Newspaper Page Text
South Georgia Progress.
fnhliihed *v*ry Friday ty the
Ti aes-Enterprise Publishing Co.
Wilton M. Hardy, President,
r J*hn O. MeCartnay, e*e. * traaa
tha Tbaa-Entarpnaa Building.
"ThomaarlUe, On.
B lEntandJat tha postoflloe at Thomas;
| Tfll«,"Ga, aa aeoooit olaaa mall "
^ I itmcso-rio* ratis.
Weekly. One Tear 81.00
" StxMontha 60
“ Three Hontha
Dalle One Tear 18.00
- tlx Month* 8.60
- Three Hontha 1.88
•» One-Month 80
Official Paper of Thomas County
Guaranteed Circulation 2477
» TheJ"no tanoe” agitation la oomioir
to the front.
. All tha praepecta are for a flood' fruit
drop. Horn*.
Redoes the acreage—of cotton and
lean a*. poKtldioi.
Thebad'laln the Monum.hnd the
la In the tree.
the Mad Mullah la rtrlnc afialo. Ha’a
• raftnlar old yaast oake
No one watting sympathy on Karo-
Sore it for bit anooeeaor.
litgiva yon tlta pip aoaaUmea
to think bow fooliah other people art?
r Hra. Chadwick haa repo dieted An.
drew Carnegie. Don't mppoee Andy
Why doeen’t BiUy Oabome ana BUI
Weet for breach of promlee and be done
with It.
The Obloago New, lamarki that after
burying tha hatchet a politician naoally
liga np an axe.
tyoka anyone deny that Thomaarille
mrli a new railroad Then why not all
fork together to get It?
Tr.ouasvill* neodteome men logo out
to head a movement or moremeute for
the town'a welfare. Moat all of remem.
her when we were boy*—of pnttiug on
a clean oollar aod reciting tome Friday
afternoon, "What cooatltotea a atate?"
Thia was a poem of more or leaa length
and some depth. The>ni*er was,
Men, iheoe oooatltnte aatate.”
There la same in that. In Its Inal
analysts the snooeas or fntnre of a town
depanda npon the men who lire there.
ThomaevlUe tan't a failure, isn’t going
to be. Bht It hae chances of aoeeeaa
right new that it might well improre
for tlmy might not oomn again,
moat of these the opportunity and tho.
circumstances are here. All that
needed la for somo one to step in and
i ead the movement It must be a busy
man, for all auccessfol men are busy.
It Wb-anaii of mesne whose credit
wiU command respect. We all know
plenty of sacoeasfui, wealthy bn.y men
who lisve the other uoceteary attributes
of brains and energy. How what out
of these Is willing totacriSce his time,
soma of hia money, Ills personal inter-
eetafor the good of hie town? There
won't be any need for a martyr's crown
for him. Tha lime, the money and the
aacrlflce will all be repaid when the
project spells snccese, as it anrely wUL
Step forward gentlemen and avoid the
Whet are the opportunities, yoiaay.
Hew railroad, new hotel, new factories.
An Anguata man will introdnee a bill
to make the railroad oommta-ion elec,
tire by the people. Tho two or tlree
hundred gentlemen who expect to be
appointed by the next governor will
light Dili.
The Oubau ouogreee hae enacted a' ti
patent medicine legislation. A cruel
attempt to kekp the ptetoroe of legit's-
ton and skinny woman onl of print.
ns Everglade atate la Larger Than
Most Koike Imagine.
But few people hare uuy conception
* “I? 1 *:, w? Ck !°? Tl !! e !* •' “tore In ail of its lain. Writing to
,e* r “ **'• ** woman friend once, she described a r
south of Charlotte, N. C.; aboot aa far
tw leeideat
araieh Wise
a Figured.
Mist Anna Dickinson traveled every
where Independently and saw human
north of Kay Weat as she la south of
Danville, Va. Ignorance of tho extent
of Florida leads to many amusing mis
takes. We sometime! bear the rail
roads of the etate charged with mak
ing poor time. Why. It takes over
twenty .four houn to go from Pensa
cola to Miami. The man who wakes
this remark would think be was travel
ing on a flier If he made the trip from
Pensacola to Chicago In the same
length of time It would take him to go
to Miami. But there la rery little dif
ference In the distance. A land trip
from one end of Florida i > the other la
aa long aa from the lake* to the gulf.
A citizen of Maine who makes up bis
mind to come south may get on the
can and puas through Maine, New
Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecti
cut, New York, New Jersey. Pennsyl
vania. Delaware, Maryland, the Dis
trict of Columbia and fur Into Virginia.
When be lias done this he has taken
no longer rhle tbau he coukl have tak
en by an equally direct line from one
Florida town to another, and there ure
some men green enough to think they
an making poor time when they flint
It takes them longer to go from Pensa
cola to Miami than from the eastern
to the western side of Maine. Of
course the old stagen da not make
these amusing mistakes. They bare a
pntty clear conception of the geogra
phy of Florida. There an many, how
ever, who come on their first visit with
very haxy bless of the state.—Florida
Thlrty-niue new state banks wen or
ganlsad In Ceorgis lsat yaar. The Geor
gian ought to ha happy if ha haa money
In these banka. ^
Tha Kings raid Enterprise
rates that Fiisgsrald will get one of tha
new ooonttei and Its name will lo
Truult-n. .
Shott, terse and to the point This Is
• description of what the "reform (cam
paign la not.
If a yoong girl ware aa unpopnlar as
eoiparauone ate getting to ho, shawonld
oomtplu sob I a.
This Is spring. It It also honw-clu tu
lOgtnuo. It is also ought to bs street
leaning .nut. Just look at Jack., n
The original “man bohtnd the 11
ta const,ig to ThomasvtUc. Cspt. Hob
son, of coaren.
These conversational million* that
toms people Invest an worth a UMlt li
ttian tha proverbial fdrty cents
Ml c
Colorado had 3 governors In one day.
Dawn hare In Georgia ti takas 8 years
hard campaigning to make ooa governor
Wbea a girt tails a mao alia dreamed
ahoat him last night lie np to him to
aay something or give the other fellosr
„ Own Is said to be the proper thing in
tosn'eoothes this yeer.. Be<14a.» smart
i moat anything In man’s clothes
Tha gnat majority of politician* am
ahoat alike. To ala* them np yoa
woald think they all cams through a
' mill.
The Weat family an politician* from
tha heart A man of that name ts run
ning for the president of tha Senate in
Georgia. Ditto Florida. .
It la proposed to carve a new state,
solidly Republican, from east Ten)
neatee, southwest Virginia, and sonth-
aaat Kentucky Of course all the new
oounty advocates will consistently favor
The worit fsatt we And with ninut
eatertaiuuieuis" Utiuit they do nut
There m»y bo aBjeruuiouy loo ned
iu Georgia.
A Plctara of Ik* Eaallsk Capital «
a Conlary Aao.
'All the English arc mail by nature
or by fashion.” Chateaubriand wrllei
nonchalantly In the hook of his em
bassy In Condon (1821), but he had n
very gay time with the same lunatte.i.
tVe hear of dinners, Almack's and lc
beau mondc. "Tho dny was thus ilia
trlhuted In London: At 0 o'clock lu the
morning one hastened to a party of
pleaaure, consisting of a breakfast lu
tho country: one returned to lunch lu
London; oce changed one’s dress to
walk In Bond street or Hyde park; one
dressed again to dine at 7AO: one
dressed again for the open; at mid
night one dressed once more far aa
evening party or root What a life of
ouchantmouta! I should hundred
times bare preferred the galleys.” One
•miles and reads on. He found London
full of recollection* of Bonaparte. “The
people hml passed from the vilification
of 'Nick' to n stupid enthusiasm. His
colossal bust by Canon decoratedHhc
Duke of Wellington's staircase."
At an oveulng party at Lord London-
derry’s, the English premier, **! was
presented by his majesty to a severe
looking lady seventy-three yean old.
Hhe was dressed In enpe, wore a black
roll like • diadem nn bar white hair
nnd rawtmUIrd a queen who luid abdi
cated her throne. 81m greeted me III n
solemn voice wl:h three mangled Sen-
tc-v—t frim the -Genie du Chrlstian-
• • • ' ** sshl to me. with no less
•Ktiat-Uy- 'I aui Mrs. BtddomC If she
hnd Bold to i:t.\ 'I am tdiciy StSiSj®.'
should have I«-1I wed h-r.”—.John .
•Tb-eket In Catholic (jasrtfirly lie.lev
ceptlon given by wealthy Chinamen In
a restaurant kept by Chi Lung In Ban
Fnnclsco, and she was the guest of
honor. Bbe said that she saw a serv
ant coming toward her with a box di
vided Into many compsrtmpots. with
different kinds of nuts enjFcandles in
the smaller trey*. She picked oat half
a dozen or man and laid them oa the
arm of the chair, which served a* s ta
ble. Aa tbe attendant passed on to
c'.lien she saw that each took only one
bonbon, and sbe wan much embar
But when the *ervnot approached tbe
chief C'blnaman, tbe one wbo bad orig
inated the reception, be took a large
handful, nnd those after him did the
same, and then Miss Dickinson felt re
lieved. Bbe wrote:
“After I learned that l must have
shocked nil of those educated, cultured
Chinamen ns much as you or I should
liavo been shock:-.1 If we had Invited a
Chinaman wboi.i we respected to dine
with us and be bad tnhen n whole trial
chicken and torn It Ihah from, limb at
our table. In such mi event would you
or I have bad the tact and courtesy to
have taken other chickens and thos
dismembered them?"
The Maay Itestrlrtloas lo Wklib
They Are See Subjected.
It la difficult for an American to an
deretand that freedom as we know It
does not exist In Russia. There tbe le
gal position of woman Is far from sat
isfactory. She hardly ever belongs to
herself, hut Is always under the tute
lage of some one.
As a daughter the Russian woman t»
under the entire control of her pnreuts.
Her coming of age does not niter her
position. She simply changes the au
thority of her parents for the no less
rigid authority of ber husband. Aa the
Russian statute puts It, ”Ouo jierion
cannot reasonably lie expected to fully
satisfy two such unlimited powers as
that of husband and parent”
Tbe unlimited power of the parent Is
withdrawn and that of the husband
substituted. She cannot leare ber lord
eren to rlslt a neighboring town with
out a “pass" from him. U* names tbe
time she la permitted to- stay, and at
the end of that rim* she Is bound to re
turn to get tbe pees renewed.
A husband may appear la • court of
law as a witness against bis wife, bat
a wife la not allowed to appear against
ber buaband. A woman's evidence In
Russia la always regarded aa of loss
weight Rum that of a man.—Harper’s
tkkrirj of 1‘orn-r- Wtnga.
Henry II. sr.iglit peace to: Ills soul
after the murder of Decker by feeding
and HiMtnlning n ij-ople dally, u
proceeding that must have made many
n man rejoice hi the fall of the •‘proud
prelate." Quaint it of all. though, was
the •■Parity of Henry III., who com
manded that "In the hall at Win
sore, nt a good tin-, nil the poor nnd
were to be fed. according to the weight
nnd measure of the king's cfel.'Jreu.'
queer variant of the more niodera *y
tom of distributing the Maundy money.
It Is to be feared that nowadays, sa;
the London Chronicle, tbe amount of
food equivalent to 'The weight and
measure of the king's children” would
not go far In relieving "all the poor an.
needy children that could be found.'
Hews waa reoetved yesterday by Gap-
»ta B own th.t the Guard, had p—id ^ econIL7o?™v!£Sme Is wise.
dMiriupectiTo. Sute Inspector Ob*ar • but tt»8»re la an eouuoiay of apcmtlnx
and Lieutenant Rucker Impeded the In retiAlng. o«pwinlly. hurry I*
, „ . A La ! mo *t wasteful. Heading l* the mukliu
company hem on last Thursday night. Q f tj| OU ghK of (dean, of picture* In ih.*
bralu. All young photographic ka->w
bow little Is to lie made out of uu “un
dorexposed plate." hut do they under-
staud that there may tie such a tiling
as su underexposed brain? It take*
time to make impression* on the mind.
If you read too fast, either aloud or to
yourself, or sUlm over your reading,
the mind receive* poor Impressions or
none nt all.—8t. Nicholas.
Tbe Cairo Messenger says the Grady
ftOOXt. house will be adorned by a statue
B “purest Parian marble." If they
put bars marble they might at least
jjajnakm home iadmstrr atufbuy it from
ft North Georgia quarry.
Ool Obsar's Report on the inspection
ha* Just keen mado ^public. He makes
several euggettioo* fbr the betterment
of the command, but passes it.
This is side ndid news to the military
boys. They made a wonderful spurt
and put up a showing at inspection that
surprised their best friends. They take
it though as ouly showing what Thom-
asyille boys can do When their miuds
are made up
An election will soon be held for the
formal election o$£first and second
lieutenanlkjflr place of First
LhuteQflfkVardy. transferred to the
oflioe of Adjutant of the first battaliou
and of Second Lieutenant Sreyerm «u,
resigned. Messrs. Hugh McIntyre and
Milner Smith have been already nomi
nated to (111 these vacancies.
Major Wvlly is receiving congratu
lations from everywhere on the show*
itig of his entire battalion Everyone
of hi* four companies, Ttiomasville, Al
bany, Americas and Moultrie pitted
their examination This record is
Fqnalled by "hardly another battalion in
the atate.
The Dffirrndliiz Scale.
When n girl Is tlrst engaged she tig
ure* on n ten room house In the swell
part of town. As time goo* on the
house gradually decreases In size uut.i
It Is n four room structure. Then *'!
the fkucy trimming* are left off, and
next the house I* located lu a remote
part of town. Finally when the wed
ding come* off it is announced that
couple will reside with the bride's iu-
ther.—Atehis m GIoIm*.
Bill* nnil Itonrda.
Hill had a billboard. Hill nl*o had a
boanl bill. Tin* board bill bor»*tl Hill >o
that Hill sold tbe billboard to pay his
bo.ard bill. So after BUI sold hi* bill
board to pay hi* board bill the bon id
bill no lougcr bored RilL—Yale Ex
A DltB of WholFfiAMP Advice
For the I'naloliU.
Don't talk about your bnr.l luck.
ItefUNe to recognize it. Uefuse to be
lieve lu It. Hcoru to whine about it.
Get the whine out of your voice, or It
will stop the development nud growth
of your body. It will iiarrow and
shrink yam* mind. It will drive away
your friend*. It will make you unpop
ular. QUit your whining; brace up; go
to be something; Miami for some
thing; till your place lu tl»e tni-.-.-v*.
Instead of wldniug arodbd.
ouly pity and contempt. #Xce uluv. i
make something of yourself. Bench up
to the stature of a stroug. euuohllng
womanhood, to the beauty and strength
n suiwrb womanhood. There I*
nothiug the matter with you. Just quit
your whining nnd go to work.
If you continually talk about your
bad luck nnd moan about your III for*
tune, you create for yourself an atmoa*
phere of misfortune which will certain
ly overwhelm you unless you stop lu
The man or woman who persistently
fears that auch nnd such a thing la not
going to turn out weft is enlisting pow
erful forces against success.—Boston
Traveler. (
Their Pains and Ailments
Any taint of the blood quickly shows itself with old
people, and troubles, .which a younger, more vigorous con
stitution holds in check, take possession of those of ad
vanced years. A mole, wart or pimple olten begins to in- ... .
flame and fester, terminating in a sore that refuses to heal. Wandering pains
of a rheumatic character are almost constant, the joints get stiff and themus-
cles lore, while sleeplessness and nervousness make life a burden. The not-
nnd activity of the body is not
to great in old age audMl the ^ Grippe, wbkffileft«
organ.get duHandsluggiah, deveTo^ 7„
failing to cany ont the waste time after beginning S. S. S. I was relieved of tbe
matters and poisons accumu- pains and have gained in *u<l strength and
iating in the system and they health it better than for war*. I heart-
are taken np and absorbed by Uy n ^ n ? e ? d S ' S ' S ' ,or ‘ 11 b '°°;'! "
the blood, rendering It weak UnJon ' S ' C ' B F ' GaBC °* v -
and nnable to properly nourish the system. There is no reason why old ag«
should not be as healthy as youth if the blood is kept purcand strong. S.S.8.
is purely vegetable and is the sal, ::t r..;d best blood
pqnfier and tonic for old people, because it Is gentle,
but at the same time thorough iu its notion, purify
ing’ the blood of all poisons and foreign matter,,
strengthening it and toning up the entire system by.
its fine tonic effect. Almost from the first dose the ipnvtitc increases, tiro’
general health begins to improve and the pains and ailments pass away. ,
(Oommunicftted )
Why flmuld we pay 6 per cent for the
money when V can be hud at lees than u
per cent?
Don't you owe what you owe JaM the
mime whether there be only a plain Hott
er a mortgage, ora BO N D?
Why not go at the light matter ia m
batiue** like way and iw?uo short
boudtt beariog 5 per cent which wt 1
sell above par?
Why dot fix a maximum price for th»-^
present light company to charge private
oontumere, who give it a contract* on
which it could afford to buy eorne new
arc lamps for those which are now only
obstructions on the ttreete and the
matter alone?
Why try to drive oaf of the commu
nity one of the beet business men iu it
simply b*-«n•** d«M not altogether
p?eaaea few individuals. M.
T s Prices at Which Things Buy
and Sell—-Ccrrected Daily
Thomssville, Mar. 1?, 190a—
Egg* per doz. 23 cent*. Best batten
2*kj. Medium butter. 2tN- to—r. Chick*
eu*. f'ies. t7H loSOu, lu-ts 80 to 8Ac.
Swe**r iiotabe*. Wk- per bn. Fodder
per IW lb-*. 8»to U Nt. Country lisy, per
|iv) ilm. ,V>’. tot»V. Old Syrup. 16 c,
X**w Syrup, IS-2*V t'oautry luuu*,
1- t#» 18* C 'Uii'ry hi-.l, v to ll!Jc
Fsaiw Spreads Abroad.
Thonua county's fame is no long- r
contained within the hounds of thelg to 7^ oenu
Thom*srii>. G».,—Mar 17. 1605—
Coffee, A buckles 20c. Gre*n coffi Of
fair 12 Me. Choi, o 15c. White gran-
ated sugar, 7 cent*. Hrown sugar,
6c. Sal Soda per fioand, 5c. Oraok-
ers 10 to 20c. Stick candy lOr. Kero
sene oil 2jc—5 gal*. 60c. Side mt-af,
per lo. 10 toll Meal 80c. per bn.
Flour 16 60 to 17.25 per bbl. Western
hams 15c L»r-i, com;* nud 7o Lnsf
lie. Hav, $1 10 per (00 lbs Bran
$1.25 per 100 lbs. rn’r.'vi seed meal
$1.40 per 100 lbs. Oorron «*ed hall*. 60c.
psr 10 > lbs sack. SeeiJRye $2*00. Oafs ■
United States, but is international.
Judge J. S. Montgomery, tho real es
tate man, yesterday Stoeftred a letter
from Austria, from a man who wishes
to rotno to this couutv and locate. He
ask* all sore of questions and tl.e judge
tiow. looking around for sotm* one
ho write* “forrinfeugwidge" to an
swer the eager inquirer
Word from Mains
‘ far off M*iu»* come* a let'
i»mi alive of (he itireresr Tin* »u»i*vii;o
aud i'liomasvilte affair* hold <>v. r Un s-
who have ouce lesidrd here. Mr.
Jame* Miller of Portland, write* ie-
newing his subsjriptn-u to the Times-
Enterprise. He says, “I enjoy rending
tho new* abont Thouiasville and its
suiToondingj. I spent a fow winters in
your pleasant little city. The lasc was
seven years ago There most uj a good
many changes in that lime. I hope to
pass some more winten there before I
pass over to the great majority."
Killbh and French Police.
No comparison can Jairljr he mad*
between the police of Loudon and Par
is without due conikloratlon of the fact
that tho French law admits aa Interfer
ence with the liberty of the subject ti.„ i. _ i
which would not he iterated la Great j T "“ Cr * ckor Oa0 Clab l% P »
Britain. Amt It niuat also be remem- 'return «lioo« for the (runner, nf the I
bered that the exlatence of octroi du- Coantrv Club, who were their,
tlee makes It difficult for a Frenchman _ . I
to enter or quit Pari, without bclnf * ” r - T Ta^av j
the .uhject of closer oliserratlon than Is thia match tho Crackers ahot the five.,
he would encounter In an Euellah dty. htRh KaQa „ d m rlotorion. in mo.t 1
- Solicitors' Journal. • i . _ . ;
- of the sweeps. They want to give the 1
Pax as Yoa Go. | Ccuntry men a chance to get even be- j
To “vo within one's Income la the foro the season dotes,
secret of pro*iK»rIty. Happiness Is the *
heritage of the ouo who adheres to this »
rule, and a contented mind aud an ! Rev. E. E. Rose, former Methodist
ever Increasing bank account will be- ,*.«*<* the Metcalfe circuit, now of
long to the one who buy* only what he _ , , _
can pay for. j wa* m the city on Tuesday
Savsnnxh— 71-1
Thoma ville. Local market.? /
economical nuterial for
tintioff and decorating
walla, superior to kalao-
mine and wall paper, and
much cheaper than paint.
, the good fea-
turea of other wall ooat-
inau and non* of their die-
Packed in drv powder form,
in^ white _ and tteta, ready
package. Any
ft Sample card of
tints for tho asking.
Antl-Kalsomlne Co.
taaaa mfibi, ■ten.
by adding cold
Full directions oa'
ns.iged to
Verx Gotxl.
“Yes. Hunter I* really
Mis* Roxley."
“So ho was telling me.
she’* not very pretty, but she's good
“Ye*, good for :i million iu her own
right.”—Philadelphia Press.
Chivalry at a DUcounG
He—There wa* a run on the hank,
was there? You were fortunate* to
Peonage Cases Tried in Stvannah.
There are two very interesting peon-
lie say* age cases being tri»d in Savanush at
present. Ex-sheriff McClellan and at
torney Crowloy of VVavcross are accus
ed of having sold into peonage several
uegr.ies. They wen* sent from Wav-
cross to Kinderlou, where the McRue
get your money out. She—Yea; but I brothers, well known in Thomaaville
saw such discourtesy. There have a targe plantation. The out come
. of the case will be awaited with inter-
WllllBg to F.tchausr.
_ . , .... _ ! * Aunt lletty—The doctor's goln’ to
eyeball la white becaure the [ take Iemwr nture. Uncle J 0 ,h-
. „„ Mr Harley Lawson of Hawkiu.title
blood vesrels^that feed Ite^ substance j i^boiw he'll leave me a more ism the city. He was principal of tha
healthy one to Its place. | Kigl, School lest rear a»^ left to *L*
np)lhe practice of lew.
are so .mall that they do not admit
red corpuscles.
Life a
There are time; when life
seems a burden—when you fire
tired, worn-out,- hove thill pains
in the head and a continual
feeling of uneasiness. You
have no appetite, and your di
gestion is poor; your sleep
broken, and yon (jet no rest.
-Little annoyances seem (jreat
mountains of trouble, and you
arc blue, melancholy and given
over to gloomy forebodings.
This means low vitality—ex
hausted brain nerves.
For this condition Dr. Miles*
Restorative Xervinc is a spe
cific : it is a food for the nerves.
It builds up the nervous sys
tem. and restores lost cifcrgy.*
Try it to-day and see if your
sleep is r.ct sound and refresh
ing, and the' morrow brighter
and more hopeful..
"I n-u irlnd to announce that X have
recover'd n:y 1 f 3r no my
ndranccl nsc c. ,:t rcn .lt, am I ajn XX
yrem >>.’! >. y , • *. ■ .’i very bad:
my lie "VC u ’■ nil - lic-cd. I nuf-
rered much i .:i aiul ■ • ! i; wa* ea
weak and feit an y d . - 1 lonely zr.d
heert-b-nken. W’’ -I l commenced
tnlUmt Dr. ItpuC: - 1 wan com-
P'.ct-Iv pr,j3tr-.trd. *, I taken th*
llestorettv. Nentne. Ic” • t Cur* and
N-.n-o and Lie— irtt*. r: l they cured
me.” lilts. K. C. BAvnjtT.
Vr;.l«to«, Ind.
Dr. Mile.- Nervine t* fold by your
drusettt, we3 will r i: r.;r ■ -3 thet the
- first wattle vdM bs t. mt fulls, h*
vrill refund yaur r*on?y.
Miles Medical Co, ElKiart, lad