Newspaper Page Text
Daring the Past Week a Number of
People Hare Called to See Col.
Dillingham and Tell Him of
Benefit His Medicine Has
• Produced.
called ,
This week hand red* of new faces
witnessed the pleasing entertainment
provided by Col. Kraal; Dillingham, the
entertainer and adveriiser, and his
splendid company on Brotd street and
it has been late in the evening before
the demand for the wonderful r m dies
has been supplied.
The Plant Juice Remedies wliiri*. are
bein^ introduced here for the first, time
seem to be arcompjiahing more than is
claimed f r them by the adv-'rtiscr. and
the number of peopl-
and. voluntarily given thrir endoi
meut to is heal file qualities in.Tea
day by day. Within tlie p »s' fir,* ri
hundreds of sick people who lmv-» lx
usingtiormucriics 1 d n«i i
lingham 10 express t'.ieir gratitude and
to give testimony of the wonderful re
salts of the use . f ;lio medicines.
Many people would l>e surprised to
witness the number of people calling
for Col. Dillingham and recounting
without request the great benefit de
rived from the use of these medicines
But to Col. Dillingham it appears to be
only an every minute occurance. Con
ceruing this feataro of the business Col.
Dillingham said
“To an outsider the many calls that I
receive after my first few nights in a
city from people»who have taken Plan
Jnice remedies and have come to tell
me what it has done, may seem to be
▼ery unusual, bat ever since the intro
duction of this midiciue I have been
having the sarno experience in evory
city I have visited, and therefore it oc
curs to me £s a matter ol course. A
ai^* man or a sick woman who has been
^Tbutfited or made well again in a com
paratively short time, is the most grate
ful person in the world. Probably you
, don't know it, but about nine-tenths of
the diseases with which tiio human be
ings are afflicted are due primarily ap.n
fundamentally to stomach trouble. The
stomach’is. practically speaking, the
furnace which runs the machinery of
I the entire body. Human life is sup
ported by the food which is taken into
the system and every bir of that food
must first be prepared- or'digested by
the stomach in such a manner that it
can be turned into blc.od,. bone, sinew,
©to., and-the^moiuKiit the stomach bo-
'dome! otft of order the entire system
Chlcaoo Journal of Health Telia
Excellence of Sten ley's Business
Thomasville people will always be in
terested in the career of Mr. G. W. H.
Stanley. His long years of snccetsfal
citizenship here gai ned him the friend
ship of many people. Mr. Stanley's
business college in Macon has been a
success since he founded it. The follow
ing editorial from the columns of the
Chicago Journal of Health was printed
by that publication without charge, and
is an expression that Mr. Stanley should
greatly appreciate;
“The general pnblic have realized for
ine that absolutely no depend-
o be placed in either news, apr i
nnents in which glowing cliirns j
.* for certain institutions, <
rtUing matter sent out b
■ while the advertised prom
to by the trust w«
o mol hods whereby t he
s* facts can bo assured
the bust institution to
mis* ir would do no
a on«* of opiuiom from those who have i Sa , # ak g aI# CJty
pr.trcui*» l it. we' certainly in J There will be .old at pnblkrffntciy to
gw ipnirioo to effordoor reader. n* ' thel , bi(Jde( . thg ^
house door at Camilla on Saturday
ful information which it won d be im
possible to nbtniu elsewhere. As we
have end, wears no* interested in in
creasing the patronage of any portion
lar college or sending a dollar into the
purse or those conducting the same;
but we are vitally interested in proteot
iug’onr readers by famishing them with
perfec:ly frank and unbiased informs-
t.on s and it is with no thought of the
incidental beuefit this college majrite'
ceive from ^or endorsement, bnt solely
for the bewllfc of our readers tharfre
sing’e ouf mSley’s Busiuess College,
at Macon, Ga., for the praise it has so
justly ear: eil, and bestow upon it tlio
ifip 1 editorial endorsement of the
I n long
! e „"
W II. Sr
i l up
soaker after ho
which is re all.t
patronize Of
good to write fyr iufi’rmaiion to tho
«wwwn»N in wi.u-h l,* y irinus ln«tl
tutions are advertised, as the publish*
er, for fear of losing tho odvertiniug
patronage of the other.-*, is afraid to
single out one certain one and commond
it as the ‘best.’ And, of course, the ad
vertisiug literature is less to be de
peuiei upon, as self interest, of course,
leads every establishment in a certain
line to claim that it is the lending and
best of itslciuri
“There being no other way of ascer
taining tho relative standing of each in
stitution—of determining which is really
the best—and as the general pnblic can
not themselves mako such .investiga
tions in their own behalf—it is hut
natrral tint a largo number of the read
ers of tho Chicago Journal of Health—
knowing that we have uo prejudice
whatever, and are not at all ioterestod
in any special institution—should write
askiug a thorough investigation be
made and a fair and impartial report be
published wholly ■ from an editorial
standpoint, so that such inquirers, shall
be safely led to select Clio best institu
tion of its kind, and to lie in no diinget
of being led into patronizing an inferior
•It is the desirq to. get at. the rqal.
truth qf the matter that has led a num
ber of our readers to'writfe us regimllfig
Stanley's iinsinoss College at l^aiou,
and iu response to such, inquiries
we have instituted a thorough and
painstaking examination of it* scope
aud record, with* a result ‘that'ill’’cer
tainly gratifying in these days, when so
mauy tilings are so over-ad verged, aud
nucli preposterous claims are made that
deranged, and lunch suffering is’tfie re-! °* j e scarcely knows what to believe.• At
suit. The results accomplished by Plaut
Jnice seem wonderful jglieo von do not
understand the uature of the remedy.
As a matter of fact, the principal thing
tbs remedy does is to put fhe stomach
in good working order in a very short
time, an J ifi consequence the action of
every organ is improved slmost-atonoe,
' and health isitho result.
• While toT bisy will, oilier..thropgh-
out the dhj; Col. Dillingham, has taken
ttmetoloojt around the city and has
become an enthusiastic ’ admirer of
Thomasville and her apparent prosperi
ty on every hand, He declares that the
tremendous activity ir building circles
nod the wonderful enterprise displayed
by tbe authorities iu the improvement
. of the conveniences and the general air
of activity everywhere indicates that
Thomasville is soon to become one of
the mo»t, if nos the most, important
center of the state.
Since it has been illustrated that Dil
lingham's Plant Juice Liniment is
equally efficacious with the ailments of
man and beast a large number of enres
the outset of ally investigation <re can
no' help but be a trifl'd tit optical on ac-
count, of (lie condition of tiiiiigs just
a entioned, aud we do not. hesitate to
say that we were in this case, too; bnt
it is only f «ir to ssy that before our In
vestigations were concluded all doubts
were removed, and such genuine worth
was found td exist tb|t it Ji a.platter of
simple jotftjpi to •command*; Stanley'*
Business Col lege tb eftt)ftea&er*Af tMe
Cluoago. Journ^t* of ro tttSlfHf 4 *ln^ihe
strongest words rfeyrt/y
“The course of,jop-ton
date* college inciade.-*-
Penmanship, OoBlmwftdialTin#/ Busi
ness A ri t hmetic, : l»e tier WrittrTg'/Spell-'
ing, Composition, Punctuating, .Busi
ness and Bankiog, Shorth|ipd.4mLiTjp3*
•Hundreds are now engaged in* busi
ness on their own uccount os partners,
aa secretaries, treasurers, cashiers, book-
k*©|.ers, stenographers, clerks, etc., who
owe all that they aro and have to the
thorough training they received at this
celebrated college. Without the course
.1 of Health Prof. G.
;< president of this cele
He is too well and fa-
io tho business world to
•eduction at our hands."
March 3rd, 1905, at ten a. m. the fol
lowing described real estate:
Two lot8 in the town of Sale City, be
ginning at a point 50 feet east from the
northeast corner of Broad and Barnes
srreets, running north 100 ft. .thence'
east 50 feet, thence south 100 feet,
thence west 50 feet to starting point.
’”|-The two lots join in the best business
part outlie town of Sale City. Mitchell
county. No bid accepted for less | than
$800 Apply to
W. J. Jacksox,
Meigs, G
toonteomirv, Trov. Ozark, Dotban Elba, Halnnridee
Thomasvilie. Valdosta. Wavomss, Snvanoah.
Oharkston, Brunswick, Jaokaonvillo-
lirough P nllma ars oil Through Traings
■3* it-
New York, Baltimore. Philadelphia, Washington, liichmond andal
l'*.iut. east over its own rails to liichmond and Norfolk V» St. ix>ai*,oin
>hti». Louisville, Chicago, Kansas City, Biriiiingt'.iaiu Nashville, New
irlenns, and all points West and Northwest.
vv. s.
Cent! at.
Offioe over National Bank,
Thomasville, Oa.
6:15 a, in., 2:35 p. m.
. 10:30 a. m„ 4:30 p. m
Take home a souvenir of ,
We hive them of all kinds
and at all prices. Most o c
*heni are inexpensive and very
attractive. Come and see
Vhoilf* 110 2.
Gardener and Florists.
Work of all kind by Job
Pruning a Specialty.
Order by Postal
15 Col ton A vo.
Lv. Thomasville going cast, 3:10 a. m.,
Lv. Thociaavillo going west, 1:15 a. m.,
For Albany 9:35 a. m., 4:30 p. m.
For HontJcello 11:10 a. m., 6:30 p. m. , \ C-)
Cjnneotinns at Savannah with Oimn Steunshi,) Line and M. & M. T
Company for New York, Boston and Baltimore.
No. 32 leaves Thonmsvillt at 0:15 a. in., dally, connects at Josnp
with tbrongh sleej>er f r Washington, Philadelphia, New York and tbe
It-st. No 40. leaving Thomasville at 2:35 p m makes connection a for the same eastern points. No. 57 leaving at 1:15 .. m, car*
Fos through sleetrers to St. Louis, Also local Sleepers to Montgomery
■ pn to passengers at i) p. m. No. 39 leaving at 10:50 a. m. con-
ei s at Montgomery tnth through sleeper fo nil Western points.
0 eror l'urthe information tall on nearest Ticrket Agent or address
218 Broad Street
Apply to
W, C. Woodbridge,
Masury Hotel.
Contractor and Builder.
Thomasville, Oa.
Prepsratious for the Teetli forman
important part ofoitrstock. and there
no reason why any one-should neg
lect this part of their toilet. , AV.e can
especially recommend ohr‘ Tooth
Tooth Brushes, Soaps and other toil
et articles at prices thut will please.
8. II I’Ririi
AGENTS WANTEtL*io’per woek;
good opportunity for advancement.
Answer quick * Givethye* rfferenoos.
Ourj^Mf . negro book “sells* like bot
Jenkins, Hertel & Co.. 2-18 3t
Work executed according to latest ap-
plane. Smciflcation
-and estimates famished.
. t all at H)8 Duwson Street.
Public Hanging Every Day.
!, mean public hanging of
Wall Paper and Window Shades
Daily Pullman cbalr-car tervice on train 32 and 35 between Jesup and Tnotn-
asville, and Thomasville and Jesup, connecting at Jesup with through Pullman
car too ana from New York.
Th ;i ’il in in car on train 32 leaving Thoousville 6;l5 a. m. Tuesdays
and Thursdays arriving in New York Wednesdays and Fridays 2:00 p. m.
Through Pullman car service New Yoric to Thomasville or train 35 Tuesdays
and Thursdays, leaving New York 9:25 a. m. arriving in“rhomasville Wednesdays
and Fridays 4;2.? p. m.
t J.. BOTTOI.e. T P A . J. A. TAYLOB, T. P. A.,
Thomasville. Ga. Montgomery. Ala.
W.fl. LEAHY, D. P A , W. J. (JKA1G, G. P/A.
Savannah, Ga WPmingtnn K. O
H M EMERSON, Tra. Mgr. Wilmtngtob N 0.
C. C. Cocroft,
Preprentinp PHILLIPS & CREW COMPANY, of Atlanta.
Pianos and Organs.
Hall DU AN and other
giaudard Pianos.
Everything in
Mnilcat In-
Write for in
Ordc • o. phone or inailgiven prompt
stteuiiuo. * (Midne 15*2 rings.
-.pies shown at your home,,
nhn Hinson. Vtl Campbell
r/ionthly Sal* of Real Estate.
Tim Hopkins Rent Estate Agency
yrtU.lx'fC.ilfor conduct a monthly sale
of rei.l w-.irt of Crty and County prop-
erty.wu tin, flrat Tnusday ill each month
at Cn v I linwe bommencing at 11 a. m.
.Prop rlisted w.ih ns for this purpose
vvitUr; advertised- and offered for Sale
witfii.ui f.irthar charge or expense tb;: exi-vpt tlie.regular dealers ’ com
mission. . to’ luangurato ;this method
.the spr in-t will offer aiflts. first ssle on
tho fi m L'lii-sday in March the follow
ing prop rty:
Tw.' 11 VEast End” consisting
of eiul'i uoilding lou located in.rear gf
and jn.' acO'S* thestrvot from the -resi
dence nf W. L. Ball and V; blocks from
resideiii.n nf Mr P Ohae. Hetrard and the
Qlty Park.
Two lii's corner Remington Avenue
and M111.I10II streets.
' Other property if .lifted in time. Mapa.
showli.g liwatiba -of property offered
wUMvh..' klnhited at sale,
Th-. fjtontx* RcabEsTiTK Aucttcrv
3-18-Im , .... .. :
TliornawvfTlo. • ■ .
Your old Piano
Taken in Ex-
Change for a New
one. Moderate pnow
Terms reasonable, 1
Write for quotations to
v J.W. Watkins & Co.
. 230-232 W .Hickson 8t.
• v. .. . . Thomasville. Ga.»iisssst
-^Electrical. Gohjiactor-
. All kinds of Electrical Work:- and Repairing nearly
and promptly done. -
Out nf town work solicited.
Bell and Annunciator work a specialty
. w L. M. WISE.
Plume^27 P. O. Box 489., • . Ttionuwrltla Oa.
[l.f fit I>»*| J„
Modern, Up-todate, Convenient— ' ' ■ OentrallyRLaoatel
Experienced Management—Rates |1.00
.Beit of Livery Service ipiQoppection.
Proprietors & Managers.
■ Meigs, Georgia. ' -
Stubborn Coughs and Colds
' Obstinate racking coughs that settle on tbe lungs and may develop into Pneumonia over night are quickly cured by
. . a» a j .1 i,nf I at this college they would today have
i have been effected among the horses 01 j “
.. . 1 1 Ht-ll be*in farmers, salesmen or sales-
tins vicunty, and many aujraaU soffer-
. ^ . - nA .uiipfinnu ladles, or filling oue of tne minor aud
itlg from painful injaritg and sfntcnons
ar.Iaous employments reserved for the
unskilled and unedarsred.
bav« been instantly relieved by tin up-
plfcutlcK or tins wonderful remedy.
Reports from the use of the wonder
ful Plant Juice remedy are also coming
to Col. D Jluigham dai y, some of them
-* bordering on the marvelous.
The cctertuiiinieqt- on Broad street
Will conti-tue nightly with an entire
Change of the program lor each per
formance. During Ike day parties can
oil, at tl;c lumdquarwrs, whvro Cd
-4^ prejudiced authorities, fully competent
Cw-hgitam or oue of Ins assistants can j 1 J
_ t ive ati opinion and obtained oxpres-
be teen at any time. | 1
••Tlih journal ha* no more interest
ip Stanley’s. Hosmfi** College than it
b-;S in any other college we have ever
mode the subject of an editorial investi
gation, but having concluded a thor
ough aud painstaking search into its
record, an unbiased investigation of its
scope and purposes, and pursued wide
spread, inquiries* umoiig highest nn-
Foleys HonepTar
It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages, stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. FCLEY’S
HONEY AMD TAR contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and is safest for children and delicate people. -
Remember the name— FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR- -and insist upon having tbe genuine, as no other remedy
is so safe or as certain in results. . , *
Given Gp to Rio With Croup.
Mrs. P. I. Cordicr, of Mannin^ton, Ky., write:: “My thrcc-year
old girl had a severe caa€ cf'ciroupj the doctor saiJ r.he could not live
and I gave her up to die, I v nt to the-etcro cud got a beetle of
Editor Cirrcd o 1 Lurg Trouble.,
W. Li Straubl Editor of St. Petersburg* (Fla.) Times, writes:
“When coming across tbe bay from PlOft Tampa I got wet and cangbta
cold that affccccd ;ay throat a::d lungs. I neglected it, thinking! weak)
Folev’a Honey and Tar, Tac first dope gave quick relief and ^ coon recover, but I kept getting wor^c;, until t hought a bottle of Polly's
saved bar life." Honey and Tar, and it Cured tac completely." *
Three sizes—25c, 50c, $1.09. The 50 cent size contain* two and one-half times as much as the small size and the
$1.00 bottle almost six times os much. RcftlSO SubftltutCO*
ft. . - r;- i