Newspaper Page Text
.\IK‘-KSl KKPRi .a, rmiifi 7IL ,it *.-/iK4:A MAKCH 81 it<«
• .
The thoroughbred racing season of
ltOB is now opening In theeast and,
inn nllke.
Ed Corrigan baa given a great deal of
color to the turf altuatlon In the went
r starting an organization, the Amer-
lean Jockey club, to rlral tho T.'
Jockey club. The recent iteleii!-
Joaenti A. Mur.iliy to be aerrr -
the new club waa Corrigan's .
Murphy la well known to hone-on,
la a thorough master of the man . il
end of the turf, and bio work
Judges' stand has Impelled coi—,uce
In hie ability and fairness.
ne Startlnc of Raoalna Haras Rscsa
Since the liarrier was Introduced
come yc.ra ago na an nld to atgrtlng
ttoroKjd.breil race Itoraes lmrdly a sen-
con lien passed without more or less
experimenting either In the style of the
barrier used or the method of having
tbe horses lino up. Since the adoption
of tbo "no rrenir system three seasons
ago there baa perhaps been leas of this,
as tbe martin: Ima, as a rule, lieon emi
nently satisfactory.
As late as Inst year, however, there
waa experimenting done as between tbe
•tending start cloaa to the barrier, as
e vocated by Fitzgerald, and tbe "walk
" system, favored and used with
much success by Mara Cassidy. Both
Starters ware under engagement to tho
Jockey ciub, working nt nltcruute meet
ings, and each was anxious to hart the
« ir style ho favored officially
for ose.
used the "walk up" system
with enough success to conrlnca the
•Ida of Its merits, and In conae-
gurn- c FttsgrraM was Instructed to
lae the same nietDod later. It resulted
disastrously, however. In tl.o handji of
k matt uuused to It, Cnd unc’.i n clnmor
arose orer the loose and ragged start
ing that tlnrwrmfnla deemed X advisa
ble to return to tbe tfllindtngainrfi and
tt was so ordered for the of the
• Fjtzgcrulil uni|U«Unnably tried his
boat to ndcotnpllsli the same good re-
gnlts with the "walk up" sysicin na
bad ln\ lrlably liceu the with hla
Etamlln • start, tint naturally he n-no
worse tti the-cbnnnc amt In n» far as
Was In hli power ndvocc.'.cd the plan
bndrr v.-hlcd Us lind been so successful.
As the senior starter tils opinion un
doubtedly had weight with tho stow-
aids In making a decision.
Eastern Tort Dates.
The duten for thoroughbred rneca on
the eastern tracks arc ns follows:
Aqueduct. N. Y.-Saturday. April If, tn
Maadsy. April II: Tuesday. Nov. J, to
ICsdnssdsy, Nov. If: twenty days.
Jamaica, N. Y.-Tussday. April S. to
•CSCSesday, May I; Monday. Oct. 13. to
WMnswIay. Nov. I| twenty-three days.
Balmont Park, N. Y.-Thuredsy, May t
to- Wednesday, May ft; Monday. Oct. S.
In Saturday, Oct. Hi thirty days.
•tavnrnd. N. Y.-Thursday, May S. to
WhCtifsday, June 14| Monday, Cept. II. to
kturCay. cspa. □: thirty days.
lent, i: thlri
tab. N; T.-'
Wednesday, July
Aturdsr, sept. Wi. tw.nty-.lsht days,
■aratorv ». Y.-Monday. July «. to
IMday. Aug. twenty-two days.
Buffalo.—Saturday. Juna 10. to Saturday,
tsly U; thirty-one days.
Pimlico. MS.—Wednesday, April If. to
Baturday. April »; ton days
Ab So Chances, in Itnloa.
■'-* President rulllam of tbo National
i* laaguv saya there will be no changes
.whatever In tho playing rule.i '.Ills
year. “Aa to the foul strike rule bolng
abolished," be declares, “wa might as
wall return to tho old system of haring
Am catcher buck and tako the ball on
tbs bounce."
Boos lorn Mara ftroac Trout.
Charlie Dexter, captain and manager
g(the Louisville club, says tbe makeup
Of the Indianapolis team look* pretty
good on paper. Ed Harrows, manager
St tbe Hooalrra, Intends to make hla
sntfy Into the American association
ranks felt by the rest of tbe managers.
Tho Maryland Race Meat.
When the Jockey chib stewards
swarded ton dnya to the Maryland
Jockey club f its spring meeting at
0M famous oUl Pimlico track there was
much gratlfle .» expressed by Mary-
tend turfiuc” be meeting Is set for
April 19 to 39.
To li
:*poro Track,
jranger of Hanta Crus.
Oak, and tbe w -II known lioraenun, T.
w. Barstow of linn Jose, have nn-nred
g tan ysnra* le e of the Agricultural
put and net i at tbe latter place
bad will mat. : iprovements thereon.
Brooklyn BaR Pvaasaeta.
Brooklyn, It la said, will have a bet-
ill than last year, and Manager
will Mas a bunch of tbo fifty-
ihs has on tbs draft Hit
Why It ah on Id be-so I cannot tell, but
today at I sat on the ramshackle old
pier from which boats ran to and fro
to France and tbe big world of Europe
It did not seem to mo that I looked
upon tbe channel only.
The gray waste of water* leaped un
der a northeasterly breeze; there wa*
a gray aus In a fnlut blue sky, but as I
•at I saw faroff sunny seas, a sky as
blue as tbe purest heavens of tbe trop
ics and great sunlit shores. This was
the cbnnncl-the English channel—but
beyond Us verge, beyond tho Lizard
and tbe fatal rocks of t^bJnt, tbe At
lantic rolled, and not only the north At
lantic, but tile southern, and beyoiu'.
tin- southern Atlantic the raster south
era oceuu Unit washes the Ice^barrier
of the antsreUc pole.
I did not see Uie eknnnel. What 1
saw was one; It was the ocean Itself.
I stilled, ns of old, round tbe mighty
wedge that thrusts Itself outward Into
cold seas mid Is known us the Horn. I
saw the Diego llamirez Islands (known
to silHonnpn ns the Daggitrarnmn-
reeled, mid I came up by the windy
Falkland, to Uio calms of Capricorn,
or tho horse latitudes, and lay there be
Yet even ho was this the same sea,
the sea one auil Indivisible; the repub
lic of Waters. For not a ware that
lenped on tbo shores of England but
bad lain In quiet culm south of the
Hue. It was our sea, even yrt ours, tbe
English sen of the world.
Ho wonderful n thing this Is to me
lint now I never think of any aopurtitu
ocean. There is in Atlantic, no I’nclflc,
id great no-itliom ocean. It Is one,
and Whother we sail, ns Drake dl l.'
aluug the western shores of America or
tiluudor through tho strait of JJagellnu,
as Magellan did, or gj south to tbo Ice
barrier wllb Euderby or north with
Franklin It Is tbo selfsame b.-cntblng
creature of n sen that bears ns up nuJ
Here are tbe I’alm Islands of tbo I’a-
cl tie, truly, let us any, and here
strange, belli eyed Hamonns paddle In
their iucld waters. Y’et these samo wa
ters are the equal heritage of tbe Eski
mo, the (lad given gift to those wild
savages of Tlerra del Fucgo. Whether
the trades blow or tbe passage winds
frit: of
the West Indies of tbe typhoons of tbe
Chinn seas, tbe seas are tbe great blgli-
wnrj for all races, and all roods lead
to England, as all path* lead to Home.
Is Ibis, then, to say nothing or to say Is known? I lure beard of those
who were disappointed wltb tbe Atlan
tic; I linvo known children to cry at tbs
paaruesa of the reality they saw nt
Rnmsipte. Had they known what the
sea was—bow It gleamed under a great
noon even Ihen, bow even at that quiet
Jtpazrwlld wo.illlwnw* apnu across tbe
fJhin that Magellan plowed, bow at
that very moment vast cyclones roared
by tho “vexed Hermootlies" or actvaui-
rd under the high dl.Ts of mighty For-
moia-tlioy would hare ant down In
atrium- astonishment by the eventful
sea they knew nut. All my fancies aptn
strung:- WUJH c.bant tills lliougt-t. ant
out of the knowledge Hint I bn.o —V.
haul or that f have gathered from
quiet seoxon or from books It comet
ttiat i never lwIiaUI any- narrow week
or ntralt of the grant watcra but I see.
too, Uic one paivut of them all.
Tho Ued sen h the sea's, and Hie rei
ado It. Tin- Arabian sea Is Ids, -in..
io not watora by bun-mi Sokotr i, bud
the cliffs of (luardafuk wliefe the mon
soon dies In calm nt last. The tlmndc"
of tbe sen upon the- bem-li at Colotuh
Special Prices.
Men's sample Felt Hats, half price 90c to 25c
“ Straw Hats, left overs, 50c values 25c
** 50c Dress Shirts 37 J-2c
Frilled Muslin Cuitair.s, 98c quality . 75c
** “ 1 “ $1.23 “
A. F. C. Ginghams I yd. remnants, yard
50c Mercerized Waisting, yard . . .
LACES—Cotton Wash Laces, Torch-
7 ons. Vais, etc, values up to 10c yard
all go per yard
Old Ladies soft-leather $\ Shoes - .
Men's good leather $L25 Brogans - .
•' lateistyle Tan Oxfords ....
Ladies Tan Oxfords 98c
Ladies white canvas Oxfords Ties, big
eyelets. . .
Boy's 50c Knee P-mts . .
All iOc Tinware, Coffee Pots, Milk
Pans, Wash Basins, Budkets, etc .
All»5c Tinware 03c
You’ll be April fooled only in finding
bigger bargainsathanyou expect.
Office in Carter & Hall buiMiug
Meigs. Georgia.
To Henry N. Pollock.
Yon are haroby notified and required
to be and appear at the April Term 1905
th e Superior Court of Tnomu Oonnty
aniwer the complaint In tin above
cate otherwise tbe court will proceed
os to justiq* shall appertain.
Witness the Hon. Robt. O Mitchell,
Judge S. C. T O.
j. w. > 11 ir.i i,
Churchweirs Cut Price Store.
R Poole,
Starke Corner.
Thomasville, Ga.
Notice of Sale.
OEORGHA, Tno-nn Oonntr:
To Hou. R. G. Mitchell, Jad^e of the
Supjrnr Court, pf N»id county:
Tiie petition of J. Z Yawn stows:
1. That he is guardian of Maggie
Yawn, of raid county, hiving been duly
appointed and qualified as such guard*
ian in said bounty.
3. That ho desires to sell, for re*in*
vestment, at private sale, the following
property, thessiue being a part of the
•statoof his said ward, towit: An un*
divided one**evenih interest in and to
lot of land No. 40A, in the 9;h. District
of Mitchell county, containing 350
3. That said land is not well im*
proved and pays small annual profits.
«4. Fetitioier desires to invest the
proceeds of aorii sale in improved, rent
paying lands, or other good invest*
6. Petitioner shows that notice of
the intention to make this application
has been published once a week for four
weeks, as required by law.
J. Z. Yawn.
8wom to*,and subscribed before me
this March 18th. 1905. W. M. Jones,
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
After four weeks notice, pursuant to
3M6of the Civil Code, a petition, of
whir It a true and correct copy is sob*
joined, will be presented to the Hon
R. G. Mitchell, Judge of the Superior
Oonrt, at Chambers, at ThomasviUe,
Ga., on the 15th. day of April, 1905.
J Z. Yawn,
Guardian of Maggie Yawn. *
Notice of Sale
By virtue of an order of the Oonrt
Ordinary of said oonnty. Will be IS— v -
al public on lory, on the first Tuesday If ■ (
April 1905. at the court home in
coontyibetween ilia nanal boon of I
the following real estate situated
Tbonuw Oonnty to wit; Port of lot N
•J8B lying in the 18th. district of
coontv, containing forty five
more or lea*.
Term, Cash.
M. A. Fleetwood,
Adm. Missouri Houston.
Leave to SeH Land.
GEORGIA, Thomas Oonnty.
Notice is hereby given that tbe ondsr*
signed hss applied to' tl c Ordinary of
safd county for leave to sell all :the.
Ifiuds belonging ro*the estate of Minnie *
Parish for the ^payments of debta and j
distribution. Said application will bo ■
heard ar tlie regular term of the court :
of Ordinary for said county, to be-held
on the flmtjMonday in April, UK'S. |
This 0th dayjof March, 1903,'
M* A. Flketw'ood,
Administrator. Minnie Parish.
Application For Administrator.
, .. . Af you iis^jr 'li" PLANET IR. CULTIVATOR? If
tfttomwuocmn?'Tre «rmi oinim«! not it is because you do not know the worth of them. Ask
aounda In Arblll anil on the n il put'-j you.' UCig.lUo.' a..oUl It. If }0.lSr>Ut all iuterCStc t write US
piiyty of tho bold T.hanl ami in tkv aju l alter (lav li.-e \6u. are not satisfied we will
coral line barriers of FIJI or III* Ureal- j , . _ , . •• . , , . ,
er Barrier reef Uiat makesoreat sandy |• e nd for the plow. It is the greate-t labor saving tool ever
•trait. put on a farm. Get one for each horse and cut down the cost
Tbl. Is the music fbat we hrar In tho 0 ; tWs years cwp \'cry truly VCUrS,
channel. Tills they bear nt the Mar* J V J J J 9
Hardware Store. Boston, Qa.
queans. The Indlaus bear tbe sour nut
•f tbe Pacific. This same wind tttiRi-ra
tills same Instrument lb tbe sea of
Okhotsk and off tbo windy Cape of
Good Hope. This la the late Camoens
beard. This Balboa knew. This the
Romans feared and tbe Greeks faced
boldly. They ivtio soiled to Ophlr or
to' the far Casslterliles knew IL The
music baa em-banteil ekl vikings.-id-
rates. bnmiuqera and explbrera of the
Wbal sen Is there but one? Tbe Ut
ile land upon which we walk la but un
Incident ill Its great history. From the
Foreland or from Bournemouth or I
from the lighthouse on the Start yon
or I or any one with eye* can look |
across a little gray waste of crowded J
water and see the rollon of the Horn j
or the cross, pyramidal sees of the |
rape or the aunllt seaa of the-Islanda j
of Palms. Whatever we salt In, wbetb- ;
er II Iw a four mnstcd*shlp of atcol
that the Clyde aaw tbe birth of, or a
wooden bark built of soft wood from
Nova Scotia, or a ileal galley, or n Bo-
rnau galley, or a Juuk from Whampoa,
or a catamaran from Colombo, or n
prahn of the Malays, or a war canoe of
the Maoris, or a felucca from Sicily, or
u giiggala from Zanzibar, wc sail tho
same sea nud bear the same music and
boo the same thing!.
We are equal citizens of the republic
of the aen. So much I »« from an
old pier that sheltered crow channel j
boats that run to Franco. So much
can auy one see \vh. stands by salt
waters and tins eyes to behold things
which arc but a little beyond the borl-
zon. In tbe end tbe knowledge of the
act and 1U final conquest may bring
the world together better than any oth-
er knowledge or any other conquest
that the seeking heart of moo may de-
It wUl ba th* last chapter In the In
fineon of m* power ou human history.
—Morley Roberta in London Mali.
Pelham's New Commcrci-1 Hotel
J»rn»»ry tin* tir?», ax.\ N!M*m ai*d Q| -<u amein al» rintailf '
(ft nuviL’enOy '(DfttHi IiiiIh i»- ntv Yeiy Upt t*rviiN*F, rinidvn-4
Qi* Ut lit* IK. f 11 u?ue •>. L. u ts«r|Asi. Lcok iof eigtl.
UwtfA li re imo (a.ou V r *'»J
Cntitiiierriiil tiaveleiH.^iatroimi'f a-U^tcd.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ARLINE,
Pmprid*sOr« aui M%a%fer.4.
nturid for
tinting and decorating
walls, superior to kalso*
tuino and wall napor, and
much choai)cr than paint
tureii of other wall coat-
and noE
ingu. and none of their dia*
Packed in drv powder form,
in white and tinta, ready
tor uso by adding colfi
water. Full directions on ’
package. Any one can apply
it 'Sample card of oaaattfw
tints for tho asking.
Anti-Ka!somlno Go.
Notice of Dissolution, igf
Notice Is hereby given that the' paft-
n»rship Imratoforn existing between L.
W. Scott «f Valdosta, Oa., and J. B.
Roberta*of rhomasTille, G»., doing a
bekery bnsiuess in ThomasviUe, Gs.. as
tho City Bakery, hss this day bran dis-
- solved by mutual consent, Tho Oitv
| RaVory will be continued os such, with
I A. H. and J. R. Roberta ss proprietors.
| jTlioy nssamo all indebtedness of the old
j firm and collect sU debts due the firm.
L. W. Scott,
J. R. Roberts.
Thomasville. Ga., Mar. 18.1905 . 24-4t
Sold by Watt Supply Cu.
t'ircnlsr Saws hammered 10c per Inch
d'smeter. All kinds saw work done nt
—vonsWe prices. Writ* me.
E. A.;Rouers
Pelham, Gs
Leave To Sell Land.
GEORGIA, Thomas Oonnty:
Noriools hereby given that the an-
derstguod itzz applied to the Ordiuary
ot .aid Oonuty for leave to sell land be
longing to tlie estate of R. R. Evans for
tbe purpose of distribution.
Sold application will bo heard at the
regular term of the oowrt of Ordinary
for the aatd county to be Ill-Id on tho
lint Monday in May 1905.
This March 87, 1905.
Jas. F. Iraxs, Adm.
3-31 4t Est. R. K. Evaxs.
GEORGIA, Thomas Count.
M. A. Fleetwood, County Adminis
trator, having mad* application to me
In do* firm to be appointed permanent
administrator npon the estate of Wesley
Bank., late of said oonnty, notice is
hereby given that said application will
be beard at tha regular term of the
Oonrt of Ordinary fo- raid county, to be
Iteld on the first Monday in May, 1903.
Witrera my Itand end official sig
nature this 27th. day of May, 1905.
4-7-it. Wm. M. Jones. Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Thomas Conntv:
To all whom it may concern: G. W.
Howari having, in proper form, applied
to me for permanent letters of Admini
stration on tho estate of John F. How
ard, late of said county deceased, this is
to cite all and singular the creditors aud
next of kin of John F. Howard to bo
and appear at my office within the time
sllnw-d by law. aud show cause, if any
they can. why permanent Administra
tion should not be granted to G. W.
Howard on John F. Howard's Estate.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 0th, day of March, 19a?
Wm. M. Jokes,
GEORGIA, Thomas County:
Richard Mitchell, son of Missouri
Houston, deceased, having mado appli
cation for twelve months support oat of
the eeta-e of said Missouri Houston, for
her four minor children, and appraisara
duly appointed to set apart the oatMA
hiring filed their return, all persona
concerned an hereby required ro show
cause before tha Court of Ordinary of
•aid^ouuty on tho first Monday in April
1905, why zald application should no^ bo
granted. .
This 4th day>tpiarch, 1905.
Wm. M. Joxsayt*..-
Libel for Divorce.
In 'heHnperiorCourtcf Thomas County
Paul Rawls vs. Mattie Rawls.
Tbe defendant, Mattie Rawls, I*
hereby reqntred.^in frerv.n or by attor
ney, to be and appear at the rext term
of the Superior Coortto be ho'dan In
and for enld Thomas County Georgia,
on the third Monday in April 1905, than
and there to answer the plaintiff's com-
pUtht, as in default of .noli ap| earanco
tbe court will proceed a* to jnatira may
Witnesa M« Hon. R. G. Mitchell,
Jndga of aatd^coort lids the 22<1 day of
January. A. D. 1905.'
a-m-2m Clerk.
Administrator’* Sala,
Under and bj virtnre [of an order
granted nt the March term* 1905 of the
Co«rt of ordinary ol oonnty
Georgia I will sell atpabUc outcry bn*
fore the Court Hoaee door in Thomas*
vile Ga., on the 1st Tuesday in April
next within the legal boon of rale the
fallowing ttact of land in the 13th dis
trict of Thomar coontv, tc-wit: All of
Lot No.- I7(t embraced within the follow
ing toandarfec, commencing at the
southeast corner of said Lot running wtet
45,90 chains, thence north 55.35 chains,
thence eait 12 chains, thence south 27.65
chains, thence east .33 90 chainrt thenco
wroth 27 60 chains to starting point con
taining 159.75 acres sold aa the property
of N. R. M. Heeth, deceased.
Also, that part of Lvta Noe -192 and
193 beginning at northwest qorner of
T ot 192 running south 7.25 chains, therce
eait 17.20 chains, thence north 29 30
chains, thenoe east 17.20 chain*, thence
south 1105 chains to starting point con
taining 83 seres. Sold as the property
of Louisa J. Heeth, deceased. Both
tracts sold for distribution. Terms
V. Bff. Heeth,
Administrator of estate of N. R. M.
Heeth and of Louisa J. Heeth,
Sheriff Sale.
GEORGIA, Thomas Ooaaty:
In and by virtue of a state and county
tax Ufa 1 will a*U at public oct cry be
fore the oonrt house door in the city at
Thomasville, Ga on the first Tuesday
In April 1M1 (he following d, sort bed
property to wit. one acre of land more
or lew in th* town of Metcalfe Ga.
bounded on the eaa> by Stegall street oa
tlie south by Magnolia sti..! aud on tha
weal by land of J. W. Horne and on th*
north by a 80 foot alloy, property levied
oa a* the property of S. E. Monro* to
satisfy the above draertbed Ufa, this
March tha 8th. 1905.
T. J. Hiotrr, Sheriff
3-10-4t Thomas County Ga
To draw the fire out of a burn, or heal
a cut without leaving a sc*r, use De-
Witt’s Witch Hazel Sa’ve. A specific
for piles. Oct the genuine. J. L, Tacky*
er, editor of the Harmonizer, Centre.Ala^
wriies: “1 have used Df-Wut’s Witch
H*zel Salve inm» family for piles, cuts
and burns. It U the best salvo on the
market. Ev*ry faru'ly should keep it an
hand.” Sold by Bra'-ey Pharajjacy 0-» w
Letters t>f Dismission.
GEORGIA, Thtynas County:
M. A. Fleetwood, Administrator upon
tlie ratate of W. R. Moore, late nt said
county, deceased, having filed his peti
tion for diacharge, (his is to die all per
sons concerned to (how cause
the granting ot this diacliatge, at Ih*
regular term of tbe Coart of Ordinary,
for said county, to be held on the fire*
Monday in April. 1905.
8-2-It Wx, Jones, Ordinary.. >