Newspaper Page Text
Read What the Havoc
if Dsit.i i, Ala. bay
if L. t. I*.
Lamar’s Lemon
tfig ;mi fs-niiy "—■Heins
fiV Ocnatii «iiion
fvT* Disordered Live*?
far i(;dij»>stbn
fur iisaJacho
f'.r Bilio Jic.csa
for Dizkiitesg
Vie it often and, pre
vent Malaria.
Lamir, Taylor iV Riley
Cruy Company
The lut few days have bean busy
onea lu police circlet. Here are tone
of ilie thing! that hare been doing.
A bevy of Ethiopian gamblers fract
ured the law and the Sabbath, by eta
barking upon a dice game, Sunday af
ternoon In front of tho American Man
log Mill. The city and county officers
descended upon thpm. They caught
Tie *1.00 tons senates 2H ttaesthe trial ass. which tads far SO can.
seesAssn duly »v ns lssosatosy cs
old by Bracy Pharmacy Co.
fryMfcllnr Ides Kodol Almanao and 100 yea^Oa'o 'dor.
“ Nervous Headaches—
Run Down.**
Tired, lick nerve* cause nervous headaches.
The nerves stop doing their work properly.
They protest against neglect and abuse.
Their tired, sick condition is shown ia many
mys, sometimes one way, sometimes another.
He ‘ ‘
[eadaches, "unstrung,” “worn out," "run
down," "nervoua," "blue,” all warning* from sick
Health, vigor, determination, courage—in fact,
all that make* life worth living depend* upon a
healthy supply of nervt^force.
Paine’s Celery Compound makes new Nerve
Force, it revives the old force and makes new.
It not only doe* this, but by strengthening the
nehres that control all the organs of the body, it
cures the real cause of headaches, neuralgia, rheu
matism, malaria, and the many diseases coming
from a run down condition of the nerves.
For l8 years Paine's Celery Compound has
been the most universally used nerve vitalizer and
tonic in the world. For 18 years—think of this
fact and realize what it means.
Read the experience of Mrs. L. F. Mulray after
“Following a sever# attack of La Qrippa
my ganaral health aaemad to ba ssrloutly
affected. I suffered from constant nervous
headache and was so unstrung that every,
thing Irritated me until I was In a precarious
I alia was troubled with sleep-
id would rise In the morning more
weary than whan I want to bad. As my mad*
lei no did not seem to help mo any. the doe*
tar advlasd a complete change, but, as | was
unable to go away, a neighbor advised ma to
try Pel ne’e Celery Cem pound. I used It faith*
fully far a weak, foaling that I dally grow
batter and stranger and my health kept grad*
ually Improving until I had used throe and
■ half bottles, when I was in perfect health,
with no trace of my farmer troubles. A
number of my friends who saw what Paine's
hay all feel as pleats
suit* At I am. Yours very truly."—Mrs. L.
y. Fifth and Mercer streets. Seat!
treasurer fikoogay Country Club.
A t
s’* \
■ad \
r»* \
‘ Gw
a *-
Thousands of grateful patients tell of the
tmfailing effect of Paine’s Celery Compound as
h nerve vitalizer and tonic. Physicians, the
world over, use and prescribe it and testify to
wonderful cures.
One bottle will prove its wonderful proper*
it gives almost instant effect.
Paine’s (
Try Paine’s Celery Compound to-day.
It braces j
See how much i
i you up at once.
‘i better you feel.
See how much more easily the trials roll away.
Let Paine’s Celery Compound strengthen and
your nerves, nourish your system, purify
ilood and help you back to vigorous,
your bli
Buoyant health.
Remember this—Paine's Celery Compound
ll the prescription of one of the most famous
physicians America has ever known—Prof. E.
E. Phelps, of Dartmouth University.
All reputable druggists recommend and sell
'* Celery C ‘
' Compound.
Many a ThomiATiUe Citizen Finds the
Btragil* Hard
With a back constantly aching.
With distressing urinary disorders,
’ Dally azlstence is bat a straggle.
No need to keep it op.
Doan's Kidney Pills will rare yon.
Mrs. Annie Woodall, of 187 Broad
street, Albany, Ga„ says: “I have de.
rived a great bshefit from the use of
Doan'i Kidnev Pills. My back was
canting me almost oonUnotl misery
The pain waa right across the small| of
it—a heavy, doll, bearing down pain
and a weakness. I need many different
mediclnee, without apparent remit, and
also tried liniments, bat the pain still
remained. I taw. Doan's Kidney Pill*
advertised and got a box and gave them
a thorough trial. I am very much
pieseed with the results. Toe pain hae
lsflfme and I feel very moch better in
every way. Ton ire weleome to nte
my nama as a reference. ”
Emphatto endorsement can he ha:l
right here in Thamasetlla. Drop into
R. Thcmas Jr.’s drag store and ask
what bis easterners report.
Bold for SO cents ger box by ill drag-
gists. Foster-Mllbnra Co., Buffalo
Now York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name—Doan’s-and
taka no mbatitota.
Every Man, Woman and Child in
TO call at onr store forth# greatest
strength creator and health restorer
which we hare ever sold—Vinol. It la
not a patent medicine, bat the moat
valasble and delicious preparation of
ood liver oil known to medicine, with
out a drop of oil to name ate and upset
the stomach add retard its work.
We do not believe there is a person in
tills vicinity bnt what Vinol will beneflt
thorn at this season of the year. Vinol
ia dahekma to the taste, and it Is recog
nised throughout the world os tho
greatest strength creator for old people,
weak, tiokly women and children, nam
ing mothers end after a severe sick-
the gleam of brass buttons throneii the
trees, and ran at a rshtilf illitsynf
pace. The officers opened fire and a
dozen or more shots were fired to stop
tne sprinters. Two, Phillip Davis and
Stephen Colson, stopped and are in jail.
Tom Banks was pat behind the bars
yesterday. Two or three others era
still at large.
Bam Watson, colotei was fined (US
and costa Monday. His crime was a
double one, carrying concealed weapon,
and taking liquor order, in n dry
eounty. Officer Martin worked np the
case. Bam paid np and has gone.
As a'Cante of Other Diseases.
Mayor Roddenbery's Monday mati
nee was well attended. A number of
young white men were on the docket
for dll order late Saturday night in the
Tenderloin. The other cases wen the
usual ran of drank and disorderly.
Marshal Knight of Whigham brought
over Robert Bell Monday and turned
him over to Sheriff Hlght. Bell Is
negro from Pine Psrk and is accused of
breaking a contract to work for a gen
tleman in that vioinity.
Vinol never falls to care hacking
coughs, chronic eclda, bronchitis and
all throat apd lung troubles. It is un
equalled to crunte an appetite and to
make those who are too thin, fat, may
and healthy.
Wo have had ao muoh experience
with Vinol and aeon to many wonder
ful cures performed by It. that we offer
to rttern yoormoney without qneetioo
if it does not accomplish all we claim
for it.
Can anything be mors fair than this?
Try it on our guarantee. R. Thomas
Jr., druggist.
Alter a hearty meal a dote of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure will prevent tn at.ack
of Indigestion. Kodol is a thorough di.
gestant and a guaranteed cure for Indi
gestion, Dyspepsia, Gag on the Stomach,
Sour Risings, Bad Breath and all stom
ach troubles. N. Walking, Lei bur, Ky.,
says: "I can tastily to the effiesney of
Kodol In the cure of Stomach Trouble.
was afflicted with'.Stemsch Trouble for
fifteen ye.n and have taken six bottles
fytur Kodol Dyspepsia Core, which
h.s entirely cured me. The six bottles
were worth $1,000 to me.” Sold by Bra*
cey Pharmacy Co. w
Pay your subscription to the
Tiroes-Enterprise in advance and
Madame” will bs sent you for
- * s
The Beard of Education metJMraday
nleht at their office In the Times Enter
prise bnllding with a fell attendance
object of tbs meeting was a for ■! .coaston of^the qoeaiion of ex
amining the teachers in Thomaavllle
public schools.
Dr. R. J. Miller offered a resolution
which was unanimously passed, to the
•Ifset that all teachers in the schools
should be examined, before being hired
for the ooming year. It was tbs sense
of the Board that this !«to accordance
with the law pasted at tlie last session
of the legislature. Therefore any par-
eon who wishes to teaeh next year most
stand tbs summation, irrespective of
whatever previous examination or ex
perience he or ahe may have had.
The date of the examination has been
set for April 2Uth. At the first meeting
of the Board in April the committee on
teachers will report as to the nature and
•oope of the examination. Tills com-
mittae consists of H. W. Hopkins,
chairman, R. J. Miller and B. E. Les
ter. In view of the lively discussion
this question has aroused the decision
to examine alt the teachers will be re
ceived with interest by the pedagogue*
and their friends.
S, a Sbee'in and wife, Indianapolis,
Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Quimby. Cleveland
Mite Florence Taft, Oran E. Taft and
wife, child and two nurses, are the latest
entries on the Piney Woods guest boot.
Don't drug the stomach to cure
cough. One Minute Caugh Cure cuts
the mucus, draws tbs infltmauon out of
the throat, lungs and bronchial tabes,
heals, soothes and cures. A quick cure
for Croup and Whooping Cough. Sold
•cey Pharmacy Co. w
I Its# supply of cotton seed, the
Howard N. Stanton
Plans and Specifications furnish*,-.
Mrifmates cheerfully given.
Personal attention given to all work
Pfltce: Parker building next doer
Saterp.-Ui ifin.
»A prominent physician was heard to
make the following remark:
“If I were uked to name the disease
which most rarely destroys life I would
name catarrh net were 1 asked to
name tits disease which sets np ie the
system oftenest diseases which do de
stroy life I would again name catarrh.
Catarrh while it remains simply catarrh
very rarely destroys life, although It
make* life miserable, but catarrh sorely
leads to a licit of conditions, many
which are fatal to life. It is snffieisot
to say tnat the nervous system controls
all the functions of the human body.
Evory minute blond vessels which per
meates the human body contracts and
expands under the influence of the ner
vous system. The portions of the ner
vous system which preside especially
over the circu'ation of the blood in the
mneous membranes of the body, is
known ts the vaso motor system of
nerves. When these nerves become
weakened and allow more blood than
normal to past into the capillary vessels
the condition of the mneoni membrane
is known as catarrh; when tli-s conges
tion continues for some time it is known
as chronic catarih. The congestion
may occnr in the uncous iiniuga of the
noae, throat or bronchial tobee, longs,
stomach, bowels, Sidneys or pelvic or
gans. Wherever it ocean it produc-s
the same condition, chronic catarrh.
Dillingham,s Plant Juice, in its bene
ficial action upon the vaso moter nerves,
■trikes at ouce at tiie ennse uf a mull'.."
tnde of catarriial diseases. The vaso
motor system of nerves control all of
the blood-vessels and ducts of the body.
Bnt particular v do tt-ey control all the
arteries and veins end capillary' VM
M's of the mneous membrane lining
every organ of the hnman body, from
the htad to tho ptlvis. In catarrh tha
vessels are abnormally dilated.
Dillingham's Plant Juice increases
the tone of the blood vessels and causes
hsm to contract to their normal tealtl.y
condition. It la this action of Plant
Joke solely that cares catarrh in ovary
part of the mneous membrane, no mat
ter where located. Chronlo catarrh it
another name for an old cold chronic
meenlng old; catarrh, cold.
It is a common and dangerous condi
tion. us it will toon divtroy the mnoons
bran*, producing in the moath
canker sores, in tha throat enlarged end
uneven tonsils, — sometimes causing
deafness,—in the larynx hoarseness and
weakneM of voice; la the bronchial
oongh and aoroneM of the chest; In the
lung* consumption; in the stomach dys
pepsia; in tlie duodenum and Intestines,
diarrhoea and dysentery .^flatulency and
pUea; in the kidneys Bright's diteaM
in tlie bladder oystitls, [catarrh of the
bladder]; In the reproductive organs
functional derangements.
There is no disaaie more common and
more neglecten, and often more difflcolt
to cure. It ia common becanse all alike
are exposed to andden changes in the
temperature; neglected becanse it Is
rarely sever* enough at first to Interfere
with bad new, and di file nit to rare be
cause usually It is allowed to become
chronic before treatment ia begun,
The sure and permanent rare for ca
tarrh in all tta different forma la Dilling
ham's Plant Juice, sold under a guaran
tee to core, or money back.
It can be obtained at R. Thomas.
For Thin
Fat is of great account
to a baby; that is why
babies are fat If your ».
baby is scrawny, Scott's-
Emulsion is what he
wants. The healthy baby
stores as fat what it does
not need immediately for
bone and muscle. Fat
babies are happy ; they do
not cry; they are rich; •
their fat is laid up for
time of need. They are
happy because they are
comfortable. The fat sur*’>
rounds their little nerves
and cushions them. When
they are scrawny those
nerves are hurt at every
ungentle touch. They
delight in Scott’s Emul-
sion. It is as sweet as
wholesome to them.
Send for from cample.
Be tin tkit tills picture ia
the form of • label Is oo the
wrapper of eeery bottle of
tonal! ioa you boy.
Scott 4* Boumo
409*4ts Pmmrl Jtn+t
JVnt rer*
50c. and $1*00
To Subscribe for and Rafl
Published Would CosM
a Year.
Tha Result Obtained From This Ex*
psnditure Can be Had for ■
Few Cents a Day.
Any one in tee publio eye ever to
slightly, any one desiring publicity, every
one in any bustsess or proletsios will be
Interested in a rrmarkabl-* ides that will
be ol untold value to them at the coot of
a fsw cents » day.
The credit for tbe idra Is due to hunk
A. Burrell', dean of the press clippers.
To a reporter llr. Bcrrelle said:
* I point the way to new buslaesselong
new lines and give aid cf a most valua
ble nature to to.000 persons. Our di*
ents include merchants, actors, writers,
lawyers, artists ministers, doctors public
speaker*, pugilists—lu short all classes.”
"How t one? Very simple- I am able
with a large force ol workers to read all
pipers pnbltshcd, clipping therefrom
lt*ms ol interest to our clients.”
"I do not understand." a id the report*
I negotiate five yean loons on farm
andi at lowest rates* of Interest. Com
missiou charges reasonable. A
abstract fee, consistent with the amount
of work and trouble involved, will be
oharged in each case. Bring yonr chain
ef title with yon.
Mcrltrio" Ga
To draw the fire rat of a burn, or heal
cut without leaving a scar, use De-
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, A specific
for piles. Uet the genuine. J. L, Tuck
er, editor of tbe Harrnonlzcr, Centre. Ala
writee: “I have used D.Witt’s Witch
Hexel Salve in mv family for piles, cuts
and bttrna. It is the best salve on the
mtrkst Every family should keep it on
hsnd.” Sold by Br.-teey Phamacv C\ »•
"In the newpaptrs of the United
Stat*s," explain'd Mr. Burrell', "there
is pr-nt-d every day material that ap
plies directly to all men and to all busi
"Can you gire any specific ease?”
"Hundreds! Take for example, tbe |
makrr ol artificial limbo. 1 pul on his
desk every day the name of every person I
In the 0 nited Stales who hat bad an arm I
or a leg amputated That person netds I
•n artificial limb. The fin extinguisher I
man wants to know of piriOM who hare I
bad a loss by fire, and I hasp Wfepostrd.I
These are examples, bnt tbe Idea appli<*(
to every business."
“How do you Kelp individuals?
■T keep the artist informed of what tbel
press says of his work; II ta autborj
wants material fof a book, I gather it foil
him; on the death of anyone I am able t-
place before relatives the printed expres
sions of opinion concerning <A* dej
ceased." I
"How is it done?”
“If.there is any one, either individual
bjjjjftfbo wishes to know. In tbnj
r'trtome, addressiog ’’Sorrell*—N«i
York; it would take too much space
tell the whole story here.” S-rfitf
For Infant* and Children.
The Kind Yon Han Ahraji I
Bears tho
Buggy Far Sale.
High dans top buggy In goon orcar
Address W. care Tjnes Enterprise 7
Skillful Veterinary Snrgeon.
P.O.Box 1$| Phone
Thomasville, Co.