Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, February 24, 1905, Image 2

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    iMilling, Feb. 18.—Prince Fred-
Leopold, of Prniria, who lue been
lug lie Emperor, after going to
■'"V : , %;; $• M
'#>;#■ A A. .t-f/AAA
\ ." • ’ • -
*• ^i>aa.mM-tthpft'mc. i'iiomasvillb.gijo'uia. VRBkifMtY ai tun*
t le intimated that the prince woe the
r of penonal repreeentatione from
William on the outject of
peace, and U U known that peace qnee-
iona were dlaonaaed between Cm
^tioholae and the prince yeeterday.
In ijlplomatio circlet the anppoeitlcn
b.that the prince bears messages to Bm
*■ William, and tbe oonrwtion
that the German emperor will
be peace negotiations in some
Railroad renews
The teaching force of f the Thomas
Title Pablio Schools has been enlarged
by tbe addition of snorter teacher
ThisitepwO* made necessary by the
growth of the schools and eepecislly by
the orowded condition of the third and
sistb grades. These grades together
number more than one hundred pupils.
Anew room will be arranged for tbe
neW teacher, and she will bare in charge
about thirty' popils from tbe two
grades named.
lllis Edo a Roberta of Hawkinsrille,
Go. has been elected to this position and
took op her work Monday/morn,
log. She has for several years been a
successful teacher in the Hawkinsrille
Pablio 8chcols and comes with high
recommendations from the Board of
Trustees, kirn Roberta Is not a stranger
to Thomaarille, bat has many friends
here, made daring suits to her sister
Mrs A. L. Spicer.
The Atlsntlo and Birmingham rsii-
>oad has renewed its prise offer for the
'largest watermelon grown on its line,
this year, giving *1*. *10. and *5. In
Order of size. This offer aroused much
interest last yearand scores of elephan
tine lamps of lascionsnets were submit.
Led in competition. Tho prise winner
became famous all over the United
Btates. It was a 90 pound mammoth
(row by Mr. Frank Cartor of Merrill
>ille, in this county. The melon was
presented by the A. A. B. management
to the' Thom Seville 1 ntis Estbrfrise
tad sent by this paper to Judge Alton
B. Parker who was at that time the can
didate of the Democratic party for pres-
ident. The monster produot caused
inueh comment from'lhe press all OTer
‘the oounti7. It Is quit probable that
even a bigger one wbl be grown tbft
The teams from the Country Club nbd
the Thouasvllle Golt Club met in
match play, 18 holes, at the links of tbe
latter elnb, yesterday morning at ten
o'clock. The match resulted in a vie*
tory for the men from the town club, as
they won in every entry but one. Some
very' pretty golf was played agd the
match wss an interesting one. The de
tailed score was as follows:
The Albany Herald of last night tells
about a miniature geyser that wa> dis
covered, or manufactured, up there lait
A well was beiog bored for the pur-'
pose of draining a pond In the edge of
Albany. After the well had been sunk
ton con Adorable depth the water of the
pond was turned into it. The pond
ran off freely until moot of it was gone.
Suddenly without any warning what
ever, except a rumbling noise, a water
spout went up from the well. The 'first
spout rose to the height of ten feet
above the ground.
Eruptione occurred at irregular in
tervals for several hoars each one rising
higher than tbe preceding, until a stream
of water was shot into the air at least
•0 feet.
Gradually the dieturbance subsided,
and today, tbe drainage well is of the
plain ordinary kind.
The cause ot the unusual phenomenon
is supposed to be compressed aia. The
intake of drainage' water had the effect
of compressing some sub terraneous air,
chamber to the exploding point
Country Club
Bailey.... v .‘.
Straw bridge...
4 Walters......... 0
0 Blacksliear........ 8
0 Bromley *..
. 0. Crane 8
. 0 Allen
0 Wilcox
Mrs. Gabrielle Georgianna Hawkins
<4ted at her residence on Remington
Avenuo abl3 o’clock on Thursday night
after a protracted illness.
Mrs. Hawkins wae the datghter of
John and Elisabeth Gawley, and was
Tiorn Dec. 80tb, 1839- With* her father
and mother the moved to Thomasvllle
from] Irwintoh, Ga. in 1811, and has
lived here eter^tinoe.
She was married to Major . Benjamin
*F. Hawkins on the 18th day of October,
Ittfi. She leaves> sister.Mrs. J. 0.
Lawrie,and twograndohildren Gabrielte
, and Benjamin F. Hawkins. Her hus
band prtceded her to the spirit world
dying oo the 10th of January,11880, and
Vena followed by an only ton Beutamln
~i\ Hawkins, Jr., who died on the first
ot Marob, 1890. Mrs. Hawkins joined
the Presbv terian church at an early age
and through her Idng life followed in
yis footsteps of her Master, practicing
Hit precepts and following Hit examples
A devoted wife and a fond and lov
ing mother,a kind cetghbor and utelllsh
friend. Unostentatious, the led a quiet
life, thudding a radiance of love and
• devotion aronnd those whom the loved
so well, proving a helpmate in-deed
and Ik truth to the husband to whom
the plighted her troth In early woman
hood. Uncomplainingly and with
. Christian fortitude and resignation the
calmly awaited the summons to join
husband and ton on the other shore,
- and when the Angel of Deatli called
*ghb was ready to go,
funeral of Mre. Hawkins.
The funeral of Mrs G. G. Hawkins
Saturday morning from tbe residence
of W. O, Snodgrass was attended by a
number of friends of the family. Rev.
S. L. McCarty said the last tad ritee.
Interment was in Laurel Hill. Mrs.
Hawkins died as the had lived, a noble
Christian woman, and the friends
made in her long years of Usefulness
were many and close.
Tift County.
It it proposed to have a new county
from Worth Berrien and Irwlo, with
Tifton as tbe county seat. The name Is
to be Tift county in honor of H. H. Tift.
Another name suggested wat-Hansell,
in honor of Judge A. H. Hantell of this
Musical Card.
Mr. Frederic J. Litcomb* from New
York who fa to be organist and choir
maslerof the. St. Tbomae Episcopal
church during the winter will give les
sons on piano, pipe organ and voice cul
ture at reasonable rates. Classes now
open. For particulars call at Mrs E. L
Browns. Jackson St.
AGEJf TS WANTED—*10per week:
good opportunity for advancement.
Answer quick. Give tbyee references.
Our new negro book ‘sells like hot
cakes ’, Jenkins, Bertel A Co., 3-18 St
Mrs. Dan McIntyre, of Atlanta, it the
guest of Mrs. A. Y. MacIntyre.
Messrs. D. H- Redfearn of Cairo, and
J. A. Refifearu of Pavo were Saturday
visitors to town.
•* — :
Mr. Bortbll Griffin, who lives over
the river, was in town Friday. He
says no new oounty for him.
Mitt Mable Warner, who for several
seasons has been mlljiner for Neel
Brothers arrived Friday afternoon
from New York to resume her old po>
George W. Traylor who hat at differ
ent times been connected with Thomas-
ville hotels, it now assistant manager of
the Princess Anne, a large resort hotel
at Virginia Beach, Va. Hit last post
tiou was at the Hotel Jefferson, St.
Louts, where many^Thomesville people
saw him during the fair.
The montltly publication of the pub-
Uo school* students came out yesterday.
The Echo this month It, as utaal.a very
creditable paper. Miss Jessie Beasley
it editor, Clifton Steyerman, assistant
editor, Alex. Gassets, local editor, and
Bradford Antley. business manager.
Several editorials make good reading
and a number of “pithy sat lugs" art
far better than Use characteristic ones
from ijLile." For instance, a teacher
la qaoted as .asking what an Informal
was. The Echo says "Hugh”
anewertn that it Is a note sent to a per
son to inform him of something. Again,
the 'Echo says that the difference be
tween^ boy and pos'age stamp le that
joaliokone with a stick and stick the
other other with a lick.
Among the oontbriutlous to the is-ue
are “The Child of Urbina” by Rath
Goodwin; “Four Little Sunbeams,'
by George Wieoeh; “A Trip Into
Space,” by Anna Hopkins; "George
and tbe Hatchet," by Gabricllo Haw
kins of the seoonn grade; “Ths Early
Life of Robert E, Let,” by Emily
Bealer, and “Tbe Sad ‘Ate of. Way
ward Chicken," by AUco Parker.
The enterprise of th; boys and girls In
getting np so clever a paper Is highly to
he oommended. The training that they
derive from this'side work isuo lets
valuable and far more pleasant than
mere book loro.
Only solid Pullman train with olior-
ration and library cart from Florida to
8t. Louis, Chicago, the West and North
west with much quicker time than via
any other line.
All meals in dining car. Service a la
carte. F.nest dining car service in tbe
Leave St. Augustin* datlr 8:30 a. m.
Leave Jacksonville drily 9:80 a, m.
Arrive Chicago next dsy 4:£0 p, m.
At rive St. Louie ‘naxt day 1:38 p. m
Also through Pullman drawing-room
sleeping ran pally from Jacksonville on
A. C. L. 8:05 p. m. tra-tj to-Bumingham
Nashville, Evansville, St. Louts, Chi.
cago and 8:55 traiue to .Pensacola,'Mo
bile and New Orleans.
| If best service is desired ask for tick
ets via L. A N.
For rates, Pallman re e.-ratioas, etc,
call on or write
Fla. Pass, Agent,
208 W. Bay 8t. Jacksonville. Fla
In the fall of 18951 contracted that fear
ful disease, Blood Poison. It gained each
headway that.I waa forced to resign my,
position end seek relief at Hot Springs.
After spendingall tbe mean. I hatftwenl
to Memphis. In less than three weeks I
was in a hospital, and after nine weeks of
suffering I was discharged as cured. In
lest than s month every bone in my body
•eemed to be effected and feR as if they
would break at tbe least exertion. Again
I wss compelled to resign, and I returned
to the hospital for s seven weeks suy.
When I carat out I wss advised to try
fanning. When I first went on thefarml
prevailed on tbe only firm wbo handled
drugs to get me ooe dozen bottles of S. 8.
S. At that time both'of my hands were
broken out with blisters snd I wss covered
with bolls end sorest In the meantime my
druggist had gotten two dozen bottles of
3. as. forme end I begun its use, snd
after taking tbe thirteenth bottle not e
sore or boil wss visible. X. B. PowxxA.
Best 9th St., Little Rock, Ark.
A Remedy That No 0t» j
Afraid To Take,
Of ell human diseases, Contagions Blood
Poison is the most hideous and hateful.
Tbe victim Is tortured with eating ulcers,
sores snd abscesses, unsightly blotches,
eruptions snd other symptoms of the mis-
Dr. Thacher’s Liver snd Blood I
has been used in thousands 0
fifty-two yean with perfect <
and the most remarkable results.
The greet success of this remedy be
to the feet that ita formula (which «
slats of Bnchn, Hydrangea, Mufed
Yellow Dock, Dandelion, SsnqwjB
Gentian, Senna and Iodide of F
has been freely published.
Doctoce end Druggists eveiywhoi
nothesitatetorecommendaprepsati I
which they know contains the he
known remedies for correcting til im
nlarities of the Liver, Kidneys or Doe
and the diseases canned by the failure :
these functions to perform theirerot •
work. ®
Thousands of tick ones to whom 1
creole disease. S. S. S. has been used has been e burden hare written grstefi
successfully for nearly^, fifto ymrafaj letteri ^ oUler , might profit by the
' -Bk ' Poisom It con- experience. - T
When tber* used to b* a feeling of un
easiness and worry <n the bonsrholdwheo
a child showed symptoms of croup, these
is now perfect confidence. This is owing
to the uni’orm succsi of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy in tbe treatment of that
disease. Mr,. M. L BasidVd, of Pooles-
vule, Md., In speaking of oer experience
in the useol that remedy says: "1 have
u world of confidence in Chamberlain's
Cou. h Remedy, for 1 have used it with
perfect success. My child Garland is
subj ct to sever* attacks of croup and It
alw vs gives bias prompt relief.” For
ale by W, J. Peacock.
taint 00 mercury,
potash or other
mineral. Our home
treatment book
gives all theaymp-
toma of this dis-
Medical ad
vice free.
Tht Swift Speclflo Company, Atlanta, 8a
Col- Dillingham the Famous Advertis
er, Mekee • New Reeord In Thom
Blooming Gaova, Tax.. Nor. 1L1909
X'was suffering terribly with indigestion xi
r tremble and sent to my druggist |
loey tro
netnlng to relieve _ r
At he sent me a package of Dr. ThxcL,
Liver and Blood Syrup I concluded to try
and now X am deeply grateful to my drug)
as well aa to you.
Z had been a safferer from these things«
renen.l run-down condition for ten y
1 had only received temporary relief
other medicines. Bnt after using not qnlte t
packages of yoor Liver aed Blood Synaplf
a« atout and hearty aa I ever did in my life.l
X am Mtttfled that X am entirely cured- I f
no avmptoma whatever of kidney tronble/i
ray digestion ia as good aa any living ma
l can now eat whatever X choose.
t estimate on the value your t
Auction Sale of Real Estate.
Dr, T. M. Mclntcsh has been appoint
ed a delegate to the American‘Anti-
. lion to be held in Atlanta Arnl 17-19
IK *.•
Moooow, Feb. 17'—The Grand D„ e
Strains vm assassinated tods; while
- driving.toward the'Kremlin ant near
tbe Court of Jn slice. Hit carriage was
f followed by anothervebiclh containing
two men. A bomb Jews thrown at the
Doha's carriage. —There was n violent
•xpioatou, the carriage ' was shattered
nod the Duke killed.
The aacamint were arroated. One at
them waa dangerously wounded. Sever
al students have also ooen arrested.
It has been known-tor tome time that
thn dake was marked for slaughter by
the Revolutionists. 1
Freda and Amina Pendle. n
.\tl-- \P tbe ohuruiii:,
Hus Lactic Linton on Broad
There were 34 passenger* on tho New
York sleeper Friday afternoon,
among them visitors to the Jones, Tow
er, and Ireland families.
Broke,BM Law.
Bob Hardy, agegto wjrp violated
bird law waa hauled-qp .tefpre county
oourt and fined. He gotllO.JjO and <
nod thinks U*B more^jiui (he bir^s .si*
•” th - • w ’*
There will be sold by order of the
Board of Trustees, on the first Tuesday
, 'in March before the court house door
between 11 snd :2 o'clock a. m. tl.e old
City Hospital Site on N. E. corner of
Monroe and Hardaway streets, at pul -
Uo ontcry to highest bidder. The lot
front* 283 feet on Monroe street aud
104 8-4 feet on Hardaway street and
line therein one 5 room and one 4 room
jnbe and all plambing fix
e ground are reserved. Also
end tbe right to ate
new buildings are
by paling a rental
on selling price.
2-17-d aw
t. M. Mxlletti.
tory Board Trustees.
Monthly.Seleof Reel Eetata.
The Hopkins Beni Estate Agency
will hereafter conduct a monthly eale
of real estate of City and County prop
erty on the first Tuesday in each month
nlteouri Honee commencing at 11 a. m.
Property listed with oe for (hie purpose
will be advertised and offered for sole
Without farther charge or expense to
owners except the regular dealers com
mission. To Inaugurate .this method
the agency will offer at ita first sale on
tho first Tuesday in March the follow
ing prop-rty: , ,.
Two blacks in' ‘East Bud” consisting
of eight building lota located in rear of
and jnst across the street from the reel
dance of W. L. Bell and-*, blocks from
residence of Mr. Chos. Hebard and the
City Park.
Two lots corner Remington Avenue
and Mitchell (treats.
Other property If lilted in time. Map*
showing location of property offered
will be exhibited at sale.
Tne Hopkins Real. Estate Aqexcy-
Safe Crfckera at Deerun-
Safe crackers Attempted to rob the
bank at Doerun'kn Colquitt county, n
few nights ego. They had drilled
through the vault door and injected dy-
namlte&whea they wen frightened
away. About n year ego an organised
band of safe robbers, operated through
South Georgia and thie may be a rope,
t’tlnn of their work as they were never
Hotel Cafs
4 OPj5N FROls.6 A. M. TO 9 P. M.
Grdprs servetLprompt and sent out when
dealnd. .»
Thu Cafe ia now supplied wirh all of
the deliesci** that cau ua pro.-t.-Nil
at this season. tucladingOrscois
M/nJmVVV R- R. Fare Pxli. Note!
ixken «« Bcr, »
•nd chexpert on earth. Don't dear. Write tc-dxy.
For Rent!
The.J[ohn -Watt
place on Broad St.
nearly opposite the
Methodist church,
unfurnished by ytar
Price 27.5# per Month
"M.d.m. casts XI per »aav.
Norvedinatn- style. Fish.
Lauib, Yeal, Tcmatoes
Celery, KansasJCtty
Meats a specialty
bluebell Houhc Itloek'
TboiuMvilie. U».
There wes sometliiug doing at the
headquarters of Col. Frank A Dilling
ham on Broad street In (rout of Pei
cock's Saturday night.
The largest audience that has yet oi
sembled crowded around the big plat
form w here a spiendi I vaudeville-and
black face entertainment was condnct
el, the opening concert by the minstrels
being no small feature of the prog-am,
As the entertainment program neared
the finish it seemed that the crowd grew
larger instead of diminishing, until
when the lecturers were ready to begin
a perfect sea of faces' greeted them.
Saturday was the second Saturday of
the stay of Colonel Dillingham, and It
is notable that the crowns have grown
larger with each succeeding night, and
the further fact is noted that the sole*
of hie wonderful medicines have increas
ed in proportion to the crowds. Bator-
dsy bight dozens of people applied for
the medicine who bad heard of the ex
peri*nee of their uelgbbon who had given
It n fair trial, and the experience is the
same at- mark the. operations of this
great advertiser wherever he gore.
The sale of Plant Jaice, the new rem
edy of Colonel Difflogham, 1* also some
thing tremendobe. Last night one wo
man told Colonel Dillingham that the
hod been materially helped by the ate
ot Plant Juice in three dsye, and she
is confident its use will effect n perma
nent care
Another of the famoas preparations
which it having a tremendous sole it
the Plant Jaico Healing 8nlve.
pot np in neat boyes, and ia especially
valuable la barns, cancerous tores or skin
eruptions. It it an especially soothing
dressing for cats or braises and is used
with great satisfaction m surgical work.
Tlie entertainment provided by the
great advertiser and'benefactor will con-
tin no without interruption every night
at the same place. A change of pro
gram will take place every night, the
minstrels will d:scopr*.e new and pppn-
lar mnsic, and'ThoixniTille people \ri:l
find an evening of pleasure and enjoy
ment always provided.
Several* members of the local police
force who have used the Plant Joke
and lhdmaoRsoii^diPiendid results, cak
ed on Colonttel^lgingham and testified
to its hosting -qna^i^es.^, _
-t r •.. ,i ■ i
beetf to me. I would not take any a .
money for It. Vary ffatefully jra«a^
If you nerd a mnlirine trrlte to-day t
free Minplo bottle and “l>r, Thach
Health Book
mply a»k you to try «
fMMM, Wm knout tehat it *elll do.
For eale bu all HrngaleU—two a
eonto and $1.00.
The first action when you have n
should be to relieve the lungs. '
b:-t accomplished by the free I
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
Remedy liquefies tbe tough muct
causes its expulsion from the airs
the lurgl, produces a tree expectorat
and opens the secretions,
cure toon follows. Tils r
a severs cold in less time'
treatment asd it leaves ill-. .systekT :
natural and healthy condition. It c
teracts anv tendency toward |
For tale by J. W. Peacock.-
II* c 1-xpci.sOr.ui
ons.^A comp
To Beautify Your
* Coraplexti
In Ten Days, Us*
Tub Unequalled B^autifier.)
n«y will be rTrun»tcd7f !t ~
rvckle^, Plraplfa. Liver spots. Bid
ri«ii.H*iiowut‘M or any »kln erupt
, Lexvja the akin ciear.g^MkM
and rcHtorex the beauty of youth. -..-PS
lo tto ? tnerltx or Nattnota. i'rlceSOo
*1.00 by lendlnadrugglfitaor mull.
I*re|red only bjr . * . .*
all driiggutb^^B
•-«*?* ciS. .* ^ s-^.
New QeUmm, ..Mobile, Pensacola.’
Max^i Grai at New Oheaus, .v.obile
and Pensacola will be held March 2nd
to ?th indosiTe this rear, and will be
on much larger scale than ever before.
Fortbis occasion the round-trip r«te
will only be one first class fare pint* 25c.
tickets to be told March 1st. to Cth.
inclusive, final return limit March 11th.
however tickets can £e extended toil!
( March 25th. by depositing with Special
{Agent aud b\ peytuen* of f « t ■
at time of deoosi.<. The ! or..- -
j Nashville R. R. opom- - r-l.rourl* dr%,
• ing-.“oom sle»*j>*rsw t‘a»lv fn. a J.j -
ville. and and any cm: '*.-v.r. -i. . .. i.
. complete iuforniunen t*hutiitl* fs,
i Geo. E. Herrix<s. F P. A.. ,
JticksouTille, Fla.
Bids for City Stock Feed.
Jan. 24,190
SctleJ bids will be receirca for Ik p,
ing of tbe city stock to be opened on
first rygolar meeting of conndl in I //
rnary. City reserves the right to re j
any or nil bids.
dwtd. Chm. pnblio prop. Udz
New. fgriaK Car Serrico,
- to Angnsta
Leave ThamasriUe 8:15 a,
Oar to Jetap. Sleeping Oar with
tog Car Serrico Jesnp to
riving at Angnsta the ^.ni. day at
P- in. This it tbe quickest and
convenient way to reach Angnsta.
Returning, leave Augusta at; 103
m. Through Sleeper Angnsta to ■)
' '• ' l
L-.ivp iTv-k-rs, in i'-,i-m., Day
See aicki; Agent or m Bott|
T. P. \\ ThomjLirillo, Ga*
'* c- x;-* i, ’ *. V- '