Newspaper Page Text
Notice of Sale
GEORGIA, Thorn; County:
M. A. Fleetwood, Administrator upon
the estato of W. R. Moore, late of raid
county, deceased, haring filed hie peti
tion for discharge, this ia to cite all per*
•one concerned to show cause againat
■wua wiivomeu w «u«n VAUfiO
the granting of this discharge, at the
regular term of the Coart of Ordinary,
for said county, to be held on the first
Monday in April. 1903.
8-3-4* — '
Wm, Jones, Ordinary.
The Invalid'. Bed,
Not the least among woman’s accom-
ia that of malting a bed
If the nnderabeet be stretched
lightly' orcr the mattreas and
in much discomfort will be
In order to change the sheets when
the under one should be. rolled
) the In
I In the
WatlTes Dae It, bat It la Too Hack
Por 'White Mea.
Afjer Transvaal tobacco, but a long
way after, cornea Boer. The name is in
reality nowadays a misnomer, for this
tobacco ia grown largely In Natal and
Cape Colony. It ia also cultivated In
; the Orange River Colony, la sold by the
roll and can be obtained for about $8 a
inwuid is too iTto move from to 1 P° n " d “• ? h “' e ro,l J* ‘ mrch * 8c<1 - “
It a loo Bold by the tack. |
White men boy these sacks, but they
do not tmoke the contents themselves;
toy use It to reward to Kaffir serv
ant! for working overtime or doing any
other meritorious action. The taste for
Transvaal tobacco It an acquired one.
It alto takes a certain time before a
man gets used to to scent No white
man who bat come from a distance has
So far lived long enough to acquire a
liking for either to taate or the smell,
but It has Its uses In the case of to
natives, and It la alto useful If you
have an undesirable visitor whom yon
are anxious to get rid of. Offer him a
pipe of Boer tobacco, and be will never
enter yonr bonte again.
The traders purchase this weed large
ly. They alto use it upon to .native*
In to ahape of presents, as every Kaf
fir who makes a purchase In a country
store always asks for a free gift and
the competition to secure to native
trodn Is so acute tot the request can
not bo refuted.—South Africa. '
of to bed to
dean sheet
, Is tacked In
over to apace
taken until
two roils
aide. Hie pa-
llfted over
■beet to
rolls on
to rest of
About Cold..
If annoyed by an attack of catarrh
the fames.of a tablespoonful of tlnc-
tara of benaoin compound In to room
■t night will help to relieve It
If to throat la affected by a smart
ing and rasping wet the end of a towel
In cold water, bind It againat the throat
and wlud around the wet end of the
dry, warm end of the towel. In tbo
morning to aoranesa will be relieved.
To alleviate a cold go to bed with
• little eucalyptaa oil on an old botid-
kerchlef or with a saucerfnl of the
same on a table by the bed. Uncon-
edoutly Inhaling this during to nlg'it
will ward off a cold or effect a cure
When to cold It developed.
Sanitary proud Kokins.
An objection raised againat to pres
ent manner of making bread la the use
of the band. In to mixing of the
which le raid to lie a very In-
r operation and should be avoid
ed. As the dough muet be mixed. It Is
said that It can he done more thorough
ly and In a more cleanly manner by a
, and an apparatus for the pur-
i Is herewith shown.
The device consists of a suitably
" I standard of metal, which la fas-
P. P.
* - I-
Male* Op Yonr Mind to Seek It Bath-
•r Than Walt Por It.
It Is n dangerous thing to wait for
opportunities until it becomes a habit.
Unorgy nnd Inclination far bard work
ooze out In the waiting. Opportunity
becomes Invisible to tbose who are do
ing nothing or looking somewhere else
far It It le the great worker, the man
who Is alert for chances, tot sees
Home |ieople become so opportunity
blind that they cannot see chances any.
wbere-toy would pass through a gold
mine without uotielug anything pre
clout—while others will find opportuni
ties In the moat barren and out of the
way places. Banyan found opportu
nity In Bedford jail to write the great*
eet allegory In the world on to un
twisted paper that had been used to
fork {tie bottles of milk. A Theodore
fn^er o? (ij-ucy Stone eees an oppor-
laalfy tj go ta college In a chance to
pick bento*, Ogsboy see* an ppenlng
I2.M* SfflfiHlOh la fl-fhanc? td top
wood, wait on table of raff errand
where another fs$S 08 Chance at all.
[ One secs an opportunity to get an edo-
| catlqp In to odds and ends of time,
• evenings .and half holidays, which an-
wj qwny.-o. 8. Marden In
April 23rd.
We'll be on time with a complete line of
Seasonable Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, No
tions and Furnishings.
Office in Carter A Hall building
Meigs, G-orgia.
Wait Foriffs.
Pooles Polling Prices
Do The Work.
Churchwell’s Cut Price Store.
Starke Corner. _ Thomasville, Ga.
two straight movable rods of galva
nised iron, earn about Inches
loaf, controlled from the center by a
" ■ nut The rode when passed
1 handles of bread pan apd se-
kaep the pan rigid while' the
ntaaa of Ingredients la being easily and
quickly mixed by revolving to curved
tinned rod aeon In outUue.
you bare a throbbing headacbo
1 a lemon and rub ttie ^lta over the
BMW, and the pain will soon (0 away.
It your hair la falling out rub slices of
laanon thoroughly Into to roots and
•tor the scalp, washing the head after
ward with warm soft water. Squecie
lemon Juice In to froth glow of your
Massage your hand! at night with a
mixture of lemon Juice and glycerin.
•Bfi wear large, old gloves, and yon
Will he surprised to see how dasxllugly
white they will become.
Washlas Woodwork.
When washing woodwork If kerosene
put In the water Instead of soap
and great* will come off
* and easier. A good quality of
cleans windows and mirrors
beet, bat a poor quality or oil with
dregs in it leaves the glass streaked,
•tap must not be used with kerosene
te glass.
Salted PmrbIi.
Stall your peanuts and take off the
tenor skins. Put a tablespoonful of
Sira oil or melted butter In a pan nud
add enough nuts to cover the surface
ttefougbly. Sprinkle with salt and set
te a moderate oven. Stir often t3
nil sides. When the uuts are
1 and crisp they are done.
ClMMlis Window*.
When It la necessary to clean win
dows In damp weather use a little
Htbylate.l spirit, uml you will polish
the window lu half the time, as the
q^lrit cvftporatea nud dries the super-
Annas moisture as It goes.
Prrrrnla HMdeir.
or deep plate of quicklime
damp closet It will prevent
liung there from be-
The lime should be
It becomes slack.
V/Aklilng Flanneli.
1"; of br. ix into the
: rnx.e'.i.: -v wadiejg
Qvcrcat an^ Yy JVU1 reel
If It is desired to befttn the week re-
freahed nnd ready for labor, retted In
mind and body, the eating customs o?
Sunday will have to be readjusted.
Have a later breakfast, it desired, but
its any more than may be avoided and
have but two meals on that day aud
eat no other. It would bo far better to
have three light meals, llgliter than
usual, if that fould bo Arranged to Hi
With the other household arrangements.
The custom of noon dluupr on tbut day
arises from tlie usual absence of cook
or maid at tho later one, nnd this may
be unavoidable. Very well, theujtrfcut
this as a rest day for cook uml'ftiges-
tivo apparatus &s well ns from other
labors. Have a light breakfast, a light
dinner und n chafing dish supper as
near tho ordinary hours of meals ns
possible aud remember ns you are go
ing to take less exercise than usual
you demand u lesser amount of more
easily digested food.—Helen Johnson
In tioodl Housekeeping.
“OS" For “FroBi.’*
As a stranger In Philadelphia I was
much amused by certain provincial
isms. Ono of these was the use of the
word “off” Instead of “from.” “Please
buy tlowers off me,” say the youthful
street venders. One day while waltiug
for some groceries a young lady, evi
dently unused to housekeeping, ap
proached the raw Irish clerk and tim
idly asked: “I want some mutton to
make broth. Shall 1 get It off the
nock?” “No. tua’am,” was tho solemn
reply as the clerk pointed to tho batch
er. busy at his block, “ye git it off that
“I think 1 never saw Hymer so utter
ly crushed as lie was when his first
poem appeared In print.”
“What was the matter? Some typo
graphical error in the poem?”
“No, that wasn’t It. What crushed
him was that the piper was sold tor
a penny a copy, just as usual.”
Stvpn Him Money.
“Why do you always agree with your
wife In everything?” she said.
4 1 find It cheaper to do that than to
quarrel with her and then buy dia
mond* to square myself.”
quarter in a ten.
Are you using Ihe PLANET JR. CULTIVATOR? If
not it is because you do not know the worth of them. Ask
your neighbor about it. If you are at all interested write us
for one and after one days use you are not satisfied we will
send for the plow. It is the greatest labor saving tool ever
put on a farm. Get one for each horse and cut down the cost
of this years crop. Very truly yours,
Hardware Store, Boston, Qa.
Pelham's New Commercial Hotel
Opened January to firs-r, 1905, Modern and up-to-date in al> details*
Most cc nvetiently locrtwl hotel in tlie city. Very lest servicer, rendered
y experienced msusgcuii nt. Opporite A. C. L. derot. Look for sign.
Rates $t.oo and $x.u« tvrdsy.
Commercial traveler, patronage solicited.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ARLINE,
Proprietors and Managen.
To Henry N. Pollock.
Yon ore hereby notified and required
to be and appear at the April Tern ISOS
th e Superior Court of Thomas Connty
answer the complaint in the above
ca.e, otherwise the conit will proceed
ar to jnstice shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. Bobt. G. Mitchell,
’edge S. C. T. O.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is herehvgiven that the part
nership heretofore existing between A.
F Coorohweli; of Albany, Ga., and O.
R. Pool-, i f Thomasville, Ga., doing a
mercantile busin,**in Thomasville, Ga.,
as A F Chnichwell & Co.,has tlilsday
been dissolved by matnal consent, A
F. Churchweil retirii ft. O. R. Poole
will rontiune the bnsiness, assuming all
labilities and collecting >11 debts dee
the flmi. A F. Uhukciiwell,
0. R. Poole
Ihoniacville, Ga , February 40, 1806
By virtue of on order of the Court of
Ordinary of said connty. Will be sold
at public outcry, on the-first Tuesday in
April 1806. at (he court home in said
conntylbetween the ostial honra of oale,
the following real eatate sltnated in
Thomoa County to wit; Part of lot No.
488 lying in the IStb. district of said
conniT, containing forty five acre,
more or less.
Terms Cash.
M. A. Fleetwood,
Adm. Missouri Houston.
Leave to Sell Land.
GEORGIA, Thomas Connty.
Notice is hereby given that tbe under
signed has applied to the Ordinary of
said connty for leave to se! all the
lauds belonging to’the estate „f Minnie
Parish for the ^payments of debts and
distribution. Said application will be
heard at the regular term of the court
of Ordinary for said connty, to be held
on the flrstJMonday in April, 1806.
This 6th dayfof March, 1905,
M' A. Fleetwood,
Administrator, Minnie Parish.
gfll? Administrator’s Sale.
Under and bv virture t of an nn*ei
granted at tlie March term* 1805 tf tin
Court of ordinary ol Thomas county
Georgia I will sell at public outcry be
fore the Court House door iu Thonms-
vtileGa.. on the 1st Tuesday in April
next within the legal hours of sale the
following tract of land in the 13-lt dl«-
tricr of Thomas count v. te-wit: All of
Lot No 176 embraced within the follow
ing boundaries, commencing at the
southeast corner of said Lot running wt a*
15.90 chains, thence north 65.45 chains
hem e cum 14 chains, thence south 47 6."
-hs>ns. rheme east 58 90 chains them-
-u>ii 27 tto chairs to starring point con-
„ l.e 1.-P.75 »e If edit as the pn-|wri>
V r> ■ 11* if .s et.
•!-;. « Nil. to
ns begitmlnr at wdiivrit cerner of
.'otlcefof Dissolution.
Notice ih hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between !•
W. Scott of Voido«ta, Ga., and J. R.
Robert* *c f rhcmasville, Ga , doing a
bakery butiuei* in Thoma*vil!e, Ga.. as
the City Bakery, has thin day beeu dis
solved by n u:ual conc ur. The City
Bakery will l>e cgntiuued aasnch, with
A. II. uid J, R. Roberts as proprietor!
They h$pcci* all indrbttrinetw of the old
firm and uvl.ect ail debts due the firm.
L. W. Scott,
R Roberts.
’I Item A* vile. a ar. 18 1905. 24-4t
Sheriff Sale.
GEORGIA, Thoms, Connty:
In and by virtue of a state and county
tax Ufa I will sell at pnbllo oat cry be
fore the coart hones door in the city of
Thomasville, Ga. on tbe first Tuesday
in April 1906 to following described
property to wit. one sera of land more
or leu in the town of Metcalfe Ga.
boanded on the east by 8tegoll street on
tbe eonth by Magnolia attest and on the
wen by land of J. W. Horne and on the
north by a 80 foot alley, property levied
on as the property of 8. E. Monroe to
satisfy the above described Ilfs, tlila
"arch the 8th. 1806.
T. J. Hioiit, Sheriff
8.10-41 fowgM foynty g»,
Notice of Sale.
GEORGIA, Thomas Countv:
To Hod. R. G. Mitchell, Judge of the
Suparior Court of said county:
Thejpetition of 3. Z. Yawn ihowt:
l.&That he is guardian of Maggie
Yawn, of laid county, having been duly
appointed and qualified as inch guard
ian in said county. *
That he desires to sell, for re-in-
vestmeut, al private sale, the following
property, the same being a part of the
estate of his said ward, towit: An un
divided one-seventh interest in and to
lot of land No,, in the 9th. District
of Mltcliell county, containing 230
3. That said land is not well im
proved and,paj■ small annual profits. desires to invest the
proceeds of snch sale in improved, rent
paying lands, or other good invest-
Petitioner shows that notice of
the intention to make thia application
has been published once a week for four
weeks, as n quired by law.
J. Z. Yawn.
Sworn tofand subscribed before mo
this March 13th. 1905. W. M. Jone*
GEORGIA, Tlioiha* County:
After four weeks notice, pursuant to
254fi of the Civil Code, a petition, of
which a true and correct copy is sub
joined, will be presented to the Hon
R. G. Mitchell, Judge of the Superior
Coart, at Chambers, at Thomasville,
Ga., on the 15th. day of April, 1905.
J. Z. Yawn,
Guardian of Maggie Yawn.
Notice of Election.
GEORGIA, Thomas Coni tr.
Ordinary’*Offloe, March 2nd, 1906.
Whereas, by the death of John F.
Howard, a vacancy exista In the office of
Receiver of Tax Returns for said Conn
ty of Thomoa. Now, therefore, under
tho authority In me vented by law, and
In accordance with the requirements of
the Statutes in snch cases made and pro
vided, 1 do hereby order an eleotion to
fill eaid vacancy, said eleotion to be
held on Wednesday, tlie 22nd day of
March, 1906, at all the preciucta in said
Connty, and the retnrna to be consoli
dated at tho Coait Home in Thomao-
ville, ton Thursday, the 23rd day of
March, 1905, aa required by lair-
Wm. M. Joses,
8-3-td Ordinary.
For Tax Receiver.
I hereby announce myself aa a candi
date for the office of Tax Receiver of
Thomas connty, to fill the unexpired
term mode vacant by the death of my
brother, John F. Howard. If I am
elected, I will give the dnties of th«
office my beet attention, and Will he as
sisted by my late brother’s daughters in
tbe work. I will appreciate the sup-,
port of the voters of Thomas connty.
Georue W. Howards
Application For Administrator,
GEORGIA, Thomas Connty:
To all whom it may concern: G. W.
Howarl having, in proper form, ap; lied
to me for permanent letters* of Admini
stration on the estate of John F. How
ard, late of taid connty deceased, this is
to cite all and singular the creditors and
next of kin of John F. Howard to te
and appear at my office within the time
allowed by law, and show cause, if an?
they can, why permanent Administra
tion should uot be granted to G. VV.
Howard on John F. Howard’s Estate.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, tlii* fith day of March, 1905.
Wm M. Jones,
• Oidinary.
Circular S - »*va ham me ret .'Or j:
rl*am**t»*“* A l kind* s a-v wo f: *1
To draw the fire cut of a burn, or heal
cut without leaving a sc«r, use Ue-
j Witt'* W:tc' ! Hard Sa^v*. A specifu
■ fufr p les. <»et the g( nuin*». J. L, Tuc-
ncn j cr, editor of the Harmonizer* Centre.Ai*
a frdont* at wr i ; * i*- affd
e. | H«/ »l s**|vw in m famJy for
flooEits j an< b* lrQ *- it ** the
m« k«*t. Ev«ry
h*nl" Sold by
GEORGIA, Thomas Couuty:
Richard Mitchell, *ou of Missouri
Houston, deceased, having made appli
cation for twelve months snpport oat of
the estate of said Missouri Houston, for
tier four minor children, and appraisers
duly appointed to eet apart the same
having filed their return, all persons
concerned are hereby required to show
cause before the Court of Ordinary of
said county on the first Monday in April
1905, why said application should not be
This 4th day*of£Marrh, 1903.
Wh. M. Jokes,
t Ordinary.
Libel for Divorce.
In the Superior Court of Thomas County
Psul Rawls vp. Mattie Rawls. w
The defendant, Mattie Rawls, is
hereby required,"in [person or !>y attor
ney, to bo and appear at the r.cxt term
of the Superior Court to be holden in
and for raid Thomas County Georgia,
on the third Monday in April 1905, tfc*i
aud there to answer the plaiutifTi com
plaint, as in defanlt of such apr caran£e
tbe court will proceed as to justice may
Witness tho Hen. R G. Mitchell,
Jcdgd of said court this i be S3d da> of
January. A. D. 1905.
Pelham, Ga.