Newspaper Page Text
0. M. &E. H. Smith, General Agent*, Tlie Prudential
Ins. Co. of America. Tliomaaville, Ga.
Dev Sirs • .
'Without expense to me imd without committing my,
•elf to any action, will you send me further informa
tion as to insurance policy on my life,
I was born on the day of
Yours truly.
nirfiiinir itmiitiNi I • 11 r 11»%t11 m hhwmwiwm
All our winter gingham for
school dresses, has ar
rived, in plaid, stripes
and all designs.
Our line of outing is the most complete
■ ,
in the city.
“Hermsdorf Dyed" Hose, bought special
for school use, will not turn
green, heavy ribbed.
We carry everything that is es
sential to school children.
f A complete
I f * Line of
f School
I Umbrella’s
ft /THE
A crmplett stock
Ilnee Pf>nts Suits
Prices from $l.-25
you had a noise,that brought you au income of $100 eac i yaax wouldn't yor
■ : •• ’ 1. i :;000?
You certainly would, all good business men do
You Would do it knowing that your *house may never burn and you may never get
back one cent you have paid for this insurance.
If your earnings are $1C0 per year are you being fair to your family and estate j
it you do not protect them by taking out life insurance?
You can do this knowing that you are sure to die and get back more than'you!
have paid in -
Or tLat after a certain period, ; f you are still living, you can get back all you
have paid in cash and have a nice sum laid up for a rainy day or old age
Any man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by
maning application for a policy of insurance to the
Fill out the coupon and mail it to Ms for full information.
C./M. & ED. H. SMITH,
General Agents, Thomasville, Ga.
Oat this oat sad malt to.
About one-third of our large
and elegant stock of
Fall and Winter Clothing
For Men, Youths and Boys. Prices from $2.50 to
$25.00 per suit. Our HIGH ART suits ranging
from $12.00 to $25.00 are the finest, designed by
best artist in that line on earth.
SOCIAL REALM, , News Items From Susina.
Mr. George Neel returned t< Q litniuu
Mr. Theo. Titus is the latest addition
to Elkdom.
Dr. Samuel 8. Gautden from Quitman
won In the city Tuesday.
Miss Rosa Harrell of Bainbridge has
entered Young’s Female College.
Mrs. Frank Bevill and littlo daughter
Nellie of Savannah are visiting Mrs. L.
V. Flrnith in East End.
Mrs. 8. G. Covington aud dnnghtor,
Mrs. J. A. Home, of Boston, Ga., have
gone to points iu North Cnroliua for
two months stay.
Miss Martha Morrill, after a summer
vacation at home, returned to Atlanta
Monday to finish her coarse at Agues
Scott Institute.
The tailoring on these suits is perfection . For fit, elegance
and durability. We absolutely guarantee the fit and wear of
every suit sold. Our entire line of Gents Furnishings are
already in stock and we can please the most fastidious. Our
line of fur hats and derbies, for men and youths are the best
that ever crossed the Pike. Styles are superb, quality cannot
be beat. Prices $, S2.00. $2.50and $3.00. Our stock'of, .. „ „ „ ,,
kid gloves are the correct things in greys and tans. Onren- j 8ft Molutay for Atlama „ n(1 llltcr
gineerand firemen’s gauntlets, made of dogskin, reindeer j Gainesville where Miss Marian will
and pig skin, all guaranteed. Prices from y5 cts to $ t. 7S I enter Brouan college.
F.legant lot of hosiery in plain and fancy. Winter under-j ——•
wear to beat the band. W’hisk brOoms, combs and brushes, i Ml ”* Lc,s Eower of Wiiigham was ip
clothes brushes, pocket books and jewelry,also tne High Art, 8yth ^ ^ wm ^ 1Io „ r0)1
$1.25 Negligee Shirt goes for $1.00, the best in the world.
! gyth where she will
j Foninle College.
j Mr. John D. Sinclair has been ap
, pointed Florida agent of the Atlantic
land Birmingham railway
quarters at[Jacksonville.
vith head-
' Mrs. Z. V. Peaco.k and her little
• d-sngliter ;;Yanec JEstelle, of Cochran,
i Ga. are visiting Mrs. Peacock’s parent*-,
Dr. and Airs. T. s. Doklt-. ,
' MissLncile Ansley, of Thomasville,
retnrued from a visit to Ocala, Fla.,
■ ntyA stop] ted over iu the city to visit the
| family of her uncle, Capt. W. W. Am-
! ley, on Brunei street.—Wavcross
! Herald.
I MlssfEloise Rigsby is still very sick
' with fever at the home of her parents
on Brewer street. Her sifter, Mrs. \Y.
1 51. Parker, of Thomasville. is still at
I her bedside, aud everything pox ible is
being doue to save the young lady's life.
| —Waycross Herald,
(By S. M. Beach.)
Mr. Ausel Dekle af Metcalfe was here )
lust Wednesday. •
Mr. F. B. Van Brant carried cotton to
Cario Inst Wednesday.
Sam Green, one of oar colored farmers
sold a bale of cotton recently .to James
F. Evans of Thomasvilio for twelve and
a half cents a pound. Sam,planted the
Black shear cotton seed mentioned in
this column some months ago.
We hope that before the time arrives
for automobiles to again pnt in their
appearance, that oar ooatUy authorities
will take tome s^ops to limit the speed
of snch vehicles on onr public roads.
M:s. S M. Beach with daughter and
sou, Grace and Herbert, went to Thoni-
asvillo last Thursday.
Judge and Mrs. U. G. Mitchell spent
last Knnday with their sister, Miss
Sallie Mitchell, whose numerous friends
will be pleased to hear, is some better.
Judge II. W. Hopkins and Air. W I.
McIntyre, came dowulast Sunday, re
turning home to Thomasville next day.
We think the county commissioners
have done a good thing for the county |
by putting a prohibition tax upon the!
retailers of domestic wiues, but we think
some consideration should be allowed {
for those citizens who have been
gaged iu a legitimate business, to have
thu opportunity of disposing of their
present stock of wines. This can be
done by making the law go into effect
January the first next, instead of
October the first.
Alessrs. Floyd and Howell have leased
all the timbered laud on tho Coats and
Raines place, south of tho Tallahassee
road, owned by Mr. W. I. McIntyre of
Thomasville. Thfs enterprising firm
now owns a large body of fine timbered
laud here.
.Mrs. Henry Dickoy, Sr., of Cairo,
went down to Iaraouia last Sunday on a
visit to her daughter, Mrs. Plea* Strick
Mr. J. M. Blackshear, Sr,* Went to
Cairo last Saturday to sell cotton.
Mr. Tom Walker, who Sms been liv
ing in the Cairo district, has moved
back oil his homo place.
Sir, J. M Blackshenr, Jr., who is
overtcer on the Cairo road, jtqjtedvroi^t
on the road last Monday with a large
force of bands. They are doing good
work too.
Louis Steyerman
Comer Broad and Jackson Sts.
Agents for Standard Patterns.