Newspaper Page Text
: -Sk‘
We sell the most reliable Shoes in the county.
■Ve know we buy them from'the best Factories
ml have them made j^ood. • -
We Emphasize Particularly This Week*
One lot of ladies $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes
mostly small sizes, to close out at $J.75
' One lot of Men’s Shoes that sold from $2.50 to
$3.00 to close out at $1.50 a pair.
Another lot of Men’s HancTSewed Shoes $3.00
to $3.50 sellers to close out $2.00 a pair.
Ttaasville Shoe Company.
TU 91.00 bcttk contain* 24 ttmesth* trial Km. witch aclia for 90 cent*
raaPACio only at the laboratory or
Sold by Bracy Pharmacy Co.
SJIfEfl ini LIFE
—That’s what a prominent
druggist said of Scott’s
Emulsion a short time
ago. As a rule we don’t
ise or refer to testimonials
:n addressing the public;
im t the above remark and
similar expressions are
mode so often in connec
tion with Scott's Emulsion
that they are worthy of
occasional note. From
infancy to old age Scott's
Emulsion offers a. reliable
means of- rdtnedying im
proper and weak develop
ment; restoring lost flesh
and vitality, and repairing
waste. The action of
Scott’s Emulsion is no
more of a secret than the
composition of the Emul
sion itself. What it does
it does through nourish
ment—the kind of nourish
ment that cannot be ob
tained in ordinary food;
No system-ls too weak or
delicate to retain Scott's
. Emulsion and gather good
from it,
ThomasvIllQ lo Havo Upto-Qato
Building and Fixtures- Government
Official* Rgp:rt- Pootmoitor DI--
muke Promise* Good Thing*
TltomaavlUo I* to have one of .the best
fosloOlree la the elate in tlie sear fa-
ton-. PostmrtBtor Djsmnke is gaUtorjiy
for thle statement and it will be gbed
mi id everybody |n town.
jTor some time the boiliiert*: of tie
; pcetdlHce £*. been of tro greahvo'.ume
. tor tho present limitedacconimjtdnlloi a
of the‘building at (he corner of Jackson
SjVd Madison. Postmaster Plrmnko saw
this, eaw that hia force we. ht-idicap-
ped by lack of room, saw that the bail
ees waa growing overy month aud tic-
«Ued to get bsay. When tlioThoraac-
TlUa poatmoeter gets busy naulta fol
low. This has been demonstrated many
time*. Then too TltomaavlUo baa a
powerful frleudlu the regulative hails
In the person of CongressmanJames ST.
Grigs-. ‘ 1 '
Ana result of the o’ever work and
goed | nil cf the city's Mends, the Post-
office Department took np the matter
almost Immediately without dragging
along through the weary length of red
tape, customary In each calcs.,
During the pest few weeks tbs de
partment has sout one of its officials hors
from Washington, three timesr Asa
result of hie final visit It has bain di
vided to give TbomasvUle a new port-
offico. Thera am four site* undercon-
aide-ration. Ouo Uwhere tha oToa now
■lauds. This U central, convenient and
a favorito plsco with every- one. It i>
quite Ukely that the office will remain
■t ita present site with the building re
built and remodelled ao as to be entirely
new. Then then an three other rites
in town any one-of. which may bed--
eVSedupoo. AU are In good looatioua
Hr. Dtimuke said yesterday.
“Ckoe thing has been retried apoo.
Ybat il that Thomasvillo It to hevee
j nriwportoffloe, big enoagh to han-Uethe
lrarineea to the convenience aud com
tatof the public and tha clerks. The
n eg budding may be on present rite or it
nay be elsewhere. This hat not been
definitely determined yet. Wherever
II hi can promise the people that they
'will have oue of the finest and most
Wfiraa prefieanu in Georgia, with
«WI facility for quick servioe."
Oilmen Masting of Prsaehara Mskss
Splendid Contributions to Cau::.'
Rev. J. M. On tier came heme Fri
day from the missionary Institute and
preachers ruse ting far the ThomesviUe
district which has been in'
Oilman for setfipal days The institute
was a notable affair, in whioh many
people known In TbomeeviUe played a
prominent part. Splendid contribution,
for mlAslona were made.
, Be»> Ed. F. Cook,-of this city presl.
dedaudall tho Methodist ministers of
tho county were present. Mr. Ontlor
delivered ap address on "Euorgy. Zeal
and Prayer" and another on "Revival
Mothods." Mrs ,W. P. Blaltugamo
apoke oir "Women's Mission' to Wo
The keynote of the assembly was Mis
sion Work. The anm of $1691 Wee ap
portioned ont among;. I ho various chur
ches to be raised for mlseion'work dar
ing the coming year. In addition to
This the charches of the dlatriot wtR
support a mlstlbiiary and the fifteen
preachers in tho district will contribute
funds sufficient for the support of an
other. Oue of those missionaries will
be sent to Cuba end-ono to Japan. Hires
two plates are regarded as the strategic
points in tlieynissionary campaign, aud
tho Methodists of Booth Georgia will
play their part in the great work.
The meeting Is a splendid Indication
of tho prosperity of this Motion, and the
ebritlian generosity of its people.
Largs Shipment From Cohn to Ga
Syrup Go- Sour and la Refused-
that coogns and coldspro-
. tton and weaken Ihelnc?*
. they interfere with aU digi-
rion 1 lie now fiJeenreiy known as
Kennedy’s LaxaUve Hiney and Tar
totaa mtopUfea. Sold ay Bracay Phar
ma< y w
The disadvantage of personal surety
U emphasised by. the atory of the into-
fortune which it brought to a success
ful merchant tn a Western State who
was elected oouuty treasure-.
As oounty treasurer he was required
to file a hood of *150,000, whioh be
oould have obtained upon the payment
of a premium of $535. Instead of pay
ing the premium and thus maintaining
hia independence,, he chore t<f place
hlmeelf under lifelong obligations to 36
of hia Mends by asking them to sign hLt
bond. * .
The merchant wan an hottest man,
and there was no default'under his bond.
Twentv-three of his 38 sureties were at
various times, however, required to tar
nish bonds, and the merchant was in
honor 1 ound to beopme surety for each
of them. He was only reciprocating
the favor they had extended him.
Five of the 33 men for whom he be-
oame surety defaulted, and when he had
made good, the loan* he found that
399,033.34 of hia fortune at 3*5,000 was
gam. Tide Is what it oast him to save
the premium of |5*4 asked by the .urety
company to furnish hia bond, Agents
should make this a sailing argument in
soliciting applications for official bonds.
—The Bulletin.
Too need not cull on Made for se
United States Fidelity and Guaranty
Oo„ of Baltimore, Md.
' Twenty a- loads of caue a*e being
dumped by the A. O. L. railway on Ibe
Montlcello branch of the mid near
town. The disagreeable job began yea-
terday and will continue today.
The eane wae shipped ifi ;the la ter
part of December by the Cahn Oo. oi
Decatur ^county to the Georgia Oane
8yruy Co. here. The ayrop people re
fused the shipm-bt on the grodnd.that
the cauo was sour and nnllt for one.
Tbe Coliu people coneouddU that they
offered to ship the oane eorll«r in tho
setaon hut wore told to hold it by the
local concern ont .1 they should, call for
,li. The Culm people say they hold it
uilor protest aud after warning the
purchasers that all risk of damage was
on them. •
About the middle of Do comber the
Syrup Company ordered shipment to be'
made sod when the cane arrived In hjd
condition they, retoted It. The Cohn
prple refuted to tnke it back apd- tills
tmineuse atnonut of cane, worth sever
al thousand dot'ars, was left on the
bauds of the railroad. They are new
making nse of tho only mean* poialble
todi.Drne of It.
Several efforts made yesterday to fiud
M r. A.L Smith, manager of the Georgia
Cane Syrup Company, proved futile aod
his version of the affair could not be ob
W* will scad you a
farm ti >hM tyotfcifiWTikp; g*
kuyT”’ T “
409 Par! St, N. 7.
50c. ui Sit aiUnoWi.
Both Brio* and Groom are From Ca
milla But Have Relatives Here-
At half past three Monday afternoon
Miss Kate Cochran became the bride of
Mr, E. T. Cochran of Camilla,
Mr. Ooehr-tn oama down to Thomas-
vllleun Sunday. Miss Cochran had
been visiting In Bainbridge and arrived
here on her way home to Camilla at
three o'clook Monday afternoon. Slie
waa met at tbe train by the groom and
his brother lb Horace Cochran.
They all drove at once to the home of
tbe groom’s mother Mrs J T. Cochran
on Jefferson attest and were married by
Bev. A, W. Bealer. They left on the
four thirty train for Cemltla where Hr.
Cochran uin tbe hotel and livery stable
The bride to the daughter of Mr. J. L.
Cochran, city treasurer of Camilla and
to a vary distant oooria tn the groom.
They bare many Meade as wall aanta-
tive* throughout this section that will
wtoh them every happioam.
I Tonle to the System-
For liver trooUes const! nation
POto. They do not weaken the atmnaeh
TbrtNjerton upon tbe avstnoi to mild.
tyWlumkre. SoldbyBraoey
Application Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Thomat County.
After four weeks notice, purse ini i,
Seo. 3548 of tbe civil code, a peril tnir, •>'
which a true and oorreet copy is sub
joined, will be prevented to ihc Ho t
Itobt. G. Mitchell, JudgeofrhtSu|«tifo
court, at the eourt hoove, lo raid ronrt
on the 1 FtV day of Fabrntiry m *
Z-ZZI.O. K. Cop* 1 ! a-id
1 c b-'^j
GEUlt'-l\- Thomas County.
T-> th- vjnriarht- G. .Mttobcll, Jcdg*
riuicrlo^l^nElTiiorass County.
The p.lltlnB^R. E. Co;ielaiid re
spcctfnllv Shows:. t
1st. That he is tlieguiirdiao of Alm.-i
M-ty nnd Annie Bell Copc'aud,: hexelo-
fore duly rppeinted ss such guardian In
•Sid county. '
2nd. Tliat lit- desires to tell for rein
vestment nt rriveteSalo tie fallowing
property, b< ing a port cf the ~ott»t« of
hia said wards, to wit: Their two
thirds, undivided iotsraat in all the pins
timber that has-been horetofrre timed
for turpentine porpuae now grow toy on
the follow ing described land: Elihty
ffva acres in the northern part of lot
No, Bid, in the 18th district of Thomas
ooanty.Hnlng a portion of the lot ex
tending all tha way aorom th* lot afon-
3rd. The price for which the aald
timber to to be eold to He* dollars (38.00*
per acre. • . ~
4th. Petitioner ahovn that this lim
ber having been heretofore boxed and
used for torpenrina porpoaae, to faat
dying aod unltae petitioner toaUdwed
to sell it, ir will ba of Uttla or no value
to hit aid wards. The prio* for which
petitioner desire* to eeiT it to, in his
opinion, a good one, and more than
coold be obtained at any public sale.
5th. .Petitioner further shows that
the eald property to yielding no income
for hia said wards, and he de-ire* to re
invest tbe proeeeda of such sal* in oilier
property that will yield his said wards
an incoma. AU to be done under the
direction of this honorable court. .
O. E. Copeland.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this Sod day of Jan. 1306.
W.H. Bibb.
N. P. and *. o. J. P,
Thomas Oounty.
rnrfcisll and YIrginlon beats Are Va
rieties «f tk# Same riant.
Bow many people even among tbe
must coxflrSed smokers know what -
Ibe difference between - Turkish ■ ai
Virginia tobaccos?
Tbe ataokev. of course, eon tell you -
which to which at tbe first whiff, bpt
It yoo ask him what the original dis
tinction to between tbe two be wft tell
£00 that one comes from Turkey and
tbe other from th* States. ‘ -- -- --
Be to wrong. Ton coold grow Turk
ish add Virginia tobacco* in the same
field, for they an merely two different
varieties of tho earn* plant Turkish
to'tbe loaf of Nicotians nutter, while
Virginia Is Nicotians auguattpolia. Of
eotrea tha two as* often blendad by to-
Agaln, what constitutes the differ
ence between ‘totroug’’ and “mild" to-'
baccosf It to simple enough. The strong
product to oo manufactured that It
bums slowly, the result being that the
contained nicotine to distilled in an un
altered state, MIM tobaccos ore those
which burn well, and tbaa their con
tained nicotine to consumed or decom
posed, with tbe result that a lew nar
cotic smoko is formed.
W# often bear cheap dgare spoken of
as "cabbage leaves,” and doubtless
many people believe that these, are ac-
tually adulterated with other sub
stances than tobacco. Often lo sack o
Veed tlie out*We wrapper to noticed to
be patched with pole green, and this
fact to held proof of tbe cabbage leaf
libel. Tbe piece of greenish leaf to real
tobacco which baa been plucked unripe
or not properly cured, it to only to be
foond in, thin, poor leaf--London Eg.
Bar. Walker Lewis, the wtU-Vuowti
IMbodtot minister, writ*.:- "I -haw
used Dr. IWtyl Lemon EUafr him
family vrith vary benefit toll arnfita Xtto
aa admirable medicine aad catenaeI «
a toato and Ihrtv vvgulatcr." /
Mr. W. H. YanLandlngbam of Meigs
spent Buodxy in town. ' \
J. W. Parker of Prlbam spent Sunday
with-homefolka here.
Mr. J. D. McCall um of Boston waa a
busihess vuitOT to town on Monday. .
A Practice That Daaa Mat Hafp the
Eaallsh laanagt.
Why do people persist In using
French word* when there are good old
English words .to serve tbe purpose?
It to a habit that to growing dally. For
Instance, at dinner people give you
“menu” Instead of “bill of faret”
though lb* item* are sack English
Jtokes as boiled cod, rout beef and ap
ple tart One to accommodated with a
serviette Instead, of a napkin, an Eng
lish word, but originally of French or
igin, as to tbe Scotch word napery,
need for household linen. When you
enter a shop you are served- with cor
sets Instead of stays, costomos by a
coetuiulcre Instead of dresses by a
Cmmetcr. “riorhcs” Jake'the place
of eh!: is or waists, and hose are of
fered for stockings. The former word
is, however. English. At the theater
wo have programmes Instead of play
bills nnd matiueve-ln place of ufteruoou
performunics. Toques are adjusted
with ns much onse an hots, nnd wo eut
In n restaurant ns cheerfully aa In n
dining ruum. ’t here are. of course, un-
translatr.lila words which must bo
lived, lint our good old English lan
guage Is rapid!} .hecotulug u. hotch
potch of foreign wurds, while telegra
phy Is doing Its beat to oust nil tho
crisp and racy Sasun speech. . When
ever itigaUile lot us-determine to-use
an English instead of a French wind.
Iwtli lu literature mid conversation.—
London (irnplilc.
J. 8. Spence ■ prominent citizen of
OchloctoLco was a Monday viri or. -
H W, Simpscn, of Meigs to hen on
F. D. Dtomnke earns homo from
Macon [.Friday morning.
Dr. Bohwencke visited Ckiiro on pro
fessional business Monday.
Mton Daisy Dekle is voting her rioter
Mrs J. M. Glenn, in Msoon.
Dr. VVilllnghaluypleased a good an-
dien e at the Baptist char oh last night.
Mr- J B. Macon, one of Meigs’ busy
ueic'iants spent Friday in Thcmas*
JoliuT. Tnmbntl, of Moithello, o
one time resident of this burg 'was Jo—
rewing c Id acquaintance Vestsrdayr
Mr. Hamilton Fierier of Ilia Picey
Woods arrived Friday aftusocn at
:!0 md wilhte iiit : ( tii*t iir i((i<n>-
Ffner For CUm-el* ahlvkaSs,
After; lielng dormant for ttoutq yearn
the a«t,(3 Jns. 1. e. 4, tflOQ) which pro
vided (hut nny person absenting him-
aelf fruui Ills church op a Kuiiday with-
PH* .itnU;jpjjt excuse should he flneil
twelvcpeuvc for each nlwcnce and Im
prisoned ill default of distress on Ida
good, until the fine waa paid was re
vived in IKIM. A report of the inspect-
ora of prisons contains »' list »f eleven
parsons In lgincnshlre fined mid im
prisoned under the act between Feb.
13, lKill, nnd May 1U, 1810. lu une case
a lubursr was In prison fur Ivu weeks
(until relsaee.! by order of tbe homo
nref^fciryi after lielng convlciod in a
IKmalty of 1 .billing, with 14 shillings
coats, for having been nhsent from
church n single Sunday. Thl» act wnn
repealed, ao far an regarj-i Roman
Catbellca, In 1M4. and wholly lu 1848.
—Landau Chronicle;
Cepf. Briggs, former agent nt Pidcoek
r t f o -V c. L. waa. IteJe- Monday on
his way. to Albany where lie jvill iufu.
tore be located.
What We Set.
If I am asked tbe question, “Do we
get our dewrts?” I will lijldly aunvor.
“Ne, we don't, and we never aball,
sneaking of kumanity as n whole nul
taking account of the prepondemtlng
mnltitndea to wliom life Is only another
word for misery." tint If 1 am naked.
“De we get what la boat for o»J” I nay.
“Yaa, always and everywhere, taklns
our live* through uud through, ami
having account not merely for our ma
terial. hut also fdt our oplrltual wel-
farp.”r-Uali Caine.
Mr. 8. W. Davis, peat graid of the
1 ml ledge of.Odd Follows went over to
Bainbridge Friday evening to install
'hn officers of Oak City lodge In that
Mcwra. J.-O Binnch, M. Pnom nnd J.
D Wedoof Qnltmaii, Jm. P Knight
of Nnriivllle nnd J. J. Btunay of Tifton
v er .n quintet of jirominrnt attorney!
in town Monday.
Mr Vf Z. Brantley, recently elected
Mayor of Boston waa -in tewn Mon
day. Mr. Brantley to being congratu
lated on getting the Boston Mercantile
o reopened ao soon.
Rev..Alex W. Bealer came home Fri
day afternoon from v’ajdoeta where
ho has been attending the Baptist Bible
Irwitote. He aava that the sessions
wsre mnt interesting and wall attend-
Mr. lr*h Analay, ef Tbomasvi'ln, to
now aaaociated with Mr B. H Mark in
tim fire tnsoraac* bnrinere.—Moultrie
Mr. J Byron Sbannun, who waa sev
ere! yean hafiar of tha Piney Wood*
orchestra hem to thto eaaacn playing at
Hotel Pellevne and Colombia theater.
Yaakae Aaeureaee.
Irritateil Frvncbmau (to American
who baa mistaken him for n waiter*—
Slr-T, you haf sr-r-rossly insulted me!
There Is-my card! My seconds vlll
vult upon you, sir-r-r! American—Nev
er mind your aocoada. Freuchy. You
can walt.op.uio Just as well. Pass mu
the worcoetcrahlre sauce, and he quid:
about ttt
IM HU ebm Doubts.
"Bay, ms." .asked litUc WMIJo after
he liad been lu coajuuotieu wtth the
paternal slipper, “did anybedy besidei
ph ever ask yea to bo hid wife?”
“Ob. yoo; I bed Iota of prepoaate be
fore your father same alaus." —
“Vfeti, da you think you gaiaod any-
thiag by waitlagd"—Chlcaco Record
Wtmm Dnwa.
"Too wffl obeer.-s that tbto to a rerv
fine paiah"
."It ought to be. You're strained it
enough."—C levels id Lender.
I will chide no brother. In tho work!
l ot myself, against whom I know meet
«T Compliments the Oglethorpe*
A recent tone of the Savannah Trad*
Joorral. telle of tbe Oglethorpe Saving
iS* Company." It ray,:;
"Tbr.rompanyha* a »ncceaefal,bracch
at Tliome»viII*,locattd;in eg me build-
"q: with Thomesville National Bank,in
charge of Mr. Redden Smith, whioh has
also made a very aathfoctory showing
in bnrineas.£Busine*e people in that
•action willffind tho [ ccmpeny'i facili-
tie. edranfagoona to them, and we call
the especial attention of our reader.
Tbe census bureau haa mad* public
th* atatemeat by couNtopot fin ootton
ginned np to Daotmbtr 18th, 1901 Tho I
rarort shows that 1,798,636 Me* were |
ginred In Goargia. Of tMi . ante
Tboma# county predared 33,110 butourl
Dp to Fept l*t. the number ginned waa
4 871, Oct. 19th, 17,389, November 14th,