Newspaper Page Text
Several parties were seated aronndj
the Ore in the well known drugstore ot I
J. W. Praccck,’ when a gentleman
came in and called for a bottle of Dil
lingham's Plant Jaiee. After he hid
been waited on by the clerk, one of the
parties (poke and said it was strange
how Cot Dillfdgltata could arouse and
create sncli a demand for his remedies.
Ur. Peacock, onr well known druggist,
said that was easily esgiaiued. The
first thing was that Col. Dillingham it
a liberal advertiser, and the second that
his remedies was Jost as represented
and that Col. Dillingham stack strictly
to the law of nature in the nuuofaotnie
of hit Plant Juice medicine.
Ur. Peacock said: "Jol. Dillingham
once explained to me how he maonfac-
tured his remedies and it »v-u to the let
ter. He said he watched everything
and was sura it was done right and that
it did not vary a hairs breadth. He ex
plained to me a compass registers, a
baird breadth wrong, when a ship is pnt
out lo Sja it will carry her a thousand
miles out of her way in a few days aod
wreck her.
School Board Decides Mooted Ques
tion of Great Interest. 1
In July, 1S83,1 began brexk out with
Eczema on my bead, leg* and arms, and
began treatment with local doctors, but
did not get ranch relief. Thev said tbcdis-
ease had become chronic. I then quit them
and tried various ointments and soaps for
another two years, but as soon as cold
weather camel was aa bad off aa ever, so 1
finally decided to let medicine alone, and
for twelve or thirteen years did nothing
towards curing the Eczema, except bath
ing. This seemed to do about as much
good aa anvthiug I had tried.
Duriug the time I lost about one-half oi
my hair. I began 8. 8. 8. doubtful of a
cure, because the disease had run so long,
bat soon discovered your medicine war
doing me good, and continued to it.
I used seven bottles, when I was com
pletely cured, not having a single spot on
my body, which before was almost com
pletely covered. F. C. Nob pout.
1017 Hackberry St., Ottumwa, la. f
Tbe head, feet and hands are usually
the parts affected, though the disease ap-
pear* on other parts of the bodv. While ex
ternal applications allay tbe itching and
burning temporarily wit is the acids thrown
off by the blood that cause tbe irritation
Squire J. J-, Ragan of the Cairo dis
trict. came in Thursday and tcok the
oath of office as a Jo*tice_cf the Peace
for the thirteenth time. lie lux held
the office continuously since 1858
Judge Ragan bad with him ail hi*
commissions except three, which have
He holds arnnis-
SlNosmtf*. ladlf estlsa,
bvtir atomscpL Httdachs.
C'flwv <**.,• ftjfd kerf* the
•?•(/<« in perfect cssdiltoa
SlMMDt is results, sets :
. fAKfiir-1.
The Board of Education of the Thorn-
aavlllo Poblio School, yesterday made
pablio a reeolaiion of great interest, for
the fotore, government of the school,.
It reads u follow,;.
"Resolved that all sppUcaatefor posi-
lloa, as teaihen In, the Thomuville
Pablio Schools, who have not heretofore
been examined and aoeepted by this
board shall before being employed be
examine! a. repaired by the amendato
ry sot to tbe net organising the system.”
This reeolnclou was unanimonaly
A Remedy That No Onq is
Afraid To Take.» J
Dr. Thacker's Liver and Blood Syrnp
has been need in thousands of homes for
fifty-two yean with perfect confidence
and the most remarkable results.
The great success of this remedy is due
to the fact that its formula (which con
st its of Bnchn, Hydrangea, Mandrake,
Yellow Dock, Dandelion! Sarsaparilla,
Gentian, Senna and Iodide of Potassium)
hss been freely published. , . • -
Doctors and Druggists everywhere do
not hesitate to recommend a preparation
which they know contains the best-,
known remedies for correcting all irreg
ularities of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood,
and the diseases caused by the failure of
these functions to perform their proper
work. •
Thousands of sick ones to whom life
has been a burden have written grateful
1st ten that others might profit by their
experience. * .
Bioomiho Csova, Tax., Nov. It ML
Ims sagerlag terribly with fadisestfoa sad
tl<jne^|« asd seat lo aey druggist foe
Ti he°seu? aw a packs,, of Dr. Tbachafs
Liver and Mood Syrup 1 concluded to try it,
and sow I ass deeply (lateral to sty druggist
as well as to you.
1 bad been a sstfersr from these things and
a general rutedown condition tor tea years,
and bad only received temporary seller from
other medicines, ant after train, not quite two
packages of yoor Liver and Mood Syrup I fret
become misplaced,
lions signed by Oorerhor Howell Cobb
in 'SI, Herachell V, Johnson ‘57. Jcs. E
Brown ’61 and '65, Bollock ’69.Alex H.
Stevens '73, Alfred H. Colquitt '77 nod
'81, H. D. McDaniell '85, John B Gor
don '89, Northen ’94. Atkiuwro 97,
Candler '00, nnd Terrell 1904. The only
three that are misplaced are th s« by
Ballook, Stevens and Northern
lo addition to his many commission,
as Jastice, the Sqaire woe pr .adly ex
hibiting a paper signed in 1862 by Gen.
R. E. Lee himself. The paper was an
2nd Lleot.
Her. Walker Luwia. the walLW-a
Methodist minister, write.: "I have
wed Dr. Mosley a Lemon Mltrir to rn/
family with very beneficial remits. It U
m admirable medicine and excelled! a#
ON MARCH 1 9 th
honorable discharge tor
Ragan, of On K 29th Georgia regiment.
Although an old mao Judge Ragan ie
•till active and well able to attend to
tbe dntiee of hie office.
Mr. .Ragan has been a subscriber to
the Tote* Exterpxibe since it was first
founded aa the Wlrrgnaa Blade in 1849,
So it is, said Ool. D.Iling.
ham, with many medicines when first
put on tbe market, theie ie some vary
ing and finally there is loseutcuufldecce.
It ie not eo with Col. Dillingham's
Plant Jolce. It ie k.p- up to the
end permanent relief, end Iran uot rint . cor
rect estimate on tbe value your msflriae hue
been to me. I would sot take any swunt of
money for it. Very gratefully yours
/We eompf# buttle ss4 "Dr. TKachrr*.
tlrullh Book."
Give eymntuHts for odvioe.
Wo .Imply as* ,M to try ft at our re-
prone. W. CMU ickul if util dd.
For solo by oil Drupglets-tw* stirs—50
eeote.nd g/.OO.
Church Pact Begins Wednesday and
laetn uhtll April Twenty-Third-
A ear foil of Const Line officials spent
Friday aft-raoon and last night in
Thomairilte. They arrival about one
o'clock in the sfiernoon from Albany
and will leave thla morning for Quit-
man and Valdosta,
The party waa composed of M. Riddle
tbe new superintendent who recently
trek the piece of Mr. Demham, T. J
Wright, superintendent of the Savannah
division, D. F. Kirkland, superintend
ent of ThomasvlUe district, J. W. Ben-
net and W. E. Kay of Brunswick, ell-
Vision counsel and O. H. Hill of Wny.
croaa, special agent. guaranteed core forall-tomach troubles.
They were entertained daring the a‘- "If the d!g-s‘.lon la impaired the
ternoon by Mr. W. O. [Snodgrass, local blood Is impoverished and becomes filled
attorney for tha Coast Line, and by the j wii't poisonous imparities deranging the
other local Ooaet Line officials. Col. 8. wholo system and canting sickness and
G. MoLeudon took the entire party for euT. ring. Dillingham's Plant Juice
a drive oat to the Wade plaoe. They j »«."* upon the stomach and digestive
were charmed by the beanty and ms;, o-g,cures sleeplessness, nervous troc-
nifloence of Thomasvtile'a winter lion,*-, j b e-, hesdaohes, backac'.vand general
The i rip la reported to te one merely . weskne-e and debility. If yon aro
of inspection. weak and ailing the.chances are that it
Society all over tbe world enters upon
a rest period daring th* coming week.
Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday,
| and nahere in the forty days of fasting
known in the church calendar aa Lent
In Thomasville there are a number of
devont church members who strictly
observe the penance period, bnt the mr.
Jority of aooiely people and othere con-j
tinoe their bnsineti and pleasure as |
Lent ie terminated by Easter Sunday
which comet nnneually late this year.
Eaeter ie a movable feaet which may
come as early aa March 22nd.,;or si late
as April 25th. Thla year it ie near the
later limit, via. April 23. This is tha
first year since 1886 that the day lias
'been eo late. This date will be dupli
cated in 191DJ and will be two days liter
in 1943.
overwork and poor ventilation. Tlteee
apell sickness and poor healthy If the
stomach cannot do fts work properly
ill health la tare to follow. Dtlhng-
Item's Plant Jnice is the one medicine
that uesnres a natural digestion that
rtrength-n* the s'otnach and soothee
and heals all irti'ation, congestion and
ibfliiuujatien in the stomoch and bowels.
It is this that makes it a certain and
The Bell Telephone avatem continue,
to add new telephones to ita list Thom-
Mville is one of the beet telephone
town) In the atate end noarly everybody
hue a talk box. If yon want to tajre
time and trouble out title oat and paito
it la your directory. It contains tha
names of people who have aabaortied
Blare the If at book wee pnblishtd.
114 McEeohea, O. E., retidenoo
1(8 Tdwer.-Mn. E. IX.. reeldeaoe
43 Bees, W. D., realdeaco
648-2Reese, W. U.,refldeaee
98 Sehnlta Brae. A Beaediot. lumber
111 Clark, G. M., (arnitnw and up
holsterer j
- it* Welch, residence
584-1 Maloay, A. B.. residence
(81-9 Rawls, Billiard, audertaker
Id Williams,-Wesley, haokman
564-3 Jarrell, Dr. W. W., otfioe
6658 Jarrell, Dr. W.W., residence
141 Uaton Brea, grist mill
511-2 Rob4eo«, book store
811-8 Robison, Mrs. J. B-, residence
*44 Griffin, Herbert, hack man
110-iCox. W. P„ re silence
78 Varney, J. B., plumber
*03 Varney, J. H„ residence
Ml Tharp, J. G., residence
108 --Whitaker, E. D„ Uvtry liable
811-8 Giles, W. H.. residence
tit Redpath, L. H..mtterinarUn
846-1 Watkins, J. £., residence
6*8-* Union, W. W.. residence
' MS Loneberg, Edward, residence
M Barnes, Misa Mary, residence
88*-* Gandy, O- T„ residence
1*6-1 Foster. J. U. residence
806- 1 Dixon R. H , residence
807- 1 Mitchell, Emmett, residence
*M Yeung Men's Christian Asaociaaion
77 Lester, M., grocer
Only solid Pullman train with obser-
vail hi and lihra-v cans from Florida to
St. Lonis, Chicago, the West and North
we-t with much q ticker time than via
any other line.
All me.-ils in Jiuing car. Service a Us
carte.- F no« diulnk o»r norvioe in the
' LaavoSt. Aagusrn- dvllr 8:10 a. m.
Leave J vkmnrillo daily 9:20 a. m. -
Arrive Cliicsgo next day 4:50 p. in.
AiriveSt. Lonis u-xt day 1:85 p.m.
I A'ao throng'i Pullman drawing-room
stw.iiug cam pvily from Jacksonville on
A U. L. 8:05 p. m t a'utr* Birmingham
Na-liriMi. Era irillr, Sr. Lnuii, fed-
cago aud 8:55 trail s -u Pensacola, M6-
bile and New Orleans.
If best service is desired, ask for. tick
ets via L. & N.
For rates. Pa loan re-erratious, eto. -
call on or wnte
Fl«. Paso, Agent,
306 W. Bar St. J-cksouviUe. Fla.
Contractor and Builder.
ThoniAHrtUe, Ox.
Work executed ercordiDK to let eat ap
proved plane. Soeciflcxtiofi
and ettimxtex t arnihhed.
Cell xt 108 Dxw»on Street.
if doe to xdixeaned ftomneh. Bot 70a
c«iU be oared by asiug DUlin)th«m*a
Plant Juice.
-Thomas county indigent penslonets
will uot [receive their money from
the itate [ of ^Georgia until after
the legislature meets in Jane and
makei an appropriation for that par-
Pension commissioner Lindsay haa
completed hts[investigation of the con
dition of tbe pension fond nnd finds that
after having patd|ont *870,000 I e will
still need 616,189.
The indigent widows and auldlere in 1
tha following eoaaltas will ant be paid
until the legislature meeta end appro
priates the money; Melotosh, Glynn,
Telfair, Montgomery, Berrien, Brooks,
Thomas, Mitohell, Chattooga and
Walker. The email balance still on
hand will be used., to pay the disabled
•oldiere and widows In t e oonntiea
If It does not help yon
the prices la absolutely not'ilng.
J W. Peacock.
Richmond Peareon Hobson, lha young
Alabamian who distinguished himself
by his heroism in the Span/eh- American
war, ia to maka hie first appearance in
ThcmiiTllle one month from today, on
April 4th. Mr. Ifobson has a boat of
admirers in this city who are eager to
bear him. Since (he war be hea dev*'-
oped into a platform atar of the Hist
Public Hanging Every Oay.
I mean public banging of
Wall Paper and Window Sbidea.
Orders bv'phuneor mail given prompt
attention. Phone 15-2 rings.
Sar.plcs shown at your homes,
lohn Hinson, All Campbell
(By O. R. Folsom.)
Help the old world along with a smite
and a song!
Spread good cheer and gladness in the
gloom of the throng!
Twill make the day brighter, yonr bnr
tlen tha lighter,
If yon greet the old wor'.d witha'amtle
an 1 a song.
Help the old world along—if with only
a smile!
Yon will meet the refleclirn, returning-,
the while.- l
' Twill make life more plenum to land
lord and peasant,.
If yon greet the old world with only n
Greet on* in despair with a word of
good churl
'Twill make his burden the lighter to
And yon will ful brighter, yonr hurt
trill be lighter—
It yoc give only a smile in dispelling a
Speak a kind word of gladness to ti e
heart filled with sadness!
'Twill lesaen the grief, 'twill lighten
the care;
’Tail! lift up the falling, whou trials
Office over National B.nk,
Thomuville, Ga,
Vhooa 110 8.
Mr. J. N. Donaldson, one of Merrill-
ville'e leading citiaens, nnd representa
tive rf the Tinn Extkxphisi in hie
oommnoity was in town on business
Gardener and Florists.
Work of all kind by JqK
Pruning a Socially.
Order by Postal
15 Colton Are.
Fire in Mr. Stevane House.
The fire department had their first
run for more than a week Satnrda..
They were oallad out about one • - clock
by a fire in tbe root of Mr. John Stevens'
home on Dawson strut.' Tney extin
guished the blaxo before It had entirely
consumed tbe roof.
Washington, March 4. —Theodore
Rrosevelt JandXCharlu Warren Fair
banks were today Inaugurated aa
Pruident|and Vice-President of the
United Statu.
The verdlot [of the people wu cor-
firmed in the pretence of each a
throng a, the national capital haa
rarely witneaaad, aud with a setting
ot brilliant, pageantry. The city is a
symphony of color, and a blase of dee
oration greets.tbeleyu at every tnrr.
Tie decorations throughout the city
are more elaborate end beautiful than
eo any previous similar oooamnu.
Olvio and military representations
from nearly every isoiioo of the coon-
try have gathered, and the grand pa-
rate in bonerfcot the newly Inaugur
ated Praaideut inoludad at learn *0,000
Luva Thomasville 6:15 a, m., Farinr
' Car to Jeanp. Sleeping Oar with Din.
SCHOOL in( Q** 8erTi< * i*o Angaria, 'are
riving at Augusta tbe earns d*J at.6:40
1 p. m. This ia the quickest and most
convenient Way to reach Angaria.
I ’ Returning. Icavj.Augusta at[ 10:S0 p»
( m. Through 81ejper Augusta to Wgy-
1 ; j cross, arriving at Wa> eras. 6:06 a. m.
SVES J Luve Waycnwa in Pull man Day Car*
igh come [ arriving at Thomaaville 0:*0
ing tin ia got Ticket Agent or T. J Bottoms
Under tha Hammer,
The household effects of A. Sampson
were told at pnblio auction at the corn
er of Broad and Jackson Saturday. He
is going >o leave town. The green par
rot which squawks a greeting to every
passer by wu tbe most interesting niece
of property. It wu bid in by the fami-
Rev. Victor O, D.mares of Indian-
■folia, tnd., is ie the city a gout el
th* Williams House.. Mr. Demane ie
at prominent Presbyterian minister of
hhbotae city. ben fir
wane time, and will probably be beard
ia a local pulpit are his departure.
Registration Nolle*
I wtil be at the OonrtHooM id Thom
as, ills until Saturday Mafch Util, on
which day the registration books wtil
clou for tbe kpedal election to be held
on tbe Mad .of March All panoos
that did hot register when the* paid
their taxo* lor the year 190thshrt regis
ter 11 tbey Vote ia said elec\ioh.
Lou of appetite always result, from
faulty digestion. All that is needed is a
few doses of Cbambulaln's Siomach and
Liver Tablets. They win iavigontt the
stomach, strengthen tbe digestion and
give yon aa appetite Ska n wolf. These
Tablets also act aa a gentle laxative..
For salt hr J. V. Peacock, Thomasvi le
dttHet, of which be la president, at
the Friday eottoa muting.