Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 24, 1905, Image 1
"pi /fpffCa* as ■T-rr^ —1 - - .1)130 'c^-v >33'/3D. 3SUTAHIM. S'iriOA.*?WHT£^.',; ' | Ik V- 13n|:j If3 ft ft nmr, -i^Enb'. South j Georgia' ftvogi^jULB'UR 0 i ^mo^m u* m' : ■;. - *3 ; ^^T " ' - - 1 ■ -- ■; »: l^?sapjoMA«v i,in mmi/iMM,.. ■ ■■» ..*w 2 j. >'* 5*" RY *4. «jo$' ■In^ -jX'T I : i vc i ■■:■- => >' T .ord-vlv* : >; New Series, Vol; XV-'-No. xs. .1 \ijtaa.. *!: uvtittf " ] - wEawa Ss-riJfVTitf H&getmoiD r.. / ,13 uss F ittm tiiri «H!i,1 j Wj!<*uiri-.-3 r-.a«-aS.' tatj I» f;* ,***,' ‘ 2’’' ? 5 ''‘ | vit or fcxnirhs mx I a no elites t nsrfV ■P 1 ' 1 «• *4 ♦*« iniwuMmn - ,s.iatfS Vj t)th ! ti't.rsd odw uni r.'iro »dl no ball Sfptf it’1 >‘£ fcsi SraS *4% .uSjsO r*** WB yaWSSST toJ >■ | ■ T'«’11w»i«*£: X n.xiMMiniiaa»i boe >f:,vi drive f^lsv j jut<1 £*u4 fj m oiTixf naiab owi aerioa h*.l Sunjutnl METC ALFE SPEAKS, . w * AGAINST NEW COUNTY * *•*«»» awdrteL ■■PP •# jwcteft, Messrs. McIntyre and Smith Will ta .. _ iT*; T f lol begun *•«**»* swica^ajHAii xciixTuh, . , i ■Mil I Stt 1lLinllM> - . Mtn0 hK-l s. T .at r.:ui pt* bayiniuoMS or Jjilhswt >01 t 9(1. iJ.’JOJ yiaigatri'f in 3ccjr.i:in„e wiui ! -jr, l>r tljtfgf *ithrtlV6ttt«'l, 1 5" •■■'- ZSS&r-twAMiMrw ;«i , er who can j»«ibty <» x ol i'-jJijjFHMbtoWho , - * eWtO rsisMhcM^ 6fi™ lh« ’^«MftfcftitaaMil nwwr^fei^ The TijftatftrtaWPRMi-irUCpriJit Mfl ulankio witbootjcoat to on ,ait} .■rp y H V todV - gel .mail auiv^AMhKiJtiiHiwwl^ ^ hiT * i , [ »,P^ilctot^Wbwll' i bo<BU’1 *W^WI;W¥> »«>«)- , thl» Dated tor the oBoo ol iint UwtMMBt m,de * o< j ». ter... ,tu. ,«bj» Ot the^^VhonuwTUli^Ga»hi^,”.iUliir••*.''^ >, **'^ 0*(4M#ut gi i/lfr.,**»: -»«>»; pmith for rf*i^ > msmmMm*** Wr Sit' "‘ J ' J • i *T-o7oin\r«Sa>M M «N' l *«w»* «ei.»M «r ^ Mut :: w&"q*mb (bmuhO ipw*rti»« pi tfjfo, 'liptyktjgfa i *«*•„*<<&!& tmtfi*Pbg mum oo toforoart begiaulng toi ilWM.. WMi-,-,.. r- , - ...... mliiMloo ot <lw. ^■Mt^y^^g***** xiXfifj- 'ri,. .,,.,. riftj re.ign,,tionr wure 50x. Ooao^r tlilrt/ iX^ra iffaiQlt t&S.ita.nfrfiiiin r 0f -i .tort *«»|0iMt«a4ak«iM*i«lik«t on alt «Mw op.Siatu‘d»j,F»brn _ ktw wimtqrto old in the (rent ^*y^** V ' mwUilit' too* * bhinge .AF^glt, .^^^ptpltlpp .1 ^ nmi 4rtT i ; f ‘siuiiut numst: of j.. -.rl acx •>-U Wditional .iForm of ^gSgagyBMK-saaaasg iPliw*. • Te-^ft• * Si’n ti 2 *rc n» ) .C^bS r now own.. ,.: tales ot cotton. I iotendlto liold sold cotton, , until,., .nnlets. fit the meohilme it' Osn 'ie liold tor 10 cents * -p*r'iipotidj,«i4da«« task. • * i •'•- •■'■■ '• ■ ■, "I; request eroryjoot<onpUntor In the eontjt to tion ,0 .similsr pledge, ot the common welfsre. •» l, ; ; :vraoi<i§v. sassttn Witness )0A3\ (SW7T1HW "i!ii "';'.. 2^ir. i MLcijt • di of »d ■• Ir/orle ^ ) vd "b? t lq "" CaiTTir/iTSTr* a f».flw « '.1 . '. V ';i ■mm is hot fetdilitt 'w.lth^he ossoj bjt tho goaorsl oplnlon hf the people seems ttrta lFut taxes : W1U be ponsidentblr highef thth st present pod also ,tlmt the white voters will he left .slmpst,, ,lf not anility iu'minority. T]>e protabUl- t, dt the latter even! being the tase Is uoiuln»te, ..»hl|t'hle 1 . .soAnSsert.- 1 After oarefplly , going over. tho matter Cap. .tain Brown was askfd to withdraw"'^ leslguatftjy, ^tjspsttemporamp" sufflolini to caoae every man who_rar.Jn.C9mmQ!loftbeoompaiiy for a thort' ^ spoors hli rfglitsaad privileges and thc^t time, pud it Is onderstood tiiat Messrs. of' Ids feUowman to rise In rebel!lpn .arklnst each a change and do aU tn ltip ! power to prevent It. Saws Ipipa every jouo will seo the folly of See^', sliest on to'ihlportarit a matter U lierrtB fiREE7YBITS- pT fi-ji/O! 9dj iihiupl! \b)tn4fl ioereiep 1 'to,the end of tbpir pilgrimage. jr. 9*. Brooks ccrnntyj 1 m. 9* •&&**. JWAt b# * ,a Y' -f*™*" and one pi the most sncotssfiU was WUmtillig, taainosg i» mrwjm Mr. and Mie. J.' q, Connell''are visit ing relatives In.Ooijloclioneer '' ,v: :v , T:f" J-f\ i .i|»l. (l l. mooths '.week,- . again ...ran the J edlteial, rhansgenfeht ofIttie.Boston Department of this paper. Doting, his -entoroed mllretoOM many clutngea have Iheen breughtln »nd sround this vicinity, . fH3 j whicli have been nbly chronicled by my .j ••oyerfejs^” the Boston jTlame; si.-'en; Olvtontrsgslas.ot (jeflsrsen: county 1.0 Pf.|B4^S«?«5 Uw Sstardsy boy. Wish :^ 0 ? d * : “ d o* h «" ta ^ M. Comfort, president of the Com- Co., wtts called Ho Kow on bnsjilesO 1 "''’ a real estate changed' hands' iitit In our city, and oiir opinion'is lotemplstei uukliig >ges in thh ne. r fn ' f. I'vu, ,-tr-h ; Messrs,' lOartopi;-* Dsviion, who " '12;jhave becu tu eor jetty! some weelts sab- ' * lug atjulitint; machine, left tor Atlanta, ; their home, last Satnrdiy.' Dhrinfe their star tcev were tlio gnests o'rithd Hoberta Iioose. ' ’ in ] Miaa Do|lie Weldon, of Whlgham. ■ ■ srsa transacting be sine** in Boston last Tuesday. , - Cards pra out announcing'the ap proaching suptisia of Dr. J. W. Moody, of Boatoo, and Liu Bcttio Groover on Wedneadav gvening the 22nd at the J jhome of the latter’s mother in Brooks 1 county.' This writer whonld say that no more ansptcioos event baa been chronicled to take place within his reool : lection. The woold-ta-grocsn is a k young dentist and ono of the most skill- ■ yulmtd soooessfnl that Boston baa ever domiciled, and a yonpg man of Im- _i ; i II Ui pvuachabla character and belonging to o'<i -i aa bSnential famUy whose name has aksmd lbs pages of history. Tbs woold-hs-kslde Isa daughter af Mia VirumlaL GroovmandpomeMss tooa. *••»**««*' graom rnvm, »0 motor «■*•*£«» 1 - ■• --.s. rrr .Ls usaka hoc r -^ -^WBfeotoarttilyparadise. Wewish li siek al'Kis >«*tUUnceonr£asc iJeffars •ddb'etrtati-'w^w! aij am-s.lfdteiUv Judge W. M: Jdnce, our gpod 0rdlu^-' fy, was vtsIHng "tils son, J."m! Jones last 9stnfday atidSnudny. im KAtj.ini •■•Ve/vtrwlY/\at,s»in' afMdta lent ! kt 1 .- rmalloyvd happiness, and may th*y «. meander thstr oooxse In sMsevaasaodbt •life, that no targid waves will eogart’ . their matrimonial barpee, tat 54..J S^. 11 r^sh mihnjatMt fnafiu-s ire 'CstetSr • UKouliyftlie^ Doll Stanton, the posf wr&r, 6$M* Jp; Uua Constitution wrote in a lath ) issue of the paper, that . wipter was a great ; blusterer, but be cptUd act rumple me roses is thebeautiful garden of memory, tasottfnl thoofHt-?;^ ^ &*•"*<•■■■ t' K i' ; ty "U-f'StyOCsuA .■ r Mias MaggtoBhnuy who baa been, visiting tarstamr,wMrs! Walter Jen- nlngsst Jsmung. hTa., after W pleasant ktalot .a.month: bm.iifimfa'/tfifo'' greatly , to lbs delight .gr liyr..many jfl'trjj o; 'tuxiz-i i . Ji-A. Horn vltttad her paints, last nreek.i XVO regrff to chrsotcln the aioknesa Mclutyre and .Smith will acoopt the .Ht'-ts suggested wlien thev arefbrmall' jsleoudt, them., ,, n The two new, men on splendid sol. tilers. , Me. McIntyre.received luY mlli- taiy training at fl.e Virglnhi' Mlilttiry Institute, and Mr, 8mUh at ^arnsevUle', where Ujjsas an o<Do«r In the tfnae to Udfuntd it WU( be forruch a change to be made, Mrs. CibUhtiibw and family left Wvd. nesday 'for St. Peter>barg Fla. wlie.e lUd hit slater Mm. J. S. Smith bore last r.l, ia-iesT/Yl Kt .St-pect Y? •,■ y We are glad to note tiid improved dondltioh of those who : hato soffsred the ailiok of Liigrijppo! to' pteValent W this sictlon during the last two wtaks and hope thsobange in ttU weather wili restoro the osoal good health to tho one time oaitdo of the Gcaris. Tlie'company is being tl oroughly re'- _ ., . . . orgauit.J.' DimtatoU wUl be ssk i ®- f U»lefen,nBle ? ,..nd fornolcis than thirty of W\£& ^ VT*"?. ^ ^ T member, of the command 00 the ground “JJJ* of their (non attendsnoo of drills, _A,| In tho propo^ Breafdtolof harawtakta «a.tta.'<ta|M“v?c£‘" the faithful before Od K wlU b* ln oot.i^il*^ ^ ^‘ ll ^ ^ W 1 ® S P 0 ®* 1 tt^UYMtWAAmal- «tatartioa:ouI^».^S»#?^? “W “ 1 it rf' Mat. c, .^ fbiSb,»taT.kbs ?Of thei. m PdftOknJanlMonviUo ymd ofher tu^V «»t«a.r'„ ,1 % kkV 0 * ’rtth.HfcJgfl. Mpntfprd If^t galuiday fora soveral d»y» hut In, theftatlwooda. «,,ij jj ^ —Mr. and Uri. Ed Castleberry of Mayo Ma. 1 iuif visiting relatives near town. »]jip ;Adimi»,rf'^otiddU-*isltlng MNP JvTp Commit,.. j " Messrs Stringer tgid Mauldin of Cairo ww-i j T 14 ioa bp-James Dttao.of : Thpmgsv^ SfSSHSB^iv^ . .. nullavr^aM-j,-.s ia-JM8W»f Qt.8n)ft Bf FfBfc; Mm. a ». OovUtytoi. ofThtA, ■Miwmks i.iJ .wodoj i,. livilaiPSoA-^i wUYmi mi. ms)i dfMr.'JIM.aonelijdho at. this' writing Mfs'+A'A! Futoh and Misa Mattie Thomas Visited In Boston- BatOrdavend sio: aSl licu jiiij't io. : ...My. /ohn .M.i'lfupDg niade hls natal caUik* .MaysviU* Saturday Aid Sunday,' ’"'tdisi JidlttBdwkrda returned Wedtlesi day from atr di'cendotl visit to relatives lb Lldyd, x • !<••- ! 10) v!,iat.I X! 1»:[C4 Srls potegr.ii*t/fiVBosoms' streets Isst BtstdrShy. ‘ ’ ' - jSolsday-Wttbhhi'famUTheio. Harry'Uugford ^Ousi.y, G... a visitor to Buxton Um weeb.Ahegneat^ t)f „ y wlU Whfp tllu „ 4 h. prepared to dict.xto jiricov fer, the!root totp So more it be, one of Bostons' popular ‘ahJPf retty young ladles of the Roberta House . Mr. Haud k a prominent naval store* manufacturer of Disie .Vfflt.^M Sm-J day in Boston, and whlW;ig|jre Hgj>wii» ^^pbpufar ibi- (r the guest of .the.Bpb^fWQ HrV- Miss Mas McCiamm^y|pmnrMllfx Ga.. iaaipeoud Hits sot aaOBtta with hskfrisnd,Una. Julian irditt. t i»J« icirn; voo+oooooe Ufa.W!'C.OrifBn tinted Bainbndge, hi, last week. ' Ji ; ar. : hhkiv addT. segrapbert hivY'jif-iflsitheir 'ifWtiM'p^f^d $ es» . . sears oMrts^s: *r**- of^rYon^ Uxr Friday Jta Jtf;tajt!tf«M?;#» io wr *«- "* ihe" affair would M- roparfftsoos, areveryaue who has *ves attended one of her «ooO|Motaoan testi fy to that fact. ' ♦ j 1, a Quondam ‘dtiaon <1 of Pavo, wai transact l#-week - xdW£i.S^ rooks-oodntyt-. ioturb W^i llatl ill, *^^A- i 1? 3 ■fW*,'»»oSytt:!HwJ mohtiouOf ■tiid rtugf cYMn JMHb NEVW OFFICERS; NAMED FOR THOMASVILIE THIRTY OUT OF THIRTY ONE tfPiPOSE GRADY ' '10i> CAtb * s.iinic ■'*0 jjr. MEIGS. BURGLARS v! C*UGHT HERE «'rod£?a : MmBta^Hwm^Vtaaho;^^ MorrlllvBlflCta,FaJ^W., r. JiimJ *? 1 n . fiiiw ( • . • « . . . ‘ ‘ . comatiltee from 1 Uctau^t r *1 bTTSWT > Y4M*^OiVy^»|t*M # n,Conf«»aRobbrry o J|Bl|«A!aolA> are Jtlled- ft'jiutCltaii) ‘*'1 riv r cjT. ! 8hfriff:'BciJ*,)Plgh«rTuwday morn- u^.ammtdJwgjOBngwhite men. H. u- WJohtaWMW* *,*,JWiUis Wlio havo confessed.tft.tbe robbesy* cf Poetmasier <h: *. sWfhWl’PsftfJs In Meigs late i^QWday.nighi.^if'hpyijaie in jail here. After 11 o’clock.tMtfaday night ilivy to the store by pr< leg K ««y.~ i gm*gagi.gS 3 tahBita* -' from Democracy ,ip ; Repoblloantsm, tests higher and a possible >@xti4 J^ofettCQuk''of barrooms, commenced for the l^eutenantoies. Mr. Brown liasoonrentfd to remain bttlaliog , An,, intcrfx'ting 00incidence 'a connection with" his (lection Is . the new connty of Grady give. : We will say -Ustinov.. It seems that this 'is their msln objection for not wanttiig to re- maln in Thomas. 1 Cabo is fonrieen mitra fresn Thomasville and two-itj- two milrafrom Bainbridge They Inxe now aa ths sohddnlM are. 'a .morning train from Cslrj to Thomasville whicl 1 arrival M the Utter place at aix flrteeu in tta morning Sopoooe that' dhtante was the plansiMb giMod ‘‘for obtaining the division and estabUahing the npw Counties for every ineorporateii town io this county. '■ Thera bn' Boston, Meigs, CoolidgC, Vavo, ; Merrtlivijie 'and 6ohl lookooee. The abort Sat dUtanoe of she die oountvk laying all that aside. It will new pars.:If they should bo so unfUlaoafe *e iohayaj^y. . Kol No! gentlemen,Mer rill vine district so fsr as I have Ilvi sti- potio|ravorof a- divirion Ua wo. would, have as just a cause to.i*uk» this town a county seat as, any,, otbort While f ha writer does not- r. .favor the hew oempty yet it, does not prevent him , i _ .frojn'lovihgthe|p<oplooverrntha west ■'•iigiiioftta Justtoes, of tta 1 Sink Mta ^ tim drer!' t»:i —tQmftarb., is fsiMifnl lx rtiloubl- . though iu tirae os 'teed, and With- ► cli splrif M hLnowj t B- ’ ny enthtaed into tho mon tliero will be no probation for thw ThemaiVille- OAtHADfiipflREo" w to newimtm took the oath of Cffioo Tuesday. of thorn Were intiabla-Appggnto.tCIWn yesterdiy and' thoyi will have to to •xvonf in at the 'SarUastCttma they. ••^KWO Htl-t... The JUstioeeWliotook.the.oath, were lx-' i|b.'C: Reea»,ofPavd( J. 8. B.'Wilder of Spind*. Jb8. Ct thbith of Meigs, H.'p. JoWwi otBoston/JhH^I^ar.tpu.tif ICchtinetg'Tv Cf 6ml»h ,pf-X3Qpf)dgp, ( ) f R. : JanekiCf 1 Melgeland A-4, .MpKt^viw, colored,«f Glasgow;. ,, x[ - bh „ d aj ._ ThoJtaMOssof thel peaioo wield a vast amdubt Of indoenoa In their district^ rtrupgft...jBJrida^ vrefalUit.t t. ■ t 'pMly. dT'PktWiri : Visited hem ooediY 0. Montgoiilory ' transacted taxsi» f s.jayta 0 m-viii«4Friiuy. '- !l1 i Misse»'Mamie Brans and , 1 feiulLno Wblto and Ur. George Duron catro WUWBOO JO Htair ini»rwr, . .-vjj nu't « aildTIiomas ouunty ls fortunatoin bav- lug so gooit a eorps,. -xruioi.T lHtv 1 ■ Benirsltif these J. P’snrenowljr alooi Mr. W'« Sk.sdor. .{^ ************ ito.MHto* for many yeara |.|. ,m 1 :i, IlfHIMlau BY Sf*-RIFF RIGHT rilMriff Might gad jaiier SlngUtary are enterulnlng ks their nnwilllpg gsest. a negro named Nelms who is lot toa select psrtyfa murdenr., . Ho is taid to have kUled a sun named Jackson in, Webster 0 mnty Christmas week, ' Tta Sheriff received word that Nelms was probably In.this part of ttacony- t!7 and that tta ttanlu of the Webtts county oBetati would to forttoemtn stioaU able 10 nab the mao. ' ;'i he ston IT and Ua man weak an eagle eye,: and NeBpa was soon looated out Oeaoay Use road. The aeqaet to tie Story'le that mardar hat ngato "told.' Mim isietta^ohMi ^ Virglpla,, oompanled.'h.r>bttat, J 4, W„Jouee WlL nock of and notions. When nrieated auef.ltad in their pomeaton, ra- f fr^nudeicltKbiugfnud tlie like. Kaoh ; m»u had op,twop(^i| of Dew trousers bfogatbWelpwn.^i' Nkwji-,of-the affgi^jcsme from Han- grll,; a .'.small.. lnnitaf 4 town foor miles south of M^gs., Pq^ijt unknown person c. llud sp>, Shejiff Might and teld him A'tat te ; o autpi-doux characters hsd ar- .-it«d stir «n« ftoicMu® 1 »• »' :, i l>»d ikpifl'd 011 fhe Irsmhno her,st 1(1:20. *h> pta'lu d the dopof.just In tin" to ; nt tie- hsxd off> fln.vhggr, : Wi h«v.denoe agfttyst them, and tho wds-io ijirlv loesetta'D, ihey itadlly ctmfe-w d. Both atojjpnng men. Willis lasa-vtte sod'xtMId. Hemovnl to South Georgia recently from Earnes- viEo. 1J1 hnton’s fslb'er lives in Meigs, and Is a pointer. RMh imvn relatives amonglll.eprominentipeoplool Meigs. * The store of Bi RnSapp wss .r.tered the same night and y*ver-l hams acd» |-|-qnst.iityo< groceries taken. Tl.o-n have deny all knowledge of tho crime. NEW SPRINGiHILL DOTS. taroUsei SriddnU JBreMbmtfJotdm, MSg-jj neighbeMkaod IS thCvhartnipg gaVft of IW’riMH'. Pf. <-*1 a/h I Wnti • ( By TJtAiKs Sam ) Tdb^ fdnddh■ ha^e been bony Imnlii g out their fertilizers tfnriog the last t,w diys'.jand there has tioen an almott c. u-- tindous rattle of wlt^ons and poprii g *.f wh'ipt' Tho drived sit up aid dog. •'‘Kevivliiltj'bit 1 , tordl” but I sn atrna. '■i iteii theyrh'a'rket' five- cent eotton tl >5 will''Lxrd; forgive ^ m. • " Mr. T^lVrpe'Spefiii le qoi-i- a ; xlt. Mr. Jjaac SfevcO, hTs drov- 1,1, ngh tb» eonifjf /(} tosWflt/jf uusda-. si ilr. A, Mi.Jojttarand »1 uero re- lent visitors,, jo; liip siat.--. Mr., w. J. ■.tllb'l .yr-l to Misa Mamie M^|fi| Agnes Oweav, one day last week. •fiA' Hl: ’jJWWfc St-tcSw , lhe |8Jt«e I sof i Brs, Bdian.BItokalicar. nu Mt^lUlan.atrret. Sunday aod Mordiy. JWo ywjjt rwt t.ojwniris oftho ttoriunx jj f. ri»*of Mry. A,. U Stephenaou ^ho i. qnlto sick at tar homo abauj two mile., Ota. jolta-Bu Tnrua EaiERPIuttKiti wlaJting for her early ncoyery. ' The inclement weather daring the prot throe weeks has retarded the far- mem tn’tba'prnpairiag of thair lands for planting. Bt this section of the ocuniry when the good'sturdy lirme/:»e oon- frbnted With adversities th<y l£ of us will suffer. - '1., T/ ' Otrlaei Friday evening Miss' A fits Oweue, WnrikHCiUd Of licr yupils, gdve‘ * ValenUiiC?ldeitBtam,'nt^ur tbs purl In -»*-V Poke oLsahta»fcode to puts •obool building.: iSba was greeted by a full homo. Tha-entire evening was a enjoyment to mB pnaat. ,WWJ l 5t.? a ®* moo-yj vu reattxed. be ''Mm .sTnll b Oib^na vihitr-fl Mlw ICato <Tuhv> ^itnrdR^i Bml HmiiUy. Miss (JoidU>SivaWwjUi>li»»0 UiUiieM r— S etnrdny; .on^ «jH ,: 'MH^ffi<VLacy,* of E5oniicet!o. i l t. H*i i»i.j;!iEy ^dplencl <1 t.enlth. l "Ylj. 'j l . ,i T : "ift(niit > iou It wind lilt gu'rn'eli f .tir.* W.iui.n bivnw kYhI Witt', Mlis i ;i l»' 1 Si n\ Hi ui]»rfiRud ‘ wtis n »ljjg at M. Iionid t k fidvj\ilghr . . Mfw Pearl »ii»fi Mell fOru/ilied ina»io ibt wan tattch enjoyed. Mr#. Noftli Singletary and daoKlitcr, Maud. are Kick wiih the grippe, lu the meantime Roy, tbe farmer’ll non, ia making a splendid cook. Miaa Kthel Hutaou spent Parnrdaj and Sunday with Mini Goldin Bauer, at the Lacy home. • 1P *3 . 1 ... Mr. Reiner Singletary made a bujA* nx'aud should mnrle -it ls : hoptd really' to'(Site home from a thatstgjje., 8ta, > tlio guest of Mn. 'PttgP»*s| w ay CpltOfl. Are. i| iUJ toxT dyreirfj - a«ghtee it*; & |»» U .^.FJWirw^Mfiyviie. trip to Ouhloekonee Tuesday, Mr. SIAgletary baa been f. rrdag xi'.re he yras scvenlestt Tbar. old. has made money every year tff bis crops. Mr. Hay .and top made a bumness trip to town Tutedsy. Mr. H. W. Oeiffitk a young pnoe hu just graduated from Tennessee, filled tta pulpit Sunday. , m VyyjtmKm J.r UittOS Hxunie sed Krankio (.'srter came down from Norman Park for a few dajB visit to the r juvreuts, Mr, and Mn. ?. Nm (•artcr, |the latter jart of Lwtweek. INDISTINCT print nn m 5 {