Newspaper Page Text
For Over
Thirty Years
T F Dyson
General Hardware,
—Manufacturer* of
E.T. McLean,
Thomasville, Ga.
Lite, Health
Mallary Bros., Machinery Co.
Mention this papor. MACON, GEORGIA.
Cairo, Georgia
“Cleaning Up/'
On Feb. ist \vc Ijcgin taking stock and before, that time we
desire to rwn our tock as low as passible, and iu order to do
so will offer some very
A ^tractive Prices.
Many tilings we will sel 1 at dual Cost Everyt 1 i
a bargain.
jSc Window Shades
3jc Window Shade
40c Window Shades....... 3*
40c Window Shades —” *'*'
Good 8 day Clock
« Hoop Cedai Bucket. J 5 C
Beds Dressers, Rockers, Cliairs, Trunks, Matting, Rugs etc
at priced,that will surprise you, GiveusaCall. We will
save ym monev.
Cairo Furniture Company.
Cairo, Georgia.
Bob Vornadoa Invents Improved Vino
Cutter of Inoenioue Design
Mr. Robert Mallard Vemfdoe yester
day rrcrir# lettera intent number786028
from the United Slates government for
an improved viue culler. Mr. J. W.
tWock of this olty lias a half iuierent
iu the patent right. The device is an
ingenious one and one for which there
•halt be a good demand. Application
for patent was made on December littb.
1004, and tlte issue bears date of March
Mr. Vurnedoe who live, on tils (arm
near the citylalka in nil interesting way
of Ills invention. Ho says: “The vine
cutter is a great improvement over any
thing now on tlie market. It is made
of stool, Is small and compact and can
be attached to a single or dooble plow
slock. Its blades are so arranged that
(hey will cat at different depths and
different angles. It Is onr pnr|«sc to
have the cotter manufactured by some
blgcouceru. When pot on the market
it will sell for about $» to $S. We have
already been offered 8110,000 for the
patent rights. Mott of the cutters now
made are wood. 1 taw ono in operation
and got to studying how to improve on
The idea waked me op at 4 o'elock
one morning. I went right to my work
bench and made a model which 1 sent
on to the patent ofllco. Ard.s McDou
gald made one for me at hit shop on
Madison street, wldoh I have used on
my farm witli fine malts. A man can
oat an aore per hoar with it and do
good work."
Thomasville already lias several fa
mous inventors. Ohief among these
are Taylor Hancock who matte millions
from hit disc plow, and Mrs. Tom Liv
ingston patentee of an improved infant's
garment. The friend* of Messra. Pea
cock and Vamedoe are Imping that
they attain both fame and fortune.
Touraine, a lumbar town on the A. &
B. a few miles uorth of here was the
acouo of a negro fracas Thursday at
noou, which resulted In the death of
Joe Tucker from a pistol ball in his
I. The shot was fired by Frank
Burns, who made hia e*e*po immediate
ly after tho rocos and is still at Urge.
Coroner Chas. Gaudy went up to
Touraine to hold an inquest yesterday
afternoou but found that this would
not be necessary. From the stories
told him hy witnesses* it appear* that
both men boarded together in a house
near theTouraino mills. Tucker was
from near Oordelo and Bums was a
Boston negro.
In some way a quarrel arose, wit
nessrtl by two colored women, who say
Tucker made at Barns with a scantling.
Bums retaliated with t ao shots from
his pistol. He then tied and Tucker
died at 5 o’clock.
Mr Geo, W. Howard was in the city
Thursday making arrangements for the
election to be held next Wednesday.
He is the only candida'o for the office
of tax rocaiver made vacant ■'by the
death of his brother John F. Howard.
Pale, Thin,
Then your blood'must be in
■ very bsd condition. You
certainly know what to take,
then take it —Ayer’s Sarsa
parilla. If you doubt, then
consult your doctor. Weknow
what he will say about this
grand old family medicine.
Sold for over 60 years.
TMs to th# first question your doctor would
'Aroyourbowi __
fSot dBA^atttUMi o< lk«_kcwali to sbootuUly
•MHtWto roeoirory. Ktu j
sad your bowoto ragulat by
4omo o< Aycrt Kite.
neuter 1" Hw knows
* ola to absolutely
your liver ortlvu
Uklnx teuUtf
You will like”
.!■» ■■JJJ *
wftt*i«owit rifYBfdflf * AUCB
As AOeus*
A prominent physlcisu of thle Count;
was heard to make the following re-
mtrt: , ,
■If 1 were asked to name the disease
which most rarely destroys life I would
name catarrh. But were 1 naked to
name the disrate which mis np iu the
system of cenest diteatoa which do do-
•troy tile i would again name catarrh.
Catarrh wliile it remains simply catarrh
very rarely destoys life, altliongli it
make, lift) miaeiable, but catarrh sn'e
ly leads to a host of conditions, many
of which are fatal to life. It is snfilcieut
to say that the nervous system controls
all tlie functions of the human b sly.
Erety annate blood vessel which |*r-
mestes the human body contracts and
expands under tlie intlaeuoe o! tlie ner
vous system. The portinus of tlie tier-
voes system winch preside especially
over tlie circulation ol tlie blood m tlie
in in v,n ■ membranes ot tlie body, is
knowu as tlie vaso-molor system of
nerves. When those nerves Is come
weakened and allow more blood than
normal to pas. into tlie capillary vessels,
tlie condition of tlie innuoua meuioraue
is known as catarrh: wlieu tills congest
ion continues fur some lime it is known
as chronic catarrh. The congestion
may occur iu tlie mucous lining ot the
nose, throat or brouchial tubes, lungs,
stomach, bowels, kidneys or pelvic or-
gaus. Wherever it occurs it produces
the stme condition, chrouic catarrh.
Dillingham's Plant Juice, iu u„ eeue
Uclal action upon the vase motor nerves,
strikes at once at the cause ot a multi-
tude of catarrhal diseases., Tlie vaso
motor system of nerves controls all of
tho blood-vessels and ducts of the body
But particularly do liwy control all Hie
arteries and veins and cappillary vessels
of the mucous membrane liutug every
organ of tlie tinman body, from tlie heed
to tlie pelvis, In catarrh tlie vessels are
abnormally dilated,
Dilluigliam’s Plant Juice increases
the tone of tlie bood vessels and causes
tliein to contract to their normal con
dttlou. It is this aottou ol Plant Jnico
solely that cures catarrh iu erery part
ot tlie mucous membrane, no matter
where located. Cli runic catarrh is
another uamefor an old cold, ctironio
meaning old; catarrh, cold.
It ts a common and dangerous condi
non, as it will soon destroy Hie mucous
membrane, producing in tlie mouth
canker sores, in the throat eularged and
uneven tonsils. — sometimes causes
deafness,—in the larynx hoarseness and
weakness of voice; iu tlie bronchia
uuugh and soreueea ot tlie chest; iu the
Inugs consumption; in tlie stomach dya
pcpstaiin tlie duodenum and tutesiinea
diarrhoea and dysentery, fiatnlency and
piles; in the kidneys Bright’s disease;
in tlie bladder cystitis, loatarrli ot the
bladder]; iu tlie reproductive orgsus
functional derangements.
There no disease more common and
more neglected, and often more difficult
to core. It is common because all alike
are exposed to sadden clitugot in tern
perature; neglected because it is rarely
Mveru enough at first to interleru witli
business, ana difficult to core Decease
usually It is allowed to become chronic
before treatment is begun.
Tlie sure and permanent cure for CS'
tarrh in all the different form is Dilltiig
ham’s Plant Juice, sold under a guaran
tee to cure, or money back.
It can be obtained at the following
places; J. W. Peacock, R. Thomas Jr.
N. J Austin W Jackson St. Wight &
Brown Cairo Ga J O. Adams & S n
Boston Ua.
Firs at the Bottoms Home.
Mr. T. J. Bottoms was telling Tliuis-
pay of an exciting experience he had
Wednesday night. A large lamp,standing
|D the hall ot his home was overturned.
The burning oil flowed over the floor
and filings looked serious for awhile.
Mr. Bottoms says he endeavored to call
the Bae department bnt could not get
the central telephone office. He then
rushed to a bed room snd smotheied the
lire with blanket#, seized from a bed’.
Preparatory to spring house cleaning
the hall matting bad been removed, so
» was a charred
Edited by the renowned leader of the
is a monthly publication. The first issue is d ited February
1905. The price of it regularly is £1.00 per year.
You can get it
In Club with the Times-Enterprise /
That is, $1.60 will give you Tom Watson’s Mag}
arine and the Thomasville Times-Iinterprise both
one year.
Old subscribers can obtain tills rate by paying
up all 1 earages.
See G, W. CHESTNUT, Circulating Agent, cr send
Postnffice order to
Atlantic Coast LinelX RL
Monteomnrv, Trov, Ozark, Dotlian Riba, Hamnridffa
Thomasville, Valdosta. Waycross. Savannah,
Charleston, Brunswick, Jacksonville* ,
Through Pullman Pars nnall Through Trains
New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, llichn.ond andal
polutaaaat over its own rails to Richmond and Norfolk V* St. Louis,cis
nattl. Louisville, Chicago, Kansas City, Birmingt'iam Nashville, New
Orleans, and all points West and Northwest.
Lv. Thomssvills going east, 3:10a.m., bug a, m„ 2:33 p. m.
Lv. Thomasville going weal, nig a. m„ 10:30 a. as., 4:30 p. m
For Albany ,llj a. m„ 4130 p. m.
For nontlcello 11:1a a. tn„ 6:30 p. m.
Connections at Savannah with Ocean Steamship Line and M. A M. T
Company for New York, Bos ten and Baltimore.
No. 82 leaves Tlioniasvillc at r>:15 a. m., daily, connects at Jasup
with 111 rough sleeper f r Washington, Philadelphia, New York and tbs
East. No 40. leaving Thomasville at 2:35 p m makes connection a
waycross for the same eastern points. No. 57 leaving at 1:15 a. m, cur*
Foe through aleepeta to St. Louis, Also local Sleepers to Montgomery
ipn to passengers at 0 p. m. No. 3!) leaving at 10:50 a. m. con-
ei s at Montgomery with through sleeper fo all Western points,
nror fu rthe informaUon'nall on nearest Ticrket Agent or address
D.ily Pullman chair-car tcrvicc on train 31 and 35 between Jetupand Toom-
asville, and Thomasville and Jcsup. connecting at Josup with through Pullman
car too ana from New York.
Th’:i.‘ili m to car on train V leaving Thomasville 635 a. m. Tuesdays
and Thursdays arriving in New York Wednesdays and Fridays 2:oo p. m.
Through Pullman car service New York to Thomasville or train 35 Tuesdays
anil Thursdays,leaving No. Yorko;l5a. m . arriving in Thomasville Wednesdays
and Fridays 4;2o p. m.
. J. BOTTOL8. T P » , J. A. TAYLOR, T. P. A.,
Thomasville, Ga. Montgomery, Ala.
W.ll LEAHY, I). PA, W! J. CRAIG, O. P. A.
Savannah, (la Wpmingtnn N. O'
II. M. EMERSON, Tra. Mgr. Wilimnetou N O.
Time Table Effective Sept. 11th
Traius Arrive
12:10 p. m. 7:35 p. m^
(ja>o.vt.t and Beit Line to Macon
Atlanta, St. Loaia anu all point* Weal.
Finest equipment* in th* South, Coaches
electric lighted, *ith fan* in rammer
and steam heat in winter, making travel
comfortable and easy.
Ticket* on eale to all 1 ointa in
United State*.
If yon are contemplating a trip, ask
onr Agent for information—we may be
able to save you money and time.
Trains Leave
1 Thomasville
7:40 a. m., 4:15 p. m
A. E- Glover,
General Passenger
Ygent, Thoma^Tle.
I. G. Knapp, Com. Agent, Fitzgerald:
jr T—
l':k J