Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 19, 1904, Image 12
TIMKS ENTERPRISE, TH0MA8VILLK, OJSOBG/A, FEBRUARY is. iom. _ £%% s Jl% D n ,M SACRIFICE SALE! Lewis of iiainbridge ) city. Mr. Lewis is mak ing mime dcsirabie improvemeu at- his residence in Kern side THE MARKETS. Tiie Prices at Which Things Buy and Sell-Corrected Weekly. LOCAL BUYING PRICES. Thomas ville, Ga., Feb. 18, '04—Eggs jm*t doz., 18 Bost Butter, 25. Modi batter, 20 to 25c. Chickens, Tries, to 30; hens, 30 to 85c. Sweet potatoes, •Oo to 05c per ba. Fodder, per 100 lbs, 90 to 00c. Soed oats, i)er bu., 70c. to 85c. New Syrup 22 to 25c, LOCAL SELLING PRICES. ThomuBviile, Gs., Feb. 18, 100*1—-Oof* fee, Arbuckles 15c. Green coffee, fair 19>4c. choice, 15, White granulate •agar 5cents Brown sugar 5o. Sue. Soda per lb. 5c; crackers 10 to 20c. 9tick candy 10; Kerosono oil 20o—5 gals 90o. Sido moat per lb 11c. Meal 75c pc bu. Flour $5.50 to fC.2o per bbl. West arn hams 16# to 18c. Lard, Compound 10c., Leaf lie Breakfast bacon 15 1*2 to 18c. Timothy hay, $1.25 per 100 lbs. Bran $1.25 per 100 lbs. Cotton Scad Meal $1.40 per 100 lbs. Cotton soed balls 60c per 100 lbB sack. Citation. GEORGIA—Thomas County. M. A, Council having made applied- tion for twelve month's support out of the estate of W. T. Connell, and up- praiwere duly apiK.inted to Kut apart tin. same, having filed their return. All per- emu. concerned aro hereby required U ■how cause beforo tho court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in h 11101. why said application should granted, ..... Jan. 14th 1804. 1-80-4 Wm. M. Jones. Ordinary. GEORGIA—Thomas County, Ordinary’s Court, Feb. 1st, 1901, Mrs. N. A. Dixon having mnde nppli- catiau for twolve mouth’s support out of the estate of J. B. Dixon and apprais ers duly appointed to sot apart the same having filed their returns. All poisons wonrerned are hereby required to show cause beforo the court of said count; Mai not 9-5-4 Ordinary of said county, on the first Monday In. March, 1904, why said application should not be granted. ThisFeb. 1,1901, Wm. M. Jonas, Ordinary. GEOROIA—Thomas County. Uy virtue of an order of theoourt of Ordinary of said county, will bo sold at publio outcry on tiro first Tuesday In March, 1804, at the court honso In ThomasvUio, said county, between the legal hours of salo, tho following real estate to-wit; Part of lot of land num ber 390, In tho 03th dlstriot of said connty, containing thirty-eight (33) acres of land, more or leas, and lot of blacksmith's tools. Terms cash. M. A. Flcetwoad, -5-1 Adtar. Peter Laejr. ■GEORGIA— 1 Thomas Oonnty. To all may oonoern: M. A! Fleetwood, haying made appU- ratioii tomelndneformtobe appoint ed guardian of the peraon and property of Jennie Dunlap, notice la hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the court of Ordlna- S^ d ln°ffiil”«5 held0n ‘ b9 Ut Wltoess my hand and official signa ture this the 1st day of Feb.. 1901. Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. To be tired out from hard work or bodily exercise is natural and rest is the remedy, but ^.1 there is an exhaustion without physical exer- tion and a tired, never-rested feeling—a weari- ness without work.that is unnatural agd shows KS .. some serious disorder is threatening the health. One of the chief causes of that “Always-tired, never-rested condition"fs impure blood and bad circu lation. Unless the body is nourished with rich, pure blood there is lack of nervous force, the mus cles become weak, the di- S«5 'dSSte 'oeture throughout the system. thoreugMy «oodM«Kl tan,^ Debility, insomnia, ner- 41 w. Sloth Bt,, Columbia,Term, vousness, indigestion, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, strength and energy, and the hundreds of little ailments we often have are due directly to a bad con dition of the blood and circulation, and the quickest way to get rid of them is by purifying and building up the blood, and for this purpose no remedy equals S. S. S., which fur r contains the - best ingredients deansin g the blood and toning up thesystem, ttis a vegetable blood purifier and toniccombined, thatenriehes the blood, and through it the entire system is nourished and refreshing sleep cornea to the tired, never-rested, body. 7NE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. ARE YOU SORE? USE ^ Jaracamph Relieves Instantly or Money Refunded. CATARRH, BRONCH/TSS, And all Throat Inflammations. It Cools. It Soothes. It Cures. 1 Sold truly ifl 25c.', KC. * *1.00 Bottle. At »U food DrnjjUrU. 8. H. PRICE COMPANY. “TAKE Six Dais and Eat Anythine You Want” KALOLA (Orystalucd Mineral Water.) Positively Cu^s Stomach Troubles Constipation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Kidney, Liver and Bladder Troubles. FOR SALE AT DRUG STORES. Correspondence Solicited, and Samples mailed to any address. KALOLA COMPANY. Manufacturers. SAVANNAH, QA GEORGIA—Thomas County. ■ To all whom it moy oonoern: M. A. Fleetwood, county administra tor, having made application to mo in Anatom to be appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of W. R. ' Moore, late of said county, notice is Tiureby given that said application will ha hoard at tho regular term of the -.MMtOf Ordinary for said county, to be ■ ItoMon the first Monday In Mareh, 1904. “ ’Witness my hand and officiBl signs- tare, this 1st day of February, 1904. • Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary. A Wonderful Saving. The largest Methodist Church in Geor gia, calculated to use over oco hundred t;allo;is of But turns! kind of mixed paint They u-rd only gallons of the Long man Martlnr - gallons of paint madi Ion. Saved over eighty (#So.oo) paint, and goi a tug donation _ EVERY CHURCH will be given a liberal quantity whenever they paint. Many houses are well painted with four gallons of L & M. and three gallons of linseed oil mixed therewith. Wears and covers like gold. These Celebrated Taints are O. W. Cochran, Thomasvil’ G. L. Durcn, Meigs. G •ARE A S*S.C3® Sg ... Best Sugar Cured Hams, per pound ISO Klngau'a Breakfast Bacon, par pound. It* i Best English Sugar Cured Shoulders, per pound 19 l-2o Uncauvassed Sugar Cored Shoulders, por pound L... Oo W. E. DUREN, 520 Oak Street, Austin’s Old Stand. Phone 52.5-1. Citation. GEORGIA—Thomas County. To all whom it may concern: Varne- loe M. Heeth having, in proper form, applied to me for letters of administra tion de bonis non on the estate of Mrs. L. J. Heeth, late of said county, this is to cite nil and lingular the creditors and next of kin of Mrs. L.' J. Heeth to be and appear at my office within the tim e allowed by law, and show cause, if any tkey can, why administration de bonis non should not be granted to Varncdoe M. Heeth on Mr*. L. J. Heeth’s estate. Witnetsmy hand and official signa ture, this 18th day of January, 1904. 1-30-4 Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary. - If It 19- I GROCERIES . You Need To California. The Borttogton’s weekly personally conducted California exonrsiona in through tourist deepen an just the thing for coast tourist* and settlers. The route is Denver, Seenlo Colorado and Salt lake. Citation. GEORGIA—Thomas Oonnty. To all whom It may concern: Var- nedoe M. Heeth having, in proper form ’ to me for permanent letters of on the estate of N. R.M. , If any they can, why per- ministration should not be ranted to Vamedoe M. Heeth on N. - M. Heeth’s estate. tore, 1-90-4 tnwtteyhan-i and olficial signa- thia 2Sth day of January. 1901. Wm. M. Jones, We guarantee our goods to be fresh and of the highest quality. Our salesmen are ever ready to serve yon, whether your order be small or large. If you are not already our customer, try us. C. 8. Dixon, »7t-k 108 B. Jackson 84. Mystericus Circumstances. One was pale and sallow and the other esh and rosy, Whence the difference? She who i* Unshed with health usee Dr Jang** New Life Fills to maintain it. IjHknUy awnsInc the * O^ly^&batTw. -BEGINS- Monday, Feb. 22nd. That’s all you can call it We recently purchased the entire STOCK OF BEK KELLY at this place, at about 65c on the dollar. As is. our policy to our customers, we are going to sell it for LessiThan Wholesale Cost To the original purchaser. a good Stock of SHOES,"MEN’S SHIRTS AND FURNISHINGS, ^ the very thingsjyou need now, lots of other goods, but principally these. To make sale complete we put attractive prices on some of ouj regular goods. Good Shoes, Shirts. Notions, Etc. Wished out in quantities to suit any oody. 1 > at Will You Ever Have Such an Opportunity Again? at Men’s 25c Sox, pair... 1G C and 15c. Suspenders, price 7 5 C 25c. Suspenders, price 15 c to 25c. Shield Bows Ties, white and blk. l c WORK SHIRTS. Qood 25c. Shirts., — 35 and 40c. kind....... 50c Double WoTk Shirt. .25 c All kinds 00and 51c. Shirts. DRESS SHIRTS. m 15c.and $1 Shirts & Cleanest, prettiest line of $1, $1.25 Shirts, all new from Kelly stock. 88 c DRY GOODS, ETC. Short Lengths. 27 inch striped Madras dress Ginghams,... others getting 8 and 10c for them, sacri fice sale, price f c Fine colored stripe Aladras, worth 10 f-2c -wholesale, sacrifice sale price !$* 4O inch White Lawn, yard 5 C 15 and 20c. value # inch White Lawn lie One lot Lawn, Kelly’s store, yard 3 C Qood Percales, yard. 7 C Sheets, 12sff inches,pair ’”75® Shoes! Shoes! One box all kinds Children shoes, worth up to $1, pair . One box all kinds Ladies shoes, worth up to $3, pair... V One box Men’s shoes, pair • • .... Kiser’s King, Reynold’s Shoes, and, other high grade shoes at wholesale cost, give you cost mark. ..w ..68° .85® We’ll TTOBACCO-Several Kinds. Square 4c. Plug 7c.—* An opportunity of possibly a lifetime. Will you embrace it? —DON’T LAST BUT FOUR DAYS.— ’-I A. F. Ghurchwell & Co., StarkejjCorner, ThomasviHe, Ga. i