Newspaper Page Text
have re-
(By J. N. Donaldson,)
The average of melons planted this
• year H about one half g* much
planted last. Several pari:
ported having melod seed.* up.
Air. F. N Carter’s Ginnery ami Mill
' building has been completed and is
ready for the machinery to be placed in
position as soon as it arrives.
Invitations to Richmond Pearson
Hobson’s lecture and reception in
Thomasville on April 4th have found
their way up in this sectiou. This
writer is the lecipient of one. The ad
mission fee it only one dollar. Go out
and heal* the distinguished gentle
man lecture on the 4th of April; it will
be worth the price.
Mr*. J. J. Turner returned home
Monday morning after a two weeks
stay in Monticello visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Turner spent
Sunday in Coolidge visiting Mr. and
Airs. J L. Bally.
Mr. Berry C. Johnson of the Patten
neighborhood was here Friday with a
load of green corn for Mr. F. N. Carter
Mr. aud Mrs. Felix Jarrett of the
Grooverville neighborhood were the
guests of their brother Mr. E. O. Jarrett
Saturday aud Snnday.
Mrs. P. F. Daren visited rhomasvilie
Mr W. S. Sherrod of near Pavo,pass
ed through here ou his way to Thomas-
ville one d*y last week.
Mr. F. N. Carter bird Dr. D. C. Mont*
gomery Transacted butiness in Tliomos-
Ville Thursday.
Mr. Charlie MeG>*aw of Pavo stopped
over litre a few hours Thursday while
on his way to ihomnsrilie
The ele.’tiofl lust Wednesday tocl.oo.‘e
a successor to our fate incumbent Mr.
^ J. F. Howard, wm very quiet as there
was no opposition to Mr. G. w. Howard
No one seemed to >ake any interest in it
Mrs. M. V. bu.itli the stenographer
mod assistant book keeper of the Tour-
nine M Us, resigned her position owing
to the »ericus illness of lier sister, sever*
a! weeks age. We regret to l*arn that
Mrs. Smith will teak emiloiment in
other fields which will canse her de
partcrc from cur midst.
Editor Times Enterprise:
I wish to pay a tribute to the rural
letter carriers. I think the people
ougiit to get better acquainted with him.
We all expect him rain or shine, hot or
cold, but we know l.trie. and. in fact,
c»re little about his troubles This
makes it harder for him to perform his
duty, for "don’t care" makes bad roads,
bad bridges and the like.
I think tbe first tiling we oan do. to
help him is to aid him in making a cen
sus of his route. The law requires that
he have the names of every man, woman
and chUd on his roate, so he can tell
where to deliver the mail addressed to
them. It is easy enough to learn the
names of the grown people, but the nat
rons are careless about writing down
the names of the chiloren for him. If
they will do this they will help both him
and themselves and insure the prompt
delivery of mail.
“T.” Ochlockuee, Ga.
The trustees of Young’* Fe.aalc
lege have decide 1 to go ahead u r '•
with the construction of tin* new* 612000
building at the college ’• « e *o tnct
has been awarded Mr. He i.-y Arnold
and that enterprising bn i.lwill break
dirt within the next lew days. The
building is of handsome design, with
ornamental exterior and conveniently
arranged interior. It is to have a large
auditorium, society halls, and recitation
rooms. The buUding will provide am
ple room for an increased attendance,
and will place the Thomasville institu
tion in tbe front rank of Southern col
leges for girls. The opening of the next
college term will see the building com*
pleted and everything ready for work.
The coming *f Captain Hobson ou
next Tuesday will be an event long re
membered in rhomasvilie. Arrange
ments for tlie lecture at Thompson’s
Opera House are being perfected. In
vitations have been sent throughout the
county, aud delegations from Bostou,
Meigs, Cairo, Pavo, Merrillville, and
Other points, hive signified their inten
tion of coming t jTliomasviile to hear
the famous lecturer.
All confederate veterans weiring
badges will have seats of hon r on the
stage. Capt." Hobson is the son of a
confederate veteran, and the comi*l*mmr
folltai* 9 graceful Qoe. The stage
will be crowded with heroes who wore
the gray. The lecture is for the benefit
of Young’s college, aud all tbo friends
of Uiac institution will be there.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Donaldson of
Merrillville were in the city Tnesday.
Mrs, Dona I d» on has jnst recovered from
a severe illness and was on her way to
Visit her sister, Mrs.Hardy, at Quitman.
A telephone message received yester
day by Mrs. G. W. Ferrell from tier
brother-in law, Mr. Geo. II, Fields of
Bainbridge, announces the death of his
little sou. Geo. P. The baby was a lit*
tie over two years old, a beautiful child
aud unusually bright aud attractive. He
had been sick for quite awhile aud his
death at 7:30 yesterday morning was not
ui ogether a surprise, yet it was a shock
to loved ones and frieuds who had begun
to entertain hopes of his recovery. In
their sore bereavemeut, the family have
the deepest sympathy o' a large circle ot
frieuds here and in Bainbridge. Inter
ment was made here yesterday.
Randolph Iiust-cll of Cairo, was here
Wednesday and registered twice at the
Stuart House; once from "Grady coun
ty" and once from "Bainbridge.”
located at Pavo, Georgia, at the close of
business, March 14th, 1905.
Loans and Discounts 928.680 30
Demand Loans 20,834 44
Overdratts 225 13
Banking douse 1,24) 90
Furniture and Fixtures 845 U3
Due/rom Banks and Bankers
in the State 0,941 59
Due from Banks and Bankers
tu other States 987 27
Onrrency 2,125 00
Gold 5 00
Stiver, Nickels andiPeunies .. 534 17
Checks and Casli Items 65 90
902,491 75
Capital Stock Paid in 115,000 00
Undivided Profits, less Carreut
Expeun-fland Taxes Paid... 2.503 44
Due Unpaid Dividends 52 50
Individual Deposits Subject to
Check 16,290 81
Time Certificates 8,045 00
Bills Payable, including Time
Certificates representing
Bot rowed Money 20,000 00
902,491 75
Thomas County.
Before me came Hugh Ford, Cash
ier of Bank of Pavo, who being ouly
sworn, says that the above aud fore
going statement ,is a true condition of
said Bank, as shown by the books of
file in said B«nk.
Hngli Ford, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me,
this 27th day of March, 1905.
T. N. Reddick. N. P., T. C.
A contract for a large r.arr?l factory
was recently made in ourtowu, aud the
material for the building Ik novi on toe
ground and work will soon commence,
Dr. Hunter, of Monticello, Fla., Iihb
leased the J. L Beverly store and will
ou April first open an up-to-date drug
store. Dr. Hunter is also n practicing
Tne farmers all around us are taking
advantage of the fine weather we have
been having, aud are busy planting
their crops. »
Messrs. Charlie Cardin aud Eugene
Lacey made a business trip to Polhatu
Mr. O. C. Robinson is out again after
having a severe attack of la grippe.
Miss Jessie Boutin is spending the
week in Thomasville.
Mr. Joe White, of Coolidge, wa« the
guest of L. R. Sills Tuesday.
Tom Bulloch is all smiles, "Its a
Mr. Eugene Lacey, will in the near
future open a grocery store uext to
Bun tin &Co’s. store on Broad street.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Built-in are visit
ing in Pavo this week.
Mrs. A. J. Qoattlebanm went shop
ping in Thomssville Tuesday.
Mrs. W.M. Singletary of Meigs, spent
several days last week with relatives
J. E. McMillan is quite sick at his
home near here. Reports were this
morning ( Wednesday) that he is some
Alison Perry of Moultrie, visited his
father, R, A. Perry, Sunday.
A. G. Robinson of Thomasville, was
here Tuesday in tbe interest of the Son
Life. Alfe is a cracker jack insurance
man. ,
LOCAI. 11 tMS.
Mr. Mn*in
Wer-'ss went to Pelham
E. D Lvg'ev, of Bainbridge.
viug at the A Usury.
Mrs A. Pri«*e of Jacksonville, i* a
-!•*>»• or the Stuart.
Mrs. 8. H. Esquiuol and children of
Miami. Fla., are at the Stuart.
G. A. Greenfield, of Moultrie, navi-
gated in this latitude Tuesday. j
Mrs. N. E. Tuner of Merrillville was
here Tuesday on her way to Quitman.
J. B. Guest and T. S. Williams are a
pair of Tiftomaus in town Wednesday.
Mr. W. C. Lambert is happy over the
arrival of a fi le youiw sou at his home
Mrs. W. H. Culpepper of Boston, is
In the city, and is the guest of the Lain
here family.
Mrs. Mox ham and Miss Dulce Mox-
haiu liavo returned from a week’s visit
to Hampton Springs, Ffa.
Mr. aud Mrs. Dau McIntyre have re
turned to Atlanta after a pleasant virit
with friends and relatives here.
D. G Barrow, president of the Bank
of Pelham, was a Wednesday visitor.
Mr. Barrow is planning to build a hand
some struct tire for Ids bank, at once
Mr. R. id. Varuedoe left for Atlanta
csterday morning. He goes to make
arrangements for the manufacture of
the vine cutter which he recently pat
Mr. M. Kietmack, comptroller of the
Pennsylvania railroad, came to Thomaa
ville Tuesday in his private car, "Mag-
" His family have been at she
Pinny Woods hotel all this season, and
will return to Philadelphia with him
uext week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Edwards of Chi
oago, are in tne city for a few weeks
aud are registered at the Stnart. They
are pleasantly remembered as former
residents here. Since last in Thomas-
ille they have been in Honolulu, and
are at present just from a tour of Cuba.
Bullock Brothers & Son are giving
away a beautiful 8 day calendar clock
Cali on them for particulars.
Sasser School Items.
Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic
Is a “Good Thing Push it Along.”
CunearW*. Ga.. Jan. 7, ISOS—I have used Dr. Tlchencr-* Antiseptic)
in nr family and on my convict farm for the put eight 7eon. I And
tint it doe* oil tint it claimed for it. On* of my con Tic is m poisoned
from lie.d to foot by poison ivy and I applied Dr. Ticheuor’s Antieeptio
froeljr andbe wee sound and wail in forty-eight boors. I^kee^a supply on
band aad never fail to recommend it
Atlanta, Ga ,Sept. 1, ISOS I bar* Mid Dr. Tichenor’s Antieeptio to
my trade for six years and bare never beard a rcmplalnr. I keep it in
my borne all tne time aad tbe man who does not keep it in hie home does
bis family anlin justice. 0. J. Terrell, Traveling Salesman.
Social Circle, Ga , Ifay 7, 1897.—Tbs beet medicine I ever need for
colie in manor lean it Dr. Tichvnor’a Antiseptic. Have need it for
woands, barns, and various cares of Inflammation, with most gratifying
results. Have jnst cored a case of rbonder-wood poison with it. Itisa clean,
pies sent liquid, and a very valuable household medicine. Joe W. Hollis.
Atlanta, Ga , Ju y 10,1901.-4 bare tried Dr. Ticbenqr’s Antiseptic
far prickly hut and it gave almost immediate relief, predating a delight
ful, cooling, soothing sensation. Have ued it saecemfnliy in my family
for GoUe and other Stomach and Bowel tumbler ana always keep it con
venient. W. H. 8. Dorsey. Traveling S = !cin,. u ,
10 cent, and 50 cents by ail druggists. Write BHIRRGU8E UED
OINK OO., New Origans, for a free sample.
Spring Ins -ome, »n l with it grass
hud mo-quitoee.
Mr. Lee UilUerd had an op-ration
performed last Sstnrday, He had Dr.
Walker, of Cairo, to oat out a tumor
that wus growing ou hie face near one
of tu- care. It was caused by a girl
striking him there with her elbow
sever.1 months ago.
Mrs. J. P. Cbason has been tick re
cently, but we are glad to eay site is
somewhat better now.
Misses Leila Oasaels and Nettie Wil
lis have not been able to attend school
tlie past week on account of the grip,
which is raging in this community.
Tbe people of this community are
making an attempt to ceil their school
They have also Jnst lately en
larged it by extending the rear end
eeyerai feet- Tbe prosperity ot n com
munity is generally shown by the in
terest the people take in their school.
Mitses Lizzie and Annie Lon Black
•bear of Bonne, spent Sonday with
Mies Pearl Thomason.
As last Sunday woa the day for
preaching at Poplar Springs, several of
the young people, and old ones too, met
early and spent a pleasant hear singing.
Tbe Quarterly Singing convention is to
be held at their church the first Snndav
Secretary Hay at Gibraltar.
Gibraltar, March 99.—The White
Star liner Oretle, from New York for
Naples, with Secretary of State and
Mrs Hnv aboard, arrived this inoreing.
Mr. Hay i, much better, hut lisa by no
mesns r-onvered his lieal 1 it The Oretio
sails for Algier, at noon
Track Alterations-
A force of seotlbn huntls ere hn.y re-
arranging tlie trucks at tlie Jackson
street crossing of the A. G. L. A spar
will he built to Thompson's Iron Works,
and n new^pwitch pot in leading to tin-
water works.
°(Bho * Early nisei*
_ Tbe famous little pills.
Orchestra Has D.parted-
Tlie last concert nf the season was
given at the Piney Woods hotel Wednes
day. The membefs of the orchestra
leave this morning for Boston. They
will join different musical organization-
for tlie snouner, em-li going his separate
way. One or two will be with J. Byron
Shannon at the Hotel Bellevue and
Columbia theatre, Boston.
Id Bta Ukiag For Salt an Acquired
or a Natural TnateT
Some men who Were camping in the
Adirondack* several years ago on
breaking camp in the autumn left an
old tub which was saturated with
salt brine. On returning to the'same
camp tbo next year tucy found Hint
the tub had been gnawed until little of
It was left. They were not long in find
ing out what animal bad done the
work, for tho camp was overrun with
Canadian porcupines. At night they
liecanie such n nuisance that the camp
ers were obliged to kill them to protect
their property. The handle of a paddle
was gnawed half through.
The explanation of their presence In
such numbers during that year, when
they hud not been noticeably abundant
In the previous year. Is that they had
made a rendezvous of the camp, being
attracted by the old brine tub. On
this they feasted all winter and for
that reason were greatly pleased with
the locality.
An interesting query Is this: Is the
liking for salt an acquired or a natural
taste? Were they ever able to gratify
that tn*te to any extent before r. :t
gave them a chance to do so?—St. Nich
CcrlouN Lima That Prevailed In the
Florentine Republic.
The Florentine repnhllc had a unique
method of dealing with Its too ardent
democrats. In 1293 the state passed
the famous “Magna Cliarta of Flor
ence,” to curb tbe cruelty and rapacity
of tbe lawless nobles, who, In defiance
of the law courts, were accustomed to
fiog and torture their dependents at
will. Tho net practically disfranchised,
those titled harpies by a clause which
excluded them front the slgnory—a
body In the state corresponding to tlio
British cabinet—unless they renounced
their nobility.
Tills curious provision prepnml tbo
ivny for a still more extraordinary
clause, which enacted that any member
of tho democratic party who tuii.Io
blutrcif c\noxious to tho government
and was l y theta declared to tie “guilty
of treason to the commonwealth'*should
lie given a patent of nobility and tli.ui
at the n:i: :o moment Ik* raised in the
soelal seaio and reduced to a political
nobody at the will of the state.—Lon
don Telegraph.
The \onrUhlnK rhontnut.
The Louden Laucet finds that the
chestnut lr. tbe moat digestible nut mnl
cannot only take tho place of the pota
to. as lu France, where chestnuts, boil
ed and mashed like potatoes, make a
delicious dish, but in reality they are a
One of the Fontana Whimpering Places
of the World. y
Atnoi ,' the notable whispering place*
of the world la the • “Ear of Diony
sius” of ancient Byractt**; .It Is In
the shape of'a. p i:\ibollc curve, ending
In an elliptical with.*! <• » par
allel to its axis, perfc !i and
covered With a slight, staluctir * icrns-
tatlon that renders Its re;*7.’ union*,
amazingly sonorous. It is 04 feat high,
from 17 to 35 In, breadth and 1ST deep.
It has'an awful and gloomy appear
ance, which, with Its singular shape,
perhaps gave rise to the* popular and
amusing paradox that Dionysius had It
constructed for the confinement; of
those whom he deemed Inimical to his
authority and that from the little
apartment above be could hear all the
conversation among the captives who
were brought to the ancient town of
Syracuse in tbe time of Its splendor,
when it was the largest in Sicily. The
sound of words uttered with a low
voice la augmented In vaults or gal
leries so as to become audible at a con
siderable distance from the speaker.
A like effect takes place In n less de
gree when sound ascends from the bot
tom of a deep well or when words are
uttered at one extremity of a long cor
ridor or passage in a building. If a
pin be dropped Into a well tho sound
produced when It strikes the water Is
distinctly heard at the mouth or the
sounds of words spoken near the sur
face of any well Is similarly augment
ed. Try it—New Orleans Tlmes-Demo-
crat. j
Tlie Constellation Orion la IsCgend
and Literature.
The constellation* Orion Is mentioned
in tbe literature of all ages. In Egypt
It represented Homs, the young or ril
ing sun, in a boat surmouuted by stars,
closely followed by Sirius, which woa
shown as a cow. It has also b*en
found sculptured on the walls of
Thebes C.uOO years ago. And ou the
inon of that early time It shone down
from the same position and with the
same brightness as it does on us today,
a striking example of tbe unebauge-
ablcueaa of the heuveus.
From the days of the early Hindoos
to the present tbe constellation has for
some reason borne always a stormy
character. Allusions to it^ direful Influ
ence are found everywhere among the
classic writers. Thus Milton wrote:
Wh r n with fierce v/lndn Orion arrived
Hath vexed tho Red sea coast.
Tlie los.i of tho Roman squadron lu
tlie fir> t 1’uulc war wan uscribed (o the
fleets having sailed junt after tlie rhk
lug of Orion. The group has also heed
more perfect form of food. According employed us a calendar sign, its mora
le the Lancet's analysis of the potato
aiul the chestnut, the latter contains
less water, more protehl. more fat and
starch, but leas mineral matter, than
tbe ixftato and is more digestible Jhan
tbe latter. LikeJhe potato, also. Its
nutritive and digestive qualities are
greatest when baked or roasted.
When Rrplllea Die.
A Viennese naturalist deelnres that
nearly nil reptiles that die from nat
ural causes close their lives between
nightfall nud inlduight. only n few be
tween midnight and morning and few
er still in daylight. Most reptiles seem
aware of ‘their approaching death, seek
ing out particular places and there
awaiting tlie end, while those whose
lives are spent underground come to
tho surface before death.
Old and Yours.
“Well, well, that’* a funny thing.”
”Wbnt IsV*
“Mbs Fr.asay was an old maid be
fore /dm married, and now that bar
nuslNtml Is dead she has become a
young wldpw.”—Catholic Standard and
ing rising indicating the beginning of
summer, Its midnight rising tbe season
of grape gathering nml Its early oven-
lug rising the arrival of winter, with
1U. Attendant storms. In recent time*
the group has always represented A
great hunter or warrior. Its present
title came Into Greek astronomy from
the Euphrates aud originally algnlfied
tbe light of heaven. r
FI* Sunday.
Palm Sunday Is known in England
as Fig Sunday because In many ills*
trlcta fig* are freely eaten on that day,
Tbe custom Is common In the village*
of Bedford, Bocks, Hertford and
Northampton and Is found In some
parts of north Wales. As Palm Sunday
approaches tbe shop windows of Dun
stable urc filled with figs In readiness
for the crowds who go to tbe top of-
.Dunstable downs to regale themselves
on that day. At Kemptou, In Hertford*
shire, to “keep wnrsel" It to feast oq
figs or fig pudding.* with your friend*
on Pulm Sunday. Fig Sunday is probar
bly connected with the atory of the
barren fig tree, which forms part of
one of the lessons for the day.—London
We ar. giving away something valuable every
Saturday night. Come and see.
ls»«Ung CsifMlImm
No Dsmsoss For Mrs, Heldt.
The supremo coart hie derided that
Mrs. Arnetts Heldt of Weycroes, who
hat been eaing the 8oathero Bell Tele
phone company for damages, is not en
titled to reoorer nop sum. Mrs. Bride
is s sister of Mr. Henry Arnold end for
merly resided here. Her bosbsnd wee
killed three yesrs ago by s lire wire dar
ing e storm, Tbo case has been in liti
gation sinos then, and has been followed
with interest by ThomaerUle people.
Croup end Whooping Gough come
likes tbtrf in tbs night, stealing in to
fasten the (eng. of mortal disesee upon
the ehildren •• they peacefully th»p in
their little bede. Kennedy', Laxative
Honey and Tsr, the new discovery for
coughs and colde. win drfre Oui the-,
death-d's'ing d-mons before the doctor
can arrive. It protects the lives aud
heelth of the little ones. Contains no
opiates. Keep it bendy. Sc!d by Bi v
cey Pharmacy Co. w
' 1 As the Shooting Season is about over, w£ ‘ ‘
’ have decided to dose out out what Sure Shpt ; -
Shells we have on hand at
Loaded Shells ]•
35 cents a Box.
35 cents a Box.
This only means what we how have in stock
Come early as they wont last long at that price,
Wealso hiv’ a nice line of Fishing Tackle iq-
-li eluding Poles, Hooks, Lines,Trot Lines, Gill Net- 1 f
ting and latest styles of t rolling Bobs.
.. Coleman & Adams