Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, March 24, 1905, Image 9

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■t'lMJie*KNI'liRP BUR.
• - . cat
IhotnuTille, G»., March 20th' 1003
Council met in regular session, Major
Boddenberry presiding. Aldermen
Hamuleton. Evans, Malletw. Pittman
and Ooohrkn present.
Minutes ot last meeting read and con
traot under which said plant shall be
secured bj said city of Tli unwiUe,
Georgia, shall bs such ih-r f -r and ill
consideration of the said plant den-rib-
ed above in this ordinance t > be c
and operated by said dty for t>.c i r.--
poses above Bet out, the said city u to
in cor the said debt of tbirty-flve thon,
and dollars (035 000) and is to obligate
itself to pay the same in annual Install
ments of four thousand dollars (fit,000)
Mr. J. H. Merrill was present with a *° >» P» w 00 ,lie flnrt o! February
petition signed by 191 persons request
ing the Connell to reconsider their action
*t last meeting in charging r.heobnrehes
and^Y. M. O. A. for water. The peti
tion w ia not granted.
On motion of Alderman Pittman the
fifa against the city hospital lor wa
ordered c mceled.
On motion of Alderman Evaus the
Superintendent of the water works was
inatructed to repair the water trough in
yard back of the Blasury House so that
it will not waste water.
Sanitary inspector was instructed to
summons all parties who are maiuraiu
ing nuUauce* in their back yards.
• The ordinance introduced by Alder*
man Evan* in reference to meters was
read the third time and passed.
Ordinance .introduced by Alderman
Pittmau at last meeting in reference to
•bill posting read third time and pa.v>ed.
The ordinance introduced by Aider-
man Pittman at last meeting' 1 in refer
ence t<> dogs was read aud amended aud
passed to read as follows:
Be it ordained and it is hereby or
dained that on and after the p n^age of
this ordinance, That it shall be unlaw
ful for any dog or any other dog of
aricious disposition to go upon the
streets with or without a keeper, with-
feat being securely muzzled. Owners
or ksepsrs of such dogs m vioUt ion of
tliis ordinance shall be puoUhed
scribed in Section 1 of theGeueral Penal
Ordinances. All ordinances or parts
of ordinano-s in conflict with the abore,
the same is hereby repealed.
Alderman Brans introduced the fol
lowing ordinanoe, read second time:
Be it ordained and it is hereby or
dained that on and after the passage of
tnis ordinance it shall be nrlawfnl for
any person or persons to nco the city
water for any purpose whatever without
a meter approrea b\ the Superintendent
of the City Waterworks provided that
all parties now connected with the city
watecHmins may continue tou-e water
until the Superintendent of Waterworks
Can fnrnif li them with a rnet^r, the
rates to be pro rated aud paid for on the
first reading of meter period, after
same has been pnt in. All ordinances or
parts of ordinances in confl ct herewith
are hereby repealed.
Alderman Pitlnmn introduced the
following ordinance:
Be it ordained by the iniyor and
alderman of the city of ThomasriUe.
Georgia, in council assembled, and it ia
hereby ordained by the auttirrity of
same, that an election to held in said
city)on the day of 1905;
pt whioli election it shall be determin
ed whether the said city of Thomas-
Tills, .through its legally constituted
authorities, shall incur a debt of thirty-
flyo thousand uuiiars ($35,000) for the
purpose of securing for said city an
electric light and power plant for the
purpose of generating electricity to be
used by said city, its residents and
those living in. territory contiguous to
said city, for lighting and po*er pur
poses, those using said electricity, so
generated, for light and power to j»ay
for same.
Said Electric Light and Power Plant
to be secured by said city in considers-
tion of said debt to be sufficient in size
and power to carry out the purjKweB for
which it is secured.
Said Electric Light and Power Plant
to be equipped with machinery, dyna
mos, poles wires aud all other parts
aud equipments necessary for carrying
into effect tbe purposes for v Inch said
Plant is to be secured, to-wit:
The proper lighting of said city, the
furnishing of said city with all neces
sary electric power, the furnishing of
tire residents of said city witli ai! light
and power necessary for their use.
A sufficient amount of Is ini aud no
more, shall lie secured by said city ns a
site for ssid plant, and said plant shall
be e6tablisiied on lam! zc secured:
Said land r-ha'l be located within the
limits of *aid city.
Be it ordained further by the ant fieri-
tj aforesaid that the terms of the con-
eaoh and every year after said plant is
secured by said city, the said payment
of four thousand dollars ($4,000) shall
be applied
m To the payment of the interest on
*said debt due at the time of the pay
2, To the payment of the principal
of said debt.
Ttia' said debt of thirty-tire thousand
dollars ($35,000) shall bear interest at
therate of six per cent, per annum
Be it ordamedTunher by the author
ity aforesaid that the ballots to be
used at said election shall bo worded as
follows: For the use of those who
favor incarring said debt for said Elec
trie Light aud Power Piaut, the ballots
shall have written or printed on them
tbe words, “For incarring debt for
Electric Light and Power Plant.”
For the use of those who are against
incurring said debt for said Electric
Light and Pjvver Plant, the ballots
shall have written or printed on them
the words, “Agdnst incurring debt for
Electric Light aud Power Plant.*’
Be it ordxtned further by the authori
ty Aforesaid that notice of the said
election shall be published for the space
of thirty (89) dsys, preceding the day of
said election in the newspaper in which
the advertisements of the sheriff of
Tiiomas county, Georgia, are published
notifying the qualified voters of said
city of ThotuAMVille, Georgia, that on
the day of 1905, said elec
tion will be held, etid notice shall be in
words and figure* as follows:
There will be held in the city of
Thomasville, Georgia, at the court
house in said city, the same being the
only election precinct within the limits
of said city, on the day of
1905, an election to determine whether
the said city of Thomasviile, Georgia,
through its legally constituted authori
ties, shall incnra debt of thirty-five
thousand dollars ($31,000) for the pur
pose of securing for said city an Elec
tric Light and Power Pl&nt for the
parposeof generating electricity to be
used by said city, its residents and those
living in territory contiguous to said
city, for lighting and power purposes,
those using said electricity so generated
for lights and power to pay for same.
Said Electric Light and Power Piaut
to be secured by ssid city for and in
cc n .’deration of said debt to be softie
lent in size an<i power to carry out the
purpose for which it is secured.
Said Electric Light and Power Plant
to be equipped with machinery, dyns
mos, poles wires and all other parts and
equipments necessary for carrying iuto
effect the purposes for which said plant
is to be secured to-wit:—The proper
lighting of this said city, the fnrnith
ing of said city with all necessary
electric power the furnishing of
the residents of said dty with dll
lights and power nece -sary for their use.
A suftideiit amount of land, and uo
more, Shall be secured by said- city ife *
site for said plant, and said plans shall
be located upon the laud so secured,
said land shall be situated within the
limits of said city.
That the term of the contract, under
which said plant shall be secured by
said dty of Thomasviile, Georgia, shall
be such that for and in consideration of
he taid plant described abore fu this
Notice to be u.-ed and operated by said
city for the purposes above set out, the
*aid city is to incur the said debt of thir
ty-five thousand dollars ($36000.00) and
is to obligate itself to pay the same in
annual - installment* of four thousand
dollars ($4900.00), to be paidou tbe first
day of February each and every year
after said plan: is secured by said city,
the said payment of four thousand dol
lars ($4000.00shall bo applied:-—
First to the payment of the interest
on said debt due at tbe time of payment
Second, to the payment of the princi-
pii o£ »»id d«*br.
That said debt of thirty-five i!.cn«*iwl
dollars ($35090.00) shall bear interest at
the rate of six f«r cent per annum. I
That the ballot* to be used at said
election shall be worded at follows:—
For the use of those in favor of incur
riug said debt for said Electric Light
and Power Plant, the ballots shall have
written or printed on them the words,
“For it earring debt for E ectric Light
andPowo- Plant.”
For th« use of those who are against
inourriug **id debt for raid Electric
Lightau.i Power Plant, the ballotsshall
have wrr-ren or printed on them the
words, “Against incurring debt forElec
trie Light and Power Plant.”
Be it further ordained by the authori
ty aforesaid that all ordinances aud
parts ot ordinances iu conflict with this
ordinance be, and they are hereby re
Alderman Pittmau introduced the fol
lowing resolution, adopted.
Resolved that the street tax for the
year 1905 be fixed at $3.00 or 8 days
Following accounts passed for pay
ment: W. P. Snodgrass $23.50; Man
hattau Rubber Mfg., Co. $3 50; W. L
Ball $2.55; Evans & Sou $1.00; Tom
Everett $1.15; A. McDongal & Sou
$7.40; James Watt & Bro. $17.59; A.
W. Palin $9.75; Thomasviile Variety
Works $31.09; .T. W. Dillon $18.39.
Nev» accounts referred to committees.
Council adjourned.
K. T. Maclean,
Susina News Hems.
(By S M. Beach.)
Messrs. Walter aud Tiiomas Brown
weut to Thomasviile last Wednesday.
Miss Hattie G. Blockshear came home
from Thomasviile to spend Sunday.
Mrs. John L. Poulk, Miss Richard
Pearce and W. T. Crawford, all of Cairo
spent Snnday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Blockshear.
Mr. Rlohard Mason of Philadelphia.
Pai is visiting his brother A H. Mason.
Dr. E. Strickland has moved toTalla-
hasse Fla, Mr. A. R. Sessions has oharge
of the Strickland store.
Mr. A. H. Mason finished the hunting
seasou by killing two wild turkeys.
Little Annie tho eleven year old child
of Mr. and Mrs. Griffin Hartsfleld, who
had been feeble all her life, died last
Thursday and was buried the following
day iu die Baptistchurch burial ground
Rev. G. Evans of Morveu, Ga. con
ducted the regular monthly service at
the Baptist church last Sunday.
A letter readied our post office a few
days ago addressed in this manner,
“Dear me aloug with the speed of Fate,
To Tiiomas County aud Georgia State,
Iu Susina Pont office let me be
Till Miss calls for me.”
The remarks written on the letters
bv i«o*tal clerks enronte showed what
they thought of such stuff.
The small bridge over the slough on
the Decatur side of the New Hadley
oridge b under water, aud traffic
stopped One of the Decatur County
commissioners expressed the opinion
that there would be no remedy made of
this inoonvenienoe until, the outcome of
the new county movement was decided
We read a lot these days of the
strenuous life, and the simple life. Move
here end just winch yon
Metcalf Mentions.
(By A. W. Overton.)
Miss Rate Hancock is visitlrg in
Mr. O. W. Chestnut of the Times En
terprise was here working iu the in
terest of the paper lass week.
MissSallie Lou Lilly entertained a
few of her mauy friends to a birthday
party Thurrday evening. The evening
passed eff quite pleasantly to all present
witli games aud music, which whs fur-
nibbed by Miss Lilia Forrest iu her
usual tasteful style, and (he hour for
dep&rtuse came much too curly wpeu
they all bade the fair young hostess good
night, with wishes that she may live to
to see many many more birthdays and
that thev might be fortunate enough to
be included in many more of her pleas
ant enteit.iihuieutt.
Mr. Buo 1 ' Barrow of Thomasviile vis
ited here lest week.
Mrs. M. M. Lilly and Miss Leila For
rest, spent Saturday aud Sunday witli
relatives in Boston.
Mtssrs. E. F. Dyer and J. M. Flem
ing attended a “candy palling” Thurs
day eveuiug and reported a fine time.
Mr. J. M. Fleming happened to the
misfortune Sit urday afternoon of hav-
iug his buggy badly damaged while on
his way to nee hi* best girl. The horse
took a notion to do some kicking aud
running and having succeeded in dis
placing Mr. Fleming and driver from
the buggy had every thing going his
way tor a good race but fortunately the
d Ivor’s running ability proved too much
for the horse which was overtaken be
fore any serious damage was done. Mr.
Fleming however procured a saddle
and continued his journey but very
little worse for his experience.
Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic
Is a “Good Thing Push it Along.”
Oarnesville, Ga, Jan 7, 1902—I have used Dr. Tiohen'r’e Antiseptio
in my family and on my convict farm for the past eight years. I find
that ir does all that is claimed for it. One of my convio s was poisoned
from !ie«d ro foot by poison ivy and I applied Dr. licheuora Antiseptio
freely and he was sound and well in forty-eight hoars. I keep a supply on
hand aud never fail to recommend it K*al Little.
Atlanta, Ga ,8*pt. 1. liC3 11 sve Fc’d Er Tichcnor’s Antiseptio to
my trade for six years aid have never lestd a complaint. I keep it in
my hou*o all toe time and the man w I o does Lot ke#p it in hts heme does
his family an.irjustice. C. J. Ttuell, Tiaveling Salesman..
v Social Circle, Ga , May 7, 1897.—The best medicine 1 ever used for
colin iu mantr least is Ir. Titliiicr’s Amheptlc. Have used it for
vetuds 1 uri and varices cates rf itftanmsticn, wi*li most gratifying
repairs Have just cured a case of thunder-wood poison with it. It is a clean, liquid, and a very valuable household medicine. Joe W. Hollis.
i Atlanta, Ga , Jn y 10, 19( 1 —I have Iritd Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptio
•; for prickly heat and it gave almcst immediate relief, producing a delight*
£ ful, cool nu, soothing sensation. Have u«d it successfully in my family
? for Colic and .other Stomach ard Bcwfl treaties and always keep it con-
k vetiietic. W. H. 8 Dorsey, Traveling Salesman.
| 10 cents aiid 50 cents by all druggists. Write SHIRROUSE MEDJ*
CINE OO , New Orleans, for a free samp’e.
choose II seentfWlM4 'hihl lmetMbjfOrh 04<t caiie planting is a thing of the
;hare to help dig a grass, and
ont aud conduct tha burial service* but
that is what oue of our citizens hod to
dd recently. *•"' X ' •
With the uew 'tax assessor, and the
time at hand Tor the giving in of taxes,
we hope our antiquated method of re
ceiving the returns will be improved.
There* is nearlr a hundred thousand
dollars Worth of taxable property in
this district owned by non-residents
which apiiears on the tax books to the
credit oi the Thomasviile district, which
we would like to see w here it belongs
There should also be some simple meth
od whereby we can tell whether all the
land in the county is returned for as-
uu-nt or not.
Mr. Theo Titus’ home oa Gordon
Avenue is nearing completion. It has
been well ouilt by Contractor .Stanton
and is a neat one story cottage with
s verandas aud supporting pillars.’
Whstevvi pnev t«v
a Piano er Orpan,
don't toroat that wo
have TKC BEST at
that prico.
Writ* Im
;8Tf« % D0R0U6H
VlUotU, c*.
Patten Points. .
(Bj Tom Wood.)
Ur. O. M. ltica was not able to teach
school last week on account of grip.
Uiss Zola Lancaster spent Saturday
night with Uisses Annie and Florence
Ur Muck Wright baa moved to Patten
We are sorry to report the illness of
Mr Tom Williams.
Mr. Jim Williams went to town lost
week on business.
There was a plnder shelling at Mr
B. Lancaster's last Tuesday night and
u nice supper was furnished the gnssts.
U s rs. (1 .vo Gandy and Joe Red-
fearn went to Pavo Saturday.
Patleu is blooming with wire fences,
Mils Florence Wood and her brother
Tom, attended meeting at the Pavo
Primitive Baplist church Saturday.
Ur. and Urs. W. H. Taylor spent the
day with their oonslns Ur, and Urs
Algte Ooais, Snndaj.
Ur. Loyd Bordeaux of this place
leave, today for Pensacola. Fla. where
lie will reside in tbe fnture.
Tho trait trees are now preparing for
a new growth.
Cross Road Dots.
(By Uncle Bam.)
Tbe farmsrs are busy now planting
Ur, Ike 8p»nre*Vb4*w(jr^(MVe out
through the country to seT’Bla,^
MUx Julia Gibson and Miia Maner
Slugletary visited Pavo Friday and
Mon!trie Saturday returning home Mon
Brother Bdtler visited Spring Hill
church Sauday, and shook hands with
m my old friends. He was pastor there
for four or five years and his return was
Mies Bell Slugletary was the guest of
Mr. Cardtu Saturday aud Sauday.
O. H. Banks, clerk for Singletary &
Co, was away from the store on ac
count of his eyes several days this
Mr. H. W. Griftiu and wife visted the
latter’s mother, Mrs Sophia Singletary.
Mr. Frank Hayard and wife spent
Sunday iu Meigs with his sister, Mrs.
Ellen Singletary.
Oue of the depot sights yesterday
was a lady tourist with a pet squirrel
itiHCHe. She is very foud of her
struu.e pet aud takes him every where
she goes.
Property of
Property consists of Household furnishings, Brass
Beds, Linen, Furniture, Dishes, Cooking Utensils, Car-;
pets, Curtains, etc.
33'Sets Bath Room Fixtures, 125 Carpets for Sale
j privately before auction.
' Wednesday, Thursday Friday
and Saturday, April 5-6-7-S
Heart rift flooring 13-1U x 3 1-2
“ •■ •• 1816x81-4
•• “ <• 11-8x2 1!!
11-8x3 1-4
" 13-16x21-2
“ 18-16 x 8 1-4
•• 11-8x21-2
“ “ '• 11-8x3 1-4
Heart fare flat flooring 13-16 x 21-3
•• 18-16 x 8 1-4
•• " •• •• 11-8x2 1-3
" 118x814
Flat grain Flooring 18-16 x 2 1
'■ •• •• 18-16 x 8 1-4
•• « 118x3 1-3
V •• “ 11-8x81-4
" “ " 18.16x5 1-4
“ - •• 11-8x51-4
Galling 016x814
Ceiling 7-16x8 14
8. E. W. Board, 1-2 x 5 1-2
Bevel W. Board, 8-16 x 0-16 x 5 1-3.
Drop Siding 8-4x51-4 no. 105
Partition 84x3 1-4
18-16 x 10—D 9 8
The above stock is at A. T. Snodgrass’s mill at Thomas;
ville. If ycu are interested call oi address H
Loaded Shells
35 cents a Box.
As the Shooting Season is about over, we
have decided to close out out what Sure Shot ■ 1
Shells we have on hand at
35 cents a gox.
This only means what we'now have in stock
Come early as they^vont last iong at that price,
We also have a nice line of Fishing Tackle in-' j !
eluding Poles, Hoc/ks, Lines, Trot Lines, Gill Net- 4 -
tiug and the latest styles of Trolling Bobs.
Coleman & Mams