Newspaper Page Text
ness to crippled. There are compUiuts
of ihe service on the Albany Branch of
the A, C. L. which seems to be more a
hast Hindu.
The Board of Trade of TbomasviUe
bolds interesting meetings. If the pub
lic at large knew just how interesting
these meetings are,they would bo better
attended. But the faithful few go on
in spite of wind or weather, and always
manage to have a lively time. . There is
enough diversity of opinion to lend spice
to the proceedings. All are sctuated I y
a oommon desire for the welfare of the
town, and none are looking in either
sense or experience.
An evening's discussion covers a va
riety of topics, l<ke unto Ihe variety
for sale in a modem department store.
Bor instance at' the last meeting, the
members talked about the cotton situa
tion the new hotel, the Panam * Canal,
the new college building, the railroads,
b> streets, and the matter of Homes.
freight than a passenger
are complaints about discrimination in
The rs'lroad oommittte
Lamar's T/mni Laxative is the original lemon medicine.
,tt is made of lemons and other harmless but powerful vege-
• table ingredients, is u safe, sure and speedy cure for
Indigestion, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Headache.
It cleanse* the system of all imparities, tones up the a
stomach and bowels, pats the liver ana kidneys In perfect
order——in ohort “makes you new.” It Is gentle but prompt
and powerful In action, pleasant to take and always reliable.
UMAR, TAYLOR L RILEY DRUG CO., Manifaotsrsrs, Macon, 6s.
freight rates,
will hat .3 enough to keep it busy kick
ing hard. Possibly kicks may do no
good, but certainty the situation will
not be remedied until kicks are made
More power to their kicking leg.
district Gatherings of Odd Fellows
and K. Ps. In April-
SI -00 bottle contains 24 ttrnesiha trial tee. which aalla for SO costa
IBfi Ew Kfl pispaikd only at tms laboiatoiy or
>(£/ ia E. C. laaWITT Be. COMPANY, CHICAGO. HJ-
old by Bracy Pharmacy Co.
Ask for 1089 Kodol Almaouo and 200 year Oa'endar.
The Griffing Bros. & Co.
io Are They ? What is Their Business
extension of Road Baexod by Huge
Capital and Branch Gees to
And they are the largest in the line on their plan.
The only Nursery allowing yon to see Trees f rowing
before you pay, Is lhat-n jt enough to convince you
that you will get wttat you buy? Jt ought to be. And
I give you my guarantee also. Budded Pecans, Peach
Pear, Apples, Figs, Shade Tress and all kinds of Orna
mentals and Poses. Prices are right and remember that
ro other Nursery offers same proposition and Griffing
Bros & Co are responsible. Wait till salesman calls
and he will submit you the proposition in a few words,
C. B. QUINN, Agent,
SEEDS! • •
Our Stock is Fresh and Clean. Call
in or ’phone us your Orders.
Agents ‘ Tenney’s” Candy
V Phone 106.
g&jjfttt),GROWN in the sunny south.
FKjfPlV Green rind, rod meat, full of luloo and so tweet." "*v
fr? If yot want quality, nreotneM, and the beat melotta that It Ik!
"possible to grow, plant our aoutham-grown melon nod. Northern:
or wtetera-grown melon teed doeen't begin to compare, Vrbeo yon :
[consider the quality and prodect of the fruit produoed.
L Three Ounce*—'Three Beet Vorletle*—nalM for 39c. ‘
Rk. W'H'ti'i pMcrMw 5*cd CatatofM tolls about the bwt ■outhern meloofl, jbj
A dbstbdotivb fire.
To draw the Are oat of a burn, or heal
a cel without leaving a tear, use De-
Witt'. Witch Head Salve. A specific
for piles. Oct the genuine, t. L, Took
er. editor of the Barmonlser, CvotreJUa
writes: “I have need DaWitt’s Witch
Basal Solve in my family for piles, cuts
and bene. It la the best salvo an the
market. Bvery family should keep it 0*
hand." Bold by Bract, Pharmacy Ou. w
„ And is a good thing,'you will find that We carry it. We
rlhandle nothing but High Grade Goods, and you can make no
BBttaVh by comma to us for your Hardware as we handle all
Heavy and Staple lines such as Nails, Stoves, Hllwood Fence
Jtaplements, etc, in car lots, and thereby, are prepared to give
I"* the eery beat’prices. Come to ace nr.
• * Jno.GJBumey’s 1
Hardware Store, Boston, da.
Gardener and Florists.
Work of all Idod by Job
Pronto* a Specialty.
Order by Poelal
1* Oolton Ate.
Yar Infants aad Children.
Ra KM Y« Ian Ahnj* Baatfl
Pelham** New Commercial Hotel
Jatreary the flre«, 1906, Modern aad op-to-dare in al< details.
SIS Bread Street oomp
| Apply to znovil
W. C. Woedbridge, ruiai
Moony BottL aadf
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ARLINE,
iCoffee Tea spoons.
Souvenirs of Thomasville and the
South, here are some of the subjects:
Confederate Monument, Negro Eating Melon, Pint
Woods Hotel, Mitchell Hpuie, Indian Head, Georgia Stae
Floral, Big Oak Etc. ’
The mo>t interesting development of
the year in railroad circlet it directly
oonoeroed with the Atlantie end Bli
mlogham. Anything concerning this
rood is of importance to Thomasvil,.
for it baa its southern terminus here
The new development insnree the ex'
tendon of the A. and B. to Birmingham,
and an Atlanta connection for the road.
The deal ia finaoood byH.M. Atkin
eon, W. Q. Kaonl and S. M. Iumaii, of
Atlanta, Gordon Abhott and T. Jeffer
•on Cool edge, of Boston, and the Old
Colony Trust Co, Percy R. Pyne, of
New York, and Gao. Dole Wsdley, of
Waycross. The road is tv be known as
the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlant.r,
aid.aill lean Important factor In the
railroad world, giving Birmingham a
short line to the coast, Atlanta an in
dependent road to the sea, and Thomas-
villa a direct single road to Atlanta.
The details of the proposed extension
cl Ml mile*, Montsanma toBlrmingliam
are familiar to all, work has been be
gan, r%ht of way second, etc, T'-e
plan for the Atlanta connection ha.
last been made public. The rotfc will be
13 mllee long. It will run In a sooth-
wtsternly direction from Atlanta to
Wedowee, Ala. This is a town jut
across the state Hoe,, 85 miles west of
Newnao and 55 miles north of Colambus
The men behind the movement Soon-
oed the building of the Tifton, Thomxs-
vllle and Gnlf. Later this wax commit
dated with the Atlantio and Birming
ham, which next absorbed tins Brans-
wick and Birmingham. The new sys
tem will he independent of other com
panies and wtU be one of the most im
portant in the south. It will become a
reality as fast as men and money can
make it.
Great bodies move slowly. The board
of trustees of Young's Female College
ia therefore entitled to be classed as
groat. Tney are a conservative body of
men, who want to be fatly informed as
tc{where they can put a foot doan when
once they have lifted it np. They have
about 920.000 in' their possession, now
oat at Interest. They are planning now
to spend half of this amount, or perhaps
aa much aa 112000, injao administration
building, The friend* of the institution
an anxious to have everything in readi-
for the opening next fall. The
Board of Trade u anxioos to help. By
qnlok work Shu can perhaps be done,
bat time it passing. The Board of
Trade expressed itself as willing to do
aU tn its power, last night.
We have all heard so mach about the
Panama canal that we have uncon
sciously come to regard it a* a serial
fairy tale, and not a vital basinet* pro
position. Our sea coast neighbors, take
a great interest in this matter and have
organised the Panama Commercial
League, oompoeed of a number of Flori
da towns on Ihe coast. The object of
the league Is to secure a portion of the
trade Incident to the. opening of the
1, nod meanwhile, the tralfio and
trade made possible by the bntlden.
who » v constructing it. Thomas Tills
was m .ted to Join the laagne,' and tLe
invitation waa road to the Board bat It
lias not acted upon.
Contractor and Builder.
Thomaeville, Ge.
Work executed according to lnteat|a)
proved plans. Strmlflcailoa
and estimates famished.
OaU at 108 Dawson Street.
Public Hanging Every Day.
1 mean public hanging of
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
Orders by'phone or mailgiven prompt
attention. Phone 15-1 rings.
Samples shown at your homes,
lohn Hinson, tti Campbell
Thq commercial body, Is heartily in
aocurd with the action of the cotton
growers association. The matter was
folly discussed and many expressions
of commendation were heard. The
sentiment seemed to be that if the
southern cotton growers could w.n in
th's light, it would be a wonderful vic
tor/. It wi'l secure llie commercial in
dependence of tiie sooth. Thomas
ooonty is going about the crop centos in
a business like manner. In no better
way oould the amount bo expended.
Theeoanty by its action ia setting a
good example to tho other counties in
the tooth. Ills not the eofterer that
some sections are. Here the ootton
matured early, was marketed early, and
brought a good price. There is com
paratively little held over by the far
mers. Then too divert! Bed crops give
the farmer other roarers of inooine. In
some notions of Georgia bnsineei ia
paralysed. The insurance bostnen of
one of the leading companies has fallen
off 80 per cent., for the state, yet the
Sooth Georgia .business has increased
The same Is true of other Unas of bosi-
Retire 2,000,000 hales, red nos the
acreage M per cant, and everybody will
be pros pen us. Those who think this
cannot he done are reftrrad to the his
tory of the ooffee growers Some years
ago there we* an enormous ovar-pto-
dnetion. Hundreds of thousands eg
bags were looked ia tba warshoaro The
Thomasville is getting to he a conven
tion city. Many organixations have
met here in the past, nod have gene
away delighted. Two important gatii
erings, are scheduled for the latter part
of next month. The Odd Fellows of the
Sontl)em Judicial Circuit will meet here
April 25th and 26th. The Knights of
Pythias for the 7th district will meet
herelApril 27th.
The sisters ledges of I. O. O. F. iu
this division are under the sopervi.iou
of W. M. Parker, division depnty grand
matter. Artery saccesst-il convention
was held in Tifton last September. The
local lodge ia making preparations to
the entertaUment of the scores of dale
gate* who are expected. Valdosta will
send a degree team.
Grand chancellor J. A. Jones of 1
Knights of Pythias lias jut aunoanm.
the difitlon of the state into lx
districts. Etch Is presided over by e
division depnty grand chancellor. The
D. D. G. O. of the seventh district is
W. E. Edwards of Valdosta. The lod
ge* in hi* territory pro Thomaeville,
Cairo, Pavo, Bainbridge, Brinson, Don
alronville, and Quitman. Delegates
from these lodges will gather In Thom-
Seville on Tbnreday April 27th. The
rooret work of the order will te exemis
lifled. The grand Gbanceller, J.
Joaers of Wayoroae, and the supreme
representatives. T. J Carling and Ham
ilton Douglas of Aslant* will be present.
The plan I* a new one with Georgia
P/thiaat, and there is mach interest in
the first convention that is to be held
Mr. E. H. Smith has returned from a
two weeks stay in Catbbert.
Judge Robert U. Mitchell went to
hold Echols ooart Monday. afternoon,
Mr. Milton Battle spent Snnday in Oc •
Uapt. John Hightower went to Macon
Saturday morning.
B. B. Cone of Cairo, was here on bas
inet* Saturday.
Noah Singletary, a prominent citison
of the Ocklockonee district was here
A Moultrie legal delegation who ex
ercised their wits iu the bankruptcy
oomt Saturday were Y. L. Watson. T.
H. Parker, J. A. Wilkes, Alfred R
Kline, W. F. Way and W. A. Coving-
IS is a common exprts.
sion we hear on every
side. U,n less there is
some organic trouble, the con.
ditlon can doubtless be remedied.
Your doctor is the best adviser.
Do not dose yourself with all
kinds of advertised remedies—
get his opinion. More than likely
you need a concentrated fat food
to enrich your blood and tone
up the system,
Scott’s Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil
is just such a food in its best form.
It will build up the weakened
and wasted body when all
other foods fail to nourish. If
you are run down or emaciated,
give it a trial t It cannot hurt
you. It Is essentially the best
possible nourishment for delicate
children and pale, anaemic girls.
We will send you a sample free
Be sere that thli plctwt
lathe form of a label li M
Uw wrapper of every bottle
of Emulsion you buy.
scon & B0WNE |
NrwYwt |
SOc. end SI. All Draggl*
To Suboerlbo for and Road oil Poport |
Published Would Coot S50.000
o Year.
Tho Result Obtained From ThKEi Con be Had for*
Few Conte o Day.
I negotiate five years loons on form
nods at lowest rate it of intents. Com
mission charge* reaaonable. A small
abatreot fee, oonaistent with the amount
of work and trouble involved, will be
charged In eochcxae. Bring your chain
of title with yon.
Moultrie Ga
Any one in the publio eye ever
•lightly, anyone desiring public, ty, every I
one in any buatnest or profession will be I
interested in a remarkable dee that villi
be ol untold value to tbem at the cost of ]
few cents a day.
The credit for the idea's duetoFrank|
A. Burrelle, dean oi the press clippers.
To a reporter Ur. Burrelle said:
■ I point tbe way to new butinessalon(|
new lines and give aid cf a most valu:
ble nature to 10.OUO persons. Our
nits include merchants, acton, wiilti
lawyers, artists ministers, doctors
speaker-*, pugilists—in short all classes."!
"How done? Very simple. I am a
>tb a large farce of workers to read 1
papers pnblished, clipping therein
ms ol interest to i.tir clients."
"I do not understand," s-id the 1
"In the newpapsrs of the Unitl
9tat*s," explained Mr. Burrelle,
printed every dsy material that ap
plies directly to all men and to all bus!
"Can you giee any tp-clic case?"
Hundreds! Take for ex-mple,
maker ol artificial limbs. I pat on
desk every day t e name ol every |
in .the Un'ted States who has had s
or a leg amputated That person ne<
an artificial limb. The fire extinguish*!
man wants to know of p*rsons who t
bad a lost by fir*, and 1 keep him post!
These are examples, but the idea applir
to every business."
"Bow do you help individuals?
"1 keep the artist informed oi whattbel
press says of his work; it *n autbor|
wants material for a book, I gather it 1
him; on tbe death of anyone 1 am a
place before relatives the printed *
ons of opinion concerning
“Bow is it done?"
"If there Is any one, either indiv
or firm, who wishes to know,
write to m% addressing
York; it would taks too mach
tell th* whois story here." 9-iW