Newspaper Page Text
W It Ol
How many Urea dearer to u* than our very own have been placed In needl
jeopardy by failure to provide against and forestall the great suffering which <
frequently accompanies and follows the bearing of children f That we would
anything within our power to obviate the possibility of such an happeninfj
too patent to admit of question; therefore — mark well this fact — a liniment
by name, has been devised, whose function it is to prepare in advance the
muscles and tissues intimately associated with parturition.
This liniment is for external application. By its use the parts are relaxed
and enabled to withstand not only the actual strain brought to bear on them
during accouchement, but also to rally from this ordeal and speedily regain their
normal proportions and tonicity. It is not irritating to the most sensitive sur
faces, and U appliablc to all cases. It's not enough to call it Mother’s Friend —
irt the friend of the whole family. Si.oo, all drugpsta. Book 44 Motherhood" !*""
W atch this Spnce*
You will sea bargains quoted here
that will bo worth while.
Tin niasviilc, Ja ,
Jackson 8v
Who wish to dress well should order their
Goods by mail from
B. H. LEVY. BRO. & CO.
h —
Choice, Tasty, Stylish
have just returned from the eastern markets aud W:
7, csent a mosr'beautiful line of
Ou r‘facilities for .trimming are the.btst.
"V i road Street. Thomasville,go
Id Progress Stand.
A Word to Farmers.
; Railroad rumors
many and varied
All xortrt of railroad rumor# are afloat
in wiregre** Georgia. Froaperity pre
cedes and follow s a new railroad line,
and the talk is a good indication* of the
splendid condition of this section of the
state. The extension of the A. & B. to
Binning) am has re-’or tlv Wen trans
ferred from the realm of conjecture to
Among the developments of the last
few days are the following rumors:
The Georgia Northern running from
Albany to Pldeock. will consolidate
with the South Georgia road, ruumug
from Quitman to Ferry, Fla. The G.
N.will build from Barwick in this coun
ty, to Quitman. Fart of the line exists
as a tram road of the Oglesby & Bndges
Lumber Co. The road will be extended
from Ferry to the Gulf. There will be
a later consolidation of small road
from Adol to Helena, then on to Angus
ta, and a lliml consolidation'into one
A road will he built from Pollmra to
Bainbridgo. From Pelham north con
nection will be made with Hawkins-
ville The Albany Northern now run
ning from Gordele to Albany'will be
built to Newton, then down the west
side or the Flint river to Baiiihndge.
All the above belong to the "important
if true" class.
Now that Christmas is past and you are beginning
to think about
And such things for the coming season, we want to
remind you that we sell
In that line at the very lowest prices. Try us on
Dixie Plows, Plow Points, Bars, Rings, Plow
Stocks, Hames, Trace Chains, Back Bands, Col
; lars, Bridles, Plow Lines, etc. We want your
trade and we will make it to your interest to dea
with us.
Coleman & Adams,
* Thomadville, G«l H A. R D W A R E
Complains of Mall Servioa.
Mr. W. H. Billingsley of the Hnnny
Hill. Fla. neighborhood was a recent
business visitor to town. Mr. Billings
ley had a complaint about the Irregular
ity of the siar route carrier, Simmons,
in serving that community which is on
the line between here and Tallahassee.
mail might as well he dead, as not
to get his county paper” was the way
he put it. The matter is being inves
tigated by the proper authorities and
will be remedied.
Thomasville National Bank,
at Thomasville in the State of Georgia,
at the closo of business March 14th,
Loans and discounts $190,440 22
Overdrafts, seen red and un
secured 7,3751 38
U. S. Bond* to secure circu
lation 35,090 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds.. 875 07
Banking house, furniture
aud llxtures 1,803 03
Other real estate owned 3,034 35
Due from National Banks,
not reserve agents 39,034 HO
Due from State BaukH and
Bankers 13.5104 98
Dao from approved reserve
agents 53,373 06
Chucks and other cash items 408 81
Notes of other National Banks 3,500 00
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents lit 85
Lawful money reservo in
bank vis.
Specie $33,313 10
Legal-tender notes 10,500 00— 33,713 10
Redemption fund with U. S.
Ireasurer, 6 per cent of
circulation 1,350 00
Total $364,640 30
Capital stock paid in $100,000 00
Surplus fuud to,000 00
Undivided profits, less ex
penses and taxes paid..... 18,348 33
National Bank notes out
standing 35,000 00
Due to &tato Hauks otul Bank •
era 13.773 97
Due to Trust Companies and
Savings Banks 11,034 13
Dividends unpaid 373 50
Individual deposits Rabject
to check 150,710 87
Demand certificates of de
posit 1,000 00
Timo certificates of deposit. 19,417 00
Total $364,640 30
State of Georgia. ^
County of Thomas,
1, W. H. Rockwell. Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly swear
tbat the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge aud belief.
\V. H Rockwell,
Correct— Attest.
S. Steyerman,
W. A. Pringle,
M. R. Mellette,
Sobscribed ami sworn to before me
tbis 17th day of March, 1905.
J. T. Culpepper,
Nofaiy Public.
What thd Thomasville Bureau will do
When Estab ished
The Times-E.meki'KIsk ban received
from Congressman James M. Giiggs, a
copy of a letter from W illis L Moore
chief of the U S. Weather Bureau. It
explains fully the work of the Thomas
ville statiou which is to tie established
in July, and is reproduced here with
Hon. James M. Griggs, M. C.,
Washington, D. C.
My dear Mr Griggs:
la order that your jieoplu may ful
ly undo!stand what service they may
receive from the weather bureau, I will
say that *e will probubly rent a cottage
for an observatory, if ouo affording sui
table instrumental exposure can be ob
tained; if not we will secure quarters in
the upper part of some one of the busi
ness buildings of the city. The obser
vations from thomasvillo will be tele
graphed daily to Washington and nsed
in the making of forecasts f«>r the south
eastern district- Washington will tele
graph daily forecast* to Thomasville,
and cards, with the forecasts stamped
thereon will be distributed to such sur
rounding places as can be reached by
moil before evening. Weather, cold
wave, and 1 rest warning (lags will be
displayed from the top of the building.
A telephone w ill be installed Mild so <
nected that we cau send the morning
forecasts and cold wave and frost warn
ings through the adjacent districts, pro
vided we cau secure the co-operation of
the rural com|iame* wlricli 1 presume
we can. If there is a turai free delive
ry sorfico leaving Thomasville, aud if
you can arrange to have the carriers
start after 10 a. m. we will have oar
local official print tho forecasts and
warniugs on stipe or papier and deliver
them to the carriers for distribution
aloug their routes. We will also tele
graph the forecasts to tho headquarters
of rural routes, and furnish the poet-
masters at tin ee places with small print
ing outfits, mo that they way print the
forecasts, prut ided the carriers can be
hold until after 10 a. ni. By this means
the forecasts based upon observations
taken at 8 a. m. can be distributed di
rect to tue farmers.
Another interesting feature of the
work of the observor at Thomasville
will be the delivering of informal talks to
the liigu school pupils who wish to come
to the staliuu aim tram of the manlier in
which the automatic instrument register
the different conditions of the atmos
phere. Tim luetti official may imadbly, in
addition to Ills bill ia duties,deliver some
lectures on the phenomena of the air
and climate before yonr local societies
or in your public schools.
# Vory truly yours,
Willis L. Moore.
Chief U, S. Weather Bureau
Robert MoMillan. a negro was arrest
ed Friday on a peace warrant sworn
out by Mr, Wm. Miller. McMillen
was working nnder Mr. Miller and sev
eral days ago gave occasion for a re
proof. He grew irey and drew a shove
on Mr. Miller nnd seems to have been
prevented from hurting him on'.y by
bystanders. The negro afterwards
mode vile threats. His bond was fixed
at*$100.and being unable^to make it he
was taken to jail, whore he will remain
nntil the next term of Snperior Coart.
by local applications, «s they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cm* deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused bv an inflamed condi
lion of the mucous lining of the Eusta
chian Tub*. iVhi-n this tube is inflamed
you have n rambling sound or imperfect
hearing, anti when it is entirely dosed,
D *fn»ss is the result, and unless the In
flammation can be taken out and thin
tube restor d to its normal condition,
hea tog will be destroyed forever; nine
raito-N tut of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which if nothing hut an inflamed condi
tion of th« mucous surface-.
We will g'v* tjne Hundred Dollars for
any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Ball's Catarrh
Cure. Send for < irculars, free.
K. J. CHENEY * OO.. Toledo, O.
Sold by Drugf'^s ,75c.
Take Hall'* 1 ills for constipa
tion. w.
Woman* Ko r-o ign
•MisNiou Co urntl,
-Tlie heathen in thftir blindness
And superstition* stand,
"hilo Providence In kindness
Smiles ou our Christian laud.
Hnw can we stand, unheeding
The Gospel’s gracious call?
“Go, ye," the Uhrist is pleading,
“And preacli my ward to all.” ”
Although Uhrist commanded His dir-
ciples to go into all tho world and pieach
His gospel to ovory oreeture, eighteen-
and two third* ceutarlee have paused,
and still eighteen hundred millions of
human souls are passing on into otvrni-
ly, thousands every day, without ever
having heard of the Hsvior's lore, lie
cause no one|has over told them.
A* tho Missionary Encyclopedia give*
the whole number of Protestant mis-
ilonaries in the world as 12371, it will
not require ■ skilled mathematician to
•ee that that mean* ono missionary to
every 53823 soul* to bo reached, How
long It will be before the command of
Christ is carried into elfect, yon can de
cide. Years ago, one of onr bishops
who hns long siucr. entered into rest,
oat nr a fall and burdened heart ex
claimed, "When shall we cease to play
at missions;”
The Hist year after organization 1880,
twenty*Hve yean ago 1170.80 was paid
Into tho treasury, lout year the Son'h
Georgia Conference raised for ail pur
poses (15,205.13, ail Inorease of *3.88157
over ten previous rear. Since organi
zation *130,105.07 lias boon raised for
all purpoars aud applied by the Wo
man’s Board on purcliaae of property,
oreotlon of Luilding, support of mission-
nries, Bible women and •oholerehipe and
tlie varions oilier branqlies of onr work.
A small part of tills has been need for
alio expenses of tlio looal conference
Our District Secretary, in her last re
port to ilie Annual Conference of the
Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society,
nays: "Our district ha. accomplished
more the past year than any in its his
tory, aud we praise Uod today lor His
Holy Spirit at work ou tils hearts and
conscience, ut our women, arousing
them to greater acuiity aud eiutUiug
them to see their glorious opportunities
as uever before. We raised lost year
fnra;l pnr|iosos *1523.33."
Of this amount *423.15 was contribu
ted in Tliomasville; viz. *343.05 by the
Woman's Foreigu Missionary Society;
*3,..«»by i..u „olf Links of Tliomzs-
Si... aim k'—.u by the Juveniles. Uzu
it bo said of each oue of ns zs wzs said
of ono old woman, "She hath deue
what the could.”
A marvel of tlie Eastern world, whose
Importance cannot be overrated, is tlie
awaking now in program in Oliina. Tba
empire it shaking itself free from the
sleep of ogee; dissatisfaction with pres
ent condition grows; desire for Western
learning is becoming a craze among the
educated. Meautime^Japanoae teaoliers
are being called to take charge of Ohl
note schools from Peking to the Tibetan
frontier. ’Hie door Is also wide open
for an increase of Christian educational
enterprises. It will not, however, sl-
wnys 'remain open. If tho Christian
Church does not seise the present great
opportunity in Oliina. and Buddha, in
stead of Uhrist, beoomes the ideal
which dominates tlie new .thought of
Oliina, we shall hare to make note sad-
ly.ouce more of the fact that opportuni
ty dors not wait for laggards.
A remarkable cliange seems to have
oome over the Chinese people in regard
to tlie work of tlie missionaries. Bveiy.
whore schools are crowded, ohspels are
Hlled to overflowing, and there is an
eagerness to reoetve the religion of the
foreigners inch os has never been know n
before. In one piece two opium shops,
hitherto very prosperous, lisve been ob
liged to dose their doors for look of
onstomers, tlie Christian Jyoung men of
the town having conducted such a sac-
oemful crusade against the opinmhabit.
Another fact indicates a groat change.
Formerly the selling of portions of tba
Scriptures was a slow and difflodt talk.
Now a man can roil 1,000copies a month
The people boy and the people read —
Mimioaary Advooate.
The Knowledge of How the Homan
Body is Constincted and Kapt in
Repair, or Destroyed.
The human system when la perfect
health is like a brightly burning candle,
bnt if it once got oat of order, ttomaoh
deranged, liver stagnant, nerves un-
strong, appetite gone, blood beoomlng
poor and thin, eirenlation diminished,
heart weak, and tho cu.ile bums at
both ends. It thon becomes necessary
to tone ap and dean oat the stomaoh
anil bowels, stimulate tl,e liver e ear tha
dogged kidneys, and cleauie and partly
the blood. Tlie bent mediotne to do tt
is Dillingham's Plant Juice.
When tlie stomach is weak, when the
kidneys are enfeebled, win u tlie assim
ilative powers need strengthening, then
the process of nntritlou is hindered and
an acid condition of Ihe system ia pro-
dnond. Tlie blood oontsimug an exoes-
siro amount of area and orio sold, soon
tlie result is rheumatism—a dread di
sease witli many foru,s, and I ho greatest
variety of pallia and aches.
It was the antiqanted—bnt now hap
pily exploded—method In the good old
times to treat salt rhenm, scrofula, can
cer and other tronbieeome disorders
arising from impure blood, with power
ful alternatives tnoh aa mercury, enenio
and oilier mineral agents. It wee ex
pected by tliis treatment that the potion
coaid be killed while the blood wee left
to oooree through its channels, bolding
in lie eirenlation Ihe ipeoiflo germ of
the disease; bat in this way every part
of the body became more or lees diseased
There is only one soientlllo method for
tlie enre of blood-taint—that is, porid-
cation! Every particle of the blood
must be removed through the excretory
channels, the longs, kidneys, bowels,
liver end skin. "First pore, thon pesos-
Tlie great restorative, reconstructive
and vttalizer of the blood, Dillingham's
Plant Juice, not duly radically and ex
haustively removes the taint, bnt also
removes all mercury, calomel end other
material*, aud flile the vetus end arter
ies with the ruby flowing cumnl of vi
The blood la life." Good health
means pare blood. Tbe old and reliable
romody, Dillingham’s Plant Jnioe, Is
universally regarded as the .greatest
m putiller ever discovered. The
foot la now established beyond question
For isle nnder a positive guarantee by
J. W. Peacock in Thomasville.
Mm Isobel H. Miller of Rochester N-
Y. is at the Masary,
Mr. J. W. Byrd wee hare from Pel
ham Thursday.
O. H. Holmes of Moultrie was ono of
Thursday's businoae visitors.
Alderman J. O, J. Lowlsjgaod wit*
left Thursday afternoon for Hampton
Springs. Fla., where they will spend
two weeks.
Mis. Albert Cos |of Atlanta and her
mother, Mrs. Harmon on tba geests of
Mrs. M. H. Randall 90 Smith Arenae.
Miss MarthsD. N. Vaughn, of Yoong'l
College, waa called home to Pvtersbarg,
Va.. Friday by the serious Ulnem of
her sister.
Mrs. Loeoh and her daughter Mrs.
Herachfleld of Louisville, Ky. are at IbS
Mitchell Hooee for the remainder of Ik*
season. Mrs. Loach is s Meter of Mr.
Henry Levy, of Louisville who Is pleas
antly remembered by many friends
Bank: Caes3Ssttlsd*
The ease of S. W. Mays'and On. ye.
the|Bxohange Bonk of Albany, has
been adjusted and Jtha salt ha* beta
withdrawn. Tha ThomaeyUle cotton
Arm through attorney Titos had so tar-
ad sail against tha Albany bonk for
damages to tha amoaat of *10,000, al
leged to ha dan for breech of contract
In rofosing|to carry tbs firm's coitoo|ec-
Tha terms of tbs
made public.