Newspaper Page Text
Crab Orchard
Side Headache
I* Nature’s Great Remedy
In fJae for Almost a Centnry.
!• necessary for cotton to produce
hifh yields snd good fibre.
\Vrite for our valuable books on
fertilisation; they contain informs*
tion that means dollars to the
farTnera. Sent free on request.
Wijite now while you think of it
to the
Na* York- _ Atlanta, Ga.-
93 .Nassau f* *—
You want only the best
Cotton Gin
Omu*. Him PU1, BnwU linwth
Mi n..lth to th, Ithro) Hakla,
Him lit) T want j-VI vs Tsars Youngsr
J. B. Corton,
farmer and lum
berman, of Dap-
pe, N. C.. aays:
“1 suffered for
Fears with my
bank, tt was so
bad that I could
not walk any dli-
tanco nor eren
ride In easy bug-
(lea. I do not be-
Here I could
/. >. coBtoir, tare raised ten
pounds of weight from the ground, the
pain waa to aerere. This was my con
dition when I began uilng Doan’s Kid
ney Pills They (jolekly relieved me,
and now I am never troubled as I waa’.
My back la strong and I can walk or
rlda a long distance and feel Just as
atrong aa I did twenty-lira years ago.-
I think so much of Doan's Kidney
Pill! that I bars given a snpply of the
remedy to some of my neighbors, and
they bare also found good remits. It
you can sift anything from this ramb
ling not# that will be of any service to
yon, or to any-one suffering from kid
ney trooblc you are at liberty to do so.”
A TRIAD FREE — Address Foster-
Mllbura Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale
by all daaltrs. Price BO cents.
Tht Successful Wffs
The euocMsful wife keeps on hand
a little boom In case of need. Sba
keeps a surprise tucked op her sleeve,
where It can be fired on a moment’s
notlca. Maybe it la a carnation'for
bis coat lapel; maybe K la his favor
ite pudding served extra; perhaps It
is the baby's picture framed for bla
desk. Something she has ready, and
when his affections needs jogging she
does not hesitate to do the Jogging.
Why, a bunch of violets or a knot
of bright ribbon where It adda the
moat to 'the wife’* charms almost
make a man forget that he la hungry.
A saucy pinch with the ueual klas or
a merry obese away from the accus
tomed greeting erUl almost make a
man forget Hurt he la married to Die
adorable creature A stag* whisper
noar and then and a twinkle of mis
chief are .worth hours of cooing. The
woman who burlee uer rogulshneas on
her wedding day Vobs her homo of
muoh of 111 happiness.—Philadelphia
Broke Six, Not Half a Dozen.
A Germantown family has for Its
servant a girl fresh from the Emerald
tale, with a penchant for breaking
thing and a limited knowledge of the
English language..
Wfien a newly bought consignment
of tumblers disappeared within a
week the girl’s mistress decided to
take her to task, and the following
dialogue ensued:
"Sure, mum, and how many of them
(lasses was I after brcakln’?”
’’Six, Mary.”
"And how many did ya buy?”
"Half a dozen, Mary.”
"Ah-ha, mum, and turn it was me-
aetf knew I didn’t break all of them.’
—Philadelphia Press.
It was In midwinter that a promi
nent dry goods hoot* chose to adver
tise "the early spring styles In mil
linery, the summery suits and gowns,
and new cottons and silks." No won
der the mercury ducked to lower
depths, declares the Loulavllle’Courier-
Dr. B. H, Hues, Ltd., Ml Arch 8t., Phil*., Pa.
A N.w York fruit raiser baa evolved e
corelcjj apple.
To Cere s Cold le Os. Dar
Taka Laxative firomo Quinine Tablets. AO
drunlita refund money if it falls to ear*.
E. w. Grove a elgnature le on box. Me.
Neatly every great achievement of hu
manity baa evolved from a crank’s theory.
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children
teething, soften the gome, reduces fnfiamma-
tion,allays pain, cures wind eolie, 25o..bottle
Munich has a place where sterilised milk
it provided at oost to poor familiea.
ratt, Eagle, Smith
Winship, Munger
We would like to show
jou what thousands of
life long cuatomera aaj*
Write for catalog and
teatimonlal booklet.
Continental Gin Co
Charlotte. N. C., Atlanta. Ga.
ntrmlnshatn, Ala*
Mamphla, Tenn., Dallas, Tea.
Under the Belgium lew udmarriei
men over twenty-five have one vote,
married men and widowers with fam
ilies have two votes, and priests and
other persona of position and educa
tion have three votes. Severe penal
ties are Imposed on those who fail to
Help for Woman Passing Through
Change of Life
Avery & Company
51 -M South Forajth St., Atlanta, Ga.
Providence has allotted us each at
least seventy yeare in which to fulfill
ourmlsalon In life, and It la generally
our own fault if wc dls prematurely.
ido not bellev. Plao’s Coro for Oonsump-
tlonhas unequal for coughs and Midi.—Jobs
P.Boraa, Trinity Springs, Ind„ Feb. IS, 1900.
If Lima or other beans are soaked in
scalding water for a few hours and
later again plunged in ft, their skins
win readily peel off, thus affording a
very dainty and more nutritious dlah
than If Unhulled, for tbey will not gen
erate flatulency In the atomacb.
By the time a baby la running about
he should have a dash of cold water on
h)a cheat and neck at leaat before step
ping out of bla morning tub. Tbts pro
duces a bealthful glow, besides tough
ening him and rendering him far lesa
liable to catch cold. Indeed, by the
time a baby la two or three months old
bla bath should gradually be brought
to tepid Instead of the warm water so
generally used, aa the latter, In propor
tion to Its warmth, la weakening.—New
England Homestead.
Almost any woman can make a “gen
eral utility” box, and tben use It for
keeping the baby’s wardrobe, or for a
sblrt wnlst or a skirt box and a window
scat. Get a good, atrong, close-matched
board box fifteen Inches deep, three or
five feet long by two feet wide, with
four harness hooks and six medlnm-
slzed binges. First, pad the lid so It
will have a rounding effect. Then up
holster with a pretty cretonne, or art
denim, fastening the pleats around the
•Idea with brass-headed tacks. Line
with cheesecloth. Screw in tbo har
ness books for legs, and fasten on the
lid with the hinges. It can be made n
pretty as well as useful piece of furnh
■are.—Philadelphia Inquirer.
A Guaranteed Care Waa Piles,
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro trading
iete will refund money if Paio
»to curt in 0 to II day. 60c.
Physicians lira longer than other profee-
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’s
Sanitary Lotion. Never Fails. Sold bjr all
druggists, $1. Mail orders promptly filled
by Dr. E. Detchon, Crawfordaville, Ind.
London sirs a wife ceases to be a bride
ix weeks after marriage.
Suffer** Agony and Had to Wear Baadagee
All tbo Time—Another Care by Cmttonrm.
Another cure by Cuticura is told of by
Mrs. Carolina Cable, of Waupocs, Wis.,
in the following grateful letter: “My hue*
band suffered egony with salt rheum on
his hands, and I had to kesp them band*
aged all the time. We tried everything we
could get, but nothing helped him until he
used Cutimra. One set of Cuticura Soap,
Ointment and Pills cured him entirely,
.ind his hands have been ae smooth as
ana ms nsnas nave been ae smooth aa pos*
aiblw ever since. I hope this letter will be
the means of helping other sufferers."
Nervous exhaustion invites disease.
This statement is the positive truth.
Large Engines and Boilare supplied
promptly. Shingle Mills, Com Mills,
Circular 8aws,Saw Teeth,Patent Doga,
Steam Governors. Full line Engines A
Mill Supplies. Send for free Catalogue.
and you cannot wal
out excessive fatigue, and you break
out into perspiration easily, and your
face flushes, and you grow excited and
ahaky at the leaat provocation, and
t? T°v _ .
at once t To build up woman's nerv
ous system and during the period of
change of life we know of no better
medicine than Lydia B. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound. Here is an
illustration. Mrs. Mary L. Hoehne, 871
Garfield Avenue, Chicago, 111., writes:
“ I hare used Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound for yeare in my family and it
never disappoints; so when I fait that I waa
nsartngthe'change of life I commenced treat
ment with it I took in all about six bottles
it did me a great deal of good.
Chsnoe For m Reformer*
Some day a great reformer, In whom
aspirations seme la dnly blended with
enthusiasm, will make and win a great
figbt for pockets In women's street
clothes. Why woman dots not have
more and better pockets in her clothes
la one of the mysterlea of civilization.—
Harper’s Weekly.
The crying needs of the modern won
an are closets and pockets. The pock
ets we may get in some future state of
existence, but here la a plan for a
cloaet which yon may have now. As a
general catchall In the nursery.a handy
corner In the kitchen or a clutter closet
In the abed. It fills the bill, and, beat of
all, n woman can build It berself, pro
vided she has two arms, a hammer and
lives near a grocery store. Mine It
made from five wooden boxes. They
are put one above another and nailed
together. I covered mine with a strip
of heavy wall paper. Folds of the
•ame tacked with brass tacks cross
where the boxes join and finish tho
edges. A curtain to match as near ns
possible is bung on a brass rod. I nse
this closet In my den for papers, books,
magazines, etc.—Writer In New Eng
land Homestead.
by loealappUoatlons as they cannot reacht
dlMatod portion of ths aar. Thor# la only o
tutlonal remedies. Deafness Is earned by an
Inflamed condition of the muooaa Using ot
the Eustachian Tube. When this tubs la In-
flamed you have a rumbUngsouud or Imper
fect hearing, and when It Is entirely oleeed
Deafness Is the result, snd nnlsss ths Inflam
mation can be taken out end tht. tube re
stored to Its normal condition, hearing will
Nine eases out ot ten
Idns for women that I should not E
aliva to-day. It la aplaodld tor women, old or
jounj, and will surely cue all female diaor-
Mra. Pinkham, of Lynn, -Maas., In
vites all sick and ailing women to write
her for advice. Her great experience
la at their service, free of cost.
/ / ' WHIN u.
■iwmiw nut unc or qamient* and mat*.
If* words per minute in Bprae flhortband In
■even to twelve weeks. Bookkeeping without
theory. Write for «*t*lof 1. AtlAjjt#, Ga.
destroyed forever. Nino cases out of ton
b caused by catarrh,which is nothing but an
inflamed condition of the muoou* aurfaooe.
We will giro One Hundred Dollars for any
ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh)that can
not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Bond for
circulars free. F.J. CnnvxT A Co.,Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall’s Family Pills for oonstipation.
Cleveland'* three electric suburban
lines carried 8,500,000 passengeri in
1902, ns againat 180,264 carried by the
competing iteam road*.
Berlin’* population by th* new cen*
•u* lack* 713 of reaching a round 2,*
Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gam
i Mullen
and Mullen Is Nature’s great remedy—Cure*
Coughs, Colds, Croup and Consumptlon^and
all throat and lung troubles. At druggist*,
26o., 60c. and S1.00 pet bottle.
Forty par cent, of the people of London
attend public worship.
Millions ot Vegetable*,
When the Editor read 10,000 plant* for
16c, he could hardly believe it, tmf
inUv l
second reading finds that the John A#
Baker Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., than
raizer oscu vo., ls viubbc, y *»•,
whom there are no more reliable and ex»
tensive seed grower* in the world, make*
offer which i* made to get yoja to
test Salter's Warranted Vegetable 8f
They will send you their big plant
seed catalog, together with enough
•Toco fine, solid Cabbage*,
on vo
natty Celery.
3.000 rich, battery Lettuce,
1.000 splendid Omone,
1,000 rete, luscious Radiates,
1,000 gloriously brilliant Flowed,
tu bob but 16c Ktnoat,
Not ono woman In a thousand knows
that tbe moat faithful of all household
appliances Is tbe sewing machine. And
It Is really s sensitive, It Inanimate
creature. Were this fact better known
tbe average sewing machine would
give better service In tbe family elrcle.
Tbe np-to-date machine is vastly differ
ent from tbe one our grandmother
used. Ready to wear garments are re
sponsible for tbe many attachments,
and manufacturers could not afford to
pnt ont band work, where at tbe pres
ent time tbe machine does all that It la
required to do.
Some of tbese attachments are wor
thy tbe investigation of households
where much dressmaking la done and
iWber. there Is not time for deft lingers
to place Innumerable dainty itltcbcs.
Bnt the woman who Intend, to us.
these up-to-date attachments should
take a course In Instruction. •
A machine which Is used every day
should be oiled every day. Occasion
ally It should be lubricated with tbe
beat quality of kerosene. After tbo
kerosene bss been nsed tbe machine
should be run rapidly for a few mo
menta, then ordinary machine oil
ehould be applied.
' aecTPEs
providing you will return thin notice, and
if you will send them 30c in postage, tbtj
f you will cend them 30c to postage, u
rill add to the above a package of ;
nous Berliner Cauliflower. (A. C. Iaj
Two thousand vessels of eli Cescriptioaa
disappear every year.
Princess Potatoee—Cut cold mashed
potatoes Into two-inch strips. Have
reedy In one eaucer a tableapoonfnl of
melted batter and In another a beaten
egg. Dip tbe atrip* first In tbe butter,
tben In tbe egg; with a knife lay them
In a battered tin, and cook for twelve
minutes In a hot oven.
After-Dinner Bellsb—Tbl* may sound
rather mnasy, bnt experience ha*
proved It to be one of the moat palat
able of after-dinner relishes to take the
place of dessert Serve with the cream
cheese plenty of paprika, Hungarian
sweet pepper. The paprika 1* mixed
with the cheese and the mixture
spread on - slices of tart apple. The
taste for this grows with what It faeda
on, like jealousy, and is as difficult to
abanddh after tbe habit 1* formed.
Maids of Honor—Take one cupful of
sour milk, one of sweet, a little salt
the yolks of three eggs, a half tea-
spoonful of vanilla and a half cupful
of sugar. Put the sour and sweet milk
on to boii together In x double boiler
and allow It to become sufficiently
bested to set tbe curd. Tben strain off
tbe milk, run the curd through g strain
er and add butter, sugar, eggs and va
nilla. Line tbe little ran* with the
richaat of puff pasta and fill with the
mixture. Bake until firm In tbe centre,
which will be from ten to fifteen min
The experts of esmla from the Ar
gentine BepabHc amounted to more
then llW.OOO.WlnttO*
Are Never Without Pe-ru-na in the Home
For Catarrhal Diseases.
MRond MRtf,
By Pe-ru-na.
Hartman received the
“My wife haa been * ■ufferer from *
complication of di*—•* for th* r pMt twen-
.. • P**t t
_ Her caac haa baffled
stdll of him of tho moot noted physicians.
On. of her worst troubles waa chronic
constipation of several years’ standing.
- -gh that most
She was also passing through that most
critical period in ths lift ot a woman—
change ol life. _ ,
"In June, 1095, I wrote to y«m about
her csss. You advittd s courts ot Psruns
snd Minafin, which ws at one. .oom-
menccd, and have to soy it completely
cured her.
“About tho stmt time I wrote you
shout idy own csss of catarrh, which
had been of twenty-five years’ standing.
At timss I was almost past going.
1 commenced to use Peruna accord
ing to your tnslructtone and con
tinued Us use for about a your, and
U has completely eared mo.’’—John
O. AtkInton.
In n letter dated January 1, 1900, Mr.
Atkinson says, after five years’ <
with Peruna:
"I eeill ever continue to apeak at
good word for Peruna. 1 am stfli
ra r
Mrs. Alls Schwsndt, Sanborn, Mram.j
writes: f
’’Ihave been troubled with rheum*—
Item and oatarrh for twenty-flva,
yean. Could not sleep day or ntaht.'
After having vted I'eruna I can Bleep*
and nothing bothers me now. 1£ r
ever ass affected uHth any
otne 1 thall ate. Jfy eon was oared,
of catarrh of the larynx by Parana.»»
—Jfrs. Alla Sohwandt.
When old ago comae, catarrhal diseases;
- . catarrh it almost uni
versal in old people.
Address Dr. 8. B. Hartman,
of Tho Hartman Sanitarium, t
Ohio, who will be plowed to give j
boost ot bit medical advice grati
To totter advertise lbs South's Tro.tug
■estates College, tour aeholanhljs on ot
tered young parsons of this souuty at Isos Ikes
Dropsy if
Btmoseo til swelling In Stoss
given itf. Nothing:can be fairer
Conviction Follows Trial
loose ooffes at anything your grocer happens
to have in _________
getting ? Some queer stories about ooffee
could be told, if the people who handle it
speak out
how do you know what you are
' ’ ' ' “ ■■ 'issold '
Could any amount of mere talk have persuaded millions of
lion Coffee,
the leader of all package coffees for arm • quarter
not found it m • —
of a cen tury, if they had not found it superior to all other brands in
Purity. Strength* Flavor and Uniformity?
ot von corns
n the verdict ol MILLIONS or
HOUSEKEEPERS doea not convince
jronol the merits of LION COFFEE,
li costs you bnt a trifle
UOllOptra Is ISM sateJs I b. sssIsduMfew*
sod rssdtos you a. punwfUaaiswtoafiMIsw
WOOLBOK SPICE 00., Xabdo, OUo,
S 3 3J2&*3.22 SHOES!?,
Bor, wear VI. L Donate. $3.60 and $3.00 show towns, thay fit
I totter, hold Ihstrshsps, snd wssrlcnisr ths* othsrmskss.
W. L. Douglas
makes and sells
morp Men's
$3.50 shoes
than any other
In the world.