Newspaper Page Text
Afford 5
If you can, you owe it to yourself—to your family—to buy one. package
of Uneeda Biscuit to-day, not to-morrow, TO-DAY! After that you
will ever buy and eat Uneeda Biscuit because your appetite will demand
them, because your common sense will teach you that there is no article
of food so wholesome, so satisfying, so economical.
are really soda crackers, but such soda crackers as you never had before
or even imagined.
Indeed, it is a great achievement to make soda crackers so delicious
and to deliver them to your table as fresh as they were at the mouth of
the oven, untouched by strange hands, untainted with odor, unspoiled
by dampness, dust or germs.
Think of a beautiful package of royal purple and white containing
such a feast as that, for 5 f
Think what it means to you Mrs. Housewife or you Mr. Breadwinner
and what you are losing by hot making Uneeda Biscuit an important
part of your daily bill-of-fare.
Greatest Package Candy on
Chocolate Almonds, Salted Pea-
nuts, Unsurpassed Caramels, Batter Scotch, Noagatiaes and assorted
Leading Confectioners.
gazlno “Madame” can be given for gg
dollar. We will take pleasure in asadi,
ing any subscriptions,that Ur. Chestnut,,
who will return in a few dan making^-..
canvas of the town, fails to get.
Ur. Vargil Hay of New Spring SUL
waa exohanging love stories with, Rtc
Haywood Singletary of thla plats*
Judging from the number of teams
hired ont by our stablemen, W. U. Sin-
gletarydb Son, on Sabbath afternoon,
and other signs, there ought to be at
least eight weddings in this town, “be-
fora ths leaves begin to turn."
Now is the right time of ths moon to
plant Irish potatoes snd sil kinds of gar
den traok. We keep all kinds' of seed.
J. H. Pollen * Co. '
Kiss Jennie Carter, of this plans, left
lass 8atorday to take charge of the
school at Bold Spring. She aocompa-
lots down
WMiJB the bars.
ur/zIA The trouble is it gi\rs
xMaWBr no warbinc. The hits c f
the serpent warn* \cu if
but Grip new
gives nalam until Hs poison has undone the cysti m.
Weak kmc*—mean eooscaptior; we tk heart. Ktit
diaease; and weak kidneys, brtchi'sdisciud. Take
In 90 minutes It enters the blood and begins to undo
the mischief, and In one day the Grip victim is
placed beyoodthe danger line. Use nothing else.
Johnson's Chill ft Fever Tonic Co.
■’ Suvennah, Georgia.
In the treatment of deni
often a resalt of catarrh
almost immediately upon
membrane, and the hearini
turn at once. A few day
will briog relief, and in
weeks, according to the se
case, a cure will be accom]
Mias Meeks, of Matte
says: “Hyomei is truly ^
hare used it but a short ti
great change in my coi
hearing is improving rapid
no idea N I would improve
so short a time. My breatl
80 offensive to myself an
lost its bad odor entirely.
a great deal of money with
cialists, and can truly e
months cf their treatment
Ochlockonee Mentions.
(By J. F. Singletary.)
Mrs. Marvin Clark of Thomasville, is
spending some time with Mrs. Dora
Clark, who is quite sick with la grippe.
One Week’s Us* of Hyomei Did More
Than Six Months' Treatmert by
of deafness which i*
of catarrh Hyomei acts
upon the inflamed
hearing begins to re •
few days’ treatment
aud in three or four
to the severity of the
be accomplished.
Matte wan, N. Y.
truly wonderful. I
short time, and see u
in my condition. My
rapidly, and I had
I would improve so rapidly in
My breath, which was
md others, Ims
. I have npent
money with catarrli spe-
can truly say that six
is not equal
one month of Hyomei.”
J. W. Peacock is selling Hyomei up
on the unusual plau of agreeing to re
turn the money if-the medicine does not
A complete outfit costs only $1 00,
and c insists of an inhaler that can be
carried in the vest pocket, a medicine
dropper and a bottle of Hyomei. The
inhaler will last a lifetime, and there is
enough llyomol for sever d weeks’ treat
moot. Additional bottles of Hyomei
can be procured for 50 cents. Compare
this Email expense with tho fees charged
by specialists, and then remember that
if Hyomei does not cure J. W. Peacock
will re turn Tour money.
by local applications, fts they c*nnot
reach th* diseased portion of the »ar
Then* Is only one war to cure deafness,
)nd that is by constitutional remedies.
Deflfn?ssis caused bv an inflamed coudi-
tiun of tbo mucous lining of the Eust'i-
^ chianjjhibe. When this tube is inflamed
□ a rumbling sound or imperfect
bea^ng; »nd when it is entirely c'os°d,
Dufn'ss Is th« result, atd unless the in-
mi.1tlon can b* taken out and this
tube restor'd to its normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever;
Cas«s mt of ten are caus'd by Catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflam'd condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
toy case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be fcured by Hall’s Catarrh
Cure, fiend for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O
Sold by Druggists ,75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
Miss Annie Lucas was the guest of
Mrs. E L. Rollins Saturday aud Sunday
Miss Kate Fleetwood is visiting Miss
Clancy Pinson of ThomasviUe, this
Mrs. A. W. Logue returned to her
home in Nashville last week, after
spending several weeks with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs W S Bullock.
Miss Pearl Stubbs, after (pending
some time with relatives here, returned
to Sylvester Monday.
Mrs. Pearl Garrison leaves for her
home in Savannah Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Clark of Thomas-
vide, spent Saturday and Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thompson near
Mrs. II. V. Buntiu spent last Wednes
day in Thomasville.
Rev. G. P. Reviere preached at the
M. E, church Saturday and Sunday to a
large congregation.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. F. Walker visited
Mrs. Copeland of Tnomasville Saturday
aud Suudav.
. Mrs. Margaret Singletary was called
to the bedside of her sou Mr. Wm.
Sidgletary of Meigs, Friday. He is
very ill with grippe.
Mrs, Nannie Venters has ordered a
large and beautiful line of spring Milli
nery and will have her opening in March
Don’t fail to call on Ler while in town.
Dr. T. M. McIntosh of Thomasville
was here un a professional visit one day
last week.
Miss Pearl Thompson is visiting in
Thomasville for a fow days, the guest
of her lister. Mrs. E. R. Clark.
Mrs. Hall of Shellmaii,. spout last
week with Mrs. Frank Hay near town.
J. H. Anderson and family moved to
Nashville last week. We will mist
them but wish for them much pros
New Spring Hill.
("Uncle Sam ”)
As tho beautiful spring weather con-
tinnes, our farmers are rushing their
work along and are making rapid prog
The great success of this preparation
In the relief and cure of bowel com
plaints has brought it into almost uni
versal use. It never fails, and when re
duced with water and sweftened is pleas
ant to take. It Is equally valuable for
ch Idren and adults. For sale by J. W.
Peacock, Thomasville, <*a. w
Henry Mitchell, of the Duncanville
district, who was recently appointed bv
&e ordinary of the county as a justice
of the peace for that district, having
been notified that the commission had
been received from the governor, came
in and took the oath of office Toes
To draw the fi e ent of a burn, or heal
a cut without leaving a scar, use De-
Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A specific
for piles. Oct the genuin". J. k. Tuck
editor of the Harmonizcr, Centre.AIa.
writes: "I have used DcWitt's Witch
ilazel Salve in mr family for piles, cuts
and burns. It Is the best salve . on the
market Every f>mTy should keep it on
bkn*i." 8old by Bracey Pharmacy C ». w
Mr. Simeon M. Turner, a young
pitman lawyer, waa Here Tuesdav.
Croup and Whooping Cough come
like a thief in the might, stealing in to
fatten the fang * of mortal disease upon
the children as they peacefully sleep in
tbsir little beds. Kennedy's Laxative
Hooey and Tar, the now. discovery for
coagbis and colds, will drive out these
death-dealing demons before the doctor
-can arrive. It protects the lives and
haalthof the little odos. Contains no
•opiates. Keep it handy. Sold by Bra
ce/ Pharmacy Oe. w
Pindar Shellings" arc quite popu
lar now with tho young people. They
meet at tho place appointed, aud, after
shelling pindars for a while, Work is
laid aside and tho remainder of the eve
ning is spent in social games, music and
conversation, It is always "Work be
fore play.” Last week there was one
of these entertainments at the homes of
both Mr. Isaac Langley and Mr. Tom
Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Groover, of be
yond Ochlochnee, visited in this com
munity Sunday.’
Virgil Hav and his sister, Miss Beat
rice, visited Meigs Saturday and Sun
Mr. A. C. Thompson was called to
Bainbridge a few days ago by the ser
ious illness of his daughter, Mrs. Sfcrib-
ling, who is yet critically ill.
Orro Griffin spent Sunday with rela
tiros in Ochlochnee.
Mr. Robert Alexander, of the County
Board of Education, made a profes
sional visit to our school recently.
New Spring Hill school observed
Washington's Birthday in an appropri
ate manner. The forenoon was devoted
to "Washington exercises,” aud the af
ternoon wan a half-holiday for all. Our
uchool continues to grow. It has passed
the sixtieth mark, and still they come
We are glad to say that Mrs. John
Wilson, who lias been sics for several
■lays, Is recovering.
Gordon Castleberry made a flying
visit to Thomasville last Monday. He
left home at sunrise, made the trip of
fourteen miles, spent several hoars in a
denial chair and was at horns in time
for dinner. He rode a bicycle.
Mr. N. Oehni* expected In the- city
today to visit bis brother, Hr. Charley
Gehe, proprietor of the Oriental Ba-
Miss Bffie Brbwlnaky, of Oerroltoo,
Ky„ and Mia Nell Hast, of Richmond,
Vo., have returned to their homes, af-
tar a delightful visit to Tboimarville, as
toa geests of Miss Louise Hsyss.
The Wade-Boss Co. of the Lyceum
lonrsc, gave ns an excellent entertain
ment Wednesday night. It was high-
toned from beginniug'to end. Onr peo
ple should attend these entertainments
every cent of the receipts go to pur
chase a Library for the town.
Doctor O’Neal onr popular dentist,
und Mr. W. H. Saber the assistant
cashier of tho Meigs Bank, wont court
ing to Pelham Sunday, bat becoming
anxious about tome home matters they
aubled it back to Meigs in the early af
It is getting to be quite tho tiling now
to walk to the nearest railroad station
and ride back on the train. Thoy say
the walk is good for Indigestion. For
the sake of getting something to digest
we could easily loave off the walk and
pnt np with a little indigestion.
Mr Ezekiel Carter went down to his
old neighborhood near Oak Grove Sat
urday. Hearing that the school house
had taken fire from the stovo fine, and
burned he decided to contribute a load
of lnmber to aid in rebuilding, which
im hauled from this place. If there’s
anybody hero, that is ever ready to do
an act of kindness or a deed of charity
it’s your Uncle Zeke Carter.
Mr Will Dixon of Camdla wss here a
few days ago is looking after his farm-
ins interests here.
Tiie W. F. K. society or the graded
school gave a delightful entertainment
at the college andicoritun Friday night.
Tliere was a foil house, and everyona
•poke in highest terms. The entire pro
gram waa arranged by the young ladies
of the higher grades, and was so well
rendered that they justly deaerved the
many nice things that'wen said about
nied Mrs. Wesley Dixon and daughters,
who have been on a visit to friends here
during the past few days.
Mr. Robert Alexander, of the County
Board of Education, was ill this vicinity
oue day last weok. He visited the Pine
Hilt school, taught by Mr. C. R. Hatch
ings. The school was found in splendid
oonditlon. Although Mr. Hntchinge is
a yonng teacher he is proving himself to
be a born teacher, and is full of vim,
tact aud original methods.
Mrs. W. A. Waldorf, Jr. of Valdosta
was the guest of her friend, Mrs. T. E
Rose, at tho Roswell, a few days sinoc.
Mrs, Waldorf, ss Miss Bertie Bnckaiew,
was very popular here, her former
New comers are banting houses all
over this town, bnt there's not a house
to be had. We are informed, however,
that several neat residences will at a
very early date be built.
Mr. Harroll aud Miss Mary Parker, of
Pelhsm, were visitors here Saturday.
We buy all kinds of oountry produce,
and sell onr goods at the right price.
J. H. Pc lion & do.
Mr. W. H. Vanlandinglmm, whoso
pleasant smile always greets yon at the
caahier’s window at the bank, visited
his homo folks, at Cairo Saturday.
Mr. Antoine Huber of Moultrie, was
here Sunday.
In answer to many, as to why no ac
count of the burglary and arrest of the
boys concerned in it, appeared in the
items from this place last week, we
will say that a detail account was sent
in with other matter for this column,
bnt the editors, as the arrests were
made in ThomaariUe, used the informa
tion furnished by us, and consolidated
all in a report from that place, from day
to day.
Little Bertha Warren, daughter of
Mr, Frank Warren, i« one of the most
ameitioua pupils in Center HiU school.
BbS is in ths primary department, un
der the inatroction of 1Ira. Klmm Sin
gletary end ti six year* of ago. Beeidee
being able to read, veil and write, phe
knows tho multiplication tiMt so wsll,
that it la impossible to trap her. Of
It Is In The Implement Lia:
And is a good thing, you will find that We carry it. Wet
handle nothing but High Grade Goods, and you can make Oft
mistake by coniine to us for your Hardware as we handle all
Heavy and Staple lines such as Nails, Stoves, Ell wood Fence;
Implements, etc, in car lots, and thereby, are prepared to giv%
you the very best prices. Come to see us.
Jno. G. Burney’s
Hardware’Store.JBoston, Ga.
coarse there are many others, bat they
are older.