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***** , ' . * '• f! fe
Ply.K*-ENTBRPR1' , B. TflOMA6VJLLK,,GE08GIA.FEB.{UARY,. 17 |lma
.. ; , ; ! ' ,' - T *' ; iL "
Qubsrnatortei Candidate Rea'lss to
All—ntlona of Hla Onaaaaat.
Atlanta, Ga., Feb, 11,ID05-A recent
, Cotton Convention ban Splendid At-
tender..' tfifleira * ffiJiteT ter
■edit Dr;Mreioy'» Lemon Wlglr lwny
—■TV. ! *vrr"—r—rr
** ___
rt* r i. i •
Tby, weather msu, evidently off-ndol
at tl^v 'njleftlotlona Isnoohed at Ills part-
n-rrliU> with Jupe Plovlus, - took Old
Boe*fif Into the trout yesterday. Sun
day iy»f another .one- of those rainy
dalles. MiinJjy morning people looked
throat jU unity*;wiu^otre »'
lnr rliy. ur.ivied .'same old story" and
OO-ed^notl.v 'bong ebontpineo’clook
sli- lii-rmcmieitr was atlaoted by a
sinking *i»-i. from which it failed to
n'.lr ' tVnli n in hoor it alnmped ten
degrees- A' «-,oi It hltW. bnt didn't
Stop didu't rvrn tvaltate, there. One qf
Show ,g tod nUhl looks shortly after
elnvu.i o'clock reviled 86. This Is
. w't >t Its .d iuis to other, parts yof the
cooa'ry. ,. ...
Etnaaa OHy. Mb. Febr It.—
tO ilgjhfo™ Mi'.t'tlr . 'iittteSOttt Ne-j
br.i* «, Kaos a, It**, the Dikotaa.
Ool John H Bs ill, f candidate for gov
eyncr saying among <lth!»r things that
•*fba rid(^W WtthWf !h» «P
pritli MV.' Howell and tiie other faction
tyith Ihenikt StrougHat cnid'flato.V :
’On being atiowatbeabore and asked
for a state in ifrft' concerning it, Mr.
‘Olark Howell anfd.v, t V '' '
' "I pm oyhgnd’jto.lroJO'iel ;Kfflll foy
his admlrshm that I am..the strongest
candidate jUi {liy ol^jrjy ( dpes ,tn h's
s'.itenient as to 'the negtstroniu.tcm-
didste'—in hu reference to me
"To that cutout t'agie* «l|k the posi
tion taken by Colonel Krtlll »nd my as-
s'orauces from yrcry part of thji state
load me to believe that lie is not.ans-
taken. ■]" . ,j
‘‘I do not kuow where Colon.1 Ka'ill
gets Ips information that the railroads
will probably ‘line npwith Mr. Howell,'
though I confess that Tor tlm peat twen
ty years he has never hesitated to bo-
come a spokesman for the ( railroads
whenever any nalliti etfectiug ihctr
ill erest ham me. under consideration.
1 do not critiqlH) Ids past nfntndo, bt:
csnse aaa promise s railroad .director
and stockholder ho had a percent’, right
to his opinion. . Bat I know tliaidpnng
my long s.-rrice In llielegislatui e Colonel
Estill lias been almost luvarlably oppa*
ed to sncli mesaorta aa sought to make
the railroads hear the'r part of (lie bur
den of taxation and to compel them to
yield'to the rate-mat ijtff power of a
railroad o mmls.ion. ( t ,
"1 believe lie not only opposed the es
tabllehmectof the railroad commission
itself, bnt when wo were fighting for Hie
fruui liive fax li s opposition had (o bo
Combatted. When, as a member of tin,
I each District- Mr Nortetti Wpt' Ak-
tend SUM Convention. M '
emu Speaks.
AOTMiord lot-'v id ii m lamiur/, at*
•kanyu and Okl thorn»»ay that nnn«aally
ool I weatlier.prevails.
?>*•: t t ,
Tin* fotlhwftiB id oporsthcee are re
port^.' <U'h>*gt4. H .Psnl—M,Kansas
Oity N.Uklahb'M tr OteshsUlfi. FWr-
gna PtTSfUUnn.'-ififi 8-fcfi
** - ai 1 , at,.: i' si- * i "
O'. mV t 'ri.irit i
M . Sunny Chilly. South, .....
V< il,r III *b itrii li ading the Plsm-
tag'r. N J. Oe.u i-rrrtqintM at |ength
issn- ;»f the Tnuu Ex-
Moran who aid
ter at Thomaerllle,
r want to get rM of
gpo'illlUjt the winter i
Qenrgia, where' t-b -r went to get rld | ol
Janr.Friiet, II it III-t Jack hat hie in-
■Inga down there a* well aa In Ntw
ger*^. Mr, F.r.'i Aids he has tha
goo i‘grill of thn-e warm-hearted Booth-
orn v-onle. an'\ .A, ugh Jack Froet may
play prank* mi tha foontain, -wish
Which tbsy'hayo N-autifiad their ooort
hooed front, the pr-i lntbf hit northern
onUriMaelytt thecti ll and horror of tha
War of the no belli • i bare not f rosea
Oyer their hearts' bn .they still kiiow a
geatlamvt whan the -in-e- one and that
heir Votfo do wp” i-hivalry and ln[
pllaUtf. Is the time a c’uiraotanaed the
Sootlerri) gentry half a n-alary ngo .
attended. In spite of the bard rain that
fell from eirly morning tilt night, neat-'
!> SOOjfarnpr-e catne to express them;
selves on t ho cotton sitnatlon
' 1 Cnpt. N. B. Speugler oPBust. u, pres-'
idliug of the Ooomy Farmers' InttUnte,
presided over me moetmg as chslrman,
with soji-etary E, 11, Whaloy in this
place. j . . i i
Col. 8. G McLendon wae called od
flfa’tklkjind to. txptaia the' proposed
system of trended warebotuea. Mr. Me-
Leudon showed by a presentation of faota
end figures ilist cotton is of the greaie.t
poisibls iatportaace, to the baslnesk
ninu as well as-tlie firmer of the soar.h,
aud that it is in the poWerhf (He faTmetb
lb bring liundredssit millions of dollars
into l/te suntir by holding their cotton
imd canning the price to rise.
Tlihrecomrndalieus of the Hew Or-
le-.ns cotton couvmitlon were adipted
uunminunaly ey.p. iisug vote. Kin,',
farmer that voted, pledged , himself to
reduce lua otyi apioa o Hi percent per
mule, • ,
Very exltauilire diacuslou . wae h id
on ways aud moaua of uitkiug the re-
duettiju actual aud general over, the
oonnty. - It was finally agreed to sleet a
chairman and a secretary for tea mi
litia district iu Trcmms oonnty . ud to
hare fheae officers call a meetii , of the
farmersol ilietrdistrlou. Tne... meet-
Holly Springs, Miaa, March n, loo;
' While bunding railroads la Tennesse-
some twelve years ago a number of Bands
contracted, fever and..«asiona/onas oi
blood end skin diseases. IcarHedS. S.S
-mmy enttimisaary end gave it tfimy.htmlf
an- I AI1 “ rcul: r-xperiences. iu veuiurj. i , ~.,_ u
$ 1 baft:'•bleb. While! ££&
>loo(i tod skin disea«ef. W.I.McGowax warm from previous um, bit bera packed
on the t\:Cgt, ‘where ih*y beet
Mot a Pleasant Experience with the
Temperature at 78 Degrees 1
— of Freet.
it costs rouNoTcmt to mesr^m.
There is no one who does not need x*
Liver Medicine occasionslly.
The symptoms of Liver Complaint are
we.i known to every one, each as coned-
Sudd Aly the milt lifted, and the tem- .
perature. which generally rose during a
gale, by this time bad fallen to 7S de- j
frees of frost The first squall brought nation, dyspepsia,' lots of tppedte, sleep-
drift eaow, and.wo suffered greatly from - tessueasrheadaebet e-tirea teeHog end - >
frost blue, while rreurieg our little nuny others of a similar nature. _
camp, writes Cl B.I Bereh jrevjnhs. In I Tliousandi dig anjwaByfcy noth«eding
‘Antarctic Experiences." In Cettury. I the^warnings of r
ebponiq disease
which they never recover.
I 'Vf>rbd jgrtntly from Boils, whicli
eoule let-Sb £i on dilTrrent parts of ray
kitdyk S. fi. advertised and after
alxiui three bottles I was cored.
flat and frc::n h_._, — —
gale'VtV-pfhtif ill tv 1 ? bi'd to tiiiW
•hard,'so that when i
stives gr-dnai
used the degt
: us v - had to thaw our- We believe that we can eormnoe' ayry...
iFlate-ObrnbagB. Awftrws : tairrtjir J:T phj-ih.ri.thrt thmofano.bef-
!cgs to thaw out the lists- tcr.n.ramlyjor' the Liver kAown, than .
tnd for the last.tbree year* have had ne I f cr ''pht , aTw’yslItFd to rr li upca Dr Toacher's Lh-er and BloodI Bvrap,
^117 Keijd SU
I yourS. f* prolkab'.y tcu
wit MnUrin ami *tIo«*el doubles,
ufli jr-fkvi-tl vu j^cxk! lh it I h.ivc
i ylr * dr; for m
were It tut a Ihrotrn aw.-.j; a-.a p,xt’(. nandelion. Sarsapnrilla.'OeistMSl, -''
they'wf.nW turn roubfl art rouac o-er ' seaua aud Iodide of Potassium, Yog ,
It, that they, prrrc . warr^rr -. knew just 'what yon are taking. How *
eve con-j there than on the nnoiv. When liter we i many other formulas of a liver mCdidne
1- threw Lar'tfUVu 4n"Cif,si:_t.-. to - 'ale ppbihdscd? .Ask yourdruggistabout .
oi -,i:i j doje g-acrtlly clustered togct nr nai ' th : ,. Itis already prepared and can be '
n^udili.:l». 1? far i;,,- .'il id o'.iur. , them at caco. andaoon afttr wr ecu. t
,hqHre m-. - eg gfi.-;t : -;.lno,ip<infic;, , |
wStedkc i‘hC C. IlStdSoti-av. j : n -- ‘to- «*•*»«• wsr Oirr «, In
. ., - ,i : * , Wirr^st, astf wetooK .-alogeln ottrtlecp-
, Boil,, abscesses, seres, ;Jaft cf yellow 1 '?s in the tent, from wl Irh.vrr were
iplotches at|<! O.cblllt/, arc aca;o of tUe, net ab!r to extrlrfctv/iur^h •" for the
lytuptoms of tin* ‘-lisefabl*: disc-we. ; next thrfr nljthtfc aud days, l:» which
3. S. S. cntttiltrtrts mid retudvM from ib*j ! time we expected the lcy,f!oorberrxth
blrXMl imjMJr.- b rf:i K- tip at any Tr.oment. Our rllk — - . -- .
ties and poison. : frB , # „y d „„ ^, th „ d „ fr f„ s .‘ ■ strenglH, as Liver Medicine in dry fornr,
J both from cmr breath and from th» beat, ami wiUktq> in any climate,
■Stan^dk^rel i *1™ »« '»' tffr lanti-n; athlchlaycrof
17 vctiqtable reset*• frott aonr. covered thf Inner walls of th«
ay!Wni&torfeed ^tent. and beautiful anow etretAlsshone
!cal advice or any J dfwn oo us through the rrntll' t!oo hole
special Infortha- l n the baa. Jhe ,<*r!' t r snr bu’ieU tho
tfon about caae. t ^t 2nd t*':: ezc»t ;. ;‘:i "C Utl u? «utt
the Specie Ooaipawy. Atlanta, 6a. 1 eftonsrh ?r.aer ferevr Treplrp 1 The
'dirk which we f -ed on
' IT 1 t*jose rr.ct white fields was bxtud cut.
ke turrs In star,
present being axetb
Wnen ther* used to b«*a of wn- ^ fductfcSQthlrf bvtjc
easiness *nd worry 'n thf household whi a J tfcrce nlfj^.a in j
. had to tali
a ch’<ld showed symptoms of croup. thFta j our§ to p
is now pf rf<
to the un* or
Oou^b Rem
dls as*. Mr . M. I. ganoid, of Tooles- Wonlte with the rare of th: b'lszard
ville, Md.. n speakhig of
■lie usr ol that remody says. “1 has* Idle- the ttht. anil with illlllcclt.v wo
a world'of confidence iu Ciui'nbrrl.tin's prt;:ar:d a va:a ..tiL L-l In
dv. for I have used it with -'•'V 1 ? * l “ ck '<> °" r fleers,
perfect succrs's. My >bl.d Gotland
token itnmcdiab
xhcetrenglh is’;:"trscled in the most
. filial! manner, ccrtaiaJy superior to any
powdered preparation known. (Wcalso
♦.naifuincturc a Liver Meylicinc in pow
. dcrcjBform, with which any dnigj^st can
sjpjfl you, but this, like all other dry
Liv^uedicincs requires preparation.)
l>r. Th acker’s Liver and Blood Syrtrp
is pleawant to take, docs not lose its
keep i ,
Your doctor, however skillful, could
prescribe nothing better.
There is' no oppe * “
to make a mistake i
tioa, or a drus; clerk 1
in compounding the same, (besides a
■2: ctcr’c l ill anu the cost of the medi-
dai.) You can be absolutely sure of the
proper proportion being in every dose.
l)i. Tfcocher’s Liver and Blood Syrup
ls:r* liccn used with the greatest confi-
*!f.;ee and success iu thousands of homes
foroi years, and is prepared by a rha-
■ tn» Vh
i writing a prescrip*
: to make a mistake
_1_, | ri:tcf Wycnrs* experience, in a !zbo*,
», w_y. i e [r .tvsiy equipped wiili the psoid modem...
-•02 oo allappliances for tlie most perfect safety.
perfect safety.
dm vot nmttrrttdkd pour emo*,
* ¥rr« s tmplr botilm mom- ,
Jftuflh 4 Hook.” flit*
Ifr ttmplp osL thftt
» jrprhsc. H tTknutc ttkiu
ALL iinvodiars.-
BO crnU and $i.9H.. ' " ’
Ciiktttanoaga, 'T?rm. ‘
Kortbora Tox.*-. ta li> i Territory, Ar- liousu I wax nclively nuruontlug i|i«ias-
“ ' 1 ■' *“ sage ol tlio bill iitvlug I lie right to the
comities to tax railroad propery, bla
olariou voice ait an ".Inti our^urstianlst”
Waa Hot bstunt. H a'r co 1 baa boso cun*
sisie'bt aud pemiueui un the oilier side,
aod 1 qlieerfally, stand upon mine u a
member of loth'lion—, for i supported
prao'iioallr every ueuanre ■ lust (file new
ly dlaoorerad a'uti-corparaiioDin . op-
IXMrd. ‘
"Personally, I feel eery friuiidly to
Oo 00.1 Estili, Lud I atioulilHot now wy
oren tins much, worn It ndi for (Vie fool
that be liat gdue ont of biawayto make
aujdat and entirely'oHcallad for 1 refer
ence to me. 1 J
If Uolouei Estill dote' Hot believe I
xnow liti tenird, I sfuigtr*’him ample
opportonltf before the campaign I* over
to dei.ud aouie of hi* very -o.auy cor
poration pleadlngtfor the past twenty
years, maHj at srbtoh I bare had fre-
qnsntly to oombat aa a' number off he
legislature. I am entirely oentented to
measure reoorda sriih him oo thkt point
Mr. Hstroll farther eare that he fiat
not yet e'smaeuojd a i active campaign
and tint he wilt, be ready to disc ass
Ool. KattU’ereoord after the hot eommer
aud leglsladre sees!on are over.
Blond if ntoniin.
Ml** Jm4s . Biac
boa*. njMglis #•».
foil flawing on tn- ft,.
•ar’e boirdtag
■ harping soot
-ifthe npstsire
ball aol ouimI con -ierable oommo
Mod tmtog the gouts. The fire hone*
Made a^ britf plaon op, tha middy
Mops of Jaoiteon etrnt,^bet.b single
banket of srater *sa<& ted to qaell the
Sam ik : Olilef Blast th iaj a that Anting
the last' throe kresks the department
baa had*S SHddhy ‘ran*', the only one* (a
bo last two ' years, 'save 'one. Wet
WtathneMMUyfeiaie iouaaaltr from
SMAM.I sV.iI - «>« >, '■' •«
Mr S^- parltoi nt,thq.ftouMOt oom
maeliy.^ry In flu cirjt m Monday-
Ho wat qq hit yay iiqnu from Oolqoitt
oaaty, qHt foqod Uu. OpMqakaaMiW
wollen jiy ^t- Toeeat nina, that ha
•oald aot oroat it to reaeh Ma hngea,
Ha therefore rata rned p. Oolqoitt where
bin wife aud baby are »t4M|s xwlep—.
and will ipqga tbere.aatU gfae rlr.r
Pity Attorney W. 0 Snedgrate and
Ool. 8. 0. McLendon came home Satur
day morning from Atlanta. Ou Thursday
they argued the cesa of ThomatriUe'a
contested electric lltht election before
l'*e Georgia SopremoCourt. They were
able to change piaoee oo the docket
witli a oeae on the Stone Mountain cir
cuit, otherwise this due would probably
not have been reached no til next week.
Mr. Sncdgraaa spoke about BO mlnotea
and Gql, MoLenfion, halt an hoar. Be-
dfiee the oral, arguments briefs 'were
preeented.The oaeo will be decided
posnblv by thefijth of th* .month, oer-
lilnly within the next thirty.days. Tha
people will then know whether or aot
the election waa legal, and whether or
not the city has a fight to, borrow mon
ey for n municipal electric light plant.
At tlusc meeting-, erery farmer who
la williug todecreaSB Ilia aciesgd and
fertiUxer b> IU percent will be asked to
•lgu au agremeut to that effeetj. The
Tim -t Exrtapuus hu. offered ' to
pilut tlie blaokt ne.-eswry, and fn addi
tion, to print a copy of the blahl^iu the
paper ea that any .farmer whole enable
to attend the meeting csu.ajgn the
agreement and emd it to Ida district
Ma J S. Norton of Boston who electj
od as delegate to dig fiats cotton con
vention, to b» held tn AUtnla, and Mr
E. B. vt holey of Boston waa elected aa
his allaraato. i - * 1 ' .
Tlie following are the dUtriot offioera
elected. They are splendid eelecttous:
J. S. Norton, Prea
F. W. L-bk, Sect.
W. J. WUlb, Prea
Oarriugton. area
B.M. Beach. Prea
A, O. Dickey, 8ees,
Jolm Pilober, Prea
O. B. Saaeer, Sect.
• WAY.*.
D. Holland, Proa
J. K. P. Martin, Foot.
T. W. Lewie, Prea
D. Franklin, 8eot. team
J. R. Wright. Pro*. '
F. J. Miller. Seol
J. P Gay, Pres
P. L. Pierce, Soot.
R Slngletarr. P-es.
J 8. Ward, Sect.
John Beverly, Free.
K. W. MoKinnon, Sect.
', 8PEN0E.
J. A. Pope. Pres.
M. Pope, Sect.
ah' by W. J. i •'
lags wilt be held at tlie voting ivo.iocte «ubj~ct to r-vereatcicke ol creep and It heart of a^mh^-’-t <?fc*r Jrtrv*tc Me t .To''rtc’-;!!*ify‘ \pt>T
ofracliduilirtoiihsturdsy. Feo. Mil . » ,w r* ‘" , ' 5 " Pfcmpt icMei." For, r »w. The ('oca wsvr .--:a.>*.ftrl; sjOt fd .• '
% ■ ■- • ■ i .!• : h i. t Uir.pivXtion
In Ten Dry-.’VV .
Sati rxvl^.l
Tnit -U»/Klji-AU.r.b 1 . ‘
| under. Some of them had eaten the j
-strips of their harness >n order to freo ;
themselves; but thty .were . still un-
. AOENT8 WANTED-^jlOper .work; *ble to more, being fAi'n to.the Ic*.'
good oppirtonity for adyqijreuient. j . :—L: — '
Aoeeerquick Girethyee reference*. SATURN'S SATELLITE.
Onriuw negro hook 'Hells like hot ngooTerj "taTlM® Hag Only of
cakftJenkir s. Herwl A Ck>.. >J8 fit | ' Lau Received Anthentte ,
" > - VIA''
ROAD. ' l
One ct the moet leureetlng recent
attronomlcil dlsitvcrle. (a ., that at
Phoebe. Uk ninth eitelllte'of Saturn,
~%announrcd In 18W by Prof. AVI!Him It
1 PtcueriUK. as been lound on
phu'o-r.'Hhs made at the Harvard uni-
,i ' j verslty observatory, at Arequlpa. In
Only solid Pullman train with oiser-j
vation and library care from F oridaio furnish a satisfactory determination of
7.P. SMtemofKanaa fiat Oeelidge,
p«t thereof of the KltehoU Ream to-
L vwn him and the imla, San lay.
Baptist Mlealonqry -|a Thomae-
Rev. R. Vt. Kubanka, of Quitman,
missionary of the Mercer Baptist Ambd-
hMoa whs ln the city yesterday oq his
»ay to Ochioukcne*. Mr. Enhanks will
opt.i < -ovaral weeks trtet^g to Thomss
, Musical Card.
Ur. Frederic J. Litcom^e from New
York who is to be organist end choir
master of the'. St. Thoms* Episcopal
ehnreh doting tha winter will give' loo.
sons on piano, pipe organ and votos cat-
tyre at reasonable rates. Otessss now
apou. For partimUrs call at Mrs. K. L
Browna, Jackson St. 1
St. Lnsils, Otiloago, the West aod North
west with much qaioksr lime i.«ui via
any other line.
All uieala la dining car, Service a la
carte*t dining oxr service in the
Leave St. Aognstin* dally 8:80 a. m.
Leave Jacksonville daily Silk) a. m.
Arrive Ohtoago Dost day 4:10 p. m.
Arrive 8(. Louis next dsr 1 :M p. m.
Also through Pullman drawing-room
slooptng oars pally from Jacksonville on
A. O. L. 8:05 p. m. train to Birmingham
Nashvtlls, Evansville, St. Loois, Uhl.
cago and 8:55 train lo .Pensacola, Mo
bile and New Orleans.
If bast terries is dsslred ask for lick-
etsviaLAN. -‘TrS
for rates, Pa’lman rererjHikiss, etc.
call on or.write -
Fla. Past, Afant,
106 W. Bay St JackKOUYille, Fla
•••in i,
rV*<i«lr«, flinplf*,
l..srr»pQI» Hisek-
sny skin eriiptmo.
Now Parlor Car Service, Thomuvllle
to Angustn
Leave ThomatviUe 5:15 a, m.. Parlor
Oar to Jesop. Sleeping Oar with Din
ing Oar Servloe Jetnp ;to Aognsta, ar
riving at Aognsta the same day at 1 11:45
p. m. This Is the qniokeet and most
convenient wav to.rexch.'Anguita.
Returning, leavs Aognsta at; 10:Sq p.
her orbit.
Confirmation of th* discovery has
been long delayed, probably because
the planet has been crosilng the re
gion of the milky way, where sure .
ore so numerous that IU verification '
would be difficult. Naturally astrono- beSL'rZ.JZikl
uurs had beiome somewhat skeptical resdsy*.CwVmitieskinr&ar.soti.brattby
as to Phoebss real exislenc?. su.-.-r-t- l-rlre'wTfa
log that some mistake might have true iiy Mdins drns'sUi'.'ur "nun.
been made In interpreUng taint spots J FgBSly.'ta-. e „ p,,!, T.nn.
on the photographs. , | soid^n^n'inuuviii. bjr n. rhoiiuu. Jr. and
But complete confirmation ccmee at sli imtii»u.
last In a Harvard bulletin Just la-.iiel. 1
staling that ihs satellite hse been
found again upon numerous Arequlpa
plate*. It of which, made In and Since
last April, furnish th* elements for a
reasonably accurate prediction of It*
The calculation of the orbit la well
la hand, and th* results will be gtren
In a volume of the Harvard "Annals"
•con to appear. The Sfctetllte Is ex
tremely email, probably ton faint to
be seen through any Hklsting teles*
cop*, but we can photograph what
cannot be seen. ** •’
As to Its orbit, all that can be said
St present Is that the distaarc 'from
the pier, t mat bs between 7.V.S.00©
and 8,00i>,0vt> miles, and the period of
revolution about 17 months For fur
ther and more precise Information w*
must* finished computations
Of the ala aatelllte* discovered dur
ing the last century all but the aatel
llte Neptune, were found by. American
aatronomere—the seventh satellite of.
iV ^ iff mA.- ffl p
A Little Advice About Diemondt
When a person buys Dia
monds, he wants nothing bat
the best They are one of the,
do: ’
8aturn by Bond In 1819;* the two satel- tilintrs that don’t nsrilllt of
lltea of Man by Hall In 1877:- Jopl- .i,Jj' '• ft;" ' ! ■ _ 1 :
tsr* nateiute by Barnard la.ttsj. and --hoddmess. Dtamjads, UfC ,
~ • emblems of purity and sincer- ,
iiy. You can’t afford to have
now Phoebe.
Mad Made a Changes
! lie emblem faulty, our Dia-
“Iant there something In my policy." , , t _ -1
inennnreone*the .uouds are beautiful. Come,.
m. Through Slekpbr Augusta to Waj- 3lller dwr> ",boat my 'having to report' l and side.
Wheu you want a phytic that U mild
and gentle, easy to talcs and esrtaln to
act, always use Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tsblst. For sale by. J. W.
Miss K'j. Brewhmld of Oferretten
K .*, (s the ae-et of Miss Louisa Hajas,
, ox Broad strata.
cross, areirlsig st Waicrosi 8:05
Leave Waycrou in PoUman Day Car
arriving at TkomaaTUle 10:80.
See Ticket Agent at T. J Bottoms
T.;P. A’- Thomaiville. Ga
Bids for City Stock Feed.
Jam 14, 1005.
Sealed bids wUl be reoetvea tar feed- , . _
. . _ _ Jasper-l.oftea wonder why Jenkins
Inf Of toe etty stock to be opsaefi oo tM ts not more popular, for hs Is the most
first regular meeting of council in Feb-! polite man I know.
nary. City reserves tha right to reject j „ J >>“P«PP«-Th*t *» i«t the trouble.
***** ’ * ***” I He Is to confoundedly polite he leave*
shy change of retldence? ”
"Tee. sir" said the man at the nearest i
(’sek. picking ap a pen. "Where have*
you moved toll'
"I haven’t moved anywhere." rejoined
tt;e,caller. "I hare mate a change In my
residence by palnUng It a light strew col
or and putting a chimney pot on the
kitchen chimney. I think that's an.
flood day!"—Stray Storiss.
' ' *EWELER 1 T ' : r' : "
any or all hide.
dwtd 20hm.;pobliok>rop.;0om. 2
th* Impression that he wanU to bor-
row mnn*r—Town Thnlrt
This distressing ailment resuUs. from
a disordered condition of the stomach.
All that is assdrd to effect a, core Is a
<Iom or two jot Chamberlain's iSt-imach
and Liver Tablets. In fact, tbe attack
l may be warded alt, or grrafly lessened
in severity, py taking a dose of these
> bor- • Tablets as soon a. the first symptoo of
.. _ I Hn attack appears. Sold by J. W. Pea-''