Elkhorn, Wia., Is pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran St, John’s Chnrch of that place. Rev* Stubenvoll is the possessor of two biblet presented to him by Emperor William of Germany. Upon the fly leaf of one of the bibles the Emperor has written ih his own bandwriting a text. * This honored pastor, in a recent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co^ of Colum bus, Ohio, says concerning their famous catarrh remedy, Peruna* The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen : «/ had hemorrhages ot the lungs for a long time, and all despaired ot me. 1 took Peruna and was cured• It gave me strength and courage, and made healthy, pure blood, it increased my weight, gave me a healthy color, and I feet well.. It Is the best medicine In the world. It everyone, kept Peruna In the house it would-save many from death every year.”—//* STUBENVOLL. Thousands pf people have catarrh who j If you do not derive prompt and satis- would bo surprised to know it, because factory results from the use of Reruns, it has been called some other name than write at once to Dr, Hartman, giving a catarrh, Tho fact is catarrh is catarrh full statement of your case and he ‘will Because we say that on that day The house belongs to me N I ask—it’s such a lovely play I— My pa and ma to tea. '“Now. ma'am,” I say, “don’t let mn make Your cup of tea too sweet; And, doctor, take a piece of cake; It's from a new receipt.” > Then pa replies: "My dear Miss Brown. Your cake is always nice. You make the very best In town; I'll have another slice!” Then mamma asks what luck I had With my last raspberry Jam. And papa says he should be glad To try my cold boiled ham. And then I pass th* cups about— It’s such a lovely play! It only Maggie's Thursday out Came every single day! -Blanche Trenner Heath In Good Hout* keeping. to make it easy, “For instance, I hold the thread on my toe to keep It from getting tangled.” “TOto?” asked the partridge, “Yes, toto and toe to too.” “You have a noose in the thread now.” “No, that is a knot, not noose.” “Not-not?” “Yes, not not and knot not also.” “Did you know I was a punsteM” “Did I know? No.” “No-no?”^ * “No; no no-no. Know? No.” \ And then tbe two started laughing, and they laughed so heartily over their word twister* that it broke up the whole day's work of tbe tailor monkey. —St Louie Post-Dispatch, Nearly Forfeits his Life. A runaway almost ending fat »ll; METCALFE MENTIONS. Dr. W. B. Watkins attended the Sca llions-Jones wedding at Iamonla Wed nesday. Mrs. Ansel Dekle and Miss Bessie Copeland spent last Sunday at “Oak land Farm” aa gneets of the family of Mr. John F. Howard. * After a visit of some days to her par- rents near Thomiwvilie Mrs. S. W. Horn, and little daughters returned the first ot the week. C00LID6E COMMENT. father, Mr. J. H. DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR Mr. Joe Potter' Potter, and nephew, WlUli Henderson, have returned to their home near Winder Os., after a visit of several weeks to Mr. Potter and Mrs. O. M. Simpson. Mr. W, IS. Parker has returned from a visit to his father in Mississippi. Mrs, W. H. Crow and Dr. Crow’s lit tle sons, Dewey and Jewel. visited her mother, Mn. Evans, at Merrillville Monday. Mr. E. W. Plnckard of LaOrange spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Bell. Miss Effie Mae SwotSson will return to her home in LaGrange on Saturday after a month's visit to her sister, Mrs. J. O. Bell. Mrs Bell will acoompany her to visit her • mother for several weeks Mr. Lather Smith hasparohosed back his stock of gooda from the Smith Mer cantile Co. The long diatanoa telephone has been removed from tho store of tbe Ooolidge Mercantile Co, to Luther Smith’s store. Col. Fondren Mitchell was re elected attorney for the town by the oonnoil at its meeting Tuesday night. • Rev. H. B. Nesmith was elected clerk and treasur er. Mr. W.'M. Collins was elected marslial last, veek. v * i The conviet camp of the T. J. Bell , Lumber Co. near here, hod four re- ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING. TBE CELT ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCE. EVERY ROD GUARANTEED PERFECT. The DURABLE Fence, »<■»-. None so STRONG. ~ it All large wires. - -* ~ "H" * Highest EFFICIENCY. /-p- LOWEST COST. | — -gfr - No Wraps—.L-=- —— -»*- 3£|- = SOME Special Bargains FOR NEXT WEEK. to hold — XT “ Moisture Ijpp _ — — r and cause »?i r*c *• _ £ Rust a**' 1 - ^ 111 I 1 11 nTTMfc •Pimseien Furm" Fasciae. (Stawlud Style.) . Ibsolntdj STOCK PROOF. We un SAVE YOU MOSEY on Finelng. CALL AND SEE IT. We h v j o», Loug'ut a carlotd oi the ibove Fence u> arrive in a tew days As ve a,re tbe. only d m in Thom a county tna buy fence -n car load lots_ We can save y.'u money • n 3 Our iene * COLEMAN & A AMS. £ One Lot Men's and Boy’s Shirts—Bran New, at r One Lot Men’s and Boy's Undershirts, Bran New, at » One Lot men’s new, all wool Alkyl Jeans pouts, at ► One Lot Ladies’ Good, Heavy Union Suits*.at. jj One Lot Ladies' Oneita, Best Union Suits, at. . ► One Lot- B oy’s Heavy Fleeced Lined Union Suits, at ► One Lot Misses Bnlbriggan Union Suits, at. £ 0,!feot Men‘a Best Heavy Fleeced Underwear, suit at..... ► One Lot Vice's :leavy Balbriggau Underwear, suit at * Men’s and indies Good Hosiery, at pair.... * J Men’s,-Ladies’-«nd Childrens Hose, 10c pair, or 8 pairs for. % One Lot Woven Ingrain Rugs, 13;36 inches, at .. ► 0**e Lor Senreii Jure tteven-iblo Hugs, 28x60 inches at f* Men's and i$m '« Wool and Felt Hats each...,./. £ 2 quart tin c -vered buoLeM. each 2 quart tin milk cap*, each at... * 1 quart Grudun-ed Tin Measures, each at. f £ . Set ot 6 fir** quality Glass Tumblers, set at tiscop d an Awful Fire. Mr. H. Haggins of Melbourne, Fla., writes, ‘*My doctor told mo l had con sumption and nothing could be done for me. I was given up to die. The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr. King’s Now Discovery for Consumption, induced mo to try it. Results were startling. I am nov/on the road to recovery. It surely saved my life.” This groat cure is guar anteed for all throat aud lung diseasos by J. W. Peacock druggist. Price 60o & Trial bottle free Ghristmas Gifts emits to come in Monday. You are perhaps wondering what to get, you want to get something that •* ill be appreciujed and of some value. Would advwe you when you come to town to call at 130$ Bn ad street and let me show you. Two of them were among the prison ers that broke jail recently. This makes thirty-thrCe convicts in the camp, aud there has never been a to the treatment or care of any prisouer since the camp was estab lished/ Saturday and Sunday will be pastor Alligood’s regular appointment at tbe Baptist church here. \ Brooches, Colin” Buttons, Cuff Buttons, Chains, Clocks, King, Sterling Silver, ! E.M. Mallette, the real estate agent, has sold to Mosers. Luke,. Cooke and Rodderibery the Brandon .lot north of Albany R» R. and lying between Broad and Madison streets. Umbrella*, Watches, - Stick Pinr, Plated Stiver. Br«n New 3 Sfa s ot A|L Kinds. Go s at rices Lo er than any houst in the City C. Q. GOEHRING, Jeweler, Better O.'ld. “I vra. tronbled for roveral yean with clironlc indijrwtion and nervonn liability.” write, f. J. Oreea, of Lan caster, N. H. “No remedy helped me until I began nsing Electric Bitten, which did me more good than nil the medicine I ever used. They hav* al*> kept my wife in excellent health fur year.. She nay. Electric Bitteraore ]ut .ideudid for fenajo troubles; that they are a grand torio and tnvlgontec for weak, ran down women.-No other medicine can tako it. place in oar fam- Uv.” Try them. Onfy 60c. 8ati*£a> .ised to serve you. 123 Broad Street. > -j rTTTTTTTTTtTTT»ffTTMTTT>*TT(TVT*TTTtTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.