Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, March 17, 1905, Image 1
South Georgia progress, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 17. tqo 5 THOMAXVILLE iTIMKs, VOL. 30 THOMABVILLE ENTEUFKIHK. VOL. <!. WILD CAT MISTOOK NEGRO FOR TURKEY BAPTIST SERVICES STORY OF THE WEEK IN THE CITY OF BOSTON CROWDS ATTEND U. D.C. PLAN RECEPTION FOR CAPT. R.?. HOBSON The Daughters of the Oonfe'.eraov held an important - meeting yesterday afternoon. They decided to (tire a re ception to Capt. Richmond Pearson Hobson who will lecture here on April 4th. The reception will be given at the T. M, C. A building at ten o’clock, im mediately after Capt. Hobson’s lectors at the Opera House. The aot of the Daughters is a most graceful one, and a fitting compliment to the gallaut South ern officer. A refreshment committee composed ot Miss Lillie Stuart, Me*, dames Jas. Watt, F. M, Ansley F J. Ansley, Hayea and McLean,' and a de- Jlni. S. O. McLeu- (By H. 0. Jordan ) The plans for Memorial Day, April 86th, have been annonn el by the Daughters nf the Confederacy who Swill have charge of the ceremonies on that occasion. Capt. Tip Harrison of At lanta, whore war reoord. silver tongue and stirring songs give him a wide rep utation will be the orator of the day His speech will be delivered in . the morning. At noon the Daughters of the Con federacy will serve dinner to the veter ans of the county, it is hoped to have agrees reunion of the boys in gray on that 1 day and everyone in Thomas conn- tp it expected to be present. In the af ternoon the graves at the cemetery will be decorated. There will be a series of revival meet ings at the Baptist church next' week. Daily prayer mcetinga will he held from i to 10 eaoh morning, and song services from 7:80 to 8-0Q each evening. At eigtif o’clock eaoh day. Dr. John £. White of Atlanta will preach. He is one of the leading ministers of the Bap tist faith in Georgia, a nun of eloquent address, and ou-» whose coming is of interest to fill in Tliomasville. The members of the church hope for grand rasnlta from these meetings. Last year Rev. Alex. W. Bealer, the pastor was ossisted in a simnlar revival, by W. D. Upshaw. Justice Court of the 784th Distriot G. M. of Thomas county was neld last Thursday week. As there was very little litigation court was of short dura tion. Mr. Redden Smith Jr. of Toomasvllle visited Boston lart Thursday. Mrs.'P. A. Molutcoh of Luravillo Fla. after a Very pleasant visit to her brqther F. C. Ivey leit lest Friday a. m. for her home. Mr, R. C. Williams representing the Clothing liodee of M.H Lanchheimer 8k Sous of Baltimore Md. was here but week su the interest of his house. Mies Ella MeBarrcw left last Friday fo: Metcalfe to visit friendsaud relatives Mrs. M. L. Wade accompanied by her daughter Miss Margaret, visited the County’s metropolis last week. Mrs. V. L. Grcover and her daughter Mrs. W. V. Mardre and danghtor Sarah, visited Mr. A. H. Groover and family at il-mtria but week. iMr. A. 0. Ivey of the Maoarin neigh* borhoed and oue of its leading farmers was a visitor to Boston sines my last generaleplsl’.e. J. O. Stanaiand one cf Pidcock’e lead ing ci iieus wee transacting business in the Hub last Friday. J. II. Rushln Chapter had its mem- bersbip increased leal Thursday evening «eek by the initletion into ite myster ious ranks, Meas.E. E. andW B. Corey of Pidobea and U JD, Johnson of, Ber wick. Miss Deity Heel who 1* teaching •chool in the Prospect district spent last Saturday and Bondar in Boatou, the guest of her perente Mr. and Mrs. J 0. Heel. Mrs. Arthur Jones nee Mitt Allit Harmon of Dixie wee a visitor to our burg last week. Vlrs. Fred Fettham turn had at her guest, her ntice, Sirs. Einstein ot Ca milla, since my last “billet doux” n Our hardware merchant, J. G. Bar ney. had the pleasure of visiting the bal my city of Thomaivtlle last week. W. E. Stanaiand of Basina spent last Saturday and Sunday at Kdgewood, the gnen of hit parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L stanaiand. Mr John 8and'ln of Sparka Ga. waa ,n oar city but Bandar and Monday looking after the interest of his best girl. R. O. Hawkins a well known knight of the grip with headquarters at Way- crow waa in our city since my letter. 0. H. Lowther of Wayerose was hare but Monday organising a Lodge of K. Ft. Mivs Lila Brooks who hss been on an extended vieil to her sister Mrs. J. P. McCan of Madison Fla. returned home lest Monday. Hon. J. B. Rountree of Berwick waa in our cit/ leat Tuesday transacting bn- The hospital bar ear and metieafe. Wednesday afternoon was a splendjUt snccess. The snm of eight hundred mij fifty dollars was cleared as a relate *0T the afterhoon’a affair. Hundred* a. people made their way out Gordon na nce to the new building and ware tmm- prised to find that such a handsaws structure had been bailt them, n* house is a two story frame one, p.t»«tB white, wi'hdark green, trimming* anB ■ wide verandas. It. pretenta an aliisr- corating committee, dpn, Miaaea Hell Pringle, Marion Hayes, Cynthia McLean Mamie Harsell, aud Stella Williams, will have cliarge of the details of the reception. As a result of the meeting nearly a hundred additions were made to the church membership. The church la in a most prosperous condition will make an earnest endeavor for spiritual good next week. FULL COURT OPINION RECEIVED ON LIGHT CASE THE COUNTY SCHOdLS TO HAVE EXAMINATION Sasser School Items. The foil text of the electric light cave, ; wae received Tueiday®from the Sn- , prime court by city attorney, W. O. Snodgrua. The document Alia several type written pages, and dlecaeaei several pblnte in the famous contested eleotion. Mr. Snodgrass when asked for an , interpretation of its clauses said. “The point upon which the case wag decided, was that the eleotion notice did not de finitely specify, the per eent of interest to be paid On the proposed debt. Other portion! of the notice were informally uis-otted. In regard to the other con tention of the case, the manner of hold ing the election, the court says, ’Beg- 1 | isirstien it not neoeeeary." If, another The seventh grades in each of the oonnty schools in Thomas county will be examined on March 84th. The ques tions are the nine for eaoh s.-hool in State Commissioner Merritt the elate. has eent the qaestiomfto County School Oommiuioler Maclean. There is con siderable rivalry among the several Each The attendance was the feature nf tfa* occasion. Everywht “ score..,* hoantifnlly gowned I»dies, busy mab- tchools to makejt good (bossing, pupil who makeean avenge of 80 per oentWIllbe vAled to receive', certifi cate. Thomai'conoty baa an excellent school system and the pop’ll are sure to oome cat with credit. ing purchase. of fancy goods, bag*, dolls, and the like, all for sweet chari ty's sake. The three tea rooms were as charge of Mre. Straw-bridge, Mrs. Her rison and Mrs. Taylor. .Mra- Tayler **- so had a fancy table on'which waa ■>—- Word from Mr. Blanton- Tbs Tnexa Extxxtrisb is in reeeptof a pleasant latter from Mr. B. R. Blan ton, former editor nf the Booth Georgia Progress and Enfolds (Ala.) Progress. Mr. Blanton states that the Torn Ex- TKxrxisx wee slightly in error, in (ty ing thM be had an editorial position with the Balnbridge Hesrcli Light He baa n contract to do the mechanical work on the paper. Mr. Blanton can fill any position on n newspapers la an. department. He eays farther that he is wonderfilly glad to get beck to Geor gia end to know that only a few mile* intervene between liimeelf and hie old friends in Thomas and Mitchell conn ties. Ho where else seems Jn.t as good to him at Southwest Georgia, and he ex pects to reenter the newspaper business in thie section. Mr. Blanton writes the fo'lowing, which is good news to all. “Pleats say to my friends that I am. apparently, sorely recovering from what wae pronounced a fatal malady, and that the only ccnrampHoa I have no* is at meal time. My energy and vital ity are still vigerona; while my faith and hope are hy no means shattered. And tell them to be' sore to hunt me np when in Balnbridge." el action is held it will he conducted in played a the earns manner »s the previous one. AU qualified votots can vote, whether they are registered or not" • tricots work. Mrs. James Watt aud Miss Kkbd Hayes were behind a tabic where [ca t*,: of every shape and sine wore careiisffi liome by the visitors. Miss IfaxMllJUnU charge of the candy table, and Mre- H. J. Ball of the flower sale. Vlo!*a» . Jonquili. carnations and japonic»r„ kc lovely profusion wets there, Cte Mice front veranda Miss Ethel Kelly- »wj Messrs. Janus Mason and Will Hop* with catching flff in a fish trap now, kina took In the Chapin fox hunt last'and it It not in uncommon thing for Tuesday. I them to catch tiro or three tome days. Mrs. 8. M. Beaoh went to TbomssvUle J Mr.J. P. Oheson went to district last Friday. ' court Saturday. .On the nooonnt of It • I raining eo he did not return until Ann- M .day morning—before breakfast. e ^ 8 * I Mr. Shaw had to gently persuade one "Mr. L A. Grippe" has spent ten ^ 0 f tila turpentine hands last week with days with tide eoribe. He Is the most He lsft. Persuade another one. Events at Coolldge. (By 8. B. Nesmith.) A mad deg on our streets Monday oreated eome little excitement, He was killed, but not before he had bitten one or two other dogs, a pig and a chicken. 0 B, Allen of tho Most trie Observer was a visitor to Coolldge last Friday. Messrs Dekle and Strickland have started np their shingle mill in oor town, which will.prove of great benefit to par ties building. • • 0. B. Begga with hie genial smiles, was talking the drag business here this week. On Thursday evening of last week at the residence of Ur. and hire. H. V. Owen their daughter Mill Mamie wee married to Mr. L. DICtork.Rev. Jr B. Aligood officiating. Both the bride and groom are from our prominent fanning families living near acre. We wish for them a Joyous and prosperous life. Last Monday morning at three o'clock Annie, the four month habeof Mr. and Mre. ,J. J. Folnomjoconmbed to the revagts of lagrippe, and peacefully went to meet him who said “suffer little children to oome onto me,-and forbid them aot, for of eneh Is the kingdom of edaa profit on this rcrsiirn. 1380 of this amonnt came from thi of fancy goods in charge of Mre,! J. Taylor. A number of liberal tions received at (ho door^nro Ox In this amonnt. Placards on the several doers < rooms announced the use to which would be put. They further to the Interesting fact that, a room w be furnished by each of the fells Mr. and Mre. J. H. Merrill, Mr vVatt,Mre. Ottas. M,. Chapin, ,M Barwlck News. Wynun Jones,Mre.Chy.P- Until darkness Cor (s,, nvt'uu crowded wt(b carrier aQ, nnrt . t] pitalbuilding throned 'With thf* oni- friends of insMthtloi northern retldejaat the carets • hotels, and thA^mpionfthoc-;, 3 I her.! in forco, w. Hi- I,-ear am oaUwiU vasatsto history ««„« most plessant'and enccw.fnl o many ntfiirn-hbld In the inwroit Mr. and Mre. Bonntree visited Boston Tuesday. -Y Mr. BUkes la very sick with grip. We hope he will soon be. oat again. Mrs. Siqes waa called home Monday. She was with her father Mr. Etheridge, at Monltrte, whs is very sick. The Barrett family have moved into Knotting Runaway. At noon Tuesday a runaway hone oreated consternation by a wild dash through Broad and Jackson streets. A shattered boggy testified to a reckless ran. The horse belongs to Marshal J. J. Stephens nod ten loose from n hitching post in front of hie residence. Thence terminated at the city hal, and Mr. Stephens' boggy Is in the shop for extensive repairs. W. H. Wilson of Pidoock waa n visi tor to Boston last Tuesday. Rer. T. A. White of ThomeavUle wee a visitor to onr burg last Tuesday. Mr. Morris Kingsley of Brooks oonnty was visaing his eon 8. J. Kingsley and family lest Tuesday. J. A. Ham Cashier of the Merchants and Farmers Bank who has bean absent several day sat. Live Oak Fla. visiting his brotiw^p. B. Hon and family re-'town. They are at the Wood,. .Mr B. 8. Arnold. Wftple working at ' Ur Bigaby was called boras' this week on in t kceonnl of ritelltneegof Mre. Arnold. lehbe Jin. Susan-Ferguson, nf near Fro- ln *-* donJBr toriekdtMr^if Kgi|*y;, ; . hey ?•"- - Mr.-K. T v lfnsphy,- ctember of the r-^5 ****•■ Mm $£■] Broadhurst Tcachlno Law. Mr. Edgar. D. Broadbnnt wtyo wee torned home Ust Tneedsy. . tciiLg biuioeM In the'\/m. Tuesday (ui, 'WvQ* j '«W0tar«U*dl*ptx)6>M young la-' ’’■ffWW'AWdtolpbefated yoang la-’ At The Plnsy Woods- ' disk in-onr effj TkstSunday By the non- ’' ‘Among the latest arrivals at the Ptoey w ^ b * ,r ‘ rh ® m ** tUJ * ^obdi hotel ate Mr. ^4 Mre. W. J ZX2SBSg:-3B&& •—..vw-SejuLfc. lie .tro’lsn rtream* Probably thL ele- Ur. and Mrs. M. CbapUm Coleman, m-iftlwill be more praptMtitme next Washlogtoo, MUi Fnmces Emerson nme or.tlvast We lmte ».• Boston, H. S Randall land wife, Wj Duriur thq Idev of Ap-il the wedding Wickham Smith, Brooklyn, Mr. and' V: t: 1 F. S. Harlbnrt, F. B. BriMOl, H.w| *uyqa.*t»o* now. -- Haven. day night (o-$e with-the boys .t to. spcicttioaB* The friends ef Mre. M. L. Kenng^y , ere glad to know abc much improved. - The writer made his regular monthly visit to Evergreen ehnreb, Brooke oonn ty last Sanity, bat was about "rained r ’Out" nf an, enneregatien 1 ' •'• * Art: ii: Briciy . et J tie Brseey Pl:«r saagy Cp, is ** Us place of barise,-. agaih. afuts'.ytrgl ^a^e Imicur il 'C with the krinpe. /.vt v- anted? Kiss Ada Barney left for Savannah Tnofday morning.