Newspaper Page Text
mommtMnomK march si mm
PAPER Talks about
Courage I
l[ you :ire t .jrally not as strong as your mow fortunate
sisters, ami ior a-.t^on experience dread rather than joy at
the prospect of becoming a mother, take courage and assurance
from this fact; Mother's Friend is meant for you, and by its
use. you may pass through that glorious martyrdom which is
yours by divine right with no more discomfort than that experienced by
those who by nature are possibly more adapted for the role of motherhood.
is a liniment of proven merit, and its great worth can be no
better attested to than by the countless strong and healthy
children who through its kindly offices have entered this
world unhandicapped by any deformity or weakness. It <
is a liniment which by external application acts upon the.
abdominal muscles and j»ennits of a painless parturition.
i W atch'this
/««« i
i will wo bargains quoted her*
Mutt will be worth while.
rurtmasvlile 'J* ,
Who wish to dress well should order their
, Goods by mail from
Have You Tried
Wooldridge, Falls Branch lellicoGoa
11 not, you are missing one of Life's luxuries
The Wooldridge Jelliuo comes in
large lumps, is free from impuri
ties, and because of its cleanli
ness, hardness and superior burn
ing qualities is the most satisfac
tory Jellico Coal produced. Try
a load of it and we guarantee
your worry over bad, dirty Coal will cea
The Thomasville Ice Company
Coffee Tea spoons.
ivenirs of Thomasville and the
South, here are some of the subjects:
Confederate Monument, Negro Eating’ Melon, Pint
ods Hotel. MiichelljHou.'e, Indian Head, Georgia Stae
. Jm ’ral, Kig-C Etc.' ' H*NCi Jmmflmr • (20 SiiMJf*ii
An invitation was s mX yesterday to
Hon. Stephen Grover Cleveland to come
to Thomnsvillo and address the Young
Men's Christian Association. America's
oriiy living ex-president and greatest
private oitizon is on a fishing trip at
Stuart, Fm., and lie could easily make
Thonuuville on his return. He lias
niauy admirers m this city, and even
during the days of Brvanisiu they cluug
to the doctriucs of whijli lie is chief ex-
amplar. Mr. Cleveland has many
friends iu the winter colony, also.
Although it is not generally known
the ex*president takes a great iuterest
iu Y. M. O. A work. Heonco made a
trip from Princeton, N. J„ to San Fran
cisco solely to burn a cancelled mort
gage for tho Y, M. O. A. there. It is
quire probable that lm will accept the
invitation to visit a city of Thomas-
vilie's fame, aud aid. at the same lime,
••The Echo.' made itsfregular month
ly appearance yesterday. It is otlicered
this month by the following High
School pupils: Clifton Steveruinii edi
tor, Alex Gassets asst, editor, Hngh
Letter local editor ami Bradford^ Ans
ley busine s manager. The coutribu.
tors and their articles are: William
Siiake|»eare by Marion Spence, A
study of Mi- |Hiar blossom by Bessie
G over, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
b* Sarah llamell. From Now York to
Panama by Catherine Townsend, Tho
Rainbow by |Brown Cooper, A Glioct
Story by Clifford Mitchell, and Autibio-
grapliy of nil Umbrella by'Holen Bruce.
Tlte number is a good cue and is fully
op to tuejnevioos high standard set by
tho young journalists.
The election malingers for the several
precincts in the county met yesterday
morning in Judge W. M. Jones office
They brought with them tho ballots cast
in Wednesday'selection for tax receiver.
There were Ml of these and all of them
were cast for George W. Howard The
result of the electioti was duly declared
and forwarded to the Secretary of State
Mr. f toward will immediately ooiumenoe
the duties of his office.
As April 1 ht approaches, and with it
the necessity of paying up spociflc li
censes, the question of what will tho ex
press company do, is frequently asked.
It will be remembered that the city
council raised the rate on tills company
from $50 to $100. An official of the
Southern Express yesterday told a
Thiios-Eiiterprise reimrtor that the 11-
03ns‘.; would be ;>aid uuder protest "It
was the intention of the company to
cloke their Broad street office, stop all
delivery of jxickages aud transact all
business at the depot. We could not
find room, however,’’ sahl this gentle
man. ’Wo will bo forced, in order to
protect ourselves, to raise tho rate five
cents on every package, between
Thomasville and points outside the
state. If this is not dohe, the rate will
be raised on all money shipments from
Thcmaavillo to pointy outside tho stat6."
Should tho r.ito bo raised as suggested,
the additional tolls paid the company
will amount to about $2000 per year.
If the raise affects only money ship
ments it will cost the people of the town
about $160 per annum, extra.
Miss Comstock of Dayton, O , is in
the city for several w»ets, mnl is at I)r
L. B.'Boucliolle's rtsidonenon Reming
ton aveuuo, Miss Comstock is an ac
complished newspaper woman, and fo
some time has been connected with the
Daily Journal of her homo city She is
here for rest and recreation.
Mrs. J. T. Rogers of Boston, was a
Wednesday visitor
Mrs. E. Y. Peak aud Mrs. W. H.
Colley, of Louisville, Ky.. came down
Saturday with Mrs. J. W. Byrd, from
Pslham on a shopping expedition
(From tlie Dawson News)
Thiongh tho efforts of Congressman
Griggs there is soon to be located in the
second district a complete weather sta
tion. It wll 1h» ♦ atablislivd at Thomas
ville, the preliminary snips have already
been taken looking to its installation.
The service to he furnished will not
only Ik* of great worth to Thomas
county, but will be of much benefit to
all this Immediate section. Daily obser
vations will be taken and bulletins is
sued by tlm observer there aud wired to
surrounding towns, and it is also proba
ble that cards will bo priuted each
morning by the postmasters in these
places on re etpt of telegrams from the
Thomasville st ifiou, aud distributed by
the rural carriers among tho farmers.
Judge Griggs is to bo congratulated
on securing this important service for
the people nf his district.
Not Really Sick But Out of Sorts, the
Old-Time Energy and Exuberant
Spirits Are Lackiug.
Something is needed to restore ani
mation, tho physical and mental zest
aud lust of life, the joy of mere living
that characterized tho days before the
system had been overtaxed by work,
oaro, worry or excess.
Tho feeling popularly termed “Blue
doviln”iscommon to'those wliojfiud their
physical aud 'mental {towers flagging
and experience a goneral Motting down'
inonergy and ability. Strong, steady
nervos aud clear, discerning braius are
essential to.good health, accomplishing
any enjoyment. Without them pleas
ures pall aud w'ork becomes a drudge aud
a drag.
If there be- gastric enfeeblement or
atonic dyspop»ia, poor appetito and lack
of power to extract tho good out of food
swallowed, a ‘‘letting down" iu mental
and bodily vigor is almost iuevitable.
With iuadequatu supply of nourish-
meut every ^structure aud function of
the human bo<ty becomes impaired; the
blood, muscles, nerves, are all impovei-
islieri; anemia, headache, ileeplossuest,
weakness aud nervousness are, so to
speak, all streams from tho same source.
Whether the condition is so pronounced
as to amount to iieurasthemia. or is le»M
marked, aud thus Constitutes one of the
most common cases of pii> steal decline
kuown as general debility, tho esseutial
cause is tim k.hiu-, the varying symptoms
from mere “blue devils" to geiioia
break down, ataxia, paresis, dementia,
paraljMsaio »nnply cries ot nature for
proper material to restore littrv* tissue
and increase vital foice.
Experience proves that the needs of
nature iu these cases are abundantly
and completely supplied by Dilliughsms
Plant Juice; it first promotes tho secre
tion of gastric juico iu adequate quality
aud quantity to complete normal di
gestion. It gives vigor aud activity to
tbe absorbents and Mins assutes assimi
lation of the digested food, giving the
starviug brain-cells aud nerve tissues
exactly what they need, i. u., nourn It-
meut, increase iu appetite with the
ability to properly digest and|assimilate
food, insures a gradual, steady recou
structiou of tissue and augmentation of
nervous force. •
For an unnerved, run-down condition,
for every form of physical decline, there
h£no medicinal equal to Dilliugham'e
Plant Juico. It is the most rational re
medy iu such cases liecause it exactly
duplicates nature’s method* of repair
ing waste of braiu aud uerve tissue aud
exliaustlou of their vitality. Dilling
ham's Plant Juice can be obtained at
Peacock's Drugstore.
Officer Lambert sold his two hundroth
dog tax tig Friday. Apropos of the
fact tho officer remarked to the Time*
Kntkki’RIkf. man "You know that is
the hardest thing yet to beat iuto peo
ples heads. Now I believe there are no
less than a thousand dogs m Thomas-
ville aud here w-j are with only a fifth
of them rounded up, six mouths after
the law went into effect. It looks like
folks are determined not to come across
with their dog tax unless they are aim-
lly mad* to doit.'*
VVomn.ri* llonte
Mission Ooiinin.
OoveL earnedty the best trifU* Cor.
12, 13. Follow after charity, and do-
sire spin tit il gifts Cor. 14-1.
Let not the world absorb us. L<*t our
derires n- d affections be centered on
things Holr and righteous—these will
raise, our spiritual union to a highor
stiiidurd of Christian liviug.
realize the work this home is dolng.'and
are willing instruments in God’a bauds
to further Itis pUus. '.they have His
divine approval coupled with the appre-
(oiati n o( the Home and Boctfd.
Plans are on foot for enlarging ttio
Home. May the people awaken id
this glorious opportunity and see Gtod'l
hand in this wdric. Let none begin 16
shake and tremble for fear of a collapse.
The eternal God is our rook.
"I have long siuee ceased to pray,
'Lord, Jesus have compasslou n|K>u a
lost world.’ 1 remember the day and
the hour when 1 seemed to hear the Lord,
rebuking me for tnakiug such a prayer.
He seemed to say to me: ‘I have had
comiMission on a lost world, atul now it
is tiumf jr you to have compassion.'
A. J. Gordon.
We would urge our women to visit
more systematically the inmates of pri
sons. hospitals, set lomeut-homes and
school* and distribute helpful leaflets,
pa tiers and tutgaziues. Much valuable
literature is deriroyed or utterly wasted
in many Christian homes which, if prop-
ly used, might be the menus of winning
souls.—Bulletin. *
OUR annual conference
The annual meeting of t u South
Georgia Conference Home Mission So
ciety will bo held at Albany, May Il
ls. Tho auxiliaries should arrange at
once to have a delegate present at this
meeting, as representation at- these an
nual meetings has a vital hearing on the
lifo of any auxiliary.
Lillian W. Neely.'
Nell M. Blasiugame,
Corresponding Secretary.
Let prayer be made that the members
of this coufereuoe be guided by tbe Holy
spirit and that wisdom may bo given
tfiem to plan wisely the work of the
"Be it my ono work hete to niako
the comtnou places and levels as full of
Mis presence as the Holy of Holies
where His glory dwells; so to beautify
eaiMi s dull paths bv heavenly patience
aud joyfullness, that the angels of God
may frequent them; and to handle the
commonest tools and material* ns oue
who is daily building up a character
and a destiny which will rise, stately
and fair, not among tho perishing
fabrics that shall share the wreck of
earth's dissolution, bu$ iu the calm
heaven of elernity.
The fire dep irtment, and not a few of
the stienuous ones, had a ruu for their
mouerFridty afternoon. An alarm
catue in from Daren's score; down on
Oak street. It's a long way down flier*,
and people who had uot rt-a iz d tiefore
that spring was in the sir, caiue to a
quick c onclusion that they must have
been asleep. Ir- mad* no diffeience how
you were traveling yon were wnrut wliStt.
you got back
Alt the fuu turned oat to be from a
gasoline pinder pare her. The (lone
worked up into the reservoir and net tbe
gasoline oti fire The whole madih a
was taken into the street and allowed to
burn out its own salvation without
Oapt. Richtuond.Pearson Hobson who
is to lecture bore on April 4th, !■ con
tinually winning a wider vogue on tha
platform. Last Tear his address was
tho star feature of the Albany Chautau
qua. He filled the immeueo audito
rium to overflowing, and so pleased was
Ills audience that he was immediately
engaged for the 1905 program. Prof.
Fatty, the radium domoustrator highly
commended Oapt. Hobson to hia audi
ence Thursday night aud termed him
one of America’s greatest speakers.
Capt. Hobson will arrive in Thomas
ville on tho morning of April 4th, and
his entire time will be taken up wilii
social affairs daring the day.
"our hosier" in mork of our ViMKM.
Lot tliiH be our slogan until our splen
did Conference Organ finds its way into
tho homes of all our constituents. It
seems almost uuthinkable, bnt we are
told that fifteen Presidents and seven
teen Treasurers of Conference Societies
and numberless Treasurers of Auxiliaries
are uot subscribers to "Our Homes.’
Tho Woman’* Home Mission Society
must bestir itsolf that this reproach may
no longer font upon ns.—Bulletin.
Our local Auxiliary lias 43 subscribers
to "Our Homes.” The number shonld
be 80, then it would go into tho home
of every member. Our agent lias been
persistent in her efforts and a* she asks
for renewals lot no ono refute for the
in format : o i it brings [to yon every
month makes yon a more intelligent
and zealous worker in this home laud.
In March number of Oar Homes, the
report from oar schools are most en
couraging. The Sue Bennett School at
London, Ky., lies enrolled 330 students,
an earnest body of student* that will
soon go out to have a hand in shapiug
the destiny of this nation.
The Brevard Industrial School, N. C.,
has 120. This is a home and School.
Some of these students will complete the
common school eonrse this time and will
go out as teachers this fall. It is a great
privilege to know that we have an inter
est iu these two schools, that many boys
and girls are brought into knowelege bf
him through their II. M. channel. Let
oar prayer bo that they may be a bless
ing to the world. '
VAsirri (lots.
A substantial lot of iirovisions was re
ceived ls*t week from the Groovervilie
neighborhood. These goodpaopte fully
Ball Pleysrs Quostlorod-
Tho amateur standiug of Trammell
Scott, Cliaa Cox and Ike Fleisobmao,
three baseball players of tbe Uuiveral*
ty of Georgia has been brought iuta
question by Prof. Holmes athletic di
rector of Meroer. . He charges that all
of the men played professional baseball
in South Georgia last sommer. Tbe
Southern Iutercollegiate Athletic Asso
ciation prohibits any of it# membera
from playing Baseball for money. Boot!
aud Fleischtuan played in Tliomasvilla
with Cordele and Wayorosa. They
claimed at the time that their amateur
standing would uot be affected. Cox is
a uep'hdw of Mrs. M. J. Randall of itble
Onnsha Pimm. Manchuria, Kirch K
■Women and children are leering ,
Harbin and business home, are cIom4,
The hospitals are being moved hack and
tlie entire railroad eaat and aonth of
T.iuiher i. being prepared for the aez,
real nf war.
Tbe coiirictiau exist* that Karakl in
now heading inward, the northeast for
.he inveatmeut of Vladivostok, charg
ing hi. baae for that porpoM.
Hr. A. P. Spence, of OamilU, wee In
tho city yesterday.
by 'oc.l applications, a. they cannot
rrech tb. diseased portion of ibe «ar.
There it only one way to cut. deafness,
and that is by constitutional remediea.
De.fn*ss is censed bv «n inflamed condi
tion of the mucous lining of tbe Eusta
chian Tub*. When this tube Is inflamed
you ha,, a rambling sound or imperfect
bearing, and when it is entirely dosed,
Deafness it Ih* result, .nd unless tb* in
flammation can be taken out and thia
tube restor- d to its normal condition,
heailag will bo destroyed forever; nine
cose* rut ol ten are caus'd by Catarrh,
which i, nothing but an inflamed condi
tion ol the mucous surfaces.
Wewlllglv- One Hundred Dollars for
ny case of Deafness <caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall’s Oatanb
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY k GO.. Toledo, U.
Hold hv Drucgists ,7{r. _
Take Ball’s Family Pills for oonslip J
ion. w.