Newspaper Page Text
Solo Atom for I
JGaannteed I
Solo Agent for
Thingo for Sprint
There was a crowd, the crowd was three,
) > ar Bill, an Eclipse Shirt and Me.
Now three is a crowd you know, Ito doubt,
So the dollar bill simply passed out.
The above is a itory told by a young
man who came in to purchase a shirt.
Just as interesting could be told about
the good things we carry in our se
lect stock.
hat you can find all the latest and
most serviceable goods in the way of
Dress Goods, Notions, Clothing,
Shoes, and Gents' Furnishings at
L. Steyerman
Sole Agent for
Clothing on Earth
Agents For
Standard Patterns.
Sole Agent for
"iilBL" SHOES'
For Ladle.
Bicurf .me Jackson Street.
Our §iock of Boys
and Meos shoes .made
by the Famous Court
ney Shoe Manufactur
ing Co. of St. Louis,
prices from’
$J.50 to $5.00
Mens' Suits worth from 4 50
25.00 to close out at 3.90 to' 17.00
25 Youth's suits worth from 6.90
14.00 will close out from 4.90 to 10.00
150 Knee pants suits worth from
90 to 6.50 to close out from 1.50 to
150 Extra pants must and shall be
cleared out.
The above .goods are fresh from the
Our. large springs * and summer
are already arriving and we must
Our new shirts are in.
Complete stock of spring fur hats.
4 Mallard b Varnedoe.
Outfitters to all Mankind.
Editors Tikes Ektiepeise,
T-tomasriUe, G*.,
Dear Sin:
Ic hssbeen stated over the slgtstuei
of proniaent men of Oeiio tlist the peo
ple of Keiga—excepting the po ltteiuu
—are not afraid of high taxes in oaas
lbs county of Gmdjr is formed. If this
be trne, I most confess that I am tor.
prised to learn that we have each a
growth of ‘ politicians." I haven't
taken the pilot to count them, as tlie.v
will ran w.v op in the hundreds.
The peorl - of Meigs district to a man
an far as I ain advised, oppoee the new
county ico'cment. Some of ne own
real estate i-i the proposed new connty
and in the capacity of t,r payers
certainly I are a right to oppose it.
The paop'e who are fighting for the
new county very well know that
wonld be detrimental to their canse to
p ace tlie matter before the people at a
plain holiness proposition. Hon than
once nlreaiylpve they shown strongly
their nnwillingneee to have tliejothor
side presented
Taiahti values in Uelgs district, con
sidering th > area, rank next to Thom-
asville. n view of the harden that
wonld be incumbent upon ns in the wa>
of in tro red taxes, and the hemtaediin,
isjlat.d po.itioL Uelgs would be left in,
ifGrady c, nnty should bo formed, we
propose to the new ooonty move
ment through eTery nvenne that is open
Who will represent Thomas oonnly in
the House nf Representatives whin thia
metier c.unes before (lie Legislature?
From Information gather'd both di
rectly and indirectly it •seme to mo that
th* distinguished gentlemen upon whom
the houor of representing Thomaa
ooonty Was bestowed are representing a
conuty that was onboard of at the time
of tlieir eie -tion. I sincerely hope that
they will he able to see and net in the
matter aa representatives c-f the good
old coni-iy of Thomas.
E E. Wilkes.
• --We ‘Believe-
r* a r- ‘v;
We sell the most reliable Shoes in the county.
We know we buy them from the best Factories
and have them made good. 1
We Emphasize Particularly This Week
One lot of ladies $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes
mostly small sizes, to close out at $1.75
One lot of Men’s Shoes that sold from $2.50 to
$3.00 to close out at $t.50 a pair.
Another lot of Men’s Hand Sewed Shoes $3.00
to $3.50 sellers to close out $2.00 a pair.
mi ail nt At
- "“J 9
A TIiouias ooonty boy Hr. O. G. Dan
iel, writes ax follows from Howard
Texas, in r gard to various affaire. Hs
says, “I have been out (iere in the lone
star .talc fur nearly fe yrars and have
had experience of all kinds of weather
bo11 most stT it lint been llie coldest
weather for the last days I aver wit
nessed. Ice has been as thick
as a knife blade io II19 inch 3'.
A few days ago the sleet cowed
the ground about one inch thick and
stayed that way for a week or more
Some of the buys around Howard mads
them sleighs ard went alelghriding.
I was sick at the time I had been ex,
poerd 10 111* mraslet and ti ought it beet
to slay indoors. A good many people
had ilia measles ibis year. . ome it
kilted and soma ware not lima. Every
body la getting befilud with tlieir work
and I think it wonld be a good plan for
them to let half of their land lay oot
and put the other half in corn and
wheat and hold what cotton they hav*
until next, maybe they coold sell it
for 8 ots. any way. Nearly everybody
is lioldlng cotton out here. Tlie farm
ers are united, not nil bnt a gnod many
of them and I long to sen the dav when
all the faioiers will come tosethir nud
stay together and then they can do to
suit themselves and not have to go by
what others say. They esn raise hog
and hominy and keep just ns fat as
they can raise flee cant cotton to keep
some one else fat.”
or Uuigi.
“Gentlemen. 1 have heard a heap of
talk almnt your baby, bnt hav* not seen
him. Sound, like somebody has bean
•ttokiug pins in him from the way he
Is yolll- g or perhtps he has the Parana
or dispensary colic. Whenyon get hold
of him Jnst jolt him across your knees
and give him a little catnip tea. For
haaTeL's sak* don’t let him holler ao
pi lfnl. for fear Boston or Meigs will
hear lit n, and dear old Titonua has
alread.t had a miserable vision of twlna,
or pass Illy triplets. ,
“It would make a dead pig laagh to
hear some of them talk new county.
They promise yon any office except
connty Judge. They all except that for
Uncle ltenben Pylea. Jut aign this pe
tition for Grady. Wo trill need no
more 1 cks. penitentiaries nor jalle. No
blind tigers, no negroes, no stealing, no
getting drank, no fighting, no bridges
to keep np, no road tax. What a glor
ious county wo will hive I Almost as
good ns Sing Sing prison, whan you get
it. gen lemon.
” lh .Messenger says that the people of
Oatro nnd Spenoeare no fools; neither
are the people of n good slice of th*
l?lli. How do we know that this now
ooqu-v won't increase onr taxes? How
dors anyone know, who has not tried
it? F c te tell me, yon people of Cairo
and S;eiice. Huirah for dear old'
Tliou.n>! She is god enough forme.
I liml rather bo an honest boggnr an
Price of SSOOOO Includes Post Office
Building and Bntliw City Block. '
Monday morning Mr. W. O. Snod
grass for the sum of $?0,000 purchased
the MitoSiell Hoose block, the hotel for-
nitnra, the poetoffle* building and the
entire city block bod£ded by Jefferson,
jtbkaoo, Brand, and Hadlaou. This la
oaa of tha most Important net estate
transactions aver made In Thomagville.
Tbs sellers were the hslre of the T. O.
Mitchell estate. Tha property la a very
desirable one, and^t is Mr. Snodgrass’
purpose to Improve the hotel and- store
roams. ”•
The two sons la the blook wan pur
chased hr the 1st* T.-O. Hiiehall Bum
several different partita. Tha Brat pur
chase wm made In th* seventies from
th* Remington estate. The next wm of
the groonl oconpied by shoos*, which
was latar moved farther ap Jackson
street andja now th* ratldeno* of H.
Wiae. Th* first Hltnhall Horn* wm n
briok building, smaller than the present,
ball! in 1813. It burned In 1888, while
Mrs. Bowers, latar manager of th* Finer
Woods wm In charge.
The present magnificent structure waa
began in 1884. and opened In Fnbrury
1880, by Uriah Weloli. At that time It
waa the floest tourist hotel in the sontli
dearnlil ThomM than ti he ihe man.. . , , . ,
. , , . . I It has 139 rooms, and a complete equip-
that ,vi-u liar# promised the sheriff’s of-, ...... . . ....
_ ... ... . moot of hotel furniture ana filtiogs.
fleet.i. Yoar 1,900 citiseu are not all, . . , .
. . .. , „ . . ' I Its fame waa national, and It coold not
by a la-kC-slaed lust foil, nnd tha Aral . . ....
. . . , . accomodate flit orowds of visitors many
thing croaa-eyed baby know* he , , . ..
n , kl t , kl _ _ ul , I of them the most fsmoos people In tha
l country. Th* house nnd the granuda
represent an original* Invtstaient of
$149,000. Since Ur. Welch’e manage
ment it lias been in tha hands of Mi
Hale, Roberts, Reid, Smith 4k Smith,
will so i something coming nt him with
• piofiled rear, aud the next thing will
<i.-oner and undertaker. I already
me vordict—Prolilb-Ditpen-Pe-
inns-1 uiitnm ” ;,
AV. ti::i IX the Proposed New County.
One of tlie very many prominent
citizens embraced in tlie proposed Grady
oounry expresses hia opposition to it in
tlie following humorous fashion;
Lost, one connty bsby, by the name
of Grady; dry on one sido, wet on the
oilier; a pile dnn color with a dark-
bluo mane aud toil; about sixteen
bands high; crap in right ear, split in
left; branded all over. Walts kinder
lame; had his right ankle broken jnst
above lita left knee. Wm born in the
middle of tlie week, looking both ways
for blind tigers ud editor*. When but
seen wm maklngjtownrd* th* Wbigham
Dispensary, with a bottle of Parana in
each hip pocket. Any information will
b* liberally rewarded by owner, a* it la
feared that h* ia trying to get to Boston
Harvey and Wood, and Reid and Mtton-
ell. The last named are tha present
managers and will oauttnoe In charge of
the hotel.
Mr. Snodgrass' new property ioolndea
! the stone and offices occupied by 0.4k
B M, Wolff, the Postal Telegraph Co.,
I White’s Barber ahop, the Price Drag Co.
I South.rn Express Go., tlw ThonuavlUe
post office and the hotel. The former
! owners have, agreed to rebuild ilia post
Bids fit GarOago.
Pnr-i.unt to a reaolntion of the Oily
Comic i. s-aled bids faro hereby advtr-
tls>d --r the removal of the oily gar-
bng-- f r die next year, t
Tlc niiractor will be reqnired to re
mot- I,- excrenientitiooa waste from
the i.w-ping houses at loMt apee every
two \.«k*. end from all pullio place*
(Incliidlitg boarding bootee where <»>*« ' offloe balldl ^ \ n , oca rdanoe with the
“* “ “ flTe * uo,t roora, l ouc " » »ui.e. of th. government. Hr. Sued-
week; suit from the public schools, *«*•' grM4 will c ,„ y ont agreement In
eluding Young's Female College, in .he, CM3 dec ,de. IO U .e
city at least twice .week. >w bnildiDg on prMeu , ,. w . H e
contracor most also sprinkle |h. , ^ ^ iluproVtfmeB „ „„ „„
ground thoroughly with lime when the
. other prop arty-
garbage It removtd, sold lime b«lng for J w> sliic[ „ me baA wver .,
ninlied by him.
The ronrrnotor moit carry nil gurb.ige
■ weeks been figuring ou the parchnse of
, the property nod hud offered $10,000 for
beyond theoity ljn.lls-n.w1 be rnsy dkw |tbQt ^ Md by Mr. Snodgrass.
pose of it aMdt own yrofit. - 'I*
Oonlmotor wilt be leqoireil to give
bond in tl 0 sum of $500 tor the faithful
icrfoimnnce of Ills duly..
Mr. Charles. Wolff lias returned from
The firm of A. F. Ohnrohwall Adh
wm dissolved Monday, Hr. Ohqaht
wall retiring. In the future the kqH*.
ness will be run under th* turn* of Q,
R. Pool*. Hr. Poole wm Mr.-Chutf*
wall’s partner and has aiwayi tied OOtSH.
Plata charge of tha borinaas m tqgagp,
ger. H* came toJThomasvllle a sktqtt*.
ger only a fawyaanago, bnt by
hustle and well directed mttlto^a hiq tgj
woo many friend* of a parental, mh<&
m a bnslneat nature. Hia ooooertt h «*-
made a auooata, and by offering unniqg^
indnoamants to farmers hM dona t&%
town mattrta! good.
Hr. Oharehwell will conoentratq
time and energy lute his Albany atocka
where ha lt achieving remarkable, gfe.
- O. R Poole trill oontinuo to stU
lines that hav*'bean the specialti»s.<?t
the oonoarn before, and that lie writ.
continue to be a soUd businesa man H.%
foregone oonclosioo. ..
Hr. Frank J. Anslty Jr. of thin city-
wm married M-nday aricmoou 1*
Montgomery, Ala. to Mist May Ha'g
one of Alabama's most oliarmiug yo
ladies.. The marralge will be a
tothe tnanr friends of this
young lumberman as he had not mgd%
known his intention to his friends. H(%
left tor Montgomery Snqfisy ]n,-snm*>
bly ou n bnsiness trip, returned Mom.
day mjrning bringing hi* briile wltlk.
him. Tlur trill bo at home for thft
present nt the homo of Hr. nndMrag;*.
J.Ansley Sr. on Hanspll street.
Ansley's host of friends trill weloom%
his wife Maoharmiog addition tu i
society circles of th* city, and will I
a mnltltode of oongratalatioi
for both.
Mr. and Mr* B. LnMn laft I
afternoon at 4 :S0 for a visit to '
From thcro they will go to Outfit*
Whole they will make their homo In f%»
lure They wore married. Sunday aftKw
noon at tlie residence of Mrs. U. 1
I erg, the bride's sitiur. Tlie house tat
been hesnlifnlty decorated with a ptu>.
fusion of ilornl l.ivelurc-s for the q
mony, wliiob was p.-rformed in tha QQ.
iliodox Jewish fashion by Rev. M. Iaq.
dan. of Albany. The young conplo wqg%
ntteeded i ya 'jti’iru-tte ot pretty ohljkt V •
drcir. Rosalie Rotrnii-rg, Sadia MM.
Heatricii Slioenlg i-ud LoRoy RoaHtbs /
New Yorfi, where he lun speut Hie hist ^'.-s Ric.-nel Dorman, of Utmilla,, MM
Bids rinnldlbe delivered to tile City
Clerk, and will ho opened at the meet
ing of Hie City Coonotl, February 2?th,
U. R. Hallette,
Cliairoun of Health Committee i
two week*. He say* llist mow and rain
I are every (lay occurrences there. The
moisture freexos as soon aa it strikes the
gronud su(j Hi. city is coded with lee,
! in ikiug tr.iVel perilnn*. Bat Mr. Wolff
ears that didn't prevent him from buy
ing a splendid stock of spring and earn-
Mr. J. H. Merrill want to Waycrma f mer goods.
Monday and delivered an addreos to
th* state Y. H. O. A. ccnreniion ou
Social tfork.” Mr. Merriil was lion-
- The A lien* Banner non the fart
that Mr- Roh Bareli of ih « oily. l*pUv
end by election io th* positiou or first lug third lute, ou ihe law cl»<* t*«m o!
vie* pretideut of th* state a.-1 trial ion.' th* University, of Georgia.
maid or fionor.
, 7t’ ->--..NritSh ' u ... ’-id.iclsrUA
A Susy Court-
Mayor Koddcuhery wm
wiili a kind/ in white and blaok atq
Monday afiernoou. About 4
all charged with disorderly
and equally dl^dsd between th*
were on hand.--A profit of ‘479 tor tab
cur rrtolrrd.
Mr B. A AUs.-inin of
■pent Monday in town.