Thomasville times-enterprise and South Georgia progress. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1904-1905, April 07, 1905, Image 1

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.Hub South Georgia progress..
New Series, Vo) W—? o. id
At 8:40 Tuesday an alarm of fire waa
sent in from the ThomairiUe Variety
Work*. A weak place In the boiler gave
way and a flood of water tooted on the
fire. The lurid smoke alarmed tome by
standers who turned in a hurrj op call.
The fire wagon dashed down Jackson
street at break-neck epeed. While
tnrniog the corner of Jackton and Mad-
iaon the wagon was oeertorned, and
ditched in front of the Times Enter
prise office. Driver Preeatt. and Fire
men Monk and Yawn who were on the
wagon were thrown headlong, and dog
np the street in several different direc
tions. Mr. Pravatt’sankle was sprained
and the others were braised and shaken
An excited crowd swarmed around the
wagon,and it was toon righted. It is badly
wrecked, the wheels and axles being
bent, and light wood work smashed.
Chief Blanton, who was at the 1.0.O.F.
lodge was toon on the; scene, and tent
the bones, who did not break loose,back
to the barn, and piled the hose in the
. wagon. Fonnnstely there were no ac
tions results to ’.he accident, as there
was no fire.
Capt. Richmond P. Hobson lectured
Toetdav, to an appreciative andlence,
large in number and fashionable in
attire. The speaker arrived at 10:20
Tuesday morning. He visited the
Thomaaville Public Schools, in oompa-
nySwitb superintendent Barwlok, and
spoke to tbe children. For forty-five
minutes, he lield their oloeest attention,
on the theme, "Do right.”
In the afternoon Capt. Hobson was
entertained at lnuolieon by Capt. and
Mra C. P. Hauaeli. A number of their
intimate friends enjoyed this opportuni
ty of meeting the lecturer. Mon than
two hundred heople heard the speaker
at the Opera House and came sway
charmed with bim. He has a splendid
voice, a ready flow of language to ex
press forcefnl thought, and a fine pres
ence. Rev. Ed. F. Cook’s introduction
of the ,pester war characteristic, and in
entire good taste.
After the lecture, the audience went
enmaare to the Y. M C. A. building.
The V D C. had made the building a
scene Of I otutv with floral decoration,,
and a most pleasant hour was spent by
tbeir guests. Delightful refreshments
were served, end the entire evening was
a complete snccesr.
The property offered at public sale
Tuesday was sold as follows:
Metcalfe town lot to Dr. W. A. Mon
roe for $600,
Houston property, 45 acres in tbe 18th
district, to Roecoe Luke for $287.60.
Heeth property, 192 acres in the 18th
district to Mrs. Rosa W. Heeth for
The 'oontract for printing the com
missioners' proceeding* from April let
1906 to April 1st 1906, was yesterday
awarded to the Times Enterprise Pub
lishing Company. The Times Enter
prise is, and has been for many years
tbe official organ of every official body.
It Is the official organ of the' County of
Thomas, the county commissioners, and
tbe City of Thomaaville. All sue
official news, as well as all the newe of
the day appears in tbe columns of the
Times Enterprise.
New Books-
Superintendent A. J. Berwick bee
ordered for the school library e splendid
assortment of 40 hooks. They will bo
here in a few days and the young folks
can read to their hearts
Com mitts as Appointed to Mako Es
timate and Refund 3ubaerlptlons
Tbe meeting of the Cotton Associa
tion of Thomas oounty wee held at the
oourt house Tuesday morning at 11
o'elook. Capt. N. B. Spengler was in
the chair.
Il was moved and carried by M. B.
O.H. Keep’s Magnificent Wi .ter Home Burned to
sufficient fnnda to take a cotton ceniua * °
The Ground. Tom Bottom’s Residence
Destroyed. Five Other Places Catch
Fire. General Conflagration
Narrowly Averted.
it la ordered that the chairman appoint
one merchant and one farmer in each
preclnot to make an estimate on acre
age in hie district end refund the money
to the ones who subscribed to the fond
f-r taking the cento*.
The following eommitteee were *p
pointed. Thomaaville John Beverly.
J**. Evans; Boston E. R. Whaley, B.
M. Comfort; J, O. Thomas,
The most disastrous firs for many
years visited rhomstrilleWednesdsy at
ternoon, causing a loss of many thous-
J. W. Horns; Doncanvillt ,S. M. Besch 1 udl 0 f dollars,and for a timeitlooksd ss
Arthur Dickey; Cairo, O. M Mugridge. ir the residence portion of the town was
F. J. Miller; Oohlockonee, D. B, Auder* doomed to go up In flames,
son, J. S. Ward; Meigs, John Piloher, j The magnificent winter home of
J. N. Carter; Morphy, H. B. Ntsmlth, Oliver H. Keep,- tbe New York million-
T. 8* Barrow; Way s, J. D Hollaed A. a | rS| at \ clay and Broad is now a mas*
J. McKinnon; P**o, W. H. Bimmonr, o{ x. J. Bottoms’ homo
John T. Wheeler: Spence, W.,E. Hurst. I {M # complete wieok, end ou'.y by
H B. Sheppard; Merrillville, A. O,
Stevenson,WilliamMcM.llen;Olasgow. htlfBdozeo otIie „ „ Ted ,
Tom Lewis, Deilis Frant lin.
These committees will form the es
timates in their districts and forward
suns to the eecretary at their earliett
A vote of thanks was given to the
oonnty ooinmissiooera and other sub
scribers to tbe fund. The meeting ad
M. H. Springier, Free.
,E, R. Whaley, Seely.
Keep place, era the old West End place,
decupled by J. A. Unton, end the Hunt
house occupied by 0. T, Gandy. The
Lintou place was in imminent danger,
bnt Mr. Harry Linton stayed on the roof,
played a steady stream and saved the
place. The Horst place, caught fire
several times, but a bucket brigade on
the roof kept it from bunting down.
Mrs. S. E. Bottom's residence, jnst east
of her sun's was charred by the intense
Mayor 8. A. Hoddenbery lias offered
to give a site for tbe proposed quarter
million dillar tonriat hotel, and has
thereby eat a splendid example for
others. Ths Mayor has some flue pro
perty near the Wade plaoe, two mile*
from town. He offers 60 sores of tuts
for a hotel ails. The value of the tract
Is $2600, and he will make a deed to the
hotel, as soon as it is built. This should
act as iuoeniiv* many hotel oompeny,
and show* a commendable spirit on the
part of Thomtavilie'sohlef executive.
strenuous efforts wen the houses of beat, but it was kept thoroughly wet
j and remains intact. The cinders ignited
The fire started at Mr. Keep's home ^ the roof of Capt. R, P. Doss' home at
at 4:40 p. m. A servant had jut etarted j Clay and Cranford, and even went as
a fin and a spark from the chimney ^ far M the Sparks house at Olay and
made a blase on the rear roof. The!Dawson, hot both these slight blaies
alarm came from the house of Herbert were put ont with small damage. Mr
Griffin, a colored heokman, T. B. Daren, had been plcknioklng in
The fire department, I tad wrecked | the woods, and got haok horns in time
their wagon in a short tarn tit* nlgl.t to find bis home on Broad, in danger,
before, and came In a dray. Whan they, but a bucket brigade, saved it.
raaohedthe sae-te the roof was a sheet 6f j > The beautiful ihrnbbery that made
flame. Forawhlletbepnanuawtaeappari tWlfenp place a residence if note was
cully Inadequate lo throw the stream to j hlackeued and burned, the fenoe wu
the roof. In the meantime men and boys destroyed, and even the telegraph and
busied themselves In carrying ont the , telephone pole* on that side of Brood
costly furniture of the home—and the . street eaught. The wires burned in lev
lewu and street wu dotted with hand-' era! places and delayed the starting np
some household goods. Soon the fisuies i t the electrio lights until 6:40 p. m.
were beyond all oonurol. So Hero* waa
the fire that In an hoar there wes noth
ing bat a roaring mass of mins. The
The bowling *>ley eut of tlie home did
not born, and mnob of the furaltore
wu saved. Mr. Keep and Mrs, Keep
house and inmiahloga were valued at had planned to start for their northern
$26,000 The isaniauoe was divided u ' home Saturday. They will probably bo
follows: In the Menolie-terof England j delayed * few days, on account of the
$0,600 ou the dwelling and $1,000 on the fire. It is hoped that they will rebuild,
tnrai.nre. In the Connecticut $2,600 j The usual numbtr of lnterestiog in-
and $600. In llie St. Paul Fire and ctdeuts occurred. Mr. Keep is an *r-
Msriue $1,500 and $1,000. In the Hals- j deni ■|.-urlunau, and a ur.mlier of sheila
tine $1,600 ami $600. Total ou dwell- lu the In nse-xplodod creating cousttr-
ing $12,000, on furniture $3,000 The ' uatlou smoug the by ehtuders. Charred
Palatine is represented by J. F. Parker, lilts of parer an t rag floated an far aa
and the other uompanie* byE.M.M*l- tits golf link* and descended n ou tin » d j more ycuug folks marry there muit
The Meigs M'f’g. and Lumber Co..
whose big mills are at Hanaell, about
three miles south of this plaoe, have re
organised their tones and will go in for
a big output. Mr. Russell Davis, who
ha* formerly ran the saw mill will have
oharge of a large foroe of hands.
While Hardy Barwlok will take Mr.
Davis plaoe, Mr. Claud Ham who has
had charge of the planing mtohinea,
will inspect the lumber. The planers
will not run after this. T. E. Walton,
who always lisa his hands, pockets and
a head foil of basinets, will have the
place of gensy^ superintendent. This
oompeny has three or foor miles of
railroad, and* sure enough engine ou
it. It rone oat eut from the A. 0. L.
and besides htnllng the company’* logs,
delivers gnano, and hauls melons for the
farmere living along the route. The
engine dose like any other engine, rone
off the track and also kills cattle. '
Banker W 8 William, of Atlanta, is
here looking alter hit banking interest*
Warren Davis who lives near town
and always hu eomethlng to eat, had
hia first Irish potatoes of, this season's
orop Moudsy.
A shell with two welt developed
ohiokena in it, ready, to hatch, wu
shown us a few days since.
R L Van’andinghem made a Suuday
trip to Thomasville and Cairo.
L ttle Miss Donna Dt son, after a few
days icon perai Ion, returned to her
soliool duties lu Cairo High school.'
G L Daren, Esq , spent Monday in
Mr and Mra Surlee, of ^oUiam epeut
Sunday with tits family of Mr C E
W R Hayes, of Thomasville,'is soling
u agent of the ACL here this week.
Lather L Singletary, agent of the A
O L here, isontfor aa»veral days trip
to Atlauta and other plaoe* lu the state,
Including a round np at Boston, G*.
The Meigs Silver Cornet Band, kaara
organist d wuli E R Singletary u lead
er'and teacher and the boys say that he
at demands Ills bastness too
Miss Joels Rooks, who is attending
Center Hill Soliool, is quite sick at Iter
boarding pi ,ce, the home of Rev R G
Jsokao... Si.e la a most excellent pupil,
and the entire soliool wishes for her
imutedUte recovery.
Tin. town needs some he,uses Before
The fnurrel ol Mr*. Anne TVW
MoGlashan wife of General P. A. 8,
MoGlaslian took place in Savasinah yaw
terday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Ska
died at her home there Tuesday moo
ing. Mrs McGiashan was a native at
this oily, and la writ remembered ky
many Thomasvllla people. She waa
born in 1887, and ivsd ben null aboat
20 yean ago. She waa a daughter at
the Seixas family, prarelnaatiy c
ed with the early history of l
She loved and worked fee the
federaov auriug its most toying tixaos
and after the war, as pstaideat of tk*
Thomasville Lad
tiou, identified, and
graves of ilio Con federate dead sad
ereoted monuments to their memory.,
Mr. McGiashan leaves tan
three daughter* Mrs. W. J.'
Cora Cassell, and Mcssi*. 1
Jane Smith of this oily are
the deceased. Genera) Me
went into the Confederate etrvico fita
Thomaaville. He waa the fires mayor
of Thomaivi lie after the war. The fam
ily left here in 1884, bnt ere Mill mat
kindlytremembered end have tbs sym
pathy of the town in their bereavmeiA.'
into. i players, making their afternoon roend.
A. & B. SU FFERS A fltrong «et wind wu blowing car- _8:Teral volunteer workers au,Ulned
IN WAYCROSS FIRE ty* 11 * die flames half way across Broad i braise* by falls from the roof,. Tl.e
atreei, sud burning embers for hull* j clothing of one caught on fire, but none
dredsuf yards. Twenty minatea after j were Injured. Mayor Roddenhkry, Ah
the Keep house caught the cry arote derman Cochran, chairman of tlie fit*
Waycross, G*„ April 4.—The Atlau.
tie and Birmingham railroad snffertd a
$60,000 lots in tbe fire of lu car sheds
ahd paint shops Jleat night. Tho fire
stared at 11 o'clock and ita origin is
that T. J. Bottoms’ hotue waa ou fire.
The excited hundreds swarmed up Cisy
street to find the roof biasing, ret from
unknown, a* Is also tho amount of In-1 * fl y lu B *P* ,k - Tl,e department left
sorsuc* carried. Eleven coaches sndl*"« big blaze, then beyond control, to
forty freight and slat oars were totally . »"• wilhn * h »" d< “ Tt<1
deetroyod. Three Jorge locomotive. practically all of tlie furniture. tu’. the
were badly damaged and tlie tools of' hoo “ roDld uot P™"*™*. «“> bura ‘
100 workmen were destroyed The' Mr. Bottom, had only
shop* will be rebuilt at once, and the ye.lerday renewed a $1600 policy lu the
road though slightly crippled for eqnlp
meat will continue to ran its trains on
Bontbern Mutual, whioh practically
oovers his loss. A few weeks sgo he
had a small fire in hi* ball and the lionse
had only recently been repainted In
side. He earned $800. lnsorauoe on
his fornlture.
Between the Bottoms hoot* and the
committee, and several of the other al
dermen were on tho soene. directing end
aiding the fire (laddies. Mr. Bottom*
aud all the others desire to express their
thsnke tu the faithful volunteer workvrr
There le the oaeal complaint about
the wav the fire waa handled. Aider*
man Pittman dtove to the waterworks
to ascertain the cause of tin poor stream.
He found a pressure of 110 ponudt, ill sate t, plant pinders’ in tbe dark nights
be more room. With every boose oc
onpied, many by two families and tlie
boarding homes fall, there is a stiff de
rmoid fur home*.
Some body ought to build a two story
brick hotel In this town. With two
good hotels now In operation, frequent
ly, iocm is scarce and must be had for
private I,oases.
A booming Snndsy School was organ-
ised last Sunday at Outer Hill sohool
lionse Tlie crowd was so large that it
was with difficult that seats were pro
A friend told ns a few davsa*o tob«
the hom will stand, Tbe fact that ih
stream did not reach the Keep root wag
probably doe to the foot that it was di
rected against the wind. The regular
fire wagon being out of bustnras, the
boys wen short ou ladders and para
phranalia, but did tbeir beet under the
circa urstanoes.
Denver.Cola. April 4.—After a lull. GAMtiLING DEN RAIDEO
of several boon, rain and snow have
begun again along the eastern slope of
the mountains. Trains are delated and
traffic is interrupted, bat no serious Tuesday Judge O. P. Hensell sat in
damage he* been reported. judgement on (lie case* of six negro
gamblers who plead guilty. Each re-
Dr. W, A. Monroe, of Metoalfe, was oetved a fine of ten and costs. The
among Tuesday's ptominent visitors. oounty officers raided their den Sunday
— .; — morning end made a good haul. The
Mr. T. J. Young of Monticello. Ha, are all habitue* of the Southern
isinihn eityoo a visit. For many Einrm* Co's, stable* on Maolean Ave-
years Mr„Yoong was one of the largest na4Bnd had been wooing the fickle
planter* of Thomas county, aod he lies ^odde s of fortune in the lo’- for tome
many relatives and friend* here. several moo.j,.
Marriage at Malgs
’ (By J. 8. Searcy.)
On 8onday morning Mr. Roy R.
Sapp and Miss Mary Esther Wilkes were
married by Rev. A. J. Cone. Asia until
with the young people of this phsco for
the past few years —this couple simply
went to ride, at least ss far as tho preach
er’s house.
Mr. Sapp Is a prosperous merchant of
this place while Uixs Wilkes is the
dnnghter of the Lite M. Wilke* of this
place. The happy couple has our coa-
of April. Dark nights seem to ba a bad
time to plant things but we are provid
ing a lot of rich pine and will be ready.
There will be a recital by Mia* Steph
en's music pnpti* at the Auditorium
next Friday evening at 8 o’clock. Every
body is invited to attend. Those who
attend trill have a pleasant oocaslou.
Postmaster Johnson has laid the fpnn-
datlpn for a ooey oottage He happened
to the misfortune to lose hU bottle some
month* ago by lire.
Mr nnd^Mrs Bob Hambleton spent
Sunday In Thomasville.
The marriage of Mias Mary Esther
Wilkes to Mr. Roy R. Sapp last Son.
day morning wes a surprtss to many.
Rev. A. J Gone said the solemn rite*.
Miss Wilkes is the daughter of Mr*.
Mary Will's of this place, while Mr.
8*pp I* a thriving merchant here We
extend to them onr congratulations.
The ] sttons of Center Hill school nre
preparing lo pat a neat wire fanes
sroand their school home.
Hon. M. J. Yeoman* uhatrman at lbs
BUte Democratic Bxeoutiv* Counnittw
glvea to tbe press of the etafe todays cHs
cunion of the South Carolina
plan whioh is favored by Boo. J.
Brown one of the gubernatorial
Mr. Yeomans sayi in
Booth Carolina Uw provides that these
shall be a direct vote for gove.-nor and
all state house offleisito and a couabB-
dstion of all the vo-e* cast by the chair
man of the state executive committee,
who shall declare tho result,
"In the event no candidate for sized-
floe receive* a majority of the whole
nomber of votes cast las tbs first primary
a second primary is called within two
weeks in whioh only the two oandhUres
receiving the highest number ofi votes
in tlie first primary are eligible.
"The Youth Carolina plan obliterates
all oounty line* and the people of Its
whole sum vole direct for their chekt
of the candidates, and la different fines
the plan followed in Georgia in that
the state Is a nuit instead of several
He farther slate* thatthoaewbofiwei
tlie plan say il will doawa/ with stale
conventions, prevent deadlocks, as 4
trading. Times who oppose this plan
claim that it Will give fat control of It •
stare to tbs cities, tlios giving oosp-i-
ate jtofleenoe more sway, operating
airaliiit prohibition legislation, and de
priving the small oonotie* aod rural
communities of power. Mr. Y«
liim-elf Is uppeeed to tne pTan.
At the dose of Capt. Biehasood P
Hobson’s lecture on Tuesday sight, tl
audience voted unanimously in Catvear
resolutions calling for a greater n»r;
The necessity for this was the theme i
Capt. Hobson’* speech. ThereeolwjJet
s tate that the Halted State* should tsk
a stand against the farther extenstea i
the war In tba east, aboald urge Utoi
national arbitration andean best ent it
its dsmands by • larger navy, hence tbt
Halted State* should hasten with si
despatch the bnlldingof new vrerelrgu.
the completion of those now
Mayor Roddenbery ha* been esksti t
appoints oommittie of three to notify
Congressman GYeggs, Senators
and Olay, and President Roosevrlr. ■
this aotlon.
Ur. Hobson says Thomasville is «
67th community, in an area of 14 rar-
to unanimously pass resclnth ns of »’i
character and be thinks snuh aetiar. w.
be of great infinsnoe iu shaping I