Newspaper Page Text
Young Bostonian vy.ds Al.b-
Belle InlMontgomery.
Timea-Enterpriso:— I %
In yonr issue ot Bonday Mr. Robert General Okn's Headquarters, vi* Fa ran
Gamble saysi “all the town want* Is Jon. T.—The Russians began their
rc., wimble rates and it is imnaterial Christmas Ere by a heavy rifle fire at
whether the llgbt is famished by the 10 o’Olook last evening. The artillery
city or bra private company." This Joined an hour later and kept uptwo
statement iseutlralyerroneoas. By rote, hoars of the hardest firing known slnee
November 10th of 41t to 88 the people the Bliakhe riser was readied. It cor-
have .aid they want mnnietpst owner. | end the fire front of Oku'sarmy. The
Montgomery, Ala, Jan. 7. 1938
On the erening of Jan. I, at 8 o’clock,
the marriage of Miss Annilra Birnette
and Got. Wilson Brooks, of Georgia,
woe solemnised at the biaaUfol home
of the bride's parents at Highland Part,
The spacious rooms wi'h their tit Mr
decorations of white and greets present
ed a scene of loveliness. To the stratus
ol Mendelssohn’s wedding march, well
rendered by Pro). Johnston, the bridal
party entered the drawing room. First
camqthe dainty flower girl, Olirie Bo*
gaoki, who is an own cousin of tbe
bride. Then'followed the ring bearer,
Aldora Goodwin, wlio carried the ring
on the handsomely embroidered white
satin pillow, qpoa which the bride
knelt doting—the prayer, Tbe bride
entered with her meld of honor, Mice
Lila Brooks, of Boston, sister of tho
ship, not private ownership. In the Japanese sustained no damage and re
cite primary, Deo, 90th thle sentiment |plled. They simply moved into tbeir
was again expressed br the election of trenches, preparing to repulse the ex-
eight men of Aldermen favorable to tbe j peoted attack, which wae not attempted.
, city ownership; and the defeat of tin—
; able, experienced men eolely been...,
they wen not in foil aooord with pob u
sentiment on tbe light qneetlon. Thle
movement lias In It mooli more than
’rraionsble rates” as Mr. Gambia says.
Many favor It from principle and have
done so long before Mr. G. ever invest
ed a dollar here.
We believe municipal ownership of
public utilities will bring tbe greaetit
good (o tho greatest number. We an
not opposed to corporations per ns, bot
at a distinguished Georgian leoontlr
said, only when their corporate power
Is used arbitrarily to unjust tax tbe peo
ple. There may be some prajadice or
fooling sgainst Mr. Gambia and his oon,
pony; bat we differ with Mr. U. as to a
deeirt upon the part of the large num
ber of times favoring mnnidpai owner
ship to manufacture prejudice against
him Whet we went ana intend to
have is municipal-light!; the efforts of
Mr. G. u.ay delay ne eomewhet bat it
it sate to oomo and perhaps sooner than
Rev. Walker Lewis, the weB-knovr*
Methodist minister, writes: “I he**
used Dr. Mosley's Lemon Elixir la my
family with very beneficial results. His
aa admirable medicine and tvctDent at
a looic and Hvev regulator."
i Mies Brooke wae exquisitely attired in
’ a handsome white silk end carried a
i shower bouquet of pink rotes! The
1 bride won an elegant gown of while
crepe de ohlne, over silk, which wae
embroidered in pearls, and fluished>iih
a bertha of real lace. She carried a
magnificent cluster of bride's rate*,
which fell to the bottom of her skirt.
At the improvised niter, the bride was
jniu-d by the groom, who entered with
hit best man
The Impress! >e Episco
pal ceremony wee performed by the
Rev. Frank Seay. Afterwards an in
formal rooeptton was held and delicious
nfrecliments were served.
On tlio same evening Got, and Mrs.
Brook-left for a tour through Os be.
The bride was the recipient of many
beantifai presents, among - which was a
handsome piano, a gift from the
Mlee Barnette I* an only daughter,
and ie an attractive and collared young
woman. She is uousp.ouons in mnelcal
circles In Montgomery, and hat for
some time past, been a member of St.
John'* Episcopal ohoir. Ool.
engaged tn the meruntiie unsinees in
Boeton, and it a prominent and popular
voting men. He lea member of the
staff of tbe Governor of Georgia.
As this matter has been carried into
court by Mr O. it won d stem that ho
should bo content; without rushing Into
print to assert what we cant and to
attribute to n* therefor. Meanwhile the
will of the people will in don time be
carried into effsu ; eud me principle ot
mnntcipnl mmi la .lp trnmph
i'lMKS-KSIKBPRIo/, r^Ori A8Vl:.LB,'»aORGlA, JANUARY 18 1904
nitment trial of J. H. Barrow
t of the murder of Mm. William
t will take place on January 18ih
, m. It had boon expected to hold
Monday moraine: bat by
eat of opposing coanael the above
ttanw*d dhte was decided upon. Theo
representing tlie state demanded
that Harrow be pat injdl. Tire iafnr
U re^ov:ring rapidly from the \t
Hlt'iiiflicMd by his rifle, bat hie phjsi
dan rfays he is nor yet able to bo remov
ed from the hospital. In the mean<
time Deputy Fox keefs a keen eye on
him and he is in no du^ri-of getting
a war.
Tlie fire alarm blew Scuday eventog
t seven o'clock, and tiie department
had a long hurried chase to tlie coal
chute at the railroad bridge cioesing,
Where a merry blare gleamed in the
darkness. Tlie obute caught on fire
from sparks from a shinty nearby,
by tlie railroad hands. As there ere no
water mains In the neighborhood the
fire bad to be fonght br hand. The yard
engine backed up to thosceno and wator
Wae thrown from ita tank to tlie burn-
ng wood. After some hard work tho
blase was put out with a toss of about
fifty dollars.
rplie work of the local lodge of Robot
she was of morethan usual interest Mon
day. A1 number of Balnbrtdgo gentle-
nun came over to rcceivo the <l-gree In
order that they may start a lodge of the
order In their home city. It wl!l be
remsmlioral that aT r-murill. du'.vga
tlon Installed the Baiubridgo Lodge of
Odd Fellows. In foot Thomaevillo Is
the center of Odd Fellowship in South
Governor Terrell has kppolntrd a
number of Thomas county gentlemen
as delegat-s to the Interstate Gone
Growers AstooUtlnn whloh will be held
In Montgomery Ala. January Sfilli, Mih
and 97th. "The men -sleeted are prac
tical farmers who know aboat the bn-
slnessncd ere anxlon. to learn more.
Owing to the nearness of the Alabama
City,' aln.oat all of them will attend.
The list Is ee follow*
W, B R dlrnbvrv. Cairo; W. B.
Hawth'rno, Oalto; N. R. Spengler,
Boston I V. H. Singletarv, Pin* Park;
S. M. Mnllette, Thonuevilla; L. L
Barwlnk. Pm* Park; Arthur Dickey,
8asln'i; 0. T. Qintr, Thomatvnie;
W. Ocpeland, Metcalf; P. U. Herring,
In *11 there are 800 delegatus in tho
Met— vlfe waa eaddened Monday by
the d-v’h of Ur. t*o.W.‘8wtft Br. one
of th« most prominent oltleena of that
viclnltv Air. Bwlft had been ill for
eomo Hot i with etomvoh troobl*. Hie
death'was not nnexpvotod. and he him-
g*U gave up hop» twrer.1 month* ago
and sold ho noreri exported to recover
Only a few dava ago hi* Meter Mrs.
Jbhn I. Parker preceded him Into the
rest that lie* beyond the river.
He '* tarvlved by a wife and ‘children
and three Water*. Mra. J. S. Montgome
ry, Mre. J, M, Matvey and Mrs. Man
ning and one brother Mr. Orria Swiff,
all of this oltf. Hi» funeral oocnred
Moolvr at O'. I Friendship church
HO was * n»*n of Oharaotoi and neeful-
net* In the community and his piece
Will bo hard to fill.
A nnfebtr of Thomasville people>snt
4oira to attend the funeral. It
bUo* Immediately upon the or-
rivalits* train leaving hero at 11:10
a. m. Rev. T. A. White poator of the
1 cuuducted the cure monies.
Mr. James Brno* died yesterday after
noon at hla home just beyond the come-
Mr. Bruce had lived a life of useful-
neat for slxty-fivd years and In tills loug
season had won many friends. Be
leave* lita wife and four oliildreu to
mourn to hit death.
Tlie funeral win be at the residence at
8 o'clook this afternoon and all friends
of the family are invlt.d to attend.
The funeral of Norman, the 10 year
old son of Oapt. J. L. Peeblee took pi so*
at Whlgham Friday afternoon. The
death ot the lad was a very sod one. Ho
woe out hunting with a companion, and
was eoddentolly shot In tho n*-k. A
vhot pierced hla jugular vain and he
bled to death. 'He wit a eon of the
prominent navel stores operator Oapt.
J. L. Peebles of the firm of Aatrey and
Pee' le*. The family ia well .known
here and have the sympethy of *11 in
their bereerement.
K. P. Ramsen, anoe a type sitter’ ou
the Tim s-Enterprise, it now editor and
mansrur of the Democrat published at
Winder, G», *
Kirkland to Remain-
Snpt. D F. Kirkland of the Atlantic
Ooaot Line wax here from Wayoross
Saturday. When atked in regard to
the rumor that he was to be transferred
to another diviWon he said. "A rail
road man oan never tell where ha will
be set t, bat in *U probability I will re
main in ray present poiition." This
will be good news to Thomaavillo, whore
every one is a friend of this pouular
Want Extra Sesston-
At tlie meeting of tho Borrien county
liar association last week, a petition was
drawn np requesting Judge UibertG.
Mitchell to hold an extra session of the
Superior court to relieve the oongested
condition of tbe docket.
Oinolnnalti, Ohio. Jan. 7.—Hop. Jno.
Temple Graves, editor of the Atlanta
Newt, delivered a speech here today,
Jockeon d*y, before the Dnokwonb
G.nb, that w*s a magnificent effort.
In telling of what the Democratic
party ovght to be, Mr. Grave* laid:
‘Fust and above *11 thing* tbe people
wont a definite democracy. They wont
a platform that means something. They
are weary of platlinfiea and straddler.
They want a platform expreeeed in ten
inutroiiyt and In, paragraphs. They
wout explicit declarations and they do
not wont onmbrouS platitudes. They
do not want too many lein-s, bat with
all tiietr hearts and with all their ballots
they would like to see vital iseaea sin
gle (hotted and central truths made
brief and olear
A platform is nut* blanket. It it a
battle flag. It ieqot aevmphony. It is
The people want a platform tint will
•rabrdy their p. lnciple* without tuelete
words If tl.e tariff it robbery, say so,
and let it go at that If the criminal
trust is on iniquity, eay to, and dial
lens* lit* people's ballots for vindica
tion. Go to the linstlugs for yonr elab
oration and explanation Sprinkle yonr
argument in plmmphlets, and reason in
literature, bat fulminate yonr cardinal
oreeds In aenteures, and give us a pisi
form that overy Atnerioau voter con
past* in Ids hat
Reform the robber tariff.
9.' Regulate the criminal trait.
8. Equalise taxation if it takes an in-
oorae tax to do it.
4 Shorten the hoar* and improve the
enrroandinge of labor.
5. Keep infant ehlldran oat of the
6. Arbitrate the wrangle* of labor and
7. And pat in stripe* any man who
baya or bailie* an American ballot.
Mrs. J. W. Butler and daughter after
a pleasant visit with S. A. Roddenbery
and family hare returned to their home
in Camilla
J. O. Out of this district has moved
othe Ohattain neighborhood.
Col. Payne Arrived Yesterday-
Ool. Oliver Hazard Hay no arrived last
night ou hit private car attached tn
train 83 The tram did not roach hero
until nine o'clock having born delayed
cold weather in the noith. Ool.
Pa. ne will spend tlie winter here at his
home "Greenwood " Tills isoue of the
handsomest and best improved conntry
places in the south. Its historic in
terest of imte bollam days is kept up by
the entertainment of noted gaects or the
riod. Secretary of state John Hay is
frequeut Tisitor to Greenwood, and
spout several weeks there last wintqg.
Presbyterian Organ Here- _
The new pipe organ of the Presbyte
rian church lisa arrived and is waiting for
tlie builder to iustall it.- Mr. Brown is
now in Atiauu, but lie has been tele
graphed for to come at once, and put j
the organ in shape. Tlie church author
ities hope to have tt in shape next San
day. Mrs. E. B. Parker will be organist.
l>r. A. P. Taylor [came home Fri
day morning from Atlanta where he at
tended a meeting of the State Board of
Health. The mealing was on impor
tant one and dealt with matter* of
mument to the health of the elate. In
•peaking of the meeting yeeterday after
noon. Dr Taylor laid: “The Board
wilt oik fork oompnleory vaccination law
aud a itate appropriation to carry ou its
work, At present the Board ia limited
inite power*, being able to aot only
through lccal boards or in an advisory
The Board ha* boon serarely ori'lcis
ed for the axistODO* of small pox, bat
whenever that disease is found in a
oommnnlty it is the tanlt of the com
mnnity. Any oity or oonnty hot the
right to order oompnleory vaticination.
Peroral hare done this bat few have
been vigorons and thorough in their
work. The State Board now has only
drastic power of qnarantiuc which it
lie-ilines to rate except as a lost resort
As thing, now staud til > wliute tiling
up tn the enmity and municipal author
If the new law whi h tlie board
wants is passed tho board will liuve
power to enforce compulsory vaccina
tion without relying upon looal officials.
Who often hesitate to inaugurate ,or
carry out such measure cn account of
tlie sentiment against it."
lu this connection it will bo recalled
that a compulsory Vaccination o
nance was recently passed by tlie
council. Physicians made a census of
he city and scratched the arms of Ber
ra! hundred peop'o. The smalt pox
situation at present is causing no alarm
in Thomasville as there are practically
no oases in this city.
TWO SIZES, 800 ANO S1.00.
If you have never tried thie
great remedy
for a free eample and state
yonr eymptone.
Wo eimply aek you to try it
at ear txpenee. We know what
U stiff do.
Thacher Medicine Co.
To Reautify Your
Cm p‘e itioa
Mr. Geo Daren, a hutting merchant
of Meigs tru one of Friday’s business
' Mr. D. 0. Barrow left this week for
Springfield, Iiiinoi*, whore he goes on
basiuess connected with the home office
of the Franklin Life Insurance Go , of
which Mr. Barrow is general agent in
South Georgia.—Pelham Journal.
To the qualified voters ot II (Town of
Ooiro Georgia'
Notice la hereby given that la accord
ance with an Ordinanos regularly and
duly pease* on tbe 99ih day of No".
1904 by the Mayor ond’Aldermen of tbe
lown of Ooiro Georgia, an election has
own ordered held and will be held on
tbe 98th day of Janaary 1905 at tlie one
md only voting plow and piednct tn
•aid town in tlie tame manner, and by
she same persons, and under the toms
rules and regulations that eiee’ioni for
offloen for sold Town are niw held and
in aooord anoe with the Code of Georgia
of 1895. sections 877 to 881. both inota-
eve, to determine the qatstioa whether
bonds shall be issued by tlie Town of
Osiro, the amount of bonds to bs Fif-
Thonsand (115.000.) dollars. Tbe
denomination of said bond* to be as fol
lows: Twenty-five (85) trf said bonds
to be of the denomination of One Han
dled f»ton 1 Aittars each; and Twenty
five s_.u bouds to be of the de
nomination of Fire Bandied ($500.)
dollars each; said bund* to bear interest
at the rate of fin (5) per wnt, said in
terest payable annually aa the first day
of Jon nary of each [year. commencing
Jon nary first 1906, and tlie principal and
Interest of said bond* to be folly paid
off at the end of thirty [80] years from
the date of is-a*. Said bond* shall t*
paid off u follows; Two [9] bonds of
One Handled ($100.) dollars each lhal
paid on January first 1911 to Jaflnary
first 1915, both years inclaatra; three (8]
bonds of One Handled ($100) dollars
each shall be paid on January first 1918
January first 1990. both years ineln-
•ire; one [1] bond of Five Hundred
($500] shall be paid on January first
1991 to January first 1835, both years
Inolaslre; two [9J bonds of Five Hun
dred (8500.1 etch shall b-paid on Jan
uary first 1998 to Janaary 'first 1935,
both years Inclusive. Said bonds to
Issued for the purpose of raising tbe sum
of Fifteen Thnasoud (815,000. J
whloh sarnie to be nsed as
Ten Thousand (810,00) dollars t
torn to be need for the purpose
tobltailing, building and maintaining
and operating a system of Wator works
far said Town of Ooiro: Five Thousand
($5,0.0. dollars of said sum to
forth* purpose of establishing,
ing, maintaining and operating a sys
tem of Electric lights for eaid Town.
The principal and interest of said
be payable iu Gold Coin or its
valent in value in the <'tty of
8, A., and said bonds to be sold for
uot less tli xti pur.
These rctuig tor bunds shall have
printed "r written ou their ballots "For
Electric Lights and Water Works
Bonds," and those voting against said
bonds shall have printed or written on
their ballots ".Against Electric Lights
end Waterworks Bonds.".
Tlie result cf said election shall be!
•i-claret! as provided by law and if the i
bond issue carries by tho requisite legal j
majority, then and before the proposed r
bonded debt is incurred, .in Ordinance ’
shall be passed providiug for the issuance : „b .- to cute iu ail its stages, and tlrnt 1
and sa!u then of and making provision Ha-, a < -f.-rrb^t ure is thi
at the same time for tho assessment aud | trV.i,
collection of annual taxis sufficient in
ntuouut to pay the principal aud inter-
In 7,-n Days, Uso
The UKEQUaixiD Beautifier.
For Infanta and Children.
Tbs Kind You Hare Always Bought
Boat 2 tbe
Signature of
flf» RE.VARD, #100.
tst of said bonded dobs at the dates and
tfithiu the time fixed by the Ordiuonce.
Witness oar lmtids and official seal*
this tbe 15th day of December 1904*
R. L. Van Lnndiughan>, Major
W. A. Walker,
O.U, Mauldin,
John L. Ponlk,
K. P. Wight,
K Powell.
The render* of this paper will* be
ple;ufic:d thfct H-ctei-a? least one
ded disefiS’! il.uf su■• e ha* been
it is
live 'jure now known tc the
fraternity. Catarrh being a
eoustuutionat di*- a^e, requires fi consti
tutional treatment. H all’s Catarrh Cure
is takeu imeruaiiy, acting directly upon
the blood aud the mucous surfaces of
the sy*t*ra, therebv dostmyfnjr the
foundation of the difcaFe »nd giving
the patient strength t-y bui'dhogup the
constitution und og untoro in do
ing in* w rk. The proprietors have SO
much faith tu its cufativt power* that
rhey offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure, head for list
of testimonials
Address F. J. Chaney & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Drnggifts, 75c.
Take Hail’s family pills for cocstlpft-