Newspaper Page Text
Hnb South Georgia progress,
New Series, Vol, XIV-
themost,on budget.
Contracted for at Coolldg* andOth*
' News From Thar*. *
Marrlages.Persona's and Other News
from that City.
Dr. W. H. Ofow and Postmaster G.
' W, Kennedy hare just oloeed the ooh-
i tract frith Ur. Joe McGrairfor tjieereo-
j Hon of twa brick stores adjoining Dr.
: Orow'a other brick buildisgs.
Dr. B. Jona* and family art ex-
: peeled home thle week from a visit to
the dootor’a patenm In Emanuel county.
Uiaa NalUe Craig rial ted friend* at
| Bnnaat Sunday. ^
Uiaa Blair, of Saaaat, returned home
Wednesday after a riait tie Uiaa Nellie
S Craig.
1 Ur. aid Un J. W. Brant visited Mr.
J Hr ana’ mother at Merrillvilleltet week.
Warner Nelma want to Moultrie on'
business Wedneeday.
Uaeara. Murphy and Raymond hare
i pure hated an engine to uae on their
tram road to haul their logs to their
Fish are beginning to bite in the Ooh-
1 lookonee. A party went out Monday
} night and brought in St fine oat by midi
night. The lneky flahermen were 0. B,
Deariae, K. Winoey and Otla Tate.
Seethe new ad. ofT. J. andH. Mej
gahae elaawkere in' thia iaaue. Theto
young men are doing a nloe bnalneaa and
number their frienda by their aoqualnt*
The Boetou Mercantile baa boeti
recently organised in oir city with the
following oorpe of officers :'W. Z.
Brantley, president and treasurer; W.
D. Sounder*, rico-preeident, end O. B.
KoRas. secretary. ■ la is ueedloea to ad 1
that the organization ia a strong combi
nation aad begin business with the moat i
tattering anapioee.
Uiaa Baaale Rountree, daughter of i
Hon. J. B. Rountree and one of tlie moet
lovely young ladiee of Berwick, Wap .
At Chepnulpo, 8 Coresn. Port—One First-Class Ant
Third Class Cruiser Sent to the Bottom—10 Killed,
SO Wounded.
London, Feb. 10.—Baron Hayaahl, -a- - -
bae received JON1S-NUR8T.
Present Owners ot the Electric light Co.
Interviewed mi the Snbiect—City Could
Issue Bonds Which Would be
Bought by Electric Co.
The rainy weather yesterday gave op-
portnnityfor thought by business men
on anbjocta aside from their regular
lines. A Timcs-Enterpriao man hap
pened in a leading Broad street store
In the afternoon when the streets were,
at their woratt
Pointers end Personals About Home
Folksfand Strengere-You am&Your
' People and Where You Are Golng.
Prof. W. B. Fambrongh, of [Boston
wae in the city recently. . '
— j 1 ' ,
Mrs. Lightfoot of Pelham lathe guest
of Presiding Elder Ed F. Cook.
Mr. W. J. Daniel come over tram
Coolidge on buainesa recently.
Mr. W. D. Sanders came over from -
Boston Wednesday on legal bnalneaa.
MH. W. Drew of Akridge, one of the
connty’a best known dtliens, was hew
the Japanese minister,
official confirmation from Tokia of tie
destruction at Chemulpo of the Ifriaaiau
flat-clam orniaer Varaig and third-
clam cruiser Koreita. Chemulpo ia oo
the weatooeatof Oatea and southeast
of Port Arthur, where the Russian
fleet wae seriously Injured by Japanese
torpedo boeti Monday night.
he fonnd a group of
of prominent men dii cussing means of
immediately starting a campaign for
oity ownership of electric lights, and
after heartng tlielr views decided that
they were worthy of investigation.
It was held by advocates of the njunl-
cipal ownership plan that by its means
the lights could be furnished very much
more economically to the consumer, and
with the aame satisfaction that is de,
rived from the oity waterworks system.
The water and lights could be pat un
der the samo management and with
oombtned operating expenses very little
more than for either one alone. Being
a public institution electricity wonld be
more freely paftonised.
a- The opponents, of Ope idea urge that
even granting that ' lights oonld he
f urnished more cheaply by pnbiic
ownership, this wonld bo counter,
balanced Ly the increased tap
rate. 8ome persons also bold that if
the town is to be bonded at all it Should
be done for improvement of the Streep
father than for purchasing a lighting
plant. " ’ ' : j
The Times-Ertefprise man becarhe
very much interested and an interview
was at once sought with. Ur. Robert
Gamble, manager of the Electric Light
Co. In the interview, Ur. Gamblle
stated that ho 1 had teverai times been
approached by utembers of tho council
on the subject end that hla company
wonld not be averse to selling their
plant to the city. ‘The Electric Light
Company is' incorporated"'at ISO,OOP,
and Ur. Gamble states their plant is as
complete end np-to-dato as is to' be
found. Ho is willing for tlie property
to be appraised by competent and en
tirely disinterested persons, and to ac
cept the bonds of the city in payment.
Since baying the eleotrio plant several
yean ago at receiver's sale, the present
management-has greatly improved it.
The question ia an extremely live one,
and expressions on it will be gladly re
ceived by the Timea-Entorprise.
shopping in oar oity lest week. j
Un. J. B. Daniel of 8*vaunah'Vso
visiting relatives and frienda in Boston
since ear last letter.
Bev. Lee Banks of Pelham was trans-
> acting business in our town lest week;
Miss Emma Dnuisl retained home
lest week from Moultrie, whither she
had been visiting her brother, Dr. Ev-
eritt Daniel and family.
The Ann of Ankloy & Groover I as
beea dissolved by mutual ,0000001, the
Utter buying out the interest of the
former. Mr. Groover will oontinoe the
business at the old stand nest to J. G.
' Barney's hardw are establishment.
G. W. Austin oLDpie was hen last
Tuesday attending to some important
, Uise M. B. Briiy ef South Carolina.
, andMriJ. B. Carson of Boston, Gs.,
1 won married at the home of the. bcidje
' last week. Ray hmenow a moot lovely
‘exotie and one ,whb. will render l|ldi
' kappyjalt his life and will not only be a
. hilp-meet for him wliile he tabernacles
. in the flesh, but will reudof hisdeolintug
yean, as old age drefcps on apace, a
this szciiuiitaNT without hiwults.
London, Feb. |0,—A dispatch from
Port Arthur says the Japanese fleet re
turned there Tuesday afternoon, and
again bombarded the Russian fleet, bnt
aoon withdrew. The Russian looses
were small. Daring thojlring a Japa
nese cruiser grounded. ■
J. B.-Anderson, who yanks 1
leading basinets men of Ocl
was in town on Wedneeday.
Messrs, Madison Nesmith,
wick; L S. Spence of Ochlook
Willie Taylor of Boston, i
County Court jurors Wcdnetd
Si Petersburg, Feb. 10.—Tlie Official
Messenger this morning contains* “su
preme manifest'' from tlie Ozar an
nouncing a state of war and calling op
en his loyal subjects to, stand with lilm.
in defense of the fatherland.
Uisa Panline Shepherd, who
the attractive guest of Miss .
Culpepper for two weeks rei
her home in Oohunbns yesterd
Ur. Harry Honaton ia in Tiioir
for a few days. He is a atudeht
North Gebrgia Agricultural C
D&hloriega and Is first sergeant
corps of cadets.-'.- v,v. y
■ . I , '•/ TUBED ____
London? Feb. 10—^b specii^l from To-
kio says it is reported tliera ’are three
Rnssilu transport s, carrying 8,000 troops
have been captured by tlip Japanese oil
ihe Corenn coast y . V .
the home of the bride's'fathhr. Rev. D.
A. Jonhs, Uise Ida to Mr. G. Frnnjt
Hunt of Ochlockoneo, i Rev. R. d.
J..okson prononuciug (lie ceremony,
which made tiiem one. The prominence
of tlie parties made the occasion/ due of
much interest to all '.thin community.
1110 bride was becomingly dressed . in
grey cloth, with.list tlie same color of
costume. Tho attendants, Miss Dollh
Banits and Aim Hattie Cool, wore white
with blue trimmings. - Attwolve o'clock
Dr. W.U. Searcy of Cairo
tor <0 the city recently. Hex
ponied by.hls uncle Ur. P. F
of Talbot county, who is visi
tires in Cairo.
FOR RENT-Sugarceno
Cairo. Seed oane on the p
ply to E. B. Parker. Thomas;
bright oasis. Too much cahuof bp said
of (be groom; as he is one of Boston's
rising young -men, well . qualified and
- eiuipped to tight life's battles and make
- his lovely hriac A gotid, true ahd loyil
huebaud. This scribu in conjunction
- with their legion of friends, extend
1 hearty and sincere oongrutnlatious uild
trust that tlie suntet of their- live* may
grow brighter and more lovely as they
mouuder down till stream of time.
Bheriff Higlit, yvlio is one of the best
officials Thomas county has ever had,
was hero lust Tuesday on official busi
ness. Ho captured a coon of tlie 2-
legged kind, sailing under tho name of
Mack Crawfotd, some miles below Bos
ton and carried him to Thomssvillc.
'Said biped had beon guilty of bnrglak-
i ting a oolorcd man's house abont Way-
Dr.' H. O. Cook is having tlie old
. stand of B- J- Kingsley & Oo. in tlie reir.
of the Culpepper building, remodelid
preparatory to occupying!! for an office
The melliflnena gnano ia being hugely
transported to tlie rural districts to aid
our planters in' mpkiqg 15c. cottoh.
Gnano and mnles are tlie prime factots
in producing thia commodity, and the
Boston district is keeping pace with tlie.
rest of.tlie county in quantity and quali
Dr. J. W. Moody, Boston's Dental
Burgeon, ihas fitted np tome very hand
some rooms over the Way bnilding for
the practioe of bit protettion -parlors of
Dr. Moody.
Mist Wemie Ansley, who has held
a dery important positioa with the late
firm of Ansley pod Groover, has accep
ted a position with J. W. Taylor and
Son. We congratulate the firm on se
curing the services ot each an efficient ‘
•ad pretty lady.
Tt^od Wednesday In the County Court
and Seselgn Continued.
The regular criminal term' of county
Court convened Wednesday and a number
of cases wore tried. One of’ them was
that against Arthur Prevatt, a young
man charged with assault and battSry,
was of especial interest. He was ar
rested at the.instauee of a colored man,
Alien Jnniors, who claimed to liave been
wliitecapped by Mr. Provatt and his
companions in tlie Prodoula neighbor
hood! Mr. Prevatt stool trial and was
acquitted. Two other gentlemen, M. G.
Saber and O. E. McNath demanded in
dictment by tho grand jury on the same
o'largc.' These gentlemen claim that
J inters* ox had fallen by the roadside.
Hi was intoxicated and was abasing the
aiiimgl. They helped him to get started
agath, bnt instead of being thankful be
was insolent and threatening and they
gave him only his just deserts. As a se
quel to the rase comes the trial of the
state vs. Allen and Mattie Jnniers for
cruelty to animals which will be tried
today. The other cases resulted as fol
lows: hjr. L. D. Griggs was found
guilty ot disposing of mortgaged prop
erty. Walter Wade plead'guilty to
chaige of assault and battery. Louis
Whittaker plead gniltr to charge of
Henry UcKnight, who was np on
three counts, carrying a pistol, larceny
and shooting and wounding, was con- <
rioted of the first, pleed guilty to the
second, and dischargrd on the third. I
Tom Banks woe acquitted of the charge 1
of vagrancy. Judge Hsnsell bae not es 1
yet sentenced any of the parties con
Personeie and Points I
City to the Nc
was enjoyed by all. At four o’clock
Mr. and Mrs. Hurst loft for tho home
of the groom, accompanied by the boat
wishes of all. Ijlay they live long
to pother and bo happy and prosjierdus.
Mr. J. F. Singletary made n
trip to Grand Ridge Fla., Inst i
returning Monday. Mrs. J. S.
who aocompa^led him did not 1
until yesterday.
Ur. John Wilton of Merxillvi
In town yesterday ou business \
some- owing to hla exceeding!
•tay. A ■
Ur. Chestnut, of the Times
prise was ih town Wednesday.
Messrs. Stephens and Oaikran,
lost getting the Ion
ed-for bookt for the public echo
willed has been so badly held ba
being able to get the books tlia
needed. Let all patrons snd.ppp
are In need of books, apply to thi
paroed firm, for the (looks, and
' What la Happening This Weak In
That Thrift* City.
! Berwick, Ga. Feb. 10,1004. 1
The Barwiok Cooperage Co. has sold
, the cooperage business to Mr. T. U.
Massey who will operate tlie basinets
till veer
Contractor Sikes, spent Sunday in
Pavo with hla family.
’ Mr. Wilkes baa moved hia blacksmith
’ shop from Pavo to Barwick and is now
ready work. Berwick, has beep
in need of a good blacksmith for qaite! a
white. |
Misses Leila Adams of Tallokas, and
Charlie Cone of Antioch are the tbo
charming guests of Miss Hattie Red-
fearn this week.
Dr. J. H. Green of Heartsfield, was
in Barwick Saturday.
Hiss Annie Laurie' Hickr, who has
been visiting relatives in this communi
ty, has returned to her home in Fite-
geritid to the regret of her many frienda
We notice some of the boys com
ing from Pope’s mill pond, which is near
Barwick with strings of fish that are
canght principally with nets. Great
quantities of sockets ore canght with
nets and trout and brim with hooka and
lines every year out ot this pond. If
the trio of editors will oonw over to
Barwiok, and, if they enjoy fishing we
feel quits sore that ws saa nuke it
pleasant for them.
Min Alice Barrett is vlsiting in Pavo 1
this week. /
Messrs. Lee Badfearn, Stakey ahd
Ocd, Parker, all ot Moultrie were taong <
our last week’s visi tore-
L-i y - U „ w.,. L . i -
/ ‘Oak Hill Dots. : ) ij
.Ur. R, O. Wheeler attended preaching
at Merrillville recently.
Ur. Green Phillip* a foreman on tlie
L. and N. B. R. la visiting his father Mr.
Jim Phillips..
« ■* i ■ 1 • - t
Some of our boys are going Into the
melon business.
Mr. Will MeKinuou of Proepect wads
visitor to Ofk Hill yesterday.
Tlie Dopaon Saw Mill at Dillon jis
turning ont lumber as fast as any mill
far or near. Ur. Dopaon is manager. -
Miss Florrie Gilson attended preach
ing at Prospect last Sunday.
Hon. John R. Slnglotary. j.
-In another column appears tho an
nouncement pf Hon. John B. Singjetary
as a candidate tef reflection to Ofe
Honsc of Representatives. Mr! Single-
taro has served one term inthiscapaolty
anf has a clean record as a eonscion-
tioos public servant Ho is a resident
of Cairo and has a host of strong friends
in that part of the county, and else
where also. He is a lawyer of standing'
in his community and as lias been said
is mf experienced legiriator. Hia claims
are worthy of careful consideration and
ehonld anyone oppose him, they will
find him a hard man to defeat.
0 ireful to bring the mon6y,
are sold so yery close that t
polled to sell them fur oaal
Mr. T.C. Beverly of The
in town Wednesday.
Miss Ruby Stephens has;
from a visit to Qoitman,
Stephens, her sister, liavi:
there where she is employ
firm of Neel Bros. Co.
Bov. W. B. Owidga, veri
- Ur. J. O. Bell came over from Cool-
ldge Wednesday. He said that Coolld&e
school matters were getting in splendid
shape. Tho new school honse is being
equipped with modern seats and desks
and a wood school will soon be in ope
Bainbridge is to have two now depots,
belonging to the Coast Lino and G. F.
A A. Luoky Bainbridge.
Ur. Robert MacDonald and family
oune homo Wednesday morning from
Monitrie where they have been spend-
iugseveral days Mr. MacDonald says
there it no town in South Georgia as
good ss Tbomasrilte.
It would be interesting to find some*
thing that tho modem fire-proof bund
ing is really proof against.
“OldAge." mid South, seises upon
ill-spent youth as fire upon a rotten
Henna's 'Condition Good.
Washington, February 10.—Senator
Hanna’s condition is reported good tor
day. with no serious complications,
■e had a restless night but slegit at In
tervals. At noon bis temperature pijas
100; poise 07.
Teseher’s Wanted
"Wliat’s the nows, Captain", said a
Times-Bnterprise man to County School
Commissioner K. T. Haclcan yesterday
Friendship for revenue only is a poor
brand. t
Dublin is to have a new railroad from
that city to Eastman,
Lent begins on February 17th util
— I. A—it “ * -1.-
To Montlcello. '
A jolly crowd cf young men went
down to Upntioello Wednesday and will
return this morning. Their object in
going was to attend one of the social
entertainments ■ and dances for widch
UonticeUo is p famous. .Those in ,tha
“Nothing at nil,” said ths Captain
excsptthatfneodafew good teach srs
for tile public sobools in Thomas ooanty
I cannot soooont for the scarcity |<d
- Mira. B. B. Bedfoam is virting
tivea in Pavo this wssk.