Newspaper Page Text
Dillingham’* Plant Juice Liniment is
justly styled the greatest pain medicine {
on earth, and already hundreds of
Thomas county people are ready to tts-
Rcatf Whai the if -
of rn^v.:, Ala. t:
Soil i-ygcod druggists
knows that
The S w.e o
for Ctnwcw i f”
ior */<Vdt’
lev'xilj ,.i
for H'.-o;!'-/! ;■
it,t BQiclMfnoa.1
for Dizziness
Use it often and pre
vent Malaria.
amar, Taylor & Rilsy
Drug Company
The 11.00 bsttls contains 2H tlmostha trial alst. which satis tor 00 mats
Since the introduction of Plant Joice
medicine# a month ego, and the news of
some of its wonderful cures has spread
about the city and Tirin’ty, the applica
tion for treatment and soppUes has ex
ceeded all expectations of the promoters
Annmber of oitizens of Thomasrille
who had used the remedies called on J.
W. Peacock yesterday and gave volun-
tary testimonials of its enrative powers,
Plant Juice is compounded into fonr
different forms nnder the supervision]
old by Bracy Pharmacy Co.
itk for 1088 Kodol Almanac and 800 year Calendar.
To Subaorlbe for and Raad all Papers
Published Would Cost 850,000
■ Year,
Ttaa Result Obtained From This Ex
pentflture Can bs Had for a
Paw Oanta a Day.'
ARE PROVING THEIR VALUE | tify to die truth of this assertion. I.jisJ livery
BY THE|R POPULARITY. I an unfailing remedy for rheumatism some plants grow better than
—;— j tore throat, pleurisy, pneumonia,croup. ( otliers. Soil may be the same
Druggists and Dealers Are Appointed tooihicbo. fainting, headache, stiff j and seed may seem the^ same
too: in cm*. jaimiug, iieauacuo, bum « auu kcu -w... -
joints, cuts, bnrns, chuibiains heart-1 but some plants are weak and
bnrn, lumbago, spinal affection, sprains,! others Strong,
cramps in the stomach, bmises, dysen
tery, braised or twisted ' limbs, the re
sult of falls, or other accidents, and, in
fact, is nnfailing in its curative effects
in all cssea requiring prompt and effeo
tire relief.
Since ita introduction in ThomasTille
it has been nsed by a number of persona
with the best results, while in other
cases where nsed the results bare been
universally gratifying. It is eqoally
efficacious with animals, and can be
used with ptifect safety anywhere,
Any one m Ibe publlo eye ever so
allghily, any one desiring publicity, every
one in any business or profession will be
Interested in a remarkable Idea that will
be of untold value to them at the cost of
a few cents a day.
The credit for the due to Frank
A Burrelle, dean of the prees clippers.
To a reporter Nr. Borrclle said:
* I point the wny to new business along
new lines and give aid cf a most valua
ble nature to to.OUO persons. Our cll-
enta include merchants, actors, wiiters,
lawyers, artists ministers, doctois public
speakers, pugilists—in short nil classes.
“How done? Very simple. I am able
*i|b a large force of workers to read
ptpers published, clipping tbcre'rom
Rems of interest to our clients."
“I do not understand," s id the report
“In the newpuper* ol the United
States," explained Mr. Burrelle, “then
is printed oviry day that ap
plies directly to nil men and to all busi-
"Can you gire any specie case?"
"Hundreds! Take for sx*mp'c, the
maker ol artificial Hmtyh I put on his
desk every day the name of every person
la the United Stales who has had an arm
or a leg amputated That parson needs
anartificiel limb. The fire extinguisher
man wants to know of persons who Lave
bad a loss by fire, and I keep him post'd.
These are example!, but the idea applies
to every business."
*3Iow do you help individuals?
“I keep the artist informed oi whst the
press eays of his work; II an author
wants material for a book, I gather It for
him; on the death of anyone I am able to
Place before relatives the printed repres
sions of opinion concerning the de.
"How Is it done?"
"If there Is any one, either Individual
or firm, who wishes to know, let them
writs to me, addressing "Burrelle—New
York; It would take too much vpace to
tell the whole story here.” 8-lStl
Have You Tried
Wooldridge, Falls Branch lellico Coa
If not, you are missing one of Life’s luxuries
The Wooldridge Jellico comes in
large lumps, is free from impuri
ties, and because of its cleanli
ness, hardness and superior burn
ing qualities is the most satisfac
tory Jellico Coal produced. Try
a load of it and we guarantee
All your worry over bad, dirty Coal will cease.
especially valuable in case* of old tores,
burns and painful injuries where a safe
and healing preparation ia needed
Plant Juioe Soap ia a favorite Dilling
ham seller. It in manufactured from
of the Dillingham proprietorship, and when the directions are care'nily fol
as they are dispensed represent the fol-' lowed.
lowing remedies and nsea: * Plant Jnice Healing Salve ia another
* Dillingham's Plant Jnice it the origi- of the splendid preparations and haa its
nal discovery sad preparation which legitimate pise for the afflicted,
has created eo ronch attention wherever
introduced. It lean nnfailing remedy
for catarrh, indigestion, dyspepsia, con
stipation, rheumatism, Mduoy and blad
der troubles, scrofula, and so-called ^
blood diseases, chills, fevers, diseases quills bark, coooa oil and amole, and [is
common to women, and will removej one of tbe most reliable toilet soaps
worms and all disease germs. I manufactured. It is especially good
Its Introduction in every community for shaving purpose*, and is having a
has been followed by soriu i f tbe most | tremendous sale wherever introduced,
remarkable cures, and the thousands of taking the place of the. standard brands
voluntary testimonials. m « in posses- ^ of shaving soap which hare bseu in use
Hon of tho dispensers are tlie strongest for years.
endorsement the medicine i onld receive. I Plant Jnice Remedies are on sale at
The simplest methods only are required J. W. Peacock's, R. Thomas, Jr , J. C.
in following the treatment, and the Adams & Son, Bostrn, Ga, Wight &
The Thomasville Ice Comma
most gratifying results are always ob
tained. The sales of tlii* preparation
have been something enormous, and
the results have been unirerssily satis
It haa been truly said of Plant sluice
that when once introduced into any
section of the country it never dies out.
Its sale is constantly increnriiig and at
the present time has au-omtd such pro-
For Infants and Childrens
Brownr, Cairo, Ga.
For the son, a largo list to salso
from J- S- Montgomery Real Estate
onsursno Agon
And that’s the way with
children. They are like young
food, same ho
plants. Same food, same home,
same care but some grow big
and strong while others stay
small and weak.
Scott’s Emulsion offers an
easy way out of the difficulty.
Child weakness often means
starvation, not because of lack
of food, but because the food
does not feed.
Scott’s Emulsion really feeds
and gives the child growing
Whatever the cause of weak
ness and failure to grow-—
Scott’s Emulsion seems to find
it and set the matter right
Send for free sample.
SooCt ft Bowse, Chemists, soqPearlSt., New York
yx. and Ji.oo; all druggists.
Rattlesnake Melon Seed*
Genuine Rattlesnake Water Melon
Seed for rate. Price* right. Addr« fl
B. R. Strickland, Quitman, Ga.
I tted supply of cotton eeed, tho
celebrated Florodora seed, can be had
at Jae- McKlnnrnt- 2-11-2tw4t
It is rumored that the fir»t of March
Will witneaf eorae important changes
in the official circles of the A. & B.
Alex Bounyman. rnporintendent of
the Atlantic and Birmingham Railroad,
will be made aupeVi^cndent cf con
struction of the Atlantic and Birming
ham extension from Mc»tezuma!to
Birmingham. G. C. Smith, present
master of tramp, will he made *uper-
intendent in Mr. Bonny man’s place.
will he made on March 1st.
Under Supervision of the Three Best Governments in the World—United States, Canada, Great Britain.
Haw Orleans, Mobile, Pensaoola.
Hard! Graa at Naw Orleans, Mobile
■Bd Pensacola will be held March 2nd
to 7th inclusive this yeer, and will bo
oil muoh larger scale than oTer before.
For this occasion tbe round-trip rate
wrtll nnly be one first class faro pins 8So.
tickets to be told Mitch let. to Oth.
inohulve, flnnl tv turn limit March tltb.
fcowsrer tickets can be extended nntil
March 25th. by depositing with Special
Agent and by payment of fee of 60c,
it time of depoeis. The LonisviUe &
Nashville R. R. operates through draw-
to&room sleepers daily from Jackson
ville, and and any one desiring fell and
'Complete Information should address,
_ Geo. U. Hebrino, F. P. A..
Jacksonville, Fla.
C. M. &. A. G. Robin
son, who represent us in
the Thomasville district
are men worthy of a res
pectful hearing from you.
They can show you the
science of Insurance and
can explain all the intri
casiesof its vast and finely
adjusted machinery. They
have been in the Insur
ance business in Thom
as county for many years
and they are competent to
aid you in selecting the
kind of policy best suited
to the needs of your case
If you are curious let one
of these gentlemen know
and he will take pleasure
in calling on you.
Principal office, 1766 Notre Dame Street, Montreal, Canada- Organized under tho laws of
tho Domiuiou of Canada, made to the governor of the State of Georgia, In pursuance of the laws
of said State.
Aeesurance tamed and paid for in
Cosh. *15.911, #04.24
Increase over 1203 * 1,744,698.77
Cash Income from Premiums, Inter-
eat, Rents, etc 4.561,938.19
Inoresse over 1908 .... 675,796.69 7. Cssh in Company's office 38,817.69
Assets as at 81st December, 10C4 17.851,760.92
Increase over 1903 2,345.984.44
Undivided Surplus over all liabilities Capital (according to the
Company's ..tandard, the Hm, Ta
ble. with 4peroentintorest on poli-
ciea leaned before December Slit,
1899, and 8 1-2 per rent on those is
sued since);..'.. 1,27944609
Increase over 1903 278,063 60
Profits paid Polioyholders : 117,238 21
Death Claims. Matured Endowments . ,
Profits and all other |n> menta to I /
Policyholders during I O'* 1.371.015 <*2
All payments to Policy.
organisation 11,470,082.5'
Life-Assurances in foroe. 1). comber
31st, 1904..... 85 897,662.9:
Increase over 1903 9,616,473.98
1. Amount of Capital S'ook
2. Amount of Capital Strok paid up
in cash 105,00t>.00— *105,000.00
. Premium Notes, Loans or Liens
on Policies In force 1,180.03
. Bonds and Stocka owned absolute
ly, par value *12,281,230.80
Market val carried out 10.894,882 95 10.894,882 95
Cash deposited in Banks to credit
of Company 424, .97.22
9. Cash deposited with Japanese
Government 74,700 00
10. Iuterestdoeoracoruedandnrpaid 221,299.09
18. Renta dne or accrued and unpaid 11.220.75
14 Net amount of uncollected and de
ferred premiums (deduction 20 per
cent, lor avenge loaning from
gross amount) 450,940-90
1,060,000 Business
Written in Ga. in 1904,
1 Market value of real estate
owned by Company 1,146.643.01— 1,146,643 91
3. Lows on Ronds nnd Morgagea
(first liens) on real estate 2,629,160.00
- Total Assets .*17,851,760 9- A
Net peosenl value of ft l the out-
hiau iii,g P.-irues m force *16,2S6,.
Dednct net vsluo of risks in this
Company, 'reinsured in other sol
vent Companies 2,621,23
Net premium reserve „ 16,283,538.91
Death Losses and Mutual Endow
ments in process of adjustment, or
adjusted and not due 148,824 26
Annuity claims unpaid. 4,563,19
Total Polioy Claims *148,377.45
7. Dividends declared due and re
maining unpaid to Policvholders... 31,836.46
8 Dividends declared dne to Stock
holders January 1st, 1905 7.875.UO
Ground Rents 38,640.00 9. Deposits to meet maturing De-
3. Loans secured by pledge of bonds
Stocks or other marketable collat
erals 643.250.00
Loammade to Polioyholden under
Nonforfeiture Agreement! 284,674.06
Loans msde in oash to Policy
holder! on this Company's Policies
assigned as collateral..... 1,192,064.88
benlnrea, etc 46,769 82
10 Amount of all other claims
agalnet the Company j.. 63,917.19
11. Cash Capital 106,000.00
11 Surplus ever all Liabilities.....'.... 1,174,446 09
Total Liabilities , 4 17,861,780.92
of CANADA is not the
Biggest” Company. Our
ambition is to be the Best
Company for the Policy
Our management is ^ •••
servative and our divi
dends to policy holders
in the past have been of
the investment kind. In
dealing with an Insur
ance Company consider
notits size but its securi
Atlanta, Ga.