Newspaper Page Text
'*• . •:•••• * - ^
abBaBnrfRKtttoK. i B0UA8viLLS,ajt0B9:& makch
1. U’alfciir L*«ri*. Ik* w*n-k~—«
-!i« uloUur, wriUr*; "I fa*,*
! . Uiwm ElIrtr ta^m.
Determination to Cut Acreage and
Hold Citton Find* Eupraulon.
i :,f
Option oonientfonp were bold all i.»«r
the county Batoid ay. At tba oennty
gatlranof in ThomaatrllU on Feb 1 Ufa.
it xxaa md*r*d that a mauling bo bold on
the clt in ataxy district lu tins coouty
Reports from th« different prectmt*,
i it tha meeting* a are liigiily ano
President Beverly and Saretary Mo-
Kimon called the Tlioniaavilta district
mceitng in order at tba mart lionet.
Mi. Bevtry waa mad* parmaimut prea-
t and Mr. Ralph Neal, npou motion
.McKinnon waa also ted perm*,
AmtimiUe* waa app dated to can-
aaaa tip entire dletriet Mid peianado
ovary 'armor potaibla iu noth fa.,Id the
ootio'i no now liaa o i luuiu *od to reduce
hW n reag*. Tina couiuiittta co'mlaU
Ilia ir-aidont, Mr. K. W. McKinnon,
uW*. K'WInn. J A .'oii'ai
J L Baverit, l‘ P. Appiawliito,
O V\ Dari* and wik'^ufisar. Thav
a t,m on inalr ,worlt ip'aUmatinally and'
Will in«t 001 ^riteri 'March 4Ui to re-
J* vm. _ *'
• Mil* Friday,mowing tlm chalimun
• : • and Wc'ritexj of airiiy da’iAot (ii' fild^
1 '' ' COOnfr nTd orped to oomo. Hepurta from
■' • thowimib conftty'.wlii le conaoltiiaii^i
, ‘ • than and lire pa ration* niiwla for auolher
Itnuihg mam meeting on Tueaday,
Maitdi 7th. That nieaifng ara^.rlered
' ' by ate H'ara rogea'mlou iu Atlanta, and.
arerr inrrner and baafamu man in
Tbotniia '•flinty la urged to
t iwitriif lie^at'llierourt Iran**.
• Fre»i-eti» .apaugler and' BeoreUry
‘ V<9 ilia coaiiijr amocintian, ipl
It happened In a Tbomeerltla hotel,
and might have been a Booker Waeli
ington incident, botwaen't. A North
Carcltne'nmbrella ealeeman telle it oo
hinurlf. He eeated hlmeelf et 'lie din
ner table, and tli*negrowmi • ■ raid!
"PIearn, anil, boaa, yon ni in't ait
tlmrr; that\father'a aaat.”
"V'lia-at I” yelled theaatoir hedven-
dor of piraaola
“Yaner; tliat'e father's roa.."
"Why, yon Meek eoeondrel, do ton
mean to te'l tan that roar father board*
here!” and the irate grip-carrier atarted
for ihe door. J
Bor IhS (nyrtery war explained when
a mild-mannered Catholic nrleat. Father
8.. o' Boa’on, who w»* rpnmlmn the
winter at Ilia hotel, walked iu uud tool,
hia teat.
It mem* that the mint of that name
Booker iiii-ldeut will nerur leave the ca
tim.te the Southern |ieopla have of
President Rooiovalt. A railroad offi
cial toll* a alorr Indicaiiro of thia feel
ing -Too A. O. L. ia mabinit ipeclst
ratea to the ioaognratiou at Waahing-
tou next week. Wo hacod a liaudaome 1
flyer, with a picture of Teddy thereou
Them we Jacked to tli* telegraph pole*,
atn'innjhonte*, etc. B <t the |a-ople hat-
the eight of hia fate, aud tear the poa-
tom down "
hie iiacexi n'h iia! ha I
Thomaavil e hnckmim had n habit of
wailing till ilia whiatle of au incoming
tmiu blew, and then mat-lug a mad
raah for ilia depot. Thia worked very
we.I before the railroad gate aratem
oarno into vogue. But now the anna down and mutely aignal "Too
Intel yo cannot enter in” to tho lardy
tfamatei* Some morning, if you hear
n low, nnetnon*. *rur»ling aonnd, like
auto tin i aeujw of n ulinaea from a bar
rel, It la the errly hirda giving tlie hack-
men'# hit Ital to the late driver*. Their
nn illoyed Joy ia a d-light to tho he
hq'.der. By the war, apoaklng’of gates,-
ou.o pair hat beau one uf ■ older for
aevijriil dare, ' Thar rtlolc op through
tlnj plimp»|iliero In h ilghl vertlcnl' poll
tion Mntfaf'they i»*o '‘Plant' Joicw."'
’J’ftyyopght to bo flxod. I Being on aha
blink during Ihrir iir-t .iimntl, .of life
dqefU'4|jee|i(je,w«ll for I lip Juiyug. ..«i|
dotxn fin- caij 'Repona' froap
Mr- Nreioo, who
oeutity at tba Butt* couvaoUoo, and
' front tha various ooPnty ofQoera.
Od* prominent farmer in attendance
' .B fhaThpapaTiUatnMlingaHtad Mat
M nly yruivorday h* movad tv* bate* of
. • > oUcniout qf the warebooka octo hia
i own leoiorty, anil that.h« Intended to
4 htdd irrid the ooxvacpEM hema, apleaa
tha tWHvoiacfaoa ten centp. Thia u the
kfndwr.fabdUg that pay*.
, , Ffli^t OLD FOLKS' HOME
i" Oolorod 4 'Woman** tianctiw
. of thia bitVi M rtaaaiag M ae
oare'gioaod aod boUd u Otd FPIka’
’ Bare*bribe poor and dapaadaatckt
paapla. "tha Society haa hath
Md Car aaveral mouth*. The wife of
MaukVtokara, a wall-known hank waa
and a good negro, ia praaidant Of Hm
BaeH’y 8h* aaka aoetribupoaa for the
Homo. and. rromuaa to give a arattfaly
v ■ atafemaaaot all reoaipta and aapamh
lint Shaaaya aha axpaota tbe white
paopVa, aa wall aa tboaa of har own race,
to aid lathe undertaking
Oapartmaatal Clark*.
May J an examination will bo hold
city for olerk in the Dapartmeo-
Any young man over U)
ag* who haa an ambitiou to
IJnciaSamoan get foil mnicu-
the poatoffloe.
Smith went 10 Bainbcttgu on
Carl Daaher came home Suday
Oa. .'i:
j In connty coutt Friday morning
•fudge 0. P. Hnnsell. tried three white
ramps ndntr tha charge of vagrancy.
They were M. Calledt, E. .Dole and
Harry Roberta, and they got J® and
cotta each, or two month* in tlie convict
oamp. Aa Weary Wiiliee do .not make
a habit of conotaling the V about their
pereone, tbey will get plenty of exercise
at Coolidge between now and May firat.
Die trio of tatterdemalion* had com
fortably onaoonaed tbeinaelvea io oloae
proximity to the boiler* of tho electric
light plant. Iu the gray dawn of yea-
ter.lay morn the pale, cruel hand of the
night cop etatked into their midat and
pinched the bunch, with the result
above recorded. Thouiaavillo people
will feed trumps hot oo uot jearu for
them aa regular boarders.
Enjoyable Recaption.
The home of Mrs. Arthur Patten waa
the scene of uu intonna. and very pleaa
ant reception Friday afternoon in
honor of Rev. aud Mra. E. D. McDou
gall, of Florence, Ala. Her. a**d Mra
S. L. McCarty aaaiatod iu receiving the
gucats. who numbered scores of tba
frieuda of the popolur yooug couple.
Delightful refreshment., were nerved,
aud tho affair was moit enjoyable.
Death of an Infant.
The Infant child of Mra. M. Toten
died p ou Friday morning very early
and waa buried daring the day in lam-
ril Hill cemetery. Mr*. Tuten live* on
Jefferson alreet Jnat behind tho Stnart
house. 8h" haa the sympathy of her
frt> nds In this bereavement^ liev. J.
M. Cutler conducted the fnueral
Barrow Qsta HI* Charter.
A charter waa grauted Thnradsv to
D O. Bartow, formerly of thia cii v.and
0,1.err, fqr tho Pelham State 11
The bank haa a capital of Jlk',000, i
t o amount canal with banka iu a
t nvin.
, At Tha r-inay Wood*
.Among the armala at tho Puny*are Mr aud Mia. Rolicrt
and Maaier Ilatnd if,Chicago, Mr. and
.Mr*. H,P. Harbiaon; Phtaburg, Ner'e,
Standialupid wife, Boateti, W. I,. Har.
bln. Naw york.
; TiHKH.liSTKUl'iiia:'.:—In jour uoiloe.nt
Mr. John V. Hpwaid’n o.aihauil of ilie
maunor Iu tyhlqli Ilia auVacaoi; would le
galacted.,ion Mated that theie reemeri
be a general, aenlimeut that hi*
brother, Mr. Ufabrga Howard,'be'elecled
to 111 out hia bro her’a ferifa'if offiiie;
also mentioned that hia daughtanr yaea,
familiar with ,*bo bookkeeping nacea
•ary in the dliUaaof4ax teceiam. ...
k waa mnoh gratiflod that Booh-aski
itmant exiatod, having known.botfaioffi
them since oor early.manhood - I-know
him to be aa couJpetent a mao aa blade
deceased nroaivey told me,^nn ) afjfy Iji*
Aral election, that ha intapdod tofsod
hia oMadti daughter to Stan|*y’^‘^|Etai.
neap Collega. to >1 her for hia bbo^kaep
inif. Thta ha did do, and aha is thor-
onglily converaant with the bookkaap-.
ing dntiea of ilm office
It would he a kiudard oouaiderate
deed on Ilia part of tha voteraof Thomas
ooanty to elect Mr. George Howard to
tba offloe made yacaut by the depth of
hia brother. I would bo pleased if the
Boston and Cairo paper* would publish
this communication, if they think it
would here any influence among my
feiiow-cttiwns of Thomas county.
T. M. McIntosh
County Bakrdof Education.
Tbe iouuty board of Edcca'iou held
* meeting Saturday at Snperiuteudent
'Maclean'* offloe Teachers salaries
.were. Hied and other routine bcalueas
transacted . . •
Mosera. E A. and U W. Rogers,
for the year post liave been in charge of
the larpo saw miti and Planing Mill of
the Meigs Lcmbcr & .Manutactdrnjg
Company at .Hansel), have resigned
tlHlf position* wrthtHisoompanv. Tlnjv
iStVc hotj»t decided upjo what they
wMNJd elsewherev>Falbaia Journal.
The Baihl5H(f|Je Aargus bridge thb nbwk
. that'Mr. J M.-McBridf; dt Vrallapoosa,
^^° 4hW ‘ ^ a,-0 kn0W th ^ 0to 16000
ber* in «oH^ Mr. KrcBrtfl® "U ■*
thither 6f Mr. A:*-W> McBrifl^Af -this
flitjN The Utt«r too hu Ui^r
•Jadiber ItolflinicaMti Mliii intjr. "
MIm. Itpae Hauti, rotarned to tier
home In . Fri<J*y .moniipKJif<
ter tpendingjaerfrel eiMM with friends
in this city. ^ ‘ < • . • v
8oliriror \\\ K. Thomas was here from
Valdosta ou buianess Moudav.
At Jorsay Farm
A tiumlu of uort^rn guests »ro ou-
jo)iax the hospitalify of Mr. tutd Mr*.
John T. CIsistam’F country hoire, Jt-r-
•uy Farm. Airouk' (ht-m are: Mrs.
Hr*s, lirooklyn, N. Y.; Jolm A.
llellius. Xatdkville, Tenn.; W. A. Cos*
ten, lVLouuAe, Md ; Mr. and Mra. F.
S. Noroucx WoodltridKf, N. J.; Mbs
Maun Dow, Audovur, Msas ; Miss.
Mary Daw, Air*. S. J. Dow, Midland,
Midi : Mrs. Lfija (iuttmau, Pljiladcl*
MIm Louise Q«eene of Fortt • Vallfiy. is
the cliarmlng guost o( hor cousin, Miss
Bessie Bceee on Dewson street. . >.
Mr*. B. D. Ling ford and Miss Inez
Langford of GainesTille, Ga., arc at the
Kandall Honse.
Tire two suburban residences of
Messrs. W. J. Taylor and a. M. Wat
son arc beauties. Thoy arc ucariug
comp otiou uow aud have just been sur
rounded by a very haudnomo ornament
al irou (once. This was built bv the
'(houi’isville Marble Yard, aud Coatrac
tor Wt Idon thiuks with reason that it
tlie handsomest in South Georgia
The now famous epellioa coute*t of
the Brte«y Pli%rmacr Company, is near
to its de »tii. Ou Tuesday night at six
o’clocs. the spelling will be over, aud
the matter will then be only far the
jadgea to decide.
A large number of bl »nk t were tnrued
in la-1 week, bat in a contest of thD
nature, the late comer has almost a*
good a show as the eany birds. As n
matter of fact, yonr ohances are oven
better If you waited nueil late and
kept adding to yonr .list of words.
If the list tfiat is tamed iu at 5:5',* on
Tuesday evorrng shows a larger num
ber of permissible words than any
ot hit it will ge: the prize. If tv o
contoiM-it.s slioa d tie for first pJa'.c,
then the one wIionh was submitted
first >vj:: gft tiic first prize. Penuisni.
bio words .ire those that employ only
the letters used io the name “Brncey
Pharmacy Company,'' and that are
found in Webster’s Unabridged Dic
Dr. R J. Miller has rPdled to con
vert the Brighton Hotel into au offi e
building. Its locution on Briuid strict
m .kes *t convenient aud do-uuidu.* 11 e
hotel feature has been discontinu'd,
and tho Doctor states that tl»e entire
building will soon be filled with firms
who recognize the suitability of tho
Yrkterday tho Griffiug Brothers Co.
inuorpirated, of Florida aud Cuba
lessed ofiices iu tho building. They are
nurserymen who deal in fruit and nut
tries, ornamental shrub*, and flowets.
The offices here are iu charge of C. W.
fJoov, U. H. ssles monger. The firm
wul probably make Thomasville, their
headquarters for tlie country, and rc-
i^ovo their general offices to this city
from Jacssanville.
Miss Mamie Hickey of Aibsny is the
guest of Mrs. Kovcoe Luke o« ilhLwlI
Open Letter From Kind Hearten Ohi
The foiloaiog letter will be of ‘print
interest to our readers It breathes t • e
im* spirtt tf charity, of lielpiug others.
Max* it die the good that Mr. Carpt'titir
Uupos for. “To the i»tople of TJtomu>-
Altliongli I may he unknown t*. .uu,
>et I hop - my t xlierience will carry tlie
^t*ht that earnestness always shculd.
I belie vein doing good to my fellow
nieu. end iu no way can I help them
better than in pointing out the road to
Hfbmei, tho treatment that cutee
oaturn/ without stomach dosing, lisa
done me ro much ^0l>d (hat I waut
everybody to ktiow of ue merit*. I had
i» . rry bad case of catarrh, and Hjotuei
ompletaly cured me I have rvcom
mended it to my neighbors, and fbey,
tod, * irate Wn cured. Now I want
krtaryltodyiii ail-parts Of ihtf oonutiy to
, Alowwhal Hyoaisi hat douefor me.’
> George W. Ckrpentsr •
> ^ Vlooent, OtUp.'
vPWfWBJ ** hftikvm.W*m$
that are found in the air nixm tlye
mountains, where catarrh is unlinown It
deettoys allcatarrha' gernik ih’-tRe air
passages of tlie Jiead-, tluoac and lungs,
ap4 makes complete, .cnreii. ....*
A complete outfit cods .but ^l„ wliUo
extra bottles can be ohtaiqed for . 50
ceuts. Ask J. W. Peacock' to show yon
‘thV strong* guarantee under which he
•elle. the- treatment. ..
# Columbus, Ohio, May *o, 1903*
Six years ego I bed a severe attsdc d
Inflammatory Rheumatism. I was laid u*
In bed for six months, and the doctors I
hsd did me no good. They changed med
icines every week sad nothing they pre
scribed seemed to help me. FinsRy 1 be
gan tbe use of S. S. S. My knee sot elbow
joints were swollen terribly, snd st on«
time my joints were so swollen snd pain
ful that I could not close them whea
opened. I was so bad that I could not
move knee or foot. I wis-getting discour
aged^ you may be sure, when I began 3. S.
S., but as I saw it was helping me I contin
ued it, and to-d^y I am a sound well man
and have never hod a return of the disease.
S. S. 8. purified txty blood and cured me
of this severe case of Rheuniatisni aftet
everything else had failed. I have rec-
commended it to others with good re
sults. R. H. Chapman.
*355 Mt VcruOn Avy.
The poisonous acids that produce the in
flammation r.nd pain ore absorbed into the
blood aud Rheumatism can never be con
quered tiil these are neutralized and fil
tered out of the blood and system. S. S. 8.
goes directly into the circulation and at
tacks the disease itself. It purifies and re
store a the blood Vo a healthy, vigorouf
condition. It contains no potash, alkali ot
other strong min
erals, but is guar
anteed entirely
vegetable. Write
us and our physi
cians will advise
without any
charge whatever.
Our book on Rheu
matism sent free.
Tha Swift Specific Company. Atlanta, On
a.uabl* Raaldane* and r-rmino
> Lend For Sale.
I am offering for rale on tvmonable
terms a very desirable tract of timbered
and farming land lying partly within
and partly without the Oity Limits of
Toomaaville. This tract contains in all,
98 1-2 acres, one third of which is in origi
nal forest growth of hurd-wood and pine
suitable for fencing and repairs. The
remainder of the tract is enclosed and
iu cultivation, ami traversed by two
running s*r«nms, rJTo'din^ p.-rfect
natural dr.«ii nge. 'I iiis property is sat-
c« ptible of bciug divided iuto a numl er
of eligible building site* aid truck f r:m
a n « vcry rer<c‘ coin be; it
should b - examiuirl by nil tuuli as may
n ue,»kin< homo in ihi/« seorion Fa •
ienlar information wi' l be furnished by
the Uuder»igued, who wih uixui applica
tion go over it wit ii HUtotio wishing to
ni-tkc a ]M-rsonal «-xaminaiton of it. For
farther information apply at the City
Expre-n.Olfico, or at tlie olfi e, of Ham-
nM>ii(l & liammond A to tu-y*
F. II BatleF/jVdmr.'hnd Agent
for tlie Heirs of F. H Butter. Deed
Auctitn Sole of Real Estate.
For Rent!
4 room house on Mon
roe street, near Female
College. Price per month
S7.50. '
Isj- the J o 11 Watt
place ou Broad st. , Price
per month $.27.50
Tlwre xnll ba mhl by inter hf the
Bosnl of Trnttera, On H 011 rat Tueaday
In Me ch Dr fore (ln> court lioase door
bciwpan If and 12 o'clock a. in. tlie old
City Hoaptlal Site on N. B. -corner of
Miui'Oe and Hjrdaway street*, st put-
tic outer, io highest bidder. The lot
fruuis 2*1 feet on Monroe snaot and
104 3.4, feet ou Hardaway street and
has therein one 9 room suit one 4 room
home. " »
' The'bath tob* and laM jilambiOE tu
tor** abore froaod are raaerred. Also
ilia pjwratiog room and the rijjht to Die
tli« tmjhfinga until now boi'lSing* are
read j^for occupano, b,'paying a rental
equal to 10 jier .cant'on selliug price;
Termi'cash,^ • Jt >v J lt d *»
* * : I.I.-.E; M. Mallette •
S4cm*rT Board TroateM
To. Be^gjjfy Your V *.•
; .. In Ten Days,"Usa ■■ ,
The UsEgu vli^d Bealtifibr.
n costs rooMOTHme to mnsnoiTt.
There ia no one who doe* not need a
Liver Medicine occaakmally.
The symptom* of Liver Complaint are
well known to every one, inch as contti-
pxtion. dyspepsi*, lom of appetite, aleep-
iessnem, headache, a tired feeling and
many otbere of a aimilar nature.
Thousands die annually by not heeding
the warnings of nature.
Many acquire some chronic disease
from which they never recover.
Many of these could be spared foe rears
of usefulness, by keeping in the home
some reliable remedy.
We believe that we can convince any
fair-miuded person that there is no bet
ter remedy for the Liver known, than
Dr. Thacher's Liver and Blood Syrup.
The formula is known, consisting of:
B’.K'bu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow
Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian,
Senna and Iodide of Potassium. You
know just what you are taking. How
many other formulas of a liver medicine
are published ? Ask your druggist about
this. It is already prepared and can be
taken immediately.
The strength is extracted in the moft
skillful manner, certainly superior to any
powdered preparation known. (Wc also
manufacture a Liver Medicine in pow
dered form, with which any druggist can
supply you, but this, like all other dry
Liver Medicines requires preparation.)
Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup
is pleasant to take, does not lose its
strength, os Liver Medicine in dry foruv,
and will keep in any climate. *
Your doctor, however skillful, could
prescribe nothing better
There is no opportunity for a doctor
to make a mistake in writing a prescrip
tion, or a drug clerk to make a mistake
in compounding the same, (besides a
doctor’s bill and the cost of the medi
cine.) You can be absolutely sure of the
proper proportion being in every dose.
Dr. Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup
hr.2 been used with the greatest confi-
dencc uud success in thousands of homes
52 years, and is prepared by a phar
macist of 25 years* experience, in a labo
ratory equipped with the most modern
appliances tor the most perfect safety.
If you do not undent and your eaae.
write today for a Kreo oamotr bottto and
•• l>r. Thaeher'o Health iiooh.** tiioo
iffmpfowi far adrUr. IF® olmply o»k that
I ron try It at our exjwnee. M* knot# what
t trill do.
SO cento and st.OO.
Chattanooga, Toon.
ti/xJil/l/V/ R. R. Faro P*ld. Nows
9 t*k»B on tuldcn. BEST
, snd chospost on earth. Don'i delay. Write to-dsy.
| Ouly solid Fallmnu train with ot ter-
! vation and library cars from Florida to
St. Louis, dhiengo, ilia West and North
west witii tnibch quicker time than vie
any other line.
All meals-in dining car. Service a l*
carte. Fn!t-«r diui-jg cir -ervice in the
Leave St. Aajust.u* dtil* 8:10*. m.
Leave^mvtlle d«Uv 9:60 a. m.
Arrive C ncago ilex' - d iy 4: ’ 0 p m
Arrive St. Lews n -xt day 1 :.V» p. m.
Also through Pullman draxving toom
sleeping curs p.ily lr-».u ksou%ilie on
A C. L 8:03 p. ni t'amto Bi.minghom
Nashville, Evatisville, St. Loui*. Chi
cago and 8:55 trains io Pentoco’a. Mo
bile Anti New Orleans.
‘' 4 Ir best rervio* is desired ask for rick
ets via L. & N.
For rates, Pa lmaa re-ervatious. ete.
call on or.^rite
* • f v F»*. Pass. Agi ue.
206*W. Bay St *J.M.*k«otivdle. Fia.
Parlor Car Service Between Albany
'add Atlanta Via Central of Georgia
Effective Feb. 7tfi, the Central of
Georgia Railway will operate parlor
cars beta ecu Albany aud At.out* ou
train leaving Albany 11:54 a. m. arriv
ing Atlautn T.55 p. m Leave Atlanta
7.50 a. m. arriving .* lhmy p. m.
Soat fvru to X:; * •>, t-» Atlanta 50ct»
F- r forther iufcriu^ta.i. • pj Jv tn I. C.
Brins n, C. A. S. A Atkinnou. U. T. A.
Mr. and Mr*. J. O. Lewis, Mrs. Ros-
i't>‘ Lake, and Mrs. Elliott Harris came .
home Sunday for a weeks tour of tlie
Florida resorts.
G. P. Spouco of Camilla, sj>ent Mon
day iu town.
E. MjM.UlEriE, i sSm£SSi5?3&SS'
J 1 I..-I1.. -:i:-..T..;.lu.,.,
■;a l. ESTATE A UCMf'dAttoe A st * ; *• ^dSrisl^w u «*k'« -n. h-s'llg
Al ttcOell Hl.x-k % l
New Purler (
dlntf d
I’rciMireil oil lx
National Toilet Co , » v -«r
s » il in Thomjuvill l.y it. i lu
Leave Thomasville 0:15 m., Parit
Car to' Josap. Sleeping Car with Dii
ing Oa r Servict- Je«up io Augo-fa, a:
riving at Angn>ta tno t-aiue day at 0:4
u. Tins in th»* quickest and uio;
cbuveiiieut wav to roach Augnsta
Returning, lenva’Acgusta at' 10.80 i
m Throogh Sl**.*per Augusta to W’aj
cros-s, arriving at Wu cro*u a . in
Lfcavu Wnycro.-u m Pullman Day Ca
arriving at Thomasville 10:20
See Ticket Agent or T. ,T Bottom
T. P. A\ Thomasville, Ca.