Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, March 31, 1905, Image 2

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— ...
■tew VmIi Are IMrtd.
ten In tho disposal of waste
ll responsible fbr the Intro-
of ouuijr new weeds, says
Cultivator. It was found
that several new varieties bad spirit'd
JtMBthe waste of a Connecticut rule
IW" 'factory, where old rubber shoes
jpan used, these having heeo/xathered
than all parts of the woshl and having
seeds In their linings, Some kinds
Introduced through planting seed
(which has not been thorougldy clean
(rom weed seeds. The common
practice of throwing out garden refuse
h responsible for the spread and per-
responsible for the spread and per-
of some of these weeds,
^troublesome new pest Is a dodder
/Which twines around clover, and do-
the clover yield. A relative
]tt the Canada thistle hat appeared In
New England and is apt to
i a great deal of trouble when
acclimated and well distrlb-
Colter and Saddle' Sores.
) Collar and saddle sored on horses arc
' annoying to thorn. They usually
.appear In the early spring, when horses
-<kl* OrSt' put to Work and before they
*«• thoroughly seasoned. We find them
cOoro often ou horses that are put to
".Work with heavy disks or plows on un
' broken ground. They occur, too, wbe;
> tbs saddle or collar does not lit proper-
■, either being too large or too sptall.
t Is therefore of great Importance to
j the collar perfectly- clean, rubbing
tbs dandruff and perspiration off with
-a doth every night and then smoothing
dbe surface with a cloth dampened with
k little kerosene OIL : The accuninlatton
of dandruff la also found on the collar
j’ , OSd,oja.-tSP of jthe neck, -and It Is re-
aponalblc for producing most of these
, Treating Horse Wonads.
Bvery wound or sore on the bone
i Hbotild be-washed dally with an anti-
, *eptlc solution. . If this Is done, the
'around will heal quicker than if left
alone, and theta will be no'danger .or
• Vto aoro getting worse and finally caus- tho death of the nulmal. The best
—goiuftons are made from the
_ -eparationa and Carbolic acid,
taiy tie mixed with water In the
fol one to eight If these are’
borax nafd In this wUter
on tho wound after washl
la a very good, antiseptic.—West VI
, - (tala Experiment Station Bnllctln.
’ 1 rttUken Motes;
H The best Incubator mads won’t
Tbs early laying pullet'It s'gnod bpe
be save, !
nlng broods of chicks
I be moved frequently.
No matter what breed yon have. It
bUtaa ears to make fine fowls.
. . - Too much poultry Is hard to get on a
farm where there la plenty of open
Get Beehives Ready.
' Now Is tbs time to get yonr beehives
- ' Tssdy for tbs swarms. If you have not
dec* go befors. Put two coats of good
' White point on them. It does not pay
to 1st beehives sat out In the weather
,i -and In a few years rot for want of
ipalnt when they can be mado to last a
Rfetlmo If properly palntsd. They cost
t too much to be neglected and lot rot
I.In a fsw years. Always use clear
this absorbs less heat
-the emuiner-than any other
Early Hatching.
Tbeiprorarblal saying that “the early
. bird gets the worm” te nowhere mbre
' Mainly verified than In hatching chicks.
Btrij hatching requires fewer egga to
I: bat the: deslred/nnmber of chickens.
Early hatched chickens are always
teors thrifty; make best' show birds,
find on provision markets
«* well as ou the fancy .market, toy
* and aeit : anil brlhff forth'better
., Offkwjn^.—American Poultry Journal.
, PsotssS Prntt Trees.
Put the eottou bands around apple.
pmt, plnm, qulnctt and elm trees before
ft Tbs ground thaws by all tneana to caje
"'•fts?! female caakerwovm moth.
. having no wings, can only 'get
'• bato the top of the tree by crawling up
» ■ fibs btak. This preventive measure.!*
* begun their ravagea on the leaveo.-
Visitor. _J
J ‘ Osttsaseed Meal Par Horaas.
Cottonseed meal of first quality, al
though not particularly rella'.-ol by
' bos Baa, has teen prodn live of good
- '■ results when fed to small ensures,
- UBS to two pounds dally, mlxt d with
, Other gralna. . Experiments with Un-
sued meal hare demonstrated Its value
aa a source of protein for bard worked
horse*, au.1 the same may be said of
both gluten meal and gluten feed.
Attornotsd Asssslnatlsn ofYeung Lady
on Thorn* Plantation
_ Facta have crane to light of tho at
tempted assassination of Mrs. John
Parker at '‘Wildwood'’ the plantation of
Mr Chas H Thorne, sis miles from the
cltyi Mrs. Parker is a resident of. Chi
cago, the daughter of Capt. John Nolan
superintendent of Mr. Thorne's farm,
She is spending the winter with her
father here.
Last Tnesday night, at nine o’clock,
the was la her father's cottage, at the
gate openhig from the main road into
Wildwood.’’ Tho curtain covering the
large plate glass window wu op, and
the room wu brilliantly lighted. Mrs.
Parker wu walking across the room,
when without warning a ballet crashed
through the glass and burled itself In
the wall not alx inches from her head.
She screamed and dropped to the floor
and to ti.ts she probably owes IteV life u
no farther shot followed.
Word wu Immediately sent to town,
and the next morning deteorives v ore
put upon the trail. They made* care
ful search, bnt to no avail. The matter
wee kept quiet, while two possible olues
were followed np. Both of these proved
froitleu and tfie can is threaded, In the
deepest mystery, though Ospt. Nolan la
(leieimiued to spare no expenae or trou
ble In running to earth the would-be
The bullet la Sow in posaeeston of the
officers, and la from a pistol. From the
angle of the ballet lio on In the window
pane and wall,' It ' wait discovered that
tho marksman took hla stand about
thirty feet from the house. Tracks
were found shbWlng that he dropped on
one. knee aUd took deliberate aim.
Titers 18 no doubt : of the fact that It wfa
a cold • blooded attempt at marder
though the motive forjlie deed, and Its
perpetrator can not even bs imagined |y
{■: !' «
i . M i j !'
House eno Furniture wee Total Leas
With no Insurance
At time o'clock Saturday afternoon
a fyjalarm w.a jprnedtn from Mr-.- 8
the onsets.
Parlor Car Service Between Albany
and Atlanta Via Central «f Gsorgia
A. Lake's rvsidenco un the corner of
Clay and Stephens ' streets. Before an
l/onr had pasted tho house had horned
to the ground and with it went the
•table. oocDoildinga and fence. Neither
fnrnltare norhonse wu insured and the
low is in the neighborhood of $8000.
The fin started in the rear of the
honee. A considerable qnantity
wood wu stored under the hour and it
is supposed that wu accidentally eet ou
lire by some chlldrep playing there.
In the lionse at the time wore Mr* Luke
hgr daughter Mrs Era Smith, and the
latter's two children. T'hev ran on- of
the hoou tarred in the alarm, and
the lira depar.ment responded luine
dlately. When they arrived, the flames
had already licked np the rear portion
of the house. A number of neighbor!
and fnende braved the conflagration
for several minotes and saved afew
tides of f nmitnre. ’ A line of liose wu
ran from the Monroe street main.
Thoagh there wu good pressure, (lie
stream proved powerless to check the
advance of the Are fiend. The wagon
wu unt book to the station for more
hose and • second line wu stretched
from Broad street, Tide hose wag
weak, bnt was of service In pottin. out
the fence which caoglit later. The fire
men fought bard and remained at the
scene, soaking the smoking rains .until
dark. .
Thera were, many interesting inci
dents connected with the fire., Mrs.
Smith lost a fiae new piano that had
only been in the hoou a lew week*.
Her jewelry ease containing rings, ping,
and wateb, came through the furnace
unscathed and the watch did not ovefl
Stop nuunng, bat wu recoveted from
the debris. Mr*. Lake's ufe though
not looked, stqud ; the ordeal; and'.her
Saturday was a good day for the sale
of bow wow badgei. These ou the iu*
fide laughed at the way the law ofcjfcr*
ed. Tine is how it happened. Early in
the morning. Mr. A. M. Watjon was
called open to imy' eight. t«*gu for' hi*
Caninetfs He had just mjved one of
the city iimita and fell in Iiard iiue»,
Bat the law is explicit and saye that
anybody who heepe a dog even over
night in the city iimite matt pay a dol
lar. Council haa been importuned to
cfiange the law about transient pup
pies, but remembering the Medea and
Persian!, they altered not. r4r. Wat-
am had been harboring the b.rJ ene
mies in town, ao he paid ac oheeriully
aa he could. Hf told his trochlea to
•ome of hie friend?, and they told him
how to get even.
It seema that laat week. ou<- of Mayor
Koddenbery’g Savannah .fr.eud» bent
him u flue pair of pointers. He" kept
them a few days, then sent them to hie
couutry camp. It m:ao f»**ui* ih»r a
Thoma-iVille lawyei® eapi^l •'«
like auto a dog in Mayor >>: > to n i’ll-
maa'a yard the other «ia.- ao ttigr
Mayor pro-tem ianuelotiH tor the Xu
and the Mayor i-aued one f r
Mnyor pro-tem. U*> id nb ry p *i | )
the city and Pia u ui $1
Atlanta, GA., March 25.—Daniel J.
Sully who did more last year to send
fhe price of cotton upward* than any
.Other* And who, has again etude his ap
pearance in the market with btroug
hacking, for the purpose of once more
boosting, the price, hat written an ar
ticle for the press bureau of the s’omh- j
e n Cotton Atsociation relative to the
present cotton situation. Mr. Sully
■ays that the Southern farmer now ha*
it within hit power to control with in
telligence tlie cotton trade of toe
Mr. Sully contends that a fair price
for cotton does not mean speculation
nor iojnry to mwufactiirer, but a bless
ing alike to all. He nrges the fanners
to ran*ter their forces and stand ont for
their own betterment.
miss McIntosh entertains
Tha Monty Raisa j
An amount of mni-ej- rn.'fl i-ne
■end die Taylor family ro
gau In me 1 haa bee*i
Wat Hostett &( T«o and Cord Pci
Frld«y Evening
krf. "XtkWrr I.rfirit, tb« , w«U-kccnn
Utlhodul mnuvter, ficnle*: “I b«v«
Med Di «slokleya Lemon Elixir t* m
laaily «riti> %«ry bcnc5cial rrnlta. lito
Mi •/«n i .r«ljle trrdirine and aaealtaol aa
• u«e.ic «.nsi U *r r«fuutoc. M
Hyomei Cures thii Common and DU-
»g.eeab!e Disease.
Hyomei cure* catarrh by ti e simyle
method of breathing 1' into tlie air pasB-
agen and long*. It killg the perms of
the caratjfth poi*»n, heal.s and soothes
the irritated macons membranes, enters
tlie blood with the oxygen and kill* the
germs preeent there, eventually drivifag
Mi*n Kuuuh Mcititovh whk lioarra^ on
F.i'lny evening Ht her home >u D/uusou
htryet in honor of t‘»e Mwo. Pen heton
The Indies of the put/ I* ok ’tea with
Mia* M -IutObh and the g» nTl-iueu join-
thladiaeare from the 8>fet«*m.
ed’h*m!.tterinilieevcMUgf4>riple*8ant IM , ^ tL
card game
' l*fu k- prea nit Were Mrlutoal),
,Ii. h*. 'Li.atoo, Xnhenue Dilion, tie Miaies
Him j Peiidh»*Fn, Msfi^n niter H tmtno;;^,
their frienda will' e.ideavor t j >€ini ‘ & M. Turner, of Quitman, Dr. Ainr
If jou hire auy of the follbwing sjm.
ptoms, catarrhal germa me at whrk
somewhere in the mucous membrane 1 of
the nose, throat, bronchial tubes or' tia-
sues cf the lungs. * J ' i0
them t» ere this week. The raouo/ wai^ wortli. Dr. MoArosh, Edward Jergyr
BAtthA'/iaiiMai aud John Montgomery. Jr.
oootribrilel to; ihe' General Benevolent
Society by several ot Ttiomaivilte’s cot-
tage t’oloLy It was furnished prcidpt.
ly In answer to a statement of the case
io the Times Enterprise a feu days agr.
Railway. - manT^o,^ ppar. were uot ev.n
Effective Feb. 7th, tlie Central of ,corohed -
Georgia Railway will Operate parlor Mr. J. O. Lewie’ honae next door,
can between - Albany and Atlanta on sn iok*d and cracked from the intense
train leaving Albany 11 :M a. m. arriv
ing Atlanta 7.61 p. m. Lear* Atlanta
SO a m. arriving Albany 11:80 _
sat fan to Macon 25o, to Atlanta SOct
Fit farther Information apply to I. 0
Brinson, O. A. 8. A. Atkinson, U T A
The weather report of. the United
States for the month of February has
jnat been Itsutd. Anybody with
memory will agree with the report
when it says I
'Seldom, 11 ever, before have weather
conditions to prolonged, seven and in-
jnnons as tluse of February been ex
perienced In thie section dnrjpg any
montii. With the exoeptiou of the first
and last few days of this month contlnn-
ed low ttlnperetunt prevailed, the low-
eit being rasclud oh tho 14th, rivben the
moat Intense cold wav* of the teuton
pasted over the state. Temperature*
below’rero wtiera,lttend at a number
of atettona In th* northern portion. The
meantfor the month was S.8 below nor
mal sbd with tha exception ot 1885 wot
the lowest lor any Febroary in fourteen
ThomaaviUe suffered with the met,
hot In J tlie; genial warmth of these
spring dajt, the people can look calmly
hulk. at frigid^Febrnary, and draw com
fort frem tlie (fact that the weather
here was the best In the state;'
Tlie weather mean ||for Thomasville
was 50.8 dt-greff. This was Ihe highest in
the state, better than any of onrneigh-
o.-«, but 8 5 below our normal. The
highest tenqieraturo woe TS on the 26tli
- There whs lots of lain, too. Almost 2
tv ranine rim.
• A neighbor's method of weaning plgt
1* to take them away In detachnicuta,! iui h'es of this fell on the 10th,
beginning Brst with two or throe of the! ,
plumiie.t, largest and strange it. then
the next stroageet hatch, leaving the
poorest ones of ihe !’Uo;‘ to complete
the diyltr; off. Tlie case.* rbrap’.eto
and decisive.—-for. Farm Journal.
the proof it in Thomaiville.
Ton can easily investigate it.
Not naoeeeary to experiment
With tome untried remedy.
Profit by the experience of i. c tiz- .
T A Teste, agent for sewing machine,
living at 522 Hardaway street Thomas
ville, Ga., write* tne following: 'Too
much praise could not be given Doan's
Kidney Pills. I had kiduey disease ho
bad Iconld hardly walk. I cogld not
carry ten pounds, my back was so weak
and painfal. 1 was penmaded to try
Doan's Kidney Pills and the first box
land the lowest 15 on the arctic 14th. jdid me so much goi-d that Igrta second
- - - ■■ 1 at R, Thomas, Jr.'s Drug Store, and
since using them I nave recovered my
health and stroogrh amt my back ta so
much stronger that I can carry a heavy
owing machine on my shoulders two
heat, bat did not catch ou fire. A banket
brigage dampened the hooses of Dr. T.
8. Dekle, John Nante and J. 8. Floyd,
who live nearest the bnrning bnlld-ng
The Intense heat put them all in danger
The hense was an old one » here i lie
family had resided for se me years, and
it horned like the proverbial tinder.
Mr. Harry Linton while wielding the
notale In the interior of the honsc runs
rawly'nyeeed death from the falling
roof, ‘but objected etrennouely when
dragged ont. Several of tlie firemen
and their volunteer assistants hod their
facet more or lest scorched by the tor-
ridlty of the flames. Mrs. Late is a
large property owner and has more
than 50 tenant honee* in venom* parts
of the city. Neither her o» u home or
any of these are insured. lluLdicls of
people thronged the scene, nutl the fire
was the most exciting teen iu many
emperor Nick yielding
8*. Petersburg, March Sfi—Tlie infdr-
m .non regardln^'the Emperor's oliatige
in -.ititnde concerning the advisability
of making a pacific proposal to Japan it
fuhy fomfl'med, sud in higu qutrter*
p-a- e within six we k* is regarded
cert-In The pt»itieene»a with whl li
tin-1-»fit med indlcat-e that the gov-
c II m.lit IH already In poe-e«alonof iu-
f > uiaiiouaa to terms accep-shln -cJipan
on which Rn-sia conld aerec.
Mta- FUduO will- Entertain in Balp-
•rMge an Weanaecay.
The following invitations from Bain-
bridge hgve becu reoeived in Thom^a-
Why ThomaaviUe People Shon.d IM-
low This Valuable Advice
It is bvlieved that France i
active in negotiations for pear
veotion, and lhata ronference has been
bad looking toward a propoai'iou from
«“•’ - -- .. -- ....
?‘Mr» B. D. Fudge reqpesta the pl«M«-
nreof your company at the Court
House* Square. Wednesday afternoon
March iwenty-nintli at four o'dook.
Uiu Jeifnie Wynne Dillon, Mips Kan
Carroll, Mi*s Nellie Pringle, Mi«f An
nie Pringle. 'Brist ’ These f0ur
jonng ladies hate been iurited by AH-s.
Fudge to spend the coming week with
tier in Baiuhridg?. A dan?o ha* b?ea
arranged in their honor for Tnetday^
already night and other social functions have
into- been planned
Mr. T. 8. Beckwith and Mrs, Lewis
woo the C< nntry Club tennis tourna
ment Saturday by defeating Mr. C. ’ A
Wood and Mrs. Well.' Tile stmi-flaala
were played iu the morning and retailed
tn tlie defeat of Mr.- U. F. Taylor and
Mist Belches by Mr. Beckwith aud Mrs.
Lewis and of Mr. U. M. FioUoluuon and
Miss Jordan, bv. Mr. iW/aedc *<>d - Mr*.
Weil. Thp j final* w*r> finished early in
the afternoon god were ftfilowed by
several interesting matches. Mr. 8. J.
Drake presented the cups in his nenal
interesting way. A large number of
spectators were oo hand to watch the
sport and enjoy tlie magnificence of the
Mist Pew of Gloueseter, Mass., and
Mrs. David Brandon of Dublin are
guests of Mias Rena Brandon.
uHniMlve hreHth liti.aiue** of voice
dr,bees nr (he tl„*e dim-barge rniin Ihe nose
l.lii *mo;e :i,r t\A* ; stati/mgest ihti/oOiit
I'll III ll,
Mrs. J. U. Taylor of Boetoa spent
Saturday in town,
The Wade family plan to v remain at
their country home. Mill Pond Plinta-
t uu until late ib April.
Caught with 8b Goode-
Sheriff Higlit went'to Balnbrldge yee-
frilay and bronght hack with lilm'Jphn
0evli, a colored man. John la acct^afcd
of stealing a banjo and a grip full of
clothes from another negro. He waa
with the good* and it will probably go
hard with him.
To Beautify Your
In Ten Days, Us.
A‘t j r A h»*t?tv m nl \ tlo*c of Kv
IT i
a’ , Craft !!■ rji'i. In Dtumntl,
The mr ! • 4, <* >:»•".looking
good hiXivy • * ’rtft unJ »‘ie
•apply ; TuO.or.u «s ilu.* hoxvy dry
trxnsfor . •:* J-» rapl-M? !:v r ;,au \
ao otberri-; of horm can hajullo it.
gestion, Dysp-psia, Gag on th» Slom.irh.
?Our l. h i„ l »i. :ul ?u iu-
A« t ni»rnJtablc flan.
It tony bo i happy family l.loa to
tonflno the cov:**, liur.-fos and hog* nil Iq
Atnblc, hut K ucver ylclJs a happy
or profitable result
.* r-
fy.ur K'td
Ins onlircl' c
. I
n><pcph‘a Cun. wlj-
id nw.< The six bottl
wtre «mib io mu V S W ’>y lb.
coy Pharmacy Co. w
•1 hoiulred Tfvrds ami uover f**el it
Doan’s Kidnoy Pi’.ls is the best remedy '
• fo. wmL backs aud kidney trouble, and J
r « ti’ifP re'fcp any one to mi for h fuli I
i« i; c-f my (rouble, and 1 will}
;• U‘nr* ui writtng to any en^uir- *
n L-ivmir'mv ,u« for an inter- 1
' :upe that I may be tliej
* f .slicing some sufferer to 1
• y all dealers. Price50 lei ts
,i. urn Co., Buffalo, Ne\V York
: for the United State*. |
ember, tlie name-Doan's—and Renneffy's Caxaiive H ant Tar
Prepamtions for the Teeth form un
important part of our stock, ami there
no reason why any one should ne$r
lect this part of their toilet. We can
especially recommend our Tooth
Tooth UrushiN, Soijijsmifl other toil
etarticles at price* that will please.
The Unequalled Beautifies.
U>? iWstOI < ^ i AcldifW of l hi* body
aln in fnintoftho 1 TtniptHirgh }n tho throat
n**ait uxMith while
tendency to tnhet'old ' gleepli.g
burning pain little tlcSling back of th#
throat ‘ ' Jl ' ' i^late * r - f
hawking to cleni tlia'j fornuiUcn of cf^ry In
throat , . . Ihe uov«
p«ln In’tfc^ehWt ' ; dry nr** of <h© / <Ki‘o«t
Acongli ;j ♦; • -.Tlii.lh®mwrfiifg.^
MtltchloKlde lowfi of Flrciplli
luting bfffcRti tfhtvfn* i>l loufchTtt#
variable appetht > ndbgli *l)ort^,lifck.
low Rpirit*-U at tltnrg, li g
rmiMihKof mitnyTn’n- ci/u'cli irbrte H 'idihts
corn* > : III id innrulijgA
flxpcctorntlng ye!(ow Io**, n vital f »rpe
fatter 1 * « f eUns: ol' -HfhuiCE#
difficulty i.i breathing ncr><#M liie’iiptw^pnri
frequsot ailuwsiug oT tiio^ I.e-t ' ^
Hyowbt will cure the di e.*>e. destroy
activity of oil genii life iu the ivi-pint
tory organ-, earieh and purity ‘the
t>lood with additional ozone, mill after a
few rlvya usf of this treatment the ma
jority of tlie<e symptoms will have dis
appeared in a few we-ks tho cere will
be comple'o.
Catarr!: or entarrah colds cnhrol
exist when Hyomei i* used. This is a
strong st*totM.‘nr, but.I. W PaaoocJrem-
pliiteize# it i>y agreeiojt to refund jour
motHV if Hyomei does n it car.*.
Croup gnd Whooping Coutcb: oome
likeatiiMin th** uigb;, su.i'^uu in to
fatten th* l*n£ of mortal diseayc upon
the.chUdtcn -s y peaceful v »lf* ( p in
their little •»Vtf.. i Ktdnctt>'s' I.ik-itive
Honev uirid T.iV, the y*^'' di4dcAr»*iF«<> for,
coughs and co'us. mui» ur»ve oub.'tjiere
dealh-d •»» »'K bsejpr^^^ctor
^an arfiyfe. f H,, (( Vhc ^live^.and
health of the iiitie ones. <’• ntains no
opiates. Keep it bandy. S^ld by £ro*
cey Pharmacy Co. w
V IA ''' ’' f " ’
* ’ . ’ I- ?:i
i ROAD. |
I Only solid Pullman train witl) v’user-
1 Tation and librarv car* from Flori'la to
St. Louis. Cldcogo, the-Wost and North
west with much quicker tfma than via
any other line.
All meals in dining car. Service a la
evte. Finest dining car service in the
Leave St. Augustin® daily 8:20 ;t. tn.
Leave Jacksonville daily 0:3b ». in.
Arrive Qhic.-t^o next day 4:20 p. m
Arrive St. l.oais next day 1:35 p. m.
Also through Pullman drawing-room
sleeping cars paily from Jack?onvi!i** on
A. C. L. $:(M» p. m. tram to Biemliigham
Nasliviil®. Kvansytlje, St, Lou! 3 . Chi ,<
cago and S:55 trat •* ro Peu?aco!ri,
,’.ke uo oilier
c-ryatlquj. *
If it i
biiioiia at.actc t <kc •Ghamlj
Iain’s ttom i b and Livt-r Tablets sn:
quick cuie is ccrtadt. For sal® hy J.
Peacock. Thomasviil#, ’>a. d6*
! For raL*;^. Pu L
: call on er wnt» / , r i
•GKO. F.HLRrjN/h,
FIs. I as , Agent,
i06 W L..» •• • Jft'kson il’e, ! !a,
m *