Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, January 20, 1905, Image 1

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    Hub South Georgia progress.
New Series, Vol XV—No. 14.
' (By J. S. Bearer.)
A burglar quietly entered the store of
J. L. Johnson 4 few night* ago and
helped himself to whittle wanted. He
entered by punching oat a portion of'
the big side light There to no cine aa
! to w&> tbeperpstrator ft, 'bat he will
have more trouble to get In sort time,
.'a* inn bar* now p.-otect every window.
Agent Richardson ot the A. 0. L. at
thtl plaoe, left for bis work at Ptdcoak
a law dart stnn.
- Mias Catherine Hand, after spending
aomt time In Florida with relatives,'is
at home.; - -
Mr. Tom Pilcher of Ellis, JAla, after
•pending several days with friends hen,
has returned home.
Mr. J. W. Sanders, who baa lately
moved here from Cairo tajwtth hta on-
tin family, oonfined to hla room with
Mr. I/utbar Blngletury ot Boston, is
now railroad agentat this placer-
Excavation Is being made for the
ereotion of Dureu’a doable two-story
yMr, Dick Bawlins sad wife of Och-
. lookonee, were hen a few days ago,
looking for a residence .'and a plan of
Two Monltritt gentlemen wen hen
daring the past ‘wtek, and they went
away firmly believing that they will
toon bogln^tbe motion of two brick
stores hen for nnt. People an not
afraid to pat their money in Meigs dirt
Mr. T. B. Carter is beginning to
build hit house „on Ills vacant lot on
Hand street.
Mr, J. Ashley Saner is preparing |to
d’daneat maidtnn on his lot on
Mr. G. L. |Dnren .wept to Moultrie
Monday on a basinets trip.
While wo wenaway a ftw days ago,
some good friend left a foil than of
"hog killing’' at oar door. No doabt It
cams from oat in the Center H1U neigh
borhood, as it wtt of ihe best. They
have no other kind.
Jake Singleton ahot£and ;Instantly
killed Brannan King on the plantation
’ of Mr. J. N. Wilkes, three miles .from
this plaoe in Mitehell county Sunday
night. They an both oolored, and well
known bon. Singleton bean a good
. namt and was acquitted -before Justice
Tuoktr In Pelham Monday, ere witness-
aa proving that King waa advancing
with a drawn razor. King waa drink-
' ' .
Mr. Walla Simpson, who has been at
Palmetto, Fla. for the put'few months
is hers fer a short time,
g Miss Bother Wilke* is back from a
’ visit to Camilla.
Mr. Will Dixon of Camilla, was heie
a day or two ago looking after his farm
ing interests near here. ; ^
Mrs. D. 8? Bandera of Reynolds Ga.,
taviaitin* berslitir, Mrs. E. M. John
son, on Depot street.
Mimas Inna Mitehell and Mary Par
kar of Pelham, and Leila and Claudia
Baldwin of Talbottom Qa., wen pleas
ant yislton non this week. vf'JB
Mr. B. W. Sanders, of Cain, spent
nyeral days with his son whose fkmlly
is haring the measles
Mrs. T. B. Walton and Mrs. W. M.
■ Singletary entertained at flinch daring
the week. . - -
Mr. John Haber, a prominent stable
msn of Moultrie, waa seeing the sights
of this town Monday.
JfoMoe to hereby given to those con
owned that the firnraf Johnson & Rosa-
dealers In general merchandise, Meigs,
Oar, bas. by .’mutual consent been dis
solved. T. E. Boss retire# from the bns-
lne-i. Ur. J. L. Johnson will continue
tba boslneasat the, old stand, and aa-,
liabilities of the aforesaid
l will collect all debts due it*
Mr- Lucian ^Boswell of Leland, was
■ - i
And Other Affairs of the Merrillville
(By J. N. Donaldson)
, The munlclpoleleotioa for a mayor
and board of aldermen came off on last
Wednesday, resnltin. In the choioe of
Mr. W. B. Lunsford for mayor, and
Messrs. J. W. Wilson, F. N. Carter,. N.
E Turner, J. H. G. Johnson and J. B
D/ka for aldermen. Theaffain'of the
town rests in the hands ot these gentle
men dnring the next twelve months.
Ur F. N. Carter, a leading merchant
and also a good farmer has broken dlit
and begun the emotion 'of a grist .mill
and ginnery, which will be an up to
date plant in.every respect. Work is
being pushed on the ereotion of the
bnildlogs. Mr. Carter to always look
ing - altoad for something that 'will
help tojiolld op this town and In. this
instance his Judgment has not failed
him. This is an enterprise badly need
ed. Mr. Carter deserves a liberal pat
ronage at the ^hands of the people In
this section of the county,
Mr, G. L. Daren of Meigs was trans
acting business hero Tuesday.
Mr. William Vamler of the Patten
district waa mingling with, hla friends
here Tuesday.
We learn that the offleo and commie
sarv of the Tour nine Mills whioh were
destroyed by lire a few days ago
Tooruine, will be rebuilt at once.
Mr. E. O. Jarrett has purchased of
Mr. T. L Evans two business lots front
log on Evans street which he lnteads|tO
improve at once..
Tne first quarterly conference of the
Merrillville Mission will convene here
on the ninth of February.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Green and family
moved to Tliomaaville.whero they will
reside in the future.
A party of Jolly young folks visited
Ooolldge "Sanday afternoon. Among
tho number ware Misses Helen Marston
WUIle Johnson, Vetitia and Alma Dyke
and the Misses Mathis. Messrs. Juntas
Johnson, Eugene Aldridge, Fallon
Mathis. E. L. Evans James Aldridge.
Mrs. S. A, Pierce visited Thomaavllle
We regret to learn of th# serious ill
ness of Mrs. J. N Donaldson who to
-qnltO' iick at her home In South Merrill-
Ur. and Mrs. M 0- Sheffield and
family left last Thursday for Gatewood
Ala, where Mr. SheffleUj^wlU bo en
gaged in ihe tarpentinenraslncss. We
regret to lose such a valuable citizen.
Mr. and Mrs. T.‘A. Lanier, Mr. and
Mrs. Chat. F. Mathis and Mr. and Bln.
William Mathis left last Wednesday for
Pensacola. Fla., where they will be en
gaged in the turpentine business. We
part with these exoel/ent families with
sincere regrets.. -
Mr. James Pltjman and family of
OrawfordvUle, Pla.\ have moved to. Our
progressive little town and will make
this their hqmqta the fatare. We ez-
tend to Mr. Pittthafi and hto estimable
family a hearty welcome aa citizens.
Mr. S. W. Sullivan of Oulloden, Ga.
to on a visit to hto daughter Mrs. J. H.
G. Johnson, for several weeks
here Sunday.
Min Evu Cardiac/ Ochlockonee, was
here Sunday jbe guptt of Mrs. W. M.
Singletary. . '
There ft noA'amlfil town hereaboats
that can Jbm^tof-better order in the
cVurohei tl^ k
Contract Ilet tor the ereotion
of a AnereatStnoeon College atreet.
There waa a tacky party at the resi
dence of Mr. W. M. Singletary Wed-
oeadajr evening which everybody on-
Bov. C- B. Hutching* very acceptably
filled pastor White’s place at the Bap
tist church Sunday night.
Collision Bey Run fever, Negro
brown Is the List
4 '
Negro Run* Against Pasaangor Train
and la Daeapltatsd- I
I There were etrenuous times on Broad
As the 7 :M passenger train over the A movlng pio ture
A. &. B. approached the street orcaslng am, would have had his eamera broken
Jut belt w the water tank Tuesday by the rapid raooesslon of events. A
engines T. T. llnokalow saw a man sad-. trio of accidents made the byatnndrra
denly try to cross* ihe traek ahead of wonder what had broten looto In Geor-
him. The man waa not ten feet away, gi Ei
and no power on earth could atop the ( The thing started in the morning jtt
train. Mr. Buokaleqr realized nt once nine o’clook. Obarley Montgomery, a
that he bad killed a man. livery stable negro waa riding a spirited
The train was stopped and searoh he- pony np Broad street. Tbe pony Jump-
gun. The body of a negro with-the and Charley detoribed a parabolio curve
entire top of hto head ont off, was found
fifty (eet from where the eoglne tad
struck him. . >
The boly^was brought to town
and within two hours on Inquest was
held, by coroner Gandy. The Jury,
composed of W. P. Grantham foreman,
-James Grtbben. J. T. Tana, J. M. Mas
sey, Ju. Miller and W. D. Johnson,
brought in the following verdict. “We
find that Si Richard Green ea'me to' his
death by running against the tide of
the engine.” - u
Green worked f jr^the Kirby Planing
Mill and livod ou Jersey Farm. The
crossing where tbe accident occurred Is
jut in fr»..t of Ohutatn’e store.
over a hack, landing on Ida head and
shoulders. He was considerably bruised
but Dr. Daniels fixed him np and he
wont book to work.
At three o’clook in she afternocn
little Worden Mack, the son ot Mr E.
E. Maek wu watching the free dog
snow with all hto eyes. Mr. Charles
Thompson, Thomasvtllo's well known
wiu(er resident wu driving np the street
at a good pace. He slowed down as he
approached the throng of delighted
children pat little Maok did not notice
hUwagon and stood in the roadway
Mr. Thompson rose In his seat, seized
(lie lines and endeavered to stop the
team He failed and the lad fell under
the wheels. They passed oyer his
hut bruisid him very slightly. Drs,
Tnylor and Jarrell examined him, fonnd
u i Internal Injuries, and.sent him home
lulls Ihe worse for his experience.
Probably the narrowest escape of the
Meigs, Jan. 16, 1008 dn w4 , by Mrs. McLendon. Late in
Jake Singl* ton ehot and instantly . tho afternoon tho waa in her baggy on
killed Brauan King last night on tLe' Broad street, just across Jaokson at
lllnsss of State’s Witness Csusts Do- R caption Planned fer Famous Edlioev
plantatlon of Mr. J. N. Wilkes Just over
In Mitehell County from this place.
Both an colored. Two eye wltnsaMa
stata that King who wu drinking wu
advancing on Slnglaton with a drawn
The trouble grow oat of tome abase of
Singleton's children by King. Bingle-
ton hud a commitment trial before
Judge Tncker in Pelham today, and wa
allowed to go free. Searcy.
Wolff's comer. Mr. Ohu Davis, driv
lug a fiery team in a light baggy round
ed the ooroer rapidly. Miscalculating
hto dlatanoe, hto buggy wheel oanght In
that of Mrs. McLendon’s boggy, and
before any one oould realize what had
happened har conveyance wu Upped
over. Her horse wu very gentle and
made no effort to ran. Pusersby ran
to her aid, and enabled her to escape
without injury. Mr. Davis' team be
came frightened and tore down Jackson
street at a frightful paoe, but he suo-
oecded In stopping them very quickly.
Eaily Monday morning, one of
earth’s saints passed from this world
Into the peaoe beyond. At 6 a. m. Mrs.
Elizabeth Alexander, died at her hrme
on Dawson street. Mrs. Alexander had
lived to the ripe age of (W, her life being
marked by universal khidueat, Christian
charity, and other deeds snob as to en
dow her to all. ” .
She bad been 111 bat a few days and
her death came u a shook to her family.
She belonged to one of Thomucoonty’a
most prominent families and leares tot
mourn her lo-i-Meura, Robt, and W. \
W. Alexander, Misses Mattisand Hattie
Alexander and Mr. James Alexander of
Mr. J. B. Ward, Jr. of the Ochlooko-
nea district spent Tuesday in town. Mr.
Word is one of the leading farmers In
the c-mnty and wu Populist elector for
tho seoond oongreastonal district. When
arked what be thought of tbe new county
movement he said:
"I am against It, so to everybody elie
In my neighborhood, v which to part of
the.proposed new oonnty, I can see no
benefit from it and do see increased
Rome. She wu the widow of-the late
Judge J. B. Alexander.
Work commenced Tuesday afternoon
on the remodeling of the old portion of
Ibo Thomu county jail. The work to
in charge of Mr. T. W. Wells, of the At
lanta office of the Pauly Jail Co. of St.
Louis The same company built the
new annex, and their work is so satis
factory that the contract far the re
modeling of tho old part wu givon to
them. Mr. Wells arrived yesterday
morning and went immediately to work
The water works and sewerage of the
jail will receive hto chief attention
When ha goto through the whole jail wtt
have the latMt and'most approved syt-
SB 1 hoy are; I have talked with farmers
lu tho Cairo dtotriot and even there tbe
ccuutry people are opposed to it. The
Spern-e dtotriot, so far u l know to
Bgaili.l It. I will have something to
su; on this line later on.’’ Mr. Ward
toons of .the leading thinkers In his
oommnnlty and there are aeorea who
agree with him on this subject.
lay Until Naxt Monday In Bar
row Casa-
- " -
The committment trial of J B Bar-
row, set for Wednesday morning at ten
o'olook wu postponed at the instance
of the state until Monday January 2!,
at 10,a. m. The events of the morning
b iwever were by no meaua laoking In
At the appointed time the eouyt room
wu fall iff spectators. Soon, Justices J
W. H. Mitehell and W. H. Bibb camel
in and after them tbe attorneys for both
sides. J. B. Barrow, the abound, came
with Sheriff Bight,from the oily hosplta
looking almost well again. Then a long
walteusued for Solicitor W. E. Thomas,
who wu a passenger from Valdosta on
a dels] ed train.
Finally things got startod. The ball
opened,, with a sharp verbal tilt be
tween opposing attorneys u to which
side should announce i first. Solicitor
I'homu and Theodore Titna appeared
for .the state, Hammond and Hammond,
Roddenbery and Lake for the defend
ant. Eaoh uld, "after yon my dear
Alphonro,''and the justices decided that
the atate bad "tut go,” '
The defense annonnoed ready. Mr.
Tttns In behalf of the state, requested
a further postponement owing to the
illuesa of un important witness. To
•how why he asked it, he put R. B.'Pat-
tsrsonon the stand. Mr. Patterson to a
neighbor of the Parishes. He swore
that hla wife wu atokin bed, and un
able to appear. Furthermore he swore
that she had told him of seeing Barrow'
ran from the house On tbe tragic day,
firing at Mrs. Barrow. Then she bad
seen him torn.and shoot at Mrs. Parrish
who ran on tba porqh from'tba dining
£Tha importance of har testimony
having barn established, a pc
ment un til next Monday wu agreed np-
Barrow wu taken in oharge by
tho.aheriff and oondootad.not to hto for-
ner abode at the hospital, bat to tho
ooanty jail. ‘
Among tbe witnesses ready for tbe
trial wu Wlllikm Parrish, husband of
the; peceated woman who came over
from Balnbridge to attend the trial.
HU daughter. Mrs. Nina Barrow wu
not present. This started the rumor
through the court room that she had
fled to avoid the trial and that John
Tinley, another witness had skipped ont,
too. When questioned in regard to
this Mr. Parrish said. "On Monday
look my daughter to North Georgia,
I prefer not to mention the name of the
town. She to with relatives attending
•ohool. She will be on hand at tba
proper time. So will Tinley, who to now
in Waynesboro. Certain reports, float
ing around, are doing me and my fami
ly great lnjosttoe (bat the truth will
come oat at the final trial.’”
The straight ticket won. In foot,
the demoorata carried tbe day. The
election passed off Just u oxpeetkd. Np
unusual feature of any kind arose.
Seventy six votes were cut, all of
which went for Boddenbery for mayor
and most of them went to all the other
Mr. W. Dixon ofOalro, wu in town
on Friday. Mr. Dixon to another one
of Thomu ooantj.’* solid citizens who
tem of ventilation and sanitation; The ^ jj opposed to the osw oonnty idea. He
pri,oners ought to rtoe up and Mesa the says "If ThomasviUe will do her part
county oommissloosrr. ’there will be no n^w county."
and Friend of South-
Col. A, k. McClure, the veteran ediy.
tor of the Philadelphia Times will be
among Thomasvlile’s distinguished viti—
tors In Haroh. Mr. McClure tours])*,
roioutativo of the highest type of jour
nalism, and a man who lias always been.,
a consistent friend of the south. In all
probability the Board'of Trade willffo*'
range for a reoeptlon-to this distinguish^
led gentleman when lie visits Thomue-.
The news of his coming recalls an la*
tending and pleasant Incident of etot
years ago. At that time both Col. Mcir..
Clare and Jtseph Modlll, the owner*
and editor of the New York Tribune*;
were here. In their honor a gathering]
was held in Paradise Park. Oapt. O. Ps.
Hansel! a veteran of tbe civil war, ire-.
trodneed to tbe andienoe hto fathom.
Judge A. H. Hauaell. Judge HauqeHi
in tarn Introduced Col. McOloro, a mao,
of about hla own age, and tho Colonel ,
made an inspiring talk. Two troes wore,
planted in honor of Messrs.
and Modlll which are still living 'anft
growing side by side. Th^ ooouion «
remembered as one of the most ploasant
evouta that over took plaoe hero. /
It Is suggested by OoL 8 G Hj , -mloa_
that a duplicate of tbe oeromonics bo ra-_
posted here dnring tbe coming visit ot .
Col. McClure. The suggestion has math
with great favor and wilt be taken up, 3?
by the Board of Trade. Oapt. Ilansell,,
judge Hansell, and many of tho people,,
who were present are still hero, and-
would take pleuurein reproducing thiy
pleasant soene of the put, whore tho,
trees stand lnjlio pork.
Sensational Else ion oonteak dsoidedi
against Candldats Miller.
Out on Bond-
0.1. Stanaland, tbe alleged'Tonralne
incendiary wu released on bond yester
day. He will' answer to the oharge at
the April term of oourt. The aotive
•gent in the crime, Walter Mitehell,
oolored, to still Inwall.
In order to give ample time lor all
sohool children to register before tbe
second term commences, Supt. Bar
wlek hu arranged the dates commenc
ing tomorrow.
Tbe white children will register Fri-
dayjaftoraoon January 201b, from S to
o’elook.and Saturday morolog Janu
ary 21st from 9 to 12 o'olook. The col
ored children wilt register froqi 2to4
,'clock Satnrday afternoon,
Tbe rsgnlsr fee of one dollar wlllle
oollected and new cards of admission
The Interesting Coolldge olection coo*,
test wu decided in ordinary’s court W»C.
nesday against Wm. Miller tho conteafe.
ant, and In favor of J, 0. Pope. The cuq,
uttraotod considerable attention and bade
many unusual features. It brought, aa
number of Ooolldge citizens to town and.
oooopiod the time of theoouri from 1:80)
to 8:80 p. m. O. P. Hanaell and *V. ML.
Hammond were the attomeyafor MiUer*
while Tbeo. Titos represented Pope-
It appeared from the evldeuco that Qa -
Janaary 9th. a municipal election was,
held lo Ihe town of Ooo idge. by xr,,» 1r
g*nH. Jones. W.'A. Jonu and L, Smliin.
Twenty eight vote# were cast. When,
the returns came in they shoved tnofc
Pope, candidate for mayor hid reoeiva*.
16 votes end Miller big opponent 12,
Mr. Miller filed notice of contest, ante,
at tbe hearing 16 voters testified thatt
they had voted for Miller. These want. ■
Dr. Orowe, J. A. Paramore, J. W. Kam-
uedy. E L Evana. R M. Dorsey, W. dk.
Millar, T. J. Crowe, At A. Psnyt, .
Potter, Davit Bine, W. W. Story, D. Ot.
Kennedy, E. J. Rosser, V. H. E.vtmu.
Z. Smith and W. M. Miller.
In announcing hto decision Judggy
Jones stated that on the face ot the co
mma J O. Pope had been elecici. that
no direct eridenoe of fraud on th- part
of the managers had been Introduced,
and therefore lie deolared Mr. Pcfat,
Mayor. ’ ' f
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wada ura e -,
cl to arrive Sauday to oocupy tbrit
i-agniflcont residence near town lor it«t
cmaindor ol the season.
Another Echo.
Our youngest contemporary 11-; E;' p.,.
pnollahod by the pupils ol the Thomw,-
»illo High School will make its thirtl opt-
i> aranco today. It lmprorcs wn , ng,~
nil this issue hu a well aborted list of.
• ntents. The staff conaista of Sfta.
-Utchcll, editor, Jessie B-.-as'.ey, -vnt-
dtor, Clifton Steyorman local t-ili» u-
.,-11 Ham Hayes bdsicess manager.