Newspaper Page Text
‘.'iMi8*&NX£RPfMdtf IHOMA«VULKBJ10K«:a. MARCH 24 IhOI
Dress Goods of all kinds, styles, qualities
and prices. Examine them.
Embroideries, Collars, Scarfs, Hosiery,
Belts, Shirts, Waists, Gloves—too numer
ous to mention, quality and price guaran
Wash Silks, China, Taffeta, Habitui,
Pongee and Radium, in all colors.
> For Men, Women and Children, all sizes,
styles, and of prices that will sell them.
Line of Men’s Youth’s and Boy’s Spring
and Lu inner Clothing, in the latest Styles
and patterns, ard at prices that will juter-
esv you.
Trunks, Suit Cases, Bags, Shawl Straps,
and Hand Satchels, at the lowest possible
Louis Siejsrraan.
Broad and Jackson Streets.
The best and most complete line
of Boy’s, Youth’s and Men’s Clothing
ever shown in our city. Styles of the
cuts are the Panama, Culvert, Hopkins,
and double-breasted sacks*. We have
a special line of ten dollar values, all
wool Suits that we are going to sell
for $7.50 and $8.00.
Our High Art numbers from
$12.50 to $25.00 are peaches for style,
durability and fit.
Our line of High Art $1.25 Negli
gee shirts sold for $1.00 are dreams of
perfection, everyone guaranteed.
Our fur Hats from $1.50 to $3.50
are the most up-to-date styles ever
shown on this market. Our Pedigree
and Victor Shoes are the thing. Ho
siery to beat the band. The best
goods for the least money.
30 Fall and Winter suits yet to
close out. Will be on our shelves until
April 15th.
The advocates of Gradjr county hare
bem keeping quiet of late. Lut month
their new county execntire committee
printed a two column article of abue,
which aliens; <d many from their cause.
Even the authors realized that such
methods wers a mistake. They prom
ised to desl With the Decatur county side
of the question the next week and hare
not done to yet. The leaders of the
movement have seen thqt they cannot
maintain their position in the public
prints, and hare maintained a deep
silence for more than a month.
Last week, however, the Cairo Mes
senger printed the following.
One of the favorite objections urged
against the New County] movement by
its opponents is tiiat of expense. It is
the rapid tire gun of the opposition—as
if anything good on this earth was ever
seemed without expeiue. Upon this
hypothesis no man should Improve his
surroundings -his home, nis town,—be
cause it is liable to cost him something.
(Jut upon such close fitted, ssinillut at-
gmnent. Of course it will cost money
to inaugurate a new county. Nobody
a burn fool believes or could thins
otherwise. And the people of Urady
county are anxious, willing and waiting
io shoulder all the expense of the
movement. They are per ect y so -
vent, and will call on no outside pal ties
to aid them io the good work alter the
county is established. If we can staud
the expense, it rather strikes ns that
outside parties might cease to shed their
crocouhe tears lor os in tins regard.
"Urady county will be worthy of her
illtutriosB name in every respect. Her
public buildings will be in consonance
with the spirit and taste of the great
Georgian, and ills titc-size image, In the
purest Parian inaibie, will adorn her
Temple of Justice—and the people wit 1
not mind the expense 'oyether.' "
The Messenger is evidently suffering
from a shoit memory, It lias made re
peated statements to the effect tiiat
taxes wcu.d not be higher in the pro
posed county. It haa been a favorite
statement ot the leaders of the move
ment that there would he no increase of
taxes m Urady, They .have reitera
ted this claim in conversation, in oorres.
puudeuce and by every means in tlielr
power. " s lie argument that the poopie
of jrady Will have to pay higher taxes
will nut lio.d water,” was their prouu
And now how different. The Mes
senger eumus tiiat it will ooet money.
How else is the money to be raised tlian
by taxes? It glones in the faot that it
will ooat money. It plans to build
marble statue, even. What has caused
tlie change of tune? Have the new
county execntire committee Just inves
tl gated a littlo farther and found that tt
will coat more than they expected?
We are glad to And one point opon
which we all agree. The opponents of
Urady say it will raise the taxes of the
people in the new county. Thu advo
cate* admit that a new county will oost
money, Tiiat question is settled.
The claim was lint made of "no ex'
pense, ” and now this later statement
that it will coat money, We presume
of ooorse thatjthe change of base comes
because the new county leaders are
honest men, and after extendal investi
gation they find they were mistaken in
their earlier position. If this be the
case, may they not be as badlv mistaken
In their other claims of the benefits to
oome from the proposed division? In
fact may they not be wrong entirely in
this movement? And will not sober
second thooghtjconvincejthose who were
enthnsiastic in the beginning, that the
better part is to let things remain as
they are.
The question now since this admission
is a simple one. Are the taxpayers of
the Spence and Cairo diitricte and the
other districts involved, willing to pay
oat more of their good hard money in
the shape of higher taxes every year?
Are they wilting to exchauge the low
taxes of Thomas for the higher taxes of
Grady, to build a marble statue for
Cairo's court house?
• -We Believe- *
V., y-
We sell the most reliable Shoes in the county.
We know we buy them from the best Factories
and have them made good.
We Emphasize Particularly This Week
One lot of ladies $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Slioes
mostly small sizes, to close out at $J.75
One lot of Men’s Shoes that sold from $2-50 to
$3.00 to close out at $1.50 a pair.
Another lot of Men’s Hand Sewed Shoes $3.00
to $3.50 sellers to close out $2.00 a pair.
ThomasYille Shoe Company.
Governor Terrell will urge the legis-
( store this year to focreeee the appro
priation fer the support and maintain-
unce of the state militia from (20,000,
which has been the usual amount, to
(25,000, It is a sore fact that the mili
tia needs reorganisation and perhaps
the additional (SCOOwill help. It is
better to spend $2i,COO on an efficient
body than to thro* away (2000 on a
| poorly orgsnized affair.
The site selected by the government
for the now postoffice bniiding will be
satifactory to almost every man, woman
and child in Thomesvilln.
We have all acqnired, by long years
ot practice, the habit of going to the
corner of Jaokeon aud Madison streets
for onr mail. We would still head that
way after breakfast if the post office
were at the other end of town.
The present site is as central as could
liavu been fonnd. It Is convenient alike
to all bnsiness sections of the city,
retention of the poitoOce to the old
neighborhood prevents those unhealthy
fluctuations in the price of real estate
that necessarily would entail npon any
The new building will be an honor to
Thomnsville. Plana for its f nrnishings
call for a completeness that is seldom
fonnd in a city of ThomisviUe’e else. It
will be spaoiout enough for our needs
some Tears to come.
The volume of postal business in
Thomasville Is remarkably large for a
town of 0000. Statistics prove this to
be a fact. If they did not, we may rest
assured that the present arrange'
ment would not have been enlarged,
Poetmaster Dismnke, with the aid of
Congressman Griggs, has done Thomas-
ville a service that will live after him.
He deserves every whit of the universal
popularity that Is accorded him, and
hera’i a bumper to the man that gets nt
things I
| The Griffing Bros. & Co.
| Wbo Are They? Wbat is Their Business
The Atlantic and Gulf mills have
opened a free kindergarten school for
the children of their employees,
Quitman. This is great work and
wonlddo a wonderful amount of good
It all the ootton mills woold adopt it.
A whiskey Arm has offered a jug of
corn liquor to the tallest man named
Smith at the state fair In Maoon. A
lot of lengthy codgers will probably
prooeeod to change their name and prac
tice stilt walking.
The Thomasville Tmzs Extedprise
•aye a woman would better spend hei
time looking at herself In the minor
than in talking scandal. Bnt to some
women the latter is more agreeable, si
yon may see on the face of it -Quit-
man Free Press.
The Macon Telegraph think* Georgia
needs a "no nonh no *onth” policy.
Sooth Georgia being out, with *mall
prospect of making it an "all tooth"
policy, will fall io line with the Tele
graph'* policy.
Tlie day iiooming when every resi
dent of Sooth Georgia ie going to bo
proud of Young's Female College. The
new (12,000 building ie a step in the
formation of a greater school.
And they are the largest in the line on their plan.
Tlie only Nursery allowing you to see Trees f rowing
before you pay, Is that njt enough to convince yon
that you will get wbat you buy? It ought to be. And
I give you my guarantee also. Budded Pecans, Peach 11
Pear, Apples, Figs, Shade Tress and all kinds of Orna
mentals and Poses. Prices are right anj] remember that
?o other Nursery oilers same proposition and Griffing
Bros & Co are responsible. Wait till salesman calls
j and he will submit you the proposition in a few, Words,
J C. B. QUINN, Agent,
You will find at our store a complete line of ^
Trusses of different styles, sizes and prices—When ^
in need of one call and let us show you what, we' have. J
We will please you. c\
Phone 106. ‘ Agents ‘'Tenney’s” Candy y
Have You Tried
' 0X7X3
Wo oldridge,Falls Branch loIIicoCoa
If not, you are missing one of Life's luxuries
The Wooldridge Jellico comes in
L large lumps, is free from impuri
ties, and because of its cleanli
ness, hardness and superior burn
ing qualities is the most satisfac
tory Jellico Coal produced. Try
a load of it and we guarantee
All your worry over bad, dirty Coal will cease.
The Thomasville Ice Company
Evqfopdj who ever lived Io the
countrjrwante to get back there when
tue spring days come.
A uew hotel Slid a uew railroad
Thomasville. That's it.
I? (AI
Gas Fi
All Wo:
and Hot Water Heating,
itiptlyT Executed and Satis--
ini Guaranteed.
s; JSm"Tho
Office and Show RoOm 405 'Broaij
Phone 76 . '**
O. Box 1 s.i
lie Ga.