Newspaper Page Text
red and white, on each end of an
whenever and wherever you buy
Editor Cared of long Trouble.
W. L. Straub, Editor of St. Peterrborg (Fib;) Times* write.::
"When coming sens* the try item Port Tbiapr. I get Wet and caught a: ’
cold that affected my throat and lungs. I nemectea it, thinking I would'
•oorrrecdver.butl kept getting wtrse, until IWurbt a bottle vtWoleyia, .
Honey ana +ar, and it cured uc cccmictcJv. ”
i n*iml
;te ft-
, .
m-i :tfif rv*
TIMES-EN’ERPitlSS W.T..LB. GSOR 31 A..31 I>15
home a soiivt. u r ir,»it
Needs of Institution Explained by
: JpqVpd pi Directors [ !
Oa the lUtii ot .October 11103, ’b<
Vashfi Home was dedicate! to God. A
honn tor friendless girls,, between vU
ages of 10 and 18, The home was i l u <1
ed on “Faith iu God," with thin iudor- •
meat of our Lord’s: "Whatsoever ye
shall ask the Father in my name, He
will give it you.” We have no agent,
save the Holy Spirit as He moves on the
TH ; S M ASVILI.E ; hearts of God’s people to help tni^ork
Twemy-one girls have been receivtd
into the home. Our purpose is to 6end
them oat, trained Cnristian wor. era, to
bless the wor d. Three Christian wo
men supervise the home.
The necessities and possibilities of the
home are great. With our faith iu Go 1
and our tellow man strengthened, our
love aud sympathy for these girls uu-
buuudeJ, we are pressing oh.
That onr friends in »y give intelligent-
| ly as the Spirit dictates, we make tntse
, facts known. Oar expenses for the
)rake, a mad carrier at Chapin-, u inter have been heavy, leaving a de-
n , M rs. •■Chan.berUin-. I’A'n fl , ielnour , rea ,u,y. Our enirett
the champion ol ail liuim-nt. i , ,, .
year I troubled ,l gte«( | *"* *‘ 00 ** r m.nth. Our build,
rheumatism in rav shoulder. *“K “O' 11 1)8 mlwged, u» all availiiblo
Alter trying screr.l cures the »-torekeep- space is occupied. Money for re paint-
cr hti.e recomm‘r.rtci this remedy and , iog tl.e in. use aud some foJ* repairing the
: have them of all kinds
at *11 prices. Most of
♦hem are inexpensive and very
attractive. _ Come and see
Th:r i$ no*-.
: froip tunt
*6tice Iia 3 been sent to us.
s, yon know onr Heads.
Thie trade mark used by the
stands as a guarantee of the superior quality of
the contents of the package oa which it appears.
» \
Cinch? Snaps
The most enticing ginger
snaps you ever tasted. Baked
to a golden brown,and served
perfectly fresh with all the
original crispness and flavor
retained. If you really like
good ginger snaps go to the
grocer man and say
Zu Zir
tor tumuli ?'ioi. M n-’ application j w *h
marten ru'*. l oi
cock, Thomasv 1
DK. J. i\ Sv'll a i;N Hi
V. s{
31: ••,T . -in..'.'
1 TlVH’.uHir 't-.V
, dogri. 'S .rgit-e ( jbj-- t'.Vih. h
!.. Mhy. f’Kr>>
' Wcri Mi A'diuhl* » » <v
. ’ } •' 1
koUA>'i W 1,/i.Vb ,t«.,i ■
■ n ■ i /i
h >r Ah* • 1>JA Jr
ih'lY •/,.!
'<■ 'Thrfu' 8 t <’•' ''hi-
1 in rhe rc' cl : *i.A Pis’ * 1
I^AVI lUllll
^'jil-iritsh-* b • u M* *t * bbo
u e. t »• v • la- -, i
duccd wi:h r M i :
■ '■p —a—*
rkhx to ut.., - * ""
T^Wldfen 1-. r r-
R , jy ,, r
* l». J. •[
•'•FlkCOcIi, 111 • %vd H.
w f
Suflfy For Sri
High cl««s top nuqgy in
Address W Cara Tln e-E
g-rcJ • rtf. r
KY rut Off’ B
, Th« pi:l» tbn act.a- ' ni
. II I
'Ir-iB.i * p i \ . V.
ly Huer*. .'!»♦«» ur H u.
patlon, Bill;iiU>ti<>4< :t*. *■
are sma'h e»?.v to t «k -• au *
■ safr pill Mi k -hjintti*
»t VaI’c.v cl iy. • -i, ■. *’
Cur’d m : o • nrniy: o»in«. p
>,.l 1
j tira;e/ F • i' ii tC •
do? Yon must iecide “the
t .l. it> »;nntinu d j wtnl or tho woo” ot some girl that will
prwfncr n pe^-j! you at the judgment bar. llq^T
' ^ (11 V ** C 11 v<,ic<5 in ^ork, and obey Him|
A blessing from heaven i.i Mire to follow
We ufck the prayers of m11 God’s saints
M.s-t Annie Heath, Deaconess.
Y*;ss Aliru Groove*, Mttrou.
Mi-s Kvie Jucitsjiij Tejclier, . /
■ 1 Mrsl-Jns F. Evaus, Cnairm tti,
Mra. M. R, Maiiette, V.*.Cvmn,
.I iMn».*Ed.F\ Cook,
•Mrs. T. J AlcCarrne.s •<
. Mis. W. P Bliifriugaiut',j: 'j
Mrs. 8. L. Hayes, , \ \ . /
M A J, E K-biHOP, TressuirKr,
sviiHn M. E. .h jwmaii, Secretary
Metcalfe Mentions.
R. R. Fare Paid. Notts
talcan on tu/rton. BEET
•arth. Don’t delay. 1 writ*to-day.
Fine Cotton Eoed
Kiug s nod Greer’s Iiti|Jr«U* “♦'•<!•> fd
^ .for b-uig veiyV.riy aijd pp 'ft*.’ A*-.
h ■olately j».*re and. trt^e »*» variety,,
’t* grown ann a«sie*g«Ml.Jij .ta«> Pxi*ej 7^C
- and $1.0ft fn-r bui't**l ‘respec iv»*jy /• Or-
1 der^ i kken rind dt* ir.?red ar I D Wiuii's ,
*' tore or %t iny .faiinl '
, SAWYER wants, p*sinon as sawyer
i at tuili o! ordinary size., Gotti .efer-,
f en? ee. Wft e .1, A »•, Ive>, Gh,
* i ‘2lW*4‘d
Mr*. N C. Kerry left Monday f .r
( rt, win re *ho aili n main a f«w
t • »s tilting relatives. From then >I<h
s* lit leturu to tiei home tn Dude City,
Rev. E. E. Rose au1 wife, f rmerl/ of
thi- place, bnt now of BnnHon, Gn.,
vim led friend* htre last week. Bro.
R me seems well pleased with 1»:h mw
ti id Which is \fei> giH>if>mg to Ins
in uy friends li-re.
Mr M. M-jJh-Ii *iH«iei re utives in
B .tuniMga hist w*-*k.
Mis R. L Ch a'sin of TlvniasyilU
viM.ed her tMther's,faintly In re Saiui*
dayau.lHauda>',“‘ , ; ^ ^ ' j;
Mum Renar Fj^cimhii visited Tliotuar-
vilUs.S4»erd»y. ,
■ " ’ 1 ■ i.
Miss Grace J* iikins of Tiioiaasville; i*
u i leasa< tt visitor to Mrs. U| 8. Rn*rah
Mis- LUIa For«>rlh<t* ngaio rtsuuicd
her duties «* tea-tiler:itr tha primurv dr.
I a lira, t here after a veek’* ala»«»in«'. n
ao ojui of ili^ l lii*S* : ilt her sister,
i tier sb^-nce. Iivi* whs filled
Li .J
The famous little oyster
crackers that showed
the world how good
oyster crackers could be
made. Light, crisp and
flaky; just salt enough—
just right In air tight
' ;' • s4s an example try the • two popular
products described above.
If you are delighted with the quality, freshness and flavor
of these products, if you are -impressed with the care
and nearness with which they are packed! your education
J* jj I| jj '•,) ■ 'j f ^ f y r-i -•:.•!} M: ‘ 1 '
; ds ■'complete, -and ai| Uhe. future you will be guided by the
Biscuit, Crackers and Wafers
\}Hl W-
■ Obstinate, racking coughs that setUe on the lun^s fhd 'may develop Into Pneumonia oner night are quickly cured by
It soothes and heals the inflamed air passages, stops the cough, heals and strengthens the Jungs. FUiUET'S
HONEY AND TAR contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and is safest for children and delicate pecrie.
Remember the name— FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR -and insist upon having the genuine; as no other redaedy
isjsb sale 9" l aS pertain In results.
■' 1 Given Up to OIo With Croup.
Mf». P. I. Cordier, of Mwicington, Ky., writ.*: "My three-yew
old girrlMd S severe cue of croup; the doctor i.i:id rho iruld not live
end. I gev^her up to die. J went to the i ed f..t a bonic of
Fnley* Honey and Tar. The firet do«c quick relief end
cared bet life.” ^
(i;C- C< |)**i<ml, W. O. t*peed
D K. Kamilt-v amt .Jfctf M* uif ra hi-^
-• jO llU H tMM?W K OrillUg III tGO IU
AA A f A Ol A A Poison Breathed
fYV/ALMf\IM iflto the System
The air arising from low, marshy places, damp cellars, stagnant ponds
and pools and from decaying vegetable matter, as well as the gases from
sewers, is loaded with germs >A malarial point
has not been properly filtered and purified,
microbes, and as \ve daily
breathe anti drink millions of
these into the system, to be For several years
absorbed by the blobl. the bever, enuscU by Mab
entire body bo-;in.? to feel the
effects of the poison. The
most common form of Ma
laria is ‘cl’ills end fvrer,”
bit when the bfoo l i » -loroughiy cat.n.rated
weak ami /.’’.ite?! t!*: t abscess<■}.•*» ca* ’wr.c.' s
skin disca.'- s r Juit. hlalaiig also • < . iS
‘:ig a chronic state M
ui*j;na:jt .fever. In c- #
_. The water we drink, that
is also full of these germs and
-•red with Culls and
;ay vsti in, and each
wi’ V! Have a relapse.
-Uo<l S. S. S. it cn-
r ' ec-:i troubled rii cc.
ie, I'v. I. SlIAPOFH.
Finally r.:\ ph’ ci
iirely curvd me; I 1
913 W. Market St..
on it becomes so
ulcers and other
• vs. bowels and
dice or s
f;cd bofpr
icg and tonic properti^i .
Th«* .lies—25c, 50c, $1.00. The .W i ent size contain, two and one-half time, u much as tb* small size and tbs
$1.00 bottle almozt six time, u much. Refuse SubetHutOS.
.1 w Ph*C0CK
Write for quotations fo
J.W. Watkins & Co.
-NO-282 W.Muckson St.
Tlio.n isvilie,
U i-'c- ’afp, 0 1 — Odnlr.Uly tiM
Ev cro'cil Mumsenwnt—Rstez $3-00
Ile-ijof Uvery Servloe in Ooanoction. '
Pro; riotor- & Manager,
AUigB, Georg
troys t.h.* ;. v...
weakened; pbllatt
blood aptt^f'vrccti
S. S. S. iirrproyef*.thy npi>-,tjte;n;
its alterative and purifying -aciior. r.:. ;
permanently driven from the sy- tejt?.
advice, without cliarge. THE O V/' “»
r AP£:?JS:p Oj~ 3 nVs-
(fir £*- <y> r*
.’j YoiirSaUfl \v::i ’v >• vou u>c ottr.piivc 9'. IcnFtainypIs. Try i'. Tit A; trl,
• ' BEiCiYf iy
««.*'• :i:6. -iuv'f %
Pi P-iT/.vnti'iy 5’TT fT.
p! ■
: &: CREW COMPANY, «f A»H:>»
P:rinos and Organs. y
’ ■■ y
m evi !«