Newspaper Page Text
Many Persons Have Calarrh of Kidneys,
Or Catarrh of Bladder and Don't Know It.
President Newhof and War
Correspondent Richards Wars
Promptly Cured by Pe-ru-na.
Albany, N. Y., President MonUflort Club,
“Since my advanced age t find
that 1 have been frequently troubled
»rith urinary ailment*. The blad
der teemed Irritated, and my phy-
aictan said that U teas catarrh
caused by a protracted cold which
would be dl/Jtcult to overcome on
account of my advanced years. I
took Parana, hardly daring to be
lieve that 1 would be helped, but 1
found to my relief that 1 soon began
to mend. The Irritation gradually
eubeided and the urinary difficulties
passed away. I hate enjoyed ex
cellent health now for the past seven
months, 1 enjoy my meals, sleep
soundly, anil am as well as I was
twenty years ago. 1 give all praise
to Peruna. ”—C. U. Sewhof.
Buffered From Catarrh of Kidneys,
Threatened With Nervous Collapse,
Cured by Pe-ru-na.
Mr. F. B. Richards, 009 E Street, N. W.,
Washington, D. C., War Correspondent,
writes: “Exactly six years ago l was
ordered to Cuba as staff correspondent of
the New York Sun. I was in charge of n
Bun Dispatch boat through the Spanish-
American War. The effect of the trop
ical climate and the nervous strain showed
plainly on my return to the States. Lassi
tude, depression to the verge of melan-'
cholia, and incesnant kidney trouble made I
me practically an invalid. This undesira
ble condition continued, despite the best of
“Finally a brother newspaper man, who
like myself bad served in the war, in
duced me to give a faithful trial to Reruns. #
I did so. In a short time the lassitude * PRES. C. B. NEWHOF,
O&S-S S Suffered From Catarrh of Bladder.
I cannot too strongly recommend Peruna • •’
feijrt » f *oy benefit » «>«• I b.«e not
£»sj r m ‘ bl u ( « , ,°.:d r t k h»n,Vf:; “j* szk*** troub “ - * °° id
a leading insurance company pronounced y ***
me ui ‘A’ riik." Po-ru-na Contains No Narcotica
In Poor Health Over Four Yean. I One reason why Reruns has found per-
Pe-ru-na Only Ksmedy of Heal Benefit. ni * n, ' nt us « •“ •» m*ny hame* is th.t it
^ contains no narcotic of any kind. Peruna
Mr. John Niinrno, 215 Lippincott St., is perfectly harmless. It can be used any
Toronto, Can., a prominent merchant of j length of time without acquiring a drug
that city and also a member of the Masonic, habit. Peruna docs not produce temporary
order, writes: ! results. It is permanent in its effect.
"I have been in poor health generally i It has no bad effect upon the system,
for over four years. When I caught a bad and gradually eliminates catarrh ny re
cold last winter it settled in the bladder moving the cause of catarrh. There are a
and kidneys, causing serious trouble. 1! multitude of hdmes where Peruna has been
took two greatly advertised kidney rrme- used off and on for twenty years. Such
dies without getting the desired resultc - * u; — —• , ' 1 —* ;1 --
Peruna is the oqly remedy which wn
•Thl« Earth’# Store of Rlohes Still
InUot In Pabulouo Quantities.
In splto of the enormous inroad#
mado on this earth’* great store of
wealth, diamonds, gold, oil, gat, coal.
Iron and other materials, recent in
vestigations have brought io light the
Interesting fact that treasure fields
containing fabulous wealth etlll re
main lntnot.
Investigations have proved, for In
stance, that huge areas of the floor
of the pacific are etrewn thick with
Immense deposits of nodulos of pure
manganese. Invent a practical and
economical method of recovering it
and the Individual who does to will
at once become rich beyond the
dreams of avarice.
The most crying need to-day ie a
substitute for Para rubber. It Is cer
tain to be discovered sooner or later.
Celluloid and oxidised linseed oil are
useful fo? some purposes for which
rubber is uted, for oycle and automo
bile tires real rubber Is the only mate
rial with the neefssary elasticity. The
inventor of a substitute would soon
become a millionaire.
Malleable glass was manufactured
and used by the Romans nearly 2,000
years ago. But the secret has been
lost. It seems odd that no one In
this age of mechanical progress has
been able to discover the method or
manufacturing a tough and unbreak
able glass. Whoever suceeds in do
ing so and making the discovery eco
nomically useful will reap a groat re
Real photography in colors Is still
an open Hold and offers boundless
opportunities for the Inventor. In
emaller matters, too, the liat of wants
unsupplied is endless. Jowelers, for
instance, are still quite without any
safe method of fixing pearls on jew
elry, such as rings, where the gems
are mounted without a surrounding
setting.—London Chronicle.
Say Plainly to Your Grocer
That you want LION COFFEE alw»jn, nnd ho,
being a squaro man, will not try to Bell you any
thing clflo. You may not care for our opinion, but
What About (he United Judgment of Millions
of hou/iekoepcra who have Uftnd LION COFFEE
for over a quarter of a century ?
Is there any etronger proof of merit, than the
Confidence of the People
•ml ever Increasing popularity >
LION COFFEE la carefully se
lected at tfac plantation, shipped
dlriet to onr various lactorles,
where It la aldlllully roasted and
carefully packed In sealed pack
ages—unlike loose collee. which
Is exposed to germs, dost. In
sects, etc. HON COFFEE reaches
you ns pare and clean as when
II Id! the factory. Sold only In
lib. packages.
Lion-bead on every package.
Save those Lion-heads for vnhmblo premiums.
WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Great German
The Heat Horae to Cross on Nnmll Southern Merer
Our last Importation of
Fob.XJtli. All Htalllf
aloKiic on nppltratin
in- j.cRorrif a Hf
K. Nashville, Tp
*’l have tried all kind* of waterproof
clothing and have never found anything
at any price to compare with your Fish
Brand for protection from all kind* of
m* run* and uUrcn ef the
wrffer of du» umoheasd letter
os? bs hsd upon eppbeauw.)
A. J. TOWER CO *»><**• F*
U» U.S A. eflfWERS
M.t.n e/ lfm<M Wrt WMtttr C'.UI
from tourists is
Taylor’* Cherokee Remedy of fiweet Oum
and Mullen I* Nature’s great remedy—Cures
Coughs, Colt lx, Croup and Consu motion,and
nil throat and lung troubles. At druggists,
25?.. 50c. and 61.00 pur bottle.
What Mary Gave.
Sho gavo an hour of patient care
to her little baby sister, who was cut
ting teeth. She gave a string and a
crooked pin and a great deal of good
advice to the thrcc-year-old brofhor,
who wanted to play fishing. She gave
Ellen,- the maid, a precious hour to go
and yislt her sick baby at home, for
Ellon was a widow and left her child
at its grandmother’s while she work
ed to get bread for both. Sho could
not have soon them very often
Mary had not offered to attend the
door whllo she went away.
But this was not all that Mary gavo.
She dressed herself neatly, and look
ed ao bright and kind and obliging
that aho gave her mother a thrln oi
•pleasure whenever she caught sight
of ithe young, pleasant face. She
wrote a letter to her father, who was
absent on business. She gave patient
attontlon to a long story by her grand
mothor, and. when it wa# ended, made
ithe old lady happy by a good night
Thus she had given valuable pres
ents to six people In ono day; and yet
sho had not a cent in the world. Sho
was as good as gold, and she gave
something of herself to all those who
were so happy as to meet her.—Chris-
tion Observer.
Coupon Counts
for a present with
Baking Powder
Bqy Good Luck Baking Powder. In ao doing you get
the most of the Purest baking powder at the smallest cost.
Furthermore, if you will save the coupons that you will
find plainly printed on the label of each can, you can get
the beautiful premiums we are now offering. Cut out these
coupons. They are valuable. It takes but a few of them to
obtain some of the numerous useful gifts on the premium list.
A little book inside of every can explains all about the
premiums. It shows a picture of each gift and tells just how
many coupons are required to get them. Don’t fail to save the
coupons. Take a delight in your baking and secure some of the
charming premiums.
Baking Powder
wu established in 1892. The ule. have $0 iticreaaed to date, that to-dar wo
are .hippie* Good Luck Baking Powder in carload lot. to every section of the
country. I he cause of thl. enormou. popnlerlty 1. plain. In Good Luck,
housekeepers get not only a positively pure baking powder of great leavening
force, but at a price a little less than they have been accustomed to pay for
some other kind that was not as satisfactory in results.
When buying Good Luck think of itspurity and consider the rood results
obtained from its use. Remember every Good Luck coupon counts for a
present. If your grocer doesn’t keep Good Luck, send us his name and we
will see that you are supplied.
Richmond, Va.
y ottier dye. One loo packs*# colon eUk, wool end cotton equally well sail It mierenteed *
liortbend and Tele-
arson. Co!!«,. . op-n th. whol.
jur. Atudcnla osn onlsr .n, time. Calalo* Ire.
ISO words per minute In Byrne shorthand In
se.en to twel.e weeks. - —
A Prominent Club Woman of Knness City
Writes to Tlmnk Donn'e Kidney Pills
For • Quirk Caro.
Miss Nellie Davis, of 1210 Michigan
avenue, Kunras City, Mo., society lead
er and c-iub wom
an, writes: "lean
not say too much
inpralseof Doan’s
Kidney Pills, for
they effeetad n
complete cure in
a very short time
when I was suf
fering from kld-
brought on by u cold. \ had severe
pains in the back and sick headaches,
and felt miserable all over. A few
boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills made me
a well woman, without an ache or
pain, and I feel compelled to recom
mend this reliable remedy.”
A TRIAL FREE - Address Foster-
Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale
by all dealers. Price 5Q cents.
. Now that. science has made It pos:d
ble to produce light out of rubbish the
circulation of the Congressional Ret
ord will Increaso “by leaps and
bounds.” says the New York Herald
Coffee Plays on Some.
It hardly pays to laugh before you
are certain of facts, for It is sometimes
humiliating to think of afterwarda.
“When I was a young girl I was a
lover of coffee, but was sick so much
the doctor told me to quit and I did, but
after my marriage my husband begged
me to drink it again as he did not think
it was the coffee caused the troubles.
“So I commenced It again and con
tinued about C months until my stom
ach commenced acting bad and choking
as if I had swallowed something the
size of an egg. One doctor said it was
neuralgin and indigestion.
“Ono day I took a drive with my hus
band three miles In the country and I
drunk a cup of coffee for dinner. I
thouglit sure I would die before I got
back to town to a doctor. I was drawn
double in the buggy and when my hus
band hitched the horse to get me out
into the doctor’s office, misery came up
in my throat and seemed to shut my
breath off entirely, then left all In n
flash and went to my heart. The doc
tor pronounced it nervous heart trouble
and when I got home I was so weak
I could not sit up.
“My husband brought my supper to
my bedside with a nice cup of hot
coffee, but I said: ‘Take that back,
dear, I will never drink another cup of
coffee If you gave uie everything yon
are worth, for it Is just killing me.’ lie
and the others laughed at me and said:
“ ‘Tho idea of coffee killing anybody.’
“ ‘Well,* I aaid, ‘It is nothing else but
coffee that is doing it.’
“In the grocery one day my husband
was persuaded to buy a box of Postum
which he brought home and I made It
for dinner and we both thought how
good It was but said nothing to the
hired men and they thought they had
drank coffee until we .augbed and told
them. Well, wc kept on with Postum
and it was not long before the color
came back to my cheeks and I got
atout and felt as good at I ever did in
my life. I have no mere stomach trou
ble and I knew I owe It all to Postum
in place of coffee.
“My husband has gained good health
on Postum, as well aa baby and I, and
wo all think nothing la too good to say
about It." Name given by Postum Co..
BaJJJ* Creek, Mich. • • - * •
Scalp Cleared of Dandruff and Hair Re
stored by One Uox of Cutlcnrn and
One Cake of Cutlcnrn Soap.
A. W. Toft, of Independence, Va., writing
under date of Sepl. 15, 1904, says: “I hare
had falling hair and dandruff for twelve
years and could get nothing to help me.
Finally I bought out box of Cuticura Oint
ment and one cake of Cuticura Soap, and
they cleared my scalp of the dandruff and
stopped the hair falling. Now my hair is
growing as well as ever. I highly price
Cuticura Soap as a toilet » wip. (Signed)
A. W. Taft, Independence^ Va.”
i in 700 pays an income tax
Only on
fn India.
Statb or Oxio, Citt or Tolmdo, l
Lucas County. *
Fbank J. Chinet make oath that he 1*
Arm will pay the sum of onk auNDEED _
labs for each and every c**o of oatabbii
that cannot be ourod by tho<u*e of Hall’s
Hworn to bofore me and nulwcribed In my
. — , nresenoo, this 6th day of Decern-
IssAL. f ber.A.D., 1886. A.W.Olmason,
’ —» Notary Publw.
il all‘s Catarrh Co re Is taken Internally, and
acts directly on the blood and muoooa sur
faces of the system. Bond tor testhnonlali,
Ins. P. J. Ciibnky A Co., Toledo, O.
Bold by all Druggists, 76o.
Take UaU'e Family Pills tor aonatlpatlon.
- A Maw Unliking .System.
A now banking fiyntcm which enables
persons to make deposit* of twenty-five
cents and upward, intercut being al
lowed when the amount lodged reaches
$5, was adopted by the National Bank
of Ireland recently. The lank has sev
eral branches in London.
FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous-
ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Oreat
NerveRefltorer,#2trial bottleand treatise freo
Dr.R.H Klin*.Ltd., 931 ArohSt., Phils,, Pa.
Maoaront Wheat.
Ralzcr’s atrain of thia Wheat is the kind
which laughs at droughts and the sle-
mento and positively mocks Black Rust,
that terrible scorch!
It’s sure of yielding 80 bnsbels of finest
Wheat the sun shines on per acre on good
111., Ia., Mich., Wia., O., Pa., Mo., Neb.
lands and 40 to 00 bushels on arid lands!
No rust, no insects, no failure. Catalog
tells all about it.
to the John A. Salter Seed Co., La Crosse,
Wix., and they will send you free a sample
of this Wheat and other farm seeds, to-
To Care a Cold la One Day
'lake Laxative JJromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure.
K. W. Grove’s signature is on box. 25e.
The oldest working clock in England is
Tne oldest working does
at Peterborough Cathedral.
- Kentucky’s Talking Tree.
Out on the farm of Will Albert,
near Heath, this oounty, the people of
that section are yet wrought up over
the “talking tree” that has been there
some time. Enormofia crow da
continue to congregate there almost
every Sunday to hoar the strange
noises that emanate from the tree.
The voice can be distinctly heard, and
•ays: “There are treasurer buried at
my roots.” A party consisting of the
moat reliable citizens of the county,
vlatted the tree not long since to
make a thorough investigation for
themselves as to the noises boing
heard. They listened patiently for
several hours when a sudden crash,
which has been given many times
before the marvelous production of a
human voice, came. The mystery yet
remains unsolved, and so great has
the number of people been who have
gone there in the last several months
that the tree is now dead, caused by
the continuous tramping on the earth
eurrounding the tree. The only theory
that ha's been «uggested Is that a man
was killed under the treo In 1862, and
while many do not believe in “apir-
its,” tho facts aro so plain and the
voice can be so distinctly heard that
they cannot dispute the fact. A fam
ily of people who lived there many
years ago became so frightened from
the voice that they sold their farm
at a sacrifice and went Weet, and aro
now living in Texas.—Paducah News-
In All Parts of the United States Lydia
B. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
Has Effected Similar Cures.
Many wonderful cures of female ills
are continually coming to light which
have been brought about by Lydia E.
Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound, and
A doctor has discovered that you can
take the gold cure for pneumonia. \ a
Hr*. Winslow’s SoothlagByrup forohlldrea'
teething, soften the gams, reduoeaInflamma*
tlon,allays pain, eurea wind colic, 16o.abottle
Cuba's immigration last year waa 20,000.,
Three-fourths were Spaniards. .
A Guars*teed Core Wee Piles*
. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or £rot
Piles. I&ufgUtx’will refund money if i
Omtawnt faile to cure hi fl to 14 days- 50e.
Walking sticks were the fashion kin
Itch cured in 30 minutes by WoolfordV
5#nitanr Lotion. Never Faila. Sold by all
Crowd, of Roidan teiuget, now wtniv;
Malsby & Co.
41 .SmU F8rsjtkSMtlii!i,6a.
The Moorish brigands had captured
me rioh American and strung him up
by his thumbs. To their astonishment
ho only smiled.
“Where did you learn to stand suen
punishment?’’ asked the barbaric
“I used to hang by a. strap in the
street cars,” said the captive,, simply.
a A
through the advice of Mrs. Plnkham,
of Lynn. Maas., which is given to sick
women absolutely free of charge.
Mrs. Plnkham has for many years
made a study of the ills of her sex:
•he has consulted with and advised
thousands of suffering women, who
to-day owe not only their health but
even life to her helpful advice.
Mrs. Fannie D. Fox, of 7 Chestnut
Street, Bradford,Pa., writes:
Dear Mrs. Plnkham t—
" I suffered for a long time with womb
trouble, and finally was told by my physician
that I had a tumor on tbu womb. 1 did not
want to submit to an operating to wrote you
for advice. 1 received your letter and did as
you told me, and to-day I am completely
cured. My doctor mys the tumor has disap
peared, and I am once more a well woman.
I believe Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound is the beet medicine in the world for
Tho testimonials which we are con-
stantlypublUhingfrom grateful women
establish beyond a doubt the power of
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound to conquer female diseases.
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness are invited to
promptly communicate with Mrs.
Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass. She asks
nothing in return for her advioe. It is
absolutely free, and to thousands of
women has proved to he more precious
then fold*
FortabU and Stationary
Engines, Boilers,
Saw Mills
Nm cMrritd fit rtMfi/kr
IHMtDU n eUfmmL
Write ‘u* for catelofuo. price*
•tc.. before buying.