Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, November 18, 1904, Image 10
fI«Bs KNTKRPKWK. TBOMASVXLB GEORGIA NOVEMBER, 18 UOi- INJUNCTION SERVED THOMASViLLrS SCHOOLS AN INSIDE VIEW divide the dames ;W tliPM> #r.*dei and NoneiiDies Mr. Barwick fakes a iiand. In-the graduating cha* riicreare 8 bor? and 2 girls,a preponderance of masculin ity not often encountered in these day? of early to work in pepa’a s’ore. The young men are already planning what college they will attend. Thomasville mothers will agree with ns that Themasviile children are the If tliey -vonld BY LIGHT COKPANV SHOE TALK ! Judge Mitchell Granted Temporary Restraining Order Monday “Don’t you want to go to school with roe this morning?” said Superintendent Barwidc of the public school system to i he newspaper man Friday rooming. Mr Btrwickiu the young North Caro- Ofifatt who came to ThomasvlUo to iaUe charge of the school two months ago*'and who is filling the place to tire entire satisfaction of every ore. . Now it roed Krb3 our dolorous doty It is now Col. 8 G MtLcr drnaiid f i I.eo Ti*u%.. -t»torne.r*Ter the ThotrasviU© Electric Light CcnTjany appeal0(1 *rrly M»n- •lay morning Ixifi're Judge Mitchell and petitioned that cctitcil le.ic*. allowed to dertnre tl e malt cf ifS Thcrtday’w election Jndge . Mitchell gronfed a. tein>forary resin* talng order, .and set Dec. 2nd as the date for the hearing of the case. The retiJicn alleges a number cf rea sons why the result©! the election should. a uot be declared It claims,, Firft. That the published notice of the election vriut not addi’esped to the qualified voterc of the city; that the notice whs not signed by the persons having power to levy taxes and incur debts for t» e city, namely tiro mayor lid aldermen: that it does not specify the terms of the contract under which ihe debt Is to be incurred; flint it re cites no order or resolution of council giving authority to the city clerk to ' notify the voters of a municipal electiou;' that it docs not specify the amnout of interest to 1 e paid aunuslri, nor when it uhall te fully pad. Second.' That the tnaasperg of Iho election, being without a certified copy of the city registration list from tl»« treasu"or, allowed a large number of votefl to h:» is lied in violation of law. Third. That cmlv three nro qualified who-e naujoe appear on ti e fegistmtim list furnished by the registrars to the city of Thomasvillo, and tint this list uninbeis u2D names. Fourth. That tho laws governing the city of Thoamsvilip save no person shall vote in any mnnicipal election whatever, whoso name is not on tho registration list, and that no election in legal nuless the managers be fornislied with three certified copies of this llst r and that this was uot done at the elec tion referred to. - Fifth Tnat a two thirds vote of the qualified voters of the city is neceasary to make lawful the incurring of each a. debt as. that contemplated; that only 488 votes were polled in all and that 92 of those, not being registered, were illegal and ought not to he counted and that fewer than two-thirds of the re maining number of legal votes were ‘ For incurring debt for electric light plant. Sixth. That the Mayor and council would, unless r-strained, meet on Mon- day night Nov. 14th, and declare the result of the election to be in favor of incurring the debt ‘referred to; that they would thereupon destroy-the lad- lots. tally sheets, voters lists and all oilier evidences and that the defendant would lose all power thereby to protect himself as a taxpayer in the premises. Seventh. That the act of the General Assembly, approved Aug. 1?, 1901, under which the election wav he'd, waa on- constitutional, said act oonferrin# the power on counties and municipalities to incar debts without regard to tho limitations named in the constitution. ~ Eighth. That there is no statutory provision for contesting such an electioo and no remedy for the wrong except through a court of equity. Plaintiff, for these and other carnet, prays that defendants be required to appear at the April 1203 term of Snpertor Court to answer the complaint; that an order be issued immediately forbidding the defendants from declaring the re sult of the election until tlfe further order of court. That on a day specified the defendant* be made to show why the temporary order should not continue until the regular trial; that any citizen of Ttioinasville may be came party to this cause; that the de fendants shall be made to bring into court the ballots, tally sheets and voters lists used to show . how many of the votes cast were not registered, etc., and that the city shall be enjoined from entering into any contract for an elec tric lighting plant under and by virtue of this election. The temporary injunction was grant ed, and Dec. 2nd, set as the day for when it shall be determined whether or not the injunction be made permanent, This step on the part of the light Company was no surprise, U having been freely predicted. It seems now that a long legal fight over the matter is inevi table. For nearly 12 years we been offering to the the best grades of shoe the best in the world, visit the schools ther would donbtlev* Agree that tbe young folks ere receiving !li« le*fc or instruction. Some Ofriw* newfangled methods might teem strange and periiai-s - useless *o the' eve of memory, where long hours and the i “orV* made the daily routine B*»f wi o shall Eay the "new way is uot better? j Cerfnin iti* that the resellers w ork .with ! every ounce of mind, brain and body to j give their best to their young charges. The superintendent *av« that visitors aro few. He wishes and we wish tf*«t more parents would go If there weie some strange nnd wonderful manufar- taring process going on at nardoore, ; visitors would flodt to see it How j innch more wonderful h» this character- | making cf voting A me . J certainly be amused, certainly Instructed ! and doubtless pleased if you will goto tho South Georgia co’.Iegn and on* * hat your son and daughter 0x9 doing. to go to school every .day. tmr pleasant plearore to go-once a year. S ) wo gladly accepted Mr, Birwick’s invitation and drove to .«he building, that as a badge of remembrance sill b Mf* tho ’name of the “denth Georgia C ” It's a long way tor the little ones to trudge every morning through summer sun or winter winds but it's fine after yon get there. The customers. We want the trade or everyDouy who arc wuiing w uuy gwu Shoes and pay what they are worth. The fellow who is looking for the biggest thing his money will buy is loosing time here. W. believe there are enough good b usiness people in the county who know the best to be the cheaper t to keep us going. They are theories we are after. You have no doubt been bit lots in Shoes. Come to us and let us show you What We can do for you, ste metis VffWin A \ Aft campus is spacious, nud of itself wakes the site a d* sirable one. Under the competent guidance of the Soper, we made our bashful visit to the auditorium. Here a young girl wan ponuding a piano ueder the iusi^'cut accents of, 1, 2, 8, 1, 2, 3, from Mbs SiraYeagley tho music teacher, who! into melody converts just fingeis, makers of the mest approved typ*. music room, n gathering where Besides being used as a this auditorium is used at place for tho morning exercto the children all gather, first thing iu the moruiug, and get a good start for tho day by hearing announcement?, staging sough and otherwise passing a pleasant tweniy mliinte*. Then he went to the first grade room wlierfi the Ti«y Toms and Small Sarahs of fhoiuasvilie families are going to c col fertile first time. .Its* iu-troc* on given these diminutive mites of manitj is very diifere-it from what ik nee was, 1 hey c mbine a great deal of rity, cocsidembie fun and some nonsence with their work. INGENUOUS LETTER Mr- Stacy Contribute, Outitn. of Bib Ileal Inouranca* Policy. reliable life, marine mill life iusnrame company in I lie world. Cuh cnpitnl -.The nnsearcluib'e richer of Christ. Epb 3 8 Ano'w-Bcil estate An inlwrllRiic, Incorruptible and undented end that fadeth not away, t Pet. 14 CashIn bauk--Gold tried in the Bro Kev. 8 18., Liabilities-Whosoever will may oouia. Ker. 22 IT Surplus brer all liabilities -Able to o exceedhgly’ abundantly above all that wv ask or think. Kph. 8-20. President—Jesus Christ, the King of Kings. Home office and brauches—I dwell - n tbe high and holy place. Willi him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit. Isa. $7-13 Conditions of policy—Repentance toward God and faith toward our lx rd Jesut Christ. Acts 30 31. The time to insore la now. 3 Oor 6 3 Road What the Mayor of Dothan, Ala. srys of t. L. L. Doth av, Ai .v., 'Apr. V, Wftt MfAiftiw, Tiytar •*. niiojr t'«*, M.sPoa, Ga. 0'M’.*men:—t have hrh « I.umiti s Ju.!moo Lnt TAKE Lamar’s Lemon Laxative The float family "edlnlao for Constipation’ for Disordered Liver for Indiff«iti6n for Reftdaehe for Biliousness for Disszinsss Use it often and pre vent Malaria. Bat tliey nuke wonderful piogrcssn jd the Ihiiift, they know and do afterotilr two mouth, of Miss Ida Tomltoi'on's teaching ate On* small w LAMAR’S LEMON LAXATIVE Sold by good druggists everywhere. 5QDDSES , 50CENTS astonishing to (lie beholder, chap announced iu tones of portentous gravity thst "Nat) had a 'in pan." We never learned the fate of that pin for ther were tent to the .board to write, and to srell by the phonetic method. A rear view showed one or two "Dicky Dicky Doom” canted by erctmive wrig gling of the restless little bodies. But the boit didn't know, to what waa the difference. That’s one nice feature aboot the children, they areu't the least self conscious. After a few minutes spent with the youngest folks, Miss Folghum’s ad vanced grade one, was Tilt tod. Here, tbe ohlldren plainly show the effects 6f previous training. Their writing is plainer, tliey read more fluently, and ev.n begin to drawn bit. They sing and illustrate a sltep song, but their little heada are tofnllof Idea, that they nfuae to be quiet and bob np energeti cally every minute or two. Upstairs in one of the new rooms is Miss Lnoy Par ker's second grade. Here the children write and iUnatrate by their own draw ings stories told them by their teacher They an n6w old enough to work longer and better than their little brothers and sister*. They do not however keopnp with current ovents. Wa are compelled to mrke this slstement because one little girl ran to her teacher and naked if the mao, meaning the editor, wasn't la.-. Roosevelt. After recovering from this shock, we visited the intermediate grades controll ed by Mrt. Patten. Miss Ball, Miss Brandon, Miss Slater and Miss Hayes. The work of these grades is splendid and their discipline good. They are polite, ready with offers of books to visitor!, and best of all seem to be in-erected iu what they are doing. They can draw a kevshaw that oonld not possibly be mis taken for a pumpkin. They write legi bly nnd neatly. They absorb a vast deal of practical every day knowledge t or instance in tbe revenlli grade. Miss Baker bad just eiplaluedthe circulation system and illustrated it with a beef heart, that looked In gory silence from \ dish-pan while the pnpila talked about t. Tbe seventh graders an Old enotfgh o understand their bodisa and take wtter can of them for it. Upstairs the 8th, 9th and 10th grades, in the lofty dignity of High Sshooters ■elve into tbe mysteries of Algabnir •ymbotsaod signs that "quantum suf- Idt.” Messrs. Moore end Keith I -ti'.na 0»fct»r;Vrv il Mvvr or* ,y «U.»r iJlifti'ttt Akub It IN .•oTjjitf n»Trt<l tor. i IJk«!t *<l us- it \» mt family. V- no *oltl Intsot It and havo -voi* liutl any coiuplulut at Voaw m-pt'-ifulty, - J. It. Young, Lamar, Taylor & Riley Drug Company ^MACON, GEORGIA flOO REWARD, #100. WE HAVE JUST RElEIVEDA TAR LOADOFTliXAS RED RUST PROO, SEH5ID OATS Urn readers or this- paper will be •iMaed Solsarn that theie is a' least one MraadsO disease that science has both wMatoeon in all its stages, end that Is CUarrh. Hall's Catarrh Onto is the JMly posture core now known to the srasmoal fraterulty Catarrh being a Jthntional disease, requires a constl ■ lanal treatment. Hall's Cntarrh Cure skon Internally, setiug direetly upon blood and the mnoons surfaces of aywt»m, I hereby destroying the BOatton of the disease and giving patient strength by bnildlngnpiho ■Utattoo and assisting natnro In do its work. Tba proprietors have, so ah faith in its oofatlve powers that y offer One Hundred Dollars for any a that it fails to eore. bend fur list draas F. 1. Cheney & Co, To edo. O. loldby all Druggists, 7fio. fake Halt's family pill* for oonstlpa- Giownand shipped direct from Texas and if you want tbe best Seed Oats "We have them,” and they are yours art a leos price than can be bought elsewhere. Price attractive Let ut quote you. Pull stock Hay, Grain, Wheat Bran, Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls. All kinds of COAL AND WOOD. Prompt attention to all orders. The Thomasville Ice Company ’PHONE NUMBER H , Dm Your Collars Launderied Shad them te th, Thomasvill, Steam fftasatry. We have an agent in almost Hsmary town in Thomas aooaty. 8m Mm shout the goods. MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLSg isrjS SAVERS," aiding deyelopmont of organs and body. No known remedy equal, hem. Oaunot do harm—life becomes a pleasure. #1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL, old liy DR MOTT’S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. CASTOR IA Bor Infants and Children. HiKUYoo Hare Always Bought SAMPSON AT IT AQAIN1 Catering To Tho lontr May. lie knows nothing eUe and U never so su premely happy as wheu pursuing thus hie life work. HTh -BIJOU OYSTER PARLOR*- JU8T OPENED UP tar Hue atarted In a whirl nf popularity .Abide from delictoo* Ojritor, eerved in every 8tyle, Quick Lunchas Can be Had on SHORT NOTICE. Everything as neat as a pin and decid edly home like. S- SAMPSON, mssrtf* Oyetem In any qmanUiy tor Home U— Second Round. SmWI, Friday Nov. 18, forenoon fgsesi, Monday Nov. 31. TMre. Tuesday Nov. 2f,Vternooo 1kN,Witsisfsy Nov. 38. forenoon. Jkw% Friday Hot. 33, forenoon. ffWNas.Friday Nov. 93. afternoon. 'MwdBhaalww olBoain Thomasville FkasaBao. 1st to Deo. 30th, on whiak dhff'Um hooka wUl positively oioae for M s jr~ *—* Reapec.t fully OPEN FROM « A, M. TO 9 P. M. Orders served prompt and sent oui when desired. PHONE 171. This Cat, is now supplied with all cl the delicacies that can be procured at this weenn, including Oysters served in iny style. Fish. Lamb, Veal, Tomatoes, Celery,. Kansas City •Meat* a specialty. THE BEST LINIMENT. " Clumberlain'a Pain Baitn is consid ered the best liniment on the market," Wit, Post A Bliss, of Georgia, Vr. No other liniment wiU heal s ent or braise so promptly. No other affords iucb qqick relief from rheumatic pains. No other is to valuable for deep seated pains like lame back and pains in the cheat. Give the.liniment a trial and you wiU never with to be without it. Sold by J. W. Peacoek. A. & W,