Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 17, 1905, Image 1
«■ Soutb Georgia {progress, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1005 PEOPLE AT MEIGS OPPOSE NEW COUNTY OCHLOCKONEE COTTON MEETING Editor Tuts Enterprise:— By the action of the Cotton Growers’ Association that MtatU in Thomas- villa on the tlth Inst. the undersigned wen appointed as organiser, of Deblock- once district and we hereby urge erery one intereated in cotton growing to meet at Ochlockonee, Saturday 28th of Fehrnary at 10 a. m., to devise way* and meaua to perfect the orgai iaatlon of the (Harriet. It la up to the p ople of the aontb to con trol the cotton aitoatlon if tliey will, and be independent, or to refnae to do to, and continue to be hewen of wood and drawera of water for thoae that are wiee in thia generation. It la an evident fact that the farmera of the aonth get more for a small cotton crop than a large one, hence the importance of reducing the acreage thia year. The Han, J. L, Hand recently aaid in the prerenoe of the un dersigned that if the farmtta of the south w.'.nld giro him the guaranteed evidence that the crop for IMS would be reduced 28 per cent, he wonld sign a contact to pay 10 cental . that ouIiujid (By J. S Searoy.) By chanoe a eopy of the Oaiio Mes senger of recent date has fallen into our hands. We have, naturally, br'eh much intereated In the final result of the new coautr movement. As the Measenger stemed to be the organ of the move ment, we looked eagerly through its columns for some argument showing why the people of Thomas county should meekly submit to having a good altoeof her territory taken away lu this we were sadly disappointed. We read several columns of personal criti cism of those in the county who were against the movement; but hot one word of argument. These ‘ nnaccli- mated” '‘self-appointed” guardians of this oounty's welfare, seem to be thor oughly competent to "toal their own skillet." We simply wish to ssy that the statement in the issue of the Mes senger that the “Meigs district (excus ing her politicians) are cot afraid of higher taxes," intimating that the peo ple of ibis district are in favor of the new County movement is misleading We hsve sounded a few. Not a single man have we foond, who wonld say anything in lta faver. Of conrso we do not blame Cairo for wanting it and If the can get it—take it. “To the victor belongs the spells. Surely, If there are obly 1200 petitioners In tie territory embracing ovtr 800 square miles, with 18,000 inhabitants, tbs >co pic aie not In a rush for “a new coun ty." Therefor*, knowing these things, the people of this district have busied themselves about other matters. But sa ws, or this part of Thomas oounty have beta loyal and jtut, and have paid, our taxea ste think that we are as fully en titled to a oounty or so, as any other park The line of toe proposed oounty eansee to within two miles of this town for some distance along the weetern border of the diatrlot. Colquitt oounty holders u a few miles east, and Mitch ell Is north. Now what remains for us to do is to “take” a part of Colquitt and a slice of Mitchell 'and put with what we already, “have" In Thomas and make u a county of our own, Meigs will to the county seat, because we don’t want tbe county nnls-s it is. Wc are high and healthy—the (death rate being as low u that of any town In Georgia. Wc built a 17,000 college and didn’t borrow nor bond a cent. Then we think kindly of our present oounty commissioners, for there are none better in tbe stale, and we wouldn't slur at the northern visitors who como to Thomas county, fora glanoe at the tax books will stiow tliey lighten tlie bur- Form of Pledge for Planters to Sign State of Georgia, County of Thomas: Militta Diatrlot of ..... I ran plows. I planted lest year acres in cotton to the plow. I agree td reduce my acreage to sores per plow. I now own............. bales of cotton I intend to lioll said cotton until,.... unless. In the meantime it can be sold for 10 cents p4e pound, middling basis. I request every oott in planter in the sou'h to sign a similar pledge, and thereby obligate himself to join In tbis movement for the promotion of the common welfare. Witness - ., ' i<, •. Date.,. TRIPLE DEATH VISITS CARTER FAMILY Auction Sale of Real Estate. Daring the last few days thaie have b< a i three deaths in the Carter family TheTniat- CAIRO WILL HAVE - jMjrilewhonre: NEW SCHOOL HOpjggXSS; Many Interesting (tarns from the [ Hustling Town «f Cairo. welt known in this eviction. Ektkrpkis': lias chronioled the death of Mr. William Adam Oerter at Ocholock- oner. His tlstfr Mrs. Janie Chastain of Valdosta and ihls father. Mr. W. Zi Carter of Dupont came to tbis oounty is attend hit funeral. They 'had a tea mUe drive through tbs country, an' a bitterly raid day and both contracted oo'.ds which developed Into .’pneumonia oansing their deaths. It is seldom that such a chapter of sorrow comas to any one family. Th-ra will be sold by order of Ilia Board of Trustees, cn the first Tuviday 1 In Muroh before the court bento door bitttaan ll and is o'clock am. tbe old City Hospital Site on N. E. comer of Mnnroa and Hardaway streets, at pub lic outcry to highest bidder. Tbe lot fronts [288 feet on Monroe street and 104 8-4 feat on Hardaway street and has therein ^ne 5 roam and one 4 room I Mrs. Ruth Bwlcord wbo has. been con fined to (her room several'weeks in eanvqlasoiog. , Mr. Fnttelland Mvas Luellen Powell eamsjnp from Hof k«o Satndny and spans the day with Mr. J. B. Crawford's family. Mrs. B. W. McManius went over to ThomasviUo last MWnesday to spend the day with Mm. Green MoMaton who is order Dr. McIntosh's treatment Bits found Mrs. MoManiu very moch improved in health, and hoping to be able to return hsmeeoon. (By -B. L. Van Landlngbam.) The bath tab* and all plumbing fix tures above ground are reserved. Also the operating room and the right to use the bnlldmgs until new buildings are ready for oocupanoy by pa)lng a rental equal to 10 per cent on selling price. Teems oath. EVENTFUL WEEK 3-17 tl aw (By H. B. Nesmith ) , ess’, of this place, hat a lemon tree from . which lie hat eaten a nine on not, lemon. i A peculiar freak of an orange within ( on orange came to oar notice a few days > since. An orange about a third tbe site , of the pareat orange, without the .usual : rind and well developed was found in i Its center. i Mr. T. T. Roland of Pelham, was here on basinets a few days ago. ! Jesse Reynolds and Mallard MoOul- I ' lough of Tbomssvllietwera ben Sunday. Sore enough Friday morning quits a number of the palms of Center Hill oeam Lltrary Coarse, will bo hereon tbe 21 tnst. As slljbe proceeds of the THOMAHVH.LE ITIMmt, VOL. SO THOMASVILLE ENTERPRISE. V JUSTICE COMMISSIONS AT ORDINARY’S OFFICE I have received Commissions for the following Justioee of tbe Peaoe Thomas County, and request that they appear at my office Tuesday February .list ISOS, hence all qualify on one Dediin os Potcstatem. T. P. Blsckshear J. 8. E. Wilder Jbo. O. Smith H. C. Jordan A. F. Berry B O. Reese J. H. Norton T. O. Smith John W. H. Mitchell John J. Rsgsn A. A. McKeiver 1416 Dlst G. M. 1410 “ 1608 1883 « • 1227 " •' 1212 " | 637 “ " 653 “ 981 “ Respectfully, Wm. M. Jones, Ordiuaiy. WASHINGTON MAN TO PICK P. 0. PLACE Mr. H. L. Wood of Washington D. C. i< in the city. Mr. Wood is of the post of fice department and » beie to choose a site for Uncle Sam's mail’ dispensary. Tbe owners of different lots and bond ings wlU spend tbe day In endeavoring ti impress npon him that theira is the post office promised land. Tbe department has decided that Thom- aavilleiitohaveannp to date post of fice with plenty of room and the most modern equipment. Just where It will he located remains for Mr. Wood to ■ay. There am a number of sitae under discussion. The leading candidate is prbbably the present bail'tog whioh could ensily be enlarged and improved to moat all demands. Tee oeuiskas of the inspector will not be made pobttc, until after it has been submitted, and ratified by department authorities. The Boys' Bend from tbe Georgia In dnstrial Home bland bravely away in a chilly air ooooert yesterday maraing. They lined np la the sunshine, against the Watt building, and entertained a good sized crowd. The hat was passed . and about twenty dollars contributed. While tbe boys were here tbe tout contributions given them by the good . people of tbe dtr amounted $120. Tltomeevllle Man Weds at Meigs. Meigs, Ga, Feb. 14tb. A happy marriage took piece here thisatfernoon at the residence of Mr. W. A. Daren. Miss^Uargnerite Duren was joined in wedlock to Ur. George Welling s of Tbomaaville It was a very quiet affair only a few friends being Invited. Rev. T. A. White lu his happiest style ;sxid the amrriage i.tes. ALL OFFICERS RESIGN FROM THE GUARDS. At Meeting Wednesday Cant. Brown and Both Lieutenants Stop Out. The Tbomasville Guards am without officers. At a meeting of the oompany last night Cant Brown, IstLtent. Hardy and 2nd Lient. Steyerman all handed in their resignations. A committee of the company composed of Dr. W. W. Jarrell, P. O. Dickey, J. B. Reynolds, Herbener Mallard sad Robt. Pollard was appointed to receive tbe resignations and to suggeat suitable men y> fill the vacancies. Thia com mit'to will report on next Monday i ight and tlieir recommendation will very likely be carried oat. ( Military affaire oTer tbe entire state have been on a slump since the return from Manassas, and tbs Tbomasville company is not alone in lta difficulties. Captain Brown has been connected with the Guaida for a number of years, and for the peat twelve months has been at the head of the organisation! He Is a splendid officer and the stato loses a bulwark in him. All three officer! ascribe lack of time aa their reason for resigning. WILL YOU Sign the Agreement and Send it to Your District Chairman. In accordance with lta policy of alwsyn doing what ee-ma good for the inter- e ta of Thomas county farmer*, the Tnos-ENTCTMtiii is fostering in ovary pos able way the endeavor of cotton piemen to rednoe^ thia yean acreage and to en- coartge the holding of al* cotton now on hand. Aa an aid to the cause the agreement blank below Is published. Every farm er who can possibly do bo should attend his diatrlot meeting on Saturday, Febrn- aw. 26th. Those wbo cannot atteud however, and are willing to aid in the gieat effort to raise the price or cotton should ontont the blank, fill it in, and stud to their district chairman at once. The Tdses-Enterprire will print and furnish to the cbstrmn aeddittonai k'auk- without 00,t to auvbody. Mr. Mender who works at the Stetson Limber Co's mills, was patnfaliy hurt last week by the falling of a scantling from top of planer, shifter striking him on top of (tead, Inflicting a scalp wound. Jndge T. C. Smith went over to the residence of Mr. Dave Kennedy last Sunday afternoon, where he uttered word* that linked together In matrimo ny Mr. Duncan Sherrod and Miss Es- Stella Kennedy. Both ere among our prominent young people. Rev. R. W. Eubanks missionary evangelist for the Mercer Association I will be at tbe Big Creek Church, D. V. HARROWS DOWN TO TWO SITES on tbe 4th 8anday and tbe Saturday before. He will also preset at CoiUdgs at 8 p. m. on same date. Mr. G L. Wood'will return to Wash ington today after having investigated the claimant's for TbomasvlUe’e new post-office iito. *A choice will be made be tween the present site and the Balfour lot at tbe corner of Broad and Fletcher. In about a week the final decision will bemad*. Postmaster Dismnke whose efforts are responsible for the proposed Improvements was seen Wednesday. He qrid: ‘‘Tbomaaville is to have a modal pjtatofflce. The equipment will be of the latest kind and prill cost about $8000 exclusive of what the building will oost. It will bo of the some style and kind aa is pe^ln government buildings. No city la the state wlU hsve a more modern or ooMldeta post office than this one.” Grace, tbe little daughter of Ur. T. J. Crow accidentlv fell ent doors lest week, breaking her collar bona. She has been suffering very severely. Dr. W. H. Crow baa sold out his dreg store to Mr. J. W. Ingram, of Adel, who will at onos assume charge, and carry a nice lias of msdioiiieg,. toilet articles are. Messrs. J. P. Cay and H. B. .Nesmith went to Tbomasville Wednesday. Mr. William Roeencreuse of Morphy, waa slectad by cityeocncil here Tues day, to serve as chief of police, and Mr. T. J. Merabis was elected to fill a va cancy on the board of Aldermen. Constable W. H. Monerltf was a busi- iss visiter to Thomasville the first of Wants Mora Books- H- O. UcFsdden, G. P. A., of the At- ’ *“■ week, leatic A Birmingham is placing a lot OuoUdge will soon liava another new of Thomaavilla booklets where ihev will enlcprlae in the nature of atbinglemUI. do the most good. Be rent for another Mean. Dckleaud Strickland wJI be hundred ycrterdey. proprietors Tbe “Bovs Band and Dram Corps" of the Georgia Industrial Home, of gave an entertainment hare Tuesday eveting that waa eery moch enjoyed, they having improved so much sliiee they were here one year ago is a fact that is of moch In-crest to all who an in sympathy with tbs little orp-aos Tbe proceeds of the concert together with the collection taken on tbe street amounted to $38.80. We regret to lean) that quite a her of .children an out of school this week on account of gripp, pneumonia etc. A musical entertainment will be given at the Academy Friday evening for the benefit of the piano for the schojl. and It is hoped that ell who can will be ent. Miss Alma KUiingrworth was called to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Sen- dsn lest week. She left immediately for Troy Alabama, end fonud her stater quite sick, but we learn that site Is lmproviug now. Mr. T. W. Brown went over to Wltlg- ham Monday. The literary meeting of the Epwcrth League will be bold Tuesday oveping es the Resldenoo of D.'. and Mrs. W. A Walker. . •Urn May Belle Arnold of - Wsycrom is the guest of her Aont Mrs. Margaret Wight. Ur. W. M. Hardy of the Taos Ex- txuprisb was here Monday. A small tenant boolean the suburbs, belonging to Dr. J. L. Oliver and occu pied by darkies, sis burned Tuesday evening. Mr. Harry Hart spent last week in Camilla, putrtnge roof oa a brick build log- Mr, J. R. Williams of Thomasville la here In the interest of the Franklin Life Insurenoe Co. He and Mis. Williams are located bere now for acme time. They are boarding with Mr. and Mrs F. T. Brown on Broad St. little Agnes Walker Is qoite sick, of Lx Grippe. J. '•!. Pea k u=i.l Pule daughter Our people are worked np to fearer best over tlie new oounty question. Where yon see two or three gathered together,- new county is usually the tojilo being discussed. Tbe Exequtive committee have been putting In some good work of late and have all lines of t) e wjrk well In hand. The. number of .signatures to the petition for a new county now totals more than 1800 and we think tLiademonetratsa beyond qoek tlon, Hint tbe people within the bounds of tho territory to be incorporated in „ , I den of bridgee and jails and oharitiet Grady ctunty, are very much in favor | u d general taxei. ! Cupt. H. B Sutton of Cairo, was Wn regret to chronicle tbe illness of! here a few days ago the guest of thi O. Poll Poulk wlm is suffering with Is- j family of Ur. T. F. Dyson, grippe. . Mr. Joltu Rupp, living a few miles The poiatoee you planted before tUg fresxe are as dead as hector. Wa have a supply of Bliss Triumph's. Try ns for prioes. J. H Pullen A Co, Col. W. 8. Atkinson of Pallium, was here Sunday visiting his brother M. ;H. Atkin-on. Mr. W. H. Boswell and wife went np to Leland Sunday. Several of onr yonngmen, imitating the young ladies of Ocbloekoium,walked to Pelham Sunday evening in ride, bock on thetr.iln. The Board of trustees of the Cairo H-gh School held so impotant meet tog at which plane were selected for tbe new achool building which will be of brick and modern constrnction. Tbe building will have five recitation rooms, a music room and an auditorium with a •eating capacity of 300. Tlie contract will toon be let and the probability Is tbe new building will be completed in time to be occupied for tbe fell tern. Anti-Grady Letter. The Toces Enterprise is in receipt of school met at the school house to cell a letter against the new county from nud otherwise Improve the unm, Mon- eomecittara oftheCuiro neighborhood day found u. with a much Improved wbo writes with . trenchant pen. He • hous-a warm room, two new heaters, did not sign his asms however, and the mm n |h( , HTarl a other little l m - Ti hvs-Exterphise 1. therefore nuablq rtgnmmU Wc shall .how onr eppre- to publish Hie letter. If tbe author wll^ dlltl oa of this contrtba(lon , 0 furnish hi. name. ni. letter will receive oor TOofort hj 0Ut nrrio . cbe consideration it deserves, bat we _ : • _ ■ ■ The Wade-Bass Oompnuy of the Ly- canoot regard anonymous communion- ' * • There is bnt one kind of potato that is worth the ground it tocupiee. We have the seed of that kind. Buy from u- uuu g-t the right kind. ' J. H. Pullen & Co, eutertuinmentgo for a library for tho town we hope to see everybody in till* place uttcod tho entertainment. They patronised the two abow* that came a few day* ago which they had a right to do. Now, let everybody help ns to make the occasion Mnocess. . : WSSt .1 Rov Rnpp, who is making his mark in Center Hill school. Is pointing off decimals on a slate that his Grandpa Strickland need before the 60'a. Mill Maggie Duren, who was married on Tuesday to Ur. George Welling, of Thomasville. has numerous friends throughout tbe county end Is a young lady of sterling worth. The (happy ooople were the recipient* of many presents from their friends. They lof, oa the evening train for Thomasville, their future home. J.H Pullen & Oo.—they n il you tl , seel Irish potatoei at the right price. Miss Tabltha Duren of. TbonuaviUe, has been the gnests of relatives here fer several days.