Newspaper Page Text
.Hnb South Georgia {progress..
ilM l ' * M*. w •
- •
New Series', Vol XV—•£’
Raised at MerrlUV'IJa. Other News
|, front that Neighborhood.
Y»{i-«jarciay nftcruoou *»t half past flte . .
o'c'ock ibjTsoul Mr. A W.Dokle t
p iLbril into the great Ley cud. His def.h J
co.nrred ou tlio forty eight anniversary j
v It has tieeu an nxioui that alhtio t:un-
» sense cov aud then is re’i&he 1 by ti.e
best of rn^ti Tho-i-oner the limn tiro
abetter* i c likes u joke, ail i mio of itie
moil iu town, ‘»ev. Ed. F»Conk lii.i*ui*e
even if it is ou himself Mr Cook did
his $rst*Diii i&lHi iat work some 17 jeaip
ftjjo ou a miasion cirroit ud if Hi mi >$-
ville. lie is now ptu>uiiug elder cf tlio
district. When t c ratiw to fevoih Ge« r
gin his frieuds iu i».o Nwiilifiu jnut tt
the state bade him a uiourniu. mteweil
txpeoliag to set return iu a wwil
wliiiu viilh fe\er—dtt^lud iumie MUd
nmlfiriul c&mploxiou. Ho Mfit-d his
fears iu a good old tinier tu tha IV. *
poet neighborhood* feho asked tin-
prune er. “Are juu a f»ir sample ol
4he kiud of tm.ii li.ey iu»n» iu Norn-
Georgia?” New h.olhti Ow% \'hi.e au
iutelleclUbl *>-•* live
feol ami wtlg.i »u.*a Uisu U£- 1*6 uii
ft Wei et I it. ai iruih comps uwmiiw* mj ►talk
ttat lie w*s nam*} ,% u.u >ainj»e.
t-M «l.e o.u l* i **•»* gt-lUg
to tkli Jou Iwgo Mi.« a l »*ft at Mr let
Mary brono »lK>i- HI 3***s old and
weighs aau pouutitf f ^i $*m m*u% to ae«
so me South Georgia Sinew then
Brother took l*«a letcr •Hicprt-iMrfl any
fea*a About uutUra* --4K* i|»i . long rtfti
deuce iu Budb (jeonsUilua uagbt him
that the fever eUst* rather in (lie minds
of North Georgian* Otau in the boneaoi
tnofte from South Georgia.
There haa been omniderable fuu pot
(By J. N. DonnhUon )
Mr. Ileury Wight, of Cairo, was here
of ids birth and he mus at. the home of t Taesday. Mr. Wight has joined th*
his bro.her. Mr. I t nire D.kle, in East ’ of tl»o‘s?rip and was tnakiug^
j.v.d, when .death. enme. Mr. Dokle , tf iP*
briongeu <o one of the oldest and best j Mr* Willis J. Barns haa recigne&raf
known families iu Thomas county. Ilia posiiion as general manager of the foW
homo was nine miles from town ou the mine Mills at Tou'aiuo. Ue lias uoh
m, 41k mayor and the She worth, extol the virtues and#
edit the i
election mawagenfcy Utoee who affool to
beleiro thattlwy tfjnored Judge’ B.O.
is counting and
oof the olectrlo light
electltm The#ooy they only oompliod
with (be oleotloa bot their friend* intitt
that they <rm itw»d the low. They
light to pioliiiewlie city peter*, and the
manager*, fcontfagthr ek, htnUinglnm.
her wwtuiqgthaMd cranium* andMrlp-
•l gach at the eovoral convict camp*
for contempt Ofwooi t. Ooe of the mui
agemsnalutainsttiat ‘ if anybody telle
Boh ItttclieU that any of the council or
manager, had any contempt for him.
ho would fine t»m for lying for
knoaw bettor.
An onponaut btulneM transfer took
place jeaterday. Ur. D. B. Blantoo
purcluwed the marlwt buainoM of Me«ra
Lewit and Clo»ia.aadtaliea charge to
day. TMalrone of .tlio boaieai meat
market, in ThoainauHUi and i* located
iu the cky jnaihetJioDfe at Crawford
Jaeltsou. Ur. filuutoa i, u man ofex-
perience in tilt, time and wi.l doubtiea*
succeed in hi* venture.
Depot Dslnpo.
The A. O. L. depot rovctheraioH to the
cound of tlie luunteer and taw. 'J lie
repair.are blur mode iu the whtte
waiting room wlw.o a new iluor nud a
vw watittc .tin t are being p id hi..
Ouiio.ut llle road, where be ojipratod a
iu ui i^iienery end yritt mill. He haa
tieea in bad lioalth lor more tlmu six
a eear, nud ciune to Tbcmaeville for
He was a son of Mr. Hatali Dekle-imd
luavt, a widow aud tiireu ebildrou to
ebeiitlt lii. tneiunry. lie in also.nrviv-
edbyilnoe biotbei,. Mea&rs. L .W.
Dotla, cl Water Val.ey, B, L Deklo of
this city and W. L Dekhi o' Macon,
aud ibntt a.HriT, Mra. J. 15. Giecne ot
Wayorotv, Mr, U. M. York and Mits
day Day Do le
"Leave* have their time to fall
And flower* to wittier at the n rtli
wind’s breath.
And tlie etar* to set, bat
Hum hult all *c**ont for thine own
On, Death.
Bat tho atanaodown to Hue upon mao
fairer abate.
And bright bt heaven 1 1 jeweled mown
They ahloe forever more.”
Fiem dmetaaaemoiial, ifMomyhaa
Mteemed eta petrUege to oommeomrate
the pralaMet’her dead ai'ae effertagef
tbe pemi 'toisn to their memecy.
On theboth-dey of October 1904urUle
the «ad winded Antnmn breathed to
ul cadsace the melancholy re
quiem of the dying year, Baather
Bicbaad aUmmy, fall of yearn and
baaea*. and with the ootudoomne* of
a well (pent IHfe paued beyond th*
ophemof earthly endeavor, and entered
the iCeie*tial!Ledge above.
H.ihsd wltneared thechangiogoeenes
df Sa earn men, and during tbta long
tlme. devotlo&lo duty wae tlie nnaln-
spring of hi* action,. No mocro ap-
porptiate epitaph coaid be engraved
upon hie tomb than the timplo wards, J
He did what he could.” ,N,W Cholrmaeter forSt.’Fboma*
for 48 yean bewva* a Mauler Uaeon, Prof J- Liscombe, of Brooklyn, N.
and wae always -ready to rotpood to X wM act as organist aud olioirmaster
tlie souad of tlio travel.” He east?- at St, glioma.eliarcli duriuglhe coming
plifled imhi, own life the lofty renew : He will arrive inalio dty shortly
eehloh bo.profowcd. to “ho “P ‘ho duties of this ipoultion
He wo* .a couaistect member oTuhe Mr -L^ontte l» an aooumplKhed
Methodist church for 63 year,, and , oian , of w,de oxporionoo. and comes
highly recommended. The musio at
decided yer whore he will looote.
Oar ;m,tn(tutor, Mr W. R. liaustoft-
killed « 11 1 3 mouth, ling the otliorthty;
that cottt'd him hSS pnouds ot pork. It
any ono list beat that till, winter let's
hear from you.
May or N E. Tnruer attended t l»u,i.
ue*, hr : hotnirville,last L'lio lity anil
voted while tliete.
Mis. E O Jarrett and Jit,, Jrmtle
Dlaok.hear Weut to the city last Wed-
ue«day to test tlieir bravery bv having
some dental work done. 1
Little Mis, Inna Lee Jarrett left Mott,
day to visit Iter grandmother, Mrs. M,
Jarrett near Boston. . |
Messrs, i, W. Wilson and Ohas. F.
Mathis epeat the day in ThooasvlUq
Her. A. C. Stephenson, Dr. D. H.
Montgomery and J, J. Turner, Esq,
mingled with friends in tlie city Thee,
Mr. X. V Mathis, opr effldewl rearj
•hal, bwsimoved to tho boom ferwwli
eornpted by Mr,. 0. A. Alcorn. Wear*
glad On welcome Mr. Machlt awddamlly
a, netgtibon. •
Me. I. M. Dyke* honored the young
folk*-with a candy polling last Friday
might,'the wind opof hlaoawei-’*-* 1 —-
The writer ha* never seea tmdh a onl-
vernal enjoyment upon eooh tamocca-
•loa, where every one iba*Mi|awnAif
Olnmunt and none felt appblhi^Mrat it',
They enjoyed many Interesting and
moatl game* while the ready was being
prepared and when the announcement
■waareade to come forth Ihey respoti
ded with the wiUlngne** eaolt to do hi*
.-share of polling aa well Meeting candy,
Wonder wlist couple spent about two
hoore palling tlielr candy? Well any
waydltey all liad a good ewsetttme and
eqjoted the occasion Inuneotely.
D. C*. Andufsen near Ochlorkoneo
Lcsoa Bern?. Other Nowe.
D. B, AndcruoiTsbarusan.! out Iicumb
at the Little Old place, with c-titontR cen* court day here. Se
Cooliilgs News.
dr- Doklo Ernsts Grist Ml*l. No New
Cantldrt^s for Jis lea of
tho P^sco.
Lakt featurdHy vas icgulnr justice
ral cakes vve.e trier)
it t tied
tents oousistiag of all his crop of fodder by Judgu Smith,
cotton seed aud 1 liale seed cotton, effort* j'.dgiueiit.
enughtcu fire Monday nigiit ahfentll Mi o Ola Ha vis is very s
o'cl’jfdc and was conijiletoly lli-sfioyod.. fever nt tin homo <»t her bio In
H -lp enongli arjived in time to pave the Mr. T Banovv.
dwelling lioute uud licrses. No insur-
uu.c. Origin of tlie fire unknown.
Dr. aud Mrs. J. B Palfher nud Miss
Olivo Quartiebamu are u*tending the
J*nierr.viunkers n in 4 u K ll8 ' ft tl«i» weoh.
Mr. J. II. And* r.-on went to Nashville
ou busiiiviis Monday.
Mr. Jiui s; out Inst Thursday
in Pol h nn.
Mu-* Je sie Bumin aud Mrs. Joe Bau
lin nttHid-d the Buntiu Bullock mar
riage last Momliiy.
Mr Waltor Braswell 1ms beeu quite
sink wiilt fever. We wish for him a
speedy recovery.
Mrs. A. W. Logue, of Nashville is the
fpioet of her parkins Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
W. H. Braswell and wife were visitors
to oar towu Sunday.
'Dr. Charlie Miller, of Shel^ian visited
Ills mother Mrs. F. P. Hay Sunday.
Clever Dick Robiuson of Meigs was a
visitor to his brother Mr. Cliarlie Rob
inson on Snndny.
Miss Isia Bullock and Mr Doo Boutin
whether *ae stoward, class-leader, <tr
.Bt. Thomas has always been a feature
.of <tlie services. The profepeots dor the
winter will be pleasing to tlie .attend
auts of the -churcli.
Vaccinating Nearly finished
Tlie vaccinal ing # of llunnnsviUe jjeople
U going merrily* oh. Tl>e city was
di* vkd Into three distriett* audoue each
AM gited to Drs. Bcui lielle, JeokiiM and,
Tlie first two have aU«ady
eom|.l6'6d thtir work and Dr. Juried
states tUut tie will be through by the
la; t ot this week. Tlie doctor# are tak<
iug a census of the dry as the; goaloug.
The negroes aie submitting in excellent
spirit to tlie vaecipation law, but a
great many white rebel and have to be
reported to council
tSMtae of ohareh proparty, he whs aver
ready to respond to tho end of duty.
Bspolved* Tfcatiu the death of Brothar
Bkshard Bamsey, this Lodge has lest a
fruitful end useful member.
ReHcdved, That tbe Lodge room bej A Big Hunt-
clotlted with thewsual badge of mourn-1 31r. William Proctor, Jr., will leave
ing for 20 da> a. | l^e Batutdav for a big hunt, iu O'vm-
RosoiT6d> That a d>py of. ^>ece reso- paay with icvea Alabama sportsmen.
Intion. be the family' of our j ^ wlu RO t0 PuntB Garda. Flu.,
dveereed brother with the auOMnee cf . nnd trMB U)ere drtv8 4fl niiles , 0 ,| ie
our prcfcoud aympatlir
Reapcctfally submitted,
New floor.
The Cochran barber -hop was treated
yesterday to a new floor, laid over tbe
old. The cfcupant* of the shop were
inconveoievced temporarily for their
better oontfort when reallv cold weather
comet. The Cochran shop le always
ole tn and inviting and will new be more
m than-yer.
Everglade,. Tl-ey propiwe to devaetato
tLi* mveterioa, teglou of game, piloted
by Indian guide, and supplied with
every invention of modem gunnery.
Highest Lle.rse.
Mr. John S. Montgomery, Jr., re.
tgrned yeeterdey morning from Atlanta
Neat New Homo-
Ur. Olin Obastaiu lias joat completed
a neat cottage near his fathera place end where he took the examination of tint
2 miles from town tlua Breton read, i etata board of pharmacy. There ate
; three licenses conferred, pliarmscist,
Mr, A B. Sanders, of Nsw Turk to in I *P» nd (lro W ii ‘- Mr - «“>*•
tit* city. Mr. Sander* is the advance tomorj mu one of three to receive
man for John Griffith the great tra**. ‘ he hl * h “» life “ e ' TI,W * ,ook ,he
dian who is scheduled to appear ^ |
Thompson's Opera Bonn on next
Thursday. ( One Thousand Barrets.
. j Gandy and Mallette’s cane mill keeps
Mr. John Lester came down from At* gri ding on: liquM sweetness. They
lanta yesterday morning accompanied have bean at work for aaveral days, and
by hi* friend Mr.'C. B. Clarke. They now estimate the yield of (heir farm at
will join a party of'TLomwvlIle sports, more titan 10 0 barrels, and possibly
men for a ten dsys linnt in Florida. 1600.
parents, Mr. aodMrs. Bullock last Mon
day morning at 0 o’clock' by Bov. a B.
Jenkins. They left for Bt. Loads on
the OtOO train by way of Aagnsia, where
they will attend the “merrymaker* l’
They will be at boat
friends after Deo. U
Mn. Mary Cardin, of Abridge iethe
greet of relatival this week.
. Mn. E. R. Singletary, of Melgt, le
■pending revarsl daye with her parent!,
Mr. aud Mn. Thorepeon thin week.
(By J. B. Searcy )
There’, not a vacant houee i u Meigs.
Dr. Aultinau and \V. M. Biugletarj
drovetliroogn the country tu Tlionia,-
vtlle Tuesday.
Meters T. J. Wlilts, E. E. ant! Mul-
eolm Wllkee loft for a pleasure trip to
points ou the coast VVodnoiduv nioru
Mrs J. G. Dauber rmd two children,
Willie aud Pauline, left luet Saturday,
for Macon, their futuie home, Mr.
Dunbar has been there several weeks
There will tc an election iu thle dis
trict Deo. 3, for a Justice of tlie Peace
aud two bailiffs.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. D. Robimon spent
last Sunday in Oclilocknbee.
Mrs. Geoj^e McXeal, after spending
several days hete with her sister, Mrs.
Cook, lelnmod to, her home Sunday at
Mr. W. O. Thompson, the hustler,
made u business trip to Tlioniaivilie
Mis, Kate Blackman, of Peihaui, was
the guest of Mtsa Zee Simpson Sun
Mr. Teaaly of Americas, lias moved
his family to this place, and it occupy'
tug a house ot the foot ot Marahall
tk with
• iu law,
rs. M. A, Barrow aud littlu son,
in, uni to leave lor Tamps, Fla., tins
week, whom hoy go so reside. ■
Mi.-s Tao.tlita Duiou, of Tboinnsville,
is visiting rsiativos at Coolidgu tills
Mr 0. D. Moore, of Valdosta, is a fro
q .out visitor to UouUdgo of late.
Coulidgo lias received tlie Ailing of a
,ung felt want iu the erection of a good
gri-t mill will li Mr. Deklo now has iu
oj oration. His grind dal s are WeiiUeS
day s and Saturday s of cuoii week.
When euffering from achee and
paina Nsatnith's Magic Oil rehevts
Mr. Henry Sttrv ia all smiles this
week over the arrival of u young lady
who will make her future homo with
Mr. Kennrn and Ills family, of Sunset
heve moved to Ooolidge, ana are occu
pying tlieresldeuaeof Mr. P. E. Mu/pliy.
Mr. Kennon Is machinist for the c t*tson
Lumber Co., successor* to the T. J.
Bell Lumber Company.
The last meeting - of the Ooolldg-
were married at tha home of the brire'e| towu oonmdl levied the Advatoi+m tax
rate for thle vear at two and one half
mtlle. The clerk, H. B. Neemlih, now
baa the bookeoien for the porpo-e of
ocUeotltig the taxea and registering tbe
voter* of the town. ^
We have heard no talk of any candi
date# as yet for Justice of the Peace and
Oonstablee, who are to be eleotedtlie
first Saturday in December. We judge
therefor the present Incumbents, Jus ice
T. C. Smith and Constable W. W,
Story will be candidates to auoceed
Well, we've ee good a president as
they have, nnv how.
tlsieecoud Sundav iu December.
Mra. Mary Wilkes again occupies li«r
old home ou the corner of College aud
Dyson street ■. The residence lias re
csivqd additions and lias been remodeled
and repainted and presents a very at'
tractive Hppeurunce.
Many of onr young people go
the nearby mllle now and enjoy the
hospitality and liberality of the tyrup
makers. . .
Mrs. J. W. Jones went up to Smith
ville, last Sunday to visit friends and
relatives about her oUl home.
Dr. J. F. O'Neal, dentist, is fitting up
most attractive office. The doctor ia
building up a good business in his line,
and proposes now, aa lyrmarly, to use
nothing but tbe fine/t materials, and
most improved machinery.
The merchants of this place have
sgned to dose ilieir stores all day ou
Tnauksgiviug day. Everybody will
take doe notice.
Rw, C. Ri Jeukms, pastor of the
Metholistdmrch, here, give one last
Sabbath that lie would preach again ou
Mr. Jodie Hlanlou will leava Monday
to aocept a place ( in tl.e Pelham Journal's
" Wo know of a nodding that's going to
happen iu u few days, but' it's a secret.
The school at Pine Grove just over
the line in Mitchell couutr, near this
place will elosd no xt Wednesday before
I will teach unaritlimUiuand writing'
so licol at Pine Grove, beginning about
Nov. 30. Everybody knows tite value
oft liese at ecial classes. Tltosowho are
behind In the kuowlelge of these
branches will doubtless seize the bppor-
tuuity. The coarse Includes the draw
ing of deeds, mortgages, etc., with
srliont points of commercial law on
these topics The whole will be spiced
with exercises iu practical Grammar,
Bpeiiiog aud thu uses of diacritics. J.
B. Btanty.
Mesats. Emmet Joiner of Brcontou,
aud Deoil Joiner, of Camille, were here
Sunday tbe great* of relatives.
Many new citizens are coining into
this riciitiiy from lie upper counties,
F.tdelle, ,f Wbltesburg, Ga.,
Will ilfa short (hue become a citixeu of
this |Uie, and will engage iu the
practice ot ou divine.
'Is cf the Bury Syrup Vart Shows*
1 v if, 11 Biitclr and' fim fr etfp
Doua’rlsihvilfe -punt Fritluy tiulSok—
unlay in tlie city visiting frioMls-
M. Rroivit canto over f: o-n Taflav-
IniS'ce Batmihiv and isspebding oerenii
daba with heme fi It*.
Our turret nr.! pieseniitig a busy aya-
pcariytt’e 1 h':-n dais “LiingSHI t‘tuig- ’
i< nJlIiig in at a rapid rite i.nil qv.iic ia
l-t o! cotton hit* been loott.cted tl>sa
Tlie fiute ni'ier wits witen Ctiirowav*
mote prospert user tho fnrmefs of Shin
sectlbo in better shape. Prosperity iss
in evidence on every hand. Tlio mnsias
of sftw rnd trowel is heard from saerm-
Ing till night nud business-In all IkHta
of c’aJolsgood. .
Littlo Sarah Christian, dnughtw efif
Mr. and Mra K. Powell, died MsadsQP
morning and whs hulled Tuesday mono—
iug at 10 o'clock. But little hopaharifi
been snisrtnired for the little suflbspsrfit
recovery for several days and r he festal—
it.g of tlie delicate cord that feuabJfej-T
to litis world was hourly expectsdl Tim
little bud which was given tobtkgltanu
the home for a few sliprFmentis-.dtaffi
In hit wisdom, has seen best to tistes
plant in His heavenly vineyard aafitfito
"beautiful beokoulrg hands” fiureMkg
bsttlemeuts of the eternal city as* MK
an iutpiratlon to mama and
brothers and shter* to walk fea
"stra'ght and narrow way” that kt
to life eternal
, Min Maggie Perkins, of Cesn
1 Fia., is visiting relatives ■ in. te«m4
Mr. Oliver Williams, onr eatafitji
and popular jeweler spent last Bars
in Whighatn,. -
Min Johnnie Brown and Mm B
Swlcord made e shopping visit le Tfei
Seville Tier day.
Rev. R. F. Evans, of Moultries -
shaking hands with-his many
here this week.
Dr. F. 0. Hetricg came over fiknm
Whighamone day this week ardysa-
chased a buggy horse- cf "Messrs.. Fast
cett & Dees. "
Mr*. O. E, Mauldin lias httn «x tfiat’
sirk list for several days.
Mr L. O. Marshal), a firmer reaUbatk
of Cairo, new of Cullioka, T-rss., 3rr~
rived Monday morning and is now *eg»~
plug at Die Fell Hocse. Mr. ManfesOP.
nnmhers his friends here by tt r wssss-
aud tltey me pleased to see lt’m lew!mgg;
so wull.
We are pained to loarn of Die sails an
lllnfss of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Smitk'ae
little son and hope to heebie torrynsfe
his convalescence Iu oar uext budgak..
(By T. H. Tiller.)
( J pepl»l to Times Euterprisa )
Balnbrfdge, Ga„ Nov. 16. After
hunt ing evidence all day tho Itsi sta r
county grand jury failed to ratasare
roe bill against Mercer BBggs cl
with killing John Unnte; in a duel k
Febtuary 27th. Tide is the nei
grand jury that has louud no MUs
virtually amounts to au acquitted
Biggs as further proseeuBons
The tragedy mentioned in the
dispatch is well remenshsred ia 1
Seville. Both yonng mess were
knownin this city sudtMr. Bsgg
rently comes here now.
Colored Man Dsatf-
Blaskshear Wilson, Jr, a gcodscfbaaB
itizeu, died this week at hie feouwa.
Olay s . He was barled from the ttf-
o ed B.rptfst charch by Rev. J. R Dins .
Wilson farmed for Mr. O. T. OscitTy.
a-td wee a colored man of first cfaas •