Newspaper Page Text
The address of President W.C. Heath
of the American Cotton Manufacturers
Association, before the annual conten
tion in Washington, on Wednesday was
Bite of the most thoroughly exhaustive
and reasonable treatises on the groat
cotton problem that have ever been giv
VD nnt.
Mr. Heath is a southern man, from
Monroe North Carolina, and he is in
position to study the problem in all Its
He takes the broad, and
faty position among Jootton
tore tv, that the manufacturer should
be a bull and not a beay that he should
lend his efforts toward the boosting of
tho price of cotton, thereby strengthen
ing the price of cotton goods and the
prosperity of the south.
As a matter of fact, cotton manufac
turers ns a class have been among the
“shorts" for the past two years, and in
as much as tire prtco of their manufac
tured product has by no means kept
pace with the price of ootton tho near
sited ones among them have been driv
en to tile bear instead of the bnll pen.
Mr. Heath hold* that if they had be
come cloth bnlls instead of cotton bears
thoy would have served their purpose
far more effectively.
In endeavoring to lower the price of
tne raw staple by claiming high prices a result of speculation instead of
decreased supply, they kept down the
price of goods and did nothing toward
holding tho price of cdtton. A combin
ed effort would hero caused the maun,
faotured article to fluctuate exactly as
the raw staple.
Mr. Heath sees a now regime in mat
ters cotton. A return to the old low
price lovel orn nevor be made. While
Speculation was, responsible for a part
of tho recent rise, tills very speculation
was a result of nafurftl conditions indi
cating a short supply in comparison with
the demand, Hvery effort possible has
been made to break down this now and
higher price level. As said a leading
member of the NewYork Cotton Ex
change. "Cotton is standing without
n friend, it would seem. Against it is
the English Government, the combined
mill interests of tho world, manipula
tions of Liverpool and New York, the
banks of Wall streot and every possible
influence that can be brought to bear,
andstill prices remain high." Cotton
Kaa never been so low that persistent
efforts have not been made to make it
President Heath lays his faith in tiie
continuation oi high prices chiefly in
uwo things, flrst the south's Inability to
largely increase ita output, owing'to la
her conditions; and second, tho deterio
ration of the quality of ootton seed.
He thluks there will bo at least no les-
gsnlng In tlm demand? and possibly sn
It would seem ions that Mr. Heath
has failed to consider in reaching his
conclusion tiie unsettled state of tho
eastern market. China and Japan be
ing decidedly the lnrgest foreign msrj
ket for southern ootton goods, have a
vast influence os^r their prices. If
Russia is liually successful lu the pres
ent war with Japan site will make etory
effort to close lids enormous Ciiinese
. market to us, and the demand bring
thus eurtaileit will work a disiiiiet
feet on tiie price of ootlou.
Without statistics at hand, we are per
suaded that the matter of a deteriora
tion in tiie quality of sped is a bug-a-
.boo. It is utterly iueendstant wit 1
farmer's habits, gro Yh out of long years
of advice, to pan withjlus best tied
and save the inferior to plant.
We too, believe that the price of cot
ton has been established on a now plane
and that there is bnt little chance of S
cent conditions returning, but we are
even mute thoroughly convinced that
that plane will uot be a twenty cent one
or even a sixteen cent one.
This old law supply of and demand Hint
is getting so tired of being bandied about,
will come in and say you can uot sell
ootton at ten cents when yon can raise
it with aproflt at six." The monopoly of
southern land is not sufficiently well es
tablished to let a 300 per cent profit on
ita products .bo long allowed.
One more point at which we wonld
attack Hr. Heath's conclusions, is that
Regarding the futon of aonthern ootton
mills. The gpntlaman feare that there
is already a surplus of ootton mills In
thesonth. He speaks of many of them
belbf already closed and many others
likely to do so vety soon,and attributes
t his to both an overstepping of the need
tor cotton mills and a blind entry into
tiie field by people who are
cd with the business.
In the latter we heartily agree; but so
long as the south raises 80 per cent of
the .world’s ootton and harbors not ex
ceeding ten per oent of tiie world's oot
ton factories. We will not agree that tbs
limit of conservatism baa been reached
in the establishment
Many of the failures tliat hare so far
come have been duo to incompetence,
and most of the others to the unsettled
and inconsistent state of the ootton mar
ket. In recent years the ootton manu
facturing industry hns run toward the
south by leaps and pounds, and it has
not yet "got ita breath.”
Every new factory that is established
in the south may be one too many for
the world’s supply, bit not the south's.
It is then a question of the survival of
the Attest and we hold that nature has
decreed a “factory on the spot,” other
tilings being equal, to be “fitter” than a
factory hundreds of, miles away.
If growlers were dumb?
If a woman's nod meant yes?
If Jaoksou street were dralt e 1 ?
If all politicians were statesmen?
If your neighbor would kill licr oat?
If Thomasvllle's streets were kept
If your enemy were as forgiving as
you? -
If wo could fence in the town and
liave a stock farm?
bail ness as other people do?
The date of the state fair has been fix
ed for October I#th to 2Mb. It will be’
held at Macon.
Georgia has (about |30,000 coming to
her from back pay doe the Spanish-
American war veterans.
J. O. Stsndtey was shot and killed at
Hertford's torpcniirfo still in Ware
county on Monday.
United States Marshall J.M. Barnes
has been dismissed by the president and
W. 7. White appointed in his place. Es
trangement has been growing between
Barnes and Judge Emory Spear for
some time and at the recent Valdosta
session of the coart an open bread! waa
made. Barnes threatens impeachment
and all sorts of things against Judge
J. E. Hall of Oalhonn connty has
been appointed keeper of public build
ings and grounds In the plaoe of Colonel
W. T. Revill of Meriwether, whose re
cent death struck sorrow to the heart
of many a Georgian.
Complete returns Ifom Florida show
that United States SenatorTaliapferro
is overwhelmingly popular In his state.
He received more votes than all the
three other candidates together, lion.
Robert Davis will have to enter another
primary with his second man for gover
nor, bnt his substantial lead. indicate*
that be will be safely elected. The
state of Florida shonld rejoice in the
conclusion of one of the muddiest politi
cal contests ever waged on southern
The best known and most popular blood purifier
and tonic on the market to-day is S. S. S.
There is hardly a man, woman or child in America who
baa not heard of " S. g. J. for tho blood,” It is a standard remedy,
• specific for all blood troubles and unequalled as a general tonic and
appetizer. 8.-S. 8. is guaranteed purely -vegetable, the herbs and roots
of which it is composed are selected for their alterative and tonic prop
erties, making it the ideal remedy for
all blood and skin diseases, as it not rao*
only purifies, enriches sad terror- cmvoKKsairAST LlTHKOwroir,
ates the blood, but at the same rime , ’
tone* up the tired nerves and gives B. s.\L?n m*nT h *«M« 0O Jt'{? I »wl~t
strength and vigor to the entire bloodxsmedy onthonarlcst-
For Chronic Sores and Ulcere, tbok .
Catarrh, Rheumatism, Blood Poison, W-OOV. AlXBir ». CAMUMH.
Malaria, Amentia, Scrofula, Eczema, » goog
Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Acne SsenSBC”’ *
polluted or impoverished coition of the blood, nothing acts so promptly
and effectually as 8. 8. 8. It counteracts and eradicates the gams
and poisons; cleanses the system of sll unhealthy accumulations and
soon restores the patient to health. Write ns and our physicians wilt
rive your case prompt attention without charge.
"If your unclohasao sunt w1kJ has
a nephew whose wife has a cousin tint
is married to an old Mend of your wife’s
sister. wh«e grandmother used to live in
If you knew as mud. about your own same $psvn with an old school mate
isinnn an rGlinv mmwiIa itnV ' - . ’ " . . V
The Boston Times lisi como out in a
ballet dress. It is brief in length, butj
eight pages wide. Mr. Fred Feltham,
Boston's postmaster, is now the editor.
Ws have only one question to ask him;
being a republican by the grace of his
position, dees he favor Parker or Hearst ?
of yours, whoae son-in-law is now in
8t. Louis, yon should at once renew the
acquaintance with a view of Wring hotel
bills while attending the World’* Fair,
Tills soheme can be worked successful
ly in many Instances.”—Ex. ''
John Temple Grave* intimates that
he like* Hearst best because the politt-
8ome of the newspaperman having a oianaarenot tor Mm. Bat just the
controversy as to whether a hon ills tune, nobody has heard of Uncle Obe,
or sets. It doesn't matter much to ae so J Grim Jlggs and Governor Terrell hav-
long as she lays.
Lowndes county lissu't reported the
result of the April primary yet. Rep
resentative McKee's pigs must have eat
en up all the ballots.
Another revolution brewing in Halil.
Does look like that pot would boil down
to dregs some time or other.
There are lots of knockers In Tliomas-
ville, bnt they are knocking nails into
now houses.
Over -C00 actors are out of employ
ment in Now York. Have they stage
How soon will capitol be op|>osing tho
formation of unions by preachers.
A lute novel is called "The Grafters.'
Scene in tire post office? , ,
Soft amfsrooked bones mean
bad feeding. Call the disease
rickets if you want to. The
growing*child niust eat the
right food for growth. Bones
mist have bone food, blood
mist have blood food and so
in through the list.
Scott’s Emulsion is the right
treatment for soft bones in
rhildren. Littledoscseveryday
give the stiffness and shape
that healthy bones should have.
Bow legs become straighten
loose joints grow stronger and
firmness comes to the soft
Wrong food caused the
trouble. Right food will cure it.
In thousands of cases Scott’s
Emulsion has .proven to be the
right food for soft bones in
Send for free sample.
8COTT * BOWNB, Chomlita.'
400-415 Pearl Street. New York.
ing to go to any political night schools
to keep np with tlteir class.—Augusta
If all political campaigns could be
eenduoted on the tame high plane aa
the present one In Thomas county we
wonld be in favor of electron of judges
by the people.
Some people sro asking why it >b that
Roosevelt is going to bo nominated,
considering bo Is so vastly unpopular
with Ills party. The ofilce holder! the
office holder!
KwMDfwfMM, *tr. rmrtnSae t.rmp r«w n-Mn. «•*••. J
We aM ■tte-g'tatSsr klwsti t» Hgare sH» Us-
: - - (-
Greatest Discovery of the Age,
‘•Secret oi Health.”
A fruit and vegetable compound for
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness' Sour Stomach.
Heart Burn, and pll diseases arising from a '
disordered stomach or torpid liver
A great appetizer and flesh ptodneer. Nothing better a* » spring tonic.
—Price, $o cti. and $1.00 ptr bottle.—
For aale by all flrst-claM dealer?, prcbaid, in lots of 3 large bottles, or 5
smaU ones, sn receipt of price.
. Wholesale rates on application. Reliable agents wanted in everv town iatbc
United States.
Mathews Medicine Co., : : Americus, Ga.
10 Copies of Rev. T. DeWltt Talmage’a
“Travels in the Holy Land”
—Will be—
In tbe Timcs-Euterprise “Dot” Contest.
These books are on exhibition now at
our store. Thoy are splendid works,
which sell for (2.75 each and will be air
ornament to any home.
J. E. Robison & Co r s.
Book Store,
Thomasrille, Ga
Quaint, Queer and Curious Salt Lake
r City.
The late CoL John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan said "There are three uni*
que cities in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City.” ’ It is not only Uni
que in its temple, tabernacle and other
Mormon church institutions, but quaint
in appearance, with its wide streets, im
mense blocks and martial rows of shade
trees. It has, perhaps, more attractions
to tbe square yard than any city in the
country, and its climate, while temper,
ate all the year round, is particularly
delightful in summer. Tbe Great Salt
Lake, with Ita magnificent Saltair resort,,
where the water is "deader and denser"
than that in the Dead Sea in Palatine
is an attraction in itself that people
come miles to see. There are many
cool mountain and lake resorts near by,
also numerous very pretty canon and
park drives, and hot sulphur springs.
Fishing and bunting can be bad in every
direction, Tbe trip from Denver to
Salt Lake City and Ogden, via the Den-
a & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande
Western, is one oi unsurpassed pleas
ure. Here nature is found in her stern
est mood and tbe whole line is a suc
cession of rugged canons, waterfalls
and picturesque valleys. No European
trip can compare with H in grandeur pf
scenery. During tbe .entire summer
there will be low excursion rata to Salt
Lake City and contiguous country. It
Isontbcroadto tbe Pacific coast, if
that be your destination. Write S. K,
Hooper. G. P. & T. A- Denver, Cola,
for beautifully illustrated pamphlets,,
R-I-P-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
Fox mankind-
The Scent packet is enough for nasal
ions. The family bottle fdfett.)
contains a supply for a year. Alt drug-
gists sell them. (-9
"Whit's tho matter with calliu A * them
bold weevils—the republican*.
All tho world* bates a hater.
Tho Jacksonville Timed Union fears
that if Japan whips Russia she will soon
bo wanting the Philippines. This all tho
more reason for our siding with Japan^
it Will Bear Inspection.
Plumbing, Tinning, and Sheet Metal Work we Do.
Why not have your work done so yon will not be liable to a case of typhoid fever
in your family? We know how to do
HF'Ixst-ClsLSiS TFTo±3s:
and that is n!l tiie kind we expect to do. When in need of that kind call on ns.
"We guarantee all nejy work lorlyear.
107 Madifion'Street. ’PhoDo’2oI.
What has “our .Toe” done to brother
Lewis ovor in Sparta?] Ho boldly asserts
that all governors are politicians these
The Rome Tribuno says it cover*
Floyd county like a blanket. The Her
ald would add, a wet blanket.
They are already squabbling over the
honor of having been the first to’be
Parker mau.
And now the Associated Press lias it
that the Dickey killing was a double
Republican rascality is still walking
up and down in the earth and going to
and fro.
If money talk* so loudly how in the
mischief can Willie Hearst hear
Liar Tongue peninsular over there in
Pyanktetank most be tho fatherland of
all those eastern war correspondents.
The Best Cow Foe d to be
?ost less and is the greatest
milk and butter producer
on the market.
Put up by the Ralston Pu
rina Co.
Come down and let us talk to you.
We have just received a car of Woold-
bridge Jellico.
The Thomasville Ice Company
Dealers in lee, Soda Water, Wood, Coal, Hay and Grain.
Opium which kauU to Ooturamj
Remedy lor
NERVINE PILLS. sssrireusssf Tobacco or
This Is not a gentle word—but when
you think huw liable you are not. to
' m the only remedy nniveo
and a remedy that has had
sale of any medicine in
world since 1888 for ths core and treat-
of Consumption and Throat and
troubles without losing Its great
popularity all these years, you will ba
thankful wo called your attention to
Boaohee’s Gorman Syrup. There are so
many ordinary oough remedies made by
druggists and others that are cheap and
good for light colds perhaps, bat for se
vere Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup—and
especially for Consumption, where
there is difficult expectoration and
coughing daring the nights and morn
ings, there is nothing like German Syr
up. The 25 cent size has just been in
tro duced this year. At S. H. Price C
12 iuch Cane Mill, $14 00
14 iach Cai:e Mill, lo 90
10 iuch Caue Mill, ;u 50
18 inch Cano Mill, 39 4
We cau furnish the above iu iron
frames at a small cost. It will i>ay you
to call on ns before you buy.
Works near A. C. L. R. R. Depot
P l). 102: Telephones island210
M.tkrS A Clean ow tp
There’s nothing like doing a tiling
thoroughly. Cf all the salves yon ever
heard of. Bncklen’s Arnica Salve is the
best. It sweeps away and cure. Bums.
Sores, Braises, Cots, Boils, Ulcers, skin
Eruptions and Piles. It’s only 25c and
gnaranted to give satisfaction' by J. W
Peacock Druggist.
Everything Desirable
in the line of elegant Perfumes,
Fine Toilet Soap, Face .’Powder,
etc., may be found in our stort^
If you make your purchase
you will benefit by a very spe
cial reduction in prices.
Solo Agont Jaoobs.Cbotfios,.