Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, March 03, 1905, Image 1
thom: j*ville itimeh, vol. .10 TliOM.vttViLLE ENTERPRISE. Vole. (7 BOSTON IS CONTENTED WITH OLD THOMAS ENGINEER MEETS DEATH ON LOGGING ENGINE Cotton Convention The CotttD CcLveniien convened Saturday. A goodly mmker of iepz» sentative laimeia letpcnded to ike cell. The cliaii nan called ler volunteers ftoln each scbcol Louie district to can; the pledgee to lie laimen cl their 1 tepee* tive ummonltlei, and otgunize them ptovided for by the Neve Oilcans Ccn- Tenticn, . *' , The lchiwii g,aie t J.e.ctn.mituts tor tlie rt.joctree tel, col Jiuue, ct mmnni- People of the “Junior Hub" Think Present County Lines Satisfactory Ed Wilson Horribly Crushed Tuee< dey Morning at Touralne. Union-H..L. «i stein; hpnugiieid— Hemet Sii.gletuij ; S.uelttaij’e—R. V. Biaewell; Whites — William TV hits I Sttualand—L. R. Rehtmg; McIntyre’* -A. E.Daniels; Bsgtne-W. T. Wil lis; Eainett Creek-C. S. Berwick) D. B. Andersen; As toon at their vtcrk can he dene ana iLejjetut ululated 'then It will be repotted to Ihe county Seotetary. At the cleie cf the meeting the follow ing resolution was patted: Whereas, the people cl thia;d)BUict have no place to meet wai y capacity except through the comttay of piltete individual,. Thereltte, be it ittolvtd iLal thii bedy in convtmUn atatnihltd, tteptctiuily nek the cesnty ant U»t ties to bnlld a Ootut bonae tn Oehlookonee. Convention adjourned- , Renter Singletary, J. 8. Ward, Jr. Ch’r’m. • Secretary, , MEW IMPROVEMENTS FOR THOMPSON’S OPERA HOUSE 1 nonnoea that he baa raoouldered. 4n- *«nl»rwnndappre<JlatlTeaiidtonce. The l T. F. Cato, who hae bran in. stead of eloaing the bonae, he baa de- lectnre waa replete with facta and ate-» tlatioa that no ono oonld deny nr gun- ■ say and wa. edifying and itutructlre. Mlaa Hallle Oovington, one of Thom- aavtlle’a moat excellent young Udiee fli tted her stater, Mr*. J. A. Born, hero' last Wednesday and left for Jackson ville Thursday to vUt har slater, Un. ' Don Fryor. After spending sometime' in that city, she will visit other oRimJ In Florida, and will oxsoad bar Itinerary' toCuba eraaberataraa bom*. \ * ' I ’ W. J. Bammontj, on* of Thomaaville’ j 1 nonnoea that he baa reoonaldared. in- Mr. r. r. r_:_.u_ t.-“ - charge of the Foetal Telegraph Oo.’a of- ddsd to ImproT* it and to book* q*un dmhe^bmtres^d ta^wpt.p^ ^ ■Won to travel Georgia, Alabama and hl§ th » t lwit points in Flotida for G. W. Cook, mice can auoountar no difficulty with manager G tiffing Bra*. Co , of Florida their own eoenerr. The ThooiaovUle and Cuba ' publlo will receive Ur. Thompson’, re- CONVICTS AT COOLIDGE ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE Mm Stag ltltlud to ter home at Qnitmab j.eteiday aflera vialt to. the family of Ur. W. W. William*. North Boston. • Jndgo W. A. Geiger was transacting buisesa in oar city last weak. A grape vine dispatoh raoairadalthia foredosare of tome of oopld’e mort' ’. Weppine that then Will io' •om* ea^p. wtH ap Imarto |h^jj| ||io fortsolosara take plio^ Ur. T. 8. Leak offeri a reward of JJ5 Be says thb tianearily be done, ■men sot decide. Ur Goad H i who bait the aid opera bout which waa presented by his great ancle wWd visiting PaU|od1a lm jeir v This feline vraa raised on the island of Terra Del Won go end is firs proof and is the ofdyvm* of Ua^klnd on the . American excellent, B. IT Whalir, J. T. ft bklil, F.iw klji sHnb South Georgia (progress. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA!, FRIDAY, MARCH 3. iqo 5 BALL GAME PLANNED FOR NEXT THURSDAY NOT PRl^j The first ball game of the 1909 season will bo seen at the fair grounds on Thursday afternoon. That night “The Volunteer Organist" will play at Thompson’s opera house. -The actors have nine ball tossers that eon pnt ar- ftistie trimmings of defeat to any ordi nary aggregation. When they touch Thomasville, however, they will collide with the following cluster ol stars, who are guaranteed to make the Thespian* play their uttermost: Williams, mj; Fleming, p; Bibb, lb; CovingtOn, 3b; Groover, ss; Linton, 8b; Patte?, If; Pa lin, cf; Watt, rf. The ball fans will be ont in force to see the season crackod. RECOMMENDS HOWARD. AND NO PRIMARY The Eiecntive Committee of Thomas county met at coart home, pursuant to call of 0. P. Han sell, chairman. Pres ent : U. P. Hansel', H. C. Copeland, Ustcalfe; S. M. Beach. Duncanville; A. Way, Way’s; J. L. Nicholson Cairo; B. H Pope, by proxy, Spence; J, S. Norton, by proxy, Boston; J. C Beverley, Thomasvllle. It waa, on motion, decided that, as the law allow, only twenty davs' notice of the election, there was no time to order or hold a primary; and that,' be lieving it to bu the wish of a large nnm< her of oar people that Georg* Howard, the brother of oar deceased receiver, should flu out the unexpired term of J. F. Howard, that the committee recom mend him as the proper man for lb* plaoe, and ask the democrats of Thomas aounty to support him. No further buriutm. Adjourned Out. P. Haxixu, Chairman. J. O. Bkvekly, Secretary. JiEW BANK OPENS MRS. DEUTCHER WINS WITH TODAY’S BUSINESS BRACEY SPELLING CONTEST Pelham StaU Bank has Many Thom- asvlllo Stockholders Mr. D. C. Barrow returned to his new home at Pelham Wednesday. He is new president of tlie Pelham State Bank. His bank will open for business today. It has a worLirg capital of $35,000 and starts but with excellent prospect?, Among the directors are Dr. M. H. Mallette, of Thomasville, J. K. White- head of Albany. J. Ai. Mize and T. J. Willis of Meigs. W. K. Blaslugamo, U. M Baggs uud Dr. O. B. Bush, of Pel ham. Mr. H. H. Merry is vice president of the bank aud Mr. Carl Mitchell who Having examined the list of words submitted to us by the Bracey Phar macy Company, in the Word Contest, we find tlie following peistjns furnish ing the greatest number of words, viz.: Mrs. M. D. Dcucther, 2.280. Miss Ida Tomlinson, 1,992. * Mrs. Wm. McLendon, 1,671. We declare Mrs. M. D. Douteher as winner of tlrit prize; Miss Ida Tomlin son, second; Mrs. Wm. McLondou. third. We find seme words in each list sub mitted not authorized by Webster, but tlie great difference in number of words in the list of the winners, to erase them would not change the result. Koscoi Luke, • J. T. Culpepper; T. L. Spence. The contest proved a gioat success, daring a viiit made to laid metropolis lost weet. has been at White Plains, will be its (a nd the winners may count themselves cifiner. Mr. Mitchell lias already re fortunate. The prizes were ten, five CITY STATION HOUSE HARBORS BAD GUEST The city police officers are more afraid of ihe station Louse tods; than the Sandy Dot out crap -hooter, Tlie cuu,e of tlie agitation is a quaintly of dynamite that has bteu throat open them. Two boxes, weighing abort twenty-live poauda, lull of stick dy namite. vteie found in the woods near the railroad bridge by p ople in neighborhood Nobody wanted to lira with It, aud 111* oily officers were a iked Ip take it ia tow. The dynamite waa oovered up with pm* straw and seamed to have ooc.pied He place tor several weexe. It ia thought tu have been stored there by somebody who intended to use it for killing fish. moved hla residence to Pelham. Other Thomaaville people who era in terested as stockholders are E. M. Mal lette, J. W. Peacock, L. Steyerman, B. B. Feller, Mrs. LUlian Finn, Mlaa Rena Brandon and the estate of A. P. Wright. An organization meeting of the stock holder* will be held today. and two and a half dollar* respectively. otaodeo to th^offioi wWMHf aft ntd 1 -*^ rhtafyflBtr towaa*. -MedJtiiur, i. T, the fix children of his lata brother who vSbare h* will bo associated tu the drug Ore now organs. buaineee with Mr. James P. Hyde, for- Ur. IWreu Mitchell, of Thoota. “?»*•* •***»**• * rile, wag. be. eattending Justice'sconrt last Saturday. and family will go to Union Point, G». He ia a pompetont pharmacist and a genial gentleman His friends regret to Mr. W. I MacIntyre, of Thomaaville, K , Te |, lm op. i,nt wisli lum every auc- aud Mr. Ciiarlun Jonev, ofMourgomery c. in au weateru l.omo. spent lull Sunday at the home of Mr. uud Mr#? J. M.»shear. Thiaecribe had the exquisite teati- , Mr. Ed Wilson met a most horrible tudo of confabulating with some of his death at Tonraino Tuesdvj. Ho wan old Thomasville friends of the loug ago engineering a log train on the tracks of the Touraine Mills Co., when his en gine ran off the track aud turned over on him. He was horribly mutilated. The great fun farm ade which ia being The negro fireman rf the engine had made in Cairo aud vicinity over the new b°&h 1©K* broken, bat was not killed. county of Grady, has not thrown any of *?■ h ‘ d I , ftre T b ™ th !"7 J ; ^ • .. ..... s . of Ochlockonee; Dr. J. O., of Monltrie; onr citizens in this bailiwick into con- M . A. and O.E.,or Dilloc, and F. J. uiption fits. We are pursuing the even G f Decatur county, and a sister, Mrs. tenor of our way and ruminating over W. R. Brooks, ol Thomasville. He the tranqnility which reigns in this por- lo**e», also, his wife in Monltrie and tiou of the moral vineyard. We are all Uemo*l.<uear Dillon The body waa taken to Monltrie for interment The moro or lea. content to remain as we are ^iaeotjhappened early in the morning now constituted, Grady county to tlie and was caused by a defective joint in contrary, notwithstanding-Every little the nil* liamlet just emorgingfromlts ewaddliDg clothe, can’t have a county seat, so ail things come to tfloee wait, provided they wait loug enough, ao the Gradyitea will please let patience have her perfect work. Rev. David Tatnm. a Quaker, deliver ed a temperance lecture last Wednesday i erauiug week at the Methodist church SENATOR;.!. L HAND NOT TO BE PERSUADED ( suiMDbaii horn* in'Kdgewcod. Both of Ma. G. - W. Williams and her two ibera youn, ladWa at* toy pt polar aad daoghier., 8ophie and Iran*, an visit- number ihe.r iTricnda by ILe Mglea. Iur ri'iend. tutd ntative* la TlftOo and 1 Mr . j. j. WiIkui. . .o> liat piiiz.a of Fnugerald, / this tMinwlot, but u„w uf Pavo that net. Mia. T. 8. Leak and Uiw Roxie Me- was .ImSioa bund, w.ili l,ia numerous j Our mlU.i, Mr. Chiulte Ifanao. says Megabee have the ex.ll wvere case*. Rev. R. W. Kebsika, el Qnltmdn, mhsionaiyof ihe ^ Muter Auoctation, punched two very sting wimojla'hera last Satstday night and Sendsy night, tin Saturday and Eazday he preached at Big Crick, It heitg tb* tegular monthly meeting. Ezneay taxwerrro- ceiled by letitr. Be mill pitacb, J). V., at Chatlain tn lie uicxd tabdfly and the Saltudaj befoie. P. L. Picicc, wLo iaak A imaii farxi j net" tenth cl Cceiidge, made, lata, thirty laid,If cell go turn thirtyux aetts. lie toMaa lest ta k* gjtfCeted aud leailzed a joed pike, averaging * . small fitcliin wMr Hi. »a(a. lie eu tlie clop vtae toegl.i i> J f.. eaieft, 4 ^? tiua place. WLat Mr. Prtii* ka. - dem oUei.eando, ■ Two young wkito couvicta at the Cooudge cibVKt cam,a mad* a dash for lieencm last Frleay. They made a cut uncus rent* toward the rtvef. then katk to ike lend icadiag te Tfacm- aaviUe. lkey vut untied by the dogs Of the oampaad were eaaght. A kentecbtke lain, or Mr. Robert Dtklr, Lint hue was nctue.-td by fire Tutecay eveniLg. It Wat ocopied by negitct. Kcaily all lb»eouei.t* were R.glatrati Mr. J R. Wl.eclor and Miss Lucy I will bx *t the U> Taylor, both of tijj. place, wets joined a-vilic uuiij Salute* together ta hn, ; hand uud'wife lust Sou- which day i ho let'*- day. Mr.lifteete'' is one of our best clone lor tbo .potaal cectiou to he 1...-1- young men aud a' model of ou tuB * 2a< * of ilar 11 -jli pci.o n The bride ia the eldest utugliter of Mr., 'hot did not register tiiev inn C. L. Taylor. ilielr taxes for the year 1P,4 must regie .. _ ... . ter if tli.y vote in said e-ccticn. Mr. 8. M. Beach went to Thomasvillei . ... . . I ktspccifoliy, o&w P. 8. H.eth, T. C. a. d Itegutrar. Ltxxl uift last Friday for lave Oak, friend, in Bcion loot Saturday. This | bv'ka. the mill in aud .ondnicn now, Bruufud Luruville, St. Augustine aud scribe I. attva,* .ltd iy meet Uncle SmU van give nt good uteaL otlwr FloriJ;t cilibs to visit tricud. ui.d Jerry ted (tseuea ruot'.efi* appertaining — iG g'.-otl.ya, | Vr r lv r,u„ i,it last Friday to attend lie meeting oi the County Democratic Executive Commit tee, of, which be i* a member. Mr. William Hsivin, of Dicker,' brother of Mr. John A. Herrin, who liv ed here gciuelini” a>-0, tvus here last c, Saturday aliakuig l.unds with | -vr. II. B. % I l-oriof ot ihv Lad «. Ti Ll.a.nv M iw.“. .^iti iriji itioij v.ufi Uu n :.ou«u of II- i.ry SjIi.iuoi Si Sail#, <ut :^v.kiaij »li. TJ.»re ia no Ltr lo. ol .!>t;grtp «iiau H. B»MuCo>* UaU i uitd »va c.tmiueud nixu to the u er cuuiUu tsut. ruiiy wlturb-ac-ovur cUpur* u«l lU'tfUUil ill.? p;lobo. Wa ic .iu ilittf i wm a party jiiv* u A. If. Ittht HL«U a: the rt.'flldeuC** (if Lf. O. Cairo Bonds Vaiiaated. In Bnpeiior court Tuesday mornlu.-, Kba raoent iaaaa of bonds made by the dty of Cairo ware valid .led. according to la a*. The city cal* u^w go ahrad, i disycau of iImj Ls-e and *pcod $10,009 j for Watanrorks and $5,000 Tor electric j * nd ^ *** many changes Ugliti. l,ac * 4 - County Co qu.tritt tyc.uu wmmIivI-i eiaitvcs Judgt* O. I* .. mod old fclends. first vuitLcu * h’zirvtu*i p. rUl.t-J CaailMJ up, «J.*i iiieJ tS hgo, «i w o. lyanp.etad. juh, SuliS 1*1»caouuUO cO two miLGi caaca u,.t. till* lbOtUhig. j Hr. C. W. lift >ts(eiday fer f 7 licnjHSTil!#, Out«.%,»», * hie U Knight M-. ’vr** lUv.raiy tuia trai*»uctii.g ^ T*.u»p,ar :uht i ight* Ha aiil «i • *1 biirtiiicpK ^ , | A titMt* lll vl.L (ht i it tea tf the ^ T. J. II kJh w.k bertt last Sat- f Sl.nuc ici^lit. Mu. Cicjer scccm- u/«l#.y t t.iGGii g t j*« ft.i tftnitf. pan:eo ka tvHktalUfctlui vuit, Tim A. C. L. hi.* tthljid ilia pUt-*l ---- to Che tii-jaH ft>r tia imipom) t,fj Pm*y Woods Arrivals. ),...g jKr.ii/aui Jf,uc,(k.htNi2a«| ThaPina? WowKgLaaun.i<i u fcaaVy iLCJ. •-> y.».n 1'ur^ubvu /, gU.eit up uuuer ih« akspict# lMO vl Kaytf.Ovd ol JLr. Ja.t.u But-kcU. Uur Lur .rjxw:- ct fa.Ic . tt* g.V.f .criinf {LtflicDhr.’, hout-v n.:<t uwjjj,or m^tort. lie dentil «jf b\ HuVkSTd, tnx laltd uar.iig .liu ye-r rtgLurlnttlj. AaugUe suent, t ;m<.:s ii«t # alvrgt ijciut.o. Gf l a. i/o L. (tie SiMkoUnU, oaina j tilt i day axa: Mia. Funds tnth, J lives ra.hs no. i Mam, LUtii, ThoUi’.fti..,., »-u..i i«* ci.izcu, in’i-od tt.v tLcsa i-d ,uu ounda/j Mn» LgLuu, loitBcid, FU;G ( H Eoaon, flbo iig.ten, tt. laulj kia Mtititt ! . I Eoaioo. .'and Mila Wiu.lnd Kierr, lUitoia; . i • ;.„ou»s lor anti A.r». T. B. Eh lip, Jm-a . u s tv super- 'U,. . I D. L.eimei. alii Aiae i. . .^.riuxot of Ca»xu> L.ite.aec;'.Lit J.l . *ct and mu, R A. Icntn , fhw In., J. L.ssii. L. 1 Peel, \