Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, March 24, 1905, Image 10

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Young's Collogn Trusts#* Took Defi
nite Action Saturday l
Tbs Board of Trustees of Youn*'<Fe-
msl* College met yesterday morning
sad took tmportent action on ths pro
poned sdmioUtnttion building which is
to be erected et tli# col'ege. Ths decie-
Word Received Fro n Wsshingtsn
Bettis* Uvs Question—Uncle Ssm’s
New He. * win be in Large Brick
Building to be Built by W- C. Snod
Cores Rheumatism and all Blood and
Nerve Affections.
Bee. Walker Lewie, the sreO-ksswa
Kelbodlet minister, write*: "I bees
weed Lr. Mosley's Letnoo Ktlsir ta sty
Mr. Leo Wise who baa bean in Bain,
bridge, cams bom* Saturday afternoon.
lit*. A. W. Stnart and daughter came
horns from Bainbridge Saturday after-
Judea W. M. Jones and wifs wsht
down to Boston yesterday afternoon to
(pend Bonder with relatives
Messrs. If. A. Sbaw and L. O. Max-
well, of Whtgham, ware prominent
Saturday visitors
Miss Us Cessed/ cams over from
Bxlnbridg* Saturday afternoon, lo
pond a few days with friends in tnle
Mr. and Un. 8. A. Bneh, M e. M. E.
Bcxh and illu Oaimtra Buah. of Ca
mill*, were visitors to the city Satur
Mimes Mabel Stevens and AuuleJLuci ■
cams down from Oohlookouee aod spent
Saturday shopping with TliomeeviUs
Cairo Men te Was Pelham Qlri cn
Ao-il Filth.
: UUlon Andrew! and Master
Norman Mcorehooaa of Savannah are
the young gneite of their aunt, Mre J.
W. Dillon for a few days
- —. m-u
Miss Prancee OliaiiUWi returned to
Outhbert Monday to presume her
tudl‘.» in Andrew Oailsgs. She his
been on a abort vlait (fc her pajente, Mr.
and.Um. Jna Chambers.
Mitt Louise Greene, woo i.»e been the
eharmmg gnmt of her oousln Mies Bos
Reese for eeveral weeks, rv arced to
\ Nt liosi iu Port Valley Saturday
Beat Day In Veers. .
A Breed street merchant said Mon
day that Saturday was the beat day of
UrgseS Bales he had bed in several
rears All branohee of bosiuesa are
Honors lor Cel. Olllon.
OoL J. W. DUlou and Mr. John H.
Manta law* rsturuad from Savannah,
where they attended the biennial oon
vantioti ef Woodmen of the World.
Out DiUoa was elected aa head man-
agar, for Oeorgla, onedj the moat id>-
*f J?orts..i office# In tlie gin otAia order.^
• Woctsn THnka Wall cf Them.
t.Ooi. W. E. Wopten ol the,
oimoLt uas at \li!>\)auUoi
ifgia Regiment'’was' at llii .Capuoi
today, auil stated he el pec led hie regi
ment to make a fine showing on iniptc-
Mon. Two of his oompame, have been
pot on probation, bat ho says the others
will show np in splendid shape.—Atinn
ta Constitution.
‘•It is a very astonishing thing that
vegetation, even of the commonest aud
humblest kind, is no sooner Withdrawn
Mr. and Mr,! Nsthailel Bradford of
Pelham, have Lined uvltations to the
wedding of tlieir daughter, Louise Cor
bin to Ur. William Yancey Bryan of
Cairo. The m .rritge la to be a quist
home affair old Is to take place on the
af.ernoon of Wednesday April fifth it
htlf past four o’clock.
The announcement is of interest to
many people iu Tiiraitsvills where both
bride and groom have scores of friends.
Ur. Bryan la a popular and enooemfol
young butane ai<ji>: Re Is prominent
in morel society end (octal circles, and
oombinee couaid-reble literary ability
with hie bnslueae <jusl)fleat(oui. Be wee
formerly the CalmTepreaentatlre of the
TiMsa ENiuttmteu. Re ls'tortnnar* n>
wlmilng fo- hh bride one of Pelinuu •
most iheriuibg sir'*.
N ow Telephones
ltd Ohss. E. lieylie-, ree.denoe
Mrs. A. G Moxhmi. residence
-'d7 Mrs. A Y. AluLnyr-. residence
filt-lff. L Adstus, r-iH-ars
90 C. P. OolHiuau, rvsiuoiioe
S3*.* Mrs. U. E Pinson. resMence
813*1 A R. Coojie ■, rosldrnoe
#331 F. Y. Hpelghr, resilience
307-1 Weller L»-kuis, gr.ioeriae
S0II.3 Powell's U».t Market
G M. Powell, reeidrnoe.
Paste them in yonr phone book.
tlie capricious inliu nee of man
I it straightway groupsmt:
„ _ , Jbelf pic
* tnreequely and strikes the eve as bosoti-
' ful. This is true of evory little spat ot
•arth tint has beeu left wild aud uncul
tivated, even though thistle* thorns
And fht commonest flowers of the
i were all it bore-,’--Schopenhaaer
Prcparati ons for the Teeth form au
iiuportaut part of our Block, and there
no reason why any one should neg
lect this part of their toilet. Wo can
especially recommend our Tooth
Tooth Brushes, Soaps and other toil-
t articles at prices that will please
Loss of app lit- always result,, from
faulty dig an >n. ail that is necd«d is a
tew doses o f lb am e-lot’e Stomach and
Liver Tablets. T cy will invigorate the
stonuc . strengthen t'-e digestion and
givs you an ipp-ft, ilk*, a wolf
Tablets s'eo act .•« a gentle laxative.
The annul tournament of the Thom
airille Golf Clab cue to a close Sat
urday afternoon having been most soc-
ceetfol from start to finish. At fonr-
thirty o'clock Saturday afwrooo t tea
wasmrvedatthe dnb honm. and the
oops were presented to the winner*.
Than warn tan it them in all. one being
presented to each winner and one to
each rnnner op.
In Claw A, Mr. Hamilton Voee of
Milwaukee carried off the honor* of the
tyoraameut by defeating Mr. Leon
Wolten of Manistee,score seven np and
six to p's/. This Is the third time that
Mr. Voee has won the cap. He wee
dab champion iu tlie 1IW4 tournament.
In darn B, Ur. R, G. Mays of tlie
Thomasrille Golf Club, wee the victor.
The rnnner np was Mr. Williamson and
the score was four np and two to play.
In Olars O, Ireland beat Wood nine op
and seretijtojplay. Hooter beatJCox six
and fire In Class D.
The winner in tlie ladies match was
Miss Frsuoea Grisoom, ot Philadelphia
whom father Mr. Clement A. Grieoom
h if*, country place jut a:ro a the ilori
da line. She is known in golf circles as
Miss "Puoey" Grisoom, aod fire years
ago held tlie wnman'e championship of
America. Her opponent iu the itna e
wav Mils 31. Pruianth of Riverton, N
J. who hie also played in many nation si
tournaments. The soore in tlie after
nyonmtohwar m/eu and fire Bit,
nrdar morning tue temi finals were
played with the following reenlte. Mice
M. Prlemnth beat War Lockwood 3 and
9, Mice Urlacom beat Mies Frismnth,
flre'and i liras
After the lest much wee finis' el tl.e
p ayers gathered at tlie olub hour aud
reeelred tnelr unpi f.-on Mr. ri i
Drake, who presented them in fitttug
The rite of the new poitoffiee has
been selected. It will be in a building
to bo erected by W. 0. Snodgrass on
the Mitchell home lot, adjoining aui
jut shore the present poitoffiee.
The new i-nilding will be forty-five
feet wide in front, sixty-two feet in
rear and sixty- two feet deep. This will
give more than telco the fioor spam of
the present poetolllce. The furnishings
will be of the m >t modern and np to
date variety. In fact tue manefaccor
ere say that if the approved plans are
carried oat, ThomuviUe will have the
but furnished poetofilce in the sooth
not in a government building.
The lease entered into with Mr.
Soolgrsm is for *1,000 per year for ten
The rent on the present poetofilce l»
*600 per veer. The new building mart
be reed? for oocapanoy by Angaat isf.
1905. Work will be began within a few
' It is understood that Mr. Snodgrare
may put a secood story on the bonding
and equip it for offices. The old post-
offico building will probably be rented
mercantile establishment. Tin
now arrangement will greatly enhance
the salon of property in the povtoffio*
Yeung Man of Philippine Experienew
Talks Interestingly.
Words are qnlte inadequate to express
the pleasure^ jjbrt gratitude felt by the
Board of Trustees of tlie City Hospital
over tlie results of the entertainment of
I sc Wednesday. Practically *930 wu re
alised At'■flie metiey already in hand
will pi? the balance due outlie udmlci-
•trai.uu uui diug, we shall have this
•am wt'h which to begin the erectioa of
colored ward i utldii g and so will
bn able lo car.-y on our work as we have
iu the peel. The board extends its hear
ty thanks to the many ladle, who labor-
ed eo hard aud u*v» ,o generously of
thetr time and ineaus iu pupating for
tine profitableIiffa r. A'l lion»r to tlinuil
Him ware aLou nuinuruf eubatantial
donations of money at the door
which helped to awell the receipts.
Our thank# areeepeoially du i to Mr.
Wood of the Ptsey Woods Hotel, to
Mr. Shaw and the members of the or
chestra ant to all others who assisted in
giving u eo delightful a concert.
An excellent precedent wu establish-
•d In the way of making uefal gifts to
the hospital broths presentation of a
handsome wicker rocking chair by Dr.
Daitula Sn^o large rag by Mr. Geo.
Forbes, both of which will be ot great
Our acknowledgements are aho
due to eUatfiftJty their literal pairo-
niga Ituiief to hake the Bazaar a sac-
G S. Whitney.
Chairman board of Tinstees.
Residence ana
Land For Sale.
Peacock. Thoma«ville j
I am offering for rale on reasonable
terms a very desirable tract of timbered
and farming land lying partly tvitlun
end portly without the City Limits of
Toomaaville. This tract contains in all,
#81-3 acres, one t Uni of which le iu origi
nal forest growth of hard-wood and pine
suitable for fencing and repairs Tlie
remainder of the tree- is enclosed and
alteration, and travelled by two
nusniOK streams, affording perfect
natural drainage. This property is sus
ceptible of being divided into a number
of eligible baildi:ig sites and track-farms
a n every respect desirable: it
ehonld be examined by all such u may
a seeklnr home* in this section Par-
icular information will be famished by
tlie Undersigned, who will upon applica
tion go over it with attvoue wishing to
make a pontonal examination of it ■ For
farther informatioti apply at the City
Expro'a Office, or at rite office, of Ham
mond A Hammond Attorneys
F. H Butler, Ad tar. and Agent
tor tlie Heir* of P. H. Barter, Deed
Fred L. Howe Jr. oune to town yes
terday. Howe le a curiosity. He is as
fall of ballet ecare u a twin Is of holes.
He lea little fellow, hardly fire feet
fall, but. he carries himself like ’U of
ficer. Fred it looklcg for his parents,
whom hl haa not seen for five years.
At the beginning of the Spanish war
he irlei to enlist but wee too young'
and too email. He finally got iu at
matoot of Co. K 39th. Kansas Volun
teer! and was smuggled by them to th»
The medical profession unhesitatingly
• idone and predbribe Dillingham's
Plant Juice tor nervousness. A well
known physician of ThomuviUe say*:
In the treatment of nervom or other
chronic dieeue* I have prescribed and
endorsed Dillingham's Plant Juice aud
find it doee all that is claimed for lr.
It is of nupmksbl* value and benefit ”
Nervousness It an indefinite term,
which oover* a great many disagrees!
aod dietrearing affiictiou. A ball,
term would be nervrieaaueae u this con
dition Is dm to weakness of the nerves
and cone ti to tee nervous exhaustion.
This is not a distinct disease, but the
results of other affiictiou, and mar be
produced by any long continued Irrita
tion of the nervous system. Nervously
exhauted people are easily startled, un
strung, irritated, exhausted and anger
ed. They are touchy, fidgety, oft- n
sleepless and despondent. In extreme
caret it passu into unnatarsl fears, ec
centricity, mania and insanity. Tlie
most oommon censes are frequent and
long oontlnned headaches, dizziness,
neuralgia, irritable eyes, bad
hysteria, unusual care, anxiety, over
work, eto.
There u nervous exhtution and ner
vous debility, but they are not the
Dillingham'* Plant Jnics Is an infallible
cure for nervousness In all its different
forms. It lies tin-quality because It is
such a wonderful bloodipnrifler and tis* e
Nervous prostration and debility indi
cate a tow condition of vitality and an-
trttion, and u nutrition is a phyaiolog c
ai fnnouon, lb* connection between Dil
lingham's Plant Jnice aod neuralgia
will readily appear. It la a sure, quickj
and oertain cure tor every disorder ot
tbs nervous system, sod is proved to be
' ' each by thousands of the worst eases in
.which the restoration to perfect health
lias been speedy and complete.
Do not dbgleot the litre ills, the aches
many of these could be spared for year*
of usefulness, by keeping in ths home
some reliable remedy.
We believe that we can convince any
fair-minded person that there is no bet
ter remedy for the Liver known, than
Dr. Thacker's Liver end Blood Syrup..
The formal* is known, consisting of:
Bucbu, Hydrangea, Mandrake, Yellow
Dock, Dandelion, Sarsaparilla, Gentian,
Senna and Iodide of Potassium. Yon
know jnst what yon are taking. How
many other formulas of a liver medicine
•republished? Ask your druggist about
this. It la already prepared and can be
taken immediately.
The strength is extracted in the mod
skillful manner, certainly superior to any
powdered preparation known. (We also
manufacture a Liver Medicine in pow
dered form, with which any druggist can
supply yon, but this, like all other dry
Liver Medicines requires preparation.)
Dr. Thacker's Liver and mood Syrup
is pleasant to take, doss not lose its
strength, as Liver Medidns in dry form,
and will keep in any climate.
Yonr doctor, however sklUfol, could
prescribe nothing better.
Then is no opportunity for (doctor
to make a mistake in writing s prescrip
tion, or a drug dark to max* s mistake
in compounding ths same, (besides s
doctor’s bill and the cost of the medi
cine.) You can he absolutely tore of the
proper proportion being in every dose.
Dr. Tbacher’s Liver sod Blood Syrup
has been need with the greatest confi
dence and success in thousands of homes
for 69 years, and is prepared by a phar
macist of 2# yean* experience, in a labo
ratory equipped with the most modern
appliances for the most perfect safety.
If trass d* sssl Msd-rslsud your esse.
ssvsSs USss for • Vrro ommeate botilo sas
"Dr. rase Bar-, Health Book." Otm
aumptmmt for adds, Wo otmplr ssJk that
stswiyMI at ssrisrui. W* hastsstkas
won malm ar all dmuooisib.
LO ram!* and $t.OO.
Chattanoofia, Tours.
non °^ K deposit
MlJfVUU R R. Fan Paid. Notes
* talrnn rare tUltiCfl. BEST
taktn i
onauth. Don't delay. Writs to-day.
If >t is si bilious attar U ukr Chan ber*
la'n’s Stomach an . Liv r Tablets "i»J a
qu*ck o«i» l ot >alv hv J. W.
Peacock. Th-iuavv.ile,iJA w
—————— *
- . VI \
aud pains, the “sll gone" aud nr. d t LOUliVi.'.LE & N vSrIViLLS RAIL
Hs saw lively life iu lbs island-. o f j,
feeling-, that the majority rf (.voile
look npon aa trifle*. llememD>r iliat
gun was iMued to liim, bat ne uusue it a
babU 10 follow tlie meu into battle and
picking np Hie gnu of the first man
who fell would do hie share of genuine
flrhttug. Probably hie most thrilling
experience was iu 1893.
Hi* company was soling as an out
post tweoty miles away from ths near
est body of ths army. Ths oompgoy
liad oocuptsd the port only three days
when they were surprised one morning
when at braaktaai hr #00 Moras In
less Tims than it tikes to writs it,
ninty-nins out of ths oos hundred sod
six soldiers ware dead. Hows was cut all
to pteoss and left on tbs fisld for dead.
are dangerous aud the wo.k
by jftakfcidg Into a nearby atream '
water and •Aimming away. 'A be cap*
tain liud both lieutenant* were among
the kilted. The browu meu were arm*
ed witti boloe* aud daring the eutire
massacre, uot a etiot wa» fired, the
A meric au* having been cat off from
thetr gnu*.
Howe afterward went to China. He
was woauded at the battle of Tien
Teiu and at thecaptnreof Pekin lie receir-
bollet wottud that will stand him
in bad stead to hi* dying day. He wan
on top of the wall. ja*t ready to climb
down into the Chinese stronghold when
a yellow ballet caught him iu the chin,
coming oat beliind hi* left ear. The
ballet cut hi* vocal chord iu it* courte,
aud to this day he ho* uot beeu able to
speak abore a whisper.
Oa returning from the Pitilippiue# be
went to his old home iu Kentucky, hop-
ing to had his pareuts, bat th»y were
nos there and he ha* never yet beeu able
to locate them. H* w is still dres-sed in
his soldier uniform wlieu lie reached
Thomaeville yesterday from Albany.
He U in bad circamsUuces and want*
work He look* as if be would appre
ciate auy assistance.
uui voia irritable feeling of tod*r utay
tomorrow be the teirible toirerr cf
nerrona debility, sleeplessness, melac-
rhoiia, paralysis, or tliat (lreadrol
disease, paresis, that euda only
While there is life,, nse thia gre« t
medicine, that will etxengtVu *>e
nerves and hence purify the biuod «uu&
and give health and strength to the
mind end body. a
There is no remedy that sots so nice
ly end surely in removing the Import
ties, not only from the blood, uervea
and bone, but from the system eeaeral
ly, as Dillingham's Plant Jaioe.
The other ^ix msa who escaped did eol ,«oldby J. W. Peacock. R Tiipuue
Anrtin ■
Take home a souvenir of
>,tWc have them of all kinds
and at all prices. Most of
‘hem are inexpensive and very
attractive. Come and see
Oiily •o’id Pu"m*n train wirli obeer-
vatinii and lib *rr mr* from Florida to
8t. L-iui*. Chicago. We«taod North
west wirli iuon‘1 qaicker rimn than via
an* or lie- It in*.
All in diniux *'\r. H«rvic« ala
Ki • out, dim i/ «%r -ervice in the
Lecavo St. A't/»:>•« !»• d-iilv 8:Y0a. m.
Leave JacksouviUc daily a. m.
Arrive Chicago next day 4:10 p. tfi •
A’rive 8t. I cn’* n*xt dey 1:35 p.m.
Also tbriHigii PaliiuMii drawing-ro^m
sleeping <*an* iMity fro* Jecks wivUin on
ACL 8-.a'l p. m t'aut«» D\,nii"gliam
Naihvillf, Evivi-ti!!**. Hr. L^nK Chi
cago hi id 8: V» »r*j, Mo-
hil*» land New Mr*»
I : s«»rrnw-4ri .unk fur tick
ets via L. tb S - ; v '
r*re;i, T>\
call ou or writ*
FU. Pas*. Am u*.
20f» W Bar Bt. yHCtkonville. Pia
iiKV I'Ku ' L'Nii T-lKVtS
1 ruup and Whooping Cough come
like - tn» fin :|i-u«.h , >te.i ut to di»* f'»r.g o f ttiorta di>**a*c upon
the i-li' dren "s lh-y ptaccfu 1 v -l-»p iu
tb«* r little bnl*. Kenncdv'i l.nXtttve\ - n d Tar. the n-w dlscoverv for
cough-and rd\:». u.i i dr*ve out the?H
dca'h *1 •« n- d iii.-nv bf oii* he dorror
c*y f'l.h
Fine Cctten Seed
Kmg * aud Improv* 4 . ltoiel
for being very e%rlc »•!•! p?o'.ific. Ab-
Eolately parn a’ld r-r.e to variety,
grown aod elected by me. Pri'Mj 75c
and $1.01 i>er iHi^lid w;wc'ively Or
ders taken and delivered »r T D Winn't
tore or *.t my rarmi w.2*-d